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The Astrology of 2014

October: Through The Looking Glass

I hope you will go out and let stories happen to you, and
that you will work them, water them with your blood and
tears and you laughter till they bloom, till you yourself
burst into bloom.
Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Octobers astrology is set to be an explosive pyrotechnic display, which will blast you out of
any furrowed rut or comfort zone with a vengeance. The biggest, higher part of you will
welcome this with open arms and a deep inhale - and isnt it about time?

At first glance, old 3D astrology might object: But Mercurys going to be retrograde! A look
at the more transpersonal, subtle levels and phases of the planet of consciousness will
dispel that knee jerk conclusion. From the shadow period pre retrograde to the shadow
period post retrograde, the Messenger will nuance your thinking, first between 30th
September and 8th October through stillness, a time for reflection and inner exploration,
then as Mind conjuncts Solar consciousness on October 16th, fertilising whatever you want
to bring into being between then and January 2015.This is the time to commit to a decision,
make plans and take the first steps. The seed forms you threw out across your future timeline at the Libra new Moon on September 23rd will emerge from immanence into reality.
Mars is traversing Jupiter ruled Sagittarius making no fewer than 18 sequential conjunctions
with Centaurs, Black Holes, the Galactic Centre and TNOs. This will be an adventure in the
expansion of consciousness which easily trumps the retrograde Messenger. The deeper
theme is about bumping into past injury and wounding so you can heal the fracturing.
Then theres the lightning bolt of two eclipses two weeks apart - the wild cards of the cosmos
- bringing what seems to be out of the blue upheavals. A doozy of a total Lunar eclipse on
October 8th at 15 degrees Aries/Libra conjunct Uranus and the South Node of selfsabotage will be a major life lesson in relationship mastery. With the Eclipse in alignment
with the ongoing Uranus Pluto square, any weak links in how you mesh with the collective
will be broken. As Stephane Austin says:" We are ready to take another step toward shifting
from the love of power to the power of love".

The Chandra Symbol for Moon conjunct Uranus tells us:A man with pointed ears.
Super tuned in. The personification and embodiment of what it looks like, feels like, and is
like to have an inside track on everything going on around you. Uncanny awareness. You
have the gift of getting across new ways of being, different ways of looking at things.
Somehow getting away with being so very different that it no longer matters. Hot-wired to
wild and uncomfortable truths. You have special radar for undertones and nuances,
motivations and signs of what is going on underneath. The direct front row seat upon who
the other is and the challenges and opportunities the other brings before you, when you are
ready and eager for the encounter and you know you can always find a way to move with
absolutely anything that might arise.
Behind the scenes, setting a match to the dry twigs of despair and resignation, the
smouldering phoenix nest of Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Leo and Mars in Sagittarius ignites
inspiration and motivation. This Grand Fire Trine will remind you that:-

"There are sacred dreams that encourage us that the

divine light shines in all of us, however deeply buried and
that we may all be gods and goddesses in hiding"
Robert Moss

By the time of the Solar New Moon eclipse at 0 degrees Scorpio on October 23rd,a two
and a half year period of challenging transformation brought by Saturn's trip through Pluto's
sign will be culminating. We are all accomplished edge walkers now. Think back to October
23rd 1995 to the last Solar eclipse at this degree. Wherever 0 degrees of Scorpio falls in
your birth chart, that aspect of your life and psyche is ready to go to the next level. With
Venus and Pallas closely conjunct the Sun and Moon, issues of love, betrayal, wounding and
integrity are forefront. Scorpio, the 8th sign, pushes you to walk the razor's edge between
light and shadow, unity and separation, love and fear. This New Moon eclipse is pouring light
into the basement of your awareness with the intention of helping you to reclaim those parts
of you that were abandoned, neglected or disowned earlier in life, so there can be a personal

The Chandra Symbol says:A tunnel through a mountain.

When darkness comes, you need more darkness if you're ever going to find the light. As the
struggle of Earth existence descends upon you, you must find a way to harness the power of
that struggle to turn death into rebirth. But it is so pressurized and absolutely relentless a
path to walk. Everything you meet reflects the same destiny-dilemma. For you are being
pulled through the collective nightmare by an immense evolutionary force, and that means
feeling everything, experiencing all of it, and letting everything go. Those pulled in to such a
radical track develop core perseverance magnificently and learn to be light while super
heavy, and to stay loose while bearing down in tight passages. Eventually, glorious things
happen and you can emerge into a whole other reality, knowing how purposeful every step
has been, that all of it was necessary and redemptively built a character strength of a mighty
fiber, as you knew it would.

On October 25th two days after the eclipse, Mercury turns direct close to the North Node
of Fate in Libra. That is when you can weave your own Ariadne's thread from October's
experiences to guide you out of the labyrinth.

copyright Lorna Bevan September 2014

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