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Identify the few critical tasks which contributes most to your income and schedule

these to be completed with very short and clear deadlines.


Make your to-do list for tomorrow before you finish today. When you add an item to

this list, ask yourself if you would view a day as productive if thats the only thing on the list that
you got done.

Make sure you work on your business, not just in it. Setting aside 45 minutes without

internet access every morning to think about: Business Development, Offer development, Fixing
long-standing problems, Pricing review, Customer communications.

Successful delegation focuses on results and benchmarks to be agreed in advance, not prescribing detailed work plans.


Put a process in place, from sales through production. Don't "be" your company. Teachable to employees or can be automated to
do most of the work so the running of the business isnt dependent on you showing up.


Have a positive cash flow cycle by charging upfront or on a subscription basis.


Say no to projects outside the scope of your business. Focus narrowly to excel at what you do.


Spend time doing some research and calculations to estimate your potential market size.


Its repeatable i.e. there needs to be a recurring revenue model even when youre gone; from most valuable to least: long term
contracts with survivor clause, automatic renewal subscriptions, sunk money renewable subscriptions, renewable subscriptions,
sunk money consumables, consumables.

10. Stop all multitasking immediately to churn out the task way faster.
11. Force yourself to end your day at 4 PM or end your week on Thursday. Goal is learn to compress your productive time.
12. Check email only twice a day.
13. Have meetings with agenda.
14. Dont be afraid to hang up a do not disturb sign.
15. Cultivate selective ignorance and dont fill your mind with worthless and trivial information. Less is more.
16. Go on a low-information diet by not spending a lot of time watching TV, surfing internet for news, reading newspaper.
17. Outsource work by hiring virtual assistants.
18. Select one or two metrics and be aware of them at any given time (sales, cash flow, incoming leads, cost per acquisition).
19. Leave everything else for a biweekly or monthly review where you delve into the overall business (track over time).
20. If its a presentation, stick to the 10:20:30 rule (10 slides max, 20 mins max, 30 point font minimum).
21. If its an email, limit it to six sentences (if it doesnt fit in the subject line, its too long so pick up the phone).
22. Allow customers to trial your product or service in a way that is Easy, Immediate, Inexpensive, Concrete (Demonstrates Results),
Reversible (Risk-Free).
23. Remove hurdles for customers like Inertia, Hesitation to reduce options, fear of making a mistake, lack of role models, having a
cause that doesnt connect. Use social proof (the power of example, lists and ubiquity to show youre a good
choice), scarcity (that you offer a scarce (therefore, valuable) resource), stories (customer stories, and inside stories (behind the
scenes) not stats), and superiority (show what you can do, that your competitors cant).
24. By making predictions ahead of time about your product or service and documenting them, you know when you're off the mark
and you can take that result to iterate your product and test a new assumption. A system of validated learning generates tangible
data that you can cross check with your assumptions and use to fix those problems.
25. Build, Measure, Learn. Continuously engaged in building a product, getting it out there to see if it finds a fit, testing that product
by adjusting aspects of it and comparing it to the unadjusted version, seeing if it worked better or worse, then doing it again,

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