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Int. j. econ. manag. soc. sci., Vol(4), No (2), February, 2015. pp.


TI Journals

International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences


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Comparative Study of the Relationship between the Components of

Organizational Trust and Organizational Health among Managers and
Employees of the Kerman Municipality Technical and Development
Assistance and Contractors
Ayyub Sheikhy
Department of Management, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran.

Leila Asgharpour*
Department of management, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerrman, Iran.
*Corresponding author:



Organizational health
Organizational trust
Lateral trust
Vertical trust
Institutional trust

The purpose of this study has been comparative study of the relationship between the components of
organizational trust and organizational health among managers and employees of the Kerman municipality
Technical and Development Assistance and contractors. In this research in terms of nature and purpose of the
study the descriptive-correlation method is used. Statistical population consisted all managers and employees of
Kerman municipality- Technical and Development Assistance and contractors in 2014. They were 1890 people,
1273 municipal managers and employees and 617 managers and employees. By using sample size calculation
formula Cochran the sample size was estimated 185 people and a sample proportional to the size of the sample
was selected by simple random sampling method. To collect data two standard questionnaires of organizational
trust (Alonen et al., 2008) and organizational health (Hoy, Tartar and Katkamp, 2000) were used. Their reliability
coefficient for the Municipal Organizational Health Questionnaire was 0.807 and for municipality Organizational
Trust questionnaire was determined 0.940. Cronbach's alpha of the questions in the questionnaires for the final
implementation was 0.890 for contractors' organizational health questionnaire and it was determined 0.965 for
contractors' Organizational Trust questionnaire. To analyze the data, the Pearson correlation coefficient,
multivariate and univariate variance analysis test were used. The results showed that the correlation between the
components of organizational trust (vertical trust, institutional trust) with organizational health among managers
and employees of the municipality of Kerman is higher than contractors and in lateral trust it is (0.2) percent
higher among contractors than Kerman municipality. Generally, there is a significant positive correlation in
Kerman municipal managers and employees and contractors on organizational trust and organizational health.



In theoretical literature on management and organization, we are getting a new discussion and it is the organizational health. Organizational
health means a situation beyond the organizational short-term effectiveness and a combination of relatively high durable features and includes
the survival of the organization in its environment, adjusting to it and promoting and development of the organization's ability to adapt more.
This term that was used for the first time to describe aspects of organization continuity and survival, emphasizes organization's ability to survive
and adapt to the environment and improve these abilities [1].
In fact, the only ability of the organization is not doing tasks effectively, but it includes the organization ability for continuous growth and
improvement. In healthy organizations there are committed employees with high morale and performance and open communication channels and
high success rate. A healthy organization remains stable, not only in its environment, but in long time it can be able to adapt to its environment,
and creates capabilities needed for its survival and expand them. Members of the teaching staff in a healthy organization, show high interest to
each other and their jobs and they have high morale, in such an organization scientific high-level goals but achievable for employees are set [7].
Organizational health creates a pleasant environment to work and effort, increasing constructive spirit, and achieving organizational goals. In a
healthy organization, "cooperation" can be seen in doing things; these dont mean accepting the "homogeneity" and changing the organization to
a lifeless and dead inventory. Individuals in a healthy organization do not fear to express their disagreements; hot ideological professional debates,
that are enthusiastic and constructive in friendly atmosphere of a healthy organization represents organizational belonging by the staff [9].
Organizational health means the organization's ability to maintain the survival and adaptation with environment and improving these abilities [1].
If an unhealthy atmosphere has been established in the organization it can prevent the personal development of and annoy the educational staff
and consequently efficiency and effectiveness of the educational system decreases to a very high level [13].
We can say that trust in a company or institution, improves the quality of communication within the organization, cooperation, work
performance, innovation, strategy, commitment, involvement and relationships with stakeholders and partners, and of course it causes the
customers' satisfaction and lack of trust causes indifference among employees, reducing their motivation and slow implementation of the
programs [10].
Lack of trust or weak trust of employees to the organization and management makes the following behaviors:

Silence and indifference among employees to the organization fate and plans, lack of effective understanding between employees and
management actions and different interpretation of the management messages.

Low motivation of staff to perform the assigned tasks and low commitment of staff to the organization

Slow implementing programs and organizational changes and lack of attention to the speed and time in making trust decisions can be
manifested in two ways in the organization. The importance of trust in social interactions and functions it has for the organization is
obvious. So as by increasing trust and health, the links between the people are formed and.... accordingly the researcher sought to answer
the question that how can the organizational health and organizational trust correlation among managers and employees with contractors
be determined in other words, is the correlation between organizational trust and organizational health among managers and employees
of Kerman is more or contractors?

Ayyub Sheikhy , Leila Asgharpour *


International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(4), No (2), February, 2015.


Research literature

2.1 Trust Theories

Literature related to the organizational trust suggests that relationships based on trust, have an important role in increasing the ability of the
leader to shape and influence on the organizational followers. Researchers suggest that trust between members of the organization is essential for
the stability of the organization [5]. In organization theory, the importance of trust was stated in human relations school originally and it was
based on the assumption that productivity, flexibility and growth of the organization naturally comes from development of staff. Theorists like
Mc grigor, Likert and Arjeris, Zetoumca, Sashkin, Giddens, support the idea that trust is an essential element for the success of the organization.
2.1.1 Zetoumca theory
According to Zetoumca theory, modern societies pay particular attention to the issue of trust, he related some aspects related to probability and
uncertainty that is characteristic of the modern era, to the trust with certain elegance, the most important of these features are mentioned below:
The present world is affected by human purposeful efforts, so in the face of the future people must actively develop trust. Due to globalization
and specialization of roles, functions and styles of life cooperation within communities or at all local, national and international levels have been
in desperate need, but the uncertainty areas have also increased. So, by increasing the dependence of individuals to others' collaboration, trust
will have subsequent importance, it means dynamic process of global interdependence requires trust as an essential condition for cooperation.
Technological and civil development, while having undeniable usefulness has some unusefulness, such as environmental catastrophes, etc. This
makes our products fail to properly be calculated irregularly so dealing with these vulnerabilities in risky society needs public trust. Due to the
fact that at present we have many different selections in most of areas such as consumption, education, etc, so, the more accessible options are
there for people, their future decisions will be less predictable and this refers to us to our party in a balance form, so in selecting alternative
action, we must consider trust.
Due to the anonymity of large parts of the contemporary world and to deal properly with the ambiguity of the social environment we have to
trust each other.
In today's world, there are many people who are unknown to us, but we benefit from their products and in fact we are dependent on them. We
have to trust their capability, responsibility and good faith.
The growing presence of unfamiliar people in social media and contact with them is one of the things that emphasize people need to trust each
Trust is associated with risk and kinds of risks associated with trust, is mainly associated with human volitional actions which are done
knowingly, it means trust is concerned with risks associated with the future that human will create.
Zetoumca doesnt consider difference between social trust and trust between the people very significant. And he believes both cases are in social
categories, for example, it is likely that trust is related to factors such as gender, ethnicity and race, religion, wealth and associated stereotypes
and prejudices.
Zetoumca raises the issue of relativity in relationship between trust and expectations, So he argued that due to the diversity of expectations,
trust content is relatively variable, this means that there is no absolute trust, but trust is proportional [1].
2.1.2 Sashkin theory
Sashkin defines trust as: Trust that employees feel toward their manager and to believe in what the manager tells them. He integrated three
approaches of sensory-central, mental-central and sensory- mental to trust as an evolutional theory of trust. Reliability and stability factors in his
theory are constituent elements of trust.
Sashkin believes that reliability means trust in performing what the person intends to do. Stability as well as credibility has value and
importance. Sashkin believes reducing the ambiguity is one of the necessary performances for managers. When managers in organizations
reduce ambiguity, more effective efficiency and more creativity is created and employees' stress reduces substantially. Assessing risk and
vulnerability levels is easier when the situation is less ambiguous. So the more situation is ambiguous it is less likely that people trust each other
2.2 Organizational health theories
Indicators are needed to understand the human environment. In other words, indicators are tools for understanding the issues of human life. If the
number of markers used by a person is more than and its efficiency level is more advanced and quality of correlation is clearer he will achieve
greater understanding, on the other hand, understanding more sophisticated issues requires the more advanced indicators [9].This section
describes the different theories of organizational health and eventually one of them is the basis of this research.
2.2.1 Miles Theory
Miles defined organizational health in 1969 and while proposing a plan for assessing organizations health, he noted that the organization won't
be always safe [8].
Miles defines a healthy organization as an organization that not only lasts in its environment but in a long period of time sufficiently
compromises and it expands strengths of its survival and adaptation continuously. What is clear in this definition is that a healthy organization
faces with external forces successfully and directs its forces effectively for the goals and objectives of the organization. The organization
performance on a given day may be effective or non-effective but long-term symptoms in healthy organizations is favorable efficacy [7].
Miles has presented ten features for defining organizational health; these features are in conflict with each other and interact with each other. In
assessing organizational health these ten features will be measures of this phenomenon in the current situation of behavioral science and with
regard to the position that the social and organizational phenomena are complex, evaluating them by one measure is impossible. Therefore,
selecting a multi-criteria approach for such measures is important.
The first three characteristics of organizational health, is related to organizational task including purposes, transferring information and ways to
influence to decision making.
Focus on the goal: in a healthy organization, system purpose or purposes are clear and acceptable to its members, however, clear purpose and its
acceptability should be considered as a necessary and inadequate condition for organizational health, and also the aim should be attainable and
appropriate and more or less consistent and compliant with environmental applications considering the available resources.
Adequacy of communications: since organizations, such as small groups, are not simultaneous encountering systems, flow and delivery of
information is very important. Adequacy of communication means that there are communications relatively free of distortion in the horizontal
and vertical directions as well as between the organization and its environment and information is working well. In a healthy organization, the
internal pressures are felt immediately. There is not enough information to diagnose problems of an organization, and organization employees
obtain information required to perform work without waste effort or refer to others, without frequent meetings.


Comparative Study of the Relationship between the Components of Organizational Trust and Organizational Health among Managers and Employees of the Ker...
International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(4), No (2), February, 2015.

Optimal distribution of power: In a healthy organization, distribution of influence power and impact is relatively fair. Subordinates can influence
upward, more importantly, each superior can affect its superior. In such an organization, although undoubtedly there is a conflict between groups
as any group of human but the group struggles to access power is not bitter and unpleasant. Cooperation between people replaces overt or covert
coercion; correlation in interactions is considered instead subordinate- boss relations. In a healthy organization, influencing originates not from a
character or other irrelevant factors, but it originates from the knowledge, competencies and work-related information.
The second group of dimensions of organizational health is related to organizational internal state and needs to maintain its members including
use of resources, unity and cohesion, and morale.
Use of resources: When in human level, we talk about a second grade student as a normal person we would say he is working in his talent and
ability. In other words, class educational system, perceives him to cooperate in purpose direction and appropriately. At the organizational level,
implicitly indicates that the health in system inputs, in particular among its employees, is so effectively used. Overall coordination in the
organization is such that individuals do not work extremely and they aren't idle and vicious too. In a healthy organization, people may work too,
but do not feel that they are acting against their will or against their organization. There is fitness between job demands and expectations of the
people. People are finding themselves in a reasonable sense, in other words, not only they feel good but in working with organizations they learn
to grow and flourish personally.
Unity and cohesion: Healthy person is who has a clear sense of his identity and who knows himself and loves his additionally. His stance and
attitude towards life is so that even when some of his behaviors are unwelcome or ineffective, he doesnt feel inferiority and disgrace. In this
analogy, the organizational health means that your organization knows itself, its members are attracting to join the organization, they wants to
survive, to be affected and influence it.
Morale: This concept in the psychological and sociological literature is so vague that its application is with doubt. Implication of the welfare is
happiness or satisfaction, but satisfaction is not sufficient for the existence of health. A person may while deny his emotions, hatreds and inner
conflicts by success states that he is satisfied and happy. However, the application of the morale concept in the organization is useful. Morale is
the state of the person's feelings about the feelings of well-being, satisfaction, and for satisfaction. Loss of morale results from feelings of
unwanted discomfort, distress and dissatisfaction.
Finally four other dimensions of organizational health related to growth and changing are: Being innovative, self-adaptation, environment
adaptation and problem-solving competence.
Being innovative: a healthy organization tends to create new procedures, to move toward new goals, to produce new products and to be different
during the time, in other words, in the case of such an organization, it can be said that instead of staying constant, it grows and develops and
changes-up. Reconstruction and modernization are its organizational health attributes.
Self-adaptation: Healthy person acts by desire and the will and almost ha has no need to be dependent and obedient to external resources and he
has no need to rebellion against society. Likewise, a healthy organization, it doesnt act passively according to external demands and it doesnt
consider itself as the environment tool also its reaction to the environment, isnt sabotage and rebellion. It tends to have a kind of autonomy from
the environment and while having interacts with environment it does not consider the environment as determinant of their behavior.
Environment adaptation: Autonomous features and being innovative indicate that a healthy person, group, or organization is in an effective and
realistic relationship with the environment, when environmental demands and organizational resources are not consistent, a problem-solving
approach of reconstruction where both the environment and the organization are different. In addition to change itself, the organization must be
able to adapt to its environment or to have its related sections of the environment to solve discrepancy between the self and the environment
Problem-solving competence: Finally, a healthy organism has always some pressure and a lack of efficiency and effectiveness. The issue is not
problems but it is how the system is facing problems and solving this problem. Argris believes that in an effective organization problem-solving
is done with the least energy and problem-solving mechanisms are not undermined but they are maintained and strengthened. So an efficient
organization to have an understanding of the existing problems, finding solutions, implementing them and evaluating their effectiveness has an
appropriate structures and procedures. Such an organization, considers its operations (to achieve goals, or for maintenance of the system, or to
solve the problems of adaptation and adjustment) controllable and it can actively overcome the problems.
Miles has expressed the above as the dimensions of healthy organization subjectively and ambiguously.
2.2.2. Benis Theory
Benis (1962) suggests the following three criteria in definition of organizational health:
Adaptability: the ability to solve problems and respond appropriately to the environment changeable needs.
Determining sense: the concept of knowledge and insight needed to detect the presence of the organization itself, goals it must follow and work
to be done. Capacity to test reality: it means ability to discover, detailed understanding and accurate interpretation of actual environmental
characteristics, particularly those who are the functions of the organization [6].
2.2.3 Parsons theory
Parsons (1967) defines a healthy organization as: all social systems to be developed and survive have to adapt themselves to the surrounding
environment, to mobilize related resources to achieve their objectives, coordinate their activities and to motivate their employees. In this case
their safety will be guaranteed.
By mentioning three levels of organizational control (institutional level, the administrative level, technical level) Parsons considers an
organization as a healthy organization in which institutional, administrative and technical levels coordinated to each other, this means that in
addition to satisfy the institutional and expressive needs, the organization encounters successfully with foreign forces to guide their force in the
direction of the organization main goal [10].
Organizational health is a framework for conceptualizing general organizational climate. The concept of positive health in an organization brings
attention to the conditions that facilitates the organization growth and development and causes organizational dynamics, which is not a new
2.2.4 Hoy and Tarter Theory
Levels and dimensions of organizational health in Hoy, tartar and Katcamp view (2000) include:
A) Institutional level: connects organizations with their environment.
1- Institutional integrity: Organization's ability to adapt to its environment in a way that unity, cohesion and integrity of its program will
be preserved.
B) Administrative level: Supervises the department of management of the organization:
2- Manager Influence: Directors and managers' ability to influence their superiors, to encourage them to pay more attention to the
organization issues, not to encounter hierarchical and bureaucratic hurdles, not to be dependent on a superior.
3- Consideration: Managers' leadership behavior that is open, friendly, supportive and collegial.

Ayyub Sheikhy , Leila Asgharpour *


International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(4), No (2), February, 2015.

4- Initiating Structure: Manager's behaviors in determining work relations with staff.

5- Resource Support: Providing essential supplies and materials for organization activities and employees job requirements.
C) Technical level: produces product.
6- Morale: notes to the collective sense of friendship, openness and mutual trust between the organizations.
7- Academic Emphasis: the extent to which organization requires scientific and technical excellence and tries to achieve it.
So this theory has been used as organizational health theory in this paper.

Organizational trust

Organizational health

Lateral trust


Vertical trust


Institutional trust

Resource Support



Figure 1. Conceptual model of research


Research hypothesis

3.1 The main hypothesis

Correlation between organizational trust and organizational health among Kerman municipality managers and employees is weaker than this
relationship among the contractor.
3.2 Sub-hypotheses
1- Correlation between lateral trust and organizational health among managers and employees of Kerman municipality is weaker than this
relationship among contractors.
2- Correlation between vertical trust and organizational health among managers and employees of Kerman municipality is weaker than this
relationship among contractors.
3- Correlation between institutional trust and organizational health among managers and employees of Kerman municipality is weaker than
this relationship among contractors.



The present study was an applied research to collect data in fieldwork research method and it is a descriptive correlation study. Descriptive study
describes what it is, and in this study we measured the correlation between organizational health and organizational trust. Therefore, research is
Standard questionnaire of organizational trust was used to collect data [4] and Standard questionnaire of organizational health [7] were used to
collect data. Content and construct validity method was used to confirm the questionnaire reliability and Cronbach alpha was used for
conforming organizational health questionnaire reliability. Cronbach alpha for questionnaire of organizational health was 0.807 and for
questionnaire of organizational trust was 0.940. Test hypotheses method: Pearson correlation coefficient (partial) and nonlinear regression.
The statistical population in this study consisted of employees and managers working in the field of technical assistant and Development (1273
people) and managers and employees working in the field of technical assistant and development are (617 people). Total number is 1,890
people. In this study, the following equation is used to calculate the required sample size (Cochran formula):


In which p=q=0.5
Z: The unit normal variable, corresponding to trust level 95% (z=1.96)
d: The amount of allowable error = 0.06
N: Limited population size=1890

+ .


Comparative Study of the Relationship between the Components of Organizational Trust and Organizational Health among Managers and Employees of the Ker...
International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(4), No (2), February, 2015.

The sample size needed for the research is:


( .

. .
) + ( . ) . .

Calculating nonlinear regression

Nonlinear regression is used for algorithms used to match nonlinear stochastic functions on the data gathered. The goal here is random fit on the
data collected to obtain the maximum coefficient of determination. The important point to perform nonlinear regression is that the input data are
quantitative and qualitative data are only acceptable if they enter the regression device dummy and zero-one variable. After determining the
objective function that is one of the following functions, with different search and resume the random function on the relationship between the
dependent and independent variables is developed to find the best combination.
Organizational health= a+ Institutional trust (0.353) + vertical trust (0.178) + lateral Trust (0.227)

Lateral trust
Organizational health

Vertical trust
Institutional trust

Figure 2. Structural model of Institutional trust, vertical trust and lateral Trust
Table 1. Correlation between research variables
Institutional trust

Vertical trust

Lateral trust

Organizational health







Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)


Organizational health

Lateral trust

Vertical trust

Institutional trust

Pearson test results indicate that there is a positive and significant relationship between organizational trust indicators and organizational
components. Significance level of all parameters is less than 0.05.
Table 2. Fitness indicators of confirmatory factor analysis

Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA)
Goodness-of-Fit Index (GFI)
Adjusted Goodness-of-Fit Index(AGFI)

Fitness indicators shown in Table 2 are used in order to evaluate the fitness of the desired model with data.

The root mean square error of approximation for good models is 0.05 or less. Models their index is 0.1 or more have weak fitness.
Trust interval can be calculated for this index. Ideally trust interval should be very close to the zero and its upper bound shouldnt be
too large. As it can be seen, the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) in this model is 0.046 that it can be said it is in
good condition.

The more the goodness of fit index (GFI) Adjusted goodness of fit index (AGFI) is closer to one; the model has better fitness to the
data. In the model, these two indices are 0.94 and 0.90 respectively, which indicates a good fit of the model.
Table 3. Results of standardized coefficients and significant numbers (confirm or reject hypotheses), path analysis model
Approve or reject the hypothesis


Standardized coefficient

Organizational health
Organizational health
Organizational health
Organizational health

Lateral trust
Vertical trust
Institutional trust
Organizational trust


Ayyub Sheikhy , Leila Asgharpour *

International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(4), No (2), February, 2015.

Figure 3. Structural model of lateral trust, vertical trust, institutional trust in significance

Lateral trust

Vertical trust

Institutional trust





Figure 4. Structural model of Institutional trust, vertical trust, lateral Trust and Organizational trust
Table 4. Results of regression test on the influence of organizational trust indices on organizational health

Entry of variables simultaneously

The multiple correlation coefficient
Coefficient of determination
modified coefficient of determination
The standard error
Significant level

Table 5. regression test coefficient on the influence of organizational trust indicators on organizational health





The independent variable




Lateral trust
Vertical trust
Institutional trust



Comparative Study of the Relationship between the Components of Organizational Trust and Organizational Health among Managers and Employees of the Ker...
International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(4), No (2), February, 2015.

The results of the regression test between these two variables suggests that among the 185 responding patients regression coefficient significant
=0.000 equal to R = 0.570 has been calculated. Since this significance level is less than our desired significance level =0.05 so we have
sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis, so our null hypothesis is confirmed and our main hypothesis is rejected. Therefore, we conclude
that for changing in a unit of standard deviation in institutional trust, lateral trust, vertical trust and institutional trust, organizational commitment
is predictable as 0.227, 0.178, and 0.253.


Discussion and conclusion

The main hypothesis

The obtained results from correlation coefficient test show that there is a positive significant relationship among Kerman municipality managers
and employees between organizational trust and organizational health. Since this significance level is less than our significance level that is
=0.05, we dont have sufficient evidence to reject our null hypothesis, consequently, our null hypothesis is confirmed and our main hypothesis
is rejected. So we conclude that there is a significant relationship between organizational trust and organizational health among Kerman
municipality managers and employees. But the intensity of this relationship was greater in the municipal employees. And the intensity of this
relationship among municipal managers and employees was strong and among contractors was average.
Current research findings are consistent with Mehdi Shariatmadari research (2009), in his research entitled "studying the relationship between
organization health with Kerman school managers efficiency" stated that there is a significant relationship between all dimensions of
organizational health and organizational efficiency.
Also they are consistent with research conducted by Elham Sarrafzade (2003). He also examines the relationship between components of
organizational health and organizational trust among high school female teachers in Isfahan city. Results showed that there is a positive
significant relationship between concentration on purpose, adequacy of communication, optimal distribution of power, use of resources, unity
and cohesion, morale, innovative, self-adaptation, self-sufficiency and organizational trust among high school female teachers in Isfahan.
The first hypothesis
Since this significant level is less than our desired significance level =0.05 so we dont have sufficient evidence to reject our null hypothesis,
therefore our null hypothesis is confirmed and our main hypothesis is rejected. This means that there is a significant relationship between lateral
trust and organizational health in Kerman Municipality employees and contractors but this relationship among contractors is more intense and
relationship in both groups has been moderate.
The second hypothesis
The obtained results of correlation coefficient test suggest that there is a positive and significant relationship among municipality managers and
employees with contractors between vertical trust and organizational health. Since this significant level is less than our desired significance level
=0.05 so we dont have sufficient evidence to reject our null hypothesis, therefore our null hypothesis is confirmed and our main hypothesis is
rejected. This means that there is a significant relationship between vertical trust and organizational health in Kerman Municipality employees
and contractors but this relationship among managers and employees is more intense and relationship in both groups of managers and employees
has been high and among contractors has been moderate.
The third hypothesis
The obtained results of correlation coefficient test suggest that there is a positive and significant relationship among municipality managers and
employees with contractors between institutional trust and organizational health. Since this significance level is less than our desired significance
level =0.05 so we dont have sufficient evidence to reject our null hypothesis, therefore our null hypothesis is confirmed and our main
hypothesis is rejected. This means that there is a significant relationship between institutional trust and organizational health in Kerman
Municipality employees and contractors but this relationship among managers and employees is more intense and relationship in both groups has
been moderate.




Since the research results show, organizational trust is related positively and significantly to organizational health, so municipality
managers and contractors should try to use all factors effective on attracting employees trust.
Since the research results show, trust to colleagues is related positively and significantly to organizational health, so municipality
managers and should try to develop partnership among employees to establish trust among them. So by this method organizational
health will be more positive.
Since the research results show, lateral trust is related positively and significantly to organizational health, so municipality managers
and contractors should try to have more interact with employees to use their ideas in promoting organization quality to increase the
understood lateral trust.
Since the research results show, institutional trust is related positively and significantly to organizational health, so municipality
managers and contractors should try to pay attention to all effective organizational factors on employees' job satisfaction to be more
Given that each of the organizational structures is affective on confidence level in the organization, so the municipality should
gradually get away from the mechanical structures and get closer to the living and organic flexible structures.
Given that managers' efficiency affects employees' organizational trust, this is especially essential in regard to the appointment of
contractors' mid-level managers who work closely with staff.
Using scholars and experts' in-service training courses should be provided to managers in the field of organizational health concept and
Administrators should pay attention more physical and mental health, occupational health, morale, engagement, technical expertise,
motivation and among employees and take necessary measures to improve this situation.
In order to increase customer responsiveness power the organization should reduce the organizational hierarchy.

Ayyub Sheikhy , Leila Asgharpour *


International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(4), No (2), February, 2015.


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