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School of Management Spring 2006


Instructor: Mine OZER

Class Time: Tuesday, 7-9:45

Class Location: SM 2.102
Office: SM 4.411
Office Hours: Tuesday 5-7 pm or by appointment
Phone: 972-883-4469

Required Reading: Hill, C. (2006) Global Business Today. 4th edition. Boston, MA:
McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Available at the on- and off-campus bookstore.

Course Objectives
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the fundamental concepts of
international business. Macro-economic issues such as country variability, globalization,
trade theory, and foreign direct investment will receive considerable attention, while we
will also explore the role that socio-cultural differences play at many levels of
international business. We will explore how economic, social, and cultural business
issues impact marketing, manufacturing, and commercialization decisions. Regardless of
your major, there is a good likelihood that you will be confronted by international
business decisions in your careers or graduate studies. You should leave this course with
a more worldly understanding of the challenges and opportunities of doing business
internationally and be able to apply this knowledge toward strategy decisions.

Your grade in this course is determined as follows:
Individual Assignments: Grading Scale
Mid-term Exam: 20 % 100 A+
Final Exam: 25 % 94-99 A
Individual Written Cases: 10 % 90-93 A-
Class Participation: 15 % 87-89 B+
84-86 B
Group Assignments: 80-83 B-
Written Group Case and 20 % 77-79 C+
Group Oral Presentations 10 % 74-76 C
(including peer evaluations) 70-73 C-
67-69 D+
64-66 D
60-63 D-
Below 60 F

One mid-term and one final exam will be given at designated points in the semester.
Although exams are non-comprehensive, the course material builds and integrates on
previous topics, thus certain questions may be answered from many angles and drawing
on many areas of the course demonstrates a superior learning experience. Exam format
could be in the question format of multiple choice, short answer, and/or short essay.

Requests for rescheduling an exam will be considered only with timely notification to the
instructor and appropriate documentation such as a written medical excuse or a note from
the academic dean. It is your responsibility to inform the instructor in advance of the
exam. Approval for rescheduling is at the discretion of the instructor.

Individual Case Assignments

All students are responsible for thinking about and answering the questions
corresponding to the cases. You may be called to present your answer. Thus, you should
be prepared for every case. However, students are only required to submit two cases for a
grade. Students may select which two cases they would like to submit (see the tentative
course schedule for the dates and names of cases). Note that these case assignments are to
be done on an individual basis.

Responses to the case questions are due in class on the due date of the case. The answers
should be concise and clearly address each question. Please limit your responses to no
more than 3 typed, double-spaced pages, in 12-point font. Write your complete responses
to each question using full, grammatically correct sentences. Include the number of each
question being answered in front of each answer, but do not rewrite each question.

Participation and Other Assignments

Attendance: It is expected that you regularly attend class, arrive punctually to class, and
remain up-to-date on assigned readings. Note that you are expected to read the assigned
readings before each class, and to be prepared to lead the discussion on cases. This will
facilitate meaningful discourse about the material. You are strongly encouraged to ask
questions and make comments on the material. You are also required to attend all group
project presentations. To help the instructor learn each student’s name and grade
“participation and contribution” as fairly as possible, you will prepare and bring a
“nameplate” to each class.

Current Event Presentation: In addition, you are expected to be aware of international

current events. Starting the third class period, members of a particular group (to be
assigned no later than the third class period) will be responsible for researching the
current world events, covering most regions of the world (i.e., East Asia, Eastern
Europe, Mexico/Latin America, North Africa/Middle East, South Asia/Southeast
Asia/Australia, Sub0Saharan Africa and Western Europe) and presenting this to the class.
Given that each group is responsible for covering the entire world, groups will decide
which group member will present the news about which region. Every member of the
group will individually research the news for a specific region of the world. In class, the
student will point to the country or region in which the event occurred on a map provided

by the instructor, give a brief summary of an event that occurred somewhere in the
region, mention how this event affects international business, and answer any questions
the class may have about this event. A copy of the page or printout from which the news
was taken should be given to the instructor with the student’s name on it after presenting
to the class. Students who are not present for their turn or do not complete the assignment
will receive a zero grade for this assignment. The date on which members of a group are
responsible for covering current events are listed in the syllabus.

Pop-quizzes: I may periodically assign additional assignments not listed on the syllabus. I
will randomly give a number of pop-quizzes. You are expected to complete these
assignments on time.

Your participation grade will reflect the degree to which you contribute to class, rather
than simply whether you are physically present. Excellent class participation is
characterized by consistently attending class, contributing to case (and other) discussions,
being well-prepared for the current event assignment, and demonstrating superior
understanding and insight on the material. Good class participation is characterized by
consistently attending class and contributing to class discussions as well as being
reasonably prepared for the current event assignment, while only occasionally
demonstrating superior understanding and insights on the material. Poor class
participation is characterized by inconsistently attending class and contributing to class
discussion, demonstrating a lack of preparation for the current event assignment, and
rarely demonstrating superior understanding and insights.

Country Project Report

Groups will be formed in the second week of class. Each group will be randomly
assigned a particular region of the world. Within this region, you may select one country
to research. A written note with your group’s selected country in this region must be
given to me no later than January 24, as I need to approve your country choice. For that
country, your group will survey the political, economic, cultural, trade, and monetary
environment. Use the chapters in the textbook and material discussed in class as a
guideline for areas to cover in the project report. In addition to covering the main topics
as listed above, each group is expected to outline the challenges and opportunities of
conducting business in the country and provide relevant guidelines for successful
international business ventures in the country based on their research about the country as
well as international business.

The written report should be 12-15 pages in length (typed, double-spaced, and error free
in 10-12 point font), excluding the cover page, table of contents, list of references, and
appendices. In addition to the main content, all written reports must include a cover page,
a table of contents, page numbers, a list of current references (minimum of 10), and an
appendix of key figures, charts, and the like. References should be written in American
Psychological Association (APA) or Modern Language Association (MLA) format. If
you are not familiar with these formats, consult manuals in the library. Current references
should come from a variety of sources such as journals, websites, and books. Do not use

the internet and textbook as your sole resources. You are encouraged to use headers and
sub-headers to label different sections of the paper. Since points will be deducted for
spelling and grammar mistakes, I strongly recommend that each group have its report
proofread prior to submission.

A detailed outline of the country project report is due on February 28. At this time,
groups will meet with me to discuss their progress and obtain feedback on their detailed
outline, which should list the main points that will be made for different sections of the
report. This is your opportunity to determine whether you are on the right track in terms
of content and format, so you are encouraged to have already thoroughly researched the
different portions of the paper and decided on a general organizational structure for the
paper. A hard copy of the final report is due at the beginning of class on April 11.
Each group is also required to email the instructor a soft copy of the report on
April 11 for a plagiarism check. An e-copy does not replace a hard copy. Both a hard
and e-copy are required to receive a grade for the project. Papers that have excessive
plagiarism (over 50%) will automatically receive a grade of zero, while those with
varying degrees of plagiarism will have points deducted based on the extent of the

Group projects will be graded as follows:

1) Content – 80%
This is the most important part of the report. This shows a group’s ability to find,
sift through, and compile information pertinent to this assignment. It also shows
your analytical ability in terms of determining the challenges and opportunities of
doing business in a country. Thoroughness, accuracy, and keen analysis should
come through in this portion of the paper.

2) Process – 20%
This refers to readability, flow, logic, organization, professional look, and writing
mechanics of the report. Reports should be clear, concise, structured in a logical
fashion and easily readable, with a logical flow of thoughts and ideas as well as
transitions between paragraphs. The report should be devoid of spelling and
grammatical errors. It should also look neat and professional, adhering to paper
specifications noted above.

Note that I will not re-assign individuals to a different group after the initial assignment
has been made. It is the group’s responsibility to work together. Students desiring
guidance on working with group members are welcome to ask me for advice. If group
members are unable to work together, they have the right to fire themselves or another
group member(s) from their group. In this case, the fired individual(s) must complete a
different country project report individually, with the same specifications described
above. Fired individual(s) should email me about being fired so that I can provide them
with a different country to research.

Country Project Presentation
Each group will present a brief summary of its findings. Group presentations should be
30 minutes in length and should cover key points. It is not necessary to present
everything in your papers: you should focus on a sub-sample of the most interesting
points and include recommendations for successful business ventures in the country. You
should also leave time for questions and comments from the class and be prepared to
garner class participation.

Creativity is encouraged in all presentations. You may wish to consider using role plays,
mock business meetings, interview formats, or other devices to maintain interest. You
should inform me two weeks prior to your presentation if you need any audio-visual
equipment in addition to a podium, LCD panel for a laptop, DVD player, VCR, document
camera, or whiteboard. Groups requiring use of a laptop should email me the necessary,
virus-free materials one day prior to the presentation so that my laptop can be used for the
presentation. This will reduce set-up time in class. If the file is too large to send via
email, please use a memory stick to save the information to be downloaded to my laptop
and make sure it is downloaded before class begins. Paper copies of any slides or other
materials used in the presentation should be given to me at the beginning of class on
April 11.

The country project presentation will be graded as follows:

1) Content – 60%
This aspect corresponds to what was written above about the group country
project report. Evidence of thoroughness, accuracy, and a quality analysis should
come through in the presentation.

2) Presentation – 20%
This area refers to general presentation skills. Students should be audible, come
across as confident and knowledgeable, and clearly state their points. Practicing in
advance is important and helpful.

3) Creativity – 20%
Be creative and have fun when giving presentations. Let your creative juices flow.
Do not simply read the paper aloud, but engage yourselves and the class in an
active, interesting, fun presentation. You may want to show PowerPoint slides, do
a skit, have a mock business meeting, produce a game show, or engage in other
innovative presentation formats.

Peer Evaluation: Each team member will evaluate the rest of the team members for their
contribution to group work. Details on how to calculate peer evaluations and how to
incorporate into the group projects are shown in the peer evaluation sheet.

Tentative Course Schedule
DATE TOPIC Chapter Assignments Due
01/10/06 Syllabus, Course overview, and Ch.1
01/17/06 National Differences in Political Ch.2
Economy Selection of groups
Differences in Culture Ch.3
01/24/06 Ethics in International Business Ch.4 Group 1: Current Events

Country Selection for Country

Project Report
01/31/06 International trade theory Ch.5 Group 2: Current Events

Political economy of international trade Ch.6 Case: Logitech (pp. 194-195)

02/07/06 Foreign Direct Investment Ch.7 Group 3: Current Events

Case: Ford and General Motors in

Russia (pp. 267-268)
02/14/06 Exam 1 Bring scantron sheet 882-E

02/21/06 Foreign Exchange Market Ch. 9 Group 4: Current Events

International Monetary System Ch. 10 Case: The Tragedy of The Congo (pp.
02/28/06 Group Meetings-Groups will meet
individually with the instructor to Detailed Outline of Country Project
discuss their progress and detailed Report
03/07/06 No Class- Spring Break
03/14/06 Strategy of International Business Ch.11 Group 5: Current Events

Case: Global Strategy at MTV

Networks (pp. 413-414)
03/21/06 Entering Foreign Markets Ch.12 Group 6: Current Events

Role Play Exercise: Complexity of

03/28/06 Global Production, Outsourcing and Ch.14 Group 7: Current Events
Case: Competitive Advantage at Dell
(pp. 493-494)
04/04/06 Global Marketing and R&D Ch.15 Group 8: Current Events

Case: Procter & Gamble in Japan (pp.

04/11/06 Country Project Presentations Country Project Report

04/18/06 Country Project Presentations

Exam Review
04/25/06 Final Exam Bring scantron sheet 882-E

Peer Evaluation Sheet

Team # ______________

Name __________________________

Name Self

• 1 (very unsatisfactory) – 2 (unsatisfactory) – 3 (neither satisfactory nor

unsatisfactory) 4 (satisfactory) – 5 (very satisfactory)
• if 1, then the person gets 0.2
• if 2, then the person gets 0.4
• if 3, then the person gets 0.6
• if 4, then the person gets 0.8
• if 5, then the person gets 1
• Then the participation score will be multiplied with the score one gets from group
case analysis. For example, if a student gets 25/30 for group case analysis and 3
from the peer evaluation, then the actual grade is 25/30*0.6 = 15/60, not 25/30.
• Be objective in evaluating other members in your group and specify reasons.
• The evaluation should be turned in on the final exam. Peer evaluation sheet will
be provided along with the exam booklet.
• If one fails to turn in the peer evaluation sheet, then everybody in the team
gets 4 (0.8).

Class notes, the syllabus, and other relevant course-related materials will be posted on
WEBCT. You may download this material from the website. In addition, you are advised
to check your messages on WEBCT prior to each class session. This will be the main
way of disseminating any messages or instructions relating to the course. Furthermore,
groups will have a message area on WebCT to facilitate communication about the
country project. Note that exams, written cases, the overall group country project report
(i.e. without peer evaluation), and country project presentation grades will be posted on
WebCT. WebCT can be accessed at using a UNIX ID and password.

Contacting the Instructor

Faculty have been requested to state in their syllabi that a university policy to protect
student privacy has been established. This policy states that faculty are not required to
answer student emails unless they come from a UTD email account. Therefore, you are
advised to contact me via my UTD email account from your own UTD account or
through WebCT.

Common Courtesy
You are expected to be courteous during class time. Please respect your fellow students
by turning off cell phones and beepers before class, refraining from talking with others
when someone is speaking, and arriving punctually to class. Also, note that laptop usage
during class is prohibited, as this is distracting to fellow students.

Scholastic Dishonesty
Any student who commits an act of scholastic dishonesty is subject to discipline.
Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarizing, colluding,
submitting for credit any work or materials that are attributable in part or fully to another
party, taking an exam for another person, and engaging in or attempting to engage in any
act designed to give unfair advantage to a student. The University of Texas at Dallas has
several procedures to deal with students who commit acts of scholastic dishonesty,
ranging from flunking the course to being expelled from the university. Visit for further information on this topic.

Note that this course has specific grade reductions due to plagiarism. Plagiarism is a
serious offense and points will be deducted for committing it. As noted in the section on
group projects, papers that have excessive plagiarism (over 50%) will automatically
receive a grade of zero, while those with varying degrees of plagiarism will have points
deducted based on the extent of the violation. Five points will be deducted for 1-9% of
the paper being plagiarized, ten points for 10-19%, twenty points for 20-29%,
thirty points for 30-39%, and forty points for 40-49% of the paper taken from other
sources. If you are not sure what plagiarism is or how to properly recognize sources, you
are strongly encouraged to talk with me before submitting written work.

Library Research
The following library site provides abundant data search engines that are helpful in
writing a paper.

Just searching company website and/or citing free web information is not enough. Take
advantage of the paid search engines in the library homepage. It contains the following
search engines. Should you have further questions, contact liaison librarians in the library
(Loreen Phillips, or visit

• Business and Company Resource Center

• Business Source Premier
• Business & Management Practices
• CCH Internet Tax Research Network (tax service)
• Wall Street Journal (1984-current)
• Academic Universe Lexis Nexis (then under Business)
• Disclosure Data from Academic Universe Click on Business, then Company Financial
(company financial info)
• Mergent Online (formerly Moody's FIS Online) (company financial information)
• National Trade Data Bank (NTDB)
• EconLit (economics)
• ECONbase
• PAIS (public affairs)
• Business Dateline (index to regional business publications)
• Business Organizations
• Regional Business News (from TexShare)
• EDGAR Financial Reports (company financial information)
• Social Sciences Abstracts
• Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science/Web of Knowledge)
• Essay & General Literature Index
• Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) (citation indexes)
• WorldCat (OCLC)
• General Databases (multidisciplinary)
• For psychology in the workplace: Psychology and Human Development Databases

Student Information Sheet
BA 4371 Section 022 – Summer 2005

General Information

Name: ____________________________
Phone # ____________________________

Email: ____________________________

Hometown/State or Country: ____________________________

Work experience (use back if necessary):

International experience (study abroad, travel, work, national origin, etc.) – include
length of time and country(ies)

Personal goals:

1. What do you hope to learn from this course?

2. What are your professional and/or academic goals?

3. Would you like to work abroad or in an international context? If so, please elaborate


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