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* To solve Ax = b given an initial approximation x(0).
* INPUT: the number of equations and unknowns n; the entries
A(I,J), 1<=I, J<=n, of the matrix A; the entries
B(I), 1<=I<=n, of the inhomogeneous term b; the
entries XO(I), 1<=I<=n, of x(0); tolerance TOL;
maximum number of iterations N.
OUTPUT: the approximate solution X(1),...,X(n) or a message
that the number of iterations was exceeded.
#define true 1
#define false 0
double absval(double);
void INPUT(int *, double *, double [][11], double *, int *, int *);
void OUTPUT(int, double *, int, double);
double A[10][11],X1[10],X2[10];
double S,ERR,TOL;
int N,I,J,NN,K,OK;
INPUT(&OK, X1, A, &TOL, &N, &NN);
if (OK) {
/* STEP 1 */
K = 1;
OK = false;
/* STEP 2 */
while ((!OK) && (K <= NN)) {
/* err is used to test accuracy - it measures the
infinity-norm */
ERR = 0.0;
/* STEP 3 */
for (I=1; I<=N; I++) {
S = 0.0;
for (J=1; J<=N; J++) S = S - A[I-1][J-1] * X1[J-1];
S = (S + A[I-1][N]) / A[I-1][I-1];
if (absval(S) > ERR) ERR = absval(S);
/* use X2 for X */
X2[I-1] = X1[I-1] + S;
/* STEP 4 */
if (ERR <= TOL) OK = true;
/* process is complete */
else {
/* STEP 5 */
/* STEP 6 */
for(I=1; I<=N; I++) X1[I-1] = X2[I-1]; }
if (!OK) printf("Maximum Number of Iterations Exceeded.\n");
/* STEP 7 */

/* procedure completed unsuccessfully */

else OUTPUT(N, X2, K, TOL);
return 0;
void INPUT(int *OK, double *X1, double A[][11], double *TOL, int *N, int *NN)
int I, J;
char AA;
char NAME[30];
printf("This is the Jacobi Method for Linear Systems.\n");
*OK = false;
printf("The array will be input from a text file in the order:\n");
printf("A(1,1), A(1,2), ..., A(1,n+1), A(2,1), A(2,2), ..., A(2,n+1),\n");
printf("..., A(n,1), A(n,2), ..., A(n,n+1)\n\n");
printf("Place as many entries as desired on each line, but separate ");
printf("entries with\n");
printf("at least one blank.\n");
printf("The initial approximation should follow in same format.\n\n\n");
printf("Has the input file been created? - enter Y or N.\n");
if ((AA == 'Y') || (AA == 'y')) {
printf("Input the file name in the form - drive:name.ext\n");
printf("for example: A:DATA.DTA\n");
scanf("%s", NAME);
INP = fopen(NAME, "r");
*OK = false;
while (!(*OK)) {
printf("Input the number of equations - an integer.\n");
scanf("%d", N);
if (*N > 0) {
for (I=1; I<=*N; I++) {
for (J=1; J<=*N+1; J++) fscanf(INP, "%lf", &A[I-1][J-1]);
fscanf(INP, "\n");
for (I=1; I<=*N; I++) fscanf(INP, "%lf", &X1[I-1]);
/* use X1 for XO */
*OK = true;
else printf("The number must be a positive integer.\n");
*OK = false;
while(!(*OK)) {
printf("Input the tolerance.\n");
scanf("%lf", TOL);
if (*TOL > 0) *OK = true;
else printf("Tolerance must be a positive number.\n");
*OK = false;
while(!(*OK)) {
printf("Input maximum number of iterations.\n");
scanf("%d", NN);
if (*NN > 0) *OK = true;
else printf("Number must be a positive integer.\n");

else printf("The program will end so the input file can be created.\n");
void OUTPUT(int N, double *X2, int K, double TOL)
int I, J, FLAG;
char NAME[30];
printf("Choice of output method:\n");
printf("1. Output to screen\n");
printf("2. Output to text file\n");
printf("Please enter 1 or 2.\n");
scanf("%d", &FLAG);
if (FLAG == 2) {
printf("Input the file name in the form - drive:name.ext\n");
printf("for example: A:OUTPUT.DTA\n");
scanf("%s", NAME);
OUP = fopen(NAME, "w");
else OUP = stdout;
fprintf(OUP, "The solution vector is :\n");
for (I=1; I<=N; I++) fprintf(OUP, " %11.8f", X2[I-1]);
fprintf(OUP, "\nusing %d iterations\n", K);
fprintf(OUP, "with Tolerance %.10e in infinity-norm\n", TOL);
/* Absolute Value Function */
double absval(double val)
if (val >= 0) return val;
else return -val;

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