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Values Statements
Felicia Snyder

I value learning
I consider every aspect of my life to be an area for learning. In my academic studies, I
think carefully and ask helpful questions in order to improve as a learner. In my interpersonal
interactions, I listen sympathetically so that I might better understand and learn from others. In
scripture reading and prayer, I assume the attitude of a student as I learn how to be a faithful
follower of Jesus. My pursuit of learning means that I am willing to challenge my own
understanding and consider new ideas with humility, discernment and openness.

I value teaching
As I pursue learning, I have a responsibility to share knowledge with others. The mutual
transference of knowledge is a significant part of my closest relationships. I am a teacher in
multiple capacities: as a language instructor, as a leader in my dorm, and as a sister to my
younger siblings. Teaching requires me to be humble and to forget my insecurities as I present
knowledge that I think is valuable. Teaching is also an informative process for me, helping me to
understand material better and illuminating areas for personal and professional improvement.

I value studying scripture

When I read a passage of scripture, I carefully consider its purpose within the larger
narrative of the Bible. While I affirm that scripture contains applicable truths that are relevant to
my life, I study scripture so that I can better understand what the writers are saying about Jesus

and the people of God. The books of the Bible are historically located, and I approach their study
as a humble newcomer encountering a new worldview. Studying scripture helps me to
understand the story surrounding Jesus mission and recognize my responsibilities in a world that
is being restored.

I value compassion
It is natural for me to listen to peoples personal challenges and afflictions. More than
that, I desire to understand how their experiences influence their behaviour. One of my particular
skills is my ability to see people clearly and make them feel comfortable around me. When
others confide in me, I listen sympathetically so that I may understand them, avoiding hasty or
unhelpful responses. My compassion for others motivates me to care for their temporal and
spiritual needs as I am able, empathizing with their grief.

I value encouragement
As I listen to others and know them better, I gain a clearer understanding of their
particular skills and abilities. I articulate these abilities so that I can encourage people in a way
that is honest and meaningful. Everyone possesses skills with which they can make a valuable
contribution to their community, and I encourage others to discover and use these skills so that
they can thrive in their roles. When I identify particular abilities in other people, they are inspired
to function more effectively in their roles.

I value hospitality
I am able to make people feel comfortable around me. I invite people to know me better

by sharing important parts of my life with them, and by being honest about my struggles and
questions. I affirm the importance of making others feel welcome in my life by serving them and
being willing to let them share their lives as they are comfortable. I do not limit my hospitality to
offering material comfort; I show respect and honor to people in daily conversations as well as in
my home.

I value the Church

I attend a weekly church service at a local Anglican parish in which I participate with the
congregation in meaningful liturgical petition, response and affirmation. I have consistently
attended other church services of various denominations in the past, and I have been involved in
leadership positions as a Sunday school teacher and a worship leader. I celebrate the diversity of
the universal Church, while I mourn the discord among its members. I affirm that Gods people
are represented among the countless church denominations around the globe. As one member of
that whole, I offer and accept correction with gentleness and humility whenever it is necessary.

I value creativity
I am a holistic being, and I value artistic creativity as much as cognitive intelligence. One
of my favourite aspects of teaching is the room for my creativity as I prepare my lessons.
Esthetic appeal is very important to me, and I use any available resources to create beautiful

space around me. Things like music and lighting are important factors in creating a reverent
atmosphere for my worship and prayer, and I consider this to be a reflection of my complexity as
a human being. I encourage creativity in its many forms as a way that people can communicate
deeply with each other.

I value mercy
I am keenly aware of my own faults, so when I receive mercy from other people or from
God, I am profoundly grateful. I am quick to forgive others when they do something wrong
against me or another person. I want to see justice done in the world, but I am not always wise
enough to know what is just. It is always my responsibility to show people mercy, because I
know how much God has forgiven me.

I value perseverance
If I am to choose any way to articulate my faith in Jesus, I must define it in terms of
perseverance. From my reading of the New Testament, I understand that perseverance in faith is
a mark of a truly devoted Christian (Rom 12:9-12; Phil 1:27-30; Col 1:11; 1 Tim 4:16; 6:11-12).
I am compelled to live rightly before God and among people, which means that I must be
compassionate, uncompromising and humble until the end of my life, in the hope of salvation.
Even when I experience difficult or confusing emotional states such as anxiety, I continue to act
in a manner that is loving toward others and faithful to God.

I value suffering
I do not find pleasure in suffering, but I consider it to be of deep value in many ways. My

suffering has helped me to persevere, and perseverance is of great spiritual value. When I have
mourned a loss, I have learned how to comfort others in similar cases of suffering. When I grieve
over my own inadequacy or my ability to hurt others, I can understand why mercy and
forgiveness are so important. If I suffer because of my faith in Jesus, I can be hopeful that God
will refine my character and give me comfort.

I value hope
My faith in Jesus is based upon the hope that he is sovereign and that he is restoring the
world. I live the way that I believe God wants me to live because I have hope that he will restore
me, too. When my friendships are strained, I have hope that through patience and selfless love,
they can be restored. I also have hope that the work I do has purpose; whether I am studying in
school or teaching English, I am aiming for something greater than what already exists.

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