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Content coverage Scope and Development Suggested activities Resources

1. VECTORS Use 3.1 and 3.2 to explain the basic
(4 weeks) concepts on vectors. Then apply
these basic concepts in the three
types of questions with reference to
sections 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5. chools/gcsebitesize/m
1.1 Representation of  Define a vector as a quantity which aths/datahandlingfi/pr
Vectors has both magnitude and direction. Explain why it is important to include obabilityrev1.shtml
direction when stating a quantity. For
example, when directing a tourist to http://standards.nctm.
the taxi station which is about 50m to org/document/exampl
the right of the junction. es/chap7/7.1/
m has interactive work
Link vector to some vector quantities about vectors sums.
 Show the representation of vectors in Physics like velocity, acceleration,
in diagram and how to write and force etc. Go to
name a vector. Students are http://www.standards.
expected to write vector a by Draw a few vectors and use the click the
underlining, a. diagrams to guide the students to search button to find
write down and say out each vector resources on other
correctly. topics from site.
→ →
AB = BA but
A B≠
Explain that
→ 19.pdf is a chapter
Stress that should be read as
AB about vectors
vector AB and not merely AB .
Similarly, p or p should be read as
vector p and not merely p.
Tell the students that p and p are the
same and it is easier to write p as p
 Show the representation of the in their work. Check that they do not
‘value’ of a vector using column write p as vector p.
x → x
vectors, a = y or AB =y.
    When finding the column vector
Describe what each element in the representing a vector drawn on a grid,
SPN-21 (Interim Stage) Year 11 Normal Track (2 + 3) Page 1 of 16
column vector represents. it is important to stress on the
systematic procedure, i.e. from the
initial point, move left or right first
followed by up or down to reach the
final point so that the two values will
be written at the correct positions.

Content coverage Scope and Development Suggested activities Resources

 Show how to draw the vector on a
grid when given a column vector and
vice versa.
 Show how to write a vector, in terms
of the given vector, which is parallel
(a) and equal (equivalent vector),
(b) but not equal,
(c) but opposite.

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1.2 Vector Addition and  Explain how to express a vector as Use the idea of routes for an effective
Scalar Multiplication the addition and subtraction explanation on vector addition.
of Vectors (equivalent to addition of negative For example, to go from A to B is
vector) of two or more vectors. the same as from A to C and
then from C to B. So
→ C→ →
Explain triangle law and parallelogram .
AB = AC + CB


Extend this using any other

intermediate points.
For example, to go from A to D,
→ → → →
AD = AB + BC + CD or
→ → →
AD = AC + CD

As Vector Addition is a very important
concept, it is important to train
the students to be able to write
down the statement correctly.
One way to achieve this is to
give a few complete statements
and guide the students to
observe the pattern. Then
prepare a set of partially
complete statements and have
the students complete them.

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Content coverage Scope and Development Suggested activities Resources

A very common mistake when finding

vector using vector addition is to
write the statement under the
influence of the vectors given.

For example, to find BC with
→ →
and AC given, some
students may write

→ → →
BC = AB + AC .

One way to cut down the chance of

making this mistake is to leave
the intermediate letter

blank first , i.e. BC = B + C,.

then look at the question to
search for the other relevant
letter. In this case, it is A. This
will lead to the correct statement
→ → →
BC = BA+ AC . Use the idea of
→ →
negative vector, i.e.
BA = − AB to
obtain the next statement
→ → →
BC = − AB + AC .

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1.3 Column Vector  Derive and use the formula for the
magnitude of a column vector and
explain the symbol used to
represent the magnitude.
 Derive and use the formula for the
gradient of the line represented by
a column vector.
 Explain and discuss how to use the
relationship between the elements
of two column vectors which are
 Use Vector Addition together with
negative vector if necessary to find
unknown column vector

Content coverage Scope and Development Suggested activities Resources

1.4 Position Vectors  Explain that if P is the position of a Stress that position vector must start
point with respect to the origin, O in from the origin.
a Cartesian plane, then the vector Make generalization that for questions
OP is known as the position vector on vector, if coordinates of points are
of P. involved, then the idea of position
 Explain that given P(x, y), then the vectors have to be applied.
position vector P with respect to O is
OP =  y
 and vice versa.
 

1.5 Problem on Vectors  Apply Vector Addition, Negative

Represented by Vector and Parallel Vectors to find
Letters unknown vectors.

 Explain that if the point A, B and C

→ →
are collinear, then = kBC or
→ → → →
AB = hAC or AC = nBC . Train the students to handle situations
involving collinear vectors.
 Discuss situations where a vector is
SPN-21 (Interim Stage) Year 11 Normal Track (2 + 3) Page 5 of 16
divided into two or more sections
(collinear vectors) 2
Eg. (a) If AC = CB , then AC : CB
2 3
(E.g. AC = AB ; AC = 2CB ; AB : = 2 :3.
CB = 2 : 3) 2 3


This means AC = 2 parts and CB = 3

parts and AB = 5 parts. Thus AC =
2 →
5 AB
→ 3 →
CB = 5 AB etc

Content coverage Scope and Development Suggested activities Resources

 Brief discussion on vector equation 2

like ap + bq = mp + nq, if p
(b) If AC = AB, then AC : AB =
and q are non-zeros and not parallel, 2 : 3.
then a = m and b = n.
 Apply the ideas on vector to solve 2 1
problem related to area of triangle


This means AC = 2 parts, AB = 3

parts and CB = 1 part. Then AC =
→ → 1 →
2 2CB , CB = 3 AB etc.

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Content coverage Scope and Development Suggested activities Resources

SPN-21 (Interim Stage) Year 11 Normal Track (2 + 3) Page 7 of 16

(3 weeks)

2.1 Basic Concepts  Define set as a collection of similar Require students to group sets of http://assets.cambridg
objects. similar objects, for examples, a set of
stationery = {pen, pencil, eraser, mple/0521539021WS.
 Use set language and set notation to ruler}, a set of boys = {Ali, Ahmad, pdf
describe sets and represent John}, etc. Then introduce the term
relationships between sets as set, element and the number of http://www.mathworld.
follows: elements.
For examples: Give examples of sets where the gram.html
A = { x : x is a natural number} different set notations are used –
B = { (x, y) : y = mx + c} using lists of numbers or alphabets.

C = { x : a ≤ x ≤ b} Familiarize the students with

examples of writing sets using the set
D = { a, b, c….}
builder notation and also by listing the
 Define the terms finite and infinite elements.
sets, empty/null set, equal sets,
subsets, universal sets and
complement of a set.
 Understand and use the following
“ an element of...” or
“ … belongs to…” ∈
“….is not an element of…..” or
“… does not belong to …) ∉
Number of elements in set A n(A)
The empty/null set ∅
Universal set ξ
Complement of set A A’
A is a subset of B A
A is a proper subset of B A

SPN-21 (Interim Stage) Year 11 Normal Track (2 + 3) Page 8 of 16

A is not a subset of B A
A is not a proper subset of B A

Content coverage Scope and Development Suggested activities Resources

SPN-21 (Interim Stage) Year 11 Normal Track (2 + 3) Page 9 of 16

2.2 Intersection and  Define the terms intersection and
Union of Sets union of sets by listing the elements
and introduce the symbols used :
Intersection of A and B A∩
Union of A and B A∪
B Illustrate clearly, using examples on
the correct way to write the answers.
 Give examples on finding the
1) If finding a set, the element(s)
complement sets and its number of
must be enclosed with the
2) In finding the number of
elements, the answer should be
just a number without any
(common mistakes : n(A) = {3}; B =
When doing set operations, it is better
to list all the elements in each set in
the operation first.

2.3 Venn Diagram  Present the set operations using Use Venn diagram to show the
Venn diagrams and shade the relationship between the sets and
defined region and vice versa. discuss the meaning of the different
regions of the diagram.
 Describe set notations in words.
Caution students on correct use of
terms and the necessity to write
statements in detail especially in
cases involving the ∪ and ⊂ symbols
e.g. If M = {set of students studying
mathematics} and P = {set of
students studying physics},
(i) M ∪ P is the set of students
studying mathematics or physics
or both mathematics and physics,
(ii) P ⊂ M means all students
studying physics also study

SPN-21 (Interim Stage) Year 11 Normal Track (2 + 3) Page 10 of 16


2.4 Problem Solving  Interpret key words like ‘both’, ‘and’, Introduce the study of set as a tool for
‘either’, ‘or’, ‘neither’, ‘nor’ and problem solving.
 Solve word problems using Venn
diagrams to find the number of
elements in a set.
 Solve word problems involving
finding the maximum and minimum
possible value.

Content coverage Scope and Development Suggested activities Resources

(4 weeks)

3.1 Data Collection and  Review how to organize Discuss examples where the diagrams
Data statistical data and represent it in give misleading information e.g. bar m
Presentation different ways such as bar charts, charts that do not start from the origin
histograms, pie charts and and pictograms that show a 3-D object http://www.mathsisfun
pictograms. enlarged with a factor of 2 to .com /data.html
represent twice a given quantity.
 Present ungrouped data using
frequency tables and histograms.

3.2 Mean, Mode and  Review the term mean, mode Use statistics to compare the weather http://www.mathforum
Median and median. in different parts of the world, e.g. to .org/trscavo/statistics/
investigate which place has the comtents.html
 Revise the method of finding the largest mean temperature difference
mean, mode and median for between summer and winter.
ungrouped data m/learning/teachers/le
 Extend the idea to the finding of ssons/20061128tuesd
mean, mode and median from ay.html
frequency tables and bar charts

3.3 Frequency  Present grouped data by using Use a simple example to show how
Distribution frequency tables and histograms discrete data can be grouped into
Table for Grouped with equal intervals equal classes e.g. investigate the
Data length of words used in two different
SPN-21 (Interim Stage) Year 11 Normal Track (2 + 3) Page 11 of 16
Including  Show a frequency polygon newspapers and present the findings
Frequency derived from a histogram by joining using statistical diagrams.
Polygons the midpoints of upper side of
horizontal rectangles of the

 Explain that for grouped data,

the class with the highest frequency
is the modal class, the class where
the median lies is identified by
finding where the middle position is
and the mean can be calculated
∑ fx
using the formula x= where
f is the frequency and x is the value
of the variable.

Content coverage Scope and Development Suggested activities Resources

3.4 Histogram With  Explain that for histograms with s. com/Hist1N.jsp
Unequal Class unequal widths, ‘frequency density’ is
Widths/Intervals used as the vertical axis instead of
frequency where frequency density =
and that it is the area of
class width
rectangle that represents the
frequency of each class.
 Explain that the mean calculated
∑ fx
using the formula x= is only
an estimate as x is the mid-value or
midpoint of the interval, taken to

SPN-21 (Interim Stage) Year 11 Normal Track (2 + 3) Page 12 of 16

represent all values in that interval.
Stress the point that the modal class for
the histogram with unequal intervals is
not the class with the highest frequency
from the frequency table but the class
with the tallest bar (highest frequency
density on the histogram).

3.5 Cumulative  Construct and interpret a Explain that a cumulative frequency

Frequency Table cumulative frequency table from curve shows the number of variables
andCumulative given raw data or from a grouped with a particular value or less.
Frequency Curve frequency table.
 Complete a grouped frequency
table given a cumulativefrequency
 Plot, draw and interpret cumulative
frequency curve.

3.6 Percentiles,  Introduce the term percentile and its Use a cumulative frequency curve to
Quartiles and meaning. explain percentiles and show how to
Interquartile Range  Use a cumulative frequency curve estimate these from graphs
to explain percentiles (introduce the
25th, 50th, 75th percentiles) and show
how to estimate these from a graph.
 Explain that the median is the 50th
percentile, the lower quartile is the
25th percentile, the upper quartile is The words “more than” or “less than” in
the 75th percentile. the question indicates whether the
 Show how to find the median, answer is on the top portion or bottom
quartiles, percentiles and inter portion of the vertical axis (cumulative
quartile range from a cumulative frequency)
frequency curve.
 Show how to find the frequency for
a given range of values

Content coverage Scope and Development Suggested activities Resources

SPN-21 (Interim Stage) Year 11 Normal Track (2 + 3) Page 13 of 16

(4 weeks)

4.1 Definition of  Understand the meaning of Introduce elementary ideas of

Probability and probability. probability using familiar context for chools/gcsebitesize/m
Sample Space example the probability of obtaining aths/datahandlingfi/pr
 Explain the terms experiment, event, an odd number when a dice is rolled, obabilityrev1.shtml
outcomes and sample space, S, obtaining a red ball when a ball is
used in probability. chosen from a bag without looking, or http://www.mathgoodi
a weather forecaster saying there is a
20% chance of rain today. tro_probability.hmtl is
an introductory lesson
Discuss probabilities of 0 (event will on probability
never occur) and 1 (event will
definitely occur), leading to the
outcome that a probability lies mt/mepres/allgcse/bka
between these two values. 5.pdf is a chapter on
probability, suitable
sections include 5.1
4.2 Simple Probability  Define the probability of an Students do an experiment, for
and 5.2
event A occurring as: example throwing a coin, say 50
times. Ask them to tabulate the
number of outcomes favourable to eventresults.
Compare their results and
total number of all possible outcomes then pool them to obtain larger ml
samples. Go on to calculate the
n( A) probability of getting a ‘head’ and the
i.e. P ( A) = and calculate the
n( S ) probability of getting a ‘tail’.
probability of a single event as 5.pdf
either a fraction or a decimal (not a
ratio). Various problems
involving probability at
 Explain that an event A not
Collect examples of mutually exclusive
occurring is denoted by A’ and the
outcomes. Establish and use the fact
probability of A’ is P(A’ ) = 1 –
that the sum of probabilities of all the
outcomes is 1. For example, raining or
not raining, late or not late, win or not

SPN-21 (Interim Stage) Year 11 Normal Track (2 + 3) Page 14 of 16

Content coverage Scope and Development Suggested activities Resources
4.3 Probability of  Draw a possibility diagram to Start with a simple event such as the
Combined illustrate the outcomes for score on a spinner; ask for the
Events combined events and represent probability of the total score being a
outcomes as points on a grid. certain number when the spinner is
spun twice. List the outcomes and
then explain that each combined
outcome can be written as an ordered
pair (x, y) and so can be marked as
points on a grid as a possibility
 Draw a tree diagram to
illustrate the outcomes for
To introduce tree diagrams, use an
combined events where the
example such as choosing balls at
outcomes will be written at the end
random from a bag, when there are
of branches and probabilities by the
different numbers of balls of different
side of the branches.
colours. First, do an example where
the first ball is replaced before a
second ball chosen (independent
 Calculate the probability of events). Later, do an example where
combined events using a possibility the first ball is not replaced
diagram or a tree diagram, explain (dependent events).
the concept of addition by relating
to the term “or ” as in union of sets
and multiplication by relating to the
term “and” as in intersection of
4.4 Problems on  Show examples of how
Probability probability may be applied in
different situations including solving
probability involving areas and
SPN-21 (Interim Stage) Year 11 Normal Track (2 + 3) Page 15 of 16
obtaining information from
frequency tables.

5. NUMBER  Continue a given number sequence. Define a sequence of numbers. Work Various problems
PATTERNS with simple sequence of even, odd, involving sequences of
AND SEQUENCES  Recognise patterns within and across square, triangle or Fibonacci numbers, numbers at
( 3 weeks) different sequences and generalise to etc.
simple algebraic statements public/leg.php
(including expressions for the nth Find the term-to-term rule for a
term) relating to such sequences. sequence, e.g. the nth term in the
sequence 3, 9, 15, 21, 27, . . . .is 6n
 Extend the concept to patterns of – 3.
shapes. Discuss as a class activity the what.htm
following problem: Square tables are
placed in a row so that 6 people can http://www.waldomath
sit around 3 tables, and so on. How
many people can sit around n tables?

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