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SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence XI 3.

0: Report Design


The target audience for this e-learning is report designers who need to access and analyze
information using InfoView and Web Intelligence.

Course Announcements

Prerequisite Education:
Not applicable for this offering. Prerequisite Knowledge/Experience:
Not applicable for this offering.




This two-day e-learning course is designed to give you the comprehensive skills and indepth knowledge needed to access, analyze and share data using
BusinessObjectsInfoView and BusinessObjects Web Intelligence.
During this e-learning, youll learn how to organize, manage and distribute documents
using InfoView.
Youll also learn how to create Web Intelligence documents for your reporting needs, to
retrieve data by building queries using BusinessObjects universes and to use Web
Intelligence to enhance documents for easier analysis.
After taking this e-learning, you will be able to efficiently and effectively manage
personal and corporate documents to access the information you need, when you need it.
You will be able to design your own reports using Web Intelligence and share your
analysis with other users.

Course Based on Software Release


Introducing Web Intelligence

o Accessing information with Web Intelligence

Understanding how universes allow you to query databases using everyday

business terms
o Understanding Web Intelligence core functionalities
o Creating a document in the Web Intelligence Rich Client
o Viewing a Web Intelligence document in InfoView
Creating Web Intelligence Documents with Queries
o Building a simple query
o Modifying a document query
o Working with query properties
Restricting Data Returned by a Query
o Restricting data with query filters
o Modifying a query with a predefined query filter
o Applying a single-value query filter
o Using prompts to restrict data
o Using complex filters
Report Design
o Working in the Report Panel
o Displaying data in tables and charts
o Presenting data in free-standing cells
Enhancing the Presentation of Data in Reports
o Using breaks, calculations, and report filters
o Formatting breaks and crosstabs
o Using default and custom sorts
o Ranking data to see top or bottom values
o Tracking data changes
o Using alerters to highlight information
o Organizing a report into sections
o Copying data to other applications
Formatting Reports
o Preparing documents for PDF and print
o Document formatting
o Formatting charts
Calculating Data with Formulas and Variables
o Understanding formulas and variables
o Understanding how Web Intelligence calculates data
o Creating formulas and variables to calculate data
Using Multiple Data Sources
o Adding a new query using a personal data provider
o Creating multiple queries in a document
o Synchronizing data with merged dimensions
Analyzing Data
o Analyzing the data cube
o Drilling into the data
o Setting Web Intelligence drill options
Managing and Sharing Web Intelligence Documents
o Exporting documents from the Rich Client
o Accessing InfoView


Managing documents in InfoView

Sharing documents in InfoView
Scheduling a Web Intelligence document
Setting InfoView preferences


Course length: 2 days

Additional Education (If you want to increase your skill level and knowledge of Web
Intelligence, this course is recommended:)
o BusinessObjects Web Intelligence XI R3: Advanced Report Design
Applicable Certification
o Not applicable for this offering.

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