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== Smart Moving 15.

0 ==
+ removed ModLoader support
+ removed Bukkit support
+ removed Standalone support
+ splitted up Smart Moving to multiple mods
+ upgraded to Minecraft version 1.7.2
== Smart Moving 14.6.1 ==
+ fixed support for Carpenter s Blocks ladders
== Smart Moving 14.6 ==
+ added support for Carpenter s Blocks ladders
== Smart Moving 14.5 ==
+ upgraded to Minecraft version 1.6.4
== Smart Moving 14.4.1 ==
+ fixed climbing over fences
== Smart Moving 14.4 ==
+ applied code changes suggested by "kotoroshinoto" at "" whic
h will probably fix a lot of climbing compatibility problems
== Smart Moving 14.3 ==
+ fixed player disconnect when ceiling climbing on Smart Moving servers with "al
+ fixed name tag position while small
+ fixed viewpoint perspective fading
+ fixed sprinting speed
== Smart Moving 14.2 ==
+ fixed control name/code converters for mouse buttons
+ updated bukkit installation package to CraftBukkit 1.6.2-R0.1
== Smart Moving 14.1 ==
+ improved Minecraft Forge jump event compatibility
+ upgraded to Minecraft version 1.6.2
== Smart Moving 14.0 ==
+ improved rendering system to support additional Render Player API models
+ upgraded to Render Player API 1.2 or higher
== Smart Moving 13.9.1 ==
+ fixed chat line disappearing when the exhaustion bar is displayed
== Smart Moving 13.9 ==
+ changed the Minecraft Forge mod ids
+ upgraded to Minecraft version 1.5.2
== Smart Moving 13.8 ==
+ improved Minecraft Forge integration
+ added support for Chupmacabre's Ladder Kit mod
== Smart Moving 13.7 ==
+ updated bukkit installation package to CraftBukkit 1.5.1-R0.1
== Smart Moving 13.6 ==
+ improved cobweb handling
+ improved animations of other SMP players
+ added dutch language file

== Smart Moving 13.5 ==

+ added basic climbing support for unknown fence or wall blocks
+ added Ropes+ rope sliding animation
== Smart Moving 13.4 ==
+ fixed hunger decrease when poisoned
+ upgraded to Minecraft version 1.5.1
== Smart Moving 13.3 ==
+ added third person bow aiming animation for all moves
+ fixed rendering of arrows sticking in player
== Smart Moving 13.2 ==
+ merged Standalone client and server installation packages
+ upgraded to Minecraft version 1.5
== Smart Moving 13.1 ==
+ merged Minecraft Forge client and server installation packages
+ fixed exhaustion loss while riding another entity
+ fixed sprinting to walking transition
+ fixed invisible key binding management
+ updated russian language file
== Smart Moving 13.0 ==
+ added environment verification
+ added player specific server configuration management
+ added player specific server speed management
+ fixed sound creation
== Smart Moving 12.5 ==
+ fixed swimming from/to standing transitions when climbing or crawling is disab
+ fixed key binding options management in non-MacroKeybind and non-MinecraftForg
e environments
== Smart Moving 12.4 ==
+ added optional horizontally aligned flying and diving controls
+ removed option dependent options/controls menu button removal
+ removed option dependent options/controls menu sneak button naming
+ fixed grab button behavior when climbing is disabled
+ fixed rendering while riding a minecart
+ fixed sliding incompatibility with the ModularPowersuits mod
+ made ModLoader or Minecraft Forge client package depend on PlayerAPI universal
1.6 or higher
== Smart Moving 12.3 ==
+ added support for MCPC+
== Smart Moving 12.2 ==
+ fixed key collisions between game and chat/menu control
+ updated bukkit installation package to CraftBukkit 1.4.7-R1.0
== Smart Moving 12.1 ==
+ updated bukkit installation package to CraftBukkit 1.4.7-R0.1
== Smart Moving 12.0 ==
+ added key binding options for configuration and speed buttons when appropriate
+ removed chat help messages when corresponding key binding options are availabl


restored default speed while Smart Moving is disabled

restored sneaking animation while flying while Smart Moving is disabled
restricted default in-game speed manipulation to creative mode
upgraded to Minecraft version 1.4.7

== Smart Moving 11.12.1 ==

+ fixed rendering of arrows sticking in player
+ changed name of ModLoader client package
== Smart Moving 11.12 ==
+ added unknown ladder block detection
+ fixed hunger increase while standing still
+ upgraded to Player API universal 1.3 or higher
== Smart Moving 11.11 ==
+ upgraded to Minecraft version 1.4.6
+ fixed Minecraft Forge server installation package
== Smart Moving 11.10 ==
+ updated bukkit installation package to CraftBukkit 1.4.5-R1.0
+ added cobblestone wall edge climbing
+ added native user interface disabling
+ added jump charge interface
+ improved exhaustion interface
== Smart Moving 11.9 ==
+ restored Ropes+ compatibility
+ fixed speed and jump boost potions
== Smart Moving 11.8 ==
+ fixed doubled hunger increase
+ fixed rendering of arrows sticking in player
+ fixed in-game speed manipulation for various smart moves
== Smart Moving 11.7 ==
+ upgraded to Minecraft version 1.4.5
+ fixed standalone server installation package
== Smart Moving 11.6 ==
+ upgraded to Minecraft version 1.4.4
+ added cobblestone wall climbing
== Smart Moving 11.5 ==
+ changed default wall jump trigger from single to double click
+ optionalized triggers for climb back up/head jumping
== Smart Moving 11.4 ==
+ upgraded to Minecraft version 1.4.2
== Smart Moving 11.3 ==
+ disabled wall jumping while swimming, diving and flying
+ added climb back jumping while climbing on vines attached to a block
+ fixed sprint jumping
== Smart Moving 11.2 ==
+ added wall jumping
+ switched triggers of climb back up/head jumping
+ changed climb jump exhaustion system
+ fixed client chat message overwriting
+ fixed world specific server packet sending

== Smart Moving 11.1 ==

+ fixed option mouse button name resolving
+ removed crawling on mounting a boat in shallow water
+ fixed sending complex options from server to client
== Smart Moving 11.0 ==
+ separated improved player model from smart moving render code
+ upgraded ModLoader client package to Render Player API 1.3 or higher
== Smart Moving 10.6.1 ==
+ fixed first person hand rendering
== Smart Moving 10.6 ==
+ refactored player model
+ fixed double half slab detection
+ added optional flying close to the ground
+ updated bukkit installation package to CraftBukkit 1.3.2-R1.0
== Smart Moving 10.5 ==
+ fixed key collisions between game and chat/menu control
+ fixed in-game speed manipulation options
== Smart Moving 10.4 ==
+ fixed chat message options
+ updated russian language file
+ updated brazilian language file
== Smart Moving 10.3 ==
+ added in-game speed manipulation
+ improved chat message displaying
+ fixed hunger management
+ upgraded ModLoader client package to Player API client 1.3 or higher
+ upgraded Standard server packages to Player API server 1.4 or higher
+ upgraded Bukkit server package to Player API bukkit 1.1 or higher
== Smart Moving 10.2 ==
+ removed vine climbing with back to far vines
+ added default "grab" and "sprint" key options
+ added brazilian language file
== Smart Moving 10.1.1 ==
+ fixed entity collision crashes while being small sized
== Smart Moving 10.1 ==
+ fixed item pickup crashes while being small sized
+ updated russian language file
== Smart Moving 10.0 ==
+ relocated classes from "net/minecraft/move" to "net/smart/moving"
+ relocated resources from "lang/move" and "gui/move" to "net/smart/resources"
+ added in-game global configuration toggling
== Smart Moving 9.17 ==
+ fixed Minecraft Forge server installation package
+ fixed frontal third person view swinging animation
== Smart Moving 9.16 ==
+ improved item pickup while being small sized
+ fixed diving through deep 1x1 holes

== Smart Moving 9.15 ==

+ added separate creative server configuration key option
+ added separate adventure configuration options
+ fixed packet redistribution bug
== Smart Moving 9.14 ==
+ added installation package for CraftBukkit 1.3.1-R2.0
== Smart Moving 9.13.1 ==
+ fixed side jumping
== Smart Moving 9.13 ==
+ added support for Better Blocks & Items stairs
+ added support for Metal Rods iron trapdoors
+ stopped exhaustion bar drawing while Smart Moving is disabled
+ fixed ceiling climbing startup speed
+ improved climbing animation realism
== Smart Moving 9.12 ==
+ added exhaustion system interface
+ added free climbing support for wooden half slabs
+ fixed standalone item placement
+ fixed server standalone small size suffocating
== Smart Moving 9.11 ==
+ upgraded to Minecraft version 1.3.2
== Smart Moving 9.10 ==
+ added support for Better Blocks & Items fences
+ fixed jumping while running while Smart Moving is disabled
== Smart Moving 9.9 ==
+ added modloadermp server package
+ fixed SMP small movement suffocation bug
== Smart Moving 9.8 ==
+ added standalone server package
== Smart Moving 9.7.1 ==
+ fixed standalone installation packages
== Smart Moving 9.7 ==
+ added ModLoader client package
== Smart Moving 9.6 ==
+ upgraded to Minecraft version 1.3.1
== Smart Moving 9.5 ==
+ added ceiling climbing block configuration option
+ officially upgraded to bukkit 5.0
== Smart Moving 9.4.4 ==
+ fixed climbing over lava on bukkit server
== Smart Moving 9.4.3 ==
+ fixed GUI coloring while enchanted items are present
== Smart Moving 9.4.2 ==
+ improved robustness of packet receiving

== Smart Moving 9.4.1 ==

+ fixed standard lava movement
== Smart Moving 9.4 ==
+ fixed name tag position while small
+ added name tag hiding while crawling
+ added optional name tag showing while standard sneaking
+ added optional no crawling over edges
+ added support for CraftBukkit++
== Smart Moving 9.3 ==
+ improved reading of toggle key name
+ added accessors for proprietary model renderers
+ added model wide children rendering
+ fixed standalone installation packages
== Smart Moving 9.2 ==
+ added support for child model renderers to proprietary model renderer
+ changed internal render registration for improved third party support
+ fixed Render Player API management when running with Minecraft Forge
+ officially upgraded to bukkit 4.0
== Smart Moving 9.1 ==
+ fixed serious render problem in the modloader installation package
+ fixed climbing solid detection for Circuit Cubes slime blocks
== Smart Moving 9.0 ==
+ added support for Render Player API
+ improved jumping out of water
+ fixed configuration toggle persistence
+ fixed water depth detection for swimming in shallow water
+ fixed diving to crawling next to water
+ fixed diving to crawling below water
+ fixed jumping out of water when headed to small hole right above water level
+ fixed swimming to crawling in small hole right above water level
+ fixed swimming to crawling in shallow water
+ fixed crawling into shallow water
== Smart Moving 8.8 ==
+ improved liquid detection for swimming
+ added lava swimming and lava diving in creative
+ added item usage speed penalties for all movements
+ disabled sprinting while using an item
+ fixed post inventory head rotation
== Smart Moving 8.7 ==
+ attenuated bukkit teleport deactivation while being small
+ updated russian language file
== Smart Moving 8.6 ==
+ upgraded Bukkit server package to Player API bukkit 1.3 or higher
+ fixed disable Smart Moving via server configuration crash
+ added support for bukkit server "reload" command
== Smart Moving 8.5 ==
+ improved architecture of server packages
+ added russian language file

== Smart Moving 8.4 ==

+ added server installation package for all bukkit server types
+ removed server installation package for MC Port Central bukkit server
+ fixed crawl falling without damage bug
+ fixed perspective while sprinting up stairs
+ added fading for viewpoint perspective changes
== Smart Moving 8.3 ==
+ fixed head jumping, crawling or sliding into lava bug
+ fixed crawl falling into water bug
+ fixed flying to sliding transition
== Smart Moving 8.2 ==
+ added support for Minecraft Forge server
== Smart Moving 8.1 ==
+ fixed climbing into Ropes+ grappling hook rope
+ fixed climb back jump rotation remote animation
+ added Ropes+ grappling hook back rope climbing
+ added sliding to head jumping transition
+ improved flying to walking transition
== Smart Moving 8.0 ==
+ moved client-server communication from ModLoaderMp to ModLoader
+ removed client installation package for ModLoaderMp
+ added support for MC Port Central bukkit server
+ added support for Ropes+ for MinecraftForge
+ fixed top half block climbing
== Smart Moving 7.8 ==
+ added climb up jumping
+ added climb back jumping
+ added climb back head jumping
== Smart Moving 7.7.1 ==
+ fixed crashes of client installation packages
== Smart Moving 7.7 ==
+ fixed pressure plate climbing
+ added client side support for SBC
== Smart Moving 7.6 ==
+ upgraded to Minecraft version 1.2.5
== Smart Moving 7.5 ==
+ added support for MC Port Central bukkit server
== Smart Moving 7.4 ==
+ added support for ModLoaderMp client & server
== Smart Moving 7.3 ==
+ upgraded to Minecraft version 1.2.4
== Smart Moving 7.2 ==
+ improved door climbing
== Smart Moving 7.1 ==
+ fixed bed climbing
+ fixed flying into lava bug
+ fixed crawling when free climbing is disabled


fixed client side server configuration overwrite for options ""

"move.dive" and "move.swim"
made vine auto grabbing depend on vine orientation and remote block solidness
disabled charged and slide jump exhaustion on default "Easy" configuration
switched default value of option ""
removed climbing onto compact stairs in walking direction
improved upside down full stair climbing

== Smart Moving 7.0.1 ==

+ fixed head wear rendering
+ fixed inventory player rendering
== Smart Moving 7.0 ==
+ added standard vine climbing
+ added vine upwards climbing
+ upgraded to ModLoaderMp 1.2.3 v3
+ added total free ladder climbing option
+ added total free vine climbing option
+ fixed creative initial flying bug
== Smart Moving 6.14 ==
+ upgraded to Minecraft version 1.2.3
== Smart Moving 6.13 ==
+ added initial options help message
+ added third person hand animation for all moves
+ fixed crawling to flying transition
== Smart Moving 6.12 ==
+ officially updated to Craftbukkit 1.1-R4
+ upgraded Bukkit server package to Player API bukkit 1.3 or higher
+ improved Ropes+ rope climbing
+ fixed Ropes+ grappling hook rope climbing
+ fixed climbing animation for other SMP players
+ fixed small movement to sleeping transitions
+ fixed sleeping animation
== Smart Moving 6.11 ==
+ fixed falling through ground when jumping
== Smart Moving 6.10 ==
+ officially updated to Craftbukkit 1.1-R3
+ upgraded Bukkit server package to Player API bukkit 1.2 or higher
+ disabled sprint jump to sliding transition
+ disabled small levitation in disabled mode
+ fixed head jump charging while sprint falling
+ fixed inventory animation
== Smart Moving 6.9 ==
+ added Bukkit-ModLoaderMp support
+ fixed holding while standard ladder climbing
+ improved packet sending code robustness
+ improved server net handler replacement robustness
+ fixed inventory animation
== Smart Moving 6.8 ==
+ fixed climbing open trap doors while on
+ fixed many to crawling transitions when
+ moved sneak/crawl toggle options to the
+ fixed third person item usage rendering

a ladder
crawl toggle is enabled
client side only options
while standing/sneaking/walking


adapted proprietary sneaking animation to standard sneaking animation

fixed multiplayer item placement while being small sized
fixed arm model rotation while diving
improved localization system

== Smart Moving 6.7 ==

+ adapted to Minecraft 1.1 fence gate collision box
+ fixed crawling to flying transition
+ persisted client side server configuration across world changes
== Smart Moving 6.6 ==
+ upgraded to Minecraft version 1.1
== Smart Moving 6.5 ==
+ fixed back jump configuration bug
+ fixed client side server configuration overwrite bug
== Smart Moving 6.4 ==
+ fixed climb crawling while crawl climbing stand up bug
+ fixed sliding to climb crawling bug
+ added separate charged jump exhaustion
+ added separate slide jump exhaustion
== Smart Moving 6.3 ==
+ eased packet corruption bug
+ added base exhaustion gain factor
+ fixed sliding into water bug
+ fixed climbing over lava
+ simplified jump options
+ improved options file
== Smart Moving 6.2 ==
+ upgraded ModLoader client packages to Player API client 1.5 or higher
+ stopped replacing instances of "GuiIngame" at runtime
+ changed default "sneaking while swimming or diving in deep water" behavior
+ fixed non exhaustive jump oscillation while sprinting
+ fixed crawling and sliding persistence while falling
+ fixed icons covered by chat text
+ improved sliding particle emission
+ added swimming particle emission
== Smart Moving 6.1.1 ==
+ fixed a stupid server bug in the ModLoaderMp server package that crashed the g
+ added ModLoaderMp for Bukkit installation sources
== Smart Moving 6.1 ==
+ added Bukkit-ModLoaderMp support
+ fixed option "move.climb.ladder"
+ fixed option ""
+ fixed option "move.swim"
+ fixed option "move.dive"
== Smart Moving 6.0 ==
+ added server configurations
+ added multiple option configurations
+ added separate communication protocol versions
+ removed fast water walking while grabbing
+ fixed lava player height reduction
+ fixed Aether class cast crash

== Smart Moving 5.10 ==

+ added side & back jump double click speed option
+ reduced default side & back jump double click speed
+ fixed exhaustive sprint oscillation when sprinting above ground
+ fixed climbing while standing in shallow water
+ added diving into 1x1 holes while in shallow water
== Smart Moving 5.9 ==
+ upgraded ModLoaderMp client package to Player API client 1.3 or higher
+ upgraded ModLoaderMp server package to Player API server 1.6 or higher
+ fixed climb crawling into 1x1 hole while standing with solid above head
+ fixed SMP spawning in 1x1 holes
== Smart Moving 5.8 ==
+ upgraded ModLoaderMp server package to Player API server 1.5 or higher
+ improved side & back jump implementation
+ reduced jump height and length options set
+ added exhaustion deplete and restore forecasts
+ reduced movements while chatting
+ fixed SMP crawling auto stand up damage
+ fixed endless ice sliding
== Smart Moving 5.7 ==
+ reduced ceiling climbing strictness
+ improved hunger and exhaustion management
+ added nether fence climbing
+ added side and back jumps
== Smart Moving 5.6 ==
+ upgraded ModLoader client packages to Player API client 1.2 or higher
+ added SMP sprint slashes for smart sprinting on ground
+ added optional diving down instead of diving slow on sneak
+ added optional swimming down instead of swimming slow on sneak
+ added hunger management for all movement types and speeds
+ reduced charged jump cancel happiness, made old behavior optional
+ added exhaustion management for climbing and ceiling climbing
== Smart Moving 5.5.1 ==
+ fixed automatic generation of configuration file
== Smart Moving 5.5 ==
+ fixed forward jumping to standard flying transition
+ fixed forward jumping to standard swimming transition
+ added optional small movement for standard flying
+ added exhaustion management for standard sprinting
+ added exhaustion loss options for sprinting, standard sprinting and sneaking
+ improved calculation of maximum exhaustion
+ added option default value upgrade system
== Smart Moving 5.4 ==
+ added sprint slashes for smart sprinting on ground
+ made closed trapdoors ceiling climbable
+ improved glass and iron fence climbing
+ fixed climbing onto front stairs
+ fixed fence climbing
== Smart Moving 5.3.1 ==
+ fixed multi player climbing bug

== Smart Moving 5.3 ==

+ added support for ModLoaderMp client & server
+ made ModLoaderMp server package depend on PlayerAPI server 1.3 or higher
+ upgraded ModLoader client packages to Player API client 1.1 or higher
+ partially fixed fence climbing
+ cleaned up readme file
== Smart Moving 5.2 ==
+ upgraded to Minecraft version 1.0.0
== Smart Moving 5.1 ==
+ restored Ropes+ climbing on disabled Smart Moving
== Smart Moving 5.0.1 ==
+ fixed first person hand rendering bug
+ fixed player head wear rendering bug
+ fixed player ears rendering bug
+ fixed player cape rendering bug
== Smart Moving 5.0 ==
+ added automatic generation of configuration file "smart_moving_options.txt"
+ added swim and dive speed options
+ added jump, forward jump and slide control movement speed options
+ improved horizontal roation animation
+ improved forward jumping animation
+ disabled flying to sliding transition when not grabbing
+ fixed SPC's SSP standard flying
+ fixed jumping while sneaking in water
+ fixed diving up while sneaking
+ fixed jumping while forward jumping after running
+ fixed perspective changes when sprinting downhill
== Smart Moving 4.14 ==
+ improved sliding animation
+ added sprinting to sliding transition
+ disabled forward jumping to climbing transition
+ disabled jumping while sliding
+ fixed finite liquid ocean water bug
+ fixed unintentional jumping when running down while jump charging
+ fixed forward jump charging sprint speed while standard sprinting
+ fixed sliding to crawl climbing transition
== Smart Moving 4.13 ==
+ added forward jumping
+ added sliding
== Smart Moving 4.12 ==
+ fixed Ropes+ grappling hook climbing
+ fixed Ropes+ rope unwinding speed
+ readded support for Finite Liquid mod
+ fixed charged jumping behavior
== Smart Moving 4.11 ==
+ changed Bukkit-ItemCraft support to ItemCraft 1.8.1v2
+ added optional support for Ropes+ ropes
== Smart Moving 4.10 ==
+ fixed strafing when diving/flying up/down
+ added sprinting to all swimming/diving/flying directions
+ fixed sprint diving against ground exhaustion bug

+ fixed diving levitation animation

== Smart Moving 4.9 ==
+ reduced alternative flying player height
+ fixed SPC flying jump exhaustion bug
+ added flying animations to SPC flying
== Smart Moving 4.8 ==
+ fixed climb start when falling damage bug
+ added climb start when falling options
== Smart Moving 4.7.2 ==
+ fixed craft GUI closing error of both Bukkit packages
== Smart Moving 4.7.1 ==
+ fixed Better than Wolves climbing crashes for blocks without names
== Smart Moving 4.7 ==
+ added support for Better than Wolves ropes and anchors
+ disabled sprinting exhaustion without movement for climbing
+ disabled sprinting for ceiling climbing during horizontal collisions
+ disabled sprinting for flying during collisions
== Smart Moving 4.6 ==
+ fixed RedPower wire cover climbing bug
+ fixed some cloak render problems
+ improved decompilability
== Smart Moving 4.5 ==
+ added Bukkit-ItemCraft support
+ added Bukkit-ModLoaderMp support
== Smart Moving 4.4 ==
+ fixed Standalone (mc-hw-np) flying and falling crashes
+ fixed ModLoaderMp SMP climbing down ground arrival damage
== Smart Moving 4.3 ==
+ added ceiling climbing for iron fences
+ fixed alternative flying backwards
== Smart Moving 4.2 ==
+ added alternative flying
+ added flying and falling animations for other SMP players
+ added sprinting for standard flying
+ fixed standard flying down animation
+ fixed standard flying speed
== Smart Moving 4.1 ==
+ fixed SMP climbing server fall damage
+ added item usage slow down options
== Smart Moving 4.0 ==
+ added backward swimming
+ added backward diving
+ added climbing for iron fence
+ added climbing for thin glass
+ added climbing for fence gates
+ added climbing for brick stairs
+ added climbing for stone brick stairs
+ fixed crawling animation of other SMP players

== Smart Moving 3.11 ==

+ added optional flying animation
+ added optional falling animation
== Smart Moving 3.10 ==
+ merged standard sprinting and smart sprinting
+ added standard sprinting particles and perspective to smart sprinting
+ added infinite smart sprinting in creative mode
+ added smart sprinting perspective option
+ added standard sprinting options
+ added optional hunger gain on exhaustion loss
== Smart Moving 3.9 ==
+ fixed flying in creative mode
+ fixed item usage slowdown
== Smart Moving 3.8 ==
+ fixed climbing from closed trapdoors
+ fixed default sprinting speed
== Smart Moving 3.7 ==
+ fixed climbing fall damage system error
+ fixed mouse button input system error
+ fixed first person hand and item rendering
== Smart Moving 3.6 ==
+ upgraded to Minecraft version 1.8.1
== Smart Moving 3.5 ==
+ fixed icon drawing while sleeping
+ fixed first person hand rendering
+ fixed swimming in BuildCraft oil
== Smart Moving 3.4 ==
+ reduced incompatibilites by switching to PlayerAPI 1.7
+ fixed icon drawing while colored messages are displayed
== Smart Moving 3.3 ==
+ added Bukkit-ItemCraft installation package
+ fixed a crawl climbing SMP animation bug
== Smart Moving 3.2.1 ==
+ fixed dysfunctional ModLoader installation package
== Smart Moving 3.2 ==
+ added animations for other players in SMP
== Smart Moving 3.1 ==
+ added trapdoor free climbing
+ added jump charge bar to game overlay
+ removed game settings replacement
+ restored toggling smart moving features in-game
+ fixed rendering when mod is disabled while in water
== Smart Moving 3.0 ==
+ refactored ModLoader client packages to use Flan's PlayerAPI Mod
+ thereby probably fixed many SMP bugs
+ and sacrificed Aether 1.01 integration

== Smart Moving 2.17 ==

+ added Aether Mod 1.02 integration
+ fixed aether no-cape render bug
== Smart Moving 2.16 ==
+ improved swimming & diving
+ added FiniteLiquid water recognition
+ restored "sneaking" while riding
+ fixed many little bugs
== Smart Moving 2.15 ==
+ added exhaustion bar to game overlay
+ improved armored feet scale rendering
+ fixed aether gloves under active shield render bug
== Smart Moving 2.14 ==
+ fixed stuck in crawling bug
+ improved horizontal water to air transition
+ fixed crawling in shallow moving water
+ made ladder auto grabbing depend on ladder orientation
+ restored strafing for swimming and diving
== Smart Moving 2.13.1 ==
+ fixed a class loader bug in both modloader client packages that crashed the ga
me when no aether mod was present
== Smart Moving 2.13 ==
+ improved aether player rendering
+ fixed rendering when mod is disabled while in water
== Smart Moving 2.12 ==
+ removed server standalone package
+ splitted client ModLoader(Mp) package into seperate ModLoader and ModLoaderMp
+ removed configuration possibilities from ModLoaderMp client & server packages
+ removed server communication of new ModLoader client package
== Smart Moving 2.11 ==
+ added ModLoaderMp server package
+ made ModLoader client package compatible with ModLoaderMP
+ fixed mysterious cobblestone appearances in SMP while climb crawling
== Smart Moving 2.10 ==
+ fixed RedPower wire climbing bugs
+ fixed sign climbing bugs
+ fixed RedPower wire cover crawl climbing bugs
+ fixed some sneak/crawl/toggle bugs
== Smart Moving 2.9 ==
+ added optional sneak toggling
+ added optional crawl toggling
== Smart Moving 2.8 ==
+ improved RedPower compatibility (wires and wire covers <=> climb & crawl)
+ improved BuildCraft compatibility (pipes <=> climb & crawl)
+ really changed ladder climbing default
+ fixed crawling auto standup problems
+ fixed swim sneaking jump bug
== Smart Moving 2.7 ==

+ added free ladder climbing

+ changed ladder climbing default
+ improved gap climbing to ladder climbing
== Smart Moving 2.6 ==
+ improved fence wall and fence rope free climbing
+ fixed little climbing animation problems
+ made climbing direction area angles configurable
+ reduced default climbing direction area angles
+ added charged jumps
== Smart Moving 2.5 ==
+ fixed bed climbing
+ made jumping optional, exhaustive and massively configurable
+ added longer exhausting sprint jumps by default
== Smart Moving 2.4 ==
+ fixed configuration flags default values
+ fixed standalone package dc-kv-lr
+ added Aether Mod integration
== Smart Moving 2.3 ==
+ added standalone SMP server package
+ added configurable client server communication
+ fixed SMP crawling in 1x1 passages at server
== Smart Moving 2.2 ==
+ added configurable key to toggle smart moving features in-game
+ added free climbing into crawl gaps when sneaking while climbing up
+ massively improved climb-crawl-walk transitions
== Smart Moving 2.1 ==
+ disabled smart moving when "riding" something (like boats, minecarts or pigs)
+ fixed sleeping while crawling problems
+ fixed minecraft crashes when changing dimension
+ fixed a render bug that crashed the game when you set the view to "third perso
n" and then load a saved game where you sat in a boat
== Smart Moving 2.0.1 ==
+ fixed a stupid multiplayer bug in the modloader package that crashed the game
== Smart Moving 2.0 ==
+ renamed "climb" button to "grab" button to reflect additional usages
+ renaming "sneak" button to "hold" button if sneaking is disabled to reflect it
s additional usages
+ added solid but not normal blocks to the crawling stand up blockers
+ disabled jumping after standing up in shallow water while swimming
+ the climb/grab button can now be released while crawling without standing up
+ fixed animation when sneaking if sneaking is disabled
+ fixed animation when holding via sneak button while free climbing
== Smart Moving 1.9 ==
+ added swimming and diving in shallow water
+ fixed diving collision detection
+ added switching between walking and swimming or diving in shallow water
+ added jumping when walking in shallow water
+ fixed crawling state loss on save
+ fixed automatic crawling teardown
== Smart Moving 1.8 ==

+ added crawling
+ disabled climbing along inaccessible edges
+ made sneaking optional
== Smart Moving 1.7 ==
+ updated to Minecraft 1.7.3
+ removed MCP mod package (MCP mods not at 1.7.3 yet)
== Smart Moving 1.6 ==
+ fixed swimming over down floating "still" water problem
+ added automatic pulling towards edge when climbing down
+ fixed entity id alignment in multiplayer
+ fixed multiplayer respawn crashes
== Smart Moving 1.5 ==
+ added horizontal free climbing speed factor option
+ added sprinting to climbing
+ fixed headwear rendering
+ fixed feet-only climbing rendering
+ fixed missing first person hand while swimming or diving
+ fixed individual climb & sprint key settings loss on exit
+ fixed vertical dive sprinting
+ improved diving up by jumping
+ added proper fence handling
+ added free fence climbing option
+ fixed jumping while climbing on ground
== Smart Moving 1.4.1 ==
+ fixed a stupid diving render bug that crashed the game
== Smart Moving 1.4 ==
+ fixed respawn crashes in singleplayer and multiplayer for modloader package
+ fixed idle diving animation
== Smart Moving 1.3 ==
+ fixed player position and inventory loss in singleplayer in modloader package
+ disabled swimming and diving in moving water
== Smart Moving 1.2 ==
+ fixed multiplayer support for modloader package
+ fixed multiplayer support for Minecraft-nx package (now Minecraft-nx-xb packag
+ added free climbing speed factor options
+ fixed "climb holding via sneak button" feature
== Smart Moving 1.1 ==
+ added exhaustion for sprinting
+ added sneaking to swimming and diving
+ improved mutual cancellation between sneaking and sprinting
+ added swimming stand and sneak aminations
== Smart Moving 1.0 ==
+ changed mod name to reflect the implementation of swimming, diving and sprinti
== Smart Climbing 1.8 ==
+ added sprinting for walking, swimming and diving
== Smart Climbing 1.7 ==
+ added alternative swimming animation

+ added alternative diving animation

== Smart Climbing 1.6 ==
+ fixed various bugs & problems
+ added alternative swimming
+ added alternative diving
== Smart Climbing 1.5 ==
+ added alternative standalone mod package
+ added support for MCP Mods
+ added support for ModLoader
== Smart Climbing 1.4 ==
+ enabled climbing in water/lava
+ improved free climbing animations
+ normalized speed when "sneaking" while free climbing
+ reduced number of modified class files
== Smart Climbing 1.3 ==
+ removed the stepping sounds while and right after free climbing
+ added climbing animations for free climbing
+ added climbing sound for free climbing
== Smart Climbing 1.2 ==
+ added compact stair edge detection for all climbing types
+ added a missing down climbing holding scenario
+ added diagonal grabbing (to climb around outer edges)
+ faster climbing up & down speeds when free climbing with all limbs
+ sneaking while free climbing will hang on to the edges (similar to sneaking wh
ile ladder climbing)
== Smart Climbing 1.1 ==
+ added climbing down in free climbing mode
+ added appropriate damage when starting free climbing while falling
+ disabled free climbing when falling too fast
+ improved free climbing usability (more like ladders now)
== Smart Climbing 1.0 ==
+ updated to Minecraft 1.6.6
+ changed mod name to reflect the implementation of free climbing
+ reset version number
+ added changelog file
+ added options version number
== Smart Ladder Climbing Speed 3.0 ==
+ added free climbing
+ added options file (for maintaining old versions behaviour when needed)
+ added readme file
== Smart Ladder Climbing Speed 2.0 ==
+ increased ladder climbing speed when steppable holes are in walls nearby
== Smart Ladder Climbing Speed 1.0 ==
+ added different climbing speeds for different hands and feet climbing combinat

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