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On the Deformation of an Elastic Shell.

By Professor


M.A., F.R.S.

[Head Jan. 9th, 1890.]

The following paper treats of the deformation of an elastic shell

whose radii of curvature are everywhere great in comparison with the
thickness, which is supposed uniform. This subject has been investigated in a very able manner by Mr. A. E. H. Love, in a recent paper,*
but it appeared desirable on various grounds that the problem should
be attacked from an independent point of view. The ideas which
form the basis of the method here followed have been explained with
some fulness in a previous communication, " On the Flexure of an
Elastic Plato ";f I have therefore contented myself on the present
occasion with very slight indications in this respect. I may, however,
recall the fundamental principle that, if the external forces on each
element of the shell are by themsolves in equilibrium, the deformation
is insensible, as also the resultant stress across an element of any
normal section. By an element of the shell is here meant the portion
cut off by a ruled surface whose generators are normals to the middle
surface, drawn through the contour of a small area of dimensions
comparable with the thickness. In the same way, by an element
of a normal section is meant the section generated by the normals to
the middle surfaco at all points of a linear element of like order of
As regards the general theory, my results show a close agreement
with those arrived at by Mr. Love, and the investigation may be of
interest as giving a physical meaning to the various groups of terms
which enter into his equations. There are, however, some points of
difference ; these appear to be duo to a somewhat different definition
of the symbols which express the deformation of the middle surface,
and are practically unimportant.
One reason of the great complexity of our present subject, as contrasted with the theory for a plane plate, is that it is not possible to
draw an absolute line of demarcation between the deformations in
which the governing feature is the extension of the middle surface,
and those which involve flexure with little or no extension. To
illustrate this we may take the case of a spherical bowl, of thickness
small compared with the radius, whose edge is a small circle. If the
Phil. Trans., 1888 (A), p. 491. t Froc. Lond. Math. Soc, Dec. 12, 1889, p. 70..


Prof. Horace Lamb on the

[Jan. 9>

angular radius of the bowl is very small, its behaviour under various
applications of force, and its vibrations when free, cannot differ
materially from those of a plane circular disk. In particular, there
will be modes of (mainly) flexnral vibration whose frequency is proportional to the thickness. By increasing the angular radius, the
thickness being constant, we obtain a continuous succession of forms
leading up to the extreme case of a spherical shell with a vanishing
circular aperture. In this extreme, it is known, no deformation is
possible without extension of the middle surface, and, if the shell be
sufficiently thin, this extension is the governing element in its
behaviour. Thus the frequencies of all the modes are now independent
of the thickness, and, accordingly, great in comparison with those of
the flexural modes of a plane plate of similar dimensions. Between
these two extremes we have, of course, all intermediate stages.*
The main source of this complexity appears to lie in the fact, pointed
out by Mr. Love, that it is in general impossible to satisfy the
boundary conditions by a deformation such that the middle surface is
[* February, 1890. It is evident (as pointed out by one of the referees) that we
may at any stage restore the flexural character of the vibrations, however email the
aperture, by sufficiently reducing tho thickness; but in the above argument the
aperture only is supposed to vary. To examine moro closely tho transition to an
infinitely small aperture, we may mako use of the formulio given by Lord Rayleigh
in his investigation of the deformation of a spherical bowl, on the hypothesis of no
extension (Proceedings, T. xin., p. 4). It appears that, when the augular radius
(a) of tho aperture is small, the kinetic energy in the mode expressed by circular
functions of su (where a is the longitude, and s is integral and > 1) is

where B, is the maximum radial amplitude, and the rest of tho notation is as in this
paper. For the potential energy we find

Hence, if tho time-factor be c tp ', we have

which increases continually as a diminishes.

for the complete spherical shell wo have

In the gravest corresponding mode

where C is a numerical factor (Proceedings, T. xiv., p. 60). The ratio Pt\p't is of

the_order Aa/aV, i.e., it varies as the square of the ratio which the mean proportional
Vah bears to the linear radius of the aperture; so that, if a is sufficiently diminished,
pt becomes at length greater than p't. With a sufficiently small valuo of hja this
may happen while the breadth of the aperture is still a considerable multiple of the
thickness. It is evident that, bnfnro this Rtago is reached, the hypothesis of no
extension will have ceased to givotm udequuto representation of the actual vibration-


Deformation of an Elastic Shell.


absolutely unextended.* Bat, the existence of extension as a general

accompaniment of the flexure of a curved shell being admitted, tbo
question remains, in any particular problem, as to its order of
magnitude and its distribution, and more especially whether there are
any modes of deformation (or of free vibration) in which, after all, it
plays only a secondary part. Mr. Love, starting from the expression
for the potential energy per unit area in the formf
W =

3 All (<T\ + Z(TOX <T2 + <r') + f*k tT9

where A and p are certain elastic constants, h is the half-thickness,

whilst <Tj, <ra, r define the extension of the middle surface, and 2^ 2S, II
its change of curvature, argues that, since (as we have seen) the
quantities rrv <r8, r are not zero, the second line will ultimately (when h
is sufficiently diminished) vanish in comparison with the first, and
that, accordingly, the extension is the cardinal feature in all questions
relating to the deformation of very thin curved shells. Without
stopping to develop the consequences of this position, which appear
to be in conflict not merely with popular notions ou the subject, but
with established dynamical principles,! it may be observed that, if the
extensional strains (T^ tr2, m) are comparable with those (JiXv /i2a, /ill)
due to flexure, the second (or flexural) part of W will be of the same
order as the first; moreover, it is conceivable that the extensions may
be practically confined to so small a region that, when integrated
over the whole area of the shell, the flexural part greatly preponderates.
type. In the view taken by the writer, extensions are called into play (at first in
the neighbourhood of the edge only, where the flexure is greatest) which .lead to a
greater kinetic and a smaller potential energy, for assigned values of B, and B,
respectively, than are given by the preceding formuho, and in this way the
vibration-types and the frequencies become continuous with thoso proper to the
complete sphere. It is known that in this hitter case thcro arc two distinct modes of
vibration corresponding to any given spherical harmonic, and that one of these has
a much lower frequency than the other. Theso appear to bo the homologues of
floxurul nnd oxtensional modes, respectively, of a plane circular disk.]
Thero is another and more obvious reason, independent of the boundary conditions, why extensions should, as a rule, bo associated with the flexure of a curved
shell (or bar). In statical questions the curvature itself may cause a normal force
appliod at one point to be transmitted (in part at least) us a tangential stress to
anothor point, as, for examplo, in the case of a cylindrical shell (or a circular ring)
bent by two equal and opposito forces applied at tho ends of a diameter. In the case
of free vibrations, a similar effoct is produced by inertia : this is illustrated in \ 10,
below. In most cases of interest, however, the extensional strains hence arising
appear to be smull in comparison with those referred to in the toxt.
t Tho notation is that of this papor, and tho meanings of 2i, 22, n are slightly
diffcront from those of tho corresponding symbols in Mr. Love's formula; the
argument is, however, not affected.
X Sco Lord Riylcigh, l'mc. Rot/. Soc, Dec. 13, 1888.


Prof. Horace Lamb on the

[Jan. 9,

In order to bring the matter to a test, in a definite instance, I have

taken the case of a cylindrical plate (such as a boiler plate) bent by a
proper application of force over its straight edges so that the strained
form is one of revolution, the circular edges being free. The
analytical work is yery simple, and the physical meaning of the various
terms which occur is easily recognised ; so that this part of the paper
may be followed without difficulty by readers who may not care to
occupy themselves with the somewhat intricate investigations which
precede. In the interpretation of tho results, a good deal turns on the
ratio which the breadth of the plate (in the direction of the gonorating
lines) bears to a mean proportional between the radius and the
thickness. When this ratio is large, the bending forces may be
practically replaced by equal and opposite couples uniformly distributed over the two straight edges, and having these edges as axes.
The strained form is almost accurately cylindrical; near the edge
we have extensions of the same order as the strains due to change of
curvature, but they rapidly diminish (at the same time fluctuating in
sign) as we pass inwai*ds, and their contribution to the total energy
is unimportant. In such a case the approximate method employed by
Lord liaylcigh, in which no account is taken of the conditions at a
free edge, is fully justified. But if, keeping the radius and tho
thickness constant, we diminish tho breadth until it is comparable
with tho mean proportional aforesaid, we get a sort of transitional
stage between a plate and a bar which cannot bo satisfactorily dealt
with except by the general equations. Finally, when the breadth is
small compared with the mean proportional, the plate behaves like a
curved bar, and an approximate treatment is again applicable.
1. As in the former paper, we first consider a state of strain such
that, any arbitrary deformation having been given to the middle
surface, a line of particles originally normal to this surface remains
straight and normal to it in the strained condition, whilst tho elongation in the direction of the normal is adjusted so as to give zero
traction across any small area parallel to the middle surface. Tho
work is, however, now more complicated on account of the more
general character of tho deformations of the middle surface which wo
have to consider.
Let us take as temporary coordinate axes the tangents to the two
lines of curvature, and the normal, at any point F of the middle
surface in the unstrained condition. For simplicity of conception,
wo may regard these axes as fixed, and imagine that, after the
deformation, the surface ia moved as a whole until the point P is
brought back to the origin, and the tangent plane into coincidence


Deformation of an Elastic Shell.


with the plane xy in such a position that the rotation of an element of

area on the middle surface at P is zero. Hence, if (, 17, ) and
(, IJ', ') be the coordinates, before and after the deformation, of any
the same point Q of the middle surface near P , we shall have

where (r,, <r3 are the extensions parallel to x, y, and vt is the shear in
the tangent plane. Again, the shape of the middle surface before

and after strain will be given by equations of the forms -

The deformation of the middle surface at P is completely specified

by the six quantities <rlt <x2, vr, A'A, B'B, IT. It is evident that
(to the first order) A'A, B'B are the changes in the values of the
principal curvatures, whilst W determines the change of direction
(relative to the substance) of the lines of curvature.
In some subsequent calculations wo shall require the value of ' in
terms of I, rj. We find

where Ax = A'+ZexA,

Hx = E'+\vt (A + B),

2?, =

squares and products of strains being neglected.

The coordinates of a point of the substance at a distance z along
the normal at Q were originally


X l Zy,

y = r)-Z~,


In the state of strain above defined, these become


y r] -z -* z =
(1 +e) dz,

where ezl is the elongation in the direction of the normal. Hence, for
the component displacempnts, we find

- [ eZ3dz . Btj,

y I e,.dz.


Prof. Horace Lamb on the

[Jan. 9,

These may be simplified by neglecting zA . ax in comparison with <ru

and so on. Since e.. is of the same order as the remaining strains,
the last term in a and /3 may also be omitted for the same reason.
Again, in finding the strains parallel to the plane xy, we have to
differentiate a, /3 with respect to x and y. Since, however,

we may, on the same grounds, differentiate with respect to , 17 instead.

In this way we find, at points on the axis of z,

~ dl ~ Gl~




^ = A'-A,




drj dH

2, = B'-B,

II = 2JT'.

The approximations made above show that a certain latitude is

admissible in the definition of the coefficients S t , 22, I I ; for example,
we might with equal propriety write Av B,, El in place of A\ B\ H'.
This is to be borne in mind when comparing the values found for
these coefficients in 7, below, with the corresponding expressions in
Mr. Love's memoir.
Finally, we have

_ dft

dy _




f* de.z ,


Jo at)

where = 0, IJ =: 0. These strains may be neglected in comparison

with the former, if (as we shall suppose) the variations of <rn rs, Ac,
from point to point of the middle Burface, within distances comparable
with 7i, are only small fractions of these functions themselves.f
* It may be noted that a small area parallel to the middle surface, at a distance t
from it, undergoes a relative rotation above the normal, of amount

t This, with a like assumption in 3, is meroly provisional, and may bo tested

d posteriori in any particular application of the theory.


Deformation of an Elastic Shell


2. With a usual notation for the stresses and elastio constants,

we have
Pw =

By hypothesis, e is chosen so as to make ptt = 0; substituting in the

two former equations, we obtain

where <r, = X/2 ( \ + A * ) I is Poisson's ratio.

To these we must join

We can hence calculate the potential energy W per unit area of the
middle surface. The energy per unit volume is

To find PT we must integrate this with respect to z between the limits

zkh,* where h is the half-thickness. Substituting the values of eJzy
exy, evy, from the preceding paragraph, we obtain

^} +,] 8k

Let us next find the resultant stresses across normal sections of the
plate. Let Px, Pxv be the components parallel to x, y of the forceresultant of the stress per unit length (measured on the middle
surface) of a normal section perpendicular to x, whilst Qxx, Oxv are

* la strictness, we should multiply by (l zA)(l- zB) before integrating; but the

error is unimportant.


Prof. Horace Lamb on the

[Jan. 9,

the components of the resultant couple; and let a similar notation be

used for a normal section perpendicular to y. We have



More accurate expressions would be obtained ' by multiplying by

(1 zB) or by (1 zA), before integration, according as the section
considered is perpendicular to a; or y ; but the error is of the kind
already neglected.
3. The second state of strain which we shall consider is one in
which, the middle surface being fixed, the displacements are everywhei'e pai'allel to it, and given (relative to the same axes as before)
by the formula)
3 P
where P, P v , are functions, as yet undetermined, of the position of
the point P on the middle surface. We assume, provisionally, that
their variations within distances of the order h are small in comparison with the values of the functions themselves. It is easily
seen that
da , A
dfl , -no
ev% = -j- +Bj3;
e = +Aa,
but tho second terms are of the orders hA, hj) as compared with the
first, and are therefore neglected. Hence


Deformation of an Elastic Shell.


so that the stress on each face of the shell vanishes. In virtue of the
above assumption, the remaining strains are small in comparison with
e,,, eys. I t follows that the stresses on normal sections perpendicular
to x and y reduce to forces


\xexzdz and



or POT, P yr , respectively, per unit length of the sections.

Although the point is not essential to the present argument, we
may remark that, in the end, the strains exz, ev. appear to be, in general,
small compared with those considered in the preceding section, so

that the corresponding terms in the expression for the potential

energy of the deformation may be neglected. The importance of
these strains, in the present synthetic view of the subject, lies in the
fact that they do not change sign with z, and that, consequently, the
accompanying stresses, when integrated over the thickness, do not
vanish as in the former case.
4. The next step is to calculate the resultant force and couple due
to the stress on the whole boundary of an element of the shell, in the
compound strain which results from the superposition of the two
states above described. This force and couple will balance the system
of applied forces which, properly distributed through the element,
would accurately maintain the strain in question. The equations of
equilibrium are then obtained, in accordance with our fundamental
principle, by expressing that this system is statically equivalent to
the system of forces actually applied to the element.
Let us take rectangular axes of x, y, z fixed anywhere in space, and
let us regard the unstrained form of the middle surface as given by
equations such as
= /i & *))> y=ft & n), * = /s (*, n),
where , ?j now denote the parameters of the lines of curvature. If
we write

2. - ( *Y+ (<kY+ ( kV

the lengths of elements of the two systems of lines of curvature will

be d*/hlt dt]jh^ respectively. It may also be shown that the directioncosines of the two lines of curvature, and of the normal at a point

Prof. Horace Lamb on the


[Jan. 9,

of the surface, relative to the lines of curvature and

the normal at (, ?/), are


d (dl

, d^ fdr[




jjESpectively, where p,, p8 are the principal radii of curvature, reckoned

when the corresponding centres of curvature are on the posiside of the normal.
us now consider the element of the plate marked out by
normals drawn through the contour of the quasi-rectangular area on
the middle surface bounded by the
fines of curvature whose parameters are , /, Z+dZ, rj + d-q; and
let the components of the force
mid couple per unit length of the
normal sections through the point
(, JI) be denoted, in analogy with
our former notation, by P r o P r ,,
P r r , &c, Gm O(n, &c.
Resolving parallol to the tangent at P ($, IJ) to the line PQ in
Che figure, we obtain for the re-

iSultant stress in this direction

The first two terms arise exactly as in tho case of a rectangular

element of a plane plate. The third term is found by taking the
difference of tlie resolved parts of the stress P f , on the two oxtremities of a strip such as that bounded by the dotted lines in the figure,
and adding the results for all the strips obtained by varying/through
tho range dt). Tho fourth term is obtained, in liko manner, by dividing
tho quadrilateral into strips bounded by tho lines $ = const. The last
term is IIIHJ tn tlio stress P e{ on the section represented by QS. The
components of P, : , due to corresponding elements of i'Q and US,
cancel. If we denote by X, Y, Z the components of applied force


Deformation of an Elastic Shell.


per unit area of the middle surface, parallel to the two lines of
curvature and the normal, respectively, we obtain

Similarly, resolving parallel to the tangent line to PR, we find

d ( 1

\ ,

d ( 1

\ ,

d_{ 1 \

d ( 1 \

* it

_|_ _

__ Q

The resolution parallel to tho normal gives

d (X
( 1

\ + (JLp \ . p i p""


In like manner, taking moments about tho tangents toPQ, PR, we find
d t l r t \ , d / l

r i

\ ,

d / 1 \

d I \


whore L, Jlf are the impressed couples per unit area. The last two
equations enable us to eliminate Pw P, o and, if we substitute the
values of the remaining stresses given at the end of 2, we are left
with three equations involving the six quantities o^, crit ta1, 2^ 53, II
which express the deformation at any point P of the middle surface.
In 6, 7, we shall investigate tho-values of these quantities in terms
of the three component displacements of P and of thoir diffoi'ential
5. We proceed to the boundary conditions. Lot Xo, Yo, Zo be the
components, parallel to tho two linos of curvature and the normal, of
the applied force per unit length of tho edge, and let LQ, Jf0, 0 bo
the applied couples about the same lines, also rcckonod per unit length.
VOL. xxi.NO. 378.


Prof. Horace Lamb on the

[Jan. 9,

Considering the equilibrium of a triangular element of which two

sides are formed by lines of curvature, whilst the hypothenuse is an
element ds of the boundary, we find, resolving parallel to the tangent
lines at P,_

^ i x)


P a cos 0 -f P,,E sin <j>

- =




Here 0 denotes the angle which the

outwardly directed normal to the edge
makes with PQ, and 8 is the shearing
force, normal to the middle surface, aci'oss any infinitely short line
drawn inwards (in any direction) from the edge.* The last terms on
the left-hand side are due to the components of this force at Q and B
Next, taking moments about PQ, PR,
Ou cos f + GvX sin (j>S cos <p = L o ,
?,, sin f + G(ll cos <p 8 sin <j> = lf0.
Finally, resolving noirnal to the middle surface,
Pvr cos

sin <p- ~ ~ Zo.

The elimination of leads to four boundary conditions similar to

those of Mr. Lovef (pp. 519, 520).
6. It remains to express the six quantities cr,, cr2) -a, 2,, 23, n, which
define the strain of the middle surface, in terms of the component
displacements. With this view we construct a three-dimensional
system of orthogonal curvilinear coordinates, in the manner explained
by Mi\ Love; viz., the surfaces i; = const., r) = const, aro the
developables generated by the normals to the middle surface along
the lines of curvature, and the sui'faccs = const, aro the parallels to
the middle surface, I denoting the distance from the latter, measnved

* For fuller oxi>liination, BOO 5 of the former paper. The Bhcaring forco in
question ia tlioro denoted ]>y .
t Another (but equivalent) form of thoso conditions ia obtained by conaidcring a
rcctiiugulur clement, as in the ciiso of a plane plate.


Deformation of an Elastic, Shell.


along a normal. The expression for the square of a linear element in

this system is

^ l



The curvilinear coordinates of a point P of the middle surface being
originally ($, v, 0), let this point receive small displacements u, v, w
in the directions of the two lines of curvature, and of the" normal,
respectively. The coordinates of its new position P' will be ($ + hxti,
rj + h^v, w). In like manner, the coordinates of a point Q on tho
middle surface, near P, will change from ( + ^S, v + drj, 0) to

tj + h%v + dt] + d .h2v,

w + dw).

Hence, if Qr be the new position of this point, the projections of P'Q'

on the principal directions at T? will bo

where $. /if1 denotes the change in the value of l/T^ as we pass from
P to P', viz.,
. 1
/ , d . 7 d , d\ 1
dc,J \
and similarly for 5 .712*1. Hence, neglecting squares and products of
u, v, w, &c, the above projections become

( 1 > .7


d (\\.

d ( l \

d>i \ I>i J

JL dOyu)

d (7I,M) )




di, \ h2 J
1 d (h2v)
dw ,t , dw j

dC\ hx J

dn \ h2 J



Prof. Horace Lamb on the

[Jan. .9/

The first two of these must be equivalent to

, ) # + (* + ) r 2 '

where w measnres the rotation, relative to the substance, of the directions , t] as we pass from P to P'. Comparing, we find

, 7 I , d . , d

d\ 1

du , , , d I 1


dt,\ h^ I

_ hi_ d(hxu)


, hy_ d (h2v)
h3 dl;

where we have put

d_ /l_\ _ _ JL
(ZC V /! /

i. (_}_\ _ _ J_




as is evident geometrically.*
7. To calculate 2,, S2, n , wo require the projection of P'Q' on the
normal to the deformed surface at P ' correct to the second order of
dl, dt). Tho dii'ection-cosines of this normal, relative to the principal
directions at P', are
, dw _, dw 1 .

for wo verify at once, on reference to tho values given above for the
projections of P'Q', that these are the direction-cosines of a line perpendicular to r'Q\ for all values of tho ratio dfydr), small quantities
of the order of the square of the strain being, as usual, neglected.
Now the direction-cosines of the principal directions at P, relative
to the axes of x, y, z, are
( , dV

, dy j dz\



/ , dx , dy





Idx dy dz\


\d'c d'r at'*

* Tboso formuliM ngrco exactly with tliosc given by Mr. Love, p. 50G, if WQ tako
account of tho different convention ns to tho sign of pu p2.


Deformation of an Elastic Shod.


respectively. Hence, if B be a point near P whose curvilinear coordinates are (-|-D, rj+Vr], JD), the projections of PB on the principal
directions of P are, to the second order,

with two similar expressions.

such as
_, dx dx _ n
3-jj - u,
dx (Px^

1 d / 1\

da d*x _
dc, dr\
d?!i llx.



In virtue of tbe various relations

1 d / 1 \

1 d ( 1\ _
2 di \ h /

1 d ( 1
"a dt, \




d I 1 \ _

these reduce to

1 d ( 1 \ ^M


1 7i, fZ / 1 \ T, a

1 ^tr,. . d i 1 \


Prof. Horace Lamb on the

[Jan. 9,

respectively. In order to deduce from these expressions the projections of P'Q' on the principal directions at P*, we must put
Dt] = dtr+d (h2v) -\-\d? (/iat;),

Z> =

dw +\d*w,

and substitute for hv h2 the values hl + ^hv 7&24-2ft2, where


d ,T

d , d

Since the first two projections are afterwards to be multiplied by

hidiv/dti, hzdw/do, respectively, we may omit in them all terms
depending on u, v, u; which comes to the same thing as writing dt
drj, 0 for DZ, Drj, D(. We finally obtain, for the required projection
on the normal to the deformed surface at P\ the value
dt, i 2 dt, \ hi I
i dw(
drj L

2 hz dt, \ /i2 '

1 ft, d I 1 \ 7C3 , 1 d I 1 \ 7
2 /*i tZ?j V /ij /
2 drf \ h21

2 Aj Pl (. \


. d I 1\ , )

1 -T- {2 - ( ] ; - } rf,+f i+2





+ -^d,?(hlu-+hav
Equating this to

i A

where ^.M Ifj, i?! have the same meanings as in 2, we find


Deformation of an Elastic Shell.

1 .. 772cZ
w . , dh, dto

/i. dh, dw
\ dr\


. 2 d Ouu) . ,2 A

d ,,

d .


*. ^ dlhdr,

d\ 1
dU h\Pl


7? JL _L h2 ^H ^ ^ ? *? 4- 7 ~ 2




, ,

cZ2w ,

<^7i! (Zto ,
drf d

, 7i3

dh$ dw
d$ dri

, hj__ d (h2v)



Remembering that, as shown in 2,



and recalling the values of <ru o-2, zr, given at the end of 6, we obtain,
after a little reduction,



, 7 d7ii dw

h2 dhx dw

d , 7 d\ 1 , w
"t" ( 'hu TY I" 'hv T~ )
1 Ti
dr\J px



72 d2w

h". dhn dw , , dh dio

2 2 = ISiS fin - --1 r -- + A 2 -*


/t8 d$



d . 7



d \ 1

, w


Prof. Horace Lamb on the

in _ H =


[Jan. 9,

'" dn dl ' " l di dr,


1 K(l
2 ^Vpj

ptJ dt)

1 ft,/I
2 /jjVpj

Pi/ rf

We have here made use of the obvious geometrical relations

^i _ l


dpi_ __ ,

' df

8. As a verification of these geometrical formula we may take the

case of a sphere, writing
I = 6, i? = w,
hx = I/a, /ig = I/a sin 0, pj = p, = a,
where 5, w are the colatitude and longitude, and the positive direction
of the normal is outwards. We find
1 du , to
<r, = -

a du


*!. + cotei!.+ ^

a sin o aw


\ s i n 0 dtida)

1 c o s fl

a* Bm1 O

The quantities Sj, 2 2 , n aro related to Mr. Love's \ , , K2, KX as follows :



The diflForonccs aro practically unimportant,' for the roason given in $ 1. (There
appears to bo an error of transcription in the last torms of tho expressions for At
ana K8 given by Mr. Lovo on p. 509 of his momoir. Theso terms should bo

-*!*! -pi ydpn (\ //,

])/ and -h^n1p,


Deformation of an Elastic Shell.


We verify that these quantities all vanish when

u 0 sin 0, v = 0, w = G cos 0,
which represents a displacement of the shell as a whole parallel tothe polar axis; and again when
u = 0, v = 0 sin 0, w = 0,
which corresponds to a rotation. As a further test, let us suppose
that u = 0, v = 0, whilst w = Sn, a spherical harmonic of order n.
We find, for the change in the sum of the principal curvatures,

1 ( d?S,, .

i *

, a dSu

r r +COt
2i + 22 = 1 -r-r+COt 00 - +
a1 (( ar

by the differential equation of 8n.

This is a known result.*

9. Let us now consider more particularly the case of a cylindrical

shell. The axis of x being coincident with that of the cylinder, we
may write
| = aj, 17 = w , ft, = 1, h2 = I/a,

p, = oo, p3 = a,

where w is the angular coordinate, and the positive direction of the

normal is outwards. These give

= y-


, w

du , dv

*a = j H
> tar = - - - - + ,



2fia dio

2ci dx

* Tho formula) given by Mr. Lovo (p. 612) for tho principal curvatures do not
appear to verify in this caso. [" Thoso formula* aro known to bo incorrect. Thoro
are mistakes in the working. On p. 611, for Ji = ~ J7', read E = +- g gl , &c.; and
for Ji' = - l l A' read E4 = - { ! ^ 2 i L ^ J A' &C. This makes all right."

" i "a

t Wo verify that thoso quantities all vanish when

n = Ca sin u, v = Cx cos w, w = Cx Bin &,
which corresponds to a rotation of tho BhoU as a whole about tho diameter for which
a? = 0, w = 0.


Prof. Horace Lamb on the

[Jan. 9,

Tho equations of 4 then become






where (if for simplicity we suppose the impressed couples L, M to

vanish) the shearing forces P, r , PMt are given by
aPxX =

aPml = a


At a free edge coincident with a circular section we have 0 = 0 or ir,

so that the boundary conditions of 5 reduce to
P 0

-.- =<

10. As an application of these equations, we may investigate the

two-dimensional vibrations of an infinitely long cylinder. In this case
we have u = 0, and all differential coefficients with respect to x vanish,
so that

.^ = 0, r = o, s, = o, n = o,
1 (dv,
a \dw



1 (d?w ,
a3 \ d(o2
Hence PZm = 0, Gxx = Gmm = 0, and the equations further reduce to


Deformation of an Elastic Shell.


PaX =

" .



v = B sin sw, w = G cos sw,

where s is integral, we find, by 2,


6 A (sB + 0) cos su),


Pat = -2A -s s ( s 3 - 1 ) 0 s i n so,



^4 = ---

To form the equations of motion, we wvite

where p is the density.
and putting
we get



Assuming that all our functions vary as eipt,

(FSs^B-s [ 3+(s2-l) ^ ] (7 = 0,


- 3 - S 2 ( S 2 - l ) ~ | -3s2 j

- l ) ^ | = 0.

Since A/a is small, the two roots of this quadratic in /3 are

approximately. These are both known results. The modes of
vibration corresponding to the former root belong to the class of
cases to which special attention has been paid by Mr. Love, where
the dominant feature is the extension of the middle surface, and the
frequency is, accordingly, independent of the thickness. They can of
course be investigated by a much simpler analysis, if we recognise


Prof. Horace Lamb on the

[Jan. 9,

this peculiarity from the outset. The second root belongs to tho
well-known flexural vibrations of a cylinder,* and gives a frequency
proportional to the thickness. With this value of /33 we find

a-o r

2 s 3 ( s 8 - l ) h*
3 " s'+l
^r-^ -=. cos sw,
s* + l a8 a

where 0 is the maximum amplitude in tho direction of the normal.

This is of the order h/a as compared with the maximum strain (^S.2)
due to the flexure.
11. The full discussion (from our present standpoint) of the frco
vibrations of an open cylinder oi finite length would lead to some very
long equations. The effect of a free edgef may, however, be sufficiently
illustrated by the following statical problem, which admits of very
simple treatment.
Consider a shell in the form of a portion of a cylinder bounded by
two generators and two circular arcs (for example, a boiler plate), and
let us suppose that forces are applied to the straight edges so that the
strained form shall still be a surface of revolution, the curved edges
boing free. Under these circumstances, u and w will be functions of
as only, whilst
v = Gw,
this being the only form which, makes tar = 0, and o-a independent
of to.

O"i = -j-

G + xo

tar =



These make

and thence


_ 0.

* Rayleigh, SoundK 233.

t The roader who is interested in tlu'a point, but is not attractod by tho general
investigations of 1-7, may easily construct for himself elementary proofs of tho
formula) for the particular case considered in this section.


Deformation of an Elastic Shell.


The general eqnations of 9 then reduce to


~dx " " - " " '

and the conditions at the circular edges (a; = I) to

It appears that P ^ = 0 everywhere, and therefore

= 0.
Using this to simplify the expression for P.., the second general
oquation becomes
3 aa?* C a**


The solution of this is


Since a/h is large, the roots of this are

approximately, where

Hence, retaining only even functions of aj,

We have still to satisfy the boundary conditions






On account of the greatness of q, the second terms in these may be


Prof. Horace Lamb on the

[Jan. 9,

replaced by <rC/a8, and zero, respectively. We find

- 2 D , sinh 2? sin2i + 2D2cosh2_*cos $1 = ^ ,
- A (cosh 3L Sin 1 + S inh - ^ cos -^
+ D, (sinh Z-cos & -cosh 2?.sin-2? ) = 0,


sinh * -cos *cosh -2- sin-2cu

sinh 2a
cosh ^- sin *~ + sinh 2- cos -2a
sinh -2- + sin -2-.

This constitutes the complete solution of our problem.*

It appears that the deviation of the strained surface from the
cylindrical form given by w = G is, afc most, of the order h/a; but
that the extension <r2, = (w + G)/a, may in the neighbourhood of the
edge become of the same order as the maximum strain (^S3, = hG/a*,
approximately), due to the flexure. Something here turns on the
value of ql/at i.e., on the ratio which the breadth of the plate beai\s
to the mean proportional between the radius and the thickness. Let
us first suppose this ratio to be large. We then have

These are very small compared with G, and may be neglected except
near the edges, where they are (in the values of w, &c.) multiplied by
the large factors cosh qx/a, sinh qx/a. Near the edge x = I we have,
* Exactly the same result follows from Mr. Love's forms of the fundamental


. Deformation of an Elastic Shell


for example,
w = O-\yz. ? e-9lt~x)lacos (q-+

\/2 g*

j .


The deviation from the cylindrical form has for its maximum value
h n
.a'y a
and becomes insensible at a distance from the edge comparable with
the mean proportional aforesaid. Since
<ra = (0+w)/a,

ax = aav

the preceding formula also gives the amount and the distribution of
the extensions cru av Since these are, at the circular edges, of the
same order as Jt%v &2a, it becomes of interest to compare the two parts
of the potential energy which depend on the extension and the flexure,
respectively. If, as before, we write


the former part of the energy is, per unit length of the circular section,,
= ZAli \_x(o\ + 2ff(r,<r9 + <raa) dx

= 3ii(l-<r8) A P (w+Oydx.

J -i

Substituting the above approximate value of w, we obtain


Pe-^c-^cos'fj + ^-)dx,
qa J

where the integration now extends over the short distance from the
edge x = I within which the exponential factor differs sensibly from
zero. The result is

The flexural part of the energy is

The most important term in this is obtained by putting


Prof. Horace Lamb on the

. and is

[Jan. 9,

2 -r I.

The ratio of the former part of the energy to the latter is of the order
/(ah)/l, which is, by hypothesis, small. This tends, I think, to remove
the difficulty raised by Mr. Love, by showing that, although the
presence of a free edge does in fact give rise to extensional strains
comparable with those due to the flexure, the area to which they are
practically confined is relatively so small that their contribution to
the total energy is insignificant.
The distribution of applied force over the straight edges of the plate
is somewhat artificial, bat it may without sensible error be replaced
by a much simpler one. It consists of a couple having the edge as
axis, given by
flL. = 2Ah>
and of a tension perpendicular to the edge, of amount
Pmm = 6Ah (ffa+r<r,) = 6A ( I - * 8 ) A
Making use of the approximate formula for w, we find that near the
edge 2 = 2,

GL. = 24 i | 0 [ - 1 + ^2 o'e-'wsin

(q ^

+ -j) j ,

P.. =3V2Aa(l~a*)
^a-<"'-*>'aeosYo + 4 V
V* a
The deviations of 0^ from uniformity, and of P . . from zero, are confinod to a short distance from the cornex*. The integral of PM over
this distance is readily found to be zero, as might have been foreseen
from the fact that the plate as a whole would not otherwise be in
equilibrium. The integral of the variable part of OmX is of the order
i/(ah)/l, as compared with that of the constaut part taken over the
whole length of the edge. The theory of "local perturbations,"*
therefore, warrants us in asserting that, if the tension aud the nonuniform part of the couple be suppressed, no appreciable change will
take placo except in the immediate neighbourhood of the corners.
Hence, subject to tiiis qualification, we have solved the problem of
the flexure of a cylindrical plate by a pair of equal and opposite
couples applied uniformly over the straight edges.
* The terra is adopted from Boussinesq, who has treated this subject very fully.
See his " Application dea Potentials a 1'Etude de 1'EquiliJbre et du Mouvement del
Solidea Elautiques," Paris, 1885.


Deformation oj an Mastic Shell.


When, on the other hand, y(ah) is comparable with I, we must

have recourse to the more accurate values of Dlt Dr The value of <rt
at the circular edges is found to be

1 2oi5 .

. 2oi

sinn -L-+sin*a
As I is diminished, this teuds ultimately to the value <rCP/3a?, which
is of the order V/ah compared with the maximum strain due to flexure.
The flexural rigidity of the shelli.e., the ratio of the bending couple
to the change of curvatureis



4>AhH 4

, cosh -2-cos

When ql/a ;s small, this reduces to

which is, in fact, the flexural rigidity of a bar whose section is a rectangle of breadth 2Z and depth 2h, since
A (I-a*) = IB.
where E is Young's modulus.
[Note added Feb. 15, 1890.The paper as read contained (in the
form of an Appendix) an investigation, based on the general
equations of elasticity, of the uniform flexure of an infinitely long
cylindrical plate of finite thickness. This is now. withdrawn, the
problem in question having been solved in a paper by Lord Bayleigh,*
which has since appeared. The most important result is the calculation of the stress across any element of area parallel to the middle
surface. When the ratio h/a is small, this was found to be

approximately,t where a+R0 is the radius of the middle surface in

* Proceedings, June 13, 1889, p. 372.
t Of. equations (63) and (67) of the paper referred to.
VOL, XXI.-NO. 379.


On the Deformation of an Elastic Shell.

[Jan. 9,

the strained state. This formula may be obtained more simply, if we

accept the state of strain described in 1, above, as a first approximation. Using polar coordinates r, 0, we have

Writing r = a+zt pn = Kz/a, integrating, and expressing that p^

vanishes for z = h, we obtain

or, to the second order of h/a,

which is the result in question, since, on reference to p. 125, above,

we find

The first part of Lord Rayleigh's paper contains, for a particular

case, an examination of the effects of different modes of application
of the same force (as estimated per unit area of the middle surface)
to an infinitely long cylindrical shell. It appears* tbat the resulting
variations in the potential energy ai*e of the order h^/a? as compared with the total amount. This may be regarded as a confirmation, to a certain extent, of the fundamental assumption of this
paper. ]

* Equation (40). A somewhat similar investigation for the case of a plane plate
is given in the Proceedings, Dec. 12,1889, pp. 86-90.

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