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Attachments are c/o Jonah and Rush.

The Goldberg File

By Jonah Goldberg
October 31, 2014

Dear Reader (unless youre the kind of chickens**t who calls people chickens**t anonymously),

Obama fatigue is setting in. Indeed, Ive gone from Obama fatigue through full-on Obama Epstein-Barr
to end-stage Obama narcolepsy. I hear him talking, or hear some MSNBC-type rhapsodizing about how
misunderstood he is, and I start dozing off like a truck driver who took the drowsy-formula Nyquil by
mistake. Gotta stay awake! This is my job! But then 20 seconds later, Jonathan Alter starts telling me
how misunderstood the president is, and suddenly orange traffic cones are bouncing off my trucks grill
as I somnolently drift into a highway work zone. You could fill a cereal bowl with broken glass and
barbed-wire shards drenched in hot sauce right below my face. All it would take for me to use it as a
pillow is a 30-second loop of Obama saying Let me be clear. His speeches are like whale sounds, but
with less substance. Id say theyre all white noise, but I dont want to get called a racist.

This is a problem for a couple of reasons. First, as I said during that less-than-exquisite truck-driving
simile, this is my job or at least one of them (I dont need to follow Obamas doings for my side gig as
chinchilla rancher). I cant just tune out the president of the United States for the next two years like a
normal, happy, well-adjusted American might. I cant help but feel like Donald Sutherland in Animal
House complaining to his bored literature students:

Dont write this down, but I find Milton probably as boring as you find Milton. Mrs.
Milton found him boring, too. Hes a little bit long-winded, he doesnt translate very well
into our generation, and his jokes are terrible.

[Bell rings, students rise to leave]

But that doesnt relieve you of your responsibility for this material. Now Im waiting for
reports from some of you . . . Listen, Im not joking. This is my job!

Hey, substitute Obama for Milton and that holds up pretty well.

This Should Be More Fun

Second, my Obama-narcolepsy is interfering with my Obama-schadenfreude. I for one find it nothing less
than hilarious to watch liberal eggheads (both real and imagined), never mind Obama himself, spin
elaborate theories for why Obama is not just unpopular but pretty much a failed president.

For the record, this designation failed president may be premature by objective and historical
standards (though I dont think it is), but his presidency is already in the books as a failure by the
standards Obama set for himself. If you promise to turn water into wine and then just run out of water
without providing any wine, theres really no way to plausibly shout Success!

He wanted to transform America, not just via policy, but by restoring faith in government itself. Hes had
some success on the former but has been a catastrophic failure on the latter, which means the policy
successes arent nearly as secure as the Left thinks they are.

Speaking of catastrophic failure, rather than risk triggering your own Obama fatigue, watch this
metaphorical recap of Obamas attempts to transform America, as re-enacted by cats trying to jump.

Its Not Him, Its You

Explanations for Obamas failures vary in their honesty and persuasiveness, of course. Mary Landrieu
represents the more hackish end of the spectrum. Borrowing a line from the New York Times editorial
board, Landrieu blamed it all on southern racism and sexism. In fairness, she was speaking specifically
about Louisianans you know, her constituents. But she helpfully managed to throw all of the South
under the bus as well. Hey, if youre going to go down in a blaze of glory, why be stingy with the

Of course, the problem with this theory is that Obama is unpopular across America and in at least 43
states. Even the most generous definition of southern racist wont get you that far in explaining his
unpopularity in Wisconsin or Michigan. Moreover, for his numbers to be so bad, it means lots of people
who voted for him once or even twice must now disapprove of him. Did all of these independents and
moderate Republicans wake up one morning and decide to cut some eyeholes in their pillowcases and
become Klansmen?

Other explanations are similar in their desire to place blame elsewhere. The fault lies not in Obama, but
in ourselves. Lets come back to this in a moment because I know exactly what youre thinking right
now. Gosh, isnt it about time Jonah quoted East German Communist playwright Bertolt Brecht?
In Die Lsung Brecht famously quipped that if the people lose faith in the government it would be better
if the government dissolved the people and elected another.

For progressives its always five minutes to Brecht-O-Clock. What I mean is this desire to fix the people,
not the government always seems to be lurking behind liberalism. It was there when Woodrow Wilson
said the first job of an educator is to make your children as unlike you as possible. It was there when
Obama explained in 2008 that Hillary Clintons Pennsylvania primary supporters werent ready to vote
for him because they were too busy clinging to their sky god and boom sticks. Its the central theme of
Thomas Franks Whats the Matter with Kansas? It was whispering in John Podestas ear when he said
the American political system sucks. It is at the heart of the Voxy explanatory journalism craze,
which holds that if you call proselytizing explaining it will help the rubes come to their senses. It runs
riot in the mainstream media and their sovereign contempt for these stupid, stupid, Americans and their
parochial unscientific concerns about an organ-liquefying disease (even as the MSM caters to those
concerns for the ratings they deliver). It runs like an underground river through the White Houses
national-security policies, as they constantly downplay the dangers Islamic terrorism (Lets just call it
work place violence!) for fear of rousing the fearsome beast of public opinion on the side of the war
on terror. Its why the White House doesnt want Congress to get involved in a deal with Iran, because
Congress might actually listen to the people. Its why the New York Times laments the bumpkinification
of the midterms.

Obama Creates a Boulder Too Heavy for Him to Lift
Anyway, back to Obama-failure explanations. Some are more structural or formal. The Constitution
holds us back. The presidency is too big for any one man. We cant have great presidents anymore. Even
president Obama has come around to this point of view. Heres Jeff Shesol in The New Yorker:

Despite the grand hopes and hype of the 2008 campaign, this tempering of ambitions,
this recognition -- and acceptance -- of the constraints on Presidential power has been a
leitmotif of the Obama Presidency. In an interview with David Remnick published earlier
this year, Obama talked about that business about the great-man theory of history. The
President of the United States cannot remake our society, and thats probably a good
thing. Not probably, he added. Its definitely a good thing. Over the years, Obama
and his advisors have issued a long string of statements to this effect: on foreign policy,
leading from behind (2011); on the limits of executive authority, theres no shortcut
to democracy (2013); on civil rights, we must sometimes take a quarter of a loaf or
half a loaf (2014).

Shesol is right, but its worth noting Obamas learning curve has been steep. And hes still climbing it. By
my calculations, Barack Obama should be adequately qualified for his current job around 2072. But
Shesol, like so many others, lets Obama off the hook by blaming the system, not the man.
When Obama came into office, he thought it would be different. First, he got almost everything he
wanted. These were the salad days when Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid served as de facto co-presidents.
Then, as it dawned on him that he couldnt just give a speech to fix a problem, he started complaining
about his relative powerlessness. Over the years, the president has let slip countless times that he
wishes he had the sort of power not afforded to presidents in a democratic republic. He riffed that he
was envious of the power wielded by Frank Underwood in House of Cards (This guys getting a lot of
stuff done, Obama said. I wish things were that ruthlessly efficient). He whined that the president of
China has it so much easier. Yes, because the president of China can give a speech and things will
change. You know why? Because hes a dictator.
Get the Popcorn
Anyway, as the German sadist said after he signed up for his Amazon Prime delivery of special nipple
clamps, Back to schadenfreude.
I should be enjoying all of this more. The wheels are coming off the very same bus that Barack Obama
has been throwing people under for years. And, as Maimonides noted so long ago, it is very hard to
throw someone under a bus if the bus has no wheels.
Watching Obama go around insisting that hes fine with the way his fellow Democrats are distancing
themselves from him all the while backhandedly nationalizing the election has been hilarious.
Even more amusing: watching all of these Democrats insist they dont support Obama when they were
perfectly happy to be part of the presidents entourage when he was popular. Now theyre all clearing
out like the disco-partiers at Navin Johnsons house after news of the Opti-Grab class-action lawsuit
breaks .

And Shesols point about Obamas learning curve notwithstanding, the president still seems incapable of
rhetorically conceding that hes a political albatross. A couple of weeks after declaring in a big speech
that every single one of my policies are on the ballot he went on Al Sharptons radio show. The
bottom line is, though, he said of vulnerable Dems, these are all folks who vote with me; they have
supported my agenda in Congress, he told the tracksuit-wrapped-carbuncle. These are folks who are
strong allies and supporters of me, and I tell them, I said, You know what? You do what you need to do
to win. I will be responsible for making sure our voters turn out.
And then he started naming specific Democrats by name, starting with Michelle Nunn.
Sometime last year, Obama said that he dreamed of going full Bullworth so he could drop truth bombs
on everybody. If you never saw Bullworth, good for you. But just so you know, it was a movie starring
Warren Beatty. And, like all Beatty movies of the last 20 years, he spent most of the time under special
lights that only illuminated his eyes, to minimize the staggering scope of his enormous forehead and
clarify for audiences that he is not in fact Ned Beattys skinny kid brother. But thats not important right
now. What you need to know is that Beatty played a senator who had a kind of nervous breakdown and
decided to keep it real and say what he really thought.
Substantively, Obamas been doing that already. By saying this election is about his agenda, hes in
effect the most honest politician in America, at least on this issue. Essentially, he is saying the senators
distancing themselves from him are opportunistic liars and hes right. Still, it would be more fun to see
Obama go Bullworth on style, if for nothing else to see the New York Times headline: Obama on
Vulnerable Dem Candidates: They All My Bitches.
Hillary Clintons Gaffe
As a member in good standing of the Hillary Clinton Is Wildly Overrated Club, I feel I must say a word
or two about her statement the other day that businesses dont create jobs. Of course what she said
was stupid. And I am sure she and other Democrats will say such stupid things again in the future, so we
dont need to dwell on all that. The greater significance of her gaffe, however, is not its ideological
import but its practical political meaning. She is not a very good politician. Watch the clip. Shes reading
from prepared remarks. Normally, her idea of spontaneity is to leap from her prepared remarks to her
prepared note cards. But, by her own account, this time she shorthanded her argument. And she did it
really, really, really, really badly. The woman has given thousands of speeches and this is the best riff she
can come up with? As I wrote last week, the idea that just because her last name is Clinton and she was
lurking in the White House feeding Sid Blumenthal live rats, shes a Clinton Democrat is ludicrous.
Even more ludicrous is the idea that because her husband is a good politician, she is too. You could pry
her husband off an intern, slap him across the face with a semi-frozen flounder, and shout Give me a
partisan liberal-populist explanation of where jobs come from, Mister! And without batting an eye hed
spew out the perfect sound bite, before chastising you for the internus interruptus.
Various & Sundry
First, some housecleaning. In case you hadnt heard, I am no longer an editor-at-large of National
Review Online. I am now a senior editor of National Review. Much like a speech by Barack Obama, this
changes almost nothing of substance. It mostly has to do with organizational changes within National
Review and my desire to have a title that doesnt elicit follow-up questions like What is an editor-at-
large? It does mean however, that I get a vote on endorsements now and I am allowed to let the gimp
out of the box when I want.
I want to congratulate the National Review Institute for an absolutely fantastic event this week in New
York. We had the first annual William F. Buckley Prize dinner and it was a smashing success. I would also
like to congratulate the inaugural winner of the Buckley Prize, my friend and hero Charles Krauthammer,
who gave a splendid talk. I particularly enjoyed his 15-minute extemporaneous rap, though I could have
used fewer F-bombs.

I also want to congratulate Jonathan Last on the publication of The Seven Deadly Virtues. My
contribution to the essay collection with a few modest changes appears in the new issue of National
Review. His essay on modern virtue is the cover story of the new issue of some magazine called The
Weekly Standard. We had an event at AEI for the book. Jonathan, P. J. ORourke, Rob Long, James Lileks,
and Christine Rosen participated. The crowd liked it but some of the humor seemed lost on them at
times. I worried the audience might be cold when I introduced the event by saying, Like Robert Reichs
inseam, Im going to keep this short and the crowd looked at me like I said Crop rotation was an
important innovation in the 14th century. Anyway, you can listen to the event over at Ricochet or wait
for it to appear on C-SPAN sometime soon.
You also might like to know I finished my book proposal. I think I confused some readers a few weeks
ago when I wrote about this. Its not about the Rectification of Names per se. But name rectification
plays an important part in the larger scheme. Im pretty excited about the project, even if I dread writing
another book. If I end up writing this thing, I want to put you on notice now. This newsletter is
technically free. But Id appreciate it if you assigned a monetary value to it. Say, a quarter for each one.
In two or three years, that will probably cover the full price of my book. You can repay me by buying it.
Because its Halloween, my column today is on monsters. I write that man is the only monster who ever
existed. But this guy has me rethinking that.
Yes, the Goldberg Family will be dressing as zombies again. In years past we were a zombie flight crew,
zombie cheerleaders and football players, etc. This year were zombie prisoners. Perhaps if youre good
there will be pictures.
By all means click on these links, but look busy when the boss comes. Hopefully youll look busier than
this. But not as distracted as these guys.
Then again, looking busy at the office isnt everything.
13 Facts about Treehouse of Horror.
And then of course, theres this stuff.
The most googled Halloween costumes in each state
Guys, dont try this at home. Actually, only try this at home.
Squirrel sticks its head in a pumpkin
13 real life animals lifted directly out of your nightmares
And heres 14.
The worst places for surviving the zombie apocalypse
And if you just happen to be the author of the book Halloweens not my bag, baby, some non
Halloweeny links:
DC metro map to scale
Coming to an American campus near you soon: The war on sighing.
Google translate has a lot to answer for.
Cuddly Ebola toy
Dog whos allergic to humans
Puppies chasing laser pointers
Bear found ambling through drug store aisles sent to rehab
Chart claims to show how intelligence predicts your favorite bands
Thank you, science! Having facial hair can be good for your health.
Which means these guys are immortal.
Send your nominations now!

Your Rush Limbaugh Echo for Monday, 11/3/14


Bill Clinton plugged Kay Hagen in NC (wearing a blue dress) reported in Politico. {pun}

Tom Harkin showed up at an Iowa BBQ. ((Clip)) It shows a double-standard to bring up that Joanie Ernst
is attractive. She is ahead in the polls by 7%.
((Clip-Ernst: I was really offended by that.)) Harkin and other Democrats are offended by her

Think about it. What intimidates them attractive Republican women? Do they not have attractive
women in the Democrat Party? Of course he wont apologize.

Obama campaigned and they had to put a tarp over half of the seats to make it look filled. There were
1,300 that showed up. He wants more spending on preschool so women can be in the workforce. He
doesnt want Moms in the home.

Now, a vote for a Republican in the South is a vote for the KKK. The only senator that had a role in the
KKK was Sheets Byrd, a Democrat.

Democrats claim that we need to limit access to elected representatives by eliminating midterm
elections. This is in the Weekly Standard.

obama said moms-who-stay-home-to raise-kids constitutes a choice Americans shouldnt have to make

((Clip-Romney)) He says that if Republicans are elected, we will pass Amnesty.
>>> Mainline Republicans are casting aside Tea Party Republicans.
ED: That is what lost the election before.

From Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "Democrats Present"
One sign that Democrats dont expect a good election comes from Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu.
Heres how she tried to explain to F. Chuck Todd why she and Obama are unpopular.
Ill be very, very honest with you, Landrieu said. The South has not always been the friendliest place
for African-Americans. She added: Its not always been a good place for women to present ourselves.
Its more of a conservative place. So her closing campaign pitch is: You southerners are racist and
sexist. Vote for me.
Its another insult on top Obamas many insults to Louisiana voters. Take his green energy policies, for
example: blocking the Keystone Pipeline and trashing the fossil fuels that drive the Louisiana economy.
Mary and her family have earned their wealth and political fortunes from Southerners. Now she calls
them sexist and racist? She has apparently forgotten that when the south was genuinely unfriendly to
blacks and women, it was her Party, the Democrats, who oppressed them. And all these years later, in
poverty-stricken areas, its Democrats who are still running the show. With the same results.
Mary Landrieu is right; the south is a bad place for liberal Democrats to present themselves. But so is
the rest of the country! Democrats cant admit the truth about their record or their agenda or their
dead, politically.
Tomorrow, you can decide if hacks like Mary Landrieu will win. Or if Obamas agenda will infect the
country for two more years. Vote as if your country depends on it.
Quick Hits Page ... On the Rushwire:
"These Democrats are not these invincible cool, hip, in-with-it people that the low-information crowd
idolizes. It's just one of the biggest myths in the world. These people are actually out of ammunition.
They're clueless, folks."
"The Democrats are making absolute fools of themselves. The Democrat Party with Charlie Rangel, Mary
Landrieu, Paul Begala, The Forehead, they are all telling us so much about where their heads are, where
their minds are. They are stuck in an America 50 years ago in an attempt to avoid an election disaster."
"So many people back in 2008 voted for one reason. They voted for the first African-American president,
not caring about his politics, not interested in his ideology. The only thing that mattered to them was
they hated the fact that there is racism in the country. They were sick and tired of being called racists.
They were sick and tired of the racial divide."
"Democrat Party policies matter. Democrat Party policies are damaging people. Democrat Party policies
are damaging the United States, damaging health care, damaging jobs, damaging the economy."
"We have people, because of Obama's health care policy, being converted from full-time to part-time
work. It makes every bit of sense in the world that people would oppose this man. Black, white, green,
from Mars, it doesn't matter. Common sense says you don't want any more of what Barack Obama and
the Democrat Party are offering."
"Mary Landrieu blames Democrat problems on Southern hostility toward blacks and women. You know
why Barack Obama's in trouble in Louisiana? Because of Barack Obama and his policies."
"Barack Obama has been very successful with his agenda, in my opinion. But most people, as I say, are
just going to look and see him as failure."
"Louisiana can't get by without oil. Louisiana is an oil economy. Barack Obama has done his best to make
sure that oil flowing to Louisiana from the would-be Keystone pipeline isn't happening. There are policy
reasons why Barack Obama is opposed everywhere, not just in the South."
"What we're seeing is post-racial racism."
"Where is the compassion in all of this great welfare state that the Democrat Party has built?"
"We are in a post-racial racism, almost all of it coming from the left, almost all of the racism in this
country coming from the Democrat Party. Almost every single racist comment, racial aspect of every
story, sexist, racial, whatever it is, it's all coming from the Democrat Party."
"Don't sweat it. Everything's fine. I haven't lost my place. What was I saying?"
"Now, ladies and gentlemen, it's starting to get interesting. Now it's all starting to effervesce. Now it's all
starting to percolate. Now is when we can actually trust what we're being told. Well, I don't want to go
that far. But we can be a little bit more confident in believing what we're told now than, say, a month
ago, two months ago, or three months ago."
"The Democrats have turned their playbook back to 1963 in order to try to scare minority voters to the
polls on Tuesday."
"I hope people will realize: symbolism over substance loses."
Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:

"I don't see, in the Drive-By Media at large, Democrat voters being told, 'Hey, don't buy what you're
feeling. We have a great president! We got great policies. We're on the cusp of greatness.' I don't see
one story telling people to vote for more of this. What I see is the kind of stuff, frankly, that Republicans
tell themselves before they're going to lose big."

"We've had six years of the country in the dumps. There's no reason for anybody to be happy with the
status quo, or very few people. There's no reason for people to want more of this. It's only common
sense that even low-information voters would want a change from what's going on now."

"The anti-Democrat votes, sadly, I'm not yet convinced are anti-liberalism votes. And that's what really
is needed."

"The election's important, and I don't want anybody misunderstanding anything I've said to indicate that
I'm not in favor of Republicans winning. When you have heard me say things that sound critical of the
Republican Party, I'm simply saying that they're missing an opportunity here for a teachable moment to
make this anti-Democrat vote more permanent rather than just once every six or eight years."

"People misunderstand me on the women's movement. I love the women's movement, especially when
walking behind it. People think that I am biased against it, but I'm not. You put me in the right place,
I'm all for the women's movement."

"As hard as you try, if you're going to let people stay free, you cannot erase human nature."

"Human nature is what it is. No two of us are alike, and the left can't stand that. I'm not just talking
physically. No two people are alike, and you can't legislate them."

"The left never does try to equalize by elevating people at the bottom. The left always tries to
equalize us by stripping the people at the top from what they have, and then they call that fairness
and equality."

"The idea that basic human nature can be altered and changed by a punch of people in Washington, DC,
is over half the reason this country's in the mess that it's in."

"You put a camera on a street corner and things will happen there that never would if the camera wasn't

"I could have done the first hour of this program on all the stories that highlight voter fraud. Colorado,
California, Maryland, North Carolina, Florida. The point, I don't know how much worse it is this time
around than any election. Voter fraud happens every election."

"I don't know if the vote fraud that is going on, that might go on, is enough to change the outcome. I
don't know that we ever know that, other than Chicago 1960, that we were able to put our hands on."

"I am Rush Limbaugh, the only guy on the radio you never get tired of listening to -- and it wasn't I who
said that, although I was very complimented by it. It was a caller a couple of weeks ago."

"You know, I grew up in southeast Missouri, and there's a diehard accent in southeast Missouri. It's
called Southeast Missouri Twang. I had it, and the first time I heard myself on tape when I was actually
trying to get ready to be on radio, I said, 'That can't be me!'"

"Liberty is going to be such a star. We're having trouble containing the horse. He already knows how big
he is."

"I've never wolf-whistled at a woman. I've never cat commented, catcalled or any of that. I don't do it
because I think it's cheap. I think it's objectifying women."

"Modern day feminism was going to protect women from this kind of mean-spirited, extremist, boorish,
predatory behavior. And it hasn't. Because now a video of a woman walking the streets of New York,
getting catcalls and so forth, has gone viral."

"I would venture to say that most of modern era feminism has been an abject failure in terms of its
objectives, of its own stated objectives."

"I went and got a bunch of women's magazines and books, and I turned to the chapters on where meet
men, find out where I was supposed to be, and I went there."

"The modern era of feminism has tried to erase men from men. By that I mean they tried to erase
human nature. Men do not understand women. That is without question."

"I've wondered myself if women actually are aware of what happens to a man who genuinely finds her
beautiful. If a man is looking at a woman and really thinks she is just it, there's a chemical change that
occurs in the guy that he can't help. Now, that's where morals and manners come in, as to how he deals
with that."

"A woman who gets her sights set on a man, wild horses can't stop her. This is human nature, and it's
this kind of stuff that makes the world go round and a lyric from one of my favorite songs -- well, used to
be -- 'a boy chases a girl 'til she catches him'."

"I'm a little hoarse today from screaming last night during the World Series. What a heart-breaker.
What a heartbreaking loss for the Kansas City Royals and their fans."

"I've walked a couple of feet in New York City now and then. I may have even walked a whole block

"The next time you watch a movie, actually spend some time listening to the dialogue, especially if
there's narration. It can be a TV show or movie. Listen if an actor is narrating. Listen to the absolute
perfect quality of the voice."

"Fareed Zakaria is the well-known plagiarist who still has a show on CNN. Fareed Zakaria: GPS is the
name of his show. Fareed Zakaria: Global Positioning Satellite."

"I am the operational guy everybody turns to when they have an operational question about an iPhone
or an iPad. I'm the guy. I like being that guy."

"It's game seven of the World Series, and it's the first time in 20 years I've cared. Well, not cared, but I
mean I'm into it. I used to work there. No prediction. Don't know enough, but I got high hopes. Feeling
good about it."

"I think this Regime holds genuine animus for Israel, and, by extension, Netanyahu personally. I don't
have any doubt about that, and I think he frustrates them because he doesn't kowtow to their demands.
He stands up for his nation and he refuses to bow to political correctness or the conventional wisdom or
the zeitgeist of the day."

"The time to be intimidated by people on the left is over. They're not smarter. They're not cooler.
They're not hipper. In many cases, folks, they are not nearly as informed and up-to-speed as you are on
things, but their arrogance and conceit, the way they carry themselves makes them look like they are
superior to you, but they aren't. Don't fall for that for a second."

"These Rush Revere books are part of the mission of the program, and the mission is to get the truth of
American history to as many young people as possible so they know the truth, so they can love the
country, so they can have respect for it, so they can cherish it -- but more importantly, so they can
understand it."

"Since I know I'm not going to live longer than I'm going to live, whatever that is, what I've decided to do
-- and I did this long ago -- is to get as much out of every day the things that I love and enjoy as I can."
"There are days I wish I was going to live a lot longer than I'm going to live because of some of the great
fun things happening in this country."

"An honest report on Elizabeth Warren would end up with her being embarrassed and humiliated with
what she believes. She wants what we've got now times 10. And what we have now is the ruination of
the country taking place right before our very eyes."

"The American people want the Democrat Party gone. The American people want these people
defeated. The American people want Obama's power greatly reduced, is what they want."

"The idea that you can't find condoms anywhere and that Cory Gardner wants to ban them? This is
grasping at straws, my friends, like I haven't seen. I mean, this is genuine flailing away."

"The Democrat Party's not invincible. It can be beat. They put their pants on one leg at a time like
everybody else."

"I think a lot of people are ready for an uplifting, inspirational, positive message. After six years of this,
they're ready for it. People are craving it. But they need leadership to be articulating it."

"Not everybody's a self-starter. Some can provide that on their own, but most can't. And that's not a dig.
Just happens to be the way things are."

"It may well be that we're all living amidst a whole bunch of media myths that are untrue."

"I think if you put Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi on a red carpet line in Hollywood and they'd have
tomatoes thrown at 'em just like anybody else would. They're not heroes. They're not looked at as
saviors. They're not idolized. They're not thought of as people you want to hang with and be like.
Everybody's led to believe that."

"I think polling data up until a week or two before the election is designed to shape public opinion,
but then when we get close they have to maintain their credibility, so the polling data reflects reality
rather than their attempt to shape the outcome."

"You are the best audience in all of media. You are the most supportive, you are the most loyal, you are
obviously the brightest, and it is a sheer honor and delight to do this and have an audience made up of
people like you."

From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "Nixoned"

The Federal government require that banks tell them when somebody deposits $10,000 in cash, or
more. So naturally, crooks made sure to deposit less than that.

So in 2000, the Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act was passed. It gave the IRS the power to seize bank
accounts of those suspected of being terrorists, drug dealers, and the like, even without any charges or
convictions. The feds hoped banks would report suspicious activity below the $10,000 threshold.

With that kind of power bestowed on the IRS, bad things can happen. And they have. Hundreds of small
business owners have had their bank accounts seized without warning. Because one such retail business
had an insurance policy that only covered cash losses up to $10,000, the business made several bank
deposits every day. The IRS, without prior notice, explanation, or apology, emptied the entire bank

Under Obama in 2012, almost 700 accounts have been raided. Heres the kicker. Only 20 percent of the
seized accounts were even remotely connected to criminal activity. That means 80 percent of the
people who had their bank accounts seized under this law, were innocent.

Another kicker. In some cases, the IRS refused to give back all the money they seized from innocent

Under any Republican President, if IRS did this sort of stuff, while also targeting political opponents, they
would be Nixoned out of power. With the drive-by media leading the charge! Not here.

Rush Limbaugh Echo for Friday, 10/31/14

Opening: Now, we can trust what we hear in DbM?
Seg#1: Well, I wouldnt go that far they do try to show credibility

Democrats like Charley Rangel are telling us where their minds are, stuck 50 years ago. They turn their
PlayBook back to 1963 to scare voters to the polls. Same with Mary Landrieu.

Polling companies have to cover their credibility, not the case a month ago. Now, we get reflections of
what they actually think. AP has a story for this afternoon: latest research team, Republicans have a
10% lead in early voting, with Independents consisting 25% of the early voting. In Florida, current
early voting has already exceeded the total early voting in the previous midterm election.

Seven senate seat gain is predicted. 71% chance Republicans take the Senate, and if you dont like the
numbers, just look at the trend.

GOP candidates would do well to avoid Drive-by Media. They are not their friends. What good does it
do to do a debate moderated by a [Leftist]? When Romney finally answered George StepOnAllOfUs, it
didnt matter what the answer was about contraceptions, DbM could spin and say he said differently.

Look at Joanie Ernst in Iowa; she is not going to gain with media. Its a total waste of time and I applaud
her move.

Charley Rangel is living in the past and is not hip. He has to go back to 1863 and Slave days. Same with
comments from Mary Landrieu

These people are stuck in a politics that is 50 years old. Further, it was Democrats beating up the
Blacks. You dont even have Democrats on TV/media trying to defend their stupidity. How do they
continue to get elected?

They have made lives worse for their constituency. We may be at a Seminole(sp) moment. All of their
comments, after America elects the first Black American president. ((Clip-Rush-2004: It will make race
relations even worse: any criticism will be called racist, led by Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson.))

Now, Democrats cry racism and Republicans dont capitalize.

There is no way the Race Industry goes awaythere is too much money there for Jessie Jackson and
Al Sharpton.

>>> Six years later, race relations are worseeasily predictable.

Seg#2: Republican hopefuls had better show more than Symbolism!

Wendy Davis running in TX says her opponent does not want Blacks to vote. The Forehead speaks
stupidly. Many voted Obama in not caring about what he said or would do. It was the best of
intentions to send a signal that America wasnt as Democrats described our great country.

>>> And look at where that has gotten us; I hope GOP realizes:
>>>>> Symbolism over Substance, loses every time.

Seg#3: To early voters, current Economy trumps ancient Slavery

Its all coming from the Democrat Party, and Republicans are not saying anything. They are not saying
anything about anything. Democrats have nothing: Republicans have not said anything stupid for
Democrats to focus on. Republicans talk for themselves and against local opponents, but not a national

Spike Lee complains ((Clip)) No, many voted to end racism.

Mary Landrieu calls the entire South racist, and she doesnt live in the state she represents. It is
embarrassing. There isnt a mayor (for last few terms) in New Orleans that isnt Black. There are
reasons Obama is opposed (Keystone Pipeline) in the South.

Not only are these Democrats not hip and cool they are not even smart.

Yes, it was historic to elect the first American Black president. After six years he has only damaged
America. We have 92million Americans not working, and people seeing income diminish. Black, White,
Green, it doesnt matter. There isnt one policy Democrats can point to as successful. They cant even
play the race card and have to go back 50 years. They are the smart one? No, they are the
embarrassing ones.

((Clip against Greg Abbott doesnt want Blacks to vote.)) It is baseless and not working.

((Clip-Forehead: I understand how Democrats are down in early voting; we are in the country where
they hunt down Blacks with dogs.)) It isnt working.

>>> Go back to find Democrats hunting down Blacks with dogs.

Segment#4: Im a good personvote for me!

Caller-MO: Democrats only say they are concerned with problems.
Good point: Liberals only care, and get credit. Im a good person. Liberalism is a gutless choice
not solving anything. You show you realllly care when you go to a $10,000 fund-raising dinner.

Caller: How do you read about the Dad in Afghanistan in the audio book?
>>> Thanks! Ill have the answer later on in the program.

From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "Running Away"

A week before the midterm elections, Karen Tumulty wrote a Washington Post column titled: Can
Democrats Hold the Senate By Running Away From Obama And Their Own Records? Ms. Tumulty
reports that Senate Democrats distancing themselves from Obama has become a source of friction with
the White House.

David Axelrod says its not an effective strategy for these Democrats to run against Obama, since they
havent opposed him. Understandably, he says, Obama and his team are a little frustrated with
Democrats claiming a distance from Obama that really doesnt exist.

The article singles out:

Colorado Senator Mark Udall, who claims that hes the last person the White House wants to see. He
voted with Obama 99 percent of the time.

Alaskas Mark Begich, who claims to be a thorn in Obamas butt. He voted for Obama policies 98
percent of the time.

But the Democrat most scorned is Alison Grimes of Kentucky, who still wont even admit she voted for
Obama, though she was a Democrat state delegate in both Presidential elections.

So heres the bottom line. They can run and they can try to hide. But Obama wants them, and you, to
know that these Democrats voted with him, and theyre just as responsible as he is for the condition the
country's in today. He doesnt appreciate them trying to treat him like yesterdays garbage.

And hes right about one thing: You vote Democrat, and you are voting for Obama. Period. It's that

Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:

"I don't see, in the Drive-By Media at large, Democrat voters being told, 'Hey, don't buy what you're
feeling. We have a great president! We got great policies. We're on the cusp of greatness.' I don't see
one story telling people to vote for more of this. What I see is the kind of stuff, frankly, that Republicans
tell themselves before they're going to lose big."
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