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TALK: Speaking confidently as a Dawah carrier

Were going to come across times where we know that we need to speak up. As Muslims we know
that one of our duties is to enjoin the good and forbid the evil. I myself can be very shy at times but
its something that I want to get over as a Dawah carrier.
Were often afraid to speak up because of a fear of rejection, you dont want to look stupid or silly or
for people to judge you. The scarier the thing is the more you have to do it, the more you gain from
Somebody once said something like do the thing your afraid of most and the death of fear is certain
Imagine if the companions R.A or the prophets A.S before us were afraid to speak out and were like
ah. I cant do it I cant do it everyones gonna hate me no one is gonna like me. Think about it
historically. Anybody who had something important and real to say was in a lot of danger. Malcolm X
or even in more recent times Moazzem Begg for exposing the society for what it really is Naveed
Butt who has been missing for over 2 years for speaking out against the system.
People who have important things to say never have an important road ahead of them.
Now heres a point I wanted to make, remove yourself from the expression of the thing you want to
You want to think, oh I have something to say. ME.
Instead approach it from an attitude of selflessness what you want to say.
Maybe your concerned for somebody and you want to speak out but you might look stupid do it
out of selflessness and concern for that person let go of your ego. Speak from a place of service,
instead of I have to say something think, there is something important that needs to be said.
Its not about how can I look smarter or how can I be more revered for my brilliant ideas. We say
what we have to say because it is for the better and our duty as a muslim, but its a dangerous place
to be, and you have to get over the fact that some people just wont like you. But the people you do
help and whose lives you can do your part in to enhance, regardless will appreciate you. You are part
of the Ummah of the Prophet peace be upon him you are important and what you have to say is
important so believe in yourself.
Often times if your thinking before you say something you want this to fit in and agree with the
majority of people what you are saying everyones gonna be like oh yeah, hmm, sure. And youll be
disregarded and forgotten really, but if you say that which goes against the flow because often times
as Muslims we present an alternative view on life people may be shocked and become
argumentative but if you can convince people with confidence you can gain leadership over them
Speak up and fulfil your duty as muslim, lead people your family and friends in to seeing Islam as it
should be seen which is so much more than a religion, speak up and let people be enlightened with
thoughts and ideas as you help them on their journey.
Ill give you some advice on talking to somebody, maybe its a passionate Christian or a really
stubborn atheist. Now unfortunately a lot of people if your wanting to engage them in a discussion
or about to talk to them about religion or ideas they will turn away from you or show some hostility.
A while ago I was sitting in a library amongst a few people and this girl sat infront of me, she was
talking to the other people in the group I think they must have been friends. She was friendly and so

on now I cant recall exactly what was said they were having a conversation and she said to me
suddenly like oh are you religious? And Immediately her body language, her tone, everything
changed, she was muslim but she must have had some bad experience in the past with people being
forceful or difficult with her so she was judging me in that sense. Though I dont think id ever even
spoke to her properly before that day, I dont even know that persons name but instantly I could tell
she was put off a bit and I was like ahh what did I do.
Now when you speak to people, often times there gonna have a negative preconceived idea of you
from the outset its just how humans tend to be. So when you discuss with lets say an atheist or a
muslim who may not be practicing or refuses to accept certain ideas, be very calm and confident. As
its an attractive quality, you dont want to be like kissing your teeth or rolling your eyes when they
make points otherwise why should they even listen to you if your gonna act like that. Most of the
time they are going to be all over the place and spewing random quotes they heard off youtube but
you should be the one who is calm and responsive. Instead of just staring at them unresponsively
waiting to make your own point, really pay attention what they are saying, understand why they
might be thinking like this and offer some hms and ahs. Maybe even question them on certain
things, part of being a good conversationalist is always asking questions. And when its time to make
your own point be aware of your body language, nod your head, use your hands, fold your arms, rub
your chin, or is standing like arms folded too defensive etc think about it. Be very polite, because
they wont expect it of you, they may think, hm is this how a Muslim actually behaves? Remember
Dawah is in character also. Smile and use friendly words like, my friend or dude or whatever is
appropriate. Try not to be too much of a road man because you want to be respectable also.
Ofcourse using words like fam where appropriate is ok if it breeds familiarity.
And another psychological thing ive personally noticed especially against the more thinking type of
people you may converse with as Dawah carriers is if they are making a point which they probably
think is awesome like ooh I got you now, as they deliver whatever they are saying smile at them.
They might be a bit like jolted off course, thinking hunh im destroying this dudes ideas well they
think they are and hes here smiling at my face. It may humble them and create some respect for
you that instead of you screwfacing them your smiling at them even if they are being rude they
could feel bad and change.
And just a random point you might not hear from others about body language when giving Dawah
but I feel it does help, when im having a conversation with someone and it gets heated I sometimes
even put my hands behind my head (elbows raised) as it creates a moment for yourself to be
grounded with your thinking and seem relaxed (even if you arent) and the one with whom you are
conversing may think hm he seems relaxed and sure of himself, so maybe it could help win them
And always remember my brothers (and sisters!) to make Dua to Allah Taala as Prophet Musa A.S
did Which you may find in Surah Taha
20:25 [Moses] said, "My Lord, expand for me my breast [with assurance]
20:26 And ease for me my task
20:27 And untie the knot from my tongue
20:28 That they may understand my speech.

Anybody who strives sincerely and purely for the sake of Allah can become a good speaker and carry
the Dawah of Islam and lets all in sha Allah strive to do that, making dua for ourselves, eachother
and the entire Ummah. JazakAllah Khair for listening/reading.

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