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1. Define HRM.
Human Resource Management is the art of procuring, developing and maintaining
competent workforce to achieve organizational goals efficiently and effectively.
Human resource management is to make the most productive use of human resource to
the greatest benefits of the organization and individuals.
2. What are the operative functions of Human Resource Management?
The operative functions of HRM are related to specific activities of personnel
management that is employment, development, compensation and industrial
relations. These functions are to be performed in conjunctions with managerial functions.
3. List the objectives of Human Resource Management
Ensure human resources are employed cost-effectively
Make effective use of workforce potential
Match the workforce to the business needs
Maintain good employer / employee relation
4. What is E- Recruitment?
E-Recruitment is the process of personnel recruitment using electronic resources,
in particular the internet Eg:,
5. What are the different roles of a HR manager?
Service Provider
6. Write any four challenges to HRM.
Global challenge
Workforce diversity
Economic and technological change
Legal environment
Changing Nature of work

7. What is a HR Policy?
Policy refers to plan of action i.e standing plan that serves to guide the performance of
work towards the organization. HR Policies refer to pre man-made management
decisions affecting the employer-employee relationship.
S.Najma, Assistant Professor, MAM College of Engineering, Trichy

Human resource policies are systems of codified decisions, established by an
organization, to support administrative personnel functions, performance management,
employee relations and resource planning. Eg: Recruitment (60% marks from schooling
Human resource policies are the formal rules and guidelines that businesses put in place
to hire, train, assess, and reward the members of their workforce.
8. What do you mean by E-HRM?
E-HRM is the planning, implementation and application of information
technology for both networking and supporting at least two individual or collective actors
in their shared performing of HR activities.
9. Mention any two applications of computer in HR.
1. Recruitment, (For Job Postings and retrieval of
suitable candidates)
2. Training and Development ( Power point Presentations )
10. Write a note on Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS).
It is a systematic way of storing data and information for each individual
employee to aid planning, decision making, and submitting of return and reports to the
external agencies.
11. What is Human Resource Accounting?
The American Accounting Associations Committee on Human Resource
Accounting (1973) has defined Human Resource Accounting as The process of
identifying and measuring data about human resources and communicating this
information to interested parties.
12. What is HR Audit?
The Human Resources (HR) Audit is a process of examining policies, procedures,
documentation, systems, and practices with respect to an organizations HR functions.
HR Audit is a tool for evaluating the personnel activities of an organization. The audit
may include one division or entire company.

S.Najma, Assistant Professor, MAM College of Engineering, Trichy

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