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r y section is Built of red Flemish boad brick: and st%on 8 fietdsto~efomdir.

The ~ ~ c - s t ocartar
Nokblt: debiEs include the bcIt~oursethat visually saparates the Errst and swond floor* md
substmfialchimneys&at punctuate both gable ends, Tbr; first steo9yoli"fiewt wing was built cf 870
on the; site of the owraal clebclzed kitchen building, The west wiag a d nzatcbhg se~aedstory of
errst wing, dasigned by Washhngosn acfZite~tClwke W a m r u r , wem colzstszrcted ~1918.

b v i m n m e n ~ Setting:
l Lot 56, B h k G (10-52acres),
29/40 Maguber's Bta~ksmihShop (By 1 45 1)
8308 Sc\?enLocks Road

The: sldes;t known stmdiatg structure ixa Pstarnx ah; is f m i l i m lamhark and one of the ctfdeaat
stmcbures in the County as well. Evidence suggests the building was used as a bracksmith $shop md
was built Sbr Ninim M.amder befare his death in 1751. Ris initials are c m e d on. tbe c - h h ~ e y ,

River R o d ww one sftlxe earliest rmds in the area, used ill the 1700s for trmspoding b m h or
1zo~heildso f tobacco to the par$ of Ceorge~wn,The smithy sewed the needs o f m e ~ h t md s
m v e l e ~afcustg this rod, as welt as %os;alresicfen&,
Construct& sf tancoursed mbblcstctne, this building probab'ly incopoffated lisfitlgqumers as well.
NiGm c-onvcycdthis p m p r v t u his son, Smuef Mamder, who Iskeg h i i t the manor laorase blown
as St;o~eyl~ursr
(see sc3pwgfe description on folla~viagpage),

Envi~rmmenfalSettiug: Par~etPb 1O ( 2 3,608 square feet).

29/41 Staneyhwst (1767)
8514 Seven k k s R o d

This bmdsolzlc stonehottse wgs asawn& by a distinguished .i"a~niXyin the early history of M ~ f ~ t g o a r e ~
County. The original core of the t-esidcnccwra built by Sm~ueZBtewss Magmdet ( 17.44-18 2 El), w t ~ o
baame a Iieutcnmt In h e Revolutionq War, Magmder TS beitievd to hive "oui'lt the house in 1767,
A stone adjacent to ~ f i wcst
c dssr is cawed with this date m d the initigls o f M a ~ d e ar d his wife
Rebecc&Maguder had ix&e~t&the 3 16-acre pr0pert.y &om his fgthw Samuel Mamdex El,

The proper& rennainerl in the Maguder ;l.m.aily until 1853. 3%~ propefty has additional fnisto~c
sipificmcs Sot.its =sociation witfi Lijlly Moore Saom who tawed the house fo"al.heErst half of the
I900s. Lilly and her hmbwd Fraxk remodeled SlolraeyJntirgtia 1909, As a widow in the 1 9 2 0 Stone
WM a pioncefin%business owner, nnmagng the Stlen~yhwst Q an ;River Rctmd, west af the
b ~ ~md e pel-sanafly
, operating them fir 30 years, Li11y Moon Stone wa,s m infiuenrlid f i g w md
community lwder whose falinily home, Glem~orcis aim a desipattd histoxic site (W29j38).
Stenejl.bwst has been ow^& by the Eger faraily since 1956,
The original section af the h ~ w ies western porfion which was probably a hall. md prarios plan.
The front facade WBS on the south side. The east wing is composed of aa7 early 1 %; story kitchen
wing that ww r81"ai8dtin~apfdttI;dinto %he main block, mc3 f w d with stone an the front f a ~ d eSri
1909, the Starre8 rt;aovaced the hawe, hsPafling glmbhg md heating systems, Addi~ond
r ~ ~ o v a i i in s 1960s Xed to wrindaw repEacements and a-dditios; o f dormer windows.
o ~the

The property igrcludes a hista~cstsae vrin&ouse wi& a stepXy sloped pymidal. hip maf cava&
wi& stxlar shakes, P, stam g~rage,built with ra; porte cache: spmning the dsiveway, smvw rn a
gateway to the house,

Efpuiromenk1Setting: P a c d P524 (1.3 acres).

29/16 Locust Grave I (c1773)
7340 Westk&e Terrace

S ~ i s OR^: of Montgomery Couiltyk few brick 18' century houses, Samuel Wacle:
Mawder inihesitd the Imd in l "i" 51 and built the houae bettveea I 773 md 178 1. Mapuder w ~ as
simificant f'aguse in the political Iife feof the County throer$h the 1~t.e1700s. He was Iieuterrmt in the
cototlial rnililia in %e X XOs, md dwing the 'Revalution sawed first. as ts captain and later a major
i a zlhc M q l m d nxilitia. Magmdcr was one o f the first justices "tc, sit on the Comty COW a@cr
MaPLtgomety County w a kk~raed,sewing &urn 1777 to B 798,

A 1783 visitor, Mr'ilHim~Wi~--\vholater became t4.S. Attorney Gener~Iw-c~11ed the hause "'a
rnztnsio~+*3bt;ing "a Xxge two-story bric;k house." Piate bays wide* :,the substmtial house feaewes
H;1e&sh bond brick, a beltwurse above h e first story, zund double tad chimizeys, As ax5gimIly built,
eajh floor o f the ccntm haall ptm has four raon~s.Most of the interior wo.czdwo& dates &om 1890s
renovations. A massive stone md bdck chimney arz the klichea wing may predate the main block*
NOWloc&tednear Montgomev Mall, ?he house has been con.vr;~&to comnzercid use, In 1985,s
b r m ~ ho f Chevy Chase Savings md Lam opened an site,

Eslvin~mea~talSefting:Parcel N509 [ 3 -27acres). DeveBopment rights wcre trarasfcrrcd from this ?site
to Westlake Park in 1872, M-NCPPC hofds a scenic wemeat 093 this prope~y.

April 20Q2
29S39 Joseph Magmder House ( 1787Jc18213s)
98 13 Kefthle Road

This residence is one of a goup o f Magwcfer family h a t s ~ in s the Cabin John Creek area, dating
&omthe %ate170Osaad hi&ly r q ~ s e n t a d v oe f this promineat nrmd ia~fl~tential
W a patriot Joseph Maguder, betilt the original brick se~tiono f this house in 1787.

The txuuse is architectural&si~ificmt for including one o$&e eaEiast residential smctures h Jas
p a t sf %hecounty. 'Pibe 1787 date o f constmxcrion is c m e d in the stone, The house hias addition&
hportance for its ev01~tio~b addifions are distinct, mt obscusing tkc earlier go;B-tlioas.
ELT su~~e~=CIittg
The 6e;fdsl;arlesection was bunit by "Toma S . Bszedlley ~ 1 8 2 2A. brick rear ell was coamsmcted in
the 19600s.The ofigi1in;al se&on w a c@ovm.redwith sttlcco int the 1930s,

; 1 742, was % pmminenl pafitictxl figure. Me sewed on the Council af Sde1y9

Joseph M a p d e ~born
oac lafa number of provincial committees which took control of $het:a310nzyyt~ goavemmmt in 1774,
la 1773, Joseph Magmdm wlls 3 camissionad captain in tke RcvoIuli~r?arymilitia.

Setting: Block 5, Eat 4 1 (24,098 sqvare feet],
The oldest Baptist ~bklrcbS ~ U G B W ~ in the County, the SmecsBaptist CIrersclrtnl is asacisted with one
of the oldest Baprist congegations in the St%&. This chusch was organized aboul 1772 in a log
s%mc&we near itre Seneca Greek, The present st_m"rrctul"eof Seneca sandstone, constmctat.8 c'i 817,
rqrcsents ane of tilt: ealiest stone buildings in the counly. The Seneca CIamln i~zfittenc&religaw
refom movements of the late 17051s involving issues of sq8r8tion of church md state, In the w l y
1800s nnembcrs a f its congregation bsmched offro establish other Bilp&istchurches in the ceuty,
including Upper Seneca Baptist Church in Cedar Grove, The church remained in use thou& the
188139 until the conpegation, fmsbated by f*l.equentfloading of the Seneca Creek which I m p ~ r e d to their church, built a ~ e frame
w btlilding in DawsonviXle. After a period a f &bmrXamt:~t~
the deternorated church building was ~ n a v a t c din 1940 for midadid use,

Envimnmcnld S ~ t ~ aThe g : mvisonmexxtait setting of qprcrxi-ciy $HI acres iai;ludes U3X: stone
church stmcture, driveway, artd vista from Damestown Road. The dderiig3ation also includes $he
following suxilisuy strxsctwes d a ~ n gfrom c 1948 ahat are subject to nlare lenient review fhm the
histaric stmcturc: tenant hause, e ~tiLb1eigarag.c;~
wadar tmk, amif windmlfl,
Early to- M

Ztl./ 19-1 Damestown Presbyterian Church (1 856, 1897)

15 120 Turkey Foot Road

t y and place of worship for the D m e s t o ~ xma for

This resowce has 2jemed as 8 ~ ~ m m u n ic~ater
neafy 150 ye&. Since the church wiks first built ~ 1 8 5 6 the, stmctuse has evolved to meet the
gawing needs of its active conpg~tian.The earliest section sf thi: c k w ~ is
h a n~tewosfhyexample
of Craek Revival church ~ e h i t w t u r ewith
~ cclmsical pilmtew md pedinrented windows,

Before this slmctun was first buiit, worshipers froax vwiozls denonimti~nsattmdcd log ehmch
at Pleasant Ni'Els, new the it~tersectiorzof Dmcsta~raand Ge:mmto~vnRoads, As the lpcfpula~on
grew, residents begm buil&ag C ~ W C ~ Cfor members, A Prebflcsian conpegatioa o r g ~ z e d
S t11s;i~
w I X . DuFicF, who operat& a substmtial mil1 ~omplex
ia t 855 wit11 Zen T T ~ T E ' E ~ ~John and shipping
center (see DuFief Mill, #24JX 'J), donated tlree a c ~for s a Pmsb*yte~m Church, The cammsbazke sf
the churcfr was laid on Sqtember 14, 1856, and the cosnpl&& char& b~ildingwas dedic~bdon
Mgy 22, X 858.

The church buildi~~g

was exgat.~&d in the late V i c t ~ r i mera to a c c ~ m m ~ d a tits
e @owing
congegation, In 1587, re hlf tower and ~t-lzurchparlor were added to eke front of the o~ginall
Stai~ledglass windows ixxs~fldin 1985 replacd woodezz sash wirmdolws. In 1953-54, the
m~tMq w w rremodcled md a m a jiving was cstnstmcted,

The front seclian, built in 1897, exhibits late Victol.iarm fedwe$wittz a variety oS stylistic infiuences,
Pointed arch windows, md a trussed and bracket& door kaad ase chmcteristii: sf $'he m ~ c
Revival, populan:iga h c f i c mc b a ~ design
h from the 1$$Us, whiXe the p a t ~ m e dshingle desims md
round wcheci operaings in the as etFically placed k l i tower aa:e typical of late 19' century
iurchir~twe,not&ly the Shingle Style,

Busied in the church cemetev are the rmaino of early settl~mafDmestom, Civil Ww vrstwms,
incIWidingh & e w Small,benefactor of the firsf fo
md other sipificant loci4 i~dividup1l$,
in tke wet;and C&Q Canal lack keepers Pemyfield, Vio1e&md Riley, The iron f a c e smundhg
the cemeteryww ins&Berl in 1891,Praviowly tha fence had sussoundd the R d Brick Codouse,
in Rockvilfe.

Eazvironmental Setting: BmeX PG26,9-72 acres, including cemetes~b,The setting docs not include
ROB-contributingbuilding on the site,
mesqeake R: Ohio Carrd Resowces

29/30 Great Falls TavedCmmmelin Woust (1 8291'1831)

28/28 Lack #2Q:@eat Fat lo; (1 830)
Ifl 1531 the Cma3 Cumpmy ide~xiifiedGreat F~srilsas tfze ideal location S"as a tavern; md authorizd
fu~irncXsfor its consh~tian+ buiMing, completed in 1829, was a fairly t ~ i c astone
The ori@;i.flal t Eock
house af one land a hdf stories with cnd wal.11chimney, Far the tattern, thc roof of the lack house was
raised a1d a stone smund glory was dcfed. A new 2 % story front section was builr to the EW&,
dcsiped in the Federal style of mhitectwe populsas at the time. A two story brick whg with
barsement was added b 'Ihe south. A one story porch was built, extending across the central lack
house gection axd the sou& wing.
W. W* Fcnion, the lock-&=pa, "Qecm~e the first tavern keeper. By 1849, the tavern w a smarnd
Cr~rruneliazI-Iouse in hanor of a Dutchn~aninstmxeaxtd iin eEmtin3 Dutch loans to &e Ciff~aI
Comgar~y,The vicinity once suppsted a carnmunity o f buitdings ro 3upp.a~Rt:xtavern apemfioo,
iwluding kitehms, stamge rooms, and private residences,
Great Fails remAns a pogtxlx tofkPistdmtirxatioal md is ane o f the most heavily visited sites kt the
C&Q Cafsal Pak.
The uppernost .of rr series of six foeks, Lock #20 was com~pletcdk &E falf af 1 840-The: lock .\rum
odgix~~flyconstra~tedsf local Seoeca Saxldgtone, The lack h a bypass cwt irmn wickets in h e
gate packer Icdixzg into ia mwow cbmnc1 which di~c;Chdl:gain thee openings in the lock far filling
the lock with an eight foot tifk The lack features ew$ytype gate stmps, while the remainder aaf the
lack gales md hadware a e mobem.. Repain to the oxigiml ~eoptworkaver the years h ~ v been e
made with limestone, @mite, co~icrete,and cumnzon brick.

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