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stxoiogital ttits.




CHIDAMBAR.All }YER, B. A., r. T s.





Ind l




) - .





TBDE is probably not one subjectt which is 80 ill u

aeratoodl whicth 10 many people pretend to know, and on
which so tnany arc prepared to exptea an opinion, as the
subjttct of .Astrologr. The Indinn proverb truly says that
there is no man who is nnt a bit of a physician and an
astrologer J and it is equally t.rue that there is n<> subject
which is so ill uudersto<d as these two. The fatct is that.
Ute .Lroad ml'dical and nstaologica.l principles are so tna.ny
that everybody of necessity learns a few of these, bu
experiences a difficulty in tnast.ering all of them.
It would be interesting to note the vnrions subjects
with wbich astrology is confounded. Peraons with well
developed intuitions are often found to make correct pre"
dictions of events. The Yogis are persons of this descrip
tion. Their peculinr knowledge is certainly not the
result of any siudy of nstrologioal works. We also find
a.nother class of men who imitnte these :tnen and also
make sttikiog datement.. Birmingham gold is often taken
for stetling gold J German silver for pure silver J and we
1\ va1iety of inferior atones, whik-t red and green that nre
often mistaken for diumonds1 rubies aud emeralds. 'l'be
world is full of this dual chnracter of things. Every depnrt
meut of fuuo knowledge bus its inferior counterpart J and so
we h&Ve 1\ number of men who, possessiug no occult powen,
but aecoriug ho help of a few elemental spirits, practise
imposition on the ignornnt public. But the world is uot
without a touchstone to detect the hollowness of their pre
tensions: these men \Vill give you a few corred particulara
regarding remote put events, a great deal of particulars re




garding present events, one or two particulars r&

garding the immediute future, and no particulars at alt
about the distnnt future. I l1ave known these men ancl
tested tho trutli or their statements. 'l'beso meo pretend to
be astrologes. Some of them cnrry no books at all and
make amazing statements touching pnst events iii prose
and verse in an extempore singsong fashion and without
the lenst effort, even though the questioner is a ptotfect
shanger; wMle others show you some lmge Antique cadjl\n
book and pretend to read from its pages. This was exactly
the way in which Col. Olcott's questions were recently an
swered by tt.e Bralmin astrologer who pretended to read
from the pages of the works of the Gl'eat Bbeemakavi vide
' May, 1885, issue of the Theosophist). I am sure that uei
ther Col. OlcottSnor his intelligent friends enr l1&d a look
into the book to see whetheawl1nt was 1ead out was really
w.ritten there, and if so, whether the writing was not a fresh
one. In all these cases the astrologer, if he is one at all,
doggedly refuses to allo'v others to look into his book ;for,
be says, be is not pemitted by the book deity to do so I
Tbeae is a more wondeaful man in Pondicberry nt p1esent.
He pretends to 1eaJ from the. works of Nandikeswara,
Such astrologers are making vast sums of money. The
statements they make are . 1eaUy puzzling ones. But for
these and the way in which they are made, the utter want
of pl'eparation and the like, I sl10uld l1ave been inclined to
discaad the eltment of the help of the elomentnl spirits.
Let thoe whb would object to this, examine the matter and
then pronounce an opiuion.
Notl1ing can be more funny than to find young men
especinlly, taking:up astrology as thoh first suLject of
attack iu tht!ir public uttel'llnces. It is a subject to which
they pay little or no atwntion except for pnaposes of ridi
cule. To all your qutetions, how do you pr(lve this date

ment and how do you prove that:.their one rendy rerly is
that their common sense tells them so. They forget
that commosense is a sense which ch Lnges in its nature
as one advances in bis study, and it ehanges tlo much that
the common sense of one age is dilferent fromthe common
aense of another ag, the common seaae of oue nation or of
one individual is different from the common sensa of ano
ther nation or imHvidtaaL Where proof is advnaced by a
fe,.,, it i11 eqnully iutet-asting to e:s:a ine it. The proof is
that suclt and such astrologers made sueh and such pre'
dictions and that the predic ions hllve failed-and ergo,
astrology is DO Science! It is evidently taken for grantefl
that the a!'Jtrologer was reAlly learned in t.he soiencP, and
tlut there were not those numerous error& of data to
mLslead him.
Another objection to the science is that astrologicnJiy
the fortunes of two persona born at the same moment of
time but in the opposite quarters of the globe, must be the
same, but that they cmnot be and are not the same. Here
ia an ignorance betra,ed regarding the elementary pnnciplea
of the science. It is tltue that the planetary positions are
nearly tho aame except for the amall mRtter of par!'llax. But
iL is not the planets alone that g() to shApe one's fortunes.
Time of bil'Lh, which is represented by the L Lgna or the
rising sign, has a great deal to do wiLh it. In other words,
btscu.u Je the locol times ol the two places are difft!rent, the
1ngnas must be di&'ert!nt; for when tbe 20th degree of Leo1
for instance, is in contact with the horizon here, tbe 20th
degree of Aquaries will be in contact with the horizon
of out just antipodes at the same moment. Our rifling sign
is their setting sign,and our setting sign is their risiug aigq;
so that a,di&'erence of longitude gives a ditfereooe of local
time and consequently a di&'eaeuce of Lagna. But sup
p.;." t9pl es to }Jave \he l!omf longi ude,
Take two

plaoea for inatanee on the same meridian and therefore

due north and south of each other. Now the queation ia
wbethe1the Lagna is the aaue fo1 botl1 the places. No. The.
Lagua is a point in the eclipfio whioh is inclined to the .
equator. The planes of the borizon of the two places are
different and they cut different parts of the ecliptic. It
. therefore follows that a dift'urenoe of latitude gives a diff't:r
ence in the Lagna. So that places_with a difference of either
longitude or latitude or with both cannot have the same
Lagua at the same time. That Lugno. Ol' mere time or space,
irrespective ol the planets, bas a great deal to do with shap
ing the fortunes of a native ot Jataki will be a new revela
tion to moat people. We will come to this snbjeot pre
sently. A boroscopio diagram or tigu1e of the heavens
l'epresenis both loco.l time or Lagna and plunetary positions.
What then is ARtrology or Horoscopy P Whut is ita
nature and what ita bounds P Here is 'the author's de6.niUon
of horqsoopy.

l Ytl

i lQfifi!lf lf11i 't'

llllf ri,. lf T 'IIft'llf'qfilhn fiwcqilftt R .

Roroscopy is stated to be the scienoe of horatri or the
aeience of . day and night-these being the btoadest visible
divisions of time-multiples of which give weeks, mouths,
years, &o., and divisions of which give hours, minutes,
seconds, &o. The first letter A,and the last letter tf'i, having
been daopped, the term has assumed the shape of hora, and
the author saya that },()f'(J, Sbastra t.reats ,,f tho effucts of the
good and bad deed$ of an individnal in his ptevious birth l
80 that the moment a person is bMu, it. beoonte!t his Jut to
enjoy nnd snffar Otll'$ in plea.<tures aud painf'or.hiw pi\S
iood and bad deeds-seed:otUt iuto tue cosJUiC rt>gioG ill

one birih begin to bear sweet and sour fruita in &notber

birh according to their quality.
In this connection we UIRY any a few wotds touching
the long di pud quee ion of fatalism t er.uftee-will.
aona of th' former echool hold that even the minut.eseveuta
of one's life are pre-ordained, and tlat mnn is completely a
puppGt in the banda of certain higher agencies. This error
has evidently been the result of the observation of a number
of well projected efforu in particulnr diteetions having
been horoughly discomfited. Agllin, men of the othor school
bold that mao is a ftee agent, and tbat there is nothing
impracticable for him if only ptoper meaus are employed for
the purpose. Tbis error again has been the. result of the
observation of even ill projecefforts in particular dite
tiona, proving highly suCCflssful-the failures, if any, being
accounted for by tbe insufficiency of the means employed.
In the one man becomes an il't'eaponsible agent; and
in be other he not only booltessly grieves over his
failures,.but repeats his at mpta, $bus putting himself to
trouble, expense and ve:xatiou only to fail agnin. Now,
as regards the former position, it is held tha"t man's pre
sent deeds are all the effects of hia previous deeds. As
free agency of nny sort is digcarded faom the question,
it would foJJow tbathese previous deeds are the effect.s of
deeds still more previous, and so on, ad it1pnitum, or till we
are bronghto a state of cosmic evolutiou when oifrei'C:mces
of s tes nod conditions were infused into bnman souls by
the Creator. Such 'condition of irJ'eaponaibility is opposed
to reason, opp011:1d to progress, and eqnally opposed to divine
and human law, It is a very pernioioaa doctrine in the


As regards the l" ter view, if man oao wholly altape

his own fottuncs, how ure we to ncouunt for the phtmumena
of 1ufteaiu$ virtue 111<1 the e,jo)'it'& vice in oerlain C&Iiea-


for tlte former reaping no rewards Rnd the latter taca-piog

punir.hment. A satisfactory e planation would point to the
fotmet &II being the aftaota of previous katt1na, aml tho Iutter
as deeds for wbioh mun will both suffer, aud enjoy in his next
life, Taking entire human life into coo11idettion 1oUl' own
opinion is thatt mais both a 11lave.of tile effects of hia p"at
deeds aod ia a free.-agent as 'egllrds fte111h independent deeds
-deeds which ate in no wny directed to thwaat, to arrest, to.
-.Iter ol'in any way to10odify or remonld the effects of t.ia past
kanna. But if he wishes to JPOVe along with tho cul"reut, he
may do so, aud the cou}tse will become more easy aud 10ore
smooi'h. 'J'his view will account forth;ee things 0),the many
appauently unaccountabla failutes of atte10pts even when the
menus eroployed have been good; (2), the easy success
ht has Ltended tn &ny an efforwhen tibe manns employed
were even w ak ; (:J), tho success whioh in cert.aiu Ollie&
appsars popottionate to la&bor. In the that CllSP, the attempt
was OIIe aj01ed at moving agaiust the cnrrent of fate ;
iJl the aeconl case ih wua one of moving down with the
curt-ent, and in be third case it was mo ion on still water,
,here and wbel'ct alone fae bqmaQ ageqcy can diapl &y
Having premised ao much, we may now proceed a step
further and s ate that where the current is a weak one
running with he course of n Leena, it mip:ht be opposed,
and such opposition 111ay be either direct or oblique aooord
ing to the 6toeSif and strength of Lbe means eruployed, and
tl at the task woitld become a dilfioult one, if tlte
coarse to be resisted should flow with the course of
a Tigris. The question ia purely a question o
Jrarmic .dyn tmics-effectl$ or past k tr1D& as opposed
to pre$8nkarrna. 'fo oppose eveu an oppo3iQle force ,.
one must fit'St possess o. knowledge of its strength an4
dir&Qtioll ot uotioq, tlld BOQln<llr, a knowledge of the propU'


means to be empioyed for the pUrpose. 'l'he former know

ledge is supplied to man by nst.tologyf and (.he latter by
such works as the Katmtt.vipaka C}t&ndhn. The menus
prescribed in the lattet consist of giftl'l, of Japa
(psychic training' or development.) and eertai;, fire O'ere
monies having 1m occult significance It foil owa w hete the
current is irresistible,the attempt tio oppoee 'it. beeomt>s futile.
How oan a person evethope to lt'in success in tt. field "hen he
is ignorant of tJ1e ditectiou Of lit.tnck aR ifeJI &R tho strength
of hie enemy. Astrology not only points out to him his ene
miea but his friends as wellf whose help he might seek and
obtain. By pointing ont fields where tltt>l'e are ftiends nnd
fields where there are foes, llStrology int1ireetly poi11ts oofl
to bint netitr,.l fields where man's free agency bas its. full
1oope of acLion and where success is proportiou&te to lnbor.
Tile oe:d important question for considetation is the
ex.-mination of the oonnection1 if tt.ny, bet\Ve.en the planets
and human fortunes: where nt:an suffers and eujoyll the fruits
ohis past kntmn.; the queatiou uaked is 'vhat P'''t the planet1
play iu such humnn 1\ufiering ' ond t'ujoyment. Here ogl\in
believets in. Mtrolugy ns a I!Oieuee o.te divided into two
school.!.The orie admit n1 tive 11gency for the plant>t!! 1nnd the
other, denying it, state tbat the pla ets Llindly uttd mechazli..
aally indicate the current of hriu1an destinies. In support of
the lattler view, it is stated that iC ht.tmau t uft'ering and
enjoyment are directly tt&ceable to man's previous katma,
then,' tcj admit. active agency On tlae pHtt of the p(nnet.s,
becomeS not On}y ftU(l8rftUOUS, bttt iiiCODSiRte:fll, : ff ft. man
loses his son, it js because, they &Ry1 he t nffets for his
katma; which inigbconsist in his h11viug caused n similar
affiietion to a somebody in his previou& Litth, and no'
beoaue Mars occupied the 51,h bonae ftom the n&<eodnnt or
Lagn.a at the moment of bil'th, and that . tht>l:efore t.he
planeta17 poaitiooa only indicate and do not bring about


human sufFering or enjoyment. 'l'beae people from a baiQaD

point of view cannot conceive the possibility of more caosea
tham one fot an event--:.each.cau11e acting . ndependently
and with full force. Hinclu liteaature is. full'.' of events, each
of which is the immediate effect'''of n.'number of causes.
This pecnliaacombination of causes, quite'. incomprebensi
ble to us, is a feature which distinguishes divine deeds frotn
human deeds. We will quote an instance 01,.two . Ganga
w s cursed to pass tllrongb a: bomau incat'nation; the
Ashta (eight) Vnsus brooghb on themselves a shnilnr
curse-of the eight Vas11s sevenwel'e allowed to return to
Swaaga immediately after birth .i Raj" Sautanu goes ouf;
on a lunting excursion, mat'l'ies Gangl\, whom he finds on
the brmkli of the Gnnges, on condition of her being allowed
to quit him the moinent be opposes bet O\Vn mode of dis
posing of the issue of their union. Eight children are born
in n.ll. The mother throws the fia'St seven of them iuto the
G 'nges; the king puts up jth this fol' the love of the lady.
He can no more inhumnn work of the sort and so he
resists ; qnits her lord leaving the babe-the futnre
.Bheeshma of I be Mnhabharnt. Again, King Dasnrntha goes
out to hunt and eutt!l'S " de11se forest; beul'ing some gur
gliug sound in hi11 11eighboualaoud, uud mistaking U to be
that. of a. wild . elephant in th6 ut ot' drinking wuttuo, the.
k ing OiHcbatget his al'l'OW in itS direction and kills a
who was dipping hill bow 1 into the wuters of n strenm t.o
Cl\l'I'Y it to his aged p111'ents at some disLunce. The cries or
te dying lad brought. hume to the king his errot, and the
next moment the king himself proceeds to t.he l11d's father
and \'nt1toats pardon. . This venemble old man expires on
the spot pronouuoinga curse.on the king-rather rea9ing
the king'd fate t.ltat in his old age le ehall die n. similar
denth fao,n gaief on account of his son's sopal'ation. In
tho meanwhile Vishu11 himself draws on his own head the



curse of a human incarnation, attended with much 11\uffering

from separation from wife,from the sage Bhtigu, whose
wife he killed when she fused to deliver up t.o his wrath
an Asura who had ' sought bet pro ction. The Devas
sufFering much from Ravana and his gian.l; hosts proceed
to Vishnu and .entrea'ti 1'6lief. AS Brahma had granted to
Ravaoa the boon of exemption from deah from all exoepll
from men and monkeys, and as Dasaratha had prayed t6
Vishnu for the blessing of a son, Vishnu enters on liis
human inoarna ion a8 Rama, the son of Dasaratha. From .
family dissensions he quits his kingdom and enters the
forest of Dandaka with his bride. Grieved ahis son's
separation, Dasaratha dies. Ravana carries awey Seeta and
Ram& is grieved at her separation. Hproceed to Lanka
slays his enemy and recovers his wife. '

M011t of he eminent astronomers of the East and West

believed in a double Sun, a double Moon, Mars and o her
lanets-the one is the S hula or the physical one, and the
other is the Sukshma or the astral o e. The . difficulty in
conceiving tive agency as possessed by . the planets when'
viewed in the light of huge inert balls, will be removed w4en
we suppose that each planet possesses a soul. Besides,
there is nothing repugnant t.o our miud_in he idea that the
planets togetheform a body of executive officers charged
with the duty of rewarding and punishing humanity for
their past karma by the command of tl:le Most High, who
at the same time allows each man the chance to iJD.prove his
own condition by making him a free agent in man_J
maUers. A man is whipped for theft by the order of the
Magistrate. He suffers for his karma...:..the deed of theft.
Bat the whipping officer is an active agent. Take another
instance : A man doos a piece of valuable service t.o the
state ; the sovereign commands a local officer to invest tl).e
person with the order of k ightbood ; the officer obeys ;





the officer no doubt i$ aactive agent, though the honor

was the immediate effect of the person's services. We there
fohold that planets not only indicate human destinies, but
bring about snob d& stinies. The world is a mixed field of
honor, of punishment and of probation. And the planets are
the rewardig and obaatisipg officers, end JQeddle iu no way
when man exercises his free will within ita own sphere.
he same ide mighb be reptesented in another way :
planetary activity is tqe total activity of a number of forces,
some for good ansome for !!ViJ, and while " man's karma
leads him into the one force or the other, there are other
forees by a knowledge of which man may benefit himself,
though it may not be his lo to be drawn into any of them
by his plloSt , kan:na. If this were not the correct view of
tho part played by the planets;n larg_e portion of the science
of astrology, in which man is advised to avail bimselC of snob
and such planetary positiot:s for particular purposes, wonlil
become useless. The planets therefore can be made to do
m,ore than the work of jailors and rewarding offioera. For
,inst.anoe, in the fourth chR.pter (Brihat Jataka) which treats
of Niaheka (conception), a man is advised to avail himself of
partionlar planetary positions if he desires an excellent issue:
\ Parasara, who was a great astronomer and astrologer, finding
that snob an hour fot Nisheka happroaoh.ed, joined a boat
man's daughter in an it:dand on the Jumna and the issue was
the greut Vedavy8$L. A Brahmin astrologer under similar
oiroumstanoes joined a potter's daughter, and the issue was
the great Salivahana.
That man is not altogether a free agent is an idea
caught by Shakespeare in one _of his well known passagea
in '' As You Like It."
"All th9 world is a atage,
And all the men and women merely playel'l
They have their uita and their encranoe.,
And one man in hia Lime playa manJ parta,
Hit acta beiog 18YOil agea."





Again, while the heavens fotm the macrocosm, man is

the microcQSm. In other words, e60h man is a Jit,le world
xactly representing the Universe. While all seems quiet
without, there is au active world Within. Such a world is
visible to the inner eight of a Yogi. Occult science treating
of this subject says:-

'JI 'Slif tll

'flfS,'IT l


ff1 1'1 1ft


"' "q

If the Pranavayu ( ital air) can be taken to the Suahm

nanadi,eight 8orts of muiic will be heard,and fire, lightning'
stars, the moon aod the sun will become visible. Agaio, in
Chapter IV, already . referred to, Varaha Mihira .SRYS that
menstrual discharges ooeur in women when Mara and the
Moon approach each other. In connec ion wiLh this sub
ject the author of Saratali says as' followi:-

1Af!W111flmflr. t.A..n.t..
"lli fifW{q ":
llrift ..rrs

"The M.oon is water and Mara is fire;bile is the result

of a mixture of fire 'and water, and when bile mixes with
the blood, menses appMr in women."
So that with the change tbat is going on wiihouf.,
there is a' change going on wUhin, and every element or bit
of ' man's physical body hal ita tepreileutative' iD the





heaveDB Such being the case, there . i1 a subtle connec

tion, imperceptible because subtle, between the,oonditiona
of the planets and the stars above and those of man below.
we shall now say a few . words touching the causes of
failure of astrological 'predictions: the most important of
these we will take up firat.
Astrology tests on astronomy. The latter science w'as
probably in a good condition at the time of Vibamarka.
The tables for the calculation of tlte p aces of the planets
which were then framed Ol' then in use, were all suited to the
time. Owing probably to the wear and tear of the several
working p-.rts of the wh<5le machinery of the Solar system,
the tables of one age are unsuited to another age. To this
truth the ancient Hindu astronomers were keenly alive.
They have accordingly laid down this broad tule for the
guidari'ce of the future astronomers.

tfcfilqs1[T TFf-,;,ft\
""'Nli1J mf?r o
f rortlf lfili'Ti


f'l'f.mi'l q...

Since el'ror in calculation is as sinful a8 the murder of

a Btahmht, the correct places' of the planets shall be ascer
tained by daily meridian observations.

And this cannot be done without an Observatory. Ob

servatories of some sort did exist in this land; but owing
to foreigninvasions and tile want of encouragement on the
part of ralers, the saienee. bas ceased to progress,and the for
mer tables for want of corrections hne become useless: The
ealendat'l therefore prepared by the native Utrologers do



not give the true places of the planets.

going on for the last 1000 years."

The error bas been

The nautical al anacs prepar'd in Europe and Am

rica give very correot'positionsof the planets;and Messrs.
Bapu Devn. Sastry ofBenares, Lakshmana Chatrai of Poona,
Raghunatha Chariar of Madras, and Vencateswara Deekshi
bt and Suudareawara. Srouty of Combaoonum have started
almanacs bnsing their calculation on the correct modem
tables. These tables enable us to . ascertain correctly the
places of the planets from the Vernal Equ.incn:, one of the
two points where the ecliptic outs the equator. This point
is tl1o Western first point of Aries. It has a etrograde
motion at the rate of about 60'' a year. B_t the Iiindn
first point of Aries is the fixed star Revati (the Yogatara
of the group) which is stated to be on the ecliptic. This
star is at present about 20 to the East or the Vernal Eqni
nox. Planetary places from this star are known as the
Nira,ya:na, .Bphuta,m. and places from the Vernal Equinox are
known as the Sa,ya,na, Bphutam. The little },it of increas
ing space between the two points is known as .AyaMm a.
Now Hindu astrology rests on the Nirayana. Sphutam of
the planets, and modern tables give us the correct Sayana.
Spbuta.q.;so that if the length of the AyanamSa. .is correctly
known, it may be subtracted from the Sayana Sphutam, and
the remainder will be the Sphub.m required.
But the exact length of the Ayaoamsa is uot known, and it
cannot be ascertained by direct observation, because the
star Revati bas disappeared.I have treated of this subject
at some length in tho April
issue of the.
Theoophut. The several almanac publishers already referred
to have arbi trarily
assumed different lengtba of the
Ayanamsa, evidently to snit their own convenience. Theael
ogtbs of tbeAya. namsa. on the 1st Jannary 1888 are :-

. 14



18 14 20
22 a 89
do ...
21 58 29
a<> ...
22 41 44t
(6} Siddhanta
do ...
20 46 15
I discovered the true length to range between
20 !31 8'' and 20 25' 22" on the lat. January 1888.
By adopting
mean, namely, 20 24'
1o" the
maximum amount of error will only be J' 7". Now the
difference between the correct Ayanamsa and the various
above given will be seen . from the following:(1) Bombay



-2 9 55
+ 1 38 24
+1 84 u
+ 2 17 29
+0 22 0

(1) Bombay
(2) Madras
5 Vakya
(6) Siddbanta

To express the same in other words. The Ayanamsa

er1or as it aft'eots the planetary positions in point of time in
the first four almanacs will be foqnd to be as follows:Bombay



Moou ...
Mars ...

... ...
... ...
... ...








... ...1 '01

Moon's node...

Jrladru aDd





4 16 48

21 81


10 18

!S 46
0 0






So that it. is evident that horoscopes constructed on

the planetary positions as found in the existing almanacs
are wrong.
Again, in the construction of horoscopes, the following wrong
table showing the Rasiman& or time or oblique ascen sion of the Zodi
oal signs above the horizon is adopted nearly throughout the Jand by
a great majoriLy of ignorant astro- logers.

. . . Ghatilt...




... Ghatibl.
6 to the
The reader is referred
Appendix for a correct
Leofor all the places of India



A. third cause of failuris an ignorance of the

The are
are daysto
do not
extend to our villages. Besides, these clocks and watches
are rarely made to show the local time. In most of the
places of Southern lpdia, the clock shows the Madras'
and where there are no clocks the, time is ascertained by a
rough calculation applied to the length of a man's shudow.
1'he corrections doe to the latitude of the place and to the
p011ition of the sun on the..ecliptic are omitted. At night,
if the sky should happen to be clear, the_tranait of parti
cular constellations over the meridian is observed, and by
the application of a rough table beginning with

l(Torr T.
"When Sravan& crosses the meridian, Aries has risen
by 2f Ghatikas,'' an attempt is made to ascertain the local
time. In the first plMe tbe table ia a rough one, and in the



second place i' applies to the time when the Yogatara.

or ohief star of the group crosses the meridianT: he table
there fore becomes useless for times lying between the
trunsit of the Yogatara of one group and that of the
Yogatara of the nexli gtoup. Besides, most men are ignorant
not only of tho Yogota1a but of the exaot position of the
meridian;and tutn ing tow;ards the star which might be to
the east or west of the meridian, they fanoy that it is just
about to make the transit.
lC the night happens to
be a cloudy one, the time is purely one of guess work. So
many errors must of neces
sity lead ofte'n to an t\rror in tho Lagna. ; and when this oo- .
cui's, it upset., the whole thing. Add to this the errors of the
calendar relating to the places o.f the planets. Cent. per cent.
of the horoscopes of the present day are therefore wrong. n
is a hotoaoope of this type that is pot into the hands of a
person who calls himself an astrologer. In a great number
of cases, Indian ashologera are poor men who have betaken
themselves to the study of the scienoe as a means of liveli
hood. The publio would pay them only if they would
prediot some good fortune ; if he correctly predicts an
' he is not only not paid anything, but is set down for a
sorcerer, whom it would not be safe to approaoh. Tbus the
astrologer is induced to conceal any unpleasant. truths which
he migh.happen to know, and after this the complaint is .
that the predictions of such and such astrologers have
failed ! For want of enoontagement the astrologet pays little
attention to the study of his subject and often has recourse
to the help of the black art as already descl'ibed. ,
We shall now say a few words regarding a particular
branch of the scienoe known as Prasna or Arudha Shllstra,
horary asttology. 'fhis dUfers from horoscopy or nativities
in thi11 respect, viz;, while the latter rests on the motions of
the visible planets round tbe sun, the forme1 rests mainly
on the motions of certain invisible planets which are snp-


poaed to move round . the. bori110n. Theirlawa of motion

are exceedingly simple. These planets, wb oh are 8 iu n m
ber, moveVenusi
in the Saturn,
Sun,., Mars,
Moon and
a. t JupHer,
Of ae .sign
and. 'a baJf, 01' 4t)0 from Ooe another and. ke ODe
full dayot 2'.hot1re to go round the horizon-the.Sun being
at the first poiui; of Aries every day at sunrise, the
hoaizqn being t.heitecliptic and divided into 12 f'qual
parts, each pati; being known 1\8 a sign, and Taurus, Leo,
Scorpio and
.Aquaait1s being J'espeetiveJy the due ea. ten;southern, west- .
ern and northetn sig s. The remaining s signs occupy the
four corners, two for each corner, one on eaca side of the
oorner point-Aries being situated to tho right of the north
eastern point, the order ofthe signs remaining the same as
in the heavens above. The astrologer forms as it. were the
a.un,'ronnd whom the planetS revolve. The diteolion . of
(sign oeoupied by), the qoerent is noted down 14S .well as
the position of invisible plan&ta' .at .the ' time. w
cannot enteJ into the detRils of tho pr cess of calculation
here. Tle Rstrologr proceeds to diacover t.lte matter qnea
tion and. then . makes his vtcdictions \vith tlae help of his
books. In this he is itssisted by another dept\ltmenh of
astrology known ns. Angavidya or Oheshta Shm tra. which
rests ori the motions or humaidimbs, chsual 'words and the
ike. .A, gavidyl\ ft!Sb on the theory tbBt 9:11 All-pervading '
Intelligence is pointing out to the aatrologer (who is
otherwise unable to know it) the miu.ote events or life in a
hundred ways. (Vide chapter 51. o Varaha Mibira'e Brihat

: Horosoopy diffel'A from horary astrology in. anotbe ,

important point: while t.he former enables one to . pr9dict,
even the distant events of life, the l"tt.el' refers only to
events of the immediate future, and while the one deals. with


events of considerable inportanoe, the latter deata mainly

with events comparatively insignifie&nt, such, for instanoe,
as the sorb of mel\1 which one would tuke in tlte coune
of a day, the ditection of his seat and tlle like.
In ncb cases the n.staologer generally'- waites out his an
ewers in a bit of paper and folds it up 11sking the questioner
to:look into it after the event,'foa, the course c.f such minor
eveLts of life can be easily altere bdy a previous knowledge.
'l'hese events of life are the immediate effects ot' aseof
oircumstanoes in which a per:iou ha.s ju11t placed himself,
the natural immediate effeota of which form mnttel's for
the considesation of horary astrology, nnd do not come within
the scope of hurol!copy. - fter n. petson hus begun t.o apply
hiaaxe to a treo, it may not bo difficult to predict the
dit'8Ction of its Call, but not befote. It; would therefote be
wtong to conclude from these minor ptedictions of hoary
uatrology that tho minutest
evenhs of one's life ae
preordained and that man hiUI JlO coutl'ol ovel' them.
It only remllina to say a few \Tords about cettain boc;>ka
known as Nadigrandhams. These purport to contain a
brief account of the lives of ull mankind. It would app1ar
on a aupe..tioial cousidetation of the subject that such b<oka
cannot at all exist. That. they e11:ist i:n fact and the ques
tion therefo1e is how came they to e1iat-how were lJley

The planets occupy particular places on the ecliptic at

particular points of time. Every moment their positions are
changing. The question dten is in whnt pt-l'iod of time
the planets l'etum to their former pusitioos. 'J'his ia a
qu&Rtion of Arithmetic-a que11tion of the Least Commo11
l!Ul iple of 7 or 8 numbera. 1'heae numbera are the





1iderial periods ,or Mercury, Venaa, Earth, 1&.1'1,

and Saturn and of the Moon, vi1.,


27 da. 7 bra.





45 m.11.5

Now the L. C. M. of the above numbors is tlae K11lp

of the Hindu AsLrouomy is which 4:J20000000 aiderial yeal'l.
After \Yhich Lhe planets "11 return w the first point of Aries
at the Jaorizon of Lanka-a 'plnoe oa the equ ttor whose
longitude is 760 E. from Greenwich. A Kulpa consists or
1000 Cbataryngaa. A Chaturyuga oouliats of 4.320000
sideri alyeara,of which Kaliyoga oonsieta o{ 432000 siderial
D"apara yoga
Treta yoga ...
Krita yuga . ..

432000 X 2 - 864000 yeara.

482000 X 3 - 1296000
4.82000 X 4t - 1728000

... A Knlpa forma Brahma'a day, at the eud of which

t.1te .M:l.hRprnlay" commences. Again, the number of
Raai Chakrnms oi- the ZodiaCIIl representntions or the
positions or the planets is also JimiLed. How ? Suppose
there "'"" only one planet, any, the Run. He might
oocnpy any one of the 12 houses; so might Mars nnd
each or the otbE'r planets. The li'. places or the San
combined with the 12 plnoes of Mnrs will give us 121or
lH different places for the Snn and Mara. These combined
wit.h the 12 plllcell of JnpitE'r will gi\"e 121X 12 or 121 or
1728 plaoes for Llte three plant:tst.he Sun, MtrR aud Jupiter.
Similarly 4t plnnP.ta will give 12' positions and S plau ta
will giYe 12' pustiona, and so on. Now Lorosoopy deala



with. the poRitiona of the 6veo plsnets Meroory,. Venua;
l:lats, Jupiter and Satoan, us \'fell as the Son, the . Moon
and Rallo ( loou's nsceu(ling n do) Of these 8 plapeta; all,
excepti11g the in(eaio planets, Mercnry and Vtn;tnll, will
give us 128 positions. Now the .gaeatest elongation of
Mercury from thBnn is about 19, and that of v nus is
about 47;so that when the Sun occupies a pa.atiuula1sign,
Mercury ill occupy it her that sign or the sign next after
it o.tnext. before it ; similJ rly Veuns will be eithea in the
boose occupied by the Sun or it\ oue of the two 11igna next
after it or next before it. In other woads, the number
already obtniued will laave to be incre. ased threefold on.
acc()unt of Mercury and fivefold on account of Venus. The .
number then is 12 X 3 X f>. Combine with this the 12
Lagnas. The to,kl numbet of . Ra.cti Oh"kaams thetefoae
is 128 x8 x 5 x I2=1 'Xl5=58i477120. Sotb Atwhile
the limi of time is 432,0000000 s\derial years, the
limit of Rasi Cba.krams dul'iog thnt pel'iod is 5374'17120.'
Tbesefigtites have been stated sianply with the object of
dispelling cea tain Wt'ong notiuos tb&t the number of
horot copio Raai Chakrtuns ill infinitand that the ohanges
go on,for an infiuite petiod of time. On the o hea hand,.i
woold be wrong to suppo!!e tba.the acope of a Nadigr1 n.
dbam : exteudti to the peaiod of a K:lpt 011 thu.t it treatlf of.
ao mnny.cb,, The .ohak1ums themselves cannot be:
so many itreulity, the. nnntbOl' given alwve . expr ttlea the .
posl\ible number of po itiona in which thu phmet9 ca.u be .
eoncei11ed to 'bo placed in . the 12 11igus of tho bdiao cdg,_
braioally. Bot thoy oaunot assumo all these pOliitious, for .
this. siml'le r son, thut they luave motions ot' their own.
nnd oa.n only oowu to paaticnlt .r poaitious euhjt ct to au9\l
motions. Agl\in, of s:H477120 horosoopic Raai Ohakaam..,,


U 1101, Neptune and other teleaoopio pl eu are 110t npp

1Ur0i1e au7 appreoiable inAaence. oyer blUIIIUl atrakc

, ,-

.. , 1



reduced;aa just' pointed oat, a . very large number refer to

animals and plants, (vide Ob.3 on Animal and :Vegetable
horoscopy). Again, it; ds uot appear that tlu' Nadi
gt"ft.ndh!'ms trent or any perio<l of t.ime other than the pet ellt
Kaliyuga,11.ud ir. is probable tbat those htlman chakrams
that. poioted to births in other yugas have been rejt>oted.
Now a murnber ofhoroaoopt>s, thongh agreeing in the broa4.
Zodial!al divisions of the piRnetary plao s, might show grea.t.
differences where the divisions are more minute; as the
Navnmsa, Trimsamsa, Horn., Drekkann, Dvadasamsa and
tl1e like di!isions, and it might be asked wbetber the Nadi- .
grmdhams recognize these divis\ons, and iC. not, on hat
basis theBe graudbams a.Je bttilt




' : Tbe 360 degrees of the ecliptic are divided into 12 .

eqnal parts of 30 degrees each, and t'aoh division is knowuns
a. sign of the Zodiac. Each sign; for p rpuses of Nadi
grRndhams is divided into i50 parts known as am. a, and .
theam8&8 have particular 11ames asrigne .o them, s ch .
as Va.udha,. Vyhnavi, Brahf!'i, Kala Kula, .AhiSankan,.
and ao forth. A degree of t.he f'oliptio contains 5 snch pat til;
and . each part is divided into two halves known aa
Poorvabhaga. and, i.e., t.he first half and the
seeond . half . For. each half the Nadigraudham contains a .
"nd this half reptesents in space 6 innte11, and in Lime
a Vighatikll or 24 seconds. So that the mnmbet or horos-
copes. treated e iu Nadigrandhamll a.s reg"rds the am1a1 is
;600., Now the firs\ volume of Dhruvan11.di gives a. btief
accouut of the. lhes of persons for the any anua1 already .
refetTed to. 'l'he sketch is qnit.e iudependeut of the pusi- .
tion of the pl1met::and hoids ttue with soine slight altetations
from. plauetay infiuenees. The points tl't'utcdof refttr t
the nillLeritLI points of one's life. Now in the cnsa of hnman
horoscopy there is a la\Y couneoting the auua1: wiLh the
pos' itions : oMhe planets. llong.,tispected .that auoh a law'






of connection mast exist. For otherwise i$ would no$ be

possible to describe correctly tbe positions of t.he planetl
several thousllud yent'S hence and for such long ages. I
exa111ined the pags ot' the volume aheady ruferl'ed to, and
found the anthor waiting in one place aat follows :""'"':'

" we . shall

now proceed to state the method of dis

covering the places of the planets fur the several amaas fpr
human bhtba." A thl'ill of joy ran thaough . me which
wus soon followed by di appointment. For tbe ned
oadjun leaf which ought to have
contained the
infuama.tion wanted wa\t miaaing I Sume person, evidently
seeing the importance of the infoa10ation, moat have carried
awny the lllaf of the book I examined. Our readeraare
requ81sted to examine other copies of the lat. volume of the
The author of a. Nudigrandhnm takes up an amnm and
jots down the pol!i ious or the several seta of p011iLions of tbe
planets, taking into coosideantioo especially their Zodiacal
divisions, and by slightly altering. or adding to, the brief
aketob above referred to, for the amS&S, finishes his account
of a life. 'be an thor says that he r ats only of abou' 80
or 40 important in oach life. Nuw uudet one of
these accounts a number of persons will fall whoso lives will
1how differences of a more minute nature wlaich the Nadi
grandham does not take into account. The Nndigraud
bams therefore ore only very briet' sketches of hunmn lives.
A really leaaned astrologer can w!ite out an account of a
mun's life 10 or 20 times the length of the sketch in a

This peah11ps is t.lae proper place for few words 1'8gard

ing a cnmmon complaiut on purt of peasons who have
consulted the Nadigaandham", th1\t thtse books are under a
curso, hathey .correctly d&lloribe the poaevents of a





per&On's life and err regardithe futore events.

The fauU
is not that of tho Grandham; it ce1tainly would not be poa
aible for tbe author to a'l<'erlain before-lutnd at wl111t period
or ono'alire the k would be consulted, and then to give a
COlTeCii arconnt of such life till thtt.t period of time, and then
(for such an Able astrologer) purposely to err. The fact is
that, as already explained, he position of the planets f\8
abewn in the h(lroscOJles do not agre with any
in theex:,mines
'l'he possessor
of hCtroscopes
which the planetary positions very nearly appron,oh
those shewn by the hotoscopes pres uted to him. '!'he
neurer the nsttologer apptoaohes the correct horoscope,
the more numel'ous will btt the points of llgruement between
tbe life suspected os he oorreot lire and the actual life of
the person.
Now, if while the astrologet reAds
out from his book, the person consulting it meets with
any past events of bis life not tallying with the
statements or the bo k, the pages are set aside and other
pages examined. But if no discrepancy is noticed, the person
comes hastily to the conclusion that the life picked out is
bis and goes home satisfied, with a copy of it.
lu such
cnses, the chances of disappointment are more numerous
than thoa" of success The best. plan would be, fot." pe.-son
who wishes. to conault the N cHgrauc.lhams, to h1we his botoscope. peepared
with the hslp of the oorreot modern tablea and ths oorreot

. As regards the first astrologicl ork taken up for

translation, viz., the Bl"ihat Jataka of Va.rahu. Mihir,., it is
Tilll work O&D be don at thft ollloe for an7 penon who woald 1
u bow the time and plaoe of hia birth for a fee of .as. 3. Bu we caD
ao liJider&ake to refer to &DJ Nldilf&lldham u we ha,.. ao eueb
work with 111.


. ge eralJy considered as one of the best works on the1,1ciepce

.The author himself says of itf llows :
. , ,.

l T'I T..Jct tl11T1JT1fi I:


i.mlff -;riJ 1fSllr... ln il u :

; "For the benefit or' those of broken aUempts t.o oroaa

consttuct this little boat consist
ing of a variet.y of metreswith a multiplicity of meanings.?'
Most of the 'stanzas are purposely intended to. convey
aeveaal meanings. Four commentaiies have accordingly
.apl'Ong up. 'l'he well known one is hat of Bh,.tta UtpaJa;
another is known as Subodhini; both of these are now
,with me; a thirCO mentary is known as. Mudauksuri, in
,which i' is said that .most of the stanzas ate . interpreted
nrithmetically-the letters ull standing . t'ol' ao m"uy figuaes
and the figures rept"eseutiug tbe 27 al'ltel'idms, the 12 signs,
the 9 plauets, and so forth.: The foutth oommeutnry 'is
.kqown as Sreepateeyam. .
. .. . .
;tiNt ocean of horoscopy, l

:- Theautbot has wl'itten a smaller work on astrology

known as Lighu Jataka. Hf,nce tbe present work is styled
the BrihatJI\tl\ka. Jat.11kior horoscopy is one of the three
sections of Jyvtis-Sastr"; and the author has treated of all
the t.hree. b1anohet .. 'l'he othut' two branches nre S ll,lhita
and . Vauaha : M ihit&':woak. on the . formea,
known astlio Bl'ih&\t amhita, is now being tratns)ated by
me, aud his nsLronomical work is known as Punohasindban
tika. . It \V:ts long supposed to have been lost. Fortu
nn.tely two copies of this rare work were recently disco
vered,' and they were purcllased by the Bombay Government.
M. 'l'hibant, Phil.Dl'. is now J"eparing nn edition aud au
Euglisla trnnslation of the same, assisted by P11ndit Snddba
knt a. Vu.ruha Mihiaa has also wdtten a work knowaa
Yogl!-yatra. A manuscript copy of this work is with J)r.
Kerne, now in Ley don, Holland.
., .. :


I have deemed it advisable to explain and ret3in th'e

tte of a number of Sanl!crit terms for the convenience of the
natives of this country, who must be D,lore familiar with
them than with their English equivalents where such exist.
It m1'Y be well to state here some of the an bjects treated
of in the work now taken up for translation. The book
on ta.ina 28 cha.pters. 'l'he fil'st two cllaptera relate to
defini tions of astological terms and to elementary
1-'he third relates to animal and vegetable horoscopy. The
fourth treats of the determinatiom of the nature of issue
their physical peculiarities, fortunes, &c., from the planetary
positions at t.ha time of conception. A chapter is devoted to
the deteamination of the description of the place of bittlt
and the other incidents connected with the time of birth from
planetary positions with a view to the correct ascertainment
of the J...a.gna. The next eha.pter treats of early death
Balllrisht", anrl the next is devoted t9 the determination of
the length of life of a native-Jataki. A chapter is de
voted to the particular avocations of men and to their
sources of wealth. Then follo\v several important ch11.pters
on Raj" and other Yogtts. The chapter on Pravrijya yoga de
termines under what pla'letary aspects a native will turn out
an ascetic. The chapter headed Anisbtadhyaya contains a
number of malevolent planetary positions, each connected
with some evil of human life. A chapter is devoted to women.
1-'his ia followed by a chapt.r which describes the particular
manner in which a person meets 'Vith his death and the
nature of his future life. In the next chapter the author lays
down roles for the determination of the horoscope of a per
aon ignorant of his time of birth. The above is not a
complete list, and it would be wrong to jJ)dge of the inter
esting nature of the contents of each chapter from the brief
account given above.
The appendix to the translation will contain nu.merona



tables and diagrams relating to the coosLrucLioo or horos

copes and to the ascertainment of the local time by the
sundial, by the shado.-, aud, at night, by the transit of
the stars over the meridian. We will also state roles for
the constrnctioa of the plane of meridian by means of fine
threads for purposes of observation. The appendix will
also contain a few tables. for the calculation of the lengths
of the Da.aas and Bhnkties.
We may conclude this Introduction with . the:words of
Zadkiel and" advise those who value truth to spend a few:
days in examining the principles laid down in this woak
and applying them to their own individual cases befure
they join the herd of the learned and the unlearned in
pledging their words to a f&Use assertion, viz., that_Astlology
ia an unfounded science.',
ltbbviU, 2nd J'lllll 1885.


The following lis' or Astrological terms defined in

the fu'lt two chapand arranged with
the stanzas given opposite to each is pnbliabed for con..
veoienoe of reference.

0 . Ch



A na (tOh bouse)
A okera (Greek name for Makara,Capricorn). I
Ambu (4th house)
Angles or quadrants, their strength ...
Antyabba (Sign Meenn, Pisces)... .
Apoklima (the 8rd, 6th, 9lh and 12 houses
frem the asoendant)








... ... ...... ... II .

... ... 'II


Aspects, planetary,


Aatabhavana (7Lh house or setting aign)

Atimitragraha, very friendll planets...
A.tisatrugraba, very inimica planets ..



Benefic planets ..;

Beneflo signs ..

Biped signa, their strength

Castes. planetar7 divisions of ...
Centiped aigns, their atrtn gth...
Obara rasi, movable aigns


... ...

Chatusba raai, quadruped signs



OhatOr&lll'l\, 4th and 8th houses

Cheshta a, motional strength of planets
Clothes, f.l tary divisions of...

Colors, p anetaty divisions o...

Colors, of Zodiacal signs

Common signs



0 11


II 4






...... ......... uI

Daksbina raaia,' Southern signs

, Depression signs and degrees ..

D. evas, plane.tary di.v. ie.i.on- a of ...




Cb. Stanza

.DhRius or elemena oC the body, pln.netary

JI ' 11
t . 11 & 12
Dwn.dasllbhavn., signification of the 12 housE'IR ...

divisions of...
Dik bn.J", quarterly strength of planets
Di!c, dh-oction of planets
J)irections of planets ...
Diurrml signs ...
... Dekkanl\8.
their lorclB... ... Drishti, planetay
sight or aspect Duschikya, 8rd house

Dwadnsamsa, division of a sigu into 12


Dwelling . house11, planetary divisions of

parts Of ...
Dwipada rasiil, biped signs
Dyuna, 7th house




Eastern signs
Elements, dhatus, of the body 1 planetary
- divisions of
Elements, planetary divisions of.
Exaltation signs and degrees ...

Female planets .
Female signs
Fixed signs .. ...

.Flavor, planetary ...

'Foot, Rigos that rise with their.
Forms of the signs
Forms of tbe planets. ...
Friendly planets.






. ...






II Stoll
II 15 to 18

Garments, planetary divisios of
Greek names for Zodiacal si ns.
Gana, temper, planetary divuiona of:'







Ch. Stanza.



... I
....... I

.Reads,si rnslhat Hse with their

Head and t &il, sign that risa with its
Hermapht'Odite plnnets... .. ...
Hibuk11, 4th house
Horae, their. lords
Hon'ses, th it lol'ds
Hridroga..Greek name for Kumbba, Aquarius.

... ...





I 11 & 12

Immovable signs
Inimical planets

II 15 to 18

Jamitn, 7th house
J11.ti, Caste, of the planets
Jitnma, Gteek name for Mithuna, Gemini
Juka, Greek natne for Tala, Libra


.. I


Kttla, time, planetary lengths of .
Kala bala, periodical strength of planets

Kala pnrnsha, planetary divisions of

Kala purusha, Zodiacal division of ...
Karmastbanam lOth honse ... ..
Kendra, quadrants or angles, theil' strength
Kourpya, Greek name for Vrischib, Scorpio.
Kria, Greek name for Mesha, Aries ..
Xulira, Kataka, Cancer...

!agna, strength or. .. . . ...
Leya, Greek name:for Simha, Leo


I 17


& 19

I. ":18





Ch. Stanm.


Male signs

:Malefic planets ...

Mttlefic signs .. .
Measuaement of the Zodiacal >igos ...
:Meshool'an11, 1Oth house
:Metals, plauetaay diV18ions or ...
)r{itrag-aha, hiendl.J planets ... ..
Moola trikona, signR and their lords ...
Motional strength of planets
Movable signs
Movable and immovable signs ...


... II






II 15 to 18

Naisargikabala, natural, relative strength
of planets ..

Names, various, for planets
II 2&3
Napumsaka graha, hermaphrodite planets ... II
Natural, Jelative, strength of planets
... II
Navamsa, division of sign into 9 parts and
their lordR ...
Neeoha, depression signs
Neutral planets
11 17&18
Nocturnal signs

... ...

Panaphara signs, 2nd, 5th, fth & 11th honseB.
Pnpagraha, malefio pl1Lnets
Paparasi, malefic signs .
Paschima., Western signs
Pa.thona, Geek name for Kannya., Virgo
Pel'iodical strength of the planets
Political divisions of the planets
Poaitional strength of the planets
Pl'ak Ja.sis, Eaatern signs ...
P1ishtodaya rasis, signa rising with their feet.
Pnrosha graha, male planets
Purusha is, male signs . n


...... ...

I 1i
I 11
I 11
I 11


Qoadranle, their strength .
lP Quadruped signs, their e:rength
Quarterly atrength of planets .

Rasia. Sitrns, nRmee of

liasia, t.heir lords
Riksbasandhi, definei ..
Ritns, planetal'y divisio1 I of ...
ltuJ*, sht pes, of planets
Rnpa, shapes, of eigne .



... ....


s. .



Ch. Stanza.
I 17 &


II 8to 11

... II 16,17
Sama phe, neutral planets
Il 15 to IS
Satru gra.ha, inimical plauets...
II 12
SeRSons, planetary divisions of

Shadvarga., 6 modes of the division of the

I .9
Shapes of the signs

.. I
5Shapes of the planets
... II 8 to 11
Sights or aspects .ef the planets

. II l 3
Signa, names of
Sigus, their lords
Significations, of,the 12 signs or Zodiac
... I 15 & 16
Sira.prishtoda;ra,sign that rieea with its
head and tall


I 10
Sirodaya rasia, aigns tLat rise with theit
... I 10
Soutbetn signs
.. . .. I
Sthanabala, positional strength of planets ... SthirA rasis,
fixed signa
Streegraba, female planets!...
11Stree rasis, female signs
Strengt,b of Lagna
Subhatrraha, benefic planets
Sukha, '*h bouse

.. I
Sutabba, 5th house
Bwakshetra houses and their loras
... I




Ch. Stanr:.

Tail,., signs thn.t rise with their


. .
'l'avuri, for Vrishabha, Taurus...
Tempt>r, of plant-ta
Toukt bika, Greek uame {Ql' Dhanos, Sugittari.
'fria.ngular signs

Trikona, 5th boose

Ttikona raai, tdl\ngular signs ...
'l'rimSK11U1&1 division ot' sign iuto 0 parts

'1'1itaikona, 9th house ..

"J',.pas, 9th house





Ubhaya rasi,' ovnbie and immovable signs...
Ucclu,rasi, signa of exaltation wit.h degrtSea ...

Upachaya or improving aigns

Uttara rll.lti, No1thern sigue


11 .

Vargottama, defined
. .
Varua, color of planets . .
V&tna, color of Zodiacal signs
Ved, 2nd house from the Sun.
Vesma, 41th house


Western signs


I 14
I 4,&5
I 20
I 20


... ... ...




vA R A H A

M I H I R A.


De8D1tdoDa a.nd Blement&rJ' -Pr!Dciple


1. May tbe Sun give us speech, who :by his lighli

ilJumines the Moon,((J) who is the path of those who have
no r birth, who is the Atma or thoe who know the AtmR,
wo .is the Deya worshipped in sacrificial rites, ho is the
Lord of the Devas and of the Lights . of the sky., who is
the _Author of the origin, growth and annihilation -of he
worlds, who is aung in the veda9 in various way._., who is
possessed of many rays and wh forms the Lamp of 'tLe
three worlds.
' . .

((J) In connection witk this we would draw the atten

tion of the ,reader to what the author says on the subject
of the Moon receiving light from the Sun in Stanza 2 of
Chapter IV of his BrihatSamhita, which runs as follows;
"The raya'of .the Sun falling on the watery Moon re
move the dar ness of the night (on Earth) juain the same
-,vay as light reflected from a mirror (placed in the Sun) re
moves the darkness (from) within a room."


. [cH. r.

And in the Veda$ we find the (visible) Moon briefly

defined as follows :
''Surya rasmischandramah."
e Moon is the 1ays of thSan.

2. Though various well written works on Astrology(a)

the productions of able men-exist for the enlighten-
ment of iotelligcn students (of horosoopy), Ibegin
to construct (this) small boot (consisting) of stanzas
(written) in various metres and of seve1al n1eanings for
(the benefit of) persons of broken attempts to cross the
vast ocean of horoscopy,

. (a) . Such works as those of Parasara, Garga, Badara

yana, Satyacharya and others .

3. According to some, the word hora is a Cofl'Uption

of ,the word Ahoratri, the firsb and last letters (syllables)
being dropped. The science (ofhorosoopy) treats of the
effects of the good and bad deeda (karma) of men in their
. previous birt s.


4. The (tweive) signs

the Zodiac, commencing with
the fit point of Aries and of {the asterism of) Aswani,
and consisting, eacb, of nine stellar qnarters and forming
a circle, are respectively the head, face, breast, heart, belly,
navel, abdomen, genital organ, two thighs, two knees,
. two ankles and the two feet of Kalapurusba. (The terms)
Basi, Kshetra, Graha, Riksha, Bham, Bh vana, 61'8 synony
mous terms.




The following ta le will be useful for purposes of ready

reCerence:BtJ i.


. , . Part of body.
... Head
.. Taurus
... Face
... Gemini
... Breast
... Beart
... Leo
;.. Belly
... Virgo
... Navel
... Libra.
... Scorpio
... Genital organ
... Sagittari
... Two thighs
... Capricorn
... Two knees
... Aquariua
... Two ankles
... Pisces
... Two Ceefi
The twenty-seven uterisms are :-
, fl Arietis
... 35 Arie,is, and Kasea

) Anini




1u- Bobini
:Mri aairaha

.'>-"'- Pun11rvaao
"'W'f7-r Puahya


.' Mt'M-..Asbleaha
- ' v 1 _ , ll"Jba
' ba1gnnt

... 'I Taari. Aloyone

.. Ill Tauri, Aldebaran
... 1. Orioala




, ... II Gemini Po llux

II Oanrri

... Hydrae

... Leonia, Begulas

... u T......-,niB

2 Butt.

... (1 Leonis
... 'il Oorvi

>.Jfll,..... Viukha

... Librae

U. Phalsuni

.1 11* .Ohi'ra

... VhglniaBpioa
... Ill Bnotia, Aroturus

1) CAl".e...Anoradba


'... Mala

h..-.....P. Aahadha
1; W'4..Branna



. . P. Bhedrapada



... il Poorpioni
... a Bcorpionia, .A.ritu.res
... 1. Bcorpionis
... f Bagittarii .
11 Aqailae .A.tair
... (I Delpbini
... 1. Aquarii


R_ Staabhiabak

, ,

... il Bagittarii

U. Aabadha


, :.



t 1



Pega i

r P gui

and A.ndremedae


These asterismli or lunar mr.naions are divided each

ipto four equal parts k own a'J Naksbatrnpadas. There

CH. l

are therefore 108 such parts in

the ecliptic, and each sign

contains nine such paata or 2lstellar divisions The first
asteriam, Aswini, commences at tlto first pointof . Arie,
which is the star Reva.ti, about 20 to the east of the
VernallEquinox-(Vide Introdoction), s9 ihat the seoond
quarter of the asterism of Krittika commence the ftrst
point of 'l'aurna. The third qaarter of the aateriam . of
:Mrigasir ha commences the first point Gemini, authe
fourth quarter of the asterism of Punarvasu commences
the first point of Oancer, and ao on.
Each of the terms Rasi, Kshe. (}raha, &c., means a
sign of the Zodiac, which is a twelfth part of the heavens
or 30 of the ecliptic


o. Sign Piacea is of tl1e abape of(a) two fish ; sip

Aqaarios is of the shape of a man with a . (water) pot ;
sign Gemini is of the shape of a man and woman, (the
former) with a stick and (the latter) with a lyre, both ae&t
ed in one seat ; sip Sagittari is of the shape of a mAn
who in hiS lower parts is a horae ; sign Capricorn ia 9f
the shape of a crocodile with the face of a deer ; sign
Libra is of the shape of a person with,scales (in his hand);
and (sign Virgo ia of the shape of) a." :virginia a boat with
crops (in one hand) and a light (in the other). The other
signs resemble in shape(b) the ditfe1ent creaiures denot
ted by their names. 'l'he dwelling plaoes of the several
signs are places appropriate to the several creatul'es.
(a) Sign Pisces is of the shape of two fish lying side
by side, the head of the one being near the tail of the
other .
(b) Thab is, Al'ies (Mesha) is of the shape of a ram;
Taurus (Vrishabba.), of ihe shape of a bull; Oinoer (Ka.ta-.



as:. I]


ka), of the shape or a: crab: Leo (Simlta), of t.he shape or a

lion; and Soo pio (Vl'ischika), of the shape of a scorpion. .
'l'his stanza as well as stanza 4 are chiefly useful in
questions bonneoted wit.h horary astrology-in the disco
very of stolen property . and the like
6. Mars, Venus, Meroory, the Moon, the Sun, ME>r
cury, Venus, Mara, Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jnpiter .nra
respectively the lords of the Signa, and of the Navamsns
and Dwada.samsas; and tbe several signs (of Lhe Zodiac
beginning from Aries) commence l'espeoLively wit.h. the
Na amof M!1,ha, Ma;r;and Ka ka.
Bix modo of diieion of the eoliptio (860o) for boroecopio parpoiee
Jmown u the Shacbarga are mentioned (vide stanza 9). These are Raai
(sign) in whioh the eoliptlo ia divided into 18 equal parts of 300 .each;
(vide ataDM <6). Bora in whioh each sign ia divided into two equal part8 of
16 eaoh <,vide atanzaa 9 and 11). Drekkanin which a lii(D ia diided
into three equal parts of 10 each (ide ata.Dzaa 11 and 12); Navamaa
in wbioh a sign ia diyided into nine eqttal parte of 8o 20' each; Dw.ada
eamaa, in which a .aign Ia diYided inco twelve equal parte of 20 ao- each j .
and Trimeamaa, in which a sign Ia divided law thirt1eqtllll parte of "
degree eaoh (vide stanza 7). The Navam11111 ea.oh sign boing divided
into 9 equal parts and there boing 18 .auoh eigne, there are in all l8X9
or 108 IDoh divlaiona ia the eoliptio. \Ve ha'fe already l vide atansa f)
aeen that the eoliptio contaiut J7X<A or lOS atellar qaartere or Nak.
ahatrapadu, it f..llowa therefore that a Navam.a Ia a Nabbatrapada,
that it 0118'fourth or a lallltol' mansion. The .108 Navamaaa beginning
from the flnb point of Arlee bear the tame uamee a1 the twelve brnt
of the Zodiac oounted over and oyer again: the flnt Na'fa.mta lleeba
il 'Meaha itself 1 that of Vriababha it Makara 1 that of Mitbuna ia TulaJ
and that or Katab it Kataka iteelf. The me order holda for the <6
tignt from . Simha to Vrieohika and for the <6 from Dbanua . to lleena.
In other wordt the four teta of Tri ooa or 'riattgalar aignl begiu with
the tame Navamta1 a that ia he Trikona aigua of

s h ut kegin wi"' the Navamta of Keehn.
xJ\ra begin with the Navamta of Makara.
Jruilni., . Xu
a begin with the Naam or; and
't( ki, V ka,
begin with l.he Nawauea or
The DWIIiluamlltos : The twelve parts into which eaoh sign ia divided
bear the me namea u .theM of bo eigne of the odlao. The name of tho
. lrat Dwadto tomea of a partionlar alga Ia the Mme uf tho llfi(D IM&tr. So
that the 13 Dwadaaam11aa of lleaha are Meah&, Vrlahabha, llithunc, &o.,
ending with Keena. 'l'hoae ofVriahabha are Vrieh"bha, Kithuna, KAtaka,
&o., ending with Ueeha, Tboae of Kithu1111 are llithuua. Xataka.Siuaha,
&o., endins with Vrilhabha and eo 'On.

-: xJ"'w-



[cu. r.


. The lorda of the NavamiU ancJ Dwadaa&DIIIal are the llllme aa the
lorda of tha Bali (signa). Theae are men oned in the ten in the orde&
of the aigua. It will be foand that the Sun and llooo have eaob a ho018,
while the other planeta have each two houaea. Theae hoo1e1 are kDown
u Bwakahetraa 1 ThDI

:M'ara ill tlte lord or lleaha ancJ Vrlaohika.

VenDI ilthelonl of Vriabal!ba and Tala, lleroui'J
ilthe lord of Hithaoa ancJ Kannya. Jupiter ia
the lord of l(eena and Dhauua.
Saturn ilthe lord of Kumbha and :M'abra
.The Hoon ill the lord ot Katab, and tbe Sun Ia the lorl of Bimha,

There are aeYorel mCIC'lea ot ocinetraoting a flgare of tbe heaY8na. The one
uaed in Southern India Ia the ooe reoommencJed by Jaimunl-the author of
.!.at&"Ologioal Abporiama. It ie given below, and the reader fa refernd to tlte
appeudb: for diajlJ'&ml reli.tiog to the aeveral modea of diviaioo of the eoliptio
referred to above

Keena, Jupiter.


lleaba, Hara.

Ka.mbha, Saturn

Katab, lloon.

J(akara, Saturn.


!Dhauue, Jupiter.

Tula, Venua.


7. Five, five, eight, seven and five parts (degrees)

are . respectively tboae of Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Meronry,
and Venus, in the odd signs. In the even signa their
'\t order is reversed.. The ends (last Navamaas) of Kataka,
.) Vrisoh'ika. and Meena are known as Rikaba sandhis.



Tbis stanzn. defines Trimsamsas, and their lords. As

already obsetved Taimsamsa is division of euch sign into
thirty equal _parts, each paat beina degree.
The odd
signs are M ha, MithJha, Si ba, T il, Dha us and Knm '
bha, The even signs are Vrishabha, Kataka, Kannya,
'V riscbika, Makara und Meena. :!;
'' \.:






CD. I)

'1 if . i/-!.


In the odd signa the &rat five degrees are . .the Trim5 aamRB of Man;the next five are those of Saturn ; the next
eight are those of Japiter; the next seven are those of
/')_. Mercury ; and the Jast five are th011e of Venus. In the
2io even signs Lhe first five are those of Venus ; the next seven
'2-5 art those of Mercury ; the next eight are those of Jupiter;
the next five are those of Saturn; and the last five are
.3 those of .Mara. The Tdmeamaa division is nsed by the
author in his Chapter relating to the horoscopy of '!'omen.




8. The terms Kriya,' Tavuri, Jitoma, Kulira, Leya,

Pathona, Joka, Kourpi, Toakahika, Akokera, Hridroga and
Antyabha (are other names for the signs of the Zodiac).

All the above names, excepting KnJira and Antyabha

are evidantly Greek terms-a circumstance clearly indica
ting that the intercourse between the learned men of India
and Hellan was more than superficial.

9. A planet is said to be ill its Varga if it be in its

Drekana, Hora, Navamsa, Trimsamsa, Dwadaaamsa and
Ksheta.. The term Hora means both the.rising sign aud
one half of a sign of the Zodiac.

These terms have aheatly been explained (vide stanza

The term Kshetr& means a house or a sign. For the

Names and Lords of the Hora divisions o a sign vide
Stanza. 11.

10. The signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, 011ncer, Sagitta\ri

and Oapticorn are known as the night signs ;(a) and, with
the exception
Gemini, they rise with their feet(b) . The





[cu. I

otht>r signs rise with their .. heads(c) and are powerful by

day(d). The two fish rise by both_(head and foot)(B)

{a) . Therefore the dl\y signs are Leo, Virgo, Libra,

Scorpio, Aquaaios and Pisces .
(b) Signa that rise by their feet are known as Prish
todaya Ra tis and these ate Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Sagittari1
and Caprioorn. .
(o) Sis that rise by tlaeir heads are bown as Siro
da\ya Rasis; and these are Gemioi, Leo, Vitgo. Libra, Scor
pio and Aqnarius.
(d) Therefore the Priahtodaya. signs are powerCul at
. (B) or the shape ofthe sign Pisces vide Si&.nza 5.
11. The signs (faom Aries) are (by turns) malefic and
benefic, masculine and feminine (a) and movable, fixed and
both (movable and fixed)(b). The signa Aries, Taurus,
Gt>mini and Cancer with their triangular signs denote each
respectively the East, South, West and Nortb(c) . The
two horas of the . odd signa are respectively the Solar
and Lunar hora.s, and the two of tht! even signa are
reRpeetivly the Lnnar and. Solar horas.. .The .lords of the
Drekka.naa,(d)tof a pa.rt.icul rsign) are respecti\"ely the lords
of t.hat sign, the oth sign and the 9th sign.

In other words the odd . signa are a.ll malefic and

masculine, and the even signs are all benefic and feminine.
(b) Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are movftoble
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio anh Aquairus are fixed signs.
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittal'i anPisces are both (movable
and fb:ed) and Me also common signs.
. (a)




(c) . Tho signs Aries, Leo ad Sagittari. aro:known 11

the Eastern signs.
Taros, Virgo and Capricorn are Southern signs.
(7emini, Libra and Aquarius are Westforo 11ign11.
-Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are Northern signa.
(d) For exa.mple: 1'he lords of t.he three Drekkanas
of Leo are respectiv ly the Suo (lord of Leoj, Jupiter
Oord of Sagittal"i the iit.h boost:) . and Ma111 (lord of Ariel
tbe 9tbouse).

\t ,_,

. 12. According to IIOJt l'(a) the lords or the two borlll

ora aign are respectively the lords . of the sign and of t.he
lith sign(b); 'and the lords of the three.DrekkHnaa of a
sign are respectively the lords of the sign, tho 12th sign
and the 11th 11ign(c)'from it.

(a) That is, accorliog to Go.rgrt. Anrl men of his

sohool. Bot the antbop'll opinion is that expressed in
stanz" 11 in which he is supported by the opinion of Satya

The. lords of the two horns o Sagittari, for in.
stanc, are respectively Jupiter (lorcl of Sagittari) and Ve (the lord of Libra the lith house
(o) Tho lords 'of the three Drekkanas of Sagittari, for
instance, Aore respectively-' Jupiter (lortl of & .gittari), Jiars
(lord of Scorpio the J 2Lh bouae) and Venus (lord of LibJ'Ao
the lth house). .

13. The Signs A.rie11, Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo,

Cancer, Piss and Jjlbrl\ nre rt>specthely tho Uocha
(ex11ltdion) aign t of tho Sun ancl other plAooets. 'J1he
lOth, 8rd, 2'Eth, 15th, 5th, 27th, and 20th are the degrees .
o mniu exaltation of the several planets. The 7Lh or



. 10

BRI11.l'l 1.\TAI:.I.

(CH. 1.

opposite signs are the Neecha (depession) sign&.; and the

degrees of main dE>pression .ae the same as given above.


A planet in his exaltation sign is considered as exoee-:

dingly powerful and one in his deprePsion sign s excee
dingly weak. The San and Moon are also tre tted as pla
nets. The Hinda .li.trological ordor of the planets ia tho as the d11ys of the week. The . following table is
given for oonvenieuce of rE>ftorence.
Planet Ueclus or &al.. Neecha or de. Degrte of mai11o
tatio;. Ei!Jf!B.. pre11ion .Sigu. B altation Of'
Moon. Tau111S.
Mercury. Vigo.
Jupiter. Cancer.
Venus. Pisces.
Saturn. Libra.


. 8

14. In the movable ana other signs [a}, the first, the
central and the last Navamsss are known as Va.rgottama
positions. Planets in such positions will produce good
. effects. The signa Leo, Talirus, .Aries, Virgo, Sagit.tari'
Libra, and Aquarins are known &a the Moolatrikona houses
of the planets l'espeotively.(b)



(a) The Vargottama places are: The first Nav sas :

of the 4 mo able signs Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capri
eTb 5th Uavamsaa of the t four fixed signs, Taurus, Leo,
Scorpio and .Aquaias.
The 9Lh Navamsas of the roar movable and fixed &ignt
.Gemini, Virgo, S11gittari au1l Pisces.







'l'hese Navamsas will .be found ' to bear tbe same names
as the signs themselves. For enmple : the first Navamsa
of Aries is Aries; the &rat of Cancer is dancer, and so
fu .
The 6ft.h Navamsa of Taurus is Taurus; of Leo is Leo
and so fol'th.
, The ninth Navamsa of Gemini is Gemini, or Virgo is
Virgo, and so forth.:
(b) The following lis cont.ains the MoolTrikona,
signs of the planets :

Pla.uet, .
. Saturn.

Mookl 2',.ikona igm.

: Taurus, :
. s,.gi tari.
.. Aqua ius

, .

15. The significations of the 12 houses from the rising

sign (Moendaot) aro respectivelt (a native's) body, family,
brothers, .relations, sons, enemies, wife, death, deed o
yirtue, avocation, gain and loss (a). The 8rd, 6th, lOth'
and 11th houses from the ascendant are known as the (improving) signs, but not so acc rding to

(a) Tbe:following is a list of significations of the seve

ral houses of the Zodiac from tbe asoerda.nt.
Ascendant or
. .. ,
1st house....Body, fame. limbs.
nd ,, . ...Family,. wealth, eye, speech trutbfnlneu.
Brd ,, Brothers, bravery, meals:



[cJJ. 1."

4th , ...Relutions, education, mother, cows, dwel

liug pla.oe, oaiage 1 comfol't.
5th ,, .'.Sons, iutelligeoce, previous karma.
6th , ,..Enemies, kiusmen, diseases.
7th ,. . ...Wif, generosity, respect.
8th 1,. Death, duration of life. :
9th ,, ! ..Deeds of virtue, f"tber, medicine.
lOth ,. ...Avocaticin, knowledge, clothes.

11th , ...Gain, rniog. .

12th ,; ...Lo!'IS, bad deeds, travels.
(b) Gl\rg"'. nttd astrologers of his sch ol re.of opinion
tluthe 3ad. 6th, lOth and 11th houses cease to be Upa
chaya places if malefic planets o1 planets which ate un
friendly to the lords of these 4 houses should either occupy
such houses or ospec:t the same. But . tlte author does uot
agree with Garga. and be is supported in his views by
Satyacl?-arya and by Yavan warat,
16. The twelve signs of the Zodiao beginping froJii
tlte ascendant ate kMwu tt,obnically as the sign of (1)
lpa (power), (2} Sva (wealth), (:J) 'Vikrama (prowess), (4)
Grab& (dwelling plaoe), (5) Pratibha (intelligence), (6)
Kshata (wound), (7) Maumatba (desire), (8) Randhra, (9)
Gurn(fatherorpreceptor), (10) Mana (respecta:bility), (11)
Bhava (acquisition), (12) Vyaya (loss). The 4th and 8th
hqusea are known as Chaturasra. signs. The 7th house ie
kuown as Dyuna and the lOth bouse is known as Ajna.


A number or astrological. terms are defined in tbi


17. The lst. 4tll, ith and lOth houses are known .as
Kantaka or Kendra or Cbatushtaya houses (quadrant r


CB I.]

angles). If these four houses should happen to be biped,

aquatic, oeutiped and quadr.npd respectively, they then
poeeeaa strength .
. . . ,. ...

The biped signs are: Gemini, Lib, Virgo, t.hfirst

half of S gittari and Aquarius
The aquatic signs are: Cancer, the '-'H halt of CtLpri
oorn/and Pi8088.

The only oentiped sign is Scorpio.

The quadruped signs are Aries, T turus, Leo, the second
half of Sagitfiari an of Capricorn. I?.

. 18 , The bou.1ea next to the angles are know.n aa Pana

pbara bousee and those nextthem are known aa. Apok
lima houses. The 4th bouse is known as Hibuka, Ambo,
Snkha. and Veam . The 7th boue is kn wn as Jamitra.
The 5th bouse is known as Trikona. The lOth bouse is
.known :M: hoorana and Karma.
. ' ., ., ,. ... r


Panapbara and Apoldima are Greek terms.

The Panaphara houses are the 2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th
The Apoklima houses are the' 3rd, 6th; 9th and ',12th

19.. If the lord or the aacondant or Jupiter or Mercury

ahonld either occupy it r aspect it, the a cendaot ("}
would become powerful and not by other planets. ;t'be
Ke11dra signa are naturall1powerful (a) The biped signa
are powerful during the day, the quairuped signs at night,
and the. eentiped signs at sunrise and at sunset. The .Mana
(measure ent) (b) ot the first ai. eigne from Aries
are 20, 2,, 28, 82, 36, and 40 1wpectively; and those

[cu. u.


of the next six signs are 40, 86, 82, 28, 24, and 20 respeo
tively. The 3rd house is known as J)uschikya. The 9th
as Tnpas and Tritai ona,


thererore follows tbt Pannpbara houses Are
less powerful than the Kend1-as, and Apoklima. houses are

the weakest houaes of ull.

(b) 'l'lais is nsd in stanza

a:., Ch.



20. 'l'he twelve signs beginning from Aries are

pectively (Aries) red, (Taurus) white, (Gemini)of the color of
the parrot, (Cancer), of the color of Pat&li(trumpet; flower),
(Leo) black white, (Virgo) v$riegtLted in color, (Libra)
black, (Scorpio} of gold color, (Sagittari) of the color ofthe
husk of paddy, (Capricorn) white a ed, (A uarius) of the color
of Mongoose, and (Pisces) of the color of fish.. 'l'he signs are
in the,bYdirection
The as
house (depressed)
to that; oooupied
the Sun is known
as Vesi.




For the use of this vide stanza 21,ch. V.


De11Dltiona and Elementa.ey principles oontinu.

! .

od-:-(:Pla.neta.ry). . .

1. To the KalapnrllSha, the' .sun is the son1, the Moon

is the mind, Mars iS strength, Meroury;is speeoh, Jupiter is
knowledge and health, Venus is desire, and Eatnrn is solTOW.
Of the planets the Sun and Moon are kings, Mars. is Gene-
ral/M.eronry is the first priooe,' Jupiter and Venue are
uaellors and Sataru is ;servant.




2. Heli is the Sun ; Seetharasmi is the Moon ; Hrmna,

Vi , Gun, Bodhana 11nd Induputra (Son of Moon) are the
names of Morcnry; .Ara, Vakr111 Kroradrik, .Avaneya {son
of Earth} are the names of Man; Kon11, Manda, Suryaputra
(son of the un) and Aaiba (the black plane) are the names
of Satum.

8. ; Jeeva, Angira.s,., Hnr guru (the preceptor o the

Devas), Vaohaaampati, Ijyaare the nAomea of Jupiter;Snkra,
Bhrigu, Bhrigllliuta, Sitl tthe white pllltiet),Aspbojit, are the
names of Venus; Tam" (darkness), Agu aud Asnt'l. are th9
names of Rabu (the Moou'tJ ascending node); Sikhi ia the
n'ame of Keto (the Moon't deecending node). Terms
synonymous with the above should also : be acoepted
(as the names of he sevet-al planets).
4 The Sun isof a red aod dark bro"n color; the
Moon is white ; Mars is not of a tall fignre, and is both red
and whi e; Me.rcury is green like . the color of the . benfl
gras; Jupiter is yellow Jike molte;n go d; Venus: ei h;
very white nor very black, ud Sau:rn ts black.. . . . . . ,


The olor of a pl'l'Aon will be that of the planet mosfl . . .the time of his birt .



. .


5. Tho Sun presides over copper oolor; the Moon

over wllite color; Mars over red color; Me1cury over green
0olor; Jupiter over yellow color; 'Venus over a mi:dore of
various colors;and Suturn over black color. {G)
The Sun is .Agui ; the Moon is Varona; Mara is
Subbramania;Mercury is Vis hun ; Jupiter ia 'lndra; Ven s
is Indrani {Indra'11 wife) rand Sa turn is Brabma (b)'..
The Sun presides over east; Venus, south ast; Mars
south ; Rahu sobth-west; Satot'n west ; the Moon north
west; Mercury north; Jupiter northe t;. (11)
:. .

[ell. n.
The waning Moon, the Sun,Mara, Saturn and Metcury
when in coujunctic.n with any of these are malefic
plauets (d,.

These are useful in asoortaining the color of stOlen

. rticles and in determining the color of the ftowers to be
u11ed in the woralaip of the plan ts.
(b) From tbe powerful planet at the time of one's birth,
it can be aacettained which purtiunleu Deva a person would
. (c) . These are useful in dete ining the position of
the entrance of the deliveay room of a woman and iu dis
covering te airection of escape of thieves.
(d) Jupiter, Venus and Mercury when in conjunction
wtth t:itber of these, are benefic planets.


Mercury and Saturn are hermaphrodite planets (a);

Venus aae female planets, and the rest (b)
are male plant:ts. . Mars is fire; Mt!roury is earth; Jupiter
is akas (ether); Vt:nua is water; and &turn is


ili'e MQon and


(a) Meronry is female hermaphrodite and Saturn is

male hermaphrodite.
(b) That is, the Sun, Mars and Jupiter are inale
(c) Alao the Bon is the and the Moon water.
7. Venus and Jupiter are Brahmins; Mara and the .
Sun are Kahatriya.s ; the Moon ia. Vysya ; M toury is a
Su.dra ; and Saturn is a Chandala .
The Moon, the Sun and Jupiter are of Satwaguna .
(good temper) ; Mercury and Venns are of .Rajoguna (pas. .,.
sionate temper) : Ma.1s and Saturn areof Tamoguna. (dark

:BIUHAT iJ.t.Ud.

CH. U.]

8. The Sun t,i.uJ :somewbayenow eyes;ie'of the heigh'

of the length ot the two arms stretched ottt, of bilious
nature and with very little hair' on his hea.d. :

' t


. t

The MoGo. baa a thin and a . round . body, is

of an exceedingly windy. and : phlegll)atio . nature, is
learned and has a soft voice and bea.utiful . eyes.
9. Mars has sharp and cruel eyes and a young body, .
is generonst of bilious nature, of ttnsteady mind, and ha.s a
narrow middle.
Mercury has an impediment in his speech, is fond of
joke, and is of a bilious, windy and phlegmatic nature.
10. Jupiter bas a big body, (a) yellow hairs aud eyes.
high intellectual powers, and*' phlegmatic nature.
Venuaiea.ds a comfortable life, lias a beautiful body, :fait
eyes, a windy and phlegmaticnature, anci bla.ok onrliog.

' NO'l'ES. . :

J'upiter is the biggest of all planets, and, the

ancient Hiudus were aware of it centuries ago.

11. Saturn is lazy, has eyes of .gold color, a thin and

tall body, large teeth, .stiff hair, and is oa windy nature. ,:
.Saturn is strong in muscles, the Sun hi bones, the
.Moon in blood, Mercnry in skin, Venus in semen, Jupiter i11 .
flesh,. and ara iii, the marrow of the bones.
12. The Sun presides over the plaCe of worship; the
Moon over wells; Mara over the fire place ; Meronry over
plaJ grolinda;1Jupiter over the store rooin.i Venus over
:.,.. bed room, and Saturn. ovor plaooa whero:awoopiuga aro

The garment of 'the Sun . is of thiok thread; that of

the Mon is e.; lia' of

!a p""Uy b;

hat !>f

(oH. II.

:Mercmy is iret;that of Jupiter is somewhat used .tba'

of Venus is strong ;and that of Saturn is torn.
. Tl1e Sopresides over copper; the Moon over gems;
:Mara over gold; Mercury over braaa;Jupiter over silver ;
(ca). Venus over paula; and Saturn over iron.
When either Saturn is in the ascendant or when his
Drekkana is rising, the season denoted is Siair&-January
and February.
When either .Venus is in.the ascendant, or when hie
Drekkana is rising, the season denoted is Vaaantha (Spring)
-Mah and April.. .
Similarly in the case of the Sun or Mars, the seasoa
denoted ls Greeahma (Summer)-May and Jnne. In the
ease of the Moon, the season itt Varaba (Wiuter)-July, and
In the case of Mercury etheeason is Sar"t
September and October. And in the case of Jupiter the
season is Hemanta-Noveinber and Deoezhber.


When Jupiter is in his house, He presides over

18. All the planets aspect the Srd and lOth :Looses
with a quarter aigM, t.he 5th and 9th houses with half a
sight, the .th aud Sth\houaes with three-quarters of . a
sight, and the 7th house with a full sight; but Saturn. as
pects the 8rd and lOth houses with a full sight; Jupiter
aspects the 5th and 9th houses with a full sight, and Mara
upects the 4th and 8th houses with a full sight.


Suppose A to be a point in the ecliptic occupied by an

aspecting planet; divide the ecliptic into 12 equal p&ts of
30 each, beginning from A. So that the 12 points of divi
Mion will be those reapeot.ively marked by A3060 t 90 .

120,]50, 1601 210, 240, 2?0, 800, nd 8 0, and

CH. 11}

for purposes of planetary aapeots, these points are respect.:
. tively the middle points of the 1st, 2nd, Srd. 4th, &c. to U
houses. So that a planet at A aspects wih a quarter sight
the middle poins of the Srd and 1Oth houses, i. ,,, the
points marked 60 and !70 respectiTely ; aimilary i.t as
peots witb a hal sigM points marked 1:30 and 2410
with tbree-qnarters of a sight points marked 90 and UOo;
and with a full sight point marked 180. The degree of
aspects Cor other places most be determined by proportion
or rule of three, ftom the degree of aspects of the next points
before and behind. As regards the special aspects of Sa
turn, Jupiter and Mars, a aimilr course should be adopted
But if one planet aapeots another planet, then subtract ihe
longitude of the former from that of the latter, i. s., take
the distanc& between the two planets in degree and calcu
late the degree of aspect as stded above.
14. The Sun indicates six months; the .Moon two
Gbatikas or forty-eight minutes; Mars a day; Mercur1
two months ; Jupiter a month ; VenQS a fortnight ;aod &..
turn a year.
The Sun presides over pungent flavor;the Moon over
salt flavor ; liars over acerbUy ; Yerouy over mixed fla
ror; Jupiter over sweetness; v,nus over sourness; and
&turn over bitterness.

15. According to lome JupUer is the friend of the

Bon; Jupiter ad Aler<iury are the friends of the.Moon;
Veuus and Mercury are the friends of Mas. The Moon, ,
Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are the fl'iends of Me
onry. The Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Saturn,
arethe friends. or Jupiter. Mara, Mercury, Jupiter and
Saturn are the friends of Venus. Mercury, Jupiter ancl
Venus are the Ctieuds of Saturn(a). But according to
Satyacharya a. 'planet's fl'iends are the lords of the 2pd
12th, 6th, 9th, 8th, and 4th houses from his :Moo e.trikoD.u.

[cu. .Jr.


pignas well as the lord of the . e altation sign . of snob

planet, provided they do not conflict with the lords of the
remaining honses.(b),

The other planets are the enemies.

The same may be expressed otherwilie: the lords
. of the_.J'emaining houses are the foes of a planet, provided
they do not conflict with tl1e lor sor the seven houses des
oribed above. Putting the two together we get the ful
lowing resnlts:
(1). Those lords of the seven ho ses who may not at
the same time be tlte lords of the remaining houses are the
friends or the particular planet.

(2) Those lords of the latter houses who may not at

the same time be the lords of the former houses ate the foes
of the pn.rtionlar planet.
(3) And those who may be the lords of bOth. are
neither the friends nor the foes of the p rtic;ular planet.
Following the above rulE', the author himself gives for
eaoh planet, his friends, foes, and neutrals in the following
two stanzas. (Vic.le noat the end ofstanm 17)

- ..

16. Saturn and Venns are the . enemies of the Sun,

:Mercury is his neuttal, and the rest are his friends.
The Sun and Mercury are the fd nds of the Moon and
the rest are her neutrals.(a)
The Sun, the Moon, and Jupiter are the friends of
Mars; Mercury is his enemy, and Venus and Saturn . arehis
The Snn"and Venus are the friends of Mercury ;the
Moon is his enemy, and the rest nro his neutrals.
17. Mercury nod Venus are the enemies c,f Jtipiter;
Saturn is his neutral,
l'est are .. hizs fdenda.
'' '





. lleroaryand Saturn are the friends of .Yenus ; Mars

and Jupiter are her ueutrals, and the rest are her enemies.
Venus and Mercury are the friends of Saturn; Jupiter
is his neutral, anthe rest are. his enemies.
Thus have I stated over . again. at length the views of '
Satyacharyaregarding the natural or permaneut frienship,
enmity and bentrallty among planets.
. NOTEfl.

(a) The Moon has no enemie'-'

(b) We will now examine bow the author arrived Rt,

the three results given in the last two stanzas. 'l'ake the
oA88 of the Sun. HiR Moolatrik(lna house is Leo. (Vjde
stanza 14.) The 2nd, 12th, 5th, 9t.h, 8th, and 4th houses
'from Leo are respectively Virg(), C ucer, Sagittari, ArieR,
Pisces and Scorpio. The enltation houses of tbe Sun is
Aries. The lords of all these houses are respectively Mer
enry, the 'Moon, Jupiter, ;Mars, Jupiter, )far and :M trs
or dropping the repetitions, we get, Mercury, .Moon Jupiter
ana Mars. . Of the 7 houses Aries being repeated, we have
been dealing with only six houses. -The other six houses
of the Zodiac are Leo,. Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius, Taurus
and Gemini. Their lords are respectively the Suo, Venus,
Saturn, Saturn. Venus and ,Mercury, or dropping the repe
titions, and also the Sun; we get Vent&, S"turn and Mer
cury. We will compare these with the lords of the former
et of honaes, villi, Me.renry, Moon, Jupiter, and Mars. We
find that Mercury is the only planet ocouring in both tho
lists.. It is tberefore the Sun's neutral. Venus and Sa
turn are hie enemies, and the :Moon, aud Jupiter are
his friends. And so with the other planets.
18. Planets that OCC1PY t.he 2nd, 12th, 11th, 3rd, lOth
ana houses from' a particular planet &1'9 the friends' or
that' planet nnd the rest are his enemies for tho ti e. ,
cording to some, the planets that occupy the e-s.altation


Bt\WAT l.lTAQ.

[os. n.


a particular planet are also the friends of that pla
net. Combining together the three natural relations (vide
stanzas 16 and 17) with the two relationsfot' the time now
given, we mu.y determine the five following relations exist
ing J>etween planets: Atimitra {great friend), Mitra
(friend}, Sam& (neutral), Su.tru (ellemy) &Jld Atisatru,
(great enemy.)


Stanzaa I6 and 17 relate to the three relations of fUr

friendship, neuttality aud enmity. Stanza 18 re..
lates to the two relations of temporary friendship and en
mity. Combining the two together. we get the following
Under Stanzas
Uuder Stanza
16 &17

/v i

19. A planet has 1thanabala (local or positional
strength) when in his exaltation sign,{a) friendly sign,(b)
D.reJtkaoa,'o) in his Na.vamsa,(d) or in his Kshetra, house.(e)
-r . '.K<& C.( '
/ " ' .Mero11r y and Jupiter are power(ul when in theEastC/) or
-.ising sign. 'J.'he Sun and Mars are powerful when on the
south or tenth sign. Saturn i11 powerful when in the West
or aettiug sigo, aod the Moon aud Venw a&e powel'ful
when in the North or the 4th sign (Patala).








I. (13).
II. 16 to 18.
I. 11 and 12.

I. 6.

I. 6.

ca. 11.]
. (/) that ia : they then po88e88 Dikbala.' According
to eome cl)mmentators, Mercury and Jupiter are powerful
when in the Eastern triangular signs of Aries, Leo and
Sagittari. The Sun and Mara are powellful when in the
Southern triangular signs of Taurus, Virgo and CapriOQtn.
Saturn is powerful when in the Western triangular signa, of
Germinit Libra aDd Aquarius J and the Moon and Venus
are powerful when in the Northern triangular signa of Can
oer, Scorpio and Pisoea.
20. The Sun and the . Moon possess Olaeslalobala
(motional strength) when in any of the aiJ: signs from
Makara. The other planets possess it when in their retro
grade motion or when in conjttnctiou with the Moon
(Samagama) or when in their greatest brilliancy or when
they happen to be the northern planets in planetaly
oonjunchion (Yudha).

21. The lloon, Mars and Saturn poaaess KalabGZci

(temporal strength) at night;Mercury poueasea it bo h
day and night;and the other planeta(G) poaaeaa it by day.
The male6c.planets possess it doriog the waning moon
(Krishna pabha) and tbe benefic planets during the wax
ing moon {Sukla pakaba). Also each plant has it in his
;year, month, day an<i hour.
Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Tenus the Moon and
the Sun are each naturally stronger than the immediateJ;y
preceding planet in the order atated.(b)

(G) That is, ths Sun, Jupiter, ,..._A- Y.c....- .. '

(b) Such strength is known as Ne ise
Before applying the astrological truths contained in
the subsequent pages, the reader must consider the strength
or eakneaa of eac ouse.oC ita rd, d o tbe planets

CH. lt.


occupying or aapecting such bouse. For these and various

other purposes it ' will not do to have a mere Raai Oba.kra or
N vamsa Cha.kra to repre eut roughly tho planetary poai
tions. 'rhe aotuul longitudes (sphuta) of tho planets and
of Lagna from Revati should be known.

' .

J .


f1U. 8. ]


1. If,aUhe time of birth :(a); the ma.Jetptluets (b)

.be powerful (c), the benefic planets (d) weak, and one oCtbe
hermaphrodite planets (e) .eit.her be in one of the Kendras
' (angles)
or aapeot the L na (ascendant) ; the creature
. born will be that indicated by the particular DwadaBamBa(D)
:which the Moon might then occup1(h)






Or at the Lime of querr, adds the Commentator.

(b) Fol' the Jhnsouline planeta,vide Ir. 6.(c) . For the strength ofthe pl1111ets, vide II. 19,20 & 21.
(d) For the benefic planets, vide II. 5. .
(e) For the hermapbrodita planets, vide II. 6
CIJ For the Kendras or angles, viqe I. 17. ,

For DwadaBamBa, vide I6. .'

(h) For inst"oce, s ppoll& at the time of birth the
:Moon .occupies the 20 of Leo. As a Dwada.CJamsa . coptains
:21 degrees, the 21 of o is the nitith Dwadasama , f., q
'As the names of the Dwadasnmsas of L"o begin frcim Leo,
. the ninth Dwadasamsa. is that of Pisces. The creature horn
will tl1erefore be a fish.
. B ides, tbe. umber of the offspringwill be that'repre
. sent.ed by the number of DwadaSa.msi.s passed over bjr ibe
::Mot\n. Of these the number of odd Dwadi.samaa will
'repreient tl1e male issue,and the number of even Dwad&
'eamsas will tepl'eeeut he ' female issuea; the number that
. will perish in1media.tely after birth:will' be.that of the
: ber of the D.vadasa.msas"that; mighh be occupied. by' tho
r mRlefio planets ;or that might otherwise become weak. o ::
N.B.-The reador will in future kindly 1efer to the
table of reference published after the Introduction for the
.,. me.aning of any tetm.






2. Ir the malefic planeM occupy their Navamsas and

be powotfol, and if (at the same time) the Lagna (rising
aigll) bo other than humnn(a)j the bhth will bo that of a
lowe1 animal a8 before(b),
(a) . The rising sltould be other than Gemini, Virgo,
Libra, the'seooud half oCSngitta.ti and .A.quurins.
(b) That is, the creature will be that represented b)'
the Dwadasamsa which the Moo!l might then.occupy.
3. In the case of quodrapeds Aries is the head;Tant'1la
the face and neck;.Gemini, the forelegs and shoulders;
Cancer, the back; Leo, the bl'east; Virgo, the sides; Libra,
the belly; Scorpio, the anna ; SagiUari, the hind .legs;
Captioorn, the penis or testicle ; Aquai'ius, 'he buttocks
and Pisces, tlle tail.
In the case of birds the wings stand for the forelegs.
This stanza will also enable us to ascertain the color or
'vounds of particular parts of tho creature'" body.

4. If there be any planet in the rising sign, the c lor

of the creature will be that of the planet itself;if not the
color will be that of the planet aspecting the sign i
and if no planets aspect the rising sign tbe color will be
tfu)t of the rising Nava.msa. TLe number and variety of
colors will. be that of the planets occupying or aapeoting .
the rising aigo(a). Tbe number of stripes on the back of
the creature will be that of the planets occupying the
seventh bouse.
(Cl) Tho.color


he powet-fuJ planet will predominate



cu. 3.]



6. lfeitben Po.kshidrekkRnB (tt) ornCharAnavnmsn(b)

or a No.vamsn of Mercury(c) should rise and be occnpi
ed by powerful planet.P, tho creature born would be a land
bird if the rising Drekkan" or Navamsa, be either occupied

or aApected by Saturn; and a water bird if it be occupied ot

aspected by the Moon.
Nt o3
(a) These oro the second Drekknna or dtgrees from
]l to 20 of Ot-mioi,' the fi t. Drekkna or degrees from 1 to
10 of Leo, the second Drekkaoaof Libra and the first Drek
kana of Aquarius.
(b) Ohara or mo\ablo Navo.msos go by" the samo
names as the Cltara or movable sigo1.1.
(c.) The Navamsas of Mercury are those of Gemini
and Virgo.
6. tr the rJt;Jng sign, t.he Uoon 1 .Topiter and tlto
Son should bo weak, they indico.e tho birth of a tree ;
such tree will be either a land tree or a water tree nocord
ing as the rising Nnvamso. is one of land or water (a). Tho
number of trees will be tho nnmber of signs by which
the lord of the nscendaut Navamsa bas receded from the
rising sign(b).
(a) The wates Navnmsas are tho"o of Cancer, tho
Stoond half of the Nnvama or Mn.kam and the Nn\'O.ntsa of
Pisces. The other Na,vnmsas are those of land.

(b) For instance :suppose lhe 10 of Leo to rise, tho

rising Navamso. is thnt of Gemini ; it is o. L'nd Navatnsa.
'fho trco will therefore be one growing on dty laud. 'l'lo
lord of Gemini is Morcul'y. Suppose Alercu1y to occupy



[cu. 4.

Sugittarl at the timo. From Leo to Sllgittnri is 6 signs.

'l'ho number of trees will therefore be 5.
Again, if Lhe lord of the ascendant Navamsa shoulU be
either in the exaltation sign or retrograde iu his motioo,
the number alrta.dy obtained should bo trebled; but if b6
should be in his Vnrgottamabhaga. or in his own Nuvamga,
or Sign or Drokkann; such numbet should be doubled. For
instance : in tho instnnoo cited above, if Mercu-y shonM
eilbcr be rettogtade in motion and occupy his exaltation
sign, namely, Vigo, the number, viz., two ftom Leo should
be trebled. This will give us six. But if Metcury should
occupy the last No., amsa of Libra, (one of his Nnva.msas)
the nnmber is SX 2=f;.Ifhe should occupy Gemini the num
ber is 11 X 2=22 ; and if. he should occupy, for instance, tho
second D1ckkana of sigh 'l'nurus, tho number is 2 x 10;;:: 20.

7. If the l01d of tho ascendant Navnmsa be tlte Sun(a),

the tree will be one strong withi.n ; it' Satutn, the t e
will be an ugly one; if the Moon, it will bo "milky tace ;
if Mars, a thorny tree; if Jupiter, 1\ fruit ttee; if Meronry,
a ftuitless tree; if Venus, a fluwer tace; if the Moon
aguin, nu oily tree ; and if Mar<, a tree of sour taste.
The conditions given in the lassta.nzQ remuining
the same.

8. If the lord of. lbe ascendant Nnvamsa be a. bcne

fio planet occupying a malefic sign(c,), tho ttee will be "
superiotone growing on a bad ground ; if otherwise, the
tevel'se will be the case(b) ; tho nqmbe1 of t1ees is also
the number of Nuvnmso.s by which lbe lord of the ascen
dant Nu.vnmsa has receded from his Na.vamsa,

cu. ..]


(<J). The other conditione given in atnnza 6 remaining
the same.
(b). That is, if he lord of the aacendnnt . NavAmisa be
malefic planet occupying a bene6o bouse, the ree will be.
an iofedor one growing on a good ground.





1.. The meMes ha ppeu monthly, becanse of Mars

and the :Moon (a) (bl'ing about concoptiou) when the Moon
'ja in one oftbe Annope.chaya aigns(l,).If Moon be other
wise (t') and be aspected by a benefic male planet(d), here
will be sexual union between a woman and her husband.

(a) Menses appear iri womt'n whenever the Moon is
aspect.ed by Mius, that is eapt>ciatly when the Moon occu
pies the 4t.b, 7t.b or the 8th boose from Mara. In connec
tion wit.h this subject the author of &ravali says :
''The Moon ia water; M11.ra is fire; " mixture of water
anC! 6re is bilo; when the bile mixes "ith the blood, men
strual discharge oocnra."
(b) Ir, when aepected by Mars, the Moon happens
' io occupy one of the Anupachaya signs in t.he horoscope or
nativity of the woman, athe time of the appearance o
the mensee, conception will follow. The Upachaya .signa
. ar" the Srd, 6th, lOth and the 1 Ub houses from the ascen
. dant ; and the other aigtllt aro known as Anupachaya signa.
(o). That fa from tl1e time the woml\n bathes on tho
4th day, when the Moon reaches one of the Upaohaya
houses in the horoscope or nativity of the husband.

irltete will be sexual union . between the hnsband

and .wifo iC the Moon. is flSpoctd by Jupiter wheQ power
ful. The Commentator adds as fullows :

"If the Moon is aspeoted by the Sun, the woman will

. have sexuul n11lon with an officer of the king. ; if nspcct
by Mnrs, then with a voluptuary ; if n.'\pected by :Mercury,
then with a person of fickle mind ; if upected by Venus,
then with a beautiful person; if nspected by Saturn, then
with a servant; and if aspected by several malefic planets,
the woman will become a harlot."

2. IC at the time or sexual union,. the setting sign

be either occupied or aspccted . by mal116o planets, such
union will be. attended with anger, and if by benefic plllnets,
it will be attended with Jftay and )augMer.
The Comment"'tor &Qds that if the setting sign be
occupied or napeoted by both m&lllfic nod benefic . planets,
the union will be attended with both joy and displeasure,
3. If, nt the time of sexaal union, the Sun, the Moon,
Venus and Mnrs be in thoia. Navams U (a), or if Jupiter
ooonpy the rising sign or the 5th or 9th sign fromit, such
uuion will produce a ohiJd. . To persons devoid o verility;
the above Yoga (planetary positions) will be as useless as
the rays of the Moon to the blind.

The Commentator adds that there would also be
conception when these four planets are not in their Navom
. aM, if he Sun and Venqs should occupy the Upachaya
signs in the hotoscope of the mnn anti at tho same timo
bo in their Navamsns, . or if :Mnrs and tho Mo.on ahonl4


6a. 4.]

occupy the Upachaya signs in tl1e horoscope of the .woman

and at the same time be in t.heir Navamsull . :

4.. If at the time of conception, either Mars or Saturn

should occupy the sevenh house from the Sun or Moon the
man and his wife would tespectioely fall ill (a) ;but. if one
pf the two planets, Murs and Jupiter, should occupy. the
tw.,lfth and the other the second house from the Sun and
Moon, o1 if one of the pl11nets .should be in coujuoction
with the Suu or Moon and the other should .aspect eitl1er
the Sun or the Yo n, the man and his wife will respecth-oly
meet with death (b).
Noteil. :
(a) In.tlae Month of Mars or Saturn athe case may
.be (vide Stanz116)

(b). In the month of either Saturn o1 Mars whoever is..

powerful... '
., : '


The Commeuttor adds that tl1e two effects

in the Stauza will occur before 'and not nfter the birth of
be child.

6. In the case of conception (a) by dn.y, the Sun and

Venus represent respectively th father and the mother;
andby night, Saturn nncl the Moon 1epresent especiively
the fathe1and the mother.. In the \former case Saturn atad
the Moon represent respectively the poterual uncle and t.he
inatetnal aunt ;and in the latter case the Sun and Venus
represent l'eapeotively the paternal uncle and the maternal
:auht. If the plan ts 1epresenting the father and tbe
paternal uuole should occupy the odd : igus, ot if the plo.nets
representing the mother and the m"lernal aunt should \)OCU'
py the even signs a.t the time, theu the father and P.a.temal
uno le or the mo her and lho mate1nal aunt would be happy


[OK '

(a) Or birth according to tbe Commentator.
If at the time of 'conception malefic' planets
oooapy tlle twelfth b(JUSe (a), and if then the rising sign
be not nspected by benefic planets, or if Saturn occupy the
&ign aud be aspected by the waning Moon and M.lll'l
(in either case) the pregnant woman will die (b)
. (a)
The aecond house aooording to certain
Oommen, b.l.tors.
(b) . Before delivery time according to C"mmentator.
'i. If (at tl1e time) eUber the rising sign or the Mc)on
.or both be between malefic planets (a) and at the same time
not aspecl ed by the benefic planets, the pregua!lt woman
.will die (b).
(a) AJJ the malefic planets in the present case can
,only be thaee, viz.1 the Sun, Mara. and Bat.utn, buth the
ri: ing sign and the Moon oan be . between them at ho llLUlO
.time either when they are together or oocupy two altfrna
houses. 'l'he Commentator adds tliat malefic plaoets migh.t;
occupy either the I2th and the 2nd houses from .the aaceu. dant or tlte Moon or both, or they might occupy the Navam
sas on either side.
(b) Before delivery and in the month of the powerful
malefic planet.

8. If (at lhe li e) malefic planets occupy the fourth

"house nd Mars tho eighth hC>use from the ascendant or th




Moon, or agnln if Mara occupy tl1e fourih honse and tho

Sun the twolflh house from the osoendant, the pregnant
woman will die.
9. If (at the time) Mara occupy tho Lagna nnd the
Snn occupy the seventh bo11stt, the pregnant woman will
snlfer death from weapons. If the lord of any month (a)
llo nJHioted, the pregnancy will miscarry in that month.

(a) For the lords of the several months or pregnancy
vide Stanza 16.
10. lf tl1e benefic plnnet.s(a) be with t1e Moon or in
the ascendant (b), or if they oeoupy the second, fourth, fifth,

ievontb, ninth and he tenth honses from the Mooq or. tho
asoendant, there will be safe delivery, provided male6o
plllnets occupy the third or eleventh houso from the Moon
or the asoendant, an<l t.he Moon or the ascendant, is at the
aame time aspected by tho Sun.( !)

(n.) Th<'se are Mercury, Jupiter and Venus.
(b) Or botlt at the aame timo.

(c) Acoording to somo . ot.laer reading, by Jupiter.

Dut this is opposed to SaravaJi. .
11. If (11.) tlte ri11ing sign, tho Sun, J upit"'r nnd tlte
Moon be powerful nnd occupy tho odd (mnle) signs nnd
the odd Nnvamsas, the:issue will be a malo child (b); if .
they oconpy the even (female) signs
and the oven
the issue will be a. fcmnlo child (c); if agnin, the Sun and
Jopit.or(d) occupy Lhe odfl signs, tho issue will bo. a male
ebild ;nnd if tho Moon, Venne and .occupy tie evon
signs, the issue will be a female child.Als.o; if the Sun an


(cu. -&.

Jupiter occupy
two male double
Navamaaa1.f) and be aapecfied by Me ,"cury;the iuue will be
male twins; aud if Venus and Mars occupy the two
female double bodied Navamsaa(g) and be aapected by
Mercury, tho isauo will be female twiD.s(h).
(a) At the time of conception or of birth or of qnery
about the one or the other acco1diag to Commeuta.tor.
(b & c) If some of the planets be in the male and some
in the female aigus or Na.Yamaaa, then the sex of the issue
will be that which predominates.

4' e)

The planets sbonld be powerful also.

C.f) These are the Navamsa.s of Gemini and Sagilt&li.
(g) Those are the Navamsas of Virgo and Pisces.

The issue will be male twins as well as female

twins, if all the fowdouble bodied Navamsaa be so occupied.

12. lf (at the time)(a) Saturn occupy any of the odd

signs from the rising sign(b), the issue will be a n1ale child.
The sex of the issue in all the above cases shall be
determined by the position of the most powerful planet.

Of conception or query a.Ccording to Commentator.

{b) This Yoga applies only in the absence of the

Yoga mentioned already.

N. B.-Yoga is a particular position of one or mor_e

planets either 1elatively to one another or absolutely in the
ecliptic or both.
13. (If at the time of conception), the Moon and the
Sun, occupying respectively any of the even and odd signs,
ASpect eh her, r (2), t r nd Ke cury (occupying

D:\tuA.T lAT.lKA.


respectively any of the even ancl odd signa) aspect each

oLher, or (3) if :Mara (in an odd sign) aspect (or be aspeoted
by) the Son in an even sign, or (4) if the Moon and Lagna
in odd signs be aspeoLed by Mars (in an even sign), or {5)
if Man aspect the Moon and Mercury occupying respec
tively even and odd signs, or (6) if Venns, LRgna and Lhe
Moon occupy (mate signs and) male Navamaas, the issue
will be a hermaphrodite.
These Nnpumsaka Yogastakeefrectonly in 'h3 absence
of male and female Yogas.
14. Ir, when the Moon and Venus are in even sigas,
Mercury, Mara, Jupiter and Lagna be in odd signs, or if a
male planet aspect Lllgn& and the Moon in the even signs,
or if Mercury, Mara, Jupiter and Lagna be powerfnl and
occupy even signa, the iBBue wi11 be a male and a female
child. Again, i Lagna and all the planets occupy the
Ubhaya (common) Na\'1\msaa and be aspecLed by Mercury
in hia Navamsa, the issoe will be three children : of these,
two will be male children if Lbe Nanmsa occupied by Mer
cury be that of'Gemiui, and two will be femaie children if
snch Navamsa be that of Virgo. Again, ir, when Mercury
occupies the Navamsa of Gemini, the other planets and
Lagna occupy the Navamsll8 of Gemini and Sagittari, all
the tltreo will bo male children; and if, wlten Mercury occu
pies the Navamsa of Virgo, the other planets and Lngna
occupy the Navamsas of Virgo and Pisces, all the three
will be female children.
15. IC the last Navamsa o sign Sagittari begin to rise,
if all the planets occupy tho Navamsa of Sagittari and be
powerful, and if the ri11ing sign be aspeotec.l by powerful
Meroal'y .and Saturn, the issno will be more than \hroe


[an. 4.


That is 5or 7 or 10 according to Commentator.

16. In:tbo first month of pregnancy the embryo js

formed; in the second, it becomes tle::;h ; in the Lhird, the
limbs aro formed ; in the fourth, tho bones are formed ;
in the fifth, the skin is formed;in the sixtb 1 tho hah begins
to grow ; in tho seventh, iutolligence ill infused into tho
The lords of tho sovernl montls frum tl10 fil-1:1' to the
seventh ae Venos, lfas, Jupiter, tho Sun, the Moon,
Saturn and Mercury respectively.
(a) In tho eighh month, tho child begins to eat
tltrough tho navel cord. In the ninth moulh, the <:hihl is
filled with cares, and iu the tenth mouth tho child is born
The lord of the 8th month is tho lord of tho rising sign at.
tho time of conception. The lord of tho 9th mouth i :thu
Moon, and tho lord of tho lOth month is the Suu. Accord
ing to Yuvaneswara1 tho lord of Lho first inonlh is Mara
and that of the aeoond mouth i :Vouua.
There will bo miscarriage of pregnancy in that month
whose lotd happens to bo nffiictod at tho time of conoeptiuu ;
but if any of tho planets be of dim appctwauco, the fetus
will simply suffcl' iu tho month of tho pul'tiolllt r.i>lnncts.
If tho Sun bo powerful the child would osewblo its futher,
and if the Moon bo powedul, the child would rosomLlo its
mother. The health and disposition of tl1o child follow
those of its parents at the time of couoeptiou.

17. If Mercury occupy tho fifth or ninth house(a) from

tho rhling sign, Gud if at the same time the other planets be



8, .


poworloBH, the fneo, tho legs, and the IJnuds of the child will
bo doubled . If the Moon occupy sign 'l'amus and if malefiu
planots ot'cnpy the Rikshn Sandbies(bJ, the .issue will be a
mute child ; but if t.}le Moon be aspected by a benefic
plane, t.htlre will bo speech after a long tiwe(c).

(a) According to some Comm >ntntors the word 'l'ri
kona in tho text iii interpreted ns Moola trikona, tbnt .is
sign V i1go bore. Dot this is opposed to the opiuiun of
(b) 1'hnt Is, the last Navamsa of the signs Cuncer,
Scorpio and Pisces.

(c) Dot if mnlufio plauots nsp<>ct tho Moon, tho ct.ild

will never speak ; if both malefic nod benefic planets
aspect the Moon, tho efleots will follow the powerful pJane s.
18. If Saturn and Mars occupy. either the signs or
the Nnvamsas(a) of Meroory, tho issue \Viti bo a clJild born.
with tooth. If Cuncer be tho rising sign nnd if tho Moon
occupy it and bo aspected by Sntutn and Mal'l!, the child
will be humpbacked ;. if Pisces be tho rising sign and if
it be aspootod by Sattun, tho Moon and Ma1s, the cl,ill!
will bo lame. If a malefic planct,b) and the Moon he in
any of ta.s Nnvamaas of Cancer, Scorpio nnd rif.'OOS,
tho cllild will bo hom deaf. In nll the above Yogns tho
eft't ots described will oocr only if the sovea-al planets nre
not aspected by Jupiter(c).

bolla tl1o eigne and Navamsas according to

some Commentatol'B.



One of the threo pla.nots, tho Son, Mars B!ld Sa






[ou .4.

{c) So that if the planets be aspected by Jupiter, the

cfft cts will not occur.

l 9. If the 11\St Navamsa of MakarA begin to rise and

if it be nspected by Saturn, the Moon and the Sun, the
issue will he a dw1nf. If Mars oocupy tho rising D1ek
kana of the fifth house or of the ninLh houae{t ), the ieaue
will be either w thont a bead or without arms or without
Jcga respeothely, if Marl5 bo nspccted by the Sun, the Moon
o.nd Saturn.

(a) Some Commentators interpret this part of the
text as follows; if Mars occupy the 1st or Lhe 2nd or the
81d Dr kkllna of a rising sign, &o. But this is opposed Lo the
opinion of Garga.
20. If Leo be the rising sign and if it be occupied by
the Snn and Moon and aspected by Mars and Saturn, the
issue will be a blind child; (a) if in tho above case benefio
planets aRpect the rising sign, the child will be born with a
mote in its eyes.If the :Moon ot the Sun occupy the twelfth
JJOuse f1om the risingsign(b), the child will be born blind,
respP.ctively, of the lt:ft or the right eye(c).
The several Yogns mentioned above(d) will not wholly
come to pass it' the planets o each Yoga bo aspected by
benefic planets.
(a) According to Commentator if Lhe Sun alone oocn
py sign Leo; nnd if it be aspected by Mars and Saturn, the
child will be blind of the right eye; and if the Moon alone
should occupy sign Loo, and if it be aspected by Mars and
Saturn, the ol1ild will be Lliml of tho left oyo.
(b) At the time of Nbhekn (conco!Jtion) or of birth.

Digitized by


en. 5.]



(c) Provided the Sun or tlie Moon is at pected by

Mars and Saturn according to bubodhini Commentator.


That is beginning from Stanza 17.


Find out the number of the particular Dwnda.

snmsa occupied by the Moon at the timea) in ay Zodi

acal sign. Note the Zodiacal sign whose name the Dwa
dasamsa bt>ars, Count from the next sign as many signs as
the number of Dwadasamsas by which the Moon may
have advanced in any particular sign. When the Moon
comes to such iast sign the birth of the child wi!l oceur.
Again, the birth will occur by day or by night aooord
iug as the rising Navamsa at the time it a day or a night
Navamsa. The hour of birth from sun-rise or snn-set may
be calculated from the portion of the 1isiug Navwsa that
may have riaen above the horizon.
(a) At the time of conception, or query according to
In this stanza the author purposes to discover the time
of child-birth from the time of conception or query.Suppose
the Moon to occupy, say, the 8th Dwadusamsa of sign Aqua
rius at the time. This Dw&dasamsa is kuown aa the Dw
dasamaa of Vil'go (Kanuya). The sign next to sign Vil'go in
the Zodiac is sign Libra ('l'ulo.). As the Moon occupies the 8th
Dwadasam.a in sign Aquarius, the 8th sign from Libra is
sign Taurus. The child will therefore be born when the
Moon passes fihrough sign Tautus.
The Commentator adds thAt the particular star which
the Moon would occupy at the time of birth might be dis
covered ftom the advance made by her in the pnrticnlar occupied by be1. For iostunoe, snpposo the
Koon t upy thmiddl
th8Dwadaaamsa in Aqua-





rius; Tho middle of sign Taurus is the 2nd quarter of StGr

Jlohini ; so that ah tho time of bilth of the child the Moon
will occupy hhnstotism of Rolaini.
Agnin if the rising Nnvnmsa for instance be %at of
Sa.gittal'i, a night sign, the birth will occur_ at night. The
time of birth fl":)m ;un-set shonld be calculated by propor
tion from tlao time by which the Navamsl\ of Sagit.tari may
have risen aboye tbhorizon-the period of oblique ascen
sion of ho Navnmsa representing the period of tho whole
, The sex of hhe issue can bo determined from . stanzas
11 to 15.
22. If at the time of conception, the Navamsa of
Saturn(a) begin to rise and if Saturn occnpy the seventh
house from the rising 11ign, there will be delivery after three
yeaJ'S; and in simiLr case of tlae .Moon(b) there will be
delivery after twelve years.
Which of the several Yogas described in Uais Chapter
are appliCAble to tho time of birth also, shall be dotermiood
on the nature o{ such Yogns(c).
(a) Tbn.t is the Navamsa of Makar or Kumbho..
(b) If the Navamsa of Cancer a)JOuld be6in to rise
and if the Moon should occupy t.he sovontb house from tho
rising sign.

(c) For instnncc, Yogns relating to tho birth of ohil

dron with extra or defective organs, are to bo takon to refer
ns much to the time of birth as to tlao time of conception.
As regards such Yogas as those rclnting to the misonl'l'iago
of pregnancy and the like, th(ly nre to be taken to refer to
tbc;timo of conception alone.
1'111. .]



Burm TDll.

1. If,at the time of birth of a child the rising sign be

not aspeoted by the M.oon, the father will not be near when
the child is born-and if .in auch a case, the Bun should
occupy the 9th or the 8th bonae, the father wool.;! be in a
foreign country if the bonae be a movable sign, in his own
country if the house be a fixed sign,and would be return
iog to his country if the house be a common sign.
2. If, at the time of birth. Saturn be in the rising
sign or Mars in the setting sign, or the Moon between(a)
Mercury and V8Doa, the father will not be near.
(a). Whether MMcury and Venus occupy the signs
on both sides of the Moon or occupy the same sign as the
8. If, at the time of birth; the Moon be in the Drekl
kana of Mere(a) and if benefic planets be in the 2nd and 11th
houses from the riAing sign, the issue will be a serpent. If
the sign( b) of a mAlefiu planet be the ascendant sign, and if .
the Drekkana of Mars should then be rising, the iBSue wil
be a childborn with a serpent coiled round ita body.

(a). These Drekkanas of lfars are-tl1e lr.t Drekkaoa
of Aries, the 2nd of Cancer, the 8rd of Leo, the let of
Scorpio, the 2nd of &gittari, and the 3rd of Pisces.
(b). Aries, Cancer when it is wnning Moon, Loo and

4. If,at the time of birth tho Sun be in o. qundruped

sign and the other planets be all Pc>wel'fnl and in the com
mon signs, the issue will be twins.

i. If7 at th!) timtt of birth, 4-rie. L,eq pr T rq.a Rtt

he risiqg sigq, and jf Satqrn or lfaip
jgnl t tt jss e
will be a child born with h() pmbilipal pori! twjoe4 roqqd
tqtt p..rt oJ qo , jndioa d RY
e riafl}g lfayft (p)


(a). If the Nq.nm.sq, of Aribe h t rishg Nq.Y&Jlllllf'

t the time, thUl roQnd the head ; if it be th4ii Qf Ta rqa,
then round the face and ao pq., f<!lJowing P' djvja o
Itboity referredJn S ana 4., CP,ap, r :J'_
t). If Jupiter t the time of irih t'il tq peebqtiJ. he
as endant sign and the Mooo(a) or the
when popjuppt
<!ll wit'!J thQ Sun, or jf thtt Moqn qe in eonjqnc iOJ:!.
with the Sun when he is accompaJ:!.ied by e Q pl
et,. Jle isse ilbe n Qe itiffia.te child:



(a) 1f .f piteaspet e h!3r hQ (!Dtt Of tP,e ot eth

phild will not be le itimate
Accordiutq Yavane wara,
'if e1th r he e da
avamsa or the Nav sa occupied by the oon e that o
npiter, the chi d
not }>e llegitim.ate.


Accor4 ng to Grg'!', if the Moon should j:tCQUpy a s gq.

of Jupiter, or if he e in oonjttfH Hon with Jupiter in any
p er "ii'!' or if the oan bit in the Drekkor Navame
of Jupiter, tho hilJ wHl o P.e c itimate!


ate ime of bi th, two malefio plane s a) QCCupy

one of hf) waJ fio sign( )ad i qcsign be the th, 7tq
pr 9th honse fr Pl e Suo? t}1e fa her pf the chilq w ll be in
!J!l tody at the jme! If the Snp Of::C py a ovttble sign, th"'
father wilP,e S<! ln foreign la ds ihe opoupy fixeeigq
the fat er will u cqstody in his own country 1 and if bt:t

poQupy a commop s n l e
PM naFre po n r!

'! q P,e9'!1 Ji Wft;Y


taiBAT iu&n.

. 41



Mars and Saturn.

(b) A rles, teo, Scorpio, Caprloom, A.qdariiis, Cancer

wHen it ii wauing lldou, aiid Gemini and Virgo .when
itefcory is in oonJnootion witti Dialefto planet.S.

8.. ic the Moon be full and in Cancer; if Mercury be

in the rising sign and Jupiter in the 4th itouse, the .birth
wih occur in li boa't. Again; if the watery oig011 begin o
rise &tid if the Moon lie in the ith house, then too the birth
wih oc6ur in a bostt.
. ira watety sign begin


rise, tlie birth will oertaiii

ly oticttt on the l:;anka of wa,ers, if (j.) the Moon be a1so in

a wawry sign, or {2) if the Moon be fuli and aspect. th& ris
ing ign; or (8) if the Moon oe il:i t.lie lOth or 4th bouse or
10. I the Moon occupy the rising sign and if Saturn
occupy the 12th hodse and be aspected by a malefic planet,
the birth will occur in a prison., if either Scorpio or
Cancer begin toriand be occupied by Saturn and aspected
by the Moon, the birth ..Vill ocdur in a ditch.


11. If a watery sign begin to rise and if Saturn occupy

it and be aspected by Mercury, the Son, or the Moon, the
birth will occur respectiveiy in a pleasure houae, a temple
or sterile ground.

12. If a biped sign be risiug, and if Saturn occupy it

and be aapeoted hy Mars, the birth will be in cremation
ground;if aspected by Venus and the Moon, the birth will
occor in some beautiful and agreett.blo spot ; if aspocted by
Jupiter, then in' the .Agnihotra Sala(a) ; i aspected by the
Buu, then in the King's palace or a temple or a oow abed
and if aapeoted by Mercury tho birth will occur in on artist's
working room.

(a). A place where the sacred fire it kept and

IS. The birth will occur In places(a) represented by tbe

risingsign or Navninsa, whiobever is powerfal. If such sign
or Navamsa b a movable one, the birth will occur in ronda ;
f fixed, then, within a building( b). If the rising Navamsa
be a Vargottama one, the house will be the Ulother'il own

S t.t.,.


l : ' \

\ . ..

, r, \ \ , , ;, : C:

4 ,.

(a). These places are those referred to in Stanza 5,
Chaptel" I. We will give here the several places appro
priato to the several signs of the Zodiac.

Mesha represonts the abodes (.(caves) or tllO sheep,

mountains, the residence of an army, a fire place, metal
mines and mines where precious stones aro found.
Virahbha represents forests, bottom of hills, places ,
frequented by 'he elephants and caUle..and dwelling places
of the farmer.
Mithuna represents places frequented by women learned
in music and painting for purpose o either play or to carry
love messages to lovers.
Kataka represents rice fields, tanks, snnd banks aud
places frequented by the nymphs .


Simha represents forests, inaccessible places, caves,

mountains covered with forests and places ftequented by


KanyA represents places overgrown with grass

womens sleeping apartments, and female schools.
Tula represents customs houses, middle at. eets, bazars, .


J'()acls leading to towns, markefl places, high greU1ld and
places where crops grow.

1ltr . vrischlka

represents caves, fort.ifled toWI18, aitohett,

places where there are poisonodS aflonee, and hills and snake
holes and scorpion holes.
Dhanos represents good and even plndes whete there

oro horses or cavalry men or armed men, plncos of aacri_.


fi:cial fito coremonios or whore vehi!3les are kept.

Makara represents rivers, gardens, forests, tRnks, water
banks and ditchea.
Knmbha represents places frequented by birds,
by women, br dealers in liquor or by gambleH.
Meena represents temples, places frequented by the
rahmins, holy waters, rivers and seas.

1r .r

\ t r,'


(b), If both fixed and movable, the birth would occnt

in the onter veranclah ofthe house.


If, afl the time of birth, Mars ana &tum ooonpy

single sign, and if the Sun or the Moon (a) occupy the 5tb
or the 9th bouse from flhem, the child will be deserted by
its mother; bot if the Suo or flhe Moon be aspected by
Jupiter, the child though abandoned by ifls mother will
Jive long and in comfort.
(tl) If the Moon occupy the setting sign according to

some other reacling.

15. If a malefic planet (a) aspect the Moon in the
rising sign, Mars occupying the 7th houBP, or if Mars and
Saturn occupy the 11th house from the Moon when in the
rising sign, the child deserted by its mother will die. If
the Moon be also asp ted by a powerful benefic planet(b),
the deserted child will fall into the l:ancls of the
class of men represented by the aspectiog benefic planet;




and will iive: it te aap&oting malefic pianet be rowe tu]

the deserte<J child will f oll ioto tlie .bands' of otheta' ao'Dd
will pel'ish:
Saturn or Mars.
<6>. it' Jupiter aspoo1 the Moon, none
''vill befall he child;


tfl'ese evils

16. If a paternal pluuet be powe frll, t'he bill' wi11 occur

the father,11 house; if a ninteinnl plano't be po'icrful.t tU'
bitth will occur in the moihet's house;if tllree beneftc'
planes be powerful,- tll'e' birth will occur at the foot of walls
or trees; and if tbtee plane!d' occ4p) rng a: single sign f ,il



aspect the Lagna and the Moon, the birth will occi:tr in

17. If the Moon occupy the Nava:msa of Satnrn or

tlte house. (a) / om 'tagna, or if she be asj>ected by
Saturn, orif she occupy a wat ry Navamsa(b) <ir the same
house as Saturn, the birth will occur in a dark spot(c). If
three or more planets be in their Neecha signs(d), the birth
will o&ur on the bare ground (e). 'fhe bilth will follow
the manner in which the rising sign rellches the ltorizon ({)
If malefic plo.nets occupy the 4th or 7th house, tho moM1er
will suffer mach from travail (g).
(a). YavanachnriRr uses the word Kendra, meaning
the 1st, 4tla, 7th nod lOLh l10uses.
(b). w ter Navamsas are those of Cancer and Pisces.
(c). If the sun be powerful and be aspected by Mars,
there will be no darkness.

(d). Saravali has the word, "Neecha Samsthe," that is,

if the Moon be in her Neecha sign, 1Jiz, Scorpio.
(e). Ou ground, oovated with straw according




(/).. is, if the sign be one tho.t rise, with ita
Jtead, then the bead of the cl ld will appear fiast; if the
.sign b.e .oo that ri with it.s
tleg of the child
ill appear first: and if ibe one thariawibh both its
1tea4 ao.d e as sign Pisces, the htnds will appefirs

. il,

According to certain,qrs tbi' partpf th.e

tis interpret,as f..ln s: If the lord of the rilliJtg
.sign be in his direct coursE', he bitth will be a natural
poe ; a ::d in i!J r.otrogade motion, the birth will be an ir.
J"egular one. This meaJting has the support of Manittha.
(g). Or if malefic planets occupy the same sign as
Moon, the Jnobher will eufe ,aq rf!ora l.


18. The oil shall be determined from the Moon(a),the

ick from the rising sign(/,); the fixed or other nature of
the lamp shall b.e .d termined ftom the sign occupied by
the Sun(o). The entrsnce to the room will be in the
direction of the powerful planet Qocupyig a endra{d) or'
in that of tbe most pow,erful plane .
(a). That is, if tbe,M.oon occupy the beginning of a
.Bign, the <'il of the ] iiJ. the delivery room will be full;
if the Moon occupy the middle sigQ, the oil wjll be one-hu.lf,
nd if the Moon occ py the end of a sign, there will be n()
,oil in the ] i in other words1 the quantity of oil varies
with the posHioiJ. of the Moon
tqe sin
o oupjed
. by P,.er
. .AccordiJl.g to Sarayali, if the MQon be fuU the oil wilJ
e fnll and the quantit.y of tJ,e oil v!Jories wi l). the HJqmJne4
por ion of the Moon'11 disc. Battlro U pnlm, the Comm nta
tor, objects to this view, for be aa.ys that if such were Lhe
e, children born on new-moon do.ys shoud aJwaya J? t
hpaDJ!.Ot bu


Digitized by


(b). That is, if the beginning ef a sfgo begin to rise, .
the wick will be long and unburnt;if the middle of the
aign begin to rise, the wiok will bo half burnt;and if the
end of tho sign begin to rise, the wick will be nearly
wholly bnrnt. In ether words, the length of the wick vatiea
with the position of t.he point o tho rising sign in contact
with tho horizon.

The wick is of the color of the rising sign.

{o). That is, if the sign occupied by the Snn be a fixed
one, the lump will be fixd in some place; if movable, the
lamp will be canied by some body in the hand; aod if both
fixed and movable the lamp will be a swinging lamp. The
Commentator adds that the lamp will be in the direction
qsaigned to the signs oocupied by the Suo. Aooording to
somo tho laanp will be in the direction of .the sib'll (out of
12 equal parts into wbtch the room may be divided) occu
pied by the Sun. This latter . division evidently refers to
the division referred to in the Introduction in connection
with Horary Astrology:

According to others again dividing the 24 hours of day

and night into 8 equal parts of 3 hourJJ each, beginning from
aun-rise, the lamp will be ia the East, S. .East, Soutb, &c.,
according as the time of bhtb falls in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, &c.,
rts of the divisiuu.
(d) If there are no planeta in the Ke11dras, the on
tl'ance will he in the direction o thLagna according to
Swalpa Jatllka..
19. If Saturn be powerful, the birth willpccor ins.
house whiob, having become old, has been rebuilt. If Mars
be powerful, the birth will occur in a house pattly burnt;
if the Moon be powerful, then, in a newly built houso; if
tho Snn be powerful, the birth will occur in a house builti
of wood but weak; if M rcury be powerful then in a housG







bnilt by eeveral builders; i Venus be powerful,

then in a beRutiful ew house adorned with pictures; and
if b_. powerful, the birth will .occur in a strong
According to Saravali, if the Sun occupy the sign occu
pied by tho most llowerful plrmet os given in the text., tlto
delivery will occur in the room set apart for the worship
of the Devas ; if the Moon oc.oupy the sigu occupied by thtt
most powerful planet, the birth will coeur in the bath or
water room ; if Mars, then in the kitehen or tho Agnihotra
Sala; if Mercury, in the bed room; if Jupiter, in the trea
sure room; if Venus, then in the Jllay ground; and if
Saturn, the birth will ooca, in the place where sweepings
are deposited.
The CommentatoJ'.<Ids if there be three or more planets
in the three signs beginning from that ooonpied by the most
J><>Werful plane, there will be houses on be eastern side ;
if in the uext throe signs, there will be houses on the south
.em side; if iu the next three, there will be houses on the
western side ; and if jn the la:three, there . will be houses
.on the northern side,
.Again, according f;o Laghu Jataka, if Jupiter at the
same time bein the lOth house from the ascendant and in his
exaltation sign-having passed over the exaltation degree,
the birth will occur in a. two storied house; i he be under
the exaltation degree, the birth will oocJ.1r in a three
atorjed house, and if in the exaltation degree, then in a
four storied bonae,
Again, if Sign Sagittnri he powerful, the birth will
occur in a. house consisting of 3 inner v.erandahs ; if Jupi
ter occupy the 1Oth house from .the ascendant Ol' one of the



[ca. 5.

aigns Geinini, Virgo and Pisces, the house will be one with
two inner yerandahs.
20. If either the ascendant sign, or the a : oendnnt
Navamsa, (whichever i "> powetful) be that of .AI'ies, Cance1,
Libra, Scorpio, or Aquarius, the delivery room will be iu
the e tllern p01tion of the house ; if it be tlaut of So.gittal'i,
Pisces, Gemini o1 Virgo, thEln in the no1thetu portion of the
l10use ; if it be that of 'J.'autus, then in the westem portion ;
and if it be that of Capricorn or J...eo, the dulivory rootn
will be in the southeru portion of the housb.
21. If the rising sign be Aries or Tuurus, the bed of
the woman in labor will be iu the easte,n portion of the
room; if the rising sigo be Gllmioi, it will be in the south
eastern portion; if Cancer or Leo, the1,1 in the southem
portion ; and if Yirgo, then in the south-we(\tern portion..
if Lib1a or Scorpio, then in the \Vestefn pol'tion .i and if
Sa.gittari, then in the north-western p01tion ; if Ca.pric01-n
or Aquanus be the rising sign, the bed will be in the n01th
ern portion of the room, and if Pisces be tlte rising sign, it
will be in the north-eastem portion of t\le room.
same rule applies as rega.-da the place in the bed or cot
where the wo an might lie. As regards the oo$, ,ga.n,
its two f1ont legs occupy t\le <J.Uu\t rassigned to the
12th and 3rd houses f w. the ascendant and .t!l two hiuq
legs occupy the quaute1s ">sigued to the 6th and 9th
(a) In othe1 words the IUh and :hd ltoW eS epresent
the fore legs; the 9th llDd houses repre:. ut the bin
legs; the 3rd and 6th ho\}ses. represent the two right legs,
and the 12th and 9th houses represent tha two left legs.
Also the rising sign and the 2nd house represent the head .
of the cot, t.he 4tl1 and 5th housos represen. the ri ht sit,l;



the 7th and 8th houses represent the pa.rh between the
two hind legs, and the 1Oth and 11th houses represent tho
left side. Now whatever portion of the cot may be repre
sented by the. common signs, there the cot will be bent
down a little, nnd this will not be the case if such sign is
eithet occupied or aspected by its lord or by a benefic
planet Again, there will be defects in those parts ofthe
Cl\t which are represented by signs occupied by mv.lefi.o
planets, 11.nd this will not be the case if such malef\c planets
be in their exalt.R.tion signs, in their :Moola Tl'ikona signs,
in friendly signs or in their own houses.

22. 'l'htt number of midwives will be tho number of

the planets between the. rising sign and the Moon. Of
these plnnets the number of those in the visible hemisphere
will be the number of midwives outside the room, and the
number of planets in the invisible hemisphere will be the
nu ber of midwives inside the room. According to some
his order is reversed.(a).

(a) That is, of the planets between the.Lagna and the
Moon, the number in the visible hemisphere is the number
of midwives within the room, and the number of planets in
the invisible hemisphere will be the number cf midwives
outside the room. In this view Varaha Mihira does not
concur, for it is opposed to his Swalpa JatRka.
Again, if benefio planets occupy the signs from
Lagna to the :Moon, the midwives will all be beautiful
women, well dressed and adorned ; if malefic planets occupy
the signs, the women will be dirty, ugly and with no oana

Again, if any of the planets between the Lagna and tho

l{oou be in their exaltation signs or retrogt-ade in motion,
the number given by them shall be trebled. Bot if they be

(cu. &.
Jn their own signs, Na.vamsas or Drekkanas, &c., the number
given by the several planets shall be doubled.

8. The structure and other peculiaritiPs(a) of the

body shall be determined from the lord of the rising Na.vom
sa or ftom the most powerful plauet J and the colot{b) ot
the body shall be determined ftom the (Lord of.tbe)Navam
sa occupied by the Moon ; and the size of the several parts
of the body will follow the signs representing them, begin
iug ftom the l"ising sign which 1epresents the head(c).
These are given in stanzas ftom 8 to 11 in
Chapter II.
The Commentator adds that if the sign represented by
tlie 1ising Navaansa be powtu-ful, then tlae physical peculiaLJ i
ties shall be dcteamined from the lord of such Navamsa ;
if not they shall he determined from the most powerful
(b) This is given in st nza 4, Chapter JI, According to
some, the color must Le determined from the sign occupied
by tbe Moon, vide stanza 20, Chapter I. 'fo this the Com
mentator objects. For he says that there are no people or
e color of the parrot. In detetmiuiog the color, the county,
the climate, occupation. and the like shall be taken into
(c) The division of body referred to here is the same
as that refetred to in Stanza 4, Chapter I, with this diffet
onoo that while the latter begius from Bign .Aries, tho foa
mer begins from the rising sign. 'l'he divisions are as fol
i'he rising sign represents the bead ; the 2nd boose
ropaeseuts the face ; the Srd, the breast; tl1e 4tla, the hear;
tl1e 5th, the beUy ; the 6th, the hip J the 7th, the lower
abdomen ; the 8th, the genital oagan ; the 9th, the two
thighs ; the 1Oth, the two knees ; the 11th, the two shanks

aJt. &.]


tt.nci the I2Lh; tlus two feet.

Now in stanY.a. 10 of Chapter

I, the rP.lative Tti&gnitudes ol the several signs ohhe Zodiao

are given as follows

A. fAdes........20-Pisce!i:


1 Ta.utus.......24-Aquarms
5 Gemini......o&2B-:-Ca.p icor.n
l Oanoer........32Sngtttal'l.

c.{L?o .....i\6-S?otpio.

Of these the 4 signs referred to in d vision .A are known

as short signs. The 4 of division B ate known as signs of
middle length and the 41 of division C are known as long
signs. So th:tt that part of the. body will be long or short
according as the sign representing it is iong or sh01t.
If the lol'd of a short sign occupy a long sign, or if the lord
of a long sign occupy a short sign, the size of the part of
body represented will be of -middle length If several
planets occupy a sign, tl1e mospowerful of them shall be
taken into account, ond if no planets odcupy a Etign, the size
of the part of body will simply follow that of the sign.
24. The tlree-fold divisions of the body beginning
from the head, ftob:l the neck and from the lower abdomen

according as the rising Drekkana is the first, the second Ol'

the third, are as follows:

Thn twelve


Part of body represented when the rising

D1ekkana. is

1-------:------------'l'be fir t. 1. 'rhe secoud.

'l'ho thild.




Digitized by





2nd house.. Right eye ... Rift'ht arm ... Genital organ.
l th , ... Leh eye . Leh arm
.. Anus.
:1rcl ,, ll.ight enr ... Right band ... Right testicle.
111.h , ... J,t ft oar
. fJeft hand
... JJilfli
, ... Right nostril. Right side
... Right
... Left nostail ... Left side
... Left
, .. Rift'ht temple. Hight breast ... llift'bt knee.
9th ,, . Left temple... Left breast ... Left knee.
... Right cheek... Right belly
... Kight
,, ... L"'ft cheek... Left belly
...Lefr; ankle.
, ... Mouth
... 'l'he navel
... l'he

--25. WCJunds will occur in those parts of body the signs

representing which are occupied by malefic planets; but if

suoh sigus be occupied or aspeoted by benetio planets, moles
will appear in those parts ; if such malefic or benefic planets
be in their own signs or Na.vamsl\8 or in fixed signs or fixed
Navamsas, the wound or the mole will exist from birth;
ot.hetwise they will appear at a futuae time(a). .A.a regards
wounds, if the planet causing it be Saturn, the wound will
be caused by a stone or by the wind ; if Mars, then by fire
or weapon or by poison; if (malefic) Meronry, it will be
caused by earth ; if the Sam, then by wood or by quadru
peds; if the (waning) Moon, then by horned animals ot by
watet animals. There will be no wound in those patts of the
body w hioh are represented by signs occupied by the bene
flo planets(b),
(a> That is, in the or planetary periods of the
several planets.
(b) By Jupiter, Venus, (benefic) Mercury ancl wax
ing Moon.



For the purposes of this stanza the division of body is

that. rererred to in stanza 24.
26. If three planets, whether male&o or bene6o occupy



cu. 6.]



" single sign, a wound or a mole will appenr without fail iu

the parts of body represented by the sign.(a) Ag tin in the
division( b) of the body into twelve parte beginning from the
head (which the Lagna rt>preseota) if a malefic planet oc
cupy the sixth house a wound will appear(c) (in the hip);
bot if the male6o planebe aapeot.ed by a. benefic planet,
both a dark and a white mole will appear; but if benefic
planets oooupy the sixth house, there will only appear a.
orowded growt.h of hair,

(a} 'l'be division of body eferred is

tl1at given in
stanza .
(b) Tl)edivj.sion J"ef rred o is t.bat given in Note (c)
to stanza 23.
(c) In the daaa period of the most powerful planet.
Also, if the planet occupying the 6th hou te be in hie own
11ign or Navamsa or i.n a fi ed sigQ. or Nvamsa, be woJJ!l.d
OJ' $4e mol will exist froll) birtl).


1. H he birth should occur in the Sandbyakala(a)

'the twilight houri!) when 48 lunar Ifora (b)should be rising
,.nd when JDRlefio vlanets occupy the last Navamsaa of
signt, thchild would die aqon f!.ftel! bir b.
Again, if at
the time of bi..tb, the Moon and three malefic pll\neta occu
PY he fo!lr elldras, one ill, theq al :o tbe C)hild would

(a). 8Rndbykala; This is defined by the n.utl1or in
his Drihat Sambita, stan2!Q. 1, eh. 30; fC Thaperiod which
Jlfecedes the PlOPleJl$ w hell the Sull has joshalf riaell ud


[cu. 6.

thawb.ich succeeds the moment when the Sun hns just

hnlf set, .duaing which tbe stars are invisible, is known as
andhy"k"la or twilight period.''

(b) In the odd tigns, the second halves, and in the

ven signs the fiast halves are known as lunar Horas.
IC ejtl1er IJigo Cancer or sign Scol'pio should rise at
he timo of birth anc.l if mnlefic planers occupy the
,etn half of the Zodiac while tho beJ)oflc planets occupy
tho westem half(a), tha child wonltl die immeditLtoly after
bitth. Again, if malefic pluuets occupy tl1e 12th u.ud 2nd
Jaouses ot he 6h and 8th houHeiJ from the l'isiJJ.g sigQ., the
.child wo!lld die,


(a). The plane of meridian divides the Zodiac into

two equal halves known a.s the Eastern and Western
halves; so that if the 10 of Cancer, for instance, should bt
l'ising at t))e time, the F;a.storn h Jf would roughly comprisQ
Uo pottion of the Zodiac ffOJU.the 10 of Aries to the 10
of ftiqt; aq<J. the Westetp half would comprise the
Jloatiou of the Zodinc from the IP0 of Libr" to the 10 of
(b). Ac,::ording to cer iu Commentatorsthe two
yogas are taken tQgether and made to form a single yoga,
Iother WOl'ds, the:cbild would die under the first yoga
only if malefic plu JDtll occupy tho 2ud, the 12th, the 6th
p.nd the 8Lh houses. Accordiqg Ul a aga here will be
death in each of the following four yogas ; ( J) Malefic
planets occupying th aud the 12th houses; (2) tP,e 8th
and 2nd houses; (;j)"t.he 12tl) and d hoqses; (4) tb 8t4 and
)lora s.

3. If the rising sign, the sot.tiog sigq nd the sign

'9ccupied by the Muuu lie n<?4 o9qupieb>' Jlllllefi9. plaqct



BJUB.&.'l' 1.&.TAKA

and i the Moon be not aspected by benefic planets, the

child will die immediately af\er birth.
"- IC the waning Moon occupy the 12th bouse from
the aacendant, if the malefic planets occupy the rising sign
and the 8th hous.e, and if benefic planets do not occupy
the Kendraa, the. child will die immediate)y after birth.
IS. If the . Moon attended by a malefic planet occ py
the rising sign or the 7th, 8th or 12th house, and if benefic
planets do not occupy the Kendras, the child will die soon
af'i;er birth.
6. If,when the Moon ooouP.ies the 6th or the 8th
house from tho ascendabt, a malefic planet aspect the same
the child will die soon after birth ; if a benefic planet alone
aspect it, the child will die after 8 years ; anq if both a be
nefic and a malefie planet aspect the Moon, the child will
die 4 years after birth(a); but if a benefic planet (occupy
ing the 6th or the 8th bouse) be aspected by powerful male.
flo planeta(b), or if the lord of the rising sign occupy the 7th
house and be defeated in planetary fight (conjunction) by
malefic planet(o), tho child will die a month after birt_h.
(a). In connecMon with this, Yavaneswara says: If
the 6th or the 8th house occupied by the Moon be the
house of a benefic planet, or if the Moon be accompanied
by a benefic planet, even though he mny be in a malefic sign
the child will not die. Mandavya says : lC the birth;
occur by day in the dark half or by night in the bright
half of the month, t.l1ere wilt be no deaths even if the Moon
occupy the 6th or the. 8th house and be nspected by both
malefic and benefic planets.
(b}. In the absence o benolic phnets nspecting the
Moon, adds_the Commentator. Swnlpa Jntnka has the

'' By malefic planets or by planets retrograde in theit
(c). The planet that generally suffers defeat in con
jnnction, is tl1e southern one, one of fotbidding appear
ance, one of flickering light, one retrograde in motion or of
small size, or in oonjunoUon with the Sun, or which is of
unusual appearance or wi hout light or color.
7. If the waning Moon occupy the rising sign and if
malefic planets occupy the 8th house and the Kendraf!, or if
the Moon occupy the 4th, 7th or 8th house and bo between
malefic planets, the child will die. Again, if the Moon
occupy the rising sign and be between malefic planets and
if malefic planets occupy the 7th and 8th house11 and
powerful benefic planets fail to aspect the Moon(a),both the
mother o.nd tbe cwld will die.

(a). If they do aspect the Moon, the mother will

escape and the child will die.

8. If at the time of birth the Moon occupy the last
Navamsa of a sign and not be aspected by benefic planets,
oi if malefic planets occupy the 6th and the Oth houses or
if the Moon occupy the rising sign and malefic planets
occupy the 7th house, tho child will die soon after birih.
9. If at the time of bil'th the eclipsed Moon occupy
tho rising sign with a malefic planet(a) while Mars occopies
the 8th house, both the mother and the infant will die. If
instead of the Moon, the Son(b) be in a similar position,
such death will be caused by weapons. .Again, if either the
Sun or the Moon occupy the rising sign and if malefic pla
nets occupy the 5th, 8th and 9th houses, the child will die,
if either the Sun or the Moon be neither as ected nor ac
companied by powerful boneflc planets.




(a). Thais Saturn.
(b). That is, if the eclipsed San occupy the rising
sign accompanied bf a malefic planet (either Mercury or
Saturn), while Mars occupies the Jlth house.
10. If at the time of birth, Saturn, the Sun, the
Moon and Mars occupy respectively the 12th, 9th, let and
the 8th houses, the child will die soon after birth if tho
planets be not aspected by powerful Jupiter.
To aspect all the four planets, Jupiter must oocupy
the 5th house. If J"upiter should aspect only some of the
four planets, or if he be weak though he might aspect all
the four planets, the ol1ild will die. So that the Child
will escape death only if powerful Jupiter nspoct all tho
four planets.
If, at the time of birth, the Moon (a)
accompanied by a malefic planet occupy the f>tb, 7th, 9tb,
12th, 1st or
8th house, and . if she be neither acoompainied nor as
pected by powerful Venus, Mercury or Jupitet, the child
will die soon after birth.
(a). The Moon is the waning Moon nocording to Sa.
12. The death will occur when the :Moon comes eitbor
to the sign occupied by the powerful planet causing suob
death, or to the sign occupied by hersel at tlre tirne of
birth or to tho rising sign at the time, provided the Moon
is both powetCul and nspocted by powerful malefic planets,;
and the :Munia say that the pel'iod for suoh death is t




{a). TheM oon makes about IS revolulioris in the
oourse of a year. Whenever tbo Moon in the course of
motion bccomas powedul nnd is nepected by powerful
malefio planets on 1eaching one of the three places men
tioned in the text, the death will occur.
Note:-'l'ho Commentator now proceeds to describe a
number of yogas which counteract the several Balarishta
yogas given in the text. 'J'hey are given below.

1. If powerful Jupiter occupy the rising sign,

ihere will be no eal'ly death.
2. If the lord ot' the rising sign be powerful, be not
nspeoted by malefic planets and be nspected by benefic pla
nets occupying the Kondras, the child will live long.
s. Evon though the :Moon should occupy the 8th
house, if she should, at the same time, oooupy the Drek
kana of Jupiter, Mercury or Venus,there will be no early
. death.
4. If the :Moon be full, iC she should occupy benefic
signs, be between benefic planets and be aspected by Venus, there will be no early death.

6. If either Mercury, Venus or Jupiter be powerful and

occupy a Kendra, thete will be no early death even if he be
accompanied by n malefic plant.

6. Thongh thMoon ocoupy tho 6th house thoro will

bono earl]denth if she occupy the Drekkana of Jupiter,
Vonosor Metcul'y.

7. If the Moon be full and be between benefic planets,

there will be no early death.
8. IC the Moon bo fall Ol' if the birth occur during
the day whou it is wuning Moon, or during the night when



it is waxing Moon, there will be no .early death even if the

Moon occupy the 6th or the Sth ouae.
9. If the Moon be full nspected by Jupiter
occupying a Kendra, there will be no early death.
10. IC Jupiter, the Moon, Venus and :Mercury occupy
lte houses, the Navamsas or the DrekkaJias of benefic planets, thero will bo no e orly death.

11. If either tho lord of tho houao occupied by tho

Moon o1if a benefic pnlneoccupy a Kendra, here will be
no early deatb.
12. IC malefic planets occupy benefic Vargas (divi
aion,) and be aspect.ed by benefic planets, oocupyuig benefic
Vargas, there will be no early death.
18. If Rahu occupy the 8rd, 6th or 11th honse nnd be
aspect.ed by benefic planets, there will be no early death.
14. If all the planets occupy the Sirodaya signs, there
will be no early death.
15. IC at the time of birth, a benefic plnnet succesarul
in planetary fight (conjunction) bo aspectcd by another
benefic planet, there will be uo early death.
16. If the full Moon be aspected by all the planets,
there will be no early death.

ON AYuaDAYA oa THE DETmuiNATioN o:r THE L:&NGT.B or L1u
J, According to Maya, Y:'avanacho.rya_, :Mauit.tho and
Parasara, the maximum number o the years of the Sun
the Moon aud planets are respectively 19, 25, 15, 12, 15, 21
and 20 when the planets are in their exaltation degtees.

this obo.pter are given several methods for deter-



[o11. 7.

mining the length of human and other animal life from the
planetary positions at the time of bittb. The author firs
ploceeds to state what is known as Pindayurdaya.
'l'ho years given by the Sun when in his exaltation
degree is 19.
, 25
, 15
, 12
, 20
Tho exaltation signs with the exaltation degees of the
several planets are given in stanza 18, Ch I.
Before the length of life can bo ascertained, the years
given above have to be subjected to various reductions
. 2. If the planets are in their depression degrees, their
years will be one-half of those stated above ; if in any other
places, the years shall be obtained by proportion(a). Tho
number of years given by Lagna. is the same as the numbet
of Navu.msas of the rising sign thl\t may have risen above
the hol'izon(b). According to some(c) the number of
years given by Lagna is the number of signs between the
first point of Aries and the LBgna(d).
Again, if a planet
be in an inimical sign, he loses n thitd of his period(e); if
lte be an Astangata(/J planet, he loses one-half; but no
reducUon need be made in the case of Mo.ts (g) occupying an
inimical sign, or in the e3ee of Saturn and Venus being As
taugato. plamets.
(a), Suppose, fot instance, tbeSunto occupythe2Ist
degree of Sa.gittal'i. Required his years. The exaltation de
gree of the Sun is the lOth degree of Aries and his depl'ess
sion degree is the lOth degl'ea of Lil>to. When in . the
latter degree the number of of the Sun will be ono




.aiD1T JATAE1.

half ot'whatitisin t1to former degree, if.16ne-hal o 19 or

9l years. From the lOth degree of Libra to the lOth
degree of Aries is 180 degrees. So that evety .degree
gives u years. Now from the 10th degree of Libra
totbe 21st
degree of 8agittariis2 sigosand 11 degrees i.e.,60+ 11 or71
71 degrees give us 71X YT'II
t years=
8 years, H
months and 29 days. Adding this to 9l years, we get 13
years, 5 months and 2P days. The years of the other pia
nets may be similarly asoertainod. 1.'hese yeM'B are subjeot
to cel'fiain reductions as will be seen further on.
{b). The author gives here what is kuown aa Lagna
yurdaya, that is, the rising sign gives
number of years in
the same way as the planets do. A sign of Zodiao consist
ing of nine Navamsas gives us 9 years.. So that if the lOth
degree of Leo be rising, the number of years given by
X 9 years
8 yeal'S.


(o). Some: Manittba and men of his school.



(d). In othor words each sign of the Zodiac gives a

year ; so that if the lOth degree of Leo, the 6th sign ftom
Aries, be rising, the num berof years given by Lngna = 4. +
i& years = 4 years, 4 months. The Commentator adds
that in the case of Lag ayurdaya, the rule given in
sltould be followed, if the lord of the rising Nttva11ua be
powerful, and tltat given in this note should be followed if
the lord of the rising ign. be powerful.
Planetary peliod ascertained os per note(a).
(f). A planet is said to be an A.stangata one wben
be disappears within n particular litnit from the San,
his light being thon obscured by the light of the Sun. This
limit varies with different planets. In direct course, dis:
appearance and re-appearance take place as follows :


[Ill 7. ,

Mars wltenwi hin '17 degrees from the Snn.

Mercury . , ..
when retrograde
. fVenus .
'\Butwhen retrograde
1.'he Moon
(g). The word used in the text is Vakra; this ig
nterpreted to mean Mars by some and into " a planet of
rett grade motion'' by others; So t.hnt, raccording to the
]atter,no reduction for being in an inimical sign need be made
from his years if the pl,anet be retrograde _in motion. In
this view Varahl\ Millira conours. But the other view has
the support of Badarayana.
8. If ma.lefip planets occupy tJ1e 12th, 11tb,1Oth, th,
Stb, Ol' 7th house from the rising sign, a reduction in fuU,
one of one-hall, ne-third one-fifth and one-sixth shall be
made respectively in the years obtained. If the planets
occupying the said houses be benefic oned, the reduction
will only be one-hal (a) of what was . stated for lleach
But if several planets occopy a single sign, the reduction
shall be made fot the most powetful one. This is a.ccolding
to Satyacharya.(b)
(a), ,Where tl1e amount of reduction was stated to be

ft1ll in tho of n malefic pll\nct, it is ,only one-half in the

Ol\se of n benefic plamet; whoto it wall stiLted to be one-half
in tbe fotmer case, it h onlyone-fourth in the_latter case,
and so forth.
In this view Varaha :Mihira concurs.
4. If a malefic planet occupy the rising sign, then
mnHiply the tota.l number of yea.ra a.lread1obtained by tho


Digitized by




" 7.]

number of Navamsas between tho first point of .A. os nnd

the Lagon. of the !'ising Navn.msa and divide the product
by 108 . The quotient -ill,be the number of years to be
subtract.ed(a) from the total number of years already o],..
tained(b). But if the malefio planet be nspect.ed by a bene..
fie one, the amoqnt of reduction will only be, ou.e-half
.of what was stated above.
Tho reduction is known n.s Krurodayabarana.
According to some the number of years of. reduc
tion iobta.tned by multiplying the total number of ycnrs
already obtained by the number of Navamsas of tlUJ riaing
sign that have risen above the horizon anq dividibp: tho
product by 108, the total number of Navamsas of the

5. The maximum length of life of man and the ele

phant is 120 years and n days, that of tho horse is 82 years,
that of the ass and the oamel is 25 yearsthat of the buffalo
and the ox is 24 years, that
of the dog(a) is
12 years, and that
the goat and the like(b) is 16 years.i:'


To find out the length of life of an animal. Make the calcu
]ation as for a man and multiply the result by the maximum
period of life of the particular nnimal and divide the pro
duct by 120 years and 5 days. The result will be the length
of life of the animal required.
(a). Dog and animals with clawa.
(b). Goat, the deer and the like,

6. The length of life of a person born when the last

Nn.vamsa of Piscos is rising, when Morcury hns just pnKsecl
5 minutes in sign Taurus and whon all tho other planets
occupy their exalta ion signs is the maximum l'eriod of 120
years nnd 5 pays






!l'he horoscope referred to in the text is given below.

Venus. -






A..s all planets exceptingMercury are iD their exaltation

signs (and in their el:o.ltation degrees as supposed by the
Commentator) the years given by such planets are the maxi
mom yeal'B assigned to them. The maximum number of
years ofMercury when in his exaltation degree, viz., the 15th
degree of Virgo is 12, and when in his depression
degree, viz., the 15th deg.ree of Pisces, is G. The re
maining 15 degrees of Pisces givens 6 months. Sign Aries
gives ns a year. Now the first degree of Taurus gives 12
clays and therefore 25 mh: .ntes of the 1st degree give us
5 days. So that the yoars of MerolU'y
6 years + 6
moilths + 1 year + 5 days
7 years, 6 months and o day J.

Aaain, as the end of sign Pisces was rising, aocordin ;
to the Commentator the nine Navsmsas of sign .Pisces givo

us 9 years

so that we have the following

The. San 19 yrs.

. The Moon..25,,
...15 ,


Mercury ...7 yrs,6 ms.5 ds. Lagna

... 15 yrs..
,,. 21 ,
.. 20 ,,
... 9 ,,

Now a reduction known as Chakrapataharana. is to be

&de from the years of Mara and Saturn, those two being






malefio planets, the former oconpying the 11tb house and

the latter the 8th house from the rising llign.'iThe amount
of reduction therefore is one-half in the case of Mars and
one-fifth in the case of Saturn. .Accordingly after making
the reduction, the years of Mars will be 7i and those of
Saturn will be 16. ll.eductions known aa Satrukabetra
harana, Astangata harana and Krurodnya barana have not to
be made in this case. The salting years therefore aro
years. Months. Days.
The . Sun
The Moon


Totalleugth of life
7. This Pindayurdaya method has also been trea d
of by Vishnugupta (a), Deva.swami and Siddhasena. Reject
ing the age of 8, the period of B tlariehta or early death (b),
the main fault in this Pindayurdaya is that in uo oasa iii
gives ns years lees than 20 (c).





Vishuugupta is otherwise known as Channkya.


To which none of the .Ayurdaya rules apply.

(c). The Commentator con : iders tha.t this stanza is not

tho author's; t.he objection to Pindn.yu!'duyn raised iu it he
meets as follows by ptoving thnt Pbdayurdaya doe1 give
years below 20. He takes the fo1lowing horo:>cope. The
first N:\vamsn of Aquarius ialhe Lagnu. 'J'he Sun, the Moon
and Venus occupy their e;:taltation dcgt GCl:l,; Mercury, Jupiter



[cu. 7


and Saturn occupy their depression degrees, and Mars occu

pies the 28th degree of sign Aquarius.




Rasi Chukra.


Now as the Sun, the Moon an<! Venus are in theile.u.l

btion degrees, their years ure respectively 19, 25 and 21;
and as Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn occupy their depression
degrees, their years ate one-half of their maximum years,
tlu1t is one-half of 12, 15 and 20 or 6,7& and 10 respectively.
Now the 28th degree of Capricorn is the exaltation degree
of Mats;and as he occupies the 28th degree .Qf Aquarius, he
i's removed from the exaltation degtee by exacjlty 80 degrees.
His mn.x:imum number of yeats when in the 28th degtee
ur c pricmn being 16 j ao degrees or a sign gives uij H or
year nnd 8 months. Subtracting this from 15 yeai'S we
get l!J years and 9 monU1a as tho years of Mars. As sign
Aquarius was just rising Lagna gives us no yeors; so lhut
a.t thi11 stage the planetary years Mercnry
stand as6follows
years. :
G ms.
The Snn
19 years.
Saturn 10 ,,
The Moon 25 ,



11nd Mars ll\ years 9 months. Now as Jupiter, a benefic planet
occupies the 12th house fl'om the rising sign, ltis years
a ff a reduction of one-hn.lf of their leugth ; so thut, after

c:&. "'.]

1J&tJtAT 11TU:.A.


the reduction, he gives us only 3 years and 9 months

.Again, as all the planets <1ccupy friendly signs, no Snta'll
Kshetraharana need be made. Saturn being within 10
degrees from th'Sun is an Astangat.a planet and therefore
his years suffer 'ured1<gion of one half. So that llf'- 11M.
:Nduetiea-he gives us years. Thus we have the follow
The Sun
Mercury 6 years.
19 years.
The Moon
J 3 ys. 9 ms.
Saturn It) yeaas,
21 ...

Mars 13 years 9 months.

Total 9r'Je&I'S 6 months.
:Now M Mars, a malefio pltlDet, occupies the rising sign,
the total number of 9 ears and 6 months have to be sub
jected to a ieduction known ae Kt'Ul'Odaya harana. In
other words the 108 Navnmsas of the ecliptic tepresent tho
total number of years. Now there are 10 X 9 = 90 Na-
vamsas between the first point of Aries and tho first p int
of Aquaria. The quautity of reduction therefore is 1W!, x
years and 6 months.
Thel'efol'e the years relllaining
after the reduction = Nr X 9ryears and 6 mouths= lr"
years and months, the length of life requil'ed. '!'his of
course is less than 20 years.
8. To the \'ery yoga to which the maximum length of
Hfe has been assigned, certain a!\trologei'IJ (a) have ascl'ibeu
tho life of a king. 'l'lu ae is an evident oa1oa in this.
Another eraor is that persons (born nuder the yoga of a
sovereign) are oft.eo fouud to live long and poor.




uch as Badaaayana and Yavaneswara.

The objection amounts to thi11 :

'ho.t the very yoga which, according to Pindayorilayn.
is said to give a person the maximum length of-lite is conai-

(tH. 7.


dered by certain astrologers as Raj$ Yoga. In either

Case several lllanets cccupy their exaltation signs (vida
stauzo. 1, Chapter X.) The Commentator considers this
stanza too, not as the author's, the objection raised being
an absurd one. For, it is wrong to suppose that a }>aatioular
yoga cannot be both a yoga for long life and one for the
1ife of a so eteigo. 'l'he other objection raised in the text ia
evidently a frivolous one and ought to be proved before it
can be met.

9. According o Jaevasnrma ti1c maximum uumbe1 of

years for each planet when in his exaltation sign and degree
h oue-seveuth of the maximum length of human life-120
years aud 5 days,-whioh is 117 years, 1 month, 22 days, and
\ ghatikas. (a) In this view Jeevasarma stands alone and
is not supported by other authorities. According to Satya..
obu.rya, t.he plii.Iletary yeurs are the same as the number of
Navamsas passed over by each planet(b). This view bas the
suppo1t of many authorities.
(a.) Just as in Piodayurd11ya, the several reductions are to

Lo made aud then the tesulting length of life ascertained.

(h). Counting from the Navamsa of Aries immediately
prt:cediug ; so t.hat no pla.uet can give mQre than 12 years.

10. Accoading to Sa,yacharya, convett the Sphuta or

]ongitudo of the planet into minutes; divide thnumbOL' of
uaiuuto:i by ::oo ; tho quotient will ropt'O!Iont the nurnbo1 of
Navam : u:1 pn : sed over Ly tho planet from the thst point of
Aries. Divide this by 12, the remainder will give tho Dumbe1
of Navnmsns ftom t.ho Nava.msa of Al'ies the number is
nl!io the number of years a.nd fmo ion of a year for
the planet.
Suppose be longitude of the Sun to be
dt>grees 1&




' DlliiiAT J.lT.\][A,


minutes. This converted into minutes gives 6,918 minutes,

Now as a Navamsa contains 200 minutes the nom
ber of Navamsas p_assed over by the Rttn ftom the
t tbia
by 12, point
we getofasAries
lOin. NAvamSAsDividin
from the
preceding Navamsa of Aries. This then represents the
years nf tlu Son which w.ill be found to bo 10 yaal'!'f.
6 montLs 23 days and 24 ghatikns ; and so on for enoh
11. Again, if any planet occupies its exaltation
sign or is retrogrAde in its motion, the years Msi$fned
to it, shall be trebled; aud if the planet be in its Var
gottama or,. or Swaksl1etra or Dll9kkana., its
yt>ars shall be doubled, The above is a special feat.ure
in Saty ba.ryar's 4ynrdaya. In otheuespeets, it re.CJembles
the Pin aynrifaya.-the several1;edno ions(a) already refer
red to apply to the present case.

= 84-m

((J), The reduction known M Kroroda.ya hA.rana
c:loes not apply to Satyaoba.rya.r's method. (Vide stanza 12),
12. According to Satyaoba.rya the years, months, &w.
for the Lagos., the rising degree,are the same AI the number
of Navamsaa pB88ed over (a) (as in the case of the planets);
bot if the rising sign be powerful(b), flhen, the number of
signs passed.over represents f;be years, month t, &o.. The
reduction known as Krnrodaya.ha.rana does not apply to
Satya.oharyar's method. In the oase of the other reductions
the years giyn in the first st nza ongbt noto be employ


Beginning from the next preoediug Navamsa of





(ca. 'J,

(b). As sbted in.s anza 19, Ch I.

(c). Tb1Lt is tl1e special years of each planet according
to Satyl\charya's method ought to be subjected to the several

18. In the matter of Ayurdaya, the method of s Ltya

Chnrya is the best. Objection is made to it an the ground
that tplanatery years have to be multiplied several times(a)
This is wrong; where any pe1-iod has to be multiploJ.
by several numbers, it will be sufficient if the pedod is
multiplied by the largest number( b).
Suppose !fercury to occupy sign Virgo which is
his exaltation sign aR well as his house.

It would seem that under stan-za 11, Mercury's years

should first be trebled and then doubled. Is this to be
done ? Again, suppose Mercury to occupy the last Navamsa.
ofsign Virgo which is his Vargotama position. His years,
it would. appear, have to be doubled on tba.t
acconnt.Already we found that for being in his house,
his years had to be doubled. The question is whether tho
years of Mercury have 'o be doubled twice.
suppose Mercury while occupying Virgo, his exaltatio11
sign, is also retrograde in his motion for which his years
have to be trebled. Are his years then to be trebled twice.

(b). l'f any period has to be doubled twioe or thrice,

;t will be enongh if it be doubled but once, and where the
period has to be trebled twioa or thrice, it will bo enough if it
be trebled but once, Again, if any period has to be both
doubled and tl'ebled, it will be enough if it be only trebled
14, The life of a person born when eign Cancer is ris
iog, when Jupiter and the Moon occupy such rising sign,
when Mercury and Venus Of)Cupy the Kendma and tho other






plrmetB occupy the llth,6th and Srd bouaea ia nohubject to

ordin try calculation, but far exceeds the maximum period
of normal human existence(o).
(a). Io other words, the ordinary .} ynrdayA. rules for
ascertaining the length of a man's life do not apply to the
horo!lcopo mentioned in the text. For further pnrticulars
vide Chapter IX. Notes.
Notes :-Itmay be interesting to quote here a few horos
copes of the nature of the one referred to in the last stanza
to wl1icb the ordinary Ayurdaya rules do not apply. .The11e
are mainly the horoscopes of eminent sages who are suppos
ed to live for several centuries.
(1). The tising sign is Leo and Jupiter occupies it,
Venus occupies Cancer, :Mercury the 2od house Virgo, and
the malefic planets occupy the Upaohaya places, viz., the
Srd, 6th, 10th, and 11th houses. A person hom in the
above yoga will live for 1,000 yeats.
(2). The Sun and Mars occupy the 4th house ftom the
ascendant ; Saturn occupies the rising sign, Rnhu the 12th
house and the other planets the 8th house. A person born
in the above Y:>ga will live for 2,000 years.

The rising sign is Arie11, and the Sun occupies it.

Saturn occupies the 4th or tl1e 9th bouse. Mars the 7th
house, nnd powerful Moon the 12th house. A person bom
in the above yoga will Jive for 2,000 year& hy the power of
(4.). The rising sign is SagiHati or Pisces, and Jupi-.
ter occupioa it;sign Gemini is unoccupied nnd Venus occu
pies one of the Kendra houses. A person born in the above
yoga will live for a great number of years by the power of
dtngs and will attain the position o lndra.



[ca. ':,

. (5), If all the planets OOC\lpy either a single sign ol'

the 'l'rikoila or tbe Kendta houses, a pert on born in the
yoga will either die immediately after birth or live for a.
yuga by the power of fl&atttra,,
6. If :m,alefio planet.a do not occupy the Trikona housell,
benefic planets do not occupy the Kendi'& houses, and if the
8th boute be not occupied by a malefic planet, a pel'SOn
born in the yowill become a Deva..
7. 'l'he rising sign is T1Lurus and Venus ocoupies it.
Jupiter occupies one of the Kendra houses md the othel'
planets occupy the 8 -d, 6th and 11th houses. A person.
born under the yoga will become a Peva. nfter Jiving for a
grea.t number of yean by the power of drugs and ma.ntms.
8. The rising sign is Oa.noer; Batu1n occnpics sign
Libra; Jupiter occupies Capricorn; and tho :Uoon occupies
'!'auras. A person born under the yoga attains the position
or Brabma afte11 living a great maJ)y yea:rs by the st&eogth
of d11ogs and mantras.
9. The rising sign is Oanoer and Cancer is also the
rising Nllva.msa;Jupiter occupies one of the Kendra houses;.
Mars the 7th house;and Venus is in Simhasanamsa(a).
A person born in the above yoga will live long by the power
of drugs.
10, The ri11ing Navam,sa is tbe last Navamsa of sign
Virgo and Mercnry .occo:pies it; Jupiter occupies the 7th
bonae and is in Gop ramaa or Saturn is in AlridvamsB,
A person born under the above yoga will live for an iofi
mte nnmher of yea1's,

ll. V"uus is in Dev lok msa; Ma:re in one of the

Kendra houses and Jupiter is also in one of the Kendra
houses and !sin Simhasanamsa. A person born in the
above yogwill livo for a countless number of years.


(a). For aexplanation or these Amsall or r

oa\t,uus, vide the uottt at 'he end,



12. Venus occupies one of the Kendra bousea anci Is

in Vargottama position and in PstBvatamaa; Jupiter ocou
pies one of the Kendra hottseB and is in Swa"galokamsa;
A person hom in the above yoga will live for a onntleea
number of years b7 the power of drugs.

18. Jupiter occupies one oftbe Kendra houses, anci is

in Gopnratnsa ; Venus occupies one of the Trikona houses
and ia in Pa.ravatamaa anci the rising sign is Canoet; a
person born in tho above yoga will live lor a yoga.
U. The riiJiog sign is Ca.nder and Jupiter occupies it
knd is in the of S tgittari a.nd 2 or 8 planets
occupy the Kendras. A person born in the above yoga
will live long and attain the position of Brahma.

15. Venus occupies the Srd or 11th house a.nd is in

Gopura. or other Amaas; and the rising Navamaa is Taurus
of sign Taun1S; A petson bom in the above yoga will live
long and attain the position of Brahma.

16. Vonus oeonpies the rising sign ; jupiter the 7th

house; the Moon) sign Virgo, and the rising Navamaa is
Aries of sign SagittRri. A peNon born in the above yoga
will obtain salvation.
17. Mercury occupies the 5th house and is in Gopura.
or other amaas; the rising sign is Aquarius and Jnpittn'
odctipies it. A person born in the above yoga will attain
the position of Brabma.
18. Jupiter occupies one of the Kendra houses. Saturn
occupies the ilt:h bonae. The Sun occupies the 2nd house
. Gulika. (the higher apsis of a. planet;s ooo1'8e) occupies the
?ih house and .Mars oocupiea the 9th house. A peL'Sou bont
in the yoga will live for a yuga. .
19; Jupiter and Mercury artin the Trikona houses J



[011 1

the ri ing sign is Taurus and Mat'S occupies it and the

Moon isin Gopnramsa. A. person botn in the above yoga
will live for 2,000 years.
20. Jupiter occupies one of the Kend1a houses ; the
1ising sign is Ouncar1 Mars occnpies the 7th house and
Saturn the 4th house; the time of bil'th is the light half
of the month. If the birth of a pertion occuts in the above
yoga and by day be will live for 10,000 yenrs.
21. Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Venus oooupy the Ken
draa and are mutually in Kendra positions to one another,
or they all occupy the Trikona houses. A person born in
either of the above yogas will live for 10,000 years.
22. Benefic planets occupy the Kendras ; Malefic pJa
netR occupy the Srd, 6th, and 11th houses; the rising sign
is Leo and Jupiter occupies it. A pe1sou bo1n in the
above yoga will live for 60,00U years.
2B. The rising sign js Capricorn and planets from
.Mars to the Sun occupy it excepting Jupilier who occupies
the Brd bouse. A person bol'n in the above yoga will live
for a Kalpa.
24. The laat Navamsa of sign Al'ies is the rising Na
vamsa and Jupiter or Venus occupies it.; the Moon occu
pies the 5th Navamsa of Tu.01us or Sagit.tari ot Mars is in
A person born in the above yoga will
live for a. countless number of years.
25. The Sun and Mercury occupy fixed signs ; the
Moon oooupies si{,'Il Taurus, and Venus sign Geiniui; the
rising sign is Cancel' and Jupite1 'occupies it, ot the risillg
sign ill Lib1a and Saturn ocoopies it. A person born in the
above yoga will become a Muni or a Risbi.
2:3. The Moon is in Devalokamsa ; :M:ats is in Paravat
amsa; the Sun is in the rising sign and in Simhasana.msa
A person born in the above yoga will become a Muni or a

. (lJI.




27. The Snn occnpios sign Aries; Jupiter either the

9th l1ouse or sign Cancer ana the malefic plan<'ts occupy
the 3rd, 6th, and 11th houses." A person born in the above
yoga will_beoome a Muni.
.dm1a1 et :plained.
In Chapter I we h11ve referred o the six modes of di
'Vision of the Ecliptic known as 8hadt1arga. Certain writers
have four more divicJioos known as BaptanuuJua, DasafMa;
8hoda1afMa and Shahtyaf1Ua. These ten divisions of the
ecliptic are known as Da1at1arga.

Saptamamso. is divil'ion of a sign of the Zodiac into 7

equal parts. The lords of the 7 parts of the odd signs are
respecLively the lords of the 7 signs of the Zodiac oommen
oiog from the odd sign ; and the lords of the 7 parts of the
even signs are respectively the lords of the 7 signs of the
Zodiac beginning fom tbe 7th sign from the even sign.
Dasamsa is division of a sign of the ZoditlC iiito 10
equal parts. The lords of the 10 parts of the odd signs are
respectively the lord!! of the 10 signs of the Zodiac com
mencing from the odd sign, and the lords of the 10 parts of
the even signs are respectively the lords of the 10 signs
commencing from the I Oth sign from the even sign.
Shodasamsa is divi9ion. of a sign of lhR ecliptic into lG
equal parts. The lords of the 10 parts of the odd signs
are the lords of the 12 sign.s commeroing from the odd sign
together with Bral1ma, Vishnu, Rudra and Surya; the
lords of the 16 parts of the even signs are the lords of the
l2 signs oommo11cing from tl1e oven signs togctbor with
Snryo, Rudra, Vishnu and Drn.hmn.
Shashtyamsa is division of a sign of the ecliptic into 60
equal parts. The 60 parts of odd sign& are thoso of

l. Ghora.


[oa. 8
2. Rt kshnsR.

a. Deva.

21. Pu.dma.
4. Kuborn..
22. Lnkshmi.
0 n. 28. Vl\geeea.
6. Kinnara.
24-. Digambarn..
7. Bbrashta.
25. Deva.
S. Kulaghna.
9. Garala.

26. Aadta.
27. Kalinasa.
28. Ksbitiswaaa.
29. Kamalakara.
10. Agni.
30. Mandatmaja.
11. Maya.
81. .Mrityu.
l:?. Pretapureesa.32. Kala.
18. .A pampati. 33, Davagni.
14. Devaganesa.. 34. Ghora..
ln. Kala.
85. Amaya.
16. Abi.
l!G. Kcmtaka
17. Amritamsa. 87. Sudha.
18.. Chandra.
88. Aanaita.

41. Kalinasa.
42. Mukhya.

43. Vamsakshaya.
44. Utpataka.
45. Kala-ropa.
46. Soumya.
47. :M:aidu.
48. Sositala.
49. Damshtraka.rala.
60. Indumukha.
61. Pravina.
62. Kala.gni.
il. Danda.yudlui.,
r.4. Nirmala.
. 55. Subha.
56. Asubha.
57. Atisitala.
58. Sudha..

19 Mridu.
89, Poomacbandra. 59. Payodhibhramana.
20. Komala.
40. Vishapradigdha. 60. Indurekha.
And the 60 parts of the even signs are the above in
the inverse order, that isbeginning from Indurekha. and
ending in Ghora.
Now a planet which occupies his particulat house, Na
vamsa, Uwadasamsa, Tdmsamsa, &c., is said to be in his
Varga. A planet occupying two Vargas is said to be in
ParijatamR& if he occupies tluee Val'gas, he is said to be
in Uttaiilamsa j if fom vargns, in Gopuramsa j if five vargas
in Siml1anamsa j if six, iu Paravatarosa j if seven or eight,
in Devalokarnsa j if nine, in Airavatamf a j and if ten, in





Dtvlstows AND Soa-Dnisrows orLtrw
1. Determine firt which of the following three is
powerfnl.-the Rising Sign, the Sun and the Moon. His pe
riod comes first. Then follow the periods of tbRo planetR
occupying the Kendra houses, ftom such powerful rising
sign or tho Sun or the MI)OD Then come tlte pel'iods of
the planets occupying the Panaphara houses from the same,
and lastly come the pel'iods 9f planets occupying the Apok
lima houses(a). Ir there be no planets in the Kendra or
PRnapbara or .A.poklima house, then the periods of the
other planets come in the order stated.



(a). The order in which come lhperiods of the
se veral planets occupying the l{endra or the Pannphara or
the -Apoklioa houses is given in the following stanza.
. The lengths of the severnl planetary periods known
as dt\tlas are the same as those of tpe planets Rs found iu
the lASt chapter. .Again, of the several planets occupying
the Kendra ot Panapha.._ or Apoklina houses, the dasl\
period of the most powerful planet comea first, then comeR
that of the planet next in power and so on ; but if
tl1e planets be of equal power, the dasa period of the
planet whose period i' the longest oomes first.; and if the
planets be of equal power and period, t.hen the period of
the pl 1et which rises first(a) comes first.
(a) That is, reappears after its conjunotion with
Sun ACcording to CommentAtor. 'l'aking stAnzns 1 n.nd 2
together, we find that the claaa period of either Lngna or the
::Jun or the Moon, whichever is powerful, oomes fi.l'at. Then
oome the periods of the planets occupying the Kendt''- house
in the order stated. Then the P.eriods of the planets occupy
il\g the Pana.pbara houses in the same ordc.11, "ud lnsba



[eH. 8

thosof the pl1mets oicupying tl1e Apoklina houses in the

same ordet.
8. The period of the Antardasa(a) (Rub-division or
planetary period) o{ the plnnot b) occupying the same
house ns tho lord of the period, is one-half of the
antardasl\ period of such lord. The antarclas11. period of
the planet occupying the M.b, or the 9th house ftom the lord
ofthe dBsl\ period, is one-third,that of the planet occupying
the 7th honse fom the lord is one-seventh, and that ot' the
}llanct occupying the 4th or the 8th house ftom the lord
is one-fourth of the a.nturdasa pel'iod of the lord. 1'he
a.ntardBa periods of the Lugn -dasu. shall be determined in
the same Wil-Y
(a). Planetuy divi : ious of lire are known as dnsa.

periods and planetay sub-divisions of life are known ns the

antardasa periods.
- (b.)
'J'he antnrdasa pel'iods of a particular daa period of
a planet come in the order stated in the text, namely
first comes the antardasa petiod of the planet itself, then
that of the planet occupying the snmo house as the lotd of
the du11a period, tbeu. thnt of the pll\uet occupying the 5th OJ'
9th hontJtfrom the lurd, then that of the planet occupying
the 7th house ftom tho lord, aud lusUy thnt of the planet
occupying the 4th or the 8th house from such lotd. U
several planets occupy tho s11me Louse as the lord of the
dnsa. poti< u, tl1e lord of the antardasa is the most powerful
of them. Similady, if seve1al planets occupy the 5th and the
9th houses or the 7h house or the 4th and 8th houses from
the sign occupied by the Iotd of the dnsa, the lord of the
auta.rdasa in euch of the three oases is the most powerful
planet; so that the sevei,al antardnsa. pe1iods are in the
proporLiou of 1 :. i :i :..;. l (vide atunza. 4.) If there






:nmA';t' JA'!'AIU

no planets in any of these pleoei, the an ardasa periods of

the other planes alone should be taken;

.f.. The fractions(e) should all be made to bava

common denominator with different . numerators.
dasa period should be divided by the sum of the numera
tors and the quotient . when multiplied by the several
numerators will give the periods of the several anw

(G). That is}, l t, l aud l
Suppose for instance there are planets in the several
places referred to in the laat stanza excepting say1 the 7th
bouse from the sign' occupied by the lord of the dasa.
, T e periods of the four antardaaas-those of (I) the
]ord of the dasa ; (2) the planet with it ; (8) the planet
occupying the 5th or the 9th honse from ih and (.f.) the
planet occupying the or tho 8th honse from it-are in
the proportion of: : j :Reductihnegse to fractions
with a oommon denominator, we get !I:1t 1 1land S.;
other words the a.otardaaa periods are in . the proportof
12 : 6 : 4. :3. The sam of these numbers is 25; if
be dasa period be divided by 25 and the. quotient multi
plied by 12, 6, .f. and s, w sbal.o in . h. ri9ds
!our antardaaaa

G. The daaa period(G) of. the most . powerful planet
0oupying the exaltation degree of its exaltation sign is
8s Bampoof'laa.(b) The da.s& period of a. weak planet occupy
ing the depression degree of ita depression sjgu is known as
Bikta(o). The daaa period of a planet occupyng an
inimical Navamsa and also the depression degree of ita
depreuion eign is knowns n1"!a
(e ). As well as the antardasa period in , this a.d in the
next two Oa'J6 mentionei in tbe tex. . ..' .







[en. 8

(b). The dasa.period of a planet ocouupying simply ita

exaltation sign and not very powerful is known aa Puma.
(c) The dasa period ofa. weak planet occupying simply
its depreBSion sign is also known as Rikta (a,)
6. The dasa.:period of e, planet which quitting the ex
altation degree moves to\vards the depression sign is known as
At1atohini ; while so moving, if the planet occupy a
friendly or an exaltation . Navamsa (b) his dasa period is
known as Maclhyama. Again the dasa petiod of a planet
which quitting the depression degl'ee moves towards its
. exaltation sign is known as .tff'ohini; moving, if
the planet occupy an imimical or a depression Navamsa,
his dasa period is known .as AdhamiJ.
(a). As well as the anta.rdasa. period aoeo1di.Jig to tho
b). Or his own Navamsa. according to the Oomm:enta
tor. Exaltation Navamst is one which bears the name of
the exaltation sign.

7. .The ds,sa period(a) .of a planet which occupies a

depression or an inimical Navamsa, when in a good posi
tion(b) is known as Miaraphakl(o). The several n mes of
the dasas indicate by their meaning the nature of the dasa
periods(d). We shall describe (in the course of this chap
ter)(a) the effects of 'be several planetry dasas
. Notes.
(a). .As well as the antardasa period according to

: (b.) That is, when the planet oo upies his own boose,
a friendly house or his Moolatl'ikona. or exaltation bouse

cs. 8.]



(o). Similarly the !!&period of a planewhich oeou

pies an inimical or depression sign, and is in..his own N a
vamaaa,.in a friendly Nav mor a Moolatrikona or exalta
tion Na.vamsaor if he oooup es a Vargotaa place; is also
known as ::M:israph a. .
(d). B. g. 'l.'he name Sampurna indicates vast pros
perity. Poorna indicates. pros rity. A.dbama in<li fiea
misery or destruction and very little prosperity. Rikta
indicates misery and poverty. 4n<1 Misra.pbala. in<licates
mixture of both good and evil.

(e). From stanza 12 of this chapter.

8. According as the rising . Drekkana ithe first, se

cond or third, the Lagna da is. known as Adhama, Mad
hyama or Uttama if the rising sign be'& Common sign ; btta
ma,::M:adbyama or Aclhami. if the. 'rising sign be a movable
aign; arid .A.dhama, Uttama or Mi.dhjama if the rising sign
be a fixed sign.

'. .

. In ot.her words, jl. he rising aign be u.e oJ the common
aigns, Gemild, Virgo,. Sagittw a.ncl:Pthe Lagna daaa
is known as Adhama, if the riaiag: Dre kan be the 1st,
Madhy&Jl?.& if it be.the 2nd, ancl Uttama or ,Poojita if U be


fihe Srd. ,Again, if he risipg sign be one. of the movable

cer, Libr.
. ro; ,the :be
kno\'n .as Uttaa
the 1st,
.U the nsipg
hyama if it be the !Jld, andA.dhali\aifit be he'Srd. Laetiy,
if the rising sign be one of the fixed signs, Taurus, Leo,
Scorpio, and Aquarius, the Lagna dasa is kriown as Adhama
or .A.subha if the rising Drekkana. be the firat, Uttama or
Isbta if it be the 2nd, and M"'dbyamor Sama if it be the
8rd. These names indicate, as already stated, the nature of
the dad. period.. B. g. .A.dhama ind oates m se1y, Ma,dhy
mixture of both good and evil,
Uttama in cates
: .

. > . ; '




[o. 8
9. The N aargika (Mtwl) daaaa in the oaae of all
creatures are those of ihe Moon, :Mara, Meroory, Venus,
Jopiter, the Sun and he Saturn in the order stated, and
their periods are respectively 1, 2, 9, 20,.18, 20 & 50 years(
G) I the Naisargika. daaa period and the ordinary
pla netary dasa period happen to roo together, auch period
(bp will be prospe oua one.
According to Yavaneswara,
the closing perio (e) is . the Naisargika Lagna daaa and
pro duces prosperity. This is objected to by some.
In a11120 years. .
() A. similar remk applies to the Antardaaa periods
(c) The period o( life after 120 years.
1o. If the lordf the daaa period or one of his
fliend ly planets occupy the Lagna(a), or if the Lagna
belong to the Varga (division)(b) of the lord of the daal'
period, or if
a benefic planet occupy the La.gna, or if the lord of the dasa
period occupy the Srd, 6th, lOth or 11th house f1om the
Lagna, such dasa period(o) will be a prosperous one (d)
Again, if the Moon that ooc piei (e) a sign friendly (j)
'to the lord of the dasa(g) or the exaltation sign of the
lord of the daaa or the Srd, 6th, lOth, 11th, 6th, 9th or the
7th house (h) from the sign occupied by the lord of the dasa
pe1iod, she will bring on prosperity j otherwise(i), she will
produce misery.

(q). Lagria : This is interpreted to mean the rising
:sign at the moment of the commencement of the daaa
. period ; so that the hour of commencement of a dperiod
. must first be 1\Bcerta.ined and a figure of the heavena drawn
up fort.he hour.





(b). Varga:If,for instance,theLagoa be the sign, Hora,

Drekana, Navamea, Dwada.eamea or Trimeamea of the
lord odaea period.
{c). Or Antardaea period according .to Commentator.
(d) If either the fl'iendly planet or the benefic planet
oooopying the Lagoa be an .A.timitra planet to the lord of
the:daaa period, such period will be a very prosperous oue;
if auoh benefic planet be an Atisatru)planet, the pel'iod wi l
not be a prospe1ous one; but if the planet be a neutral on,
just the effects of the daea period will occur.
(e). According to the-Commentator, the Moon causes
prosperity while it passes through the several places men
tioned in the text. These plaoea are with reference to the
signa occupied by the lords of the dasa and .an\ard&e& pe
riods in the course of their motions in the ecliptic.
(/) Friendly for the time being.
(g). Or antardasas according to Commentator .
(h). Vide ote (e).
(') That is when the Moon passes through the other
p a. . . : . . . .
. .

l1. If,at the time of commencement of the daea pe

riod of a planet, the Moon occupy sign Cancer, the native
,wUl become rich, live in oomforb and become a man of
note ; if, at the time, the Moon oecupy sign Aries or sign
Scorpio, hiswife will become unobaate; if the Moon oocu.
py ebher aigu G mini or sign .Virgo, the person will be
'oome more learnea, get more friends and become rich; if
the Moon o upy sign Leo, the person will liye in dense
and impenetrable.forests; if the Moon :occupy sign Taurus
or sign Libra, be will eat sumptuous meals ; if she occupy
sign Capricorn or sign Aquarius, be will get a bad woman,
and. if the Moon oooupy sign Sagittari or sign Pisces, the
p ersonwill become rioh, happy_and respected.


[oa. 8_

12. In the benefic(a) dasa period(b) of the SQn, a

person will acquire wealth by dealing in perfome8, nailq,
tusks of elephants and the like animals,. in tiger skin and
the like, in gold, by means of roads, by the king and
by battle. He will become cruel, courageous, persevering,
renowned and valorous. In the malefic dasa period of the
Sun, he will get into trouble through his wife, son, money,
enemy, weapons, fire or the king, and be will become liberal
in gifts and addicted to sinful deeds; he will quanel with
his s'rvans and will become affi.ioted in mind nd sqft'er
from chest pain and the like diseases.
' (a). The technical es, snob as Samporna, Adham!",

&'c.,given to the planets indicate the )>enefio or the alefio

character of their dasa period, vide note(d) to stanza.?.

If the dasa period be both benefic and malefic, the na

tore of 'the events will be both good and bad.

.. . . (b). : Or :aq d!LS& period according to Commentator.

13. ln. the benefic dasa period of the Moon, the per
eon will de ive benefits hy dealing in or by means of tke
tnantras, the Brahmins, the productions ofsugar-cane,mille,
gbee,! and the like, cloth, flower, play, sesa.JDnm seed, and
fooCl ;' he will resp'eot virtuons Brahminsand the Devas .i he
will get daughters.and will acquire an increase of wisdom,
wealth and renown.
, ; In. the mal fio .daaa pel'iod of the Moon, the . P raon
will_i dulge in sleep and idl ness, will lose . his wisdom
wealth and renown and will qu r el with powerful men an
. with kinsmen.
. ... 14. In the benefic daa period of Mars the person will
fight with his enemies,, will quire wealth through his
brother, the king, lands, wopllen goods and goats.




In the mnleflo dasa P.eriod of MArs, the person will

bate his sons, friends, wife, brothers, learnd men and pre
ceptors ; he will sufFer from disea es caused by or connect- ed with thirst, blood, fever, bile, lou of. limbsor sexual in
terconrae with other women. He wili auocinte with men
doing wicked deeds ; he will become vioions, harsh in
speech and cruel.
15. In the benefic dasa period of Mercury the person
will acquire wealth by doing acts of message and through
friends, preceptors and Brahmins. He will attain renown
among learned men. He will become famous and -will get
brass and the like mixed metals, gold, horns, lands, popu
larity, comfort and ease. He will ridicule others and will
serve onder other men. He will get an increase of wiSdom
and suoOt\SSfully do deeds of virtue.
In the malefic dasa period 'of Mercury the person will
become harsh in his speech and will sufFer from grie.f, im
priaonment,pain of' mind and diseases arising from an aft'ec
tion of the three dhatoa-vatcJ (the air), piltrs (bile), and
llBBhmrs (phlegm.)
16. ln the benefic dasa period of Jupiter, the person
acquire wealth by acts of worship, by his learning,
ingenuity, bi.-ight personal appearance, military fame, man
tras, the king and tl1e Vedas. He will have an increase of
gold, horses, precious stones and elephants and will acquite
the friendship of good kings.
In the maiefi.c dasa period ot Jupiter, ille person will
learn things requiring much ingenuity, will sufFer from foo,t
journey'and pain in the ear and 'Will quarrel with wicked
17. In the benefic dau. period of Venus, the person
will enjoy sweet inuiio, varion8 pleasures, perfumes, sump
tuous meals, aloohoJ, fine . cloths, women, . and . precious





stones. He
bo of fino appearance, valorous, and will
_enjoy every substance, provoking sexual passion, will be
come learned in the Sastra.s, will obtain the object of his
desire, will acquire friends, will become skilled in trade and
in agriculture, and will get hidden treasures and wealth.
In the malefic dasa period of Venus, the person will
quarrel with crowds of people, with the king, hunters and
.wicked men and he willsuffe1 much from his own friends.
18. In the benefic dasa period of Saturn the person
will get asses, camels, birds, buffaloes and old women, will
rule over hamlets, villages or towna, and will thereby become
renowned and will get grain of inferior q:uality.
In the malefic da!!a period of Saturn the person will
sufFer from phlegmatic and windy complaints ; will be
jealous, angry, distracted in mind, dirty, exposed to danger,
idle, suffer from grief, and be much troubled. His aervants,
sons, daughters and wife will exercise authority over him
and he will sufFer from defective organs.

19. I the dasa period be a benefic one, the effects

will be good ; if it be a ma.lefio one, the efFects will be bad,
If it be of a mixed nature, the effects will be both good and
bad ; the efFects fot the Lagna dasa are the same as the
eifects for the dasa period of the lord of the rising sign.

As stated already, tho character, whether benefic or

malefic f>f a dasa period is to be determined from the ech:
ica.l names given to the lord of the period. Vide stanzas
6 and 7. .Again, if, at the time of birth, any of the planets
occupy the Upaobaya houses,. be of bright discs ani! of
distinct motion,. the efFects will be good in their daso. pe
riods. But if the planets softer defeat i _conjunotion, be




cu. 8]



of disagreeable appearance or of slllall discs, the effects will

be bad in their dasa periods. The planets, which, at the
time of commencement of their antardusa. periods, might
be aapected by benefic planet.a or occupy the Vargas (divi
sions) of behefio or atimitra (v>ry friendly) planets are power
ful and will not causo death; if they be situated othetwise
they will cause death.
20. In the benefic dasa periods of the planets a peson
will acquire the severn} metals assigned to lhe planets (vide
Chapter II. 12) and in the mnlefio dnea petiods of the
planets he will lose them.
gain, in the antardnl!a period
of a planet .. person's occupation will be tltat mentioned
for the planet (vide Chapter X.) The effects described for
the 12 houses from the ascendn.nt, for the 12 signs from
Ari>s,for planetary
aspects and for a11 yogas excepting
Nabhasa yogas (Cb: 12) will occur in the dua period of the
planet which is most powerful among the yoga planets.
21. In the daaa period of a particular planet, the
person's complexion will be thadue to the elementary
principle presided over by the planet aud the complexion
will be accompanied by certain o.ther qualities due to the
same elementary principles and discernible by their res
pective organs of sense.

Physical man is a composition of the. five elementary
principles-earth, water, fire; air and 11kas (ether): Mercuty
presides over earth ; Venus and the Moon over watt-r;
Mars and the Sun over fire ; Saturn over air ; and Jopittn
over Akas. In the dasll period of a particular planet, his
elementary principle will predominate and the complexion
of the person during such period will be that . due to the




(ca. 8

BRIDiT lAT.lB:!.

particular elementary ptincipla. Varaha Mihira. in Chapter

68 of his Brihat Samhita. (Stn.nzn.s 90 :to 93) has thus
stated in detail the complexion due to each of the seven
. planets:
''The complexion discernible in shining teeth, skin,
nails and hairs of the body and of the bead will be uttend
ed with prosperity ; it is caused by the element of eatrth ;
it makes the person happy, rich and viatuous."
" The complexion wbich is glossy, white, clen.r, green
nd agreeable to look at is caused by the element of water;
it will make all creuturos poss ssing it happy and successful
in all their attempts and will produce wealth, comfort,
luxury and prosperity."
"The complexion which is feRrfnl, unbearable, of the
color or the lotos, gold or fire, and indicating strength, power
and valor, is caused by the elementof fite, n.nd it btings
success to a person and enables him to gain his desired
"The complexion which is dirty, not glossy, black 11.nd
of bad scet, is caused by the element of ah; it will cause
to the person death or imprisonment, disease, ruin and loss
of wealth.''
" The complexion wliich is of the color of crystal,
noble, clenr and indicating weolth and generosity, is caused
by the elt ment of ether; it gives a peraon all that he
desiret .''
Now suppose the dasa petiod to be that of Mars, his
element is fire; the complexion c11nsod by the elementary
principle of fire described above, will be the complexion of a
person in . the dasa period of MarA anil so for the other
Again, the property of earth is smell, discernible by
the nose ; that of water is taste, discernible by the tongue
that offll'e or light is shape oapJ>I'Arance, diaoerniblo by



ea. 8]

BRJDl'l' IA'l'AXA..

the eye; thaL of air is ouch, diaoetuible by the body; and

that of .A.kas is sound, diaeernib1e by the ear. Suppoae tbe
daaa. period to be that of Venus, his element is water; be
quality belonging to water is f.ftste, discernible by the
tongue. Therefore in the daaa period of Venus, the person
will '3at juiby meals according to his desire. In the daaa
period of Jupiter (A.kas-sound), the person's speech will be
sweet aud agreeable to the ear; in the period of Mercury
(earth-smell)., the person's body will be wit-h an agreeable.
odor; in that of Mara (fire-shape) he will be of agreeable
appeat'&nce{and in that of Saturn(air:-touoh, he will be of
soft body. Ftom a careul observation of these qualities
the particular daaa period of a person may also be deter
2!. In the benefic daaa period of a planet thtt good
effects are caused immediaLely by the Divine Soul living
-,vithin the body and assuming for the time being a benefi.o
cbaracter.(a) When a pe1'80n is found to enjoy the good
effects desoribed for a pla11etary dasa period, it may be
concluded that such dasa period is going on at the time. As
regards the etrects described for plAnets which might be
powerless, these are experienced by a person either in his
dream or in mental reveries.
(a). lf the dasa period baa mtdefic one, the divine aoul
assumes a malefic character for the time. and if the period
be of a mixed.nature, the divine soul assumes a corresponding character.

(b). A wild train of thought in which a pet'Son enjoys

or suffers according to his hopes or fears.
23; I the character of the "lord of a dasa pel'iod be
found to bebenefic under one yoga and malefic under another
yoga neither of the effects will occur; if two yogas give a




[cR. 8


oharaotor and . one anoLher characte1;the former will take

effect. But if to two distinct planets oonftloting effects
have been assigned, both will come to pBBS.
Not-es.-'.rhe division of life into dasas as given by the
author is hardly studied by Indian astrologers,. evidently
from the difficulties attending its application. These astrolo
gers, us a class, employ the exceedingly simple dhision of
life into wht is known aaUdu or Nakshatradnsaa. According
to this the mnximum period of ltuman life is divided into 9
Jlarta pre11ided over b.y t.he seven planets uud by Uahu and
Ketu-the t.wo nodes of the Moon. They come in the fol
lowing order and their years are also given below :
(1) '.rhe Sun,
6 years. (5} Jupiter, 16 years.
(2) 'l'b.Moon, 10
(6) Satu1n, 1 9 ,
(8) Mars,
7 ,
(7) Mercury,17 ,
. (4) . Rahu,
18 : ,
(8} Keto,
7 ,,
. (9) Venus, 20 years.
The lord of the period at the time of birth is asoer
tained f1om the osterism which the Moon occupies at the
time-the nine tl'iangnlar asterisms represent the niue
dasas: iC thorefo1e at the time of bilth, the Moon occupy
one of the triangular aaterisms of
Krittika.,U. Phalguni and U. Aabadha, the dasa period
is that of the Snn.
Rohini, Hast& and Sravana
Mrigasitshn, Ohit1aand S1aviahta
.A.1dra, Swat.i and Satobhisha.k

... Moon.

. Punarvasu, Viaakha and P. Bhadrapada . Jupiter.

Puahya, Anuradha and U. Bhadrapada.
.A.slesha, Jyeshta and Revati
... Mercury.
Aswini, Magha and Mula
Dha.rani, P. Phalguni and P. Ashadha

... Ketu.



ca. 8]


RIBa\T 1AT.U:.t..

How much of the pel'iod of a particula1 dasa bas elapsed

and bow much remains at the time of birth must be ascer
tained from the por,ion of the asterism passed over by the
Moon and the portion remaining at the time. This may be
roughly ascertained from the time taken by the Moon. to go
over the portion of the asterism-the whole time in whioh
the Moon passes through a particular asterism (us given in
the Calendar) representing the full period of a dasa ; e.g.
suppose the Moon to take 64. ghatikas aud 42 vighatikas
to go over the aaterism of Krittika, and suppose that at the
time of birth, the Moon has gone over a portion of asterism
covered by 24. ghatikas and 16 vighatikas. Required the
number of years remaining at the time of birth in the da a.
period of the Sun. Now the time in which the Moon will
go ovr the 1emaining portion of the astorism Qf Kdttika=
64. gh. 4.2. vigh-24 gh. 16 vigh. =40 gh. 26 vigh. Now 64
gh. and 42 vigh. represent the whole period of 6years of the
Bun. Therefore time required
6 yeats
64. gh. 42 vi h;


_ - X4.() X60 +26,



=-X 2426 years=

1313 years
::::-- years = 3 years, 8 months, 29 dayB,
61 gbatikas, 89 vigha.tikas. .
To this mnst. be added in the order stated the
periods of the Moon, Mars, Rahu, &c., till we . come to the
present age of the person.
Again, the _ nine periods are each divided into 9
snb-divisons known as antardasas-the. lord of the first

Loa. 9


ant.arda&& being the lo1d of the daaa period, and tboae

of the ant11rdaaaa which follow ure the same as the lords
of the daaa periods which follow ; ao t.hat the antatdaaaa,
of the dasa period of Jupiter fur instance are those of Jupiter
Saturn, Meroory, Kelu, Venus, the Sun, th(Moon, Mars and
Rahu. The length of the antarda&& periods bear the same
proportion to each :other as the lengths of the daaa periods.
For instance, required the length of the :ant.ardasa petiod
of Venus in the dasa period,of Jupiter. The dasa pe1iod of
Jupiter is 16 years, tht of Venus ia 20 years, that of all the
planets is 120 years ; therefore the leogt.h of the antardaaa
16 years
period required=-20 years= - years=2years
120 years
and 8 mouths.
Again, each of the antatdaaa period is further sob
divided into 9 parts ithe same proportion,
known as
Sukshz:na periods. The appendix will contain tables for the
periods of the dasa, antardaaa and nkeJ;uaa. periods
also for readily ascertaining by mere inspection the
period from one dasa. period to another and from one antar
dasa period to another antardasa period.

1. The benefic plaoes of the Sun are the lst, 2nd,

4th, 7tll, 8th, 9th lOth nnd 11th housoa from himaelt ; the
same places from Mara and Saturn ; the Cfth, 7th ,and 12th
. oases from Venus ; the 6th, 6th, 9th and 11th houses
from Jupiter; the Std, 6th, lOth and 11th houses ftom
the Moon; the 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th, lOLh, 11th, and 12th
houses from Mercury, and tho 8rd, 4th, 6th 1 lOth, 11th and
12 th houses from Lagna.

cu. 9)



(a). This meRns tho benefic and m lefio places of a

planewith reference to eight places-the places occupied
by the seven planets and the Lagna . at the time of birth.
2. The benefio places of the Moon are the 8rd, 6th,
lOth and 11th houses from Lagr.a ; the 2nd, tlrd, ntb, 6th,
9th, lOhh, and llth houses from Mars ; the lst, , 3rd, 6th,
'ith, lOh and 11th houses from l1erself (Moon); tl1e 3ad,
6th, 7th, 8tl1, lOth nod lith hou!les from the Suu ; tl1e 3rd.
5th, f;th and 11th houses from Saturn; the 1st, Srd, 4th,
5th, 7th,8th, 10th and 11th honRes from Mercnry; the lst,
4th, 7th, 8th, lOth, lith and 12th houses from Jupiter; and
the rd, 4oth, otb, nh, 9hh, lOth and lith houses from

8. The benefic places of Mars are the Srd, 5th, 6th

lOth and 11th lJOu!les from the Sun; the 1st, Srd, 6th 10th
and 11th houses from Lagna; the Srd, 6th, and 11th houses
from the Moon; lhe lst, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, lOth, and 11th
houses from himself (Mars); the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th lOtb
and 11th houses ftom Saturn ; the Srd, :th, 6th atid 11th
houses from Mercury, the 6th, 8th, 11th and 12th houses
from Venus;and the th, lOth, 11th and 12th houses from
4,. The benefio places of Mercury are the lst, 2nd, Srd,
4th, 5th, 8th, 9t'h and 1Uh houses from Venus ; the tst,
2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, lOth and 11th houses from Snt.urn
and Mnrs; the 6th, 8th, 11th and 12th houses from Jupiter;
the 5th, 6th, 9th, 11th and 12th houses from the Sun; the
lst., Srd, 5th, 6tb,r.h, lOth and llthl\houses from himself;/..?
lhe 2nd, 4th, 6t.h, lOth and 11th houses from the Moon;
and the 1st, 2nd, 2tb, 6th,8th, lOth, and 11th bouses from

o. The benefic places of Jupiter are the 1st, 2nd, 4th

7th, 8tlt, lOth and 11th houses from Mar.s; the lat.; 2nd, 8rd


BaiB!.T lATA EA.

[oa. 9

4th, nh, 8th, 10th and 11th houses 'from himself ;theIst, 2nd
Srd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, lOth and llt.h houses from the Sun;
the 2nd, 5th, 6th, 9th lOth nnd 11th houses fom Venus;
the 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th houses from the Moon ; the .
Srd, 5th, 6th and 12th houses from Saturn; the 1st, 2nd,4th,
oth, 6th, 9th, 10th, and 11th houses from Mercury, and the
1st, nd, 4tll, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th..,l0th and 1Hh houses ftom
6. The bonefio places of Venus ate the 1st, 2nd, Srd,
_A } 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th and 11th houses from Lagna; the 1st, 2nd,
Srd, 4th, 5th"11th and 12th houses ftom the Moon ; the let,
2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, lOth and IIth houses from him
self ; the Srd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, lOth and 11th houses from
Satutn j the B h, 11th and 12th houses from the Sun; the
5tb,Bth, 9th, 10th and 11th houlies from Jupiter;the Srd,
5th, 6th, 9h and 11th houses from Mercury j nnd the 3rd,.
5th, 6th, 9th, 11th and 12th houses from Mars.
7. The benefio places of Saturn aro the 3rd, 5th, 6th
and 11th l10uses from himself; the Srd, 5th,6th, 1Oth, 11th
and 12th houses. ftom Mars; the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th
and 11th housts from the Sun; the 1st,Srd, 4th, 6th, 1Oth
and 11th houses from Lagna; the Gtb, 8th, 9th, lOth, lltll
antll2th houses ftom Mercury j theSrd,6tb, and !lth houses
from the Moon; the 6th,11th and the 12th houses fromVenus.
; and the 5th, 6 h, lith and 12th houses. from Jupiter.
8. 'l'hus have baen described the benefic plaoes of
the planets; the other plnces ure malefio.{a) A place will
produce benefic or malefic eft'eots iC it be more benefic for
the planet than malefic or vice versa.(b).

q.'i '

These places are all with reference to the places occupt

ed by the planets a.t the time of bitth. The planets w bile
passing through places which happen to be the Upnohaya.
houaea or whiol1 might be their own houses or their friendly

cu. 9]


or exl\ltation sigot, produce bone6o efFects fully iC suoli

Jouaea or sigus are more benefic for the. planets 'than
UiAlefio ; arid planets while passing through places which
happen to be Apaohnya houses or which might be theil'
iuimi<.-al or depression signs, produce malefic effects fully if
such houses ot signa be more malefic for the planets than
(a.). For instance, the trd, lith, 6th Rod l:.!tu l1ouscs
f'rom himself are malefic places fot the Sun. The Jet, 2nd
4 h, 5th, 7th, 8th, \:lth, and 12th houses fl"om Laga 1ue
malefic J:ll&ces for the Moon, and so forth.

(b). In preparing tables of Asbtakavat"g111 it is nsua\

to mnrk the benefic places with dots and the malefic place J
with lines. We will pot down the Ashtakavarga. table for





Rasi Chakra



Mark the bene6c phtces; of Mnt"B with dots. and tho

malefic plucca. with lines. The result will be found to be
as follows.




Lga. 9' J.lTAL\.

000 :;: 8

lllll =


000 ;;:::8
Hlil = 0

000 =

11111:;:;. 6

.... .


oooo ="

00) = 8





1111 = 4

Ashtaka Vargo of Mars.

00000 ::;::; 5

111 =


000.00 :a 6

== 62


0 =1

00000:;::: 6




00 ::::;

111111= 6.

The table means that wl1ile Mars moves through sign

Aries for insta'Qce, the benefic effects will be t and the
male&c effects will be f In other words be produces
malefic effects to the ext.ent of f-t or f of his power.
similar re rks apply to the other pll\oes.
Notes.-The Aahatakavarga tables are generally pre.
pared with tho numbel' of benefic dots alone marked in them
-the number rep:resentil\g the ll\&lefio linea being the
dift'erel\ce bet\veoil number 8 and the nu bet of dots. The
above table will then stand as follows;3.










.. -

All these nn:w.bers tepl'esent the benefic dot o



The A.V. tables are Useful in the ptediction of inoet
of tbtl important events of lite. Regular treatises exist on
thts braneh ,r horosoopy; which must; be consulted tor
t'\tll pariioulars We shaJl give here some of the nses or
the A 'V. tablos.
'the tables prepared sa stated above; with Ggul'es r8"
presenting benefic dots are subjfloted to two reductions or
eHmioationtt, known as Trikona Ekadhipnttya red.uc
tlons-that is, of the 6gntes in the triangular signs, and of
the figures in the several pairs of signs forming he bonsea
of the planets from :M:ars to Saturn,


The Triangular signs are given in the notelt to Sbtl a

6 of Cbaptel' t. The reductiott rules are :-

1. If the &gores in the triangular sips benotaJl alike

subtract from eaoh the least ol the three figures, keeping
the remainders.
i. If there be no figure in one of the flhree signs,
no reduction need be made.
8. If there be DO figure in two of the three signa
remove the 6gure in the third.
41. If the figures in the three signs be equal, remove

The Ekadhipattya signa are given in the notes to

Stanza 6 of Chapter l. The reduction rules are :1. IC there be planein both the houses of a planefi
no reduction need be made.
2. 0 the two houses of a planet, one of which is
oocupied and the other not, ( J) if the figure in the former





[oa. 9

be smaller than tho figure in the latter, make tho latter

equal to the foame, (2) if the figo1e in the former be
greater than the fig11re in the latter, remove the latter, (8),
if he fig res in :both . be equal, 1emove tbelfigul'e in
the lattoa.

s. Of the two hCiuses of a planet, botbJof which are

not occupied, (a), if the fignres iu the two houses be equul
remove both; (b), if the figures be unequal, make the la1ger
figure equal to the smaller oue.

If there be no figure in one of the two J1<>nses no

reduction need be made.

5. The figures in)he aigns Cancer:and4Loo, wMch are

respectively the houses of the Moon and the Sun, are not
subject to the Ekadbipatt.}a reduction.

We will apply ihese rulos to the A., V. table of Mars

given aheady.

RBDuc1roN r.
The figures in the Triangular signs of Al'iea, Leo und
Saggittaui are respectively S, 5, 2. Under rule (1) snbtl'a.ot
2 faom enoh, and tho resulting flguJ'es are 1, 8, 0. 'l'he
figues in the triangulllr sigi1s of Tuums, Virgo and Cr pl'i
Ooi'U, are
respectively S, 2, 5. .Applying rule (1) we get
l, O, 8. 'fhe figures in the tdangula.l' signs of Gemini,
J..ibro. und Aquadea are 3, 5, S. Applying rule (1) we got
. O, 2, 0. 'l'he figures in the triaugular signs of Cancer, Scor
pio and PisceH ltr& 4, ) ' s. .Applying rule (1) we get s,


: So. that the A.._V. of Mars after the fitst reductios nds as
. follows.





A. V. or llarA Reduction

Nu. I.



R&nuorroN. No. II.

11.his reduction shoulcl be nuule only to

anlt{ng from Reduction No. I.

the figures re

Of Aries nd Scorpio, the two houses of Mars, Aries

is occupied and Scorpio is onoccnpied The figures in them
are J, and o, respectively. Under rule (4) no reduction need
be made. 'l'aurus and Libra, the two houses of Venus,.
both occupied; under rule (1) no tednction need be ad9.
Gemini and Virgo, the two houses of Mercury are both
unoccupied,the figures in them Areo anti o-Rule ( 4) applies
and there is no nect>ssity for reduction. Of Pisces and
Sagittari, the two houses of Jupiter, the former alone
.is occupied and the figures in them are 2 and o. Under
rule (4) no reduction need be made. Of Aquarius and Cap
ricorn the two houses of Satutu the lRtter alone iw ocou..
pied and the figures jn them are o, and 8. Applying rule
4t no reduction need be made. The figures in Oancer and
Leo, which are respectively the houses of the Moon and the
Sun, are not subject to reduoliou Vide tule 5. These figul'os
are 3 and 8.
So that after Reduction N<'II t!" . V. table of :Ma1s
. will stand thus :-;-


[eli 9.

BBiitl.'l' S!TAKl; .

A v. labteof lfan"aner Bedaotiona





The tot.a.l of figures after the 2 1eduotions ia lo.

Similnrly the A. V. tables of the. Sun, the Moon,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and f:aturu may bo reduced.
We will now give some o the uses of these tables.
A. V. ot the Sun.


In the case of A.
of the Sun,(a) multiply the total
of the figuea after reductions by the figure in the 9th house
from the Sup. in the A. V. Divide the prodnot by 27 and
take the remainder. Mark the asteriam, counting there
mainder from Aswini.
When Saturnpasses through such
asterism or through its triangular asterisn1a either a person's
father or paternal nnele will die or aoft'er miseries u the
planetary dasa period at tbe time be a malefic one.
No work ahl\11 be commenced when the Sun passes
through eigne where tbeTe are no figures in A..V. of the Sun
During such periods a person sutlers from diseases,
misel'y and qnanel.

Multiply the totnl of reduced figures by the figures

in the 8th house from the Sun in the A. V. of the
Sun. Divide the product by 12. 'l'be remainder represents
the sign {month) from Aries, through whioh or through one
of its triamgular signs when the Sun passes a person dies (in
the year of his death).
(o) A. V. of a planet Ia the Aahtaka Varga of a planebefore reduction.

ca. 9.]



Add together the three figures in ench of the 4o sets of

the triangular aigos Aries,Leo, Sagittari, &c. Find ont whioh
of these totals is the largest. Fiud out the Dik or
for tbe;particolar set of triangular signs giving the total.
{V do note (/) to ataoza. 19 Ohapter II). The place of wor
ahip in the house of a:peraon will be in such direction.

A. V. of the Moon.
Multiply the total of the reduced figures by the figure
in the 4th bouse from the lrloou in A. V of the Moon ; divide
the product by2'7, take the remn.iodor and for it. find out the
astttrism from::Aswir.i as before. When Saturn pBSSea
through such asterism or through its triangular asterisma
a person's mother dies or suffers miseries if the planetary
dasa period at the tilne be a malefic one.
Multiply the .total of redneed figures by the flg11re in
the 8th house from the Moon in the A. V. of the Moon.
Divide the product by 27. Take the remainder; and for it
find out the asterism . from Aswiui aa before. When the
Moon poSies through it or[tltrough it.s triangular ast&1isma
there will be quarrel, anger_and. grief.
No work shall be commenced when he Moon p&Siea
through signs in wbic there:are no figures in the A. V.of
the Moon.
Find out tbe Dik or quarter aa before and H will give
the positionjOf_tbe in the house of a.person.
A. V. of Mars.

When &tum pa88ea through signa in which there aro

no figures in the A.V. of Ma.1s,;tbe verson will suttel' from
diseases,:if Mars be powerful, and will die if .Mars be weak
and if he be not the lord of.the ascendant.



Find out the nik or quarter as before.

will give the po6ition of the kitchen in a peraontiJ

A. V. of :Mercury.
When Suturn passes through signs in wl1ioh there are no
fiJ.rures in the A.V. of Metoury the personta son or friauda
will dit>.
Find out the Dilc or quatter as before
. It will give tho position of the playground in the
house or 1\ })Cl'.$0D.
A. V. of Jupiter.
The figure in the 5th house from Jupiter in the A. V. of
Jupiter will glve the number of sons of a person. Tbe nom
ber of those meeting with enrly death 'will be the number of
pJ"nota oconpying inimical Ol' deptesaion signa.
The Dik or quarter ascertained oa befote will give the
position of the Treasury or store-room,
A. V. of Venus.
A person will get a wife, landa and wealth when Venus
passes through signs containing the largest figute in the A
.V. of Venus after reduction.
. ' 'he Dik ot quarter ascertained as before will give the
position of tlte bed room.
A. V. of Saturn.
In the A. V. of Suturn add together the figures in the
aignt ftom the ascendant tu t.he house occupied by Saturn
uud also tigutes iu the sig:ua fl'om Saturn to the ascendant.
The two t,.,tals will give the yeurs in which a person will
auft'or ftom disenses and fl'om grief. Add the two totals tbe
sum will give the yeur iu which a persou':life will be iu
A similut l'Offit\lk applies to the A. v. or l.{.,rs.



When the Snn and the Moon pass through signs in
whioh the figures are in the A. V. of Saturn, a person
dies (in his year of death).
The l>ik or quarter ascertained as 'beroro gives thtJ
position of the spot where the sweepings are gthered.
8art1adtuka V'a,g
'l'be Ashtaka VIU'gas of the Bun and other planets con
sidered separately are known as Dbinilashtak& va.rgus and
their sum forms What is known as SarvasbtaJ:ta vatga. Iii
the latter, the figure in sign Aries _is the sum of the figures
in sign Aries bi the several Bliinnashta!ta vargBs; similarly
the figure in sign Tl&urosof B. A. V. is the sum of the
figures in aiign :ra ds of the B. A. Ys. arid the
of the other signs mai be similarly obtained. 1'he total of
these figures will.always be 331-thia being the sum of the.
total$ of the tigh ll of the seven B; A. V s. ':J:'h& latter figures
are 4.8, 49, 89, 54, 56, 5:1 and 89.from Sun to' Saturn. : '

Now vari
the a:ua

events of life IU8 p edic.t.ed by means of the

(1). If the A.V.
in a. particular sign exceed SO. then
plnets passing through it will produce benefic effects; if it
be bet een 25 and 30, such efl'ects will be neHher good nor
baud if the gore be leis than 25.the'eftedts will bebad
. Again, all good works shall be commenced when t.he
. 1iaiug sign is one whose figure is largest in the S. A. v.
table aud tnarl'iages and other oonneotions ahall be formed
with persons whoso sta1 is one of the stats of such sign
(2). As the' lOth house represents labour, tbe 11th
housgain and tbe I2th loss, if the figure in. the llth h use
greater than the figure in the lOth bouse and if the figure
in the 12th houlse be smaller than the figure in the 11th house
and if the figure in the asceudaut ba greater than the figure




in the 12th house the pel'8on will be happy and prospel'Ona
the meuning is clear, the labor being alight, gain m:uch aud
Iusa co:npRrntively amall. If the figures be otherwise the
person will be unhappy.
(\3). Ercepting the 6'Lh, 8th and 12Lh Lousas, of the
remaining 9 housea, the signi6caUona of those where tlut
figures are large will be in a coodition of prosperity (Yid
note (a) to 15, Chapter I.)

(4..) Add togethe1 the figures of the folK" signs fl'on.

Piaces,-Pittces, Aaiea, 'J'atuus and Gemini. Add altJo the
figtres of the four signs from Cllncer anrl or thu four sign&
from Scorpio, These three totals represent the three
sections of & man's life. Whichever to al is the largest,
the OQrresponding division of life will be happy and pros
perous. IC three or more malefic planett occupy the four
aigns from Pisces a person will eulfer mia erios in the lat
seotion of life; if th91 occupy the four signs from Cucer
the miseries will occur in the 2nd section, and if they
occupy the four signs from Scorpio, then, in the 3rd section
of life. If the planets in the several sections be benefio the
person will be happy ; and if both malefic and benefic pla
nets occupy the several sections the t ft"ecte will be both
good and bad.
1'>. Add together tbe fi'gares in tbe houses oacupied by
Satul'D, Lagna. and .Mars. The suan will give the year iri
which a person will suffer from diseases and othe& miseries..

G. Add togethr the 6gal'e8 of houses occupied by, Mal'll and Saturn. Thu sum will give the year in
which a pea110n will suff1.1r from poisou, weapous aud

7. Add toge her. lhe Ptrures of the signa pied by

benefic. pluueta. 'rhe sum will give the year in which It
poa< on will.geauu,. wealth und the



em. D.]


BRIRAT J1T.ll:l.

8. llultiply total of the 6gure11 of A. V. o

planet who is the lord of the 8th boWJe from the.ucend"nt
by the 6gnre of the 8th house inS. A. V. table.
the product b..Y 12; the temainder will give the Month from
.Aries in whicb a person .dies (in the year of his death.)
In the same way the mnth of deAth of a person,.
father may be ucertaioed by "similar calculation with
ref6rettce to the 9th house and that of the mother with
reference to the 4th house.
9. Find ont from the S. A. V. table tha powerrul Dik
or quarter. Oow sheds, rice field t, 11griculturnl operntiooa
shall be 0\lDducted in sueh dik or qnarter and the weak dik
or quarter shall be rejected for all purposes
.Agin, P"rasara i.n his Hura SI&Stra, a very volu
minous work, hu treated or 82 distinct processes for ascer
ioing the length of human life. They are :

... ...

I. . Pindaynrdaya

IV. Amsabyurdaya
v. AshtakaVkgaynrJaya
IV. Visbayayurday"
vn. NakabRtramsakaynrdnya


.... ...






I. Pindayurclaya.
This is divided into S schools, (1) that or Yavan11ohary o
(vide Stanza l Ch. 7), (2) that of Jeevasarm" (vide stfinza
9 Uh. 7}, lS) that of BooRrayana aecording to which the
maxhnum 161\r& or eaoh plane when in his exaltn,ion sign
is one-seventh of 00 yea s.
E tob or hee Lhree I!Ohools b.IUI 4 aub-diviRions: (a)
The Neeohnrdhharanf\ proces.<!f!Ceo ding t-o
,., hioh the



[en. 9..

maximum period is one-halat depression. (b) The Neecha

bhava process according to which the period vanishes
at depression. (o) The Krita. harana process ac ording to .
wllich tbe periods softer reductions. (d) 'l'hA rita harana
process a.ccording to which the periods utfd no )edu.o1tions.
Thus Pinda.yurdaya is of U sorts.

11. Dhrttluayurdaya:
This is o herwise known as Nysa.rgikaynrdaya. (vide
Stanza !) Ch. 8). As stated abovl;l there are 4 kinds of tbis:
depending on the 4 divisions entioned above-(a), (b), (c)
ftnd (d),

III. Basmikayurdava.
According to this the years of the planets from the
S11n to Saturn are respectively 16, 20, 9,S, 9, 2ij, and 26,
Thoro are 4 kinds of this as stated above.

lV -tf.msa'kavut-ilaya.
This is Satyaoharyar's method referred to at te end
of stanza 9 Ob. 7, This process, in certain cases haa to be
varied into what is known as Pra.k manugata niethod.
The two processes again divide, each, into two parts known
as ritavridhika and Akritavridhika.-i. o. the years . are to
be increased according to some and not to be increased
according to others, VidB l'a ra's HQt S.astia. '.l'Ilns
we get 4 kinds of Amsakaynrdaya.

V. Ashtakavatgayurdaya.
'l'his process as stated above has to be varied into
what is known as Prakramanugata metbod. ':t'he two pro
oesses again divide, each, into two parts known as Krita..
vridhi and Akdtav idhi as stated above, Vile. l'arasa.ra
IIora. Thus we get 4 kinds of Ash&akavargayurdaya.. 0.Qtl
Q( \hese methods is given at tlle onq of t.4esa note .


cs. 9.]
VI. Vulw.yauurdaytJ.

This consists of to kinds the one according to Pnrn

sara and the other as mentioned in a w01k named Prnkri.
yamala. Thee p rtake. of the nature o( the AKht.akavatga
This is of two kinds-the one is known os the Kala
chakra pPoceB;S and the o ber as Lhe Nakah tradasa.

Thus 8processes are mentioned by Paraanra who at

the same time states the particular cases to .which each
procees is applicable. Of these 32 processes, Varaha M.ihira
has mentioned the most important one1 in chapter 7. For
further in .Ayurdaya the reader is referred to
the works of Parasara and other writers.
We shall hee state t;be details of the Ashtahvarga 1
process. The following tables are employed in the process.

Basi Gunakara or. ZQdiaoal fao rs.


... 7
.. l0



Graha G nak.or. Pl etal'y (actors

The Son
The Moon
... 5
.;. 8.




,.. 10'

Multiply the several figores in the sigos from Aries in
the .Asbtakavarg" of the Sun by the figures of the Rasi
Gunahra tnbl.e respectively and odd the products.
Again Dnltiply the se:vera.l figures in the sign!! occu
pied by the Sun nnd other planets by the figuros1 of. tbe





[ca. 9.

.Graha Gunakt,ra table ..respectively and add the products.

Add tho hvo total . Multiply the sum by 7; divide the
pod not hy 27. Tilt! quotient will give the yeani of the .Sun.
lluhiply the remaindet byl2 and divida the product by 27
the quotient will giveth., months; multiply the remainder
by SO tnd divide the ptoduot by 27 ; the qnodent will give
the days, and similal'ly find the Gl1atikaa and Vigbat.ikas.
Thus we ltave obtained the A. V. years or the Sun.
Similal'ly those of the Mrion, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter,
Venne and Suturn may be obtuined ftom the A. V. t bles.
Now these periods are the following reduc

If n. planet is accompanied by another planet in

a sign the amount of reduction is one-half of the period

(2.). If a pl"net

occupy his depression

amount or reduction is one-lu1.1f.

sign, tlte

(S:) If be be an Astangata pln.n t, the amount of re

duction is also one-half.

If he occupy an iuimioalsign, the amount is one

(5.) If he oocupy the visible hemisphere the amoun'

fe one-half.
(li.) If be lluffer defeat in conjunction tl1e amount is
(7.) Jn the case orthe Sun and the Moon again, if
these bo of U11usual appearance the amount is one-thil'd

N B. Where eeveral reductions bave to be applied to

the period of" planet it will be enough if.the l tl'gest of
tbeD\ he alone ma\tl .



as. 9.]


After making the seve.arl redactions add up the resaltJ

ing yeal'B of the plauet8, mu1tiply the sum by 34 and divide
the prodnot by 365. The qnotient will give the length of a
person'" Jire in years, mouths, days, &e.
Again, in the A. V. of Saturn abeforE', moHiply t.he
figures of t.he a nral signs from A rif's by the Zodiacal fac..
tors and add up the produot.B: Multii'Jy the figutes in the
severRlsignli occupied by the Sun and other planPtR by the
sevetal pln.netary factors and add up the pruduct.s. .Add
tog >ther the two tot..Js. To the 11om add tl1e surn of the
figures resol,ing after making the Tdkona and Ek"dhi-"
patya reduct.itns to the figures of t.he A. V" of S11torn.
MulLiply the RUm by the figure in the 8th house from the
a"cendant in 6he A. V. of Sat.urn ; di ide the prodnct. by 27 ;
the quot.ient will alRo give thf9 length of a person;s life, pro
yided Rooh length is othAntilltf found to r&nJre between
and 60 years ; the lengt.h of life will be 27 ye ata less 'he.n
the period obtained if the person's age is otherwise found
to range from 1 to 8& . years and 27 yeat'8 more than the
period obtained if such length be found to rango between
67 and 100 years and denth will occur if. the dn.toa pel'iod be a
ma.lefio one. . 1'h('re are btit-f processes for ascertaining by
inspection 1thetber the length of life of a person falls in the
first, or the second or the third section of the maxi. mum
period of 100 years Vide. the Aa&rologioal Apho..la11l'B
of Jaimuui.
Hitherto we hM'e been d""aling wi h the tables ot'.
the B. A. V. and S. A.. y. preparetl with the figures re
presenting the benefic planetary places. 'l'ablea oao aliSO be .
prepared with figures representing the mnlefiu plaoes of the
planets. (Vtcz. not.e b, to staup 8). Sp"cial roles f'sist ..
relating lo the prediotiou o evenb of Hfu with help
of the' figures of beae tablt'l The rel\dt:r is nferrod to
the works of Paraaara.



BBitlA'l JATAJtl,

[cH. to.


J. A pPtson gots wealth from Lis father, mothers

enemy, friend; brother, wire or se1vant a.coo1ding na tho
planet which occupies the 10th house ftom the Lo.gua or
from the Moon is the Snn, or the Moon, or Mara or
Meroury1 or Jupiter or Venns or Saturn respectively (a).
If there be no such planeb, the avocation: of a pel'SOn will
be that ahted for the pl:utets (b) which might b& the
lo1ds of the Navamsas ot:cupied by the lords of the lOth
hon es ftom Lagoa, the :Moon and the Sun (6).
(a). If tlielOh bouse: faom the asaendant and the

lOth bouse from the Moon be both occupied by planets; a

person will acquirwealth from botll sou ces1 and if several
planets occupy the ;lOth hou&it there will be aeveral sources
of wealth.

<b). Vide staDzas 2 andS

. (o) Suppose sign dancer is the Lagna the lOth house
firom: Oanoet is Aries; the lord of Aries is Mars; suppose
Mars tO oooupy the Navamaa o!' Sagittari ; tbe lord ot
Sagitt.e.ri is Jupiter and the avoo&tion atatsd lor Jupiter
('vcds Srd ate.uza} will be the avocation of a penion. It
also follows that a peracm's avocation will be all the three
stated for . the lords of the Navamsas oecupied by the
lotds of the lOth house& from Lagoa, the Moon and the

2. If' the lord of the Nnvnmsa (a) be the Sun, a

person will del\1 in perfumes, gold; woollen f11bric, medeoiue,
and the like. If the lord be the Moon, be will till land J
or deal in the prodnotiona of water (b) or. get . money
through women. (e) If he be Mars, the personwm deal

ba. 10.)


iu meWs or mio.etals) fire (d) or weapc;ns and .will also a.,..

quire weaith by acta of boldueBS; if he be Mercury, the
person wiil be a writer;an accountant, and the like {e) and
will .lao 60quire wealth by vlt.riona handicraft (/)
(Ci). That is the lord of the Navamea oecnpied by the
tord of the lOth boose from Lagna, the Moon and the Snn.
{b). Such aa pearia, conch ehells, whalebonea and lUte
( ). By serving under or otherwise following them.
{d). Firt: be may be the driver of a tire engine or
a dealer in matches and the like.

(1). By writing commentaries on the works ot writers

and the llke.

(/). Such aa painting, book-blnding, arrow-making
ot the making of B.ower-wreatbs; sandal paste, perfumes
and the like.

S. I the lord of the Navamea be Jupiter, a person

1rill get wealth through Brahmins, the i>evas or learned
Ulan, through mines (a) and tlte like (b) and through acts
of virtue (e) ;if he be Venus, the persob will tdeal in gems,(d)
silver and other bietals; in cows and buffaloes ; and if
the lord be &turo, the person:wm acquire wealth by means
of bard labour, (6) by acta of totture, (/) by carrying bttr
dena and by low deeds unsuited to his rank. Thus peraoos
acquire wealth by avocation stated1 for the tlords of
Navamsaa occupied by the lords of the lOth house. (g).
. (a). The
gold and silver
where elephants
(b). Such

word in tbe text is Akara wbicluincludoa

mines, placos where salt is produced or
are found.
as contract work.

[cJJ. .lJ.
(c). Such M 11a rifiojal rit&.tt, gifts, aet.a of charity,
.pilgai.magt>1 service undet !lllf\\ or preceptor.

Such as diamonds, rubies, and the like.


Su\lh aa walking and the Uke.


Either by self toature o\ torturing other creatures.


From Lagna, the Moori and the Sun

4-. 1f such yoga planet (a) occupy (b) a friendly sign,

a peason will aoquiae wealth (in the dasa or antardasa pel'iod

or such planet) through a friend. If snob yoga planet

oacnpy an inimical sign, the person will get wealth through
bis enemy ; and if such planet oocupy hls own house, the
person will get wealth by means of his boaae. If, when
the Sun l appens to be the yoga planet, he occupy his exal
. tation sign, tl1e peason will acquire wealth by his own
powers. If (at the time of biltb) powerful benefic planets
occupy the li tb house, the lagna or the 2nd house, the
person will acquire wealth in various ways ('C)

(a). That is either the planet which occupies the
lOth house from the ascendant or the Moon o1 the planet
which is the lo1d of the Navamsa occupied by the lord <,f
the lOth house from Lagna, the :MOQn and tho Sun.
(b). At the time ofbirtb.
(c). ln other words he will prosper well whatever
may be he !lVOQation he may cho?se to follow.

on THI BlllTJf or KINGs.
1. According to the Yavanas a person born when three
u1 more malefic planets nre in theh exaltation signs


cu. ll.J



beoomes It tyrannical ling (a). According"to Jeevnsarmb. if

such planets be malefic a person l'f'ill never beeome "'
king (b).
(11\ H three or more planets occupying their exal
tation signs be benefic, the person becomes a good king;
if both bentfio and maleliu ho will become both a good and
a blld king.
{6) Aocording to l.eev.asarma, such a person becomes
rich and powerful but not a king. Varha Mihira is of the
opinion of the Yavanas.

Ofthe:four planets, Mars, Saturn, the Sun, and Jupi
ter, by all the four or any three of them occupying exalts..
tjon signa while each of the planets occupies the Lagna, the
number of Raju.yogas is 16. .Again, of the same four pla
nets by any two or by any one oooupyiog exalbation signs
aad in each case by each of the planets occupying the.
Lagna while the Moon occupies sign Oaneer, the number
of najayogaa is also }6.


8.2 &j oyogas.are mentioned in tl.lis stanza. A per

son born under auy one ot thern becomes a king : suppose
all the -& planets--Mars, Saturn, the Suu and Jupitet-to
occupy their enltation signs at the same timP; by any ono
of snob signs being the ucendant the number of Baj"yogns
obtained is 4.. Again, of the same 4i planets there are 4
groups, each of three planets:thoa (1) Mal'l!l, Satatn and
the San, (2) .Martt,. Baflurn and Jupiter, (8) Mars, the 8un
and Jnpiter, (4) Satn1n, the Sun nnd Jupiter. In t'ho cnsu
of each grour,. by all tile hhree planeLs occupying theil' ax l
tation signs and by each of such sigus being the ri:: ing
sigo,, the number or Ruj_ayogus obtained is 3 ; there being ..






Ruch groups the number of Rajayoga.s obtained from tllem

all is 4X8 Ol' 12. Adding tllis to the 4 yogas-already ob..
tained we gei the fiast Ifi yogas mentioned in the te t.
Again, of the same 4 planets, there are 6"groups eaob
of 2 planets ns follows(\) Ml\rS and Saturn, (,.) Mara and
the Sun, (a} Mars and Jnpitor, (4) Satnn and the Sun.(5)
Saturn and Jupiter and (6) the'Su.n and Jupiter. In the
case of each gronp by both the planets occupying their
ex"-ltation signs n.nd by of aoh Jigns beiog tbe. rising
lfign) the number of Rajnyogas obtained is. 2. There being
6 such groups, the number of yogaa obtained (rom them all
is 6 X 2 or U.. Ia) each of theilt;' 12. cases, t];le Moon
occupies. sig1,1 Cancer. Again, oHhe same t planets, by
their seve.. rally being in their. e.altation signa, w bile
snob sign is also. tbe ri;1:1ing sign, t}:le number of aja.yogas
obtained is 41.. In each, of t os4 ce,ses, the Moon oc;oopiea
sigu Oancer. Add ing these 4 rogas to the 12. yogaa alrea<\y
obtai.ned W(l gefJ.
the. second 1.6 yogas mention.ed {n the text.
8. The. L ogoa or the Moon being in 'VargottaJDfl posio.
tiona, of all. the planets, excepting the Moon, by the several
oup11 of four, five and six planet!f aspeoting the Lagna Or
be .MoonJ the numbr of yogaa obtained is 2.2:.
'rho si'X pl11nets are, the Sun, Mars, Mercury Jupiter,.
Venus and Sa.tun, Of thl!se here oe 16 groupe encb. o'
4 planets as. follows.:
















Jupite:v, Venus.
,.. Saturn,







The Son, Mercury, JupihP., Venus.

, JupiteJi,
" Jupiter,
" Venus,
" Mercury,
,, ,,
, " Jupiter Venus,. "
(15) Mercury,



Again, of the same 6 planek here are sigroups ta.ob

of jjve planets as oUows :.
(1) The San. Mal's, Mercury, J.upiter,. Venal!.
,, Jupiter


, rcury






All the 6 planets form again into one group... 'rhus

here are 22 group!!. By the planets of.eaoh group aspeo
ing the rising sign in its V11rgothama position, the numbeP.
ofyogas obtained is 22; and by their aspeoLiag th, on in
its Vargutham" position, the number of yogas obtained is
again 21a. Aooor.ding to Handavya, by; each of the 12 signa
from Aribeing. either the rising sign or. the.sign oeoupied
by the Moon in the oaae of each yoga,. the nwnber of yo-.
gas obtained is 44X.l2 or 528.
4. When Slttnl'D occupies sign. .Aquarius, he Suo.
sign, .A..r:iea,. the Moon sign Taurus,
M.eroury sig.o
G.emini,. Jupiter sign. Leo, and Mar'S sign Scorpio,.a peraon
born. becomes, a. king. when the riaiug sign is A.quamns.or.wheq, it is Aries or when it is Taul'llJ.
Again,. when Sa.tutn occupies sig.n Libm, Moon.
sign. Tau.rus,.the,S11n an.d Mercp.ry. sign. Virgo,, VenuJJ rUg."






[os. 9

Libra, Mars sign Aries, and Jupiter sign Oancor, a person

boan becomes a king when the rising sign is Libra or- when
it is Taurus.

5 When Murs occupies sign Capricorn, the Sun and

the Moon sign Sngittari, Saturn sign Capricorn, and whsn
\he rising sign is also o pricoro, "' person born becomes. a
. king.
Again whtn t.biN:itsing sign i& C.aprioorn anu when 'Mara.
and the Moon occnpy it, and when the Sun oocnpies. sign
Sngittari, a pel'son born becomes a king.
A.gaiu when Aries is the rising sign and w.ben the Sun
occupies H, when Saturn an.d the Moon occupy sign Libra
and Jupiter occnpienign 811gittari,a person. becomes a king..
G. When the ai tiog sign is TllUl'US and the Moon occu.
pies it, when the Sun occupiessign Leo,Jupiter sig:n
Scropio.. and Satursign Aquarius a person born becomes
a king.
Again, when the rising sign is Oapl'ic.orn,. and wheaL
Saturn occupies it, and when '\he Moon occupies the Srd
house, Mars tiae 6th house, Mercury the. 9th house, and Ju.
piter the ltth house, a person born becomes a vil!tUDus and
famous king.

7. Whell the Moon apdi J.npite oca!lpy sign Sagittari;,

and w ben .Mats O<'cupies the first half of Capricorn, a person
bron becomes a. king when Pi9Ces is the rising sign and Venos
occupies it or when Virgo is rising sign and Mercury occu-.
pies it.
.Aguin,. when ilbe rising sign is Virgo anclwhen Mercury
ecupiea. it, when Mars and Saturn occnpJl the th house,.
when. the .Moon,Jupiter and Venus occupy the, a;
person born becomes a king.
8. When Pisces is the rising sigo,and the Moon occu
pea it,. and when .A.quauiu, Caprieorn a.nd Leo are respee--





lJniB.lT JA'l'.lJ:A,


tively oooupied by Saturn, Mans, and theSuu,. a person

born becomes a king.
. Ag &in, when Mars occupies sign Aries and Jupiter
f.'ign Cancer, a person born becomes a king when Aries is

the rising sign, also when Oall'Cer is the rising sign.

9. When Cancer is the rising sign and Jupiter OCCD

pies it, and when the Moon, 'Yenns and Mercury occupy sign
'l'au:tos and the Sun sign Aries1 a person. bo1n beoomes a
powerful king.

1() When Capricorn is the rising eign nod Saturn

pies iwhen the ligna Aries, Ot\Dcer and Leo are
pied by t.heir lords and when Gemini and Libra are respeo
tively occupied by Mercury and Venus, a person born be"
comes a famous king.
11. When Virgo is the rising sign, and Metcury oocu
pies it, wbell Venus occupies 'ign Gemini, the Moon and
Jupi,er; occupy sign Pisces, and Mars and saturn oooup7
sign.Oapricorn, a. person .born becomes a King. ..

12. Persons born under the various yogas described

above,.though they may be born in low families will be
come kings. If such persons 1\re born in a king'tS family
they will doubtless become kings. We shall now proceed
to describe oert.ainyogas, petsons born onder which will
become kings if they belong to a king's family and will
become rich if ot berwise.

13. When three or .more planets are powerful and

occupy either their houses or exaltation signs or . their
Moolatl'ikoua signs, a person born becomes a king if be
belongs to a king's family
Again, when fi\'e or more planets are powerful and
occupy their houses or exaltatiou signs otheir Moolatri
ona signa $ person born becomes a kiug evou if he be born


('011 tl.

i'n a low-family. n in eithet ease; the number of powerful

, planets be leas than three or ilve, the persons described
above will _ not be-come kings bnt will beoon1e onl)" rich.

i4. When Aties is the tiaiog sign and the Snn and.
Moon occupy it, w\te4 Mara occupies sign Capricorn.
Saturn sign Aqnaains, and Jupiter sign Sagittari, a person
born becomes a king, if be belong to a king' fmllyl and
will be'oom'6 only rich if otherwise.
No a.
According to another reading, the Sun is made to
oocupy sign I.teo aud the yoga remains the same ln other


When Venus occupies the 4th bonae, and when

&uch bouse is his own, when the Moon occupies the 9th
house, and when the other planets occupy the Srd, 1st and
11th houses, a person born becomes a king, if be belong to
a king's family ncl only rich if otherwise.
As Venus is said to be in his Swakshetra he might be
either is sign Taurus or in sign Libr . i'he Lagn a must
therefore be either sign Aquarius or sign Cancer respec
tively. As the :Moon is said to be in the 9th bouse, he occu
pies sign Libra in the former case, and sign Pisces in the
lntter, and as the other plants are said to occupy the Srd,
1st aod 1Uh houses from Lagna, these houses are signs
Aries,.Aqnurius u.ud Sagittari in the one caao, and Virgo,
Cancer, and T !r;ls ith '*oth r. Tho2 yogllS are referred
to in this stunzl!: . ;-."::
16. When Mercury is powerful and occupies the
rising sign,(a) .when a benefic planet (b) occupies the &th
house(c) and when the othet planets(d)oocnpy the 9th, 2nd,



3rd, 6th, lOth,and 11th honsel (e), .penon hom becomes a

virtuous king if he beloilg to a kingfami'y ed only rich
if otherwise.

This may be any one of the 19 signa.
(b). This is either Jupiter or Venus.


The 4.t.h huuae according to i. clifl'erent reading.

(d). When one or more of \be other planets according
to commentator.
(e). One of these boues acoording to commentator.
J7. When Taurus is the rising sign# and the Moon
occnpies it, when Jupiter occupies the 2nd bonae, Saturn the
6th house, and the other planets the 11th house, a person
born becomes a ]dog if he belong to a kiog's family, and
only rich if otherwise.
Agaio, when Jupiter occupies the 4th house,. the Sun
and the Moon'occnpy the lOth bouse, when Saturn occupies
the Lagna (G) and when the other planets occupy the IHh
house, a person born becomes a king if he be born in a
king's family, and only rich if otherwise.

(4.) This may be any one oi the 1'signa according to

18. When the Moon occ)u'pies the lOth bonae, Saturn

the 11th house, Jupiter the rising sign, Mercury and Mars
the 2nd house, and the Sun and Venus oconpy the 4th house,
a penon born becomes a king if he belong to a king' fa
mily, and oDly rich if otherwise.
Again, when Mars and Saturn oceupy ihe !ising sign,
when the Moon ocCupies the 4th house, Jupiter the 7th
house, Venae the 9th house, tliSwi the lOth h01lse;and



[os. ll'

Mercury the nth bonae, a peraon1 born becomes a king if

he belong to a king'a family, and only rich if otherwise.
19. Of the planets producing a Raj yoga either in the
Antardasa period a of those which occupy the lOth house or
the Lagua (a) or in that or the most powerful planet (b), a
person c,btaina kingdom and he . loses it and courts the
friendship of another king in the Antardaaa periods of the
plaoeta occupying inimical or depression eigus.(c).


If there be plnneta both in the Lagna and in the

lOth house o(if there be several planets in either, then in
the Antardasa period of the most powerful of them.
(b). If there be no planets both in Lagna and in the
lOth house.
(o). Jf such pianets be powerful the king will lose his
kingdom permanently, and if they be not powedul, he will
l'ecover it by the help of his allies.

20. When Jnpiter I Venus and Mercury occupy the

rising sign, (a) when Saturn. occupies the 7th house and the
Sun the lOth house, a pe1aon born will live in great comfort
and luxury. (b)
Again, when powerful benefic signa form the Kend1'88
and malefic planets occapy malatio signs, a person born be'
oomea rich and the chief pf hunters and 1-obbers.
(a). The rising sign is Aries aooording to oom
meutator. The interpretation given of this po1tion of the
text is objected to by some on the ground that when Vanna
and Mercury (the infe ior planets) occupy the rising sign the
Sun canuJt occupy t.he lOth house-a place more than 60
degrees removed from them. For the greatest elongstions
of the two planets from!the Sun are l'eapectively 47 and 29



OB. }2.].

degrees. . Accordingly the following . interpretation is pro

posed:"Irthe riaiog sign be thehooae of .Jupiter, Veau or Vercur,-"

Bhatt& Utpala, the commentator, while granting the

validity ofthe objection, says, t.bat thinterpretation objec-
ted to has the suppott of Garga whom be quutes. A similar
remauk applies to the Vajra and other yogas described in
stanza 5 of the next Ohspter, and in stanza 6. of the same,
Varaba Mibira while admitting the imposaibiHty of the
yoga, says that his task is simply to state the views or the '
ancient writers and nothing more. Vide notes to stanza
6, Chapter Xll.
(b). 'l.'boogh he may be poor.
(c). This portion of the text is interpreted by some
as follows:
" Wheu powerful beDeao planets ocoapy the Kendru"

But this interpretation is opposed to Garp whom the

commentator quotes.
1. ON NA.BBABA Yoou.
1. nine, ten and eight, multiplied respectively by
three, three and four give the sums of the numbers of the
first two, the first three, and all the four groups o Nabhasa
yogas (a). The Yavanas treat; extensively of one thousand
and eight hundred of such yogas (b). We ahall here sum
marize them.

(a). Curiously enough the author adopts a rather
circuitous method of stating the numbers of the several
gronps of Nabhasa yogas. The statement amounts to an
AlgebraiOI!-1 problem :find 4 numbers such that the let+ t.he



[c11. 2.1


2Qd;-:9 X 8=27.l:st+ 2nd +Srd.-;-1O.X +2nd+8rd +.

4th=s x 4=82. It is clear that the number of thelut group

=82-80=2. '.J;'he l! mr of tqe Srgrollp=So-27=8.
Th.e number of 1 the first and second ffl'O'IJP is given 27.
AoCQrding to the commentator, the 1st group oons :tts of
20 yogas and the 2qd of In other words what the a_nthot:
wants to say is briefl,Y this-The Nabhas" yogas consist o(
4t gro ps follow3:



Akrit,i yog ts 20 ; Sankhya yog&fl 7 ; Asr ya yogas. 8 ;

Dlf,lyoga. 2

(b). Vtds note at the end of the Chapter for the

particulars of the 1800 Nabbasa yogas.
(o). The author say, that his 32 yogcontain the
1800 yogi\& of thel,'avanaa.

According to Satyachariyar if all the pla ets oeonpy

(a) the movable, fixed or common signs, the yogas are re!
Jp&ctively known as Ra.ijn, Mosala, and NaJa. and _ these
three form the group of Asraya yogas. Again according to
Parasara,if the benefic planets (6) occupy the Kt'ndras \c)'
the yoga is known as Srikor Mala; and if malefic planets
(d) occupy the Kendras (s) the yoga is known as Sarpa.
These two form thgroup of Dala yogq.s.

( ). Q e. OJi. twq or. three o.r all the foqr_or the
signs. A mdi,ng to some th. pla11ete o gt to oooupy all tbe
four aips.. Tbia. ia OP.P 4 to. Gal'g
(b). Viz., Mercury, Jupi er and Venus acoording to
(c). Three of the Keodras, while there are no malefic
planets in any of the budl'a. honses according to Bada
(cJ). Vis :-The .San, Mars and Sat11rn according to
Gar t



(e). Throf, the kendras, while there are no benefic

planets in. any, of the kendr- bouses according t.o Bada
3. Other Astrologers say thd the All1"1Lya yogRB. are
identiealwith. theY"va(a), .Abja (b), V"jra (e), Andaja (d),
Gola (e), and the. like yogas (/),and that. when the etreets of
planets occupying the kendraa are described the effeota of
Dala yogaa are also desoribed aud they produce no separate
effeCL!f (g).
In this stanza the author explains the reason why.
certain .Astro!ogera have failed to treat of the Aaraya and
. yogas in their work!!!

(a), (b), (e). Vide stanza &.

(d). Vide stanza 4.
(e). f"ids stt,nza 10.
(j). The like yogas: such as Sakata
Kedara, Sula and yuga (all stanza 10).

(stanza 4),

The'Aya yoga." may be these aud may not be these;

hence the author has deemed it advisable to treat them
sep t.rately. For inMtnnce, if all planets ocoopysigns Gemini
and Ssgittari-2 of the common sign<; -when one of these
is 11lso the rising sign, the yoga is known bot.h as Vajra.aud
NaJa; boif any other sign be the rising sign, it is not a
Vajra yoga but only a NaJa yoga.

(g). As regards the. Dala. yogae, it is said that other

writers have described the elteet.s of benefic and of malefio
planets oooupyiog tbe Kendras and as these are also the
efFects of the two D &bt yogas they have omitted to treat of
them separately ; the author treats of these sepatately in.
ordAr to make it known that the two are Nabhasa yogas
and as such their, efF ta. are fel. throogpout life, .(tJide
B.tanza 19).

Digitized by


Loa. 11.


4. IC all the planets occupy any two adjacent Kendras,

the yoga is known as Gada (a). If they. all occupy the
ascendant llnd the 7th bouse, the yoga is known as Sakata.
If all the plan.,ta occupy tbe 4ttb and the lOth bonae the
yog" is known as Vihaga. lf all the planets occupy the
ascendant, the and 9th houses, the yoga is known as
Sringataka and if all the planets occupy other triangular
houses the yoga is known as Hala (b)

The author now proceeds to describe the 20 Akriti
yogaa. 5 o tbam are described in this stanza.
(a). This may be in 4 ways: All the four planets may
occupy (1), the 1st anthe 4th houses,( ), the 4th and 7th
houses (3), the 7th and the lOth bouaesand (4)the lOth auld
the 1st aouse. The Yavanas consider these 4t us four dis
tinct yogas and call them respectively aa Gada, Sankbat
Vibhuka and Dwaja. (Vide note at the end of the Chapter.)
(b). This may be in three ways : a.ll tho planets may
occupy, (1), the 2nd, 6th and lOth houses, (2), the Sd, 7th
and lith houses, (SJ the 4th, 8th and 12th houses.
5. If the benefic planets occupy the ascendant nd
the 7th house while the malefic planets occupy the 4th and
1Oth houses the Yoga is known as Vajra. and if the reverse
be the case (a) the yoga ia known as AgAin, if all the
planets occupy the four Kendras the yogo is known as
Kamala, aud if they oooupy the four Panapho.ra (b) or
the four Apoklima (o) houses, the yoga is known as Vapi.

In this stanza, m re Akriti yogaa are described.
(a). That is if the malefic planets occupy the asoen
aaut and the 7th house while the benefic planets ooenpy
the 4th and 1Oth houses.
(b). That is the 2nd, 5th, 8th &nd 11th houses.
(c). Tbat is the Srd, 6th, 9th and 12th houses.



ea. 12.]


, 6. I have deaoribed the Vajra and other (t) yogA&

adopting the view or former writers (b). How can Mercury
and Veuus occupy the 4th sign from the Sun (o)1Notes.
(a). 'That is the Yava yoga And the yoga mentioned
in the ht>ginning of atnDD 20, or the Chapter on Rajayogn.
(b). Maya, Yavana, Oarga and otl1ers.
(o). Acc01ding to Mr.Sundareswara Sronty of Trivadi,
the Vajra and Yava yogae refer to the positions of the pla
nets in the Bbava Chakra and not to their positions in their
Rasi Chakra as supposed by Varaha Mihira. He is there
fore of opinion that Garga and other writers have not el'l'ed
in treating of these yogaa as poaaible ones. This we shall
now expluin :
Varaha lrlihira says " How can Mercury and Venus
occupy the 4th 1ip from the Sun" The word used in the
text ia Bhavana which means a sign of the Zodiac (t ide
stanza 4, Chapter I). If the V11jra and Yava yogas rt>fe to
the positions of planets in the Rui Cbakra then Varnha
lrlibira. is right in declaring that the ancient writers have
erred, but not if the yogaa refer to the positions of the
pJa.nets in the Bhava Chakra. Indeed in "11 yogaa where
the positions of the planets are stated with reference to
pa.rticular Bhavaa or houses from the ascendant, they refer to
Bhava Cbakra. As it is somewh'lt tadious to construct this
Chakra (\able), most of the astrologers confound it with the
other Chakra and wrongly a.pply GU yogaa to the Raai
Chakra. This is one of fruitful sources of erlor in astrologi
cal predictions; we shall now expl"in whd js meant by
Bbava Chakra. For the process of constructing it, the
reader is referred to the Appendix at the end of the Book.
Both Raai and Bhava Cbakras are elivisions of the ecJip
tic ; the former is division into 12 equal parts and the lattet

[ou. 12.


i1division into 12 unequal parts depending upon thb lati

tude of the place.
Bhaskara Oharyar defines Ohakra as follows in
his Gola Adbyaya. :


11lf4qfll -S f191ii
1111f vt1ffcrcrAta
"The point where the ecliptic cuts the hotizon in the

eat is known as eastern or rising Lagna, and in the welt


the western or aettiug LagnA., and the points where the

meridian of the place cuts the ecliptic are known as
:M t.dhya or middle L:lgnas.-The lOth and ftb Lagnas."
These 4 points are respectively the middle points of the
1st, 7th, 1Oth and 4th Bhavas. The two points of trisec
tion of the dist11nce between the middle pointft of the lst
and 4th Bh"v"s are respectively the middle points of the
2nd and 3rd Bhavas. The two points of trisection of the
distance between the middle poiots of the 4th aud 7th
Bha\'as are respectively the middle points of the 5th and
6th Bhava.s. The two points of tisection of the distance
betweeu middle points of the 7th and lOth Bhava.s are the
middle points of the 8th and 9th Bhavaa. And the two
points of trbeotion of the dist11nce between the middle
points of the 1Oth and 1st Bhavas are the. middle points of
the lltb and 12th Bhavas. Thus we have obtained the
middle points of the 12 Bhava.s. Now if we bisect these
twelve divisions of the ecliptic, the space between the two
. points of bisection immediately on both sides of the middle
point of each Bhava will form a Bhava..

cu. 12.]



Now aa the ecliptic is inclined to the equator by about

28 degrees, the pole or the ecliptic wi11 alwayli be removed
from the pole of the equator by about 23 degree'! and will
det cl'ibe round it a circle in the course of & cb dny. So
that very day the plane of ths ecliptic meidian will
coincide with the plane of the meridian of the place twice.
Now the point where th" ecliptic meridian bisects the eclip
tic is knuwn in Astl'onomy as the nona-gesimal point. Oall
this point N. 0"11 the point where the meridian outs the .
eoliptic M. and the points whet-e the horizon C"Uts the ecliP':'
tio in ths east. and west as E aud W respectively.
M. N .
90 d"greea
3 signs, and
So th ot N E::: N W
M E is always 8 bhavaa And M
is also a bhavas;.M baing
the middle point of the lOth Bbava.

Now when the plane of the ecliptic meridian coincides

with the plane or 'be meridian of t11e place, N coincides
with M and therefore N livanishes aud the Rasi and
Bbnva Ch"kras coincide. This will occur l>Wice a day.
At other limes they will difft r. Now iu the higher lati
tndet4 the angle between the two meridian lined inct eases.
V'(id" Bpheril Trigonometry).
'rherefore the distance
N M aiBO incrdases aud M W accordingly dimiuishes and it
may even become less th tn 47 aud 27 degree, and it tlever
theless coutains S bhavas. B<t that it is possible for Mer
cury and Venus to occupy M (the lOth bbava) while the
Suo occupies W (the 7th bhava), i. e., Venus and Mercury
may occupy the 4M.t bbava from tha Sun.
So that Garga
and oth..r writers have not . erred if the Vajra and Yata
yogaa efer to the positions of the pl"nets in the Bhava

7. If all the planets occuj>y the four signs (a) from .

the ascendant, the yoga i:s knowu as Yup; if they


(cu. 12.


oeoopy the four signs (b) from the fourth bouse, the yoga
is known as Iahu or Bana; if they occupy the four signa (c)
from the seventh house, the yoga is known as S&kti ; and
if t ey occupy the four signs from the lOth bouse the yoga
is known as Danda.
In this aW.nsa the author describes four more Akriti

(a). That is tl1e ascendant and the 2nd, 3rd and 4th
(b). Thd is the 4th, 5th, 6t.h and 7th houses.
(c). That is the 7th, 8th, 9th and lOth houses.
That is the lOth, 11th and 12th houses and the

8. If, as before, all the planets occupy the seven

sip (a) from t'tle ascendant the yoga is known as Nan ;
if they occupy the seven signs (b) from the fourth house,
the yoga is known as Kuta : if they occupy the seven
signs (c) from the seventh house, the yoga is known as
Ohbatra ; and if they oconpy the seven signs (d) from the
tenth boose the yoga is known as Chapa. Again if all the
planets oooupy the seven houses beginning. from a Pan
pbara or Apoklima bonae, the yoga is known ss Ardha
Ohandra (eJ.
In this atanza, the author describes 5 more Akriti
(a). That is, the let, 2nd, Srd, 4th, 5th,' 6th and 7th
(b). That is from the 4th to the lOth house.
(c). That is from the 7th 'o the 12th house aQ.d the




(d). That is from the lOth to the 121ih bouse and
from the ascendant to the "b house.

(e) As there are 4 Panaphara and-' Apoklima houses

the Ardha-Ohandra yogas are of 8 kinds: viz., all the
planets may oc-cupy (1) from the 2nd to the 8th house, (2);
from the Srd to the 9th boose, (8), from the 5th to the 11th
house, (4), from the 6th to the 12th house, (6), from the 8th
to the 2nd house, (6) from the 9th to the Srd house, (7),
from the 11th to the 6th boose, (8), from the 12th.., the
6th house.
9. If planets() oooupy the six alternate signs (b)
beginning from tbe:2od house the yoga is known as Sama
dra, and if they occupy the six alternate signs (c) begin
. ning from osoondant the yoga is known as Obakra. Thus
the Akrit.a yogos have been desoribed briefly.
In this stanaa the aulihor describes th9 remaining 2
(out of 10) Akriti yogi!B

All the seven planets.

(b). That is, the 2nd, 4th, 61ih, 8th, lOth and 12th
(e) That is the 1st,Srd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th houses.
10. If all the planets occupy any seven signs the yoga
ia known aa Vallaki ; if they occupy any six signs, the yoga
is known aa Damini ; if they occupy any &vtt signs it; is
known as Paaa; if any four signs, it; is known as Kedar&;
if any three signs it is known as Sola ; if any two signs, it
ia known as yoga;and if they;ocoupy a single sign, the yoga
is known as Gola. When any of theso Sankb);& yogas are
nt the same time any otber Nabhasa yogar.-, tbey ate to be
treated aa belonging to the latter class (a).




B&IB.l'f .J.lT.t.Jt.l.

(cu. 12.

(a). For instance the Gada, Sakata and Vibaga. yogp.s
described in stanzo 4 are to be treated only as such and not
as Yuga yogaa described in this stan7a; the Sl'ingntaka and
Bala yogRS descrit111d in stanza 4 are to be trellted only ItS
suoh and not as Sola yoga.s described in this stanza. Again,
be Vajra, Yt'.va, K mala and Vapi yogas described in
stanza 5 as well aa the Yupa, Isho, S_akti and Dauda yogas
described in stanza 7 shall not be confounded with the
Xadana yogas desul'ibed iu this stana". And so on.
11 . A person bo1o nuder a R11iju yoga will he jealous
of the wealth of others, will proceed to foreign lauds and
will be fond of travelling; a person born uuder a Musala
yoga will be respectable, rich, and will engage in variuus
undertakings; and a person born onder a Nala yoga will
be of defllctive organs, settled view$, rich and skilled in
work. .Again, a person born under a Srik yoga will live in
comfort and luxury, and onborn under a &rpa yoga, will
be misllrable in many ways.
In this stan1a, the author describes the effects of the
three Asraya yogas and of the two Dala yogas.
12. If the Asl'aya yogas partake at the same time of
the character of other yogas they should be treated as the
latter; otherwise they produce the . effects described for


This subjeot bas aheady been discussed in stanza 8.

For instAnce, if a &jju yogs. or a Musala yoga or a Nala
yogt partake of the nature of a Kamala yQga (stanza 5) it
should be tr a.ted as the latter.
13. A person born under a Gada yoga will perform
Sl\eaiticial rites, will_be rich, and will ever Le engagin the





acquisition of wealLh; a person born under a Sak ta yoga

will Jive by means of CArta, will be aftlicted with disel&8e&,
and will have a mean wife; a person born under a Vih11ga
yoga will live by o"rrying messages, will be fond of travels,
and will c,use quurrals; a person born under a Sringa.taka
yoga will be happy in the Jatt >r end of life (a) and a person
born under a Hala yoga will till lands.

In this sLanza the author de3oribes the effeota of li

Akriti yogas.
(a). 'l'he word in the te:xL is "Cbira Sukht" This is
int.erpteLed by som" Lo mea.n "h ppy for a long time."
This interpretation is opposed to G"rga.

14. A pel'son born onder a Va.jt'& yoga will be happy

both at the beginning and end of life, will be a genor"l
favol'ite and will be bold in.fight. A person born in a Yava
yoga. will be powerful, and will be ho.ppy af; the middle of
ife. A person botn nuder a P"dma (Kamala} yoga. will be
of gre,.f; renown, will be grently buppy and poSReased of
many at.tninments. A person born under a Vnpi yoga will
live in poor comfort for a long time, will bury his wealth
under ground and will be a miser.
In this stanZ&, the author describes the effects of 4
more .A.kriti yogas.
15. A person born under a Yupa yoga will be liberal in
gift and will perform high saoificial rights. A person
bon under a Baua (Ishu) yog" wilt indulge in torture, will
be a jailor and will make arrows. A person born under a
S:lkfii yoga will engnge in deeds disgraceful to his rank in
life, will n'>t be skilled in work, and will be without money
and comrort. A person born noder Daanda JCig& will be

[011. lit.

BBIR.6.T l.6.T.tKA

sepamted frona persons of his atfdotion (a) and will earn hia
livelihood by the lowest of means, viz., servitude.
In Lhis stanza the author describes the eff'dcts of 4
more Akriti yogas.
(a). Sons and the like.
16. A person born untfer a Nan yoga.
be of wide
spread fame, happy only now and then, and will))8 a miser.
A person born under a Kuta yoga will indulge in lies, and
will be a jailor. A person botn undea Chhatra yoga will
make his people happy and will live in oomfort in the latter
end of life A parson born under a Chapa yoga will delight
in fight and will live in comfort both at the beginning and
end of life.
The effects of 4 mol'e Akl'iti yogas are described in this
17. A person bom under an Ardha-Chandra. yoga will
be a general favodte, of agreeable person and be respected
by all. A person born undet a Samudra yoga will be as
prosperous as a king and will 1i ve in comfort. A person
born under a Chakra yoga will have his feet illumined by
the las re of the gems in the crowns of kings falling pros.
tr..te befol'e him by way of respect. and submission (a}. A
person born in a Vallaki yoga will be skilled in work and
will delight in musio and dunce.
In this stanza the author describes the effects of the
three Aktiti yogas and of the first Sankhya yoga.
(a). In other wotds he will become an empe11or or
king of king!!.


18. A person botn nndet a Damini yoga will be liberal

in gift, will delight in helping otbets and will possess many
cows. A person born in a Pasa yoga will, with his servants







and kinsmen,.-earn wealth by proper means. A person born

onder a Kedara yoga will till lands, Rnd by doing good deeds,
will be ust>fuJ to others.
A person born under a Sola yoga
will be bold in fight, will receive blows and will be fond of
money {<) but will be poor.
In this etanza the author describes the efl'eot.s of more
Sankhya yogas.
(< ).

,, Will be

fond of torture" according to some

ether reading.

1'9. A person born under a Yuga yoga will be poor and

will act in c11ntravention of V ic rules. A person born
under a G-ola yoga will be poor, dirty, ignorant, addicted to
low deeds, ur skilled in work, and will ever he wandering
from place to place (4). 'l'hus have been been deecribed
the several Nabbasa yogas with their effects. These efFects
are felt throughout a man's life.
In this stansR the eft'eots of the remR.ining two Sankhy"
yogas are described.

(< ) For bare subsistence.aocording to commentator.

(b). Except in the case of Vajra and other yogas (11ids
stanZit. 14) whose effects will be felt, as st&te.d, in particular
periods of a person':life.
So that wherever no pel'iods
aae mentioned the effects will be felt t.hrouJrhont life.
Notes :-Dilla Yogas will ooiuoide neithet with Asraya
yogas nor with Akriti yogii.S. 'fhey might coincide with
Sankhyayogas-with he Vallaki, the D11mioi, the Pasa, or
the Kedara yogas, in which case the yoga.s are to be treated
as only Dala yoga.s and not. as S:tnkhya yogM. (Vids
Again, according to atauza J 2 if the Asrnya
yogas coincide with other yogas, they cease tEl be Asr11ya





[011. 12.

yogas and according to stanza 10 if the Sankhya yogas

eoincide with other yogas, they oease to be:Sankhya yog s.
Now suppOse .A.aaya aml Sankhyn yogas to coincide with
each other. Are they to be treated aui the foamea or as the.
Jat er 1 The commentator 81\)'8 that if the coiuoid nce
refeai to the Kedar t, Sola, aud Yoga yogas, the y<gHS are
to be treated as Asraya yogas only;but if it. refer to the
Gol,. yoga, it is to be treated as IIUOh aud not as an Asrya
yogG-otherwise there will be no room for Oola yoga at all
We shall now explain bow the Yavanas obtain '1800
Nabhasa yogas. .As stated in stanza 8, t.he Yavanas do not
treat of the three A11raya yogas and the two J?ala yog s.
They treat of 23 Aktiti yogas. and 127 S tnkhya yogtts or
1<0 yugas in all for a Lagna; there being 12 Lagnas, the
numbea of Nubhasa yogas treated of by the Yavanaa is
12X 150= 1800.
We shall explain these more fully. As explained in
no(a) to sta.nZI\ 4, the Gada yoga of the '"'t.horis treated
of as 4 dhstinct yogas by the X avanas. Adding these to the
remaining 19 Akriti yogas, we get 23 Aktiti yogas as
treatec! of by the Yavanas.
Again, the seven Saulchya yogas of the lf,uthor nre split
into 127 Sankhya yogas (for a L gna) by tbe Y tvanas as
follows: The first Saukhya yoga treated of by Varaha
Mihha is known as Vallaki yoga accurding to which the
7 planets might oooapy any seven sigus. This may be
in many ways; but the Y1\Vunas select only a few : as enoh
of tho seven planots might ocoapy the Lagna the number
of yogns anler 1.his division is 7. .Again the 2nd Sanlthya
yoga treated of by the aathor is one ucconliug t.o which
the 7 phanets are to occupy any six signs. This may be
. in mauy ways; bot the Yavanselt>ct the following few:
of the 7 planets 5 may occupy 6 hoases and two mora may

CIJ. 18.]


occupy the Lagna. These two may be any two of the

seven planets. 'l'be number of yogl\8 under this bead will
bt, the number of combinations of 7 things . taken 2
together =X !=21.
Again, the 3rd SRnkhy" yoga is one in which the seven
pl1\nets (JCCnpy & houses. This may be in many ways; but.
t.he foJJowing nre selected :-4 plRnets occupying 4 houses
and 8 more occupying the Lagna. These three may be
any t.bree ont of the 7 planets- 'fhe number of cases
under this bead is the nnmber of combinations of 7 things
taken 3 toJether =I Xi Xi=Sf.\.
The next Sankhya yoga of Varab" Mihira is similarly
split by the Yavanas into tXiXiX!=Sb, and the next into
jX}XjXfXl= 21, and tb.e JJeXt into tX xjxtx}xf=7,
and the last intoi x
jx tx} , .:x+=I. So that tlte
Sankhya yogas are 11plit. into 7+21 +35+3.:>+21+7+1=
127. These 11.dded to S Akriti yogas give us 150 yogRs
for a Lagoa or 1800 yogRS for the 12 Laguas.


To find the number of combinations of n things taken

r at a time, the reader is referred to the Lilavati of :Bhas

kam Charyar or to the Chhandas Sutra of Pingal" or to

Chapter 77, stanza 22 (notes) of the English Translation of
Bl'ibat 8amhits or to the notes to stanza 4 of the next
Chn.p er of this Book.


1. The conduct, wealth, knowledge, intelligence and
skill of a person will be poor, moderate or excellent accord
ing as the Moon occupies the Kendra, the Panaphara or
the Apoklima bonses from the Sun (a), nnd a person 'viii bu
. rich and will 'Ji"e in comfort if the Moon occupy bis own.
Navamsa or an Atimitra Navl\tnRa. (b), providl:'d shis

Digitized by




aapected by Jupiter if the birth occur

Venus if the birth oocnr by night.

[o&. 18.

"Y day, and


(a). At the time of birth. In other words, a person

wiJl have very IiLUe of these qualities if the Moon occupy
either the sign occupied by the Sun or the 4th, 7th or lOth
sign from . it. He will have the11e qualities in a moderate
degree iC the Moon occupy the 2nd, l'ltb, 8th or 11th sign
from the sign occupied by the Sun; and he will have these
qualities in a large measure,if the Moon occupy the Srd,
6th, 9th or 12th sign from the sign occupied by the Suo.
(b). An Atimitra

Navamsa is a Navamsa of an
Atimitra or a very friendly planet.
2. If the benefic planets (4) ooenpy the 6th, 7th and
8th houses from the Moon, the yoga is known as Adhi
yoga (b). A person born in the yoga will become a gene
ral, a minister or a king (c) ana will be in the enjoyment of
great pleasures and wealth with subdued enemies and long
life and f1-ee from diseasei and fear,
(a). These are Mercury, Jupiter and Venus.
(b). The yoga is of 7 sorts according as the benefic
planets occupy one or more of the three houses: {1), They
migbl occupy all the three houses; (2), or tbe 6th and 7th .
hou11es; (8) or the 6th and 8th; (,.} the 7th and 8th, (5),
the 6th; (6) the 7th j (7), the 8th houses from the Moon.
(c). According as Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are
weak, of moderate power, or of very great power according
to Badarayana.
In the Astrological work known as Saravali, the Adhi
yoga is claased with Raja yoga when the planets Mercury,
Jupiter and Venus are uot .Astangta planets, nor aspected
by maletio planets. Mandavya is of be same opinion







3. Excepting the Sun if the other planets ooonpy the

2nd, the 2th, or both the 2nd and the 12th houses from
the Moon, the yoga is ,respectively known 88 Sunapba,
Anapba or Dorudhura i otherwise (a), the yoga is known
as Kemadruma by numerous writers. According to some (b),
if the Moon oocopy the Kendra bouse from the ascen
dant or if the Moon be accompanied by a planet, the yo
ceases to be a Kemadroma yoga. According to others (c)
the three yogaa, Sunapba, Anapha and Durudhura are re
finred to the Kendra houses from the Moon (d),' while again
some others (e) refer the three yogas to the houses on both
sides of the sign the Navamsa of wbioh the Moon occu
pies (/). But these views aro not considered as authori

(a). Otherwise: i.e., if the 2nd, the 12th, or both the

2nd and the 12th houses from the Moon be not occupied by
planets-the Son excepted.
(b). Garga and Parasara.
(o). Srntakeerti a.nd others.
(d). That is, if the planets excepting the Sun occupy
the 4th house from the Moon, the yoga is known as Snna
pha; if they occupy thlOth house from the Moo, the
yoga ia known as .Anapha, and if they occupy both the 4th
and the lOth house f1om the Moon, it is known as Durn
dhura and if the 4th and 10Lh houses from the Moon be not
occupied by planets, the yoga is known an Kemadruma.
( e Jeevasarma.

(j). Suppose the Moon to occupy the Navamsa of

Sagittari in sign Aries. Now if the planets, exceptmg
. the Sun and the Moon occupy the 2nd, or the 12th or bOth
the 2nd and the l2tbhouses from sign Sagittari the yoga
ia respectively known 88 Sunapba, Anapha and Durudhura.


BJUHAT .l.lT.ll:.&..



bat if these two boWI&a. bo not ao occupied 'be yoga is

known as Kemadruma.
4. The Sunapha and the Anfopha yogaa are eauh of
thirty-one aorta, and the Durudhura. yog1\8 are of one hun
dred and eighty sorts,. as will be found to be the oase by
forming series as described in the role f01 finding the num
ber of oombiuatious of a given number of things.
The rule for finding the aarnber of combinations of a
given number of bings it only hinted at in the tdt, but
not fully given. It is quoted in stanza 22 of Chapter 79 of
the Brihat Samhitta. 'l'he rule is:"Beginning from unity, form a sel"ies by u.dding to
gether the first figure with the next and the sum wit!1 the
next figuae and so oo omitting only the last. From the
aeries thus formed, form a fresh series similarly, beginning
from nnity, and so on. The last terms of the 11everal setiea
will give the number of combinations required."
Suppose there to be 7 substances. The igures 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, G, 7, will forin the first series. Obtain the 2nd series
liB follows:
1+2=3; 3+3=8; 6+4=10; 10+5=16;
15 +-6=21. The 2nd series therefore i11 l, :i, 6, 10, If), 21
Obtain the 3rd aeaies a.s follows: 1+3=4; 4+t'=l0;
10+10=20; 20+l =S5. The trd 11eies therefore is 1,4, 10,
20, 85. Obtain the 4th series as follows : l+.J =5; 5 + 10
=15 ; 15 +20 =85. The 4th series therefore is l, 5,15,
85. Obtain the 6th series aa follows: 1 +5=6. o+l5=
21. The 5th series tberefoto is l, f., 21. Obtnin 6ih
aeties as follows: J +6=7. The 6th aeries tlerefore is 1,
7. The seventh series 'is 1. The last terms of tho seven
series are, 7, 21, 85, Sli, 21, '1, 1. These are rt-epE'otively
tho number of combinatiun11 of seven things taken 1, 2, :it
4,6, 1\ and 7 at a time. Bhi\Bkara Cha.riar givdl:l a. simpler
p1ooen in his Lila.vai-a work on Arithmetic. He s::.yF



eu.. 13.]



Form fractions with the numbers beginning froto

)aRt number to unit.y for numerators anl wit.h the nnmbers
beginning from unity t.o the last number for denominators
respectively. The number nf combinations taken 1, 2,
S, 4, &c., at a time will respectively be the first frMtion,
tho pronuct of lat. two fraotionR, nf the first three fractions
or of the let four fracti.ons, &c. Suppose, for instance, the
number of things to be 7. 'fhen the fractions nrs i, ! .
. ' :,
The number o combinations of 7 things taken
one at a time=i=1; 'l'aken two at a time=i X \=21, taken
8 R.t a time=lX{X-j.X =85; token 4 at a time=tXiXiX{
=85; tKken 5 at a time=i x;.x ,x x-::=21; taken 61\t a.
time =iX!X-tX!XlXf=7; and taken 7 at a ime
=tx:x.Jxtx -xtx..r=J.
Now in th13 Sanl\phn or Anapha yogas t.he 2nd or the
12th house f'rom the Moon mny be occupied by the five
planets from Mars eitller singly or two at a time or three or
four or all11t a time. The number required is the number
of combinations of five thing& taken 1, 2, 8, 4and 5 together
at a time. This is to be deduced from the following: .f, f,
rake the cuein whioh the 2nd house from the Moon
is occupied by a sin le planet; while it . ooes so, the
remaining four planets may occupy the 12th house from the
Moon 1, 2, 3 and 4 at a time. The number of these will be
the sum of the number of combinations of four things
taken 1, 2, Sand 4 together. This will he found to be 4T6
+4+1=15. So that for one of the five Suuaplm yegas we
et 15 Dnrudhura yogns. The' five Sunapl1B. yog11s of one
planet will therefore give 1111 5x 16=75 Durudhul'll yogns.
Take one >f tlte 10 Sun11pha. yogas of two planets fom
:MRrs to a.tum; the remnining 3 plant>t.s m11y QConpy the
Uth houtie from the .Moou, 1, 2 and 3 at u t1me. 'l'he num-





(OK. 13.

bf.r required is the sum of tbe number of combinations of

three thing taken 1, 2 and S at a time. This will be found
to be'StS+l=?. Combining these with the 10 Snnapha
yoga.s of 2 planets we aball get lOX 7=0 Durodhura. yogaa.
Similaaly the 10 Sunapha yogas of three planeta will give
10x 3=80 Durudhura yogas; and the five Bnnapha yogaa
of 4 planets will give n." 5 x 1=5 Durudha yogas. So
that the number of possible Durudhura yoga.a=75+70+P0
A. person born in a Sunapha yoga will be
possessed of self-acquired propeaty:, will be a king or will
resemble a kiug, amd will be a man of intelligence,
wealth and renown:
A. person born in an Anapha yoga will be a man of
influence n.nd 1\UthotHy, will be free from diaeaaea, will
have a oontrol over his passions, will be of great renown.
will be in the enjoyment of all 'manner of pleasures, will
wear neat dress and will be free from grief.

6. A person born in a. Durudhora yoga. will be in

the enjoyment of all manner of pleasures, will be
possessed of we olth and chariot, will be libenLl in his
gi{G and will have good servant.s.
. A. person born in a Kema.droma yoga, though he may
belong to a ki g's familyw ll be dirty, afflicted with grief,
will do deeds not suitetl to hs rank in l fe, will be poor,
will sel'Ve under otheaa and will be wicked.
7. If the yog11. pl"net be Maa'll, the person will be
nctive, foud of fight, nnd :w& .lthy, and will engage in
deed:without thought. IC the yoga planet be Mercury, the
pt'rt!OD will bts Hkilld in work, will be o{ good speech and
learned iu the arts (a). If the yoga planet be Jupiter, a.
person will be wealthy and virtuous, will live for ever in
comfoat and will be respected by the king. If the yoga.

eli. 18.].



planet be Venus, a person will be a!lioted with sexnal pas

sion, will be very wealthy and in .tbe enjoymentof all man
ner of pleasures.
(a). In musio, dance;painting, &:c.

8. If the yoga planet be .Saturn, a person will enjoy

the wealLbi property and servants of others, will engage in
various deeds and will be the chief of parties of men (a).
It the birth occur by day, the Moon will bring on misery
i she ocoopy the visible hemisphere, and will bring o(l.
prosperity if abe occupy the invisible hemisphere; if other
wise, the results will be the reverse of these (b)
(a). If two or more planets be yogplanets tho
effects described for them all will OO!Jle to pass.
(b). Tbat i11, if the birth occur by night, he Moon
will bring on misery if she occupy the invisible hemisphere
and prosperity iC abe occupy the visible hemisphere.
9. If all the benefic planets (a) occupy the UpacLaya
places (b) from the ascendi\Dt at the time of birth, a person
will be very rich and if they oe npy the Upachaya placeR
from the Moon, he will be moderately If two of tl1e
planets occupy the Upaohaya places a person will be
moderately wealth.J and if one of them cqpy snob plac81t
he will possess small wealth (o). Even if the pera<'n be
born in other malefic Yogas {d) the present yoga will take
etreo.t to their exclusion (e).
(a). M.eroory, Jupiter and Venoa.
The l;!rd, 6tb, lOth aud 11th l10U808 from the
(o). Or poor. If benefic plaueta occupy the Upachaya
places both from the ascendant and from the Moon a pen on
will be exceedingly rich.




(d). Such as Kemadruma yoga.

. <>

That is, suppose a person to be born in aKemf..;,;

druma yoga and suppose the benefic planets to occupy thu
Upacbayll places from the aacendant or tile Moon or both,
the person will become rich and not poor.

1. If at thtt time of bitth tho Sun and Lbe Moon occu
py together a sign of tbu Zodiac, the person. born will be a
maker of fire engines (a} and will work in stones; if the
Sun aud Mars occupy a sign together, the person will be
addicted to sinful deeds; if the Suu and Metonry occupy a
sign together, the person will be skilled in "oJk, will bo
intelligent and famous, and will live in comfort; if the Sun
and Jupiter occupy a sign together, the pe\-aon will be
cruel and will work for other men ; if the Sun and,Venus oc
cupy a sign together the person will gain money by
engaging in public sports and by the use of weapons, and if
the Sun and Saturn occupy a sign together, the persou.
will be skilled in metal work and in earthen-ware.

(a). Engines of destructiou according to.Commentator.
2, If the double planets;oocupying together a sign of
the Zodiac at the time of birth be the Moon and Mata the
person will earn money by the , sale of works of art, of
women, of liquor, and of pots and will give trouble to hi11
motbf\r; if they be the Moon and Mercury, the person will
be of sweet speech, skilled. in literary interpretation and
will become popular and famous; if they be the Moon and
Jupiter, the person will defeat hjs enemies, lWill be an im
portant person in his family, will not be of firm views and
will be greatly rich; if they be the Moon and Venus, the



person will be skilled in cloth work (a) J itthey be the Moon

and Saturn, person will be the son of a re-married
woman (b).
Not a.

lJi weaving, stitching, dyeing; buyibg and selling

(b). Ti1e Stlnsoiit term for the woman is Ponarbhu.

She is said to be a woman, who, out of sexual passion;
quits her hua nd and marries a. penion of her owil caste
whether or not she may have joined in sexual union

8. If the donble planets oconpying together a sign of

the Zodiac at the time or birth be Mara and Mercnrt, the
person will deal in roots and the like, in oil, in works of att
and will be ekill"d in duels; if they be Mara and Jupiter,
the person will be the chief of a town o'r a king, will
acquire inoney or will be a Brahmin; if they be :Mars and
Venus; the peraon will proteot cows, will engage in duele,
will be skilled in work, will indalge in sexual onion wih
the wives of other men and will be a gambler; if they be
Mars and Slltnrn, the peraon will be aftlicted with griefi
will be a liar, an<l will be despised by others.


' If the double planets occupying together a sign

the Zodiac at the time ot birth be Mercury and Jupiter, tbe
person will be skilled in duels, will be fond o music and
lenl'ued iu dauce; if they be Mercury and Venus the petsotl
will be one of good speech, and will be a ruler over countries
anq over men ; if they be Mercury and Saturn, the person
will be skilled in deceiving other:, and will reject the
advico of his preceptor; if thEy be Jupiter and Veuus, the
person will be leal'ned in some respectable depa\ment ot
knowledgE.>, will possess wenlth, a wife and vn.l'ioas virtues ;
if they be Jupitet nnd St\tUI'D, the person will boo. bn ber,
a potman or a cook.

'lllUEIAT UT.U. r:.l.

[CB. J4.

5. If the double planets occupying together a sign of

the Zodiac at he time of birth be Venne and Saturn, the
person will be abort-sighted, will have an increase of wealth
through the friend : hip of a young woman, and will be skillecl
in writing and painting. In the case of other pla etary
yogaa, (a) the effects described shall be determined and

(a). That is, if three or more planets occupy together
a aign of the Zodiac at the time of birth, the yoga shall
flrat be split into a number of double planetary yogas and
the efFects described in this Chapter shall then be applied.
Suppose the four planets, the Sun, Moon, Mars ancl
:Mercury to occupy together a single sign. This yoga can
be split into six double planetary yogns aa follows : (1),
The Sun and the Moon, (2), the Sun and .Mars, (S), the Sun
ancl Mercury, (4), the Moon and Mara, (5), the Moon
:Mercury, (6), Mars and Mercury. The efFects described for
each shall be determined and applied.

Notes.-The following yogaa referring to the aevertJ.

groups of 2, S, 4, IS and 6 planets occupying together a
single sign of Zodiac at the time of birth are taken with
their efFects from a work known aa Jatab Parijat.a.

l-Or two Planet..

If the yoga planets occupying a single sign be
1.'he Sun and the Moon, the person will be subjec6
to the influence of women, will be skilled in work, and will
be of bright appearance.

(2). 'fhe Sun and Mara, he will bo a strong man, a

liar and a sinner.


The Sun and Mercury, he will be learned, beau

tifot sho:1gand of fixed vie\VS



{4). The Sun and Jupiter, be will be earnest in work,

will be a favorite with the king.and ri h.
(5). The Sun and Venus, he will acquire weaJfih
through women, will have kinsmen and enemies and will bo

The Sun and Saturn, he will be o dull under

standing and subject to his enemies.

"' (7). M.oon an<l Mara, he will be bold and born of a

Jligh family; will be virtuous, wealthy and posseased of

aood qualities.
(8). Moon and Mercury, be will be charitable, learDed
in sciences, and poBBessed of excellent .qualities.
(9). Moon and Jupiter, be will protect good and pions
men and will be very intelligent.
(10). Mooa and Venus, he will be a sinner and a
(11). Moon and Saturn, be will possess a bad wife,
will ill-treat his father and will be poor.
(1 ). Mara and Meroary, he will be of good speeeh
aud learned in medicine, arts and sciences.
(18). M trs and Jupiter, he will be or strong sexual
passion, will pOBBeas exoellenqualities and will be a mathe
(14). Mars and Venus, be will be fond of fight and of
the world, and will be deceitful.

Mars and Saturn, he will be litigious, fond of

music and of a doll understanding.

(16). Mercury and Jupiter, be will be of good specob,

beautiful and very rich.
(17)." Mercury and Venus, he will be 6 ruler ove1
countries and over men.



[ca. 14.

(18). Mercury and Saturn, he will bG deceitfuland

will not be open to thG advioG of his p1eceptor.

(19). Jupiter and Venus, be wil! be of bright appear.

ance, a favorite with the king, will be very intelligent and
skilled in work.


(20 . Jupiter and Saturn, hit will be a sculptor an<\

protect oows.

Venus and Saturn, will be s illed in duels,


..lgain, if the Yoga planets oco11pying a single sign be
(1). The Sun, tho Moon and Mars-the person
destroy the family of his e emy, will be rich and just.


The Sun, the Moon and Mercury, he will resemble

" king and will be learned and famous.


The Sun, Moon and Jupiter, he will be posstv'se<l

will be learned.

or many good qualities aod

(4). The Snn, Moon and Venus, he will commit

adultery, will be oue], wil1 be subject t.o fear from his enemy
and will bo J'jch.
(5). The Sun, Moon and Satmn, he will be a man
of wrong views, will be ueoeitful and will travel to foreign
(6), The Sun, Mars 1md Mercnry-he will be withou
enjoyment of any kind and will bnvo sons, wealth and wife.

(7). The Sun, Mars and Jupiter, he will be fond of

sexual enjoyment, will be cousiderate, will be a commander
of ar{nies or a magistrate.
(8). The Sun, Mars and VenuCJ, he will be afllicted.
with diseases of the eye, will .live in comfotand born in l\
J;;Oo!l familr.



Oil. 14.]


(9). The Sun, Mars and Saturn, he will be separated

from his kinsmen, will be dumb, will suffer from diseaaes
and will be rich.
00). The Sun, llfercury and Jupiter, he will be of
sound views, will be learned, wealthy and famous.
The Sun, Mercury and Venus, he will be of
son body, will be learned and.famous and will live in

The Sun. Mercury and Saturn, he will be with

out kinsmen and poor ; will hate mankind and wm be of

(18). The Sun, Jupiter and Venus, he will possess a

good wire nnu cllildren, will be very intelligent, will snffer
from diseases of the eye and will bo rich.

The Sun, Jupiter and Saturn, he will be fearless,

will be like(J. by the king and will be of quiet aod excellent

'fhe Sun, Venus and Saturn, he will be of bad
reputation and will be llaughtv and insolent.
(16). The Moon, Mars and Mercury, he wi1.1 be glnt
onous, will be addicted to wiclced deeds and will abpae
other people.
(17) The Moon, Mars and Jupiter, he \V\11 bo of
ang1y speech, will bo of strong sexual passion and will e

(18). The Moon, Mars and Venus, he will be of bad

conduct, will have no sons and will be fond of trav.els.

(19). The Moon, Mal'S and Saturn, he will be virtuous

and wealthy, will have a bad wife and will be litigious.
The Moon, Mercury and Jupiter-he will be
obal'itable and learned iu sciences, will protect good .and
pious men and will be of good speech.






(21). The Moon, Mercury and Venus-will be learned,

will be addicted to low deeds and will have numerous ser

(22). The Moon, Mercury andSaturn-will be libeal in

gift, will be respected by the king and will be poaaeaaed of
good qualities.
(23). The Moon, Jupiter arid Venus-will be intelligent,
will have good sons and will be skilled in works of art.
(24). The 'Moon, Jupiter and Saturn-will be len.rned
in sciences, will be fond of old women and will be as happy
as a king.
(25). The Moon, Venus and Saturn-will be learned in
the Vedas, will be the king's chaplain and will be liked by
all people.
(:26). Mars,'Mercury and Jupiter-will be fond of
music, of Vedas, of literature and of drama.
(27) Mara, Mercury and Venus-will be of defective
organa, will be born of a bad family and will be of settled

(28). Mars, Mercury and Saturn-will serve under

other men, will suffer from diseases of the eye and will be
fond of travels.
(29); Mars, Jupiter and Venua-will be liked by the
king, will have good sons, and will live in eomfort.

(30). Mara, Jupiter and Saturn-will be of thin body,

without comfort, respectable and given up to a vicious
course of lifo.
(31.) Mars, Venus and Saturn-will have bad sons and
will ever be or pure mind,

82. Mercury, Jupiter. and Venus-will conquer ove1

his enemies and will be of wide-spread fame.

Digitized by


cu. 14.]


88. Merc:rury, Jupiter and Saturn-will live in great

comfort, will be wealthy and will be attached to his wife.

Mercury 1 Venus and Saturn-will tell lies.

85. . .1upiter, Venus and Saturn-will be of cl ar
understanding and will be happy and famous.


Again, if the yoga planets oocapyiog together a sign
of Zodiac at the time of birh be
(1). The Sun, Moon, Mars and Mercury-the person
will be deceitful, skilled in the art owriting and will satl'er
from diseases.
(2). The Sun, Moon, Mars nod Jupiter-will be rich,
famous, intelligent and liked by the king and will be free
from diseases and from grief.
(8). The San, the Moon1 Mars and Venus-will have
a wife anchildren, will be learned, a moderate
happy, skillod in work and meroifal.
(4). The Sao, Moon, Jrfars and Satnrn will sofTer
from diseaaes of the eye, will be fond of travels and of
prostitutes and will be poor.

(6). The Sun, Moon, Mercury and Jupiter---will have

eight sons, will be rich and possessed of good qualities ;
will be famous, powerful and liberal iu gi1;.
(6). The Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus-will be of
defective organs and of good speech.
(7). The Sun, Moon, Mercury and Saturn-will be
poor and ungrateful.
(8). The Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Venus-will be
possessed of many good qualities, will commit adultery
with other women, will be intelligent and will snfie1 from
diseaaes of the eye.



(9). The Suo, Moon, Jupiter and Saturn-will be

fond of travels, will be rich, intelligent and attached to
(10). 1'he Sun, Moon, Venus and Saturn---will be of
defective limbs, will be timid, will follow gil-ls and will be
fond of wealth and meals.
( 11). The Sun, Mara, Mercury and Jupiter-will be
strong, will get iuto difficultiesJ will be married and rich,
will suft t ftom diseases of tho eye nnd will bo fond of
(12). The Sun, Mars, Mercury and Venus---will be
fond of the wives of other men, will be of fearful eyes and
appearance, will be addicted to thieving aud will be wenk.
(18). The Sun, Mars, Mercury and Saturn-will be a

commander of armies or a, will be addicted to )ow

deeds and will be in fhe eujoymeut of nu'Jlerous pleasures.
(14). The Sun, Mnrs, Jupiter and Venue-will be as
famous as the king, wil1 be respected everywhere aud will
be rich.
(15) The Sun, Mars, Jupiter anll Satnrn-w:ll be
blind, will be o. wuuderer and will have ftiends and kinamen.

(16). The Sun, Mars, Venus and Saturn-will sufl"ar

disgrace, wiil be slothful and possessed of good qualities.
(17). Tho Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus-will be
very rich and famous.

The Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Satul'n-will

baiug about quatrels, wilt be 1espcctable and of vicious

(19). The Sun, Mercury. Venus and Satutn-will be

of good speech, will be truthful, will be o. man of principle
and wi\\ bo of good conduct.

BBIB.lT J 4T.lJ:.l,


(20). 'Iho Snn, Jupiter,\Veous 11nd &tutn-will be

learned in arLP, will be the chief or low people and will bo
(21). The Moen, Ma.l'fl, Mercury a.nd Jopiter-wHl be
liked by the king, will be a minfster or an eminent poet.
(22). The }foon, Mnn, :MeJcury and Venus-will
have a good wife and sons, will be intelligent, will be ugly
and deformed a.nd will Jive in comfort .
(23). The Moon, Mars, Mercury and Saturn-will
have double parents, wiJl be bold and will have several
wives and children.
The Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Venus-will do
Binful deeds will indulge in sleep nud will be fond of money.

(2o). Tbe Moon, 1rbrs, Jupiter and &turn-will be

of firm views, bold, happy and learned.
(26). The Moon, Mars, Venus and Saturn-will be of
bad conduct, will have no sons, will be learned in the
Vedas or will be the king'11 priest.
(27). The lloon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus-wi.ll
be very 1iob, attached td his kinsmen and virtuous.
(28). The Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn-will
be liberal in gifts, will be respected by the king will live iu
great comfort, will be wealthy aud attached to his wife.

(29). The Moon, Mercury, Venus ancl Snt.ui'U-will be

hated by the people and will be fond of the wives of other
(30). The Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Sa-turn-will be
without sons, will not be ot.rnest in wol'lc: and wtlt be
without mercy.
Mars, Morcury, Jupilor and Venus-will be riob
and despised by the people



[e11. H

(82). Mars, Mercnry, Jupiter and Saturn-willsnffer

from diseases and will be poor.
(88). Mars, Mercury, Venus and Satnrn-will be of
defective limbs, will serve under other men, will tell lies
and will have bad sons.
{84). Mars, Jupiter, Venne and Sllturn-will be liked
by the. king, will be of thin body, will have bad sons and
will be of clear underatl\nding.
(8 ). Me1cury, Jupiter, Venus and Satu1n-will be
very rich, learned, and of good conduct.


. Again, if the yoga planets occupying together a sign
of Zodiac at the time of birth be
( 1). The Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter-t.he
person will engage in fight, will be deceitful and skilled in
(2). 'l'he Son, Moon, Mars, Mercury and Venus-will
be devoid cf charity, "ill be earnest in work, will be with
onkinsmen and will work f>r other men.
(8). The Sun, Moon, MarR, Mercury and Saturn-will
be of 11hort lire, will be fond of earning money and without
wife and children.
(4). 'fhe Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Venus-will
delight in annoying other men, will be rejected by his
parents aub kinsmen and will be of defective eyes.
{5). The Sun, Moon, 'Mars, Jupiter and S"turn-will
be avaricious and will be aftlicted with grief owing to sepa
ration from his wife.
(6). The Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus and &turn-will
be wealthy, powerful, able aud dirty and will covet the
wives of other men.




(7). The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus

will be a minister, will be rich, sncc88l>fu1, famous and
powerful and will also be a magistrate.
(8). The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn
will depend on othor men for meals, will be timid, will
commit sins and will engage in fearful deeds.
(9). The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Saturn.;_
"ill be poor, tall, wiLhout sons and sickly.
(10). The Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn
will be without a wife, of good speech, will have enemies
will be fearless and learned in jugglery.
(11). The Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus
will be without grief, a good friend anci master of horses
and covet the wives of other men.
(12). The Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn
will beg his meals, will be dirty and dressed in ragged
(13). The Sun, Mars, Mercury, Venus and Saturn
will be au important person aud will be affiicted with grief,
fear, disease and hunger.
(14). The Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Veuus and Saturn
will be respected everywhere, will be rich, will be blind
and will have friends and kinsmen.

The Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn
will possess a knowledge of Atma, will do deeds acceptable
to Devu and to his pl.'eoeptor and will be lt:a.rued in
(16). The Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus
-will be of a mild diaposiLion, happy,1ich, powerful and
(17). The Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn
-will be skilled. in engineering, will be of strong physique
and will be famous Cot his skill in work.



(18) The Moon, Mars, Metcury, Venus and Saturn

will have a good wife and sons, will be intelligent and wi 11
live in comfort.

(19). The Moon, Mars, Jupitea, Venus and Saturn

will work for othet men, will be poot, of dirty appearance,
ignoaant and addicted to thieving.
(20). The Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn
-will be respected in all lands, will be of defective limbs,
will be a minister and will resemble a king.
(21). Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Satarn
wi11 be respected everywhere, will be skilled in woak, will
suffer from torture, imprisonment and disense.


Lastly, if the yog11. planets occupying a single :.ign of
Zodiac at the time of birth be the several planets except
(1). Saturn-the person will be a. writer of scientific
works, will dwell in woods and rnounta.ius and will be
possessed of a wife, sons and wealth.

(2). Ex:cept V nu'i-will bo addicted to thieving, will

covet other women, will be despised by his kinsmen, will
be without sous, will !Je a fool u.nd will travel to foreigu
(S), Except Jupitoa-will be a m:m of lo\V birth, will
work for other men, will snfftn ftom consumption and will
be despised by the people.

(4). Except Mercury-will be a ruiuisier, will be

possessed of a wife, sons, a.nd comforr. and will have
a control over his passions.
(5). Except. Murs-will sutler faom headache, will be
mad, will lhe in places uoftequented by man and will
ttavel to foreign lt\nd: .





(6). Except the Moon-will be an energetic traveller

and intelligent.

Except the Sun-will visit holy-places, and will

be 1ich.

1. A person born when four or more (a) powerful (b)

planets occnpy a. single sign of the Zodiac becomes an
ascetic of the Sakya, .Ajiviko., Bhikehuka, Vridhastavuka,
Obn.kra, irgrandha or clues according as the
most powerful planet of the group is Mars, Mercury, Jupiter,
the Moon, Venus, Saturn or tile Sun, (c) If such powerful
planet be one that bas suffered defeat in conjunction t the
time of birth, the ascetic will, after a time tevert to his
previous condition of life.
(a). That is 5, 6 or 7 phnets.
(b). IC no planet be powerful there will be no Pr11.vri
ji11 (ascetic yoga).

(c). The aacetic life of the most powel'ful planet will

be embraced by the person first, then that of the planet next
in power and so on. 'l'be first chango of tiro will occut in tho
Dasannd Antardnsa period of the most powctful planet; the
succeeding changes will occur in the Antardasn. periods of
the respecLivu planets.
If the yoga planet be a single
power ful planet which does not suffer defeat in
conjunction, the ascetio life assumed will continue till
We shall now explain the terms referring to the
several claslies of ascetics.
(1). Sllkya :-A. Bndhist ascetic dressed in red robes.
(2). Ajivika :-A Jain ascetic; the term includes
Vaishnava o.soetics as well.

oigi ized




(cu. 15.

(S). Bhibbu :-A Brahman ascetic who abandons hie

house and family and subsists en,irely on alms.

of Siva.

Vridhasravka :-known as kapalika, c. follower

(5). Chakra :-known as Chakradhara, is an ascetio

who wears a discus.

Nitgrandha :-a naked asoetio.

Vanyas"na :-an ascetic who subsists on the roots

of tho forest and is engaged in Divine meditation.

2. If the most powerful yogo planet be an .A.stangata

planet, (a) a person will not become a Deekshita {b) but will
be attached to pel'ilons who are such. Again, if the power
ful planet which suffers defeat in oovJunction be aspected
by othe1 planets, a person will not become a Deekshita (c)
but will pouess a strong desire to become oue.

'l'his haa already been explained.


That .is, one of the holy order of men.

If not nspected, be will btcome one, and after a

time revert to his former condition of life as stated in Lho
last stanza.

3; If the lord of the sign occupied by the Moon as

pects Saturn and be not aspeoted by any other planet, (a)
or if Satutn aspect the lord ot'the sign occupied by the Moon
when such lotd is not powerful, (b) a person will beoome an
ascetic. Again, if the Moon occupy the Drekkaua. of Satutn
nnd the Navamsa of Saturn or Mars and be aspected by
Saturn,{c) a person will become an ascetic (d).

Not es
(a). The Pravl'ijia will be that of such lord or Saturn

whichever is powedul.







(b). The Pravrijia will be that of Saturn.

(c) And not aspected by any other planet.
(d)- 'fhe aseetio ]ire will be that described for Saturn.
4. A perRon born when Jupiter, the Moon and the
tising sign ato aapeoted by Saturn, when Jupiter occupies
the 9th house ftom the ascendant and onder one of the
Raja yogas "ecomea a scientific author. (a). Again, a
person born when Saturn occupies the 9th bonae from the
ascendant and is not aspected by other planets and under a
Raja yoga will become botlt a king and an ascetic. (b).
(a). If the horoscope contain a Raja yoga a.nd en
ascetio yogn, the former will not take effect, but the latter
will;such for instance as the Jives of Varaha Milaiaa, Kanada,
Budha, Panchasikha, Brahma Gupta and others. IC the hoi'08oope contain two Uaja yogas and an ascetic yoga, the person
wiiJ become a king-such as Janaka, Kasiraj"' Suchidhwaja
and others.
(b). If the horoscope contain no Raja yogas but only
the ascetic yoga described in 'the text, the person will b
come. an ascetic.


The Moon In The Asterisms.

1. A person born when the Moon passes through the

aateriam of Aawini will be fond of ornaments, will be of
fine appearance, will be popular, skilled in work and intelli

Digitized. by





(oH. 16.

A person born when the Moon passes through the

asterism of Bharani will be auccesaful awork, t1ntbful, free
from diseases, able and flee from grief.
2. A pel'SOn born when the . Moon passes through the
aaterism of K1ittika will bo u. glutton, fond of the wives of
other men, of bright appeal'!Lnce and of wide-spread fame.
A person born when the Moon passes through the as
terism of Robini will be truthful, will not covet the property
of other men, will be of cleanly ho.bits, of sweet speech, of
firm views, and of fin& appenrance.
8. A pe1'Son born when the Moon passes through the
nsterism of Mrigasirsha will be of no firm principles, will
be ablt>, timid, of good speech, of active habits, rich and
will indulge in sexual pleasures.
A pe1son born when the Moon passes through the
asterism of Ardra will be insincere, of irascible tempe,
ungrateful, 'roublesome and addicted to wicked deeds.
4. .A person born when the Moon passes through the
a tel'ism of Punarvnsu will be devout and of p tient habits
will live in comfort, will be good-natured, quiet, of wrong
v.iewsJ sickly, thilsty and pleased with trifles.
5. A person born when the Moon passes through f.he
nsterism of Pushya will have a control over his desires, will
be general1y liked, learned in the Sastrus, rich and will be
found of acts of charity.
A person bom when the Moon passes through the
asterism of Aslesha will not be attentive to the work of
other men, will be a promiscuous eater, will be sinful, un
gratoful and skilled in cheating other men.
6. A person boru when the Moon passes through the
asterism of Mugha will have numerous s r\anta, will wor
ship the Devas and Pitris and will be eugaged in important



cu. JG]




A person born when the' Moon passes throngb the as

terism of P. Phnlgnni will be of sweet speech, will be liher.ll
in his gift!!, of w!'ndering hahits and will serve under kings
7. A person born when the Moon passes through the
B!lterism of
Phalguui will be genetally liked, will earn
monoy by his learning aud will Jive iu comfort.


A pet'l!on botn when the Moon pa.c ses through the ns

terism of Hasta will be of active habits, full of resources,
shameless, merciless and a thief and a d1unkard.
8. A person born when the Moon passes through tl1e
asterism of Chittta will weRr oloths and flowers of various
colors and will have beautiful eyes and Hmbs.
A person born when the Moon passes thro gh tl1e
nsterism of Swati will be of a mild and quiet nature, will
control his passion, will be skilled in trade, will b6 merci
ful, unable to bear thirst, of sweet speech and disposed to
do acts of charity.

9. A person born when the Moon passes hrough tbe

asterism of Visakha will be jealous of another's prosperity,
will be a nig Z"ard, of bright appenmnce, of distinct speech,
skilled in eatning money and disposed to bring about quar
rels among men.
A person born when the Moon pMses tlll'ouglt the as
tP-rism of .A nura.dha will be rich, will live in foreign. land!!,
will be unable to benr hunger und disposed to wander from
place to place.


10. A pe1son born when the Moon paeses through the

astcriKm of Jyeshta will h:we few 'f-iends, will be very
cheedul, vi1tuous, and of irascible tempe1.
A peson born wl1eu the Moon passe9 through the as
t.cri:ml of Moola will be haughty, rich, happy, not dispos d
to iuj,ro othet men, of .firu1 views and will live in luxury.



(cH. 16.

11. A person bon when the Moon pRsst's through the

nsterism of P. Ashadha will lauve an agreeab!e wife, will be
proud 11nd attached to friends.
A person born when the Moon passes through the
n terism of U. A ;hadhwill be obedient;, will be learned in
the rules of vir;u1, will possE's m tny ft"iends, will be grate
ful and eturu f tvors received mul will be gener tllyliked.
12. A person horn when the Moon pusses through
tl1e astol'ism of Sravana will be Pl'I'Rperous and learned,
'vill have a liberul-minded wift-, will be doh and of willa
spread famo.
A peason born when tbe Moon passes through the as
terism of Dhanisbta will be libeaal in gifts, doh, valiant,
fond of music and will be o. nigga1d.
} . A person born when the Moon passes through tlae
nsterism of Satabhishak will be hnrsh in his speech, will be
tuthful will suffer grief will conquer lli>enemies, will
thouglatlolSsly engage in work and will be of independent
A penon born whon the Moon pnsses through tl1e ns
teri:nn of P. Dhadmpada will sulfu1 f'1om grief, will plaee
l1iwenlth nt the disp()snl of l1is wife, will be of distinct
speech, will be skilled in earning money and will be a

14. A person hom wl1en tl1e Moon passes through

the nsterim of U. Dhndl'apala will be an able speaket, will
be huppy, will possess cl,iJdreu and graud-ouildron will con
quer his enemies aud will be ,it-tuous.
A person born when the Moon p11ss"s tluongh the as
terism of Revati will possess perfect limbs, will be liked by
all the people, will be deeply learned, will never covet the
prope1ty of othel' meu anu will be rich.

ca. 17.]



Tho effects des ribod above will fully come to pMII
only if the Moou be powetful.

ON Tuk MooN IN 'l'n1SJ:VIRAL StaNs OF

'l'a!!: ZODIAC.
}. A person born with the Moon in sign A.l'iewill
lu\Ve ronnd. rcd-fly<'s, will be fuud of veget.ablfl food aud
will eat hot tneals but in a moderate degree; will be of"
quickly nl\tutfl, will be fond of traveland o
fioxuo.l union; will he of strong knee!4 ; will poRAess 110
rmanent wealth; will be fond of fight and of women ;
will be skilled in befdending otbor men; will have di;,
figored nails and a wounded head; will be hnnghty, will be
tlte eldest of his btothers; will hrwe lines in his hand of
the shape of the \veapon known ns Sakti; will be fickle-min
ded and will be afaaiJ of water.
2. A person bom with the Moon in sign Tllutns will
be of fine appearance and of beautiful g tit; will possess
large thighs And face; will possess marks ou his hack, face
aod aides, will be libetal in his gifts; will bear misfortunes;
will possess great iuflueoce and authority; will a
large hump 011 the nt>ok ; will have daughtt-r!J; will snft'er
from phlegmatic affections, will Le aep trated from_ Ms
kinsmen, wealth and sons; will be of ngrf'eable manue1s
nnd of patient nntnre; will be n grant eater; will be fond
of women; will be attached to his friends and will be J.av
py both wlten young and old.

a. person born witb the Moon in sign Gemini will be

fond of women, will be skilled in sexulll union ;will possess



[cu. 11.

red ey s; will be learned in tho Sast1as; will carry messages;

will possess curling hairs and a sharp intellect; will be skill
ed in wit., in discovel'ing the thoughts of other men and in
game; will possess beautiful features; will be of sweet speech;
will be a great eater; will be fond of music, nnd skilled in.
the rnles of dance; will join in sexun.l union with herma
phrodites; and will possess an elevated nose.
4. A person born with the Moon in sign Cancer will
possess a bent body; will walk fa.-.t ; will have a high hip ;
will be subject to the influence if womon; wilhave au
excellent friend; will be learned in Astrology; will have
numerous houses, will have a wealth which will increase
and decrease as the Moon ; will be short ; will possess a
thick neck; will be onpable of beiug won over by kind
word11, will be attached to his friends and will bo fond of
wator aud fo1osts.
:S, A person born with the M>On in sign Leo will be
of irascible temper, of large cheeks, broad face and brown
eyes; will have very few sons ; will hate women ; will be
fond of a.nimal food, forests and hills; will continuo ang,y
at trifles.for a long time; will bo aftlioted with pnina cnu!iod
by hunger, thirst, belly-ache, tooth-ache as well ns purely
mental anxieties; will be libeml in his gifts; will be bold
in fight ; will be of fixed pl'inciples; will be haughLy and
attached to his mother.
6. A person born 'vith the Moon in sign Virgo will,out
of moilesty, be of mild anu boantiful eyes amd gnit; will huve
his shoulderd and arms sunk or depre11sed; will live in com
fort, will be of soft uody ; will bo t1uthful, will be skilled in
dauce, music and painting; will be leatue!,l in the Sastras;
will be vii tuous and intelligent, will be fond of sexual union;
will enjlY the house and property of othe1 meu; will live
in f01eign land1:1; will be of sweet speeob; and will hnve
dnughters uud very fow son11.

cu. 17.]



7. A person born wHh the Moon in sign Libra ill res..

pnct tho Dt.'vas, Brnhmins, 11.nd holy men; will bo intelligent,
will never covet the property of othet' men; will lead a r li
gious life; will be subject to the influence of women ; will he
t.all; wilJ have a raisel noRa; will be of thin nnd dt fectiva
limbs and fond of Lra,els; will be rich; will be u. tt"der i
will bel\r the nnme of a Devl\ cunpled with an f'X(wllent sur
name granted by a body of leArned men; will be sickly;
will ptotect his family and will be disgraced and rejected
by his kinsmen.
8. A person born with the Moon in sign Scorpio will broad eyes, a broad breast and ronnd t haukt, tl1ighs
and knees; will be separated from his ptirents and ptecept.o.rf'lj
will he nffiictad with cli!teos>s when young; will bo
by king11, will of brown colo; will not be of " straight
forward nature; will have Jines in his hnnd and feet of the
shape of the fi.Kh, the Vajrayudha. or a birJ ; and will euti
.eavor Lo conceal his sins.
9. A person born with tho Moon in sign Sngiltari
will have a. long r.,ce and neck; will inherit his fa.tht1r's
property; will be liberal in his gih; will be a literary
author; will be powel'fnl and skilled iu speech ; will have
ll\rge teeth, ears, lips aud nose, will engage in numerous
works; will be skilled in aculpture; will have indistinct
Bhoulders, disfigured nnih and lu.rge hands; will be of a.
deep and inventive intellect, will be a man of right under
standing; will bate bis kinsmen; will never yield to compul
sion but only o kind treatment.

10. A porson born with the Moon in sign Cllpricorn

will be evar attached to lais wife nnd chilhen ; will do
deeds of virtue; will hBve tbiu lower limbs, good eyes ancl
n thin waist; will be open to ad vice; will be of amiable
manners and slow at work; will not bear cohl; 'Yill ba of a





[cR. 17

wn.nde&ing nature, powerful and a literaty author; will be a

nigg"rd aud will be attached to uld women of low caste;
will be shameless and merciless.

11, A person born with tho 'Moon in sign Aquarius

willl1ave a ruck like thn.t of the c.,mol, a body covered with
muscles, rough and covered with hair; will be tall; will
have lage legs, thighs, back, buttock!!, face, and lower
belly; will be deaf; will be n.ttached to the wives of othe1
men and interested in the wicked dHeds of ot.he& people ;
will ri11e. and fall by turns ; will de fond of flowers aud per
fumes; 1\nd will be attached to frieuds aud will walk with
out fealing tired.
12. A person born with the Moon in sign Pi!lces will
be a dealer in the produce of the sea n.nd a trndetin general;
will be fond of his wife and clothes ; will hava perfect
Jimbs, a bright body, long nose and },lrge head, will put his
enemies into disgrace, will be subject to the influeuce of
women, will have beautiful eyes, and \Vill be fair, 1ich, happy
and learned.

l 3. If at the time of bilth of a person, the Moun, the

sign occupied by the Moon and the lo&d of such sign be all
powel'ful t.he effects described in this ohaptel' will fully come
to pa!!e (a); the same remark applies to planets other than
the Moon (b).
(a). If two of the three be powerful, the effects will
como to pnss impflrft-otly; if only one of tbe three bo power
ful, they will oome to pass still mo&e imperft!ctly and if
none of the throe bo powerful, the effects will fail.

(b). This refers to the uext chapter in whioh the

anthor describes the effects of the various planets occupy
ing the several signs of zodiac at the time of birth.








In the Sevel'al Signs of z.,diHC.

1. A person born with the Snn in Arif's bunot in its
exaltntion degree (a) will be of wide- Jpread fame, able, of
wn.ndeting habits, pos essed of sm,,ll wealt.h .and will carry
A pel'I'OI'l horn with the Sun in ..sign T1\ttrns will denl
in clotl1s, pf'rfumE>R ant other articles, will haLe women and
will be skilled in music.

No eR.
(a). A per11on born with the Snn in the exaltation
dt>gree will he very rich, will remnin for t>ver in a place, will
have servants carrying arms, will be of grent fame and able.

2. A person born wit.h the Sun, in sign Gemini will

be learned in grammar, will be n Astrologer and will be
A ptoraon born with the Sun in Cancer will be independ
ent., fierce, poor, will do the w01k of other people and will
suffer from tho fatigue of foo joumey.
Sun in Rign Leo will be fond
of living in fotests, mountains aud cow-sheds, will be
powerful and will be a fool.
A person born with the

A person born with the Sun in sign Virgo will bo sk!ll

ell in writing, pninting, in literary pl'oduction Jand in mathe

matjcs, and will po11sess a body resembling that of a woman.

8. A person born with the Sun in sign Libra will be
fond of liqnor or will mnnufacture it, will be of a wondering
natul'e, will be an alchemist and wiU do wicked deeds.
A person born with Lhe Sun in sign Scorpio will be of
a fierce nature, will thoughtlessly engage in wol'k, will earn
mony by 11ck connected with poison and will be vastly
learned in the use of arms.





A perRon born with the Sun in Sagitari will be reepec

tml by sages, will be rich and independent and will be
learned in medicine and sculpture.
A p rson born with the Sun in sign Cllpricorn will
engage in deeds unsuited to his tank in life, will be igno
Jant, will d al in mean articles, will posses:l small wealth,
will be avmicious und will eujoy the property of other men
A person born with the Sun in sign Aquarius will
eng"gin deeds unsuitc(l to his rank in life, will be poor
nnd will hnvu no sons.
A persn hom with the Sun in sign Pisces will become
tich by dealing in the produce of water, will bo respected
by women, will possess n mole or other marks in the part
()f body cotTesponding to the sign occupied by the Sun and
:Moon together.
5. A person born witlto Mars in sign Aries or Scotpio
will ba tospecteJ by tho king,will bo of a wand ring nature,
will btl " cl)mmandet of armie1 or n trader, will be rich, will
hnvtl a body matked wit.h wounds, will be a thief and will
be in thu cnjc,yrnent of tho pleasures of the senses.
A pqtson botn witJ1 Mars in sign Ta.nrns or Libra will
he snhjHct to the influence of women, will not be open to
the advice of ftiends, will be fond of the wives of other men,
will be learned in the games of magic, will adorn his per
son, will be oft\ timid nut.ure and will have a tougll body.

A person born with Mars in sign Gemini or Virgo

will bo of bright nppearo.ncP, will have sons nnd no friends,
will ht:!lp othcts, will ue skilled in music and fight, will Le
u niggard, and will be fearless and of a. begging nature,

A person born with Mat'S in sign Cancer will be l'icb,

will ctoss se<WJ and e11r.1 woa.hh, will be of defective limbs
and will be wicked.





7. A person born with Mars in sign Leowm be poor,

will patient1y bear aftlictions, will wander in the fdrests,
will be fearless and win have few wives and children.
A person horn wih Mars in sign Sitgittari or Pisces
will have many enemies, will be the king's minister, will be
of wide-spread fame, will be fearless and will have very few
. A person born with Mars in sigo Aquarius will ever
suffer grief, will be poor, \Vi1l wander from place to plltce,
will be a lhn, will be independent and wicked.
A' person ' born w tb Mara in sign Cnpricorn will be
very rich, wil1 have many SOliS lltid will be a kh1g or will
resemble a king.
8. A person born with Mercury in sign Aries or
Scorpio will be fond of gambling, of running into debt and
of liquor; will be an atheist, will argue against the spirit
be a thief, will be poor, will have a
of the S&strM
mean wife, will be dt ceitfol, wi11 be a liar and ill swerve
from the path.of'recLitude:
A person born with Mercury in sign Tanros or Librl\
will be a pteacber, will have many sons and wives' will
ever be engaged in earning money, wiJl be liboral in gift
and wil1 respect his preceptor.
9. A person born with Mercury in sign Gemini will
be talkative, will bo a liar will be learned in tbe sciences,
in music, in dance and iu painting ; will be of aweet speech
and will live in comfor .


A person bom with Mercury in sigo Cancer will Mrn

money by works connected with' water "nd will be disliked
by his kinsmen.
10. A person born with Mercnry in sign Leo will be
disliked by women', will be p()()r, will baYe neither comfort
nor sons, will wandefrom place to p1aoe, will be ignorant,
will be fond of women and will suffer disgrace.


[011. 18.

UlWA.'r U'l'UA.

A periOD born with lferoury in aigu Virgo will be

liberal in gift, will be learned, will poeseaa many virtuet ,
will live in comfort, will be of a patient nature, will he
ingenious:and fearleaa.
11. A person born with lferoury in sign Capricorn
or Aquarius will work for other men, will be poor, will be
a 8C1llptor, will run into debt;a and will work for no fees.
A person born with Mercury in sigh Sagittari will be
1'88pectod by kings, will be learned in soienoes and in laws.
A person born wih Mercury in sign Pisces will be
skilled in befriending olber men, will readily discover the
views of other people, and will be learned in the bandic ft
of men of low oastes.
12. A person born with Jupiter in sign Aries or
Scorpio will be a commander of armies, will be very rich,
will have many wives and children, will be liberal in gin,
will have good servants, wHl be of a patient nature, and of
bright :app.arauce, will be happy with his wife and will be
of great; fame.
A person born with Jupiter in "Sign Taurus or Libr&
will be free from diseases, will live in comfott, will be rioh,
will have friends and sons, will be liberal in gift and will
be liked by all.
A person born with Jupiter in sign Gemini or Virgo
will have many olothea, booses, aervanta, sons and friends,
will be a minister and will live in comfort.
13. A person born with Jopiter in sign Oanoer will be
pouessed of gems,sons, wealth, wives, inftoeuce,in .elligence
and comfort.
A person botu with Jupiter in sign Leo will be all that;
baa been said in tho oaee of a person born with JnJ>itel' in
Oanoer and will beaidee be a commander of armies.

; .







A person born with Jupiter in stgu 8agittari or Piscts

will be the ruler of a province or a minister under a king
or the commander of armies or will be very rich.
A person born with Jttpiter in sign Aquarius will be all
that:baa been said in the case of a penon born with the
Moon in sign Cancer.
A person born with Jupiter io sign Capricorn will do
deeds disgraceful to his rank in life, will po18888 very little
wealth and will be afllicted with grief.


A person born with Venus in sign Aries or

Scorpio will be fond of the wives of other men, will lose his
property through their in6uenoe and will bring disgrace on
his family.
Aperson born with Venus in sign Taurus or Libra will
acquire wealth by his own powerP, will be liked by the
king, will be an important person among his kinsmen, will
be a man of fame and will be fearless.
15. Aperaon born with Venus in aign Gemini will do
the work o a king, will be rich and learned in music.
A person born with Venus in sign Virgo, will engage
in hard work.
A person born with Venos in sign Capricorn or Aqu
rius will be liked by all, will be subject to the in6ueooe of
women and will be. fond of bad women.
16. A person born with Venus in sign Cancer will have
two wives, will be a beggar, will be timid and haughty and
will suffer grief.
A person born with Venus in sign Leo will acquire
money tbtough women, will excellent wie and very
few sons.
A petaon born with Venos in sign Sagittari
possessed of excellent qualities and will be rich.

will be





./1. person born with Venus in sin 'Pisowill be earn

ed, will boa man of authority, will be
will respected by the king and will be liked by all.

rio ,

17. A person born with Snturn in sign Aries will be

a fool, will Wllnder from place to pluoe, will be a fop and
will be separated from his fl'iends.
.f.. person bo1n with Saturn in sign Scorpio will suffer im
ptisonment, will receive blows, will b' indi rent to work
and will be meroiles.ct.

A person bol'n with Saturn in sign Gemini .or Vitgo

ill be sham9lcss, will suffer gdef, will be poor, will have no
sons, will be a bad painter, will be a oo stable and will be
a chief officer.

18. A person born with Saturn in sign Taurus will be

fond of women of low caste, will possess smAll wealth and
will hnve several wives.
A person botn with Snturn in sign Libra, \Vill be the
chief of a party of men in a town or in an army or in a
village and will be rich.

A petson born with Saturn in sign Cancer will be

poor, will havo VtJry fe1v tooth, will be separ1Lted t'1om his
motbor and will have uo sons.
A person born with Saturn in sign Leo will not he
deserving of 1espeot, will sufl'l3r gdef, will have no sons and
will c trry burdens.
19. A person born with Satutn_in sign Sagittnri or
Pisces will die an exuellent death, will be a faithful officer
in the king's palace, will have good sons and a good wife,
will be wealthy, will be the chief mau in a town, in u al'my
.:.r in a village.
A persun born with Saturn in sign C:tpricorn or Aqu
arius will enjoy the wives anJ propetty of ot.het men, will
be tho heaLu of tL tuwn, a. village ot nn army, will have weak



ea. 18.]



eyes, will be dirty, wi1l be indifferent to bathing, will have

a perma.nent wealth and authority and will enjuy the porperty
acquired by him.
To determine thft effects filf the planetary places the
reader is referred StanzR. 13 and Note (b) it of the last
20. The effects described for the several signs of the
zodiac when the Moon occupies them ot when they are as
J>eeted by plAnets also apply to the rising sign; nAy - more
etfects are due to the risnig sign and to the 2nd, Srd, and
other bhavas (bousesj. I the houses be powerful and iftheir
lords be also powerful, these effects will come to pass
If the Jisiug 'sign and its lord be powerful, a pet'Son
born will be of strong physiq11e ; if the 2nd house and its
lord be powerful, the person will be rich. Similar remarks
apply to the other bha11aa.
'l'he following have beeu extraoted from Satyaohariat's
work on Horscopy.
1. A person born wlten Aries is the rising sign. will
have disfigured fingers, will be of ir: soiblo tempr, will
bring on quarrels. will act inconsistently with his views,
will be of bilious and windy temper ment, will be a nig
gard, wilJ suffer grief, will wben young, be sepnrated ftom
his parents and ftom his preooptor, will have vay few son:\
will assist his brothers and kinsmen, will be vir nous, will
travel to foreign lands, will engaga in useless work, will
marry either a woman of JO\V caste 01' a deceitful WOml\ll Or
a woman of defective limbs or one who W&.<t already ml\l'ried,
will obtain as relations persons of a friendly nature and will
meet his death either by weapons or by poison or by
bilious complaints or by the people nbouhim ot' by fire,
by rain, by beiog shut up in a prison or by fall.





[ou. 18

2. A person born when Taurus is the rising sign will

have large lips, cheek, nose and forehead, will ba of phleg
matic and windy temptirtunent,will bo liboral in gift, will be a
spendthrift, will have d11.ughters and very few sons, will
ill-treat his parents, will be fond of work, will do wicked
deeds, will earn much wealth, will ever be fond of his wife
and will suffer from weapons. He will meet his death b1
weapons, ropes or animals, in fo1eign lands or will dte
through over work or by water or by a spear or through
want of exercise or by quadrupeds.
3. A person born when the rising sign is Gemini will
be either of defective limbs or will possess a:xtaa limbs, will
be of sweet speech, will engage in excellent woks, will be
of a mixed temperament, will be of small uoder ttanding
and of small body, will be liked by his precea>tor ad by
sages, will have very few younger brothers, will not be of
very active hahits, will put other men to disgrace, will
posse$! good qualities, will be anxious to engage in a
number of works, will be virtuous and not wicked, will
earn and spend much, will possess several wives and will be
free from serious diseases. He will meet his death by
snake-bite, poison, animals or by water.
4. A person born when the rising sign is Cu.ncer will
be a man of no fixed principlea, will suffer diseases of
genital organs, will be of a timidnature, will be gateful,
will be of phlegmatic and windy ternperument, will readily
underst11nd things, will follow his enemies, will spend the
property of othe&' men also, will be haughty among his
people, will be put to disgtaoe by his kinsmen, will lose
his children, will engage in important works in foreign
lands, will be of imperfect spsech, will be a master over
other men, will have an unequal wife, will suffer disgrace
from his euemies and will be 1espected by many persons.
He will meet. his death by moans or a neck o1nament Ol' a



:BIUBAT 1.l'l'AKA.


rope, by phlegmatic complaints, by the fracture of bones, by

sword out, or by dropsy.
5. A pert ou bom when the rising sign is Leo will
be severe, fond of anima' food and of bilious temperAment,
"Will conceal himself, will support hie f&mHy by engaging
in various woks, will be a niggard, will like the people,
wiJl be a man of renown n.nd of reRignation; will atmoy his
kinsmen, wHl be able, and energetic, will be of a sinful
nature, will po88e88 several wives and will have a diseased
waist, knees and teeth. He will meet his death by "ea..
pons, h01tful animals, by poison, by . wood, by
by the creatures or water or by starvation.
6. A person bom when the rising sign is Virgo, will
be of sweet speech, of bright personal appearanoo, long
legs aud arms, will be of a mixed temperament, will be of
excellent beauty, will receive wounds, will be rich, will be
a niggard, will be attached to his kinsmen, will have mwy
daughters, will be in bad terms with his brot.hers and
sisters, will be inclined to deeds of virtue, will no\ earn
much, and will be skilled in work. He will meet his death
by means of quadrupeds, weapons, bilious attacks, grief,
fire or rope.
7. A person born when Libra is the rising sign will
be of a rough body, a harsh J:t&ture and a phlegmatic and
windy temperament, will thongh"essly begin a work, will
be of short neck, will be grateful, will acquire much wealth,
will become famous by his acts of libe1-ality, will serve
under his preceptor, will be respected by his father, brothers
and others, will be fond of walking, will be virtuous, will
conceal himself to escape troubles from his kinsmen, will
lose his wife, will be fond o fight and wiJl suffer from
grief. He will meet his death by a famous manby his
kinsmen, by mild quadrupeds, by perspiration, by sepa
ration from an object of desire and by the fatigue of





8. A person born when the riaing sign is Scorpio wil

have a broad face and a long belly, will be of a harsh
nature and of a bilious tempeament, will have brown eyes,
will be alow und'of quick pace, will be a mMter over others,
will protect a lage family, will be hated by' his kinsmen,
will spend much, will have many children, will not lif'e in
oomfott, will have no enemies, will lose his virtues, will
proteot oxen, will fall into bad temper on account of his
wife, will yield nothing to his enemies, will have his own
men for his eneQliea, will suffer (rom numerous diseases
and will surrender. himelf to his foe out of fear of sword
cut. He will meet his death by imprisonment, blows,
sword-cut, bad diseases or by fire.
9. A. person born when the rising sign is Sagittari
will have large lips, teeth and nose, will be of phlegmatic
and windy temperament, will have u.fleshy genit"l organ,
thighs and arms, will be of defective nails, will be akilled
in wo1k, will he bold in fight, will serve under men of low
caste, will be deprived of his property by thieves, by fire
or by the king, will be learned in laws, will be respected
by many people, will give toublo to his brothers, will
WOtk in foreign lands, will be liked by the king, will be
indifferent to deeds of virtue, will qnarrel with his wives
and will have a diseased (ace. He will meet his death by
quadrupeds, snllkc.:s, the king or by imprisonment.
10. A. person born when the rising sign is Capricorn
will have a small nose, long face, arms and legs; will be of
windy temperament, of a timid nature, will thoughtlessly
engage in work; will autfor imprisonment, will have a small
family, and small wealth, will be a niggad, will have
daughters, will have no kinsmen} will live in plenty, will
acquire wealth by his valor, through the king and by forest
will ob terve fastiug, will have .. wife of low cuate, and will
be a.ttached to her, will have a. large body, few hail's and





weak knees and will suffer fron diseases. He will meet his
death by ohildren, by the wind, by weapons, by the king, by
poison, by fall, by an elephant, by au inorease of bile or by
11. A person born when the 1ising sign is Aquarius,
will bo of inactive habit.a aud of harsh natue, will be the
eldest in the family, will be of bilious and windy tempel'
ament, will have a nose shaped like the flower of the
sesamum plant, w:ll waste his wealth, will have many
servants, will be hated by his kinsmen, p1eceptors, enemies
and friends, will be fond of deeds of wickedness, will acquire
much property, will never spend money on. oharity, will
assume a show of virtue, will worship the Devo.s and will
suffer from phlcgmiLtic attacks affecting the chest. IIo will
meet his death from pains in the belly by vomition and by
drugs admini : tered by women.
12. .A petson born when the rising sign is Pisces will
have tbiok lips, 6shlike eye and large nose, will be of
phlegmatic and windy temperament, will be a sage, will be
of disfigured skins and of active habits, will be rematkable
for his gain and loss, will have good servants and kinsmen,
will be disposed to deeds of virtue, will have a good wife,
will help his father, will join a woman of low deeds and will
have bad enemies. He will meet his death by disease,
corruption of the blood, snakebite, attack of n lion, by the
chiefs of parties of men, by venereal diseases, by drags, by
fitMiiag:or by the futigoeCJ of journey

1. If at the time of birth, the Moon occupy sign Aries

and be aspeoted by Mars, the parson will become a kiog; if
she be aspectel hy Meroury, the pel'son will be learned;if



[oo. 19.

by Jupiter, he will resemble a king; if by Venus, he wHI be

a man of good conduct; if by tbe Saturn, he will be a thief
and if by the Sun, be will be poor.
If at the time of birt.h, the Moon occupy sign Taurus
and be a.apected by .Ma.a'S, the person will be poot; if abe be
aspeoted by Mercury, he will be a thief; if by Jupiter, he
will be reapected by the people ; if by Vt nua he will be
a king i if by Saturn, he will be rioh and if by the Sun be
will beSe"vaut.
If at the time or birth the Moon oooopy sign Gemini
and be aspeoted by Mara, tho person will sell weapons ; if
she be aspected by':Mercuy, he \Vill become a king; if by
Jupiter, he will be learned; if by Venus, he will be fearful;
if by Saturn, he will be a. weaver and if by the Sun, he
will be poor.

If at the time of bhtb, the Moon OQCopy sign Cancer

and be a.apected by Mars, the pea son will be a valiant sol
dier; if she be aspected by M rcory, he will be a literary
nutbor;if by Jupiter, he will be learned ; if by Venus, he
will be a king; if by Sa\turn, he will live by weapons and if
by the Sun, be will suffer from diseases of the eye.

2. If at the time of bhth, the Moon occupy sign Leo

and be a.apected by Mercury, the person will be an Astrologer;
if asp.ected by Jupiter, he will be rich; if by Venus, he will
be a king ; if by Sa.tutn, ho will be a barbea;if by the Sun,
he will be a king and if by .Mal'S, he wiJl also be a king.
Jf at the time of birLh, the Moon occupy sign Virgo
nnd be aspocted by Mercury, the pea'Son will be a king; if
aspected by Jupiter, be will be a commander uf al'miea ; if
by Venos, he will be vigilant and if by Saturn, the Son or
'Mars, ho will live by eervini under women.
If at t.he time of birth the Moon occupy sign Libra
and be aspected by Mercurythe person will be a king ; if

orr. 19.]



aspected by jupiter, he will work in guld; if by.iVenus, he

will be a trader; and if by Satntn, the Sun or Mata, he will
be a chief and will work mischief.
IC at the time of birth, the Moon occupy.sign Scorpio
and be aspeoted by Mercury, the penon will get twins; if
uspected by Jupiter, he will be obediunt ; ir by Vernus, he
will be a washermRn ; if by Satutn, he will be of defective
limbs; if by tho Sun, he will be poor and if by Mars he will
be a king.
S. If at the time of birth, tbeMoon ocoupy sign Sagit
tari and be aspeotad by .Mercury, tho person will protect
his kinsmen; if aspeoted by Jupiter, he will be a king;
if by Venus, be will protect many men; and if by So.turn,
the Sun or Mars he will be a fop, will put on a show of
virtue and will not attend to the work of other persons.
If at the time of birth, the Moon ocoupy sign Capriool'n
and be aspected by Mercury, the person will be the king of
ki.ngs; if aspected by Jupiter, he will boa king; iC by
Venus, he will be teamed; if by Saturn, be will be rich;if by
the Sun, he will be poor and if by Mars, he will be a king.

If at the time of birth, the Moon ocoapy sign Aqua1ius

and be aspeoted by Mercury, the person will be a k g; if
aspeoted by Jupiter, he will resemble a King; if by Venus
or Saturn or the Sun or Mars he will be fond of the wives
of other men.
If at the time of birth, the Moon 00<-'DPY sign Pisces
and be aspected by Mercury, the pel'son will be witty; if
aspoctecl by Jupiter, he will be a king; iC by Venus, he
will be learned and if by Saturn, the Sun or Mars, he will
do wicked deeds.
As stated in the last Stanza of the lnat chaptet, all thd
bas been said or the .Moon applies also to the rising sign.



[oa. 19.

The Moon by aspecting the several signs of the Zodiac

except sign Cancer produces malefic eft'eots when anch signa
are rising. signa.
4. If at the time of birth, the Moon occupy the solar
or lunar bora. of a sign, she will paoduce benefic effects if
She be aspeoted by planets occupying respectively the solar
nod lunar horae. (a) I( the Moon be aspected by the lord
of the Drekkan1\ occupied by her or by planets occupying
friendly signs she will produce bentio eft'ootta. (b). The eft'ecta
desoribed for the Moon occupying ' several signa and as
pected by the aoveral planets apply to bet when she occu
pies the sever1'l DwadllB!lmSI\S and is aspected by the seve
ral planets. (o.) If the Moon occupy particular Na.vamsaa
and be aspected by the several planets, the effeca will be
those stated <as follows.

Not .
(a). If the Moon be as{lected by planets occupying
horae whose lo1ds are different from the lords of the horas
occupied by her the effects will be malefic. The same re
maka apply to the rising hora.
(b). The samo remarks apply to the rising Drekkann.
The same remark holds with reference to the
rising Dwadaaamsa. If the rising Dwadasamsa. be other
than tnat of Cancer, and if the rising sign be aspected by
the Moon the effects will be malefic ; if the rising Dwada
samsa be that of Cancer, and if the ri ing sign be aapeoted
by the Moon, the eft'eot.s will be benefic.

5. If at the t.ime of birth the Moon occupy the

Navamsa of Mars and be aspected by the Sun, the pt>raon will
be the protector of a city ; if aspected by Mars, he will be
fond of tortute; if nspected by Mercury he will be skilled
iu duel fight; if by Jupiter, he will be a king ; if by Ve
nus he will be rich and if by Saturn, he will bring on quar





If at the time or birth,theHoon ooonpy ihe Navamsa of

Ve us and be aspeoted by the Snn, the per on will be a
fool; if aspected by Mars, he will be fond of the \Vives of
other men;.if by Mercury or Jupiter he will be produce
good literary works; if by Venus, he will be fond of com
forts ; if by Saturn, Ito will unit.e with the wives of other
G. If at the time of birth, the Moon occupy the
Navamsa of Mercury and be aspected by the Snu, the
person will be a duellist or a dR.ncer; if aapected by Mara
he will be a thief; if by Mercury he will be a great poet ;
if by Jnpiter, he will be a minister; if by Venus, he will be
akilled in music and i by Saturn, he will be skilled in
meoh"nical arts.
If at the time of bitth, the Moon occupy the Navamsa
of Cancer and be aspeded by the Sun, the person will be
of small body ; if aspected by Mars, he will be a niggard
and will possess small wealth ; if by Mercury he will prao
tise austerities; if by Jupiter, be will be a chief, if by Venus,
he will thrive by women and if by Saturn, he will be fond
of work.
7. If at the time of birLh, the Moon occupy the Navamsa
of Leo and be aspecled by the Sun, tlte person will be a
man of angry temper; if aapected by Mata, he will be liked
by the king; if by Mercury, he will become ticb by the
discovery of hidden treasure; if by Jupiter, be will catry
his orders into efteot; if by Venus, he will have no sons and
it' by Saturn he will do wicked deeds.

If at the time of birth, the Moon occupy tho Uavamsl\

of Jupiter and bo aspected by the Sun, the person wilt b
a man of well-known powers1 if aspected by Mara, he will
bo learned inthe rules of fight; if by Mercury, he will be
skilled in,ridioule; if by Jupiter, be will be a minister; if



[cu. 19.

by Venus, he will be a mun of no virility and if by

Saturn, he will be olulritably disposed,
8. If nt the time of birth, the Moon occupy the
Nava.msa of &turn and be aspected by the Sun,the person
wil! hnve very few children ; if aspected by Mars, be will be
unhappy though rich lif by .Mercuty, he will bo h tugbty; if
by Jupiter, he will do deeds unsuited to hi1:1 station iu life ;
if by Venus, he will btt fond of bad woman and if by Saturn,
he will be a niggard (a). tllat has been said fur the
Moon occupying pnrticul41 Navamsas and aspeoted by the
several planets applies also to the Sun-with this exception
that where sol at aspect ha!t been referred t.Q, it shall be read
as lunar aspect.
(a). The same remark applies to the tising Navam
sa as to the Moon-but if the Moon aspect the rising
sign when the rising Navumsa is other than that o( Cancer
the effects will be malefic.
9. If the Moon occupy a Vargottnma position, her
own Navams,., or other Nawamsas and be aspected by
benefic planets, the efft-cts will respectively be full, imper
fect and small. Dut if sl10 be aspected by malefic planet8,
the effects will respectively be small, imperfect and full
(a). If the lord of the Navamsa be powerful, the effects
described f"r plataetary aspects in the ca!ie of signa and
Navamsas (b) will alone oome to pass (c.)
(a). The 11ume remark applie11 to the d : ing sign and
to the Sun.
(b). Navamsas occupied by the Sun or the Moon or the
rising Navamsa.
(c). And those described for planetary aspects in the
case of horas, D1ekkanas and Dwadasamsas.

ca. 20.]






. 1. If at the time or birth of a person, the sun oc

cupy the Rseendaut, the pE'rson \vill be:fond of fight,
slow at w01k, without sight nnd wi hout mercy; but if
Aries be the ri'iiug sign and the Suu:oocupy it the person
will be rich and amioted with diseases of the eye; if Leo ba
the rising sign and the Sun oocupy it, l1e will be blind at
night ; if Libra be the rising sign and the son occupy it, the
person will be blind and poor ; if Cancer be the rising sign
and the Sun occupy it, he will have a mote in his eye. If
the Sun occupy the 2nd bouse from the ascendant, the
perBon will be greatly rich, will hnve his wealth canied
away by the king and will suffer from diseases in the

2. If at the time of birth, the Sun occupy the 3rd

house from the ascendant, the person will be intelligent and
powerful ; if he occupy. the 4th house, the person will be
afflicted with gtief and mental sufferings ; if be occupy
6th house, he will have no sons and will be poor and if he
occupy the 6th house, the person will be powerful and be
subjugated by his enemy (a}.
(a). According to another reading, if the Sun occupy
the 6th honse from the ascendant the person'" enemies, will
meet with ruin According to Satyachariar snob a person wiU
be free from enemies, diseases and gtief; but the text has
the support of Yavanachariar and Suchidhwaja.
8. If at the time of birth of a person the Sun
occupy the 7th hone from the ascendant, the person will
sufft l'
digrace at the hands of women ; if he occupy the 8th
house, the pe1son will very few sons and will

become blind ; if he occupy the 9th house, the person will

have sons



(CR. 20.

wealth and comfort (a). ; if he occupy the lOth bouse, the

person will live in comfort and will be powtlrfnl; if he oocn
py the 11th house the person will be very rich and if he
occupy the 12th house he will become an apostate.
(a). According to another reading a person botn with
the Son in the 9th house will have neither sons nor wealth.
Accordingly Satyachariar says that such a persoo will do
wicked deeds, will be atBicted with diseases and will attain
an humble position in life,

4. If at t_he time of birth of a person the Moon

occu py 'he ascendant such person will become dumb or
mad or an idiot Ol' blind or deaf ; he will do mean deeds
or will become a slave ; if the rising sign occupied by the
Moon be Cancer, A1ies or Taurus the person will be rich,
will have many sons and will be wea.hhy respectively. IC
the Moon occuppy the 2nd bouse f1om the ascendant, the
person will be a man of a large fe.mily. If she occupy the
:Srd house, he will daligllt in tortuting imals If she
occupy the 4:th
or the 5th house, he will be in the full enjoyment of whuf&
the houses signify (a). If she occupy the 6th house, the
person f1om will be of soft body, will have a dull appetite
will be spaing in sexual union, will' be cruel and will be
slow at work.
(a). That is, if the Moon occupy the 4th ho1168 from the
ascendant, the pel'Son, will be happy,will have kinsmen a.nd
bouses, and will bttleaned; and if she occupy the 5th house,
the person will possess iutelligeuoe, sous and the like.
(5.) If at the time of birth the Moon occupy the 'lth
house f:rom the ascendant, the person will be jealous of the
prosperity of other men and will be lustful. If she occupy
he 8th house, the person will be fiickleminded and will be
atBic ed with diseases. If she oco11py the 9th houso the

c QI.

Blllll.lT J!.TAKi.;

2 0.]
person will be liked by ail Rnd wiU have sons, kinsmen and
wealth. If'ahe occupy the lOt.h house, be will be successful
in all places, will be virtuous, wealthy, inteUigenand
valorous. If abe occupy t)te 1Ith house, the person will be
famous and will g,,jn wealth ond the like and if she occupy
the 12th house from the nsceudnut, the persou will be
wickt)d and of defocUve limbs.

6. If at)be time of birth of n peson Mllra occupy the

ascendant, such per on will possess a wounded body ; if he
occupy tlte 2nd boos>, the pel'SOU will eat low mel\ls; if lte
occnpy the 9th bous, the petson will be a sinner nnd if he
occupy the reml\ining houses (<1) he will produce the sn111e
eft' cts as tbo Suu in tholle places.
Again, if at the time of uirt.b of a pt rsonMeJ'Ctity OCCII
py the Mcendant such peson will be harued. If ho otcupy
the 2nd house, the person will be wealthy. lf he occupy
the 31'd house the perdon will be wicked. ll be occupy tlte
4th bouse, the person will ue Jenmed.,. If lae occupy the 5th
house, he will be a minister under a king ; if he occupy the
6th laouse, l1e will have uo en>mies. lf he occnpy the 7th
house, he will possess a knowledge of law. If be occupy
the 8th house, the person will be ronowned for his viJtnes.
If he occupy the 9th, lOth, 11th and 12th houses he will pro
duce the same eft'tlot.s as the Sun in those places.
(a). Tlmt is the Srd
l ltl1, and 12th bousf:s.

4UJ, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th,


7. If ut the time of birth of a person Jupiter occupy

the 12 signs from t.he a ceud"ut, such pt!rsou will respec
t 1 v e ue

1e1al''n1eld, or

od 7p.e. ecI , a 11.1Jgvg.n._1'd , WJ'1I hve

cotfort, will be if'ITrgent, will h,ve no emies,.;vill
possess qualitielsuperior to lbosc of Lil! fath<'r, wiUclo aeeda




JlltiR.lT J'ATU.l

[elf. 2 i

his rank in life, will J>e tvotee, will be ges
esse?wealth, will be ruu 1 tf 'gnin and will d6a&dul
8. If at the timo of birth of a person Venus occupy
the ascendllut, such per!fon will be skilled in nets of love
and will live in ge1\t comfort; if Venus occupy the 7t.h
house, tlc person will be fond of qonrrels arid of sexual
union; if Venus occupy the oth ltouse the peson will live
in comfort amd if he occupy the rt>m,,iniug houses {a) the
effects will be the sama as those of J npitor in those pluoes;
but if Venus occupy sigu Pi ces at ihe tiu1o "f bhth tho
peson will become rich.
(a). That is the 2nd, Srd, 4tla 1 6 h, 8th, 9th, lOth,
lHh and 12th houses.
It'at the time of birth of a person Saturn occupy the
ascendant, such person will be poor, will be afBicted with
diseases and sexual passion, will be dirty will suffer muoh
from diseases while young,aud will be of iudir1stinct speech.
Dot if the ascendant, occupied by Saturn, be Libra, Sagittaai,
Cupdcoto, Aquarius or Pisces, the per.;on.will be as happy
ns n. king, will rule over a village or a town, will be learned
un<l will possess fine limbs. But if Satoru occupy any of the
other houses (fom the 2nd to tho l 2th} the effects will be
the same 11s those of the Suu in the same places.

10. In det,ermining the eff cts of the planets in the

aeveal houses from the ascenda.ut the natute of such bonsea
slu ll ba taken iuto account, that i;, , whetbet tho houses
occupi,:l by the seYel'al plauett al'e thl'ia' ftiendly signs or
inimical ol' ueutral signs or their O\Vn house& or their exal
btion signs twd the like (a). Agnin, uccoding to Satya
churiar, benefic pl1 nets promote the bb \'O.'J while maletio
oues reduce them 1 bot in t},e euses of the 6th, 8*h and 12-b
houses the l't.Wetao i$ the caae (b)

CB 20.)

b'fttHAT J.AT.AtU.


((Z). 'rhllt ill if the houses occnpiotl by tlto planets he
their exaltation signs, theit ftiendly signsor theit own
l10uses the eff"ct.s described will fully come to pnst; if such
houses be their inimic1\lsigns the effect.s will fail and if the
hou"es he tumttnl signs, ueither more nor less of the dlects
ucsct'ibed will como to pnss. A11 this i11 accol'cling to Gnrga.
(b). According t.o SR.t.yltCllluin,,, if a beueflc plnncfl
occupy the 6th house tho enemiewill meet with ruin nnd
if a. malefic planet occupy it, the enemies will increase.
Again, if a benefic plauot occupy the 8r.h house, a person
will be freed ftotu d'mgerA to life 1\ud if a mnlefioplsnefl
occupy it, danger to life will inctease. Lastly if a beuefio
planet occupy the 12th bouse there will be no loss to the
person and if a malefic planet occupy it there will be au
iucrease of losa.

11. If the planets to which good effects have been

assigned occupy their exl\ltnt.ion signs such effecwill fully
come to pMa. If they occupy their :Milolatrikona Higus
only three-fourths of suoh effects will como to pttss; if they
occupy their own houses one-half of such ofl cts will como
to pas; if they occupy their ftierully signs oneqnnttor Of
snob effects will come to pass; if th'y occupY, their inimicnl
signs less than ono-qunrtor of such effect.s will come to pass
nnd if the planets occupy their depression signa or if they
l1a.ppen to be Astangata plttnets the good effects described
will wholly fail.
If the 'ffects be bad, then tr the plant>ts occury their
dPp re Rsi(ln l'igns ot if thPy be Astangat" plRnetA, the evil will fully come to p:,Rs. If they occupy their inimi-
cnl signs, then t.hree-fourthfl, if they occnpy tlteh friendly
l!igns, then one-\,alf, if they oc npy t.heir own signs then one
quarter, if they occupy their Moola Ttikoua signs, theu less



BltiHAT lAT.t.ll:1.

than a qnnroor or the evil effe,:ts will come to pass. But if

they occupy theia exaltation signs, the evil eft' cs will fail




l. JC" ingle pll\net occupy it O\Vn house ut the time

of bil'th of " pel'son such person will possess tlae average
dignit.y o[ the mernber!i of his fnmily; if hTo plLIIets occupy
t)u ir own houses t.he'pptson willle aua impottant memhcr of
l1isfamily;if three planets oecupy t.heir own homes, the pt>raon
will be re pected by his kinsmen; if fonr planets occupy
their own houses, the person will be rioh; if five planets d 0
so l1e will live ia comfort; if six, he will livo in luxurious
ente and as happy as a king and if seven planets occupy
theh own houses the person will become a king.
Again if one of the plnnets occup}' a fl'iendly sign, the
person will lead a dependent lire; if two plLnots do so 11e
will be protected by hit fdends; if three, by hikinsmen ;
if fonr, by his btot.her:i ILnd cotliill'l; if fiv, the petson will
he a master over many "pt nph.,; if six, he will become a commander of nn urmy unJ it' seven, J.o will lHo.ome n king. .

2. If o.t the t.ime of Lirth of a person, n. single pl tuet

occupy its exaltat.ion sign nud be aspectd by n friendly
p)l\llet such. pai'SOU wiJl beCOJllC 1\ king j if at t.lae time of
loirth one of the planets occupy its exlltation sign and be
IL('Compauiml by a fritmdly planet, the petson will belome
vcy l'id1 mad will he uuive ally rt spected; if ut ll1e ti111e
of hit-th one of tho plnuetR (:ooupy iLhlt nn inimical oa"
dop1ession sign, the petson will become poot; if two plaueta
occupy their iuimioal ot deptessiou signs, the pt:Json will
become affiicttld with griuf. 1f three planet.s occupy their
iuimical or depression sigus, tlae person will become a fool.

If four planola do ao, tho person will become affiict.ed wiLh




diseases. Ir five planetsdo ao theperson will aoft'er im

prisonment; if six pl,.nets,j.the peNon will be a victim to
much grief and i seven planets do ao, be will subject to
torture persona who ought not to be tor ured.
Mercury and the Sun cannot at the same time occupy
their depre11sion signs-vis. .Pisces and Libra respective
, ly. Beven planets cannot therefore occupy their depresaion
signs at tbe same time. In this as in certain other oases
a./zeady st:\ted, the author has simply quoted the vie\VI of Cor
mer writera.

3. According to 8atyaohariar a penon born who

Aquarius ia the rising sign will not be happy;but accord.
ing to Yavanas, a person born when Aqunriua ia be riaing
Duadaaamsa will not be happy. This latter view is objet"
ted to by VishnugoptR. on the ground that each sign of the
Zodiac eont1ina the Dwadaaamga of Aquarius and that bene.
floiaZ effeot llave been ascribed to severAl signs.
4. A peraon. born when malefic planets occupy the
solar boras of odd signs wUl be of wid::f.pread fame,
importan deeds, will be powerful, healthy and of bright
appearan e. A person born when benefic planets ccnpy
tbe lunar h,ras of even signa will be of gentle mannetJI
and of bright appearance; will live in comfort, will be liked
by all; will be intelligent and wiJJ be of sweet speech.'
5. IC the. horae occupied by the malefic and benefic
planets be the same as stated abov.e while the signs are dif
erent, {a) the person will be "uuat has been stated above
for the two yogas in a moderate degree ; bot if both the
horae and signs be di el'.et (b) the effects will fait.
(a)...Jbat is if tbe m!ttle6o planets occupy the-solar
l1otas in tven atgna or the bene6io planets occupy the. lunar
horaa iu odd signs. ,



. '(h) That ia if the maloft t>lanetl occupy the lunar
hom-. of the even a1gna or the benefic planets oocupy the
solar horae of odd a'gna.
N. B. Doth t.ha author and commentator have fa.iled
to notice the c,se of a peaon born when the malefic
planets occupy tho lunar horaa o odd aigua or the benefic
plaueta occupy the solar horGS o even .signa. Evidently a
per11on hotn nnder'aa yogRI wll be all that baa been bta.ted
in he 4oth stanza in a modetate degree. .
. A. perRon born when the Moon occupies either her
own Dekkaua or a friendly (a) Dtekkana will be of very
fin. bt auty and of well-known virtues ; but if the Moon
oooupyother Drek.kauas the person will be what has been above agreeably to the- character of the lord of such

: ,;.;
It' at thli time of birth the Moon ocetipy a Sarpa
(sel'pe t) Drekkana (c) the person will be wi;:ked ; if she
occuoy an Ayndha (weapon) Dtekkana (d) the person will do
dfleds ot torture ; if she occupy a Ohatusbpad (quadruped)
Dtekk tna {t) the person will cohnbit with hia preceptor's
'\Vife, nnd if she occnpy a Pakahi (bird) Drekkna (f) the
persou will be of wandel'iog habits. .
.. .(a). Friendly at the time of birth. Vide chapter. II
slil\nZI\ Hlo
. . (b). That is. if snob lord be netural (at the time of
hirth) to the Moon, the petson will be what baa been stated
iu " moderate degree,; but if be be inimical to the Moon, the
eft(cts will fa il. ' .
(c). Sarpn. Vyula Drekkan&.,: These are the 2od Drek

kana ofCnncer, the 1st of .Vl'iscbika and the 3td of Pisces

(d). A.yndha Daekkanas: These are' the. lst and 8rd
Dtbkkamas.of A.ties, the. 2nd of Gemini, the bt of Leo, thO
2ud of Libra aud t.ho 1st of A.quariua



(e). Obatusbpad Drekkauaa : These are the gnd Dr k

kana of Ari ,the 2nd and 3rd of T"aras, tho 1st or Cancer,
the 3rd of Libra, the 3rd of Scorpio and the let of
(/). Pa.kshi Drekkanas: These are 2nd Drekknna of
Aries, the 2nd of Gewiui, the 1st of Leo and t.lte 2nd of

If the Dtekkanns occnpied by the Moon be of mnre thnn

ono character, the person will be all thnt has beeu stated for
each character.
7. A person born when the rising NavamRa (4) is thnt
of Aries will be a thief; when it is that of Tanrue, he will
enjoy a'vay his earnings ; when it is tbn.t of Gemini, the per
son will bo learned; when it is thl\t of C11ncer he will ba
wen.ltby; when it is tl!at of Leo,be will boa king; when it is
that of Virgo, he will be hermaphrodite ; when it is that or
Libra, he will be bold in fight ; when it is that of Scorpi 0
he will earn his livellihood by cartyiug lou. ds; wheu
it is. that of Sagitari he will .become a slaT"e ; when it is that
of Capricorn ho will be a sinner; when it is that of Aqn
arins, he will be wicked and when it is that of Pisces he
be fearless.
Bat if the rising Navamsa be at the same time a
Vargot.tma Navamsa (b) the person born will be the chief
of the respective clMses of persons mt>nt.ioned (c).
The risiug Dwu.dasamsas produce the same effects as
the rising signs.
{t ) 1.'hete Navamsns or Aries, Tantus, Gemiui &c.,
ar..t Navamsna other than those of tho respective e;igas Atios,
'l'auros, Gemini &c.
(b). That is Nnvamsas excluded in note (a).
(c). For instance, the person will be o. chief of
thieves &o.


8. A person born when Mars occupies hia own Trim

samsa will be a married man, )Vill be powerful, will wear

orni\Dleuts, will be generous, will Le of bright appearauoo
and will tbonghtleasly engage in work.
A peason born when S11turn occupies his own Trimsamaa
will be afflicted with diseases ; his wife will die beforthim, he
will be wicked, will co\et the wives of _otle men, will be
affiicted 'with grief, will have a house, clothes, attendants
and the like and will be dirty.
9. A person born when Jupiter occupies his own
Trimsamaa will be rich, famous, happy, intelligent, of bright
appearance, universl\lly respected, free from diseases, of
active habits and will live in luxury.
A person born when Mercury occupies his own Tdm
snmsa 'vill be inteUigaut n.nd leurued in the fine arts; will be
n fop, a liteary au hor, of dis inct speech, will be skilled in
carpentry and the 'like, will follow the rules of life laid
down by sages, will commence bold projects and will be
much respected.
10. A person born when Venus occupies his own Tl'im
samsa will Jaave many sons, will live in comfort.,will he Cree
from diseases, will love mankind, will be rich, beautiful, wick
ed, of fait body and will enjoy many women.
A person born when the Trimsamsa of Mat'S is occu
pied by the Sun, will be bold in fight and when it is occu.
pied by the Moon he will be slow at wo1k.
A person born when the T..imsamsa of Saturn is occu
pied by the Sun will be wicked aud when it is occupied by
the M.oon, be will indulge in acts of torture.
A person born wlaen tlae Trim'Ulmsa of Jopiter is occu
pied by the Sun will be of gocad disposition and when it. is
occupieJ by the Moou, the pcr.: on will bee o ne rich



ca.. 22.]



A per11on bol'D when the Tl'imsamsa of Mercury is occu

pied by the Sun will live in .eomfort aud when it is occu
pied by the Moon the person will be learned.

A pe..son born when the Trimsamsa of Venus is oocl!

pied by the Sun, will possess a fiue body and when it ia
occupied by the Moon he will be liked by the people.
ON MisciLLANIOUs Yoou.

1. Planets occupying their own ;igus or their e:xal_

tation or .Moolstrikoua signs are said to be Karaka planettt
to one another, if, "t the snme timd the.7 occupy the Ken
dras ftom the asoeudant. lu the above case a. planet oocu. pying the lOth housfrom another planet
said to be the
special Karaka of that planet.


lD this 1\nd in the next two stanzas the term t Karaka
(helping) planets " is defined.
2. Acoordiugly, if the 1ising sign be Cancer and the
Moon occupy it aud if Ml\t'S, Saturn, the Sun. and Jupiter
occupy their emlhtion signs, these four planets are known
as Karaka J,t..ueta to one-another {Cl). Again, to a plauet
oconpyiug t.he rising sin all planets (b) occupying the lOth
or the 4th house are Karaka plant-ts (o}.
(Cl) In other w01ds Jupiter occupies sign Cancer

which is "t the same time the ising sign, Satutn occupies
the 4th house Libra, Mars the 7th house Capricorn and the
Sun the lOth house Aries. The commentator infers from
thistauza that planets occupying . their S\vaktthetra, Ucba
and Mulatl"jkouo signs ate also mutually Karaka planets,
if they occupy Kendta signa from one another thout;h not
tho Kend1:signa from the aaceudunt.

Digitized by




[ou. 22.

(b). U the planets wh ther thty occupy their own

signs, their ex"lt,.tion Rigna or theit Mulatrikonu. signa
ot not, n.ccorcliug to the couimenta.tor.
(o). 'J'hat is the reverse does not bold. Iu other words
the planet occupying the ascendrtnt is not Karaka planet
of those occupying the 4th or the lOth house.

8. A planet occupying ita Mulatrikona and exaltation

sign (a) isuJso said to be a Karaka. planet to one that occupies
the lOth l10use (b) faom such sign, and to the lntter his
.A.timita'U. planet is al1!o said to be a Karukn planet.
(a). But not occupying the Kendaa houses from the
(b). This Jnttet planet must be in his Swr\kRhet.ra,
M:a lntrikon11. orexaltntion house. 'l'he eftacts of the K11raka
planets nre descaibtd in Vnra.ha Mihira'a work on Yog:L Yntra
in which it is stuted that when a prince loses his kingdom,
he recovers it in the An rtlasa period of a. Klaaka planet;
again it is.said that a man enjoyscomfort, wealth and success
when the Moon passes through the house of a Ka1'11ka planet,
ot through the 2nd 'bouse frum that occupied by the Sun.
Also, that tl.e jou1ney may be a succesKful one it shall be
commenced when the Moon occupies eithea of Lhe two places
meutioued above-otherwise the traveller will receive blows
on Lis way.
4. A petson born when the ri : ing Nu.vamsa is a
Vagottamt' one or when the Moon occupies a Vnrgottuma
p<!aition will be happy nnd ptosperous. The same remark
applies to 1\ pet'aon at the time of whose bhth the 2nd house
from the Sun ma.y be occupied by Leuefio planets or the
Kendra houses may happen to be occupied by planet!at all
(a). Also, u pet'Son at the time of whose birth there are
Karaka planets occupying the signs of the Zodiac will be
happy aud prospetous..



ca. 2t'.]



(a). If one of the Kendrl18 be occupied the person will
be happy ; if two or more be occupied he will be happier
&till and if the planets be benefio the p t'Son will be t>xceud
iogly happy and prosperous.

5 Hat the timo of birth of a. person Jupiter, the

]ol'd of the sigu Ol'cupied by the Moon, ot the lord of the
Moend,\ut occupy a Keudra house, such person will be hap
py whn iu llili manhood. Again, if at the time of oom
mencenumt (lf n dnsa period the lord of snob period happeu
to occupy a Prishtodayn sign, he will produce his effect.s
at the t>nd of the pt'riod. If such lord occupy n. SirodRya.
sign he will produce his eff ots o.t the commenoement of
the period and if he occupy a. Sira-Prisbtodaya' sign, the
effects will be felt in the middle of t.he pel'iod.
No es.
The Dasa period is to be divided into three equal parts
aud the Sirodnya., Ptishtodaya and Sirnpdshtod&Jl& signs
are defined in stanza. 10 of Chapter I.

G. 'J'he Sun and Mars ptm1uce their . eff41c_ts immedi-

a.tely after entE-ring a. sign; Jupirer a.nd Venn; when pass
ing through the middle of a sign; Sn.turn and the Moon
befote qnHting a sign and Meaoury througbouhitS . oourse.
The sign must bo suppot!ed to be divided iuto thrt e
equal parts of 10 degrees eacllo.
On Malefic Yogas.
1. If at the time of birth of R. person the 5th aod 7th
houses from the ascendant or from the Moon be either
oconpied or a. pected by benefic plantta or y tlaeir lol'dst
snou person will have l'espeothely s0oa (a) nd a wife-,.
- otherwise, (b) he will not either the one or tbe


[rs. 23.

I Virgo be tho tising sign and if tho Sun occupy it, the
person wiJllose his wife .provhled Saturn occupies sign
J'i..oPs at the same time and will lose his aons if Mars
occupy sign Capricorn nt the same time"

(11.) One of 12 aorta of sons (1) Onrasa, (2) KahetrajR, (8)
Datta, (4) Krittrima (5) Gndhotpaima, (6) Apavidha, ( 7)
KRneena, (8) Sahodha, (9) Kreetn, (10) PonnarbhavN, (11)
Swayamd11tt.a Rnd (12) AdhRmaprRbhava.
(b.) That ia if the 5th and 7th hooiiP.R from tle n cendant
or the Moon be not occupied or aspected by benefic planetor by
the lords of t be bonaea,
If the Moon and Sllturn occupy the 7th bouRe a person's
wife will quit him and marry another.

Ir the 7t.h bouse be upeoted by the Moon and Saturn the

number of wives of a per11on will be the number represent.ed by
the NavamBA occupied b:f.tbe lord C?f the 7th bonae counting
from the Nav msa of Arie11.
If Jupiter .or the Moon Rnd Vena11 occapy the 7th house
and the Navamsa of the Son or lf . or11, the person will have a
single wife; bat if the 7th house be aRpected by the Moon and
Venus, the person will have aover&l wives .

2. If, at the time of birth of person, malefic planets

occupy the 4th and 8th houses from Venus or if malefic
planets be on both aideof Venus or if Vennbe
not ac
companied or aspected by benefic planets the person's wife
will die by fire, by fall or by ropes respectively.
Povided, in the first Yoga, Verina at the same thne oocapies
An Agni (iiey) OrekkRna, in the second a Nipata (flllling) l>rek
kana. and in the third a Pasa (rope) Drekkana. (Vide Chapter
2i on the Dekkanas.)

3. If, at the time of birth or a. person, one of the two

houses, the 12th and the c>th, from the ascendamt be o cu




pied by the Sun And the other by the Moon, lhe person
and his wife wi11 eaoh bave a sioglo eye. Again, if Vertns
and the Snn (a) oocupy one of the three houses the 7th, the
9th and the 5th from the ascendtmt, the personlqwm be o!
detective limbs.

,J'.JI9 s.

(,.,) Venaa or t1e aooordiog to some.

opposed to Garp whom the commeoiator

This ill

4. If, at the time of birth of a person, Saturn occupy

tbe rising sign (a) and if Venu, ocotpy the Chakra-sa11dhi
Na.vamsas and the 7th honse, the person's wife will be
barren (b), provided the ot.h house is not occupied by benf'fic
planets. Agnin, if the malefic planets occupy the 12th nnd
the 7th houses and the ascendA.nt and the waning Moon
ooonpy the 5th bouse, tbo person will have neither wife
nor sons.
(a.) n is clear 'hat the l'illing sign mu' be TllDl'D8 or
Vi'll'O or Oaprioorn in which oa11e 'he 7'h honaes wit11'811pec ively
be Scorpio; Pi11ne11 and Cancer and the luh NAvAm!IM of these
three. hou11es are known

as Ohakra'landbies or Riksbaaandhies

(Vide stllnz i Oh. I.)

{b.) Ir he person will marry RgAin, be mRy
cording to aome.

get sons Re

o. If, at the time of birth of a person, Venus occupy

the 7th house from the ascendant and be in the va.rg"
(divi tion) of Satnrn or M"rs and be aspected by Satnrn or
Mars, the per1ioo will commit adultery. Ag"in, if when
Venus occnpies the va.rga. of'Saturn or Mars and is a,.qpeetod
by Saturn or Ma, th" .Moon, Saturn and Mars occupy the
7th house from the ascendant, buth the man and biR 'vife
will commit adultery. Again, if when Venus and the
Moon oeoupy a sign, Saturn and Mars occupy the 7th
bouse from the ascendant, he person will neither wife


[os. 28.


nor sons.
Agnin:, if. wlaen male and female pluueta occupy
a sign, Sntm n.ud Mnas cwcup thti 7h
huuse from the
nscetui,._nt. 11n'l b :.nspect <l by heuetiu plnnets, the person's
man will marry late
in life.
6. If nt the time of birth of a person tlte Moon occupy
the lOUt house, Vanusthe7 th houl'e nnd themaltfic plnuets
tl1e 4t.h houst> 1 such a pen on will deatl'oy hiM family. (a) If,
at t}ut tima of birth, St\tnrn occupy a Ktlltda house nnd
wife will be of advanced age and tb

asp.-ot IL sig11 t.he Dekkann. of whose lord may bOOl upied

by Mercuy, the pel'son will hecc,me a pninter. If,at tbe
time (If binlt, Venus uompy th :12th MUIIJ
the nsoen
dnnt anl tl11i Navam1a of Rn111rn, tb pt>sou will be the
son of IL StH'Ving woaoau; and if nt the timo of birth the
Sun und the Moon occupy th" 7th houie nnd be o.spected
by Saturu, the petsou will do dleduusuit : d to his rank iu


The family will }),come u:t.inct with him.

7. If', nt the time of bit-th ot' o. person. Venus nnd

Ma&'IJ ocuupy tho 7th lwuso faom tho 1180tlllcl1Lnt nml bo
aspectl,d by ma.lolic plnntb 11Uch per1:1on will be t 1ftiotud with
BWI:llling illness (a). It', at t.he of birth of a persun,
the Moon occupy the N3vum11a of auoer or Scorpio and be
aooumpauit:d by maldio planets the person will be a.1Biofie<l
with diaellses of !.he genital org"n. If, at the time of birth,
the Moon occupy the asoendaut, Saturn n.ud Mars oooupy
the l:!tlt and 2n'l hnnse:t and the Sun the 71ih honse, the
pt-tson will be atllic.ed wiLh white leprosy. If, at tbe time
of l}ith of 8. pen on, the oun occupy the lOth house fom
the ascendant, la.t:t the 7Lh house and Saturn the 2ud
house faom the Sun, such pt-rsoo will be of d'bfective limbs
(a..) Socb as elephantiasis and tho like.





8. Ir, at the time or birth of B person, the Moon

oconpy a place bet.ween S otnrn and MArs Anl the Sun
otcupy sign CApricoan, such pe on will be affiicl<ld with
a. tltmn, consnmption, nnd ditwa>'t>S rthe spleen ; and
if at tha timtof birth, the Sun occupy the f;ign or . the
Navnms" of htMuon, the perron will be u1Bicted with
plumonaay consnmpt.ion, nnd if t.he Sun and t.he M''>on
occupy together eithr Cancer 01' Leo, the pl'IBou will be
Jeduced to A skeleton.
9. Ir, nt the time of bil'th of person,
the Moon
occupy the oth Navarnsa of Sagittari (a) Ol' the Navamsa
of Piscefl, Cancer, Capricorn, or Al'ies :b), nod be either
accomp tnied or nspoott:u by SrLtn..n nnd Mn1'1!1 AUOla pel'fiOtl
will be nfltict.etl with leprosy 'c). Agdu, if thtlit,h or the
9th laottso frmn the nscendllllli bo sign Scorpio, Caucot,
'l'amus, o1 Capricorn and be eit,het oconpid oa-.pected by
St\tutn and Mal's, tho person \Vill also be aftlwted with
Jepro y.
(a.) That is the Nnv11m11a f Leo in aign Sllgitlari.

'l'heee mAy be Nnv tmRRA of ""Y eiga.

Accmding to YavnuRcharytt, if the Mann be Mpeofed

t.he 81\1110 tinu , the p61'80fl Will be 0
dit lign ed body resulting from ecratohiug.


bl'tll'fill piAtlef.ll R)RO llt

10. If, at t.lte timof bhth ofperson, the Sun, the

:M:ooil, M. trs aml Saturn occupy t.lte 8th, 6th, 2nd nud 12th
bout1e11 in any way, such prsun will become blind by causes
pertaining to the ruo :t powt-rful of t.he four planets (a).
(a.) Ir the pnwerful pln.uet be the Moon, blindness will
be CI\URed by phlegmatic atr...ct.iona. 1( Hauh planet lm Mar, it
will be. cau11ed by bili110s dect.iottll ; if it be \he.Sun, . then ,\ly
heAt or wood; and it it be Saturn, it cr..need by wiudy
afl'eotions, by,stonee and like.

(cu. 23.


11. If,nt the time of bitth of a person, the malefic

planets (G) (locupy the 9th, Jlth, hd and 5th ho1sea aud
be not aspected by booetic ylauets, such parson will hecowe
deaf by causes pertaining to the most powerful planet ; if
such malefic plane:t>t (b) occupy the 7th house ftoan the
asceodaut, the person will be of deformed teeth.

The Sou, lhe Moou, Mara and Suto&n.

(b.) That ia, wMle MllapJiMg the.SH.... atHi lith

).,..... Mtd not uapeoted by beue6o plaueb.

12. If, ut the time of birth of a pet'Son the eclipsed

Moon, occupy the rising sign and if aturn and Mars
occupy the 5th aud 9th houses ftom the ascendant such
person will be subject to the i,fluence of gho,;ts. Ag tin,
if, at tha time of birth, the' eclipsed Sun occupy the rising
sign and if :Saturn and Mats occupy the 5th aud 9th
houses from the ascendut, the petson will Jose his eyes.
18. If, at the time of bbth of a person, Saturn occupy
the 7th house and Jupiter the oendant, such person will be
aftlicted with windy complaints; if, at. the time of birth,
:Mara occupy the 7th hou >e and Jupiter the ascendant, the
}>arson will become iusu.ue. If, at the tiane of biath, Su.tun
occupy tbe ll8oendant and Mats occupy the 5th, ?th or 9th
house, the
eraon will become an idiot. Also, if, ut the
time of bhth, the waning \:loon and Saturn occupy t.he 12th
house, the person will also bt coane u idiot.

14. If,at the tilDe of bhtb of

person, one of the
four plunets-tbe lord of the Nllvamsa. occupitld by the
Moon, the Sun, the Mooo, and JutJiter-oconpy t.he Navamsa.
of the lord of hi$ depaeasion sign or an inimical N11vamsa,
snell per.-;nn will tiel"Vtl nudcn- other men for hia livelihood ;
if two of t.he foul planets oocupy either the oue Na\amsa.
or Lhe otbca, he will become a slave .; and if thtee of the

.u. 23.]


DRIHA.T .tA.TA.lU. .

planets or all the four occupy the one Navamsa or the

other, the person will be the son of a slave.
15. rr, at the time of birth of a person, the rising
sign be Taorns, Aries or Sagittari and if male6o t>hmets
aspect it, snob per11on \vill have ugly teeth ; if, at the time
of birth, one of the malefic signs (a) or sign Sagittari or
sign Taurus be the rising sign 1\od i sunh sign be Mpected
by malefic pl"nets, the person will be bald-headed ; if the
Boo occupy the 9th or the 5th house from the ascendant and if
l1e be aspect.ed hy malefic planets the person will bo of
weak sight; if, at the time of birth, Baturn. oocupy the 5th
or the 9th honse and be aspeot.ed by malefic planets, the per
son will bo nffiioted with variouiJ disea!les ; Bnd if at the time
of birth, M11roccupy the lit.b or the 9th house Md be aspttct
ed by malefill planets, the person will be of defective limbs.

These are the signa of Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn

and Aquarius.


If, at
the time o birth of a person, the
malefic planets occupy the 12th, 5th 2nd, and 9th houses
in any way, such person will suffer imprisonment
restraint of the nature of the rising sign (a), if, at
the time of birth, the rising DrekkBna be either a Barpa
(b) (snake) Drekkana or a Pasa (o) (rope) DrekkaoA. and if
the sign (d) of its lord be ABpeoted by roa1e6c planek the
person will al110 suffer imprisonment of the nature of such

(11.) If the ri11ing sign be Aries, Taurus or Sa.gittari, lhe
person will be bound with ropes. Ir be l'i> ing eigu be G"miui,
Virgo, Libl'a or AqnariaR, he will be loRded with fetters. Ir the
ri11ing eign be Oanoer, Oaprioorn or Pias the person will be
slmt up in a fortress but will be taken care of. I the rising
aign 'H scorpio, the person will be kept in a subterranean cellar.




[cu. 24.



The Sarpa DrekbnRa: These are the fir11t Drekkaoa

of Cau Jcr, the lilt aud 2nd of Soaopio, aud Sad of Pi11oea.

(e) 1.'lie Paaa Drokkaua: 1.'hit ia the tat Drekkana of

(cl.) That is, ir the rising Drekkana be tlae first Drekhna
of Oauoer for inalanoe, the lord of anob Dre<kkawa is the Moon
whoatl aigu 'agaiu i11 O noer. !(the aiaing Drekkaua be the 2nd
l>rekbua of Calaoer, ita lord i.t !bra whose sign ia So.>rpio and
if it be I he 3rd Drekkaua of O &uoer, the lord of snob Drekkaua
is Jupiter whose sign is Piaoe11.

17. If, at the time of birth of a per.-too, the Moon be

accompanied by Stlturu, aspected by Mllra and be surround
ed by a laalo, such person will be a man of har: h speeob,
will be a.mioted with epilepsy and with consumption (a).

If,at tha time of birth, the Sun

occupy the lOtb house

Sllturn and Mttrs

from the &o3CtStu.lant and if they be

not a:!pected by benefic pltmets, the person will be a setvant

of varying tauk-dignified, of moderate rank and of a low
nmk (b).



1. The same rematks apply to


horllloopy of .women tho hororo:>p)' of men; but tbe dTectwhich are sni 11blo



cu. 24.)



will alone affect women and the teat will afft>ch theil' hus
bands. At}COI'ding to some all the effects (a) will nf!i!ct tho
husb,,nd. 'J'he den.Lh of the husband sb"ll be detetminecl
from the 8th hou!le (from the asceml"nt) in the horoscope
of a woman. U:Ltters connected with the pl;ysiquo of "
woman shall be dutetmined ftom tho rising sign and tho
sign occnpiecl by tho Moon aml matt.ers connect.ed with bet
fortune and her husband shall be deteru:.iued from the 7th
(t .) Eft'rots which can be e11jyel by both will Rfl't'nt both.
Such eft'eo M high appointments ill Lhu st:,te will 11ff :ct thtt
hu11barul And rrud.tere conueoletl with tho body will Hfl'cu' tho
wom"n only. He:toe the adviRhility of a man roarrying a girl
born under excelleut planetary Yo""s.

2. If the l'ising sign and the sign occupied by tho '

Moon be even 11igna the woman \Viii be of a ttue femiuine
character aud if such signa be at pected by bent-flo phLneta
she will be virtnonR and modest antl will WOI\t' ornnmenta.
(a). Butifauoh signs be odd the Wl)rna.n will pm;Re::s a
nusculine shape and will be of ma..'\cnlinu ch'lfa::t.m; nhtl i(
they be eit.het occupied or asp ctetl by mnlelic vlauets sh

will be wicked and possess few vhtues (b )


According to some, viltnes wil,l he l1er ornnmentll.

If either the rising 11ign or t.lto sign conpied hy tl e

llotln be otl!l or even while the othet sign i11 even or nod, the
woman will pRrlake of the ohata.cter nl " mnle ""'1. " ftlrnnle.
A Sirnihtr renmrk Rpplies when o11e uf t.ll.s a.igns itt uconpit-d or
a11pected by li. rnRiefiu or n bt uefiu planet aUt.l thu c,tbet by a
buut6o or a malclio plnuet.

3. When the rising sign or the sign oocnpied by tl1e

l.loon at tho time of bitth oft' wornan i: cithet Aries or
Scorpio. if tho d;:;iug Trimsamsa. or t\:le Trimsa.msu. occa-



[cs. 2-i.

pied by the Moon be that of Mars, she will become nn

chaste before marriage ; if it be that of SlltUl'D 1 siae will
Jt>ad a life of servitude. If it be that of Jupiter, she will be
ohasto; if it b&.bat. of Mert:nay she will be deceitful and
if it be that of Venus, she will be of bad conduct.

'4. When the rising sign or the sign oocupi >d by the
Moon at the time of bhth of a woman is either 'l'aurus or
Libl'8, if the riiing 'l'aimsllmS& or the Ttimsa'lllla uconpied
lly the Moon be that of Mars, she will be of b"d conduct ;
if it be that of Saturn, she will Murry a second ti111e; if it
be that of Jupitet she will possess good qualities; if it be
that of Mercury, she will be skilled iu music and dance
and if it be that ot'Veuus, shu will possess all good quali
ties and will be of wida-spread fame. Again, wben the
risiug sign or the sign occupied by the Moon at tbe tiuie of
bhth of a wotnu is either Gemini or Virgo, if the rising
Trimsam:sa or the 1.'rimsamsa occupied by the Moon be that
of Mars she will be deceitful; if it be that of Saturn she
Will partake of the n tture of & hermaphrodite ; if it be that
of Jupiter she will be chaste; if it be that of Mercury she
will possess many good qu tlities and if it be that of Veuus,
she wilJ, out of lust,.commit adulteJ'Y
5. When the rising sign or the sign occupied by the
:Moon at the time of bilth of a woman is Cancer, if the ri iug
'l'1imaamsa ot the 'l'rimsamsa occupied by the Moou be thnt
of &turn
M trs she
be murder
an independent
be tlmt
her busbaud;
if ififbeit that
Jupiter, she will poS!iess many good qualiue:; if it. be
of Mercul'y she will be killlld in workll of art aud if it bo
thali of Venus abe will be of baJ conduct.


Wheu the rising ign Ol' the sigu occupied by tho Moon
at th& time of birth of a woman iLeo, if the 1ising 'ftims
. amsa or the 'l'rimsamsa occupied by the Moon bo that of
Mars, she' will be of a masculine n11turc. If it be tlu1t of





Saturn she will commit adult.ery ;if it be thllt of

abe will be the wife of a king;. if it be that of Mercury, she
will be of masculine nature aud if it be that of Venus she
will commit adultery wih a. person of low caste.
When the ri11ing sign or the sign occupied by the Moon
at tlae ime of birth of a woman is either Sagitt tri or Pisces
if tl1e risi"g Tl'imsKmso. or the 'l'rimsu.mlia oooupied by the
Moon be that of Mara, she will po11sess rn tny good quulities;
if it be that of Sa urn, she will nut indulge much in sexual
union; if it be that of Jupiter she will possess many good
qualities; if it be that of Meronry she will be a woman of
ki1owledge and if it he that of VeuuJ she will not be cha.!!te.
When the rising sign or the sign occupier!by the Moon
at the time of birth of a woman is ei ber Capricorn ot .Aq'nA
rius, if the rising Trimsnmsa. or the TdmsamA& occupie-d
by the Moon be that of Marti she will lead a. life of servi
tude; if it be that of Sa,tiru she will join a person of low
ca.ste; if it be that of Ja1piter she . will be chaste; if . it be
that of Mercury she will be of bad conduct and ifit be
that of Venus she will be barren.

6, The effects desc1ibed tor the rising Trimsamsa or

those described for the Tl'imsamsa occupied by the Moon
will come to pass according as the one Trimsamsa or the
other is the more powetful.

. Ir, at the time, of bhth of a woman, Sa. tutu and

Venus occupy each othea'd Nav"msa and aspect each other
or, if he rising sign be either 'l1aurus or Libm nnd the rising
Nu.vamsa be tbRt of Aquitl'ius, he woman will quench tho
poisonous tire of her strong lu'itful desires by means of
oLher women assuming a masculine character.
8. If,at the time of birth of a woman, the 7th house
from the rising sign or from the sign occupied by the Moon
be not occupied by planets,. and if such bouse be weu.k and


[cs. 2 .


not RSpected by benefic planetB, the husband of the womnn

will be wick..d; i.f such 7Lh hou)le be occupied by Mercury
the hnshaud will be a hetmu.phrodite j if such 7th boul:l6 be
1\ movable sign, the
husba,nd will bt1 travelling in t'otuigrt
lame Is (a); if such 7th lronse be occupied by the Sun, the
womnn will be rt.>juctetl by her hu!ibaud; if iii be occupied
by u.spectell
mo.lelic ph,nets, she will beuomt1 a
wiclmv while young, aud if it be occupied by Saturn nspec
ted by malefic planets she will retua.iu uumrutied to am old


(ca). If it be a fixed 11ign the hnshRrul will remain in 1tis
pl toe and if it be 11. common llii(D,he will r.a ovvl to foaeign lunda
bu ill
returning to hilt place every uow and then.


9. If the 7th house, from the rising sign or faom the

sign occupied hy tho Uoon at the time ot' bittla of wo:nan,
be Occupied by seveaaJ m11.Jefic planet>4, the WCiman Will be

come a widow; if such 7th house be occupied by several

benefic and malefic pltmet.s she will quit her husband and
marry another person and it' suoh 7th hou e be occupied by
a malefic planet (a), be won.k, nud be a.'lpected by n bonefio
planet (b) t.he woman will be rejected by her hn11bancl.

If Venus ancl Murd occupy each other'd Navumso. the

womaLn will commit adultery ; and if t.he 7th houso froru
the risiug sign be occupied by the Moon, Yenus aml .Maas,
&lie will COUimit auultery with the premissiOil of her hu1
(ca). Either the San or.Mat'll or Snl-ntn.

EidtorMercnty or Jupiter orVoun t.


It' at the time of birth of a woman, the rising sign

be thnt of Saturn (a) or Mars (b) and if it bo occupied by

the Muon ant,l euus and aspccted by malefic
plu.uets, the

. cu. 24-.J



womnn and her mother will Olmtnit adultery; if the setting

NavamRJ& be that of Mnrs and if the setting sign be nspec
ted by Sattll'n, the woman will posses."! a disensaci genital
. organ ; tllld if the setting Nav!'lllSO. be th..t of II. benefic
}Jlanet the WOTOI\Il will possess a tiue genital organ and will
become an ogreenble wifa.


Cnprioorn or .Aqttal'ius.

(b). Aries or Scorpio.

li. If, at the time of bhth of a woman, t.lre setting

11ign or the setting N:,vatlllll\ be that of Saturn, the husband
of the woman will be tut olJ .man and fool ; if such sign or
Navamsa be tht of Mar!i, tho husbaml will be of
iri\Soible temper bnt w'ill be attached to lris' wife. If suoh
sign or Navamsn be that of Vena , the h1,1sband will be
beautiful and fond of his wife; if 11uch sign or N"vamsA be
that of Mel'cary, the husband will be learued uud iutelli

12. If the setting sign or the setting Navamlia at
lhe time of bhth of a womau be that
the Moon, the hus
band will be full of lustful desires and of a quiet n"ture.
lf such sign or Navams&be that of Jupiter, the husband
will possess courage aud other virtues aud will have a con
trol over his passions and desires; if such sigu or Navamsa
be that of the Sun, the haaband will be of very soft nature
and will engage in tnany works (11).


Aooording to some be reading of tltis port.ion ofthe
or JflikarmtJ, 'in which caao the meaning
is tllat the lrnsbaud will inda1ge mach in e:zaal anion. Apiu if
the setting Rigu be tbaL of one planet and the setting Navamea
be UraL of another planet., then, the e8'eote described for such
aigu or Navawa, whichever is powerful, will come to pasa.
(e ).

ted is


BllltAr .JAT.&u:

[ca. 24.

13. Ir, at the time of birth of a woman, the rising

sign be occupied by the lioon and Venu-., the woman
will he envious of the prospetity of other persons and will be
fit'eAtly mindful of her comfort.a; if the rising sign be ooou
pied by the Moon anJ M acuay the woman will be learned
in the fine auta, will be iu tl1e enjoymeM of oomfort and will
possess many Jrood qualities; if the rising sign be occupied
by Venus nnd Mercury the woman will be beautiful, mach
Jiked by her husband and learned in music, vocal and in
atrumeutnl; if the rising sign Le occupied by the Moon,
Mercury and Venus, the woman will be in the enjoyment of
immense wenlth and comfo,t and pnss ssed of uu,ny good
qualities. If the rising sign be occupied by Mercury, Jupi
ter and Venus, the same remarks apply.
14. If, at the time of birth of a woman, the 8th bouse
from the ascendant be occupied by a malefic planet, the wo
man will become a widow and the widowhood will ooour
in the AntardHsa period of the planet whose Navamsa is oc
oupied by the lord of such 8th house. If the 8th house be
occupied by a rnale&o planet and if the 2nd house be oo-'
oupied by a benefic plauor. the woman will die before her
husband and if the Moon oooupy sign Virgo, Scorpio, Tall:.
rna or Leo,she will bave very few sons.
15. If,at the time of birth of a woman Saturn be
neither po,verful nor weak, the Moon, Venus and Mercury
be weak, and the Sun, Mara and Jupiter be powerful and
if the tisiug sign be odd, the woman will be of a masculine
chatuter (a).
If,at the time of birth of a woman,

Jupiter, Mars, Ve
nus and Mercury be powel'ful and if the rising sign be au
oven Sign, the woman will be of wide spread fama, will be
vastly learned and learned also in the Soeince of Divinity.



!0.7 .


. Notes; .

According to some 'the ! woman will'enjoy many Jrlen'

16. lf,nt the time of birth of a woman, the 7th

honse (.rom the rising sign he occupied by a malefto plAnet
l1ile the 9th houRe is occnpied by some planet., thp womnn,
will without doubt bcoome nn nscetio of the class belonging
to the planet oocupylng snch 9th bonae (a).

All that has been said in this chapter apply to the poei
tions of the planets at the time of ptomige or .. gift of girl in
m rl'inge, of such gift a.nd .of mnrdage (b), also at .tho. time
of query.


And the of.ber tflects :already . described will fail

(b). Provided sncli etrects do not clash againd 'the e1Fects

itPanribcd in the chapt.era

103 of Brihat


MalTiage.(vide Chapters 100 and


ON Dti:ATtt .


i '


'I .


. . . '

If, 11t Lbe time of birth of a petson, the 8lh bouso

f.-otn the riKing sign be unoccupied and be aspected 'by a

powerful planet; the person will die of an excess of lhe bo
moor belonging to such powerful planet (a).The part of he
body attacked will be the part which such 8th house repre.
Bents in the body of the Ke.Iapurusha - (b). If several pia..
nets aspect. the 8th house the ptll'L of tho body will ba
suhjPct to several attacks resulting from au ' 'e:xoess of the
various humors belonging tosucb po erful planets" and.dealh
will ensue. But.if the 8th house be occupied by the Sun,
the . death of the petsou will . be caused by fire ; if. it be
c:ccupied by the Moon the death will be caU&ed by . water';
if by Mars deat.b will be caa!Jed by, weapons ;jf by; Mercury
it will bi caused by .fever; . if by. J11piter it will be ca seci


-.. .......


JUJD.AT J.iT.ll[A.

lly some unknown diseas&; if Venus, it

\VHI be caused by
thiaat.; and ifjt bo occupied by Saturn dep.Ui will be caused
by sttArvation (c). .Again, if the .Sth house be a movable 11ign
the person will die in foroigu lands; if it be l\ fixed sign .
die in bis own country;and if it be a common
will die on hi& wa) .


will Plnn ls.........

(1.1). Pla11eis... Hamor
'l'he' Sun ..........:Bile- .
The Jlooa........ Wind &

: IJd,.a, . }

liars............ M411\u

:Meacury ...... .Ale

three humors.





S1\turo.....' .... Wiud

(b) Vi eetan" 4 mnpto_r:1.

(c). . If the plRnet he powerful there will bo death wlaile
tae p81'1lon' ia'ongaged in a good woak ; if ifbe pl!lnd be. weak
tleaLb will ensue while the perr.on is e;gnged in a bad_ work and
if the planet he neither poweafal nor weak the penou will die
while engnged in a work flf indift'eren character.

2. If nt the time of birth. of a person the Sun and

Mars occupy the 4th or the lOth laouse from the ..ising sign
the 'peson ' wiH dio boing &ll'nck. with st mos. If
ihe 4th, 7th and lUh hou es be resp,\ctivoly oopupierl hy Sa
tut'nr tho Moon and Mat s, tl1e petson will die hy f1LJling in to
a well. If the Snn and Moon occupy Higo Virgo nnd i
they be aspect4d by a m'I.Iefio planet there will be dentb
!CaUsed by the person'd kinsmen. If the rising sign be r.
eoml!lon sign and if it . be occupied by . the Sun and the
:Moop there will. be death by drowning.. . : . .

. : : 8. If, nt the timef.tth ofa _ person;Satnrn ccoupy sign

Cancer nnd the Moon sign cnpricOJn the petson will
die from an attack of dropsy. If the Moon occupy sign
.Aries or Scorpio aud bo between malefic plnnets, d ath will
be cansed by weaponsor by fite. If tl1e Moon oco.upy sign
:Jirgo r.nd be bet\Yeen malefic planets death will be caused



. ..

2 0 9

by a corruption of the blooil or, ,by \YR,nt of blood. U . the

Moon occupy sign Capricorn or ,Aquariu.a and be betweetl
by: f tll. plaMts, tbet"e wiil be.deatii by hangirl,: by nf'o' dl'
4. It at .the time of. birth of . a per3on, th5th or . the
9th house be copied by twct male&c plaiJet.s . and it soclt
planets be not' BBpeoted lJy benefic t)lanets' the ' pet'IJOn . will
meet his deatJ;'by beio'f abtit up 'Hia prison ot; by other
restraint. If the 8th bon!le from the riliittg afgn ; ooutain
" Sarpa ot Nig la. :Otekkana (a)deatb will also esult
from imprisonment or ,ther restraint. If Vjro be.tlle 'Hll
bonae from the ascen.dant and if it be cocupied .by . the
Moon accompanied by a bonefio planet, if Venue occupy sign
.Arie11. and the Stin the ri ing sign, Lho person will die iu bis
owD bonae and suoh death will be caused by a womna.

: '


. Note..

: (a.) . :Vide notes io.atanza 16 or Chapter XXlli..

6. If, .

at the tie r


bf ,

a person,

cl) the


ho.use (tom the f1Qe dant be occupied by Mars or the Sun

and ir. the 10th be occupied by Satnn:i or, {1) if
Sun, l 1lt, S ttirn' nn<l the Wflning Moon occupy tho aeoend
ant,'th 5th bouse and the !lth houao
(8) if the San
oe npy the 4th'
and i Marlwhih rc ,tipies the lOth
house he aflpeeted by the waning Moon, the person will die
in each cnso boing st.abbed with a spenr. Agnin, if the Snu
OCC.U)Y .th'e 4th house anrl if Mu.rll, which C'O:lUpis the lOth,
hottse;: be'aspooted :by ' Snturh; the . person ' will die being
struck with a piece of wood.

hon e


. G. . If, at the tief bil'th of'a -per.3on, the 8th, 10th,

1st, .and 4Lh hottses bo occupied rospoclively by the waning
.Mooti, Mar!i, Snturn and tho Snn, the person will dio being
itnick with 'n club' tick. If the lOth,' i'tb, :lst nnd StlL
' houses bo occupied respectivelyby the wanin:f Moon M11n,

Digitized by




[cu. 25,

Saturn and the Sun, the. death of the peraon will be callSed
by smoke, l>y fire, by imprisonmenor by blowa.
7. If,at the time of bir b or a person, tllfl 4th, nh and
l th houses .be respectively occupied by Mars, the Sun and
Saturn, the person will die by weapon11, by fire or by . the
. kiog. If the 2nd, 4.t4 and lOb houses be respectively
occupied by Saturn, the .Moon and Marrt, the person will
. die .of sores aud worms.

: 8. If, at the time of birth of a person, the Sun occupy

tlte lOth house and Mara occupr the 4th house. the peraon
wiJI die in couseqnence of a fall from a vebiole or convey. ance. Jf Mnrs occnpy the 7th bouse and the Sun, Moo!l
and Saturn occupy the rising sign, the perao will die beiag
caught in a machine. If (1) sign Libra be occupied by
Maril, sign Aries by Sntutn and sign Capricorn or Aquarius
by the Moon Qr (2) if the lOth, 7th and 4th houses be
J'espective(y occupied by the \Vaning Moon, by the Sun and
by llats the person will die in the middle of excrement.

o. . lf Lho WilDing Moon be aapected by powerful Mars

and if Saturn occupy tLe flth bollSe, penon will die of
clisoi&Sos affecting the privities {a)-the pa1t aff ct.ed will Le
either cnteu tbtough by worms or cut wib t.he lauc :t or
burnt or bli&ttJed.
. Notes.

Suoh aa tlileR and fiatula iu the Pudendum :Mutiebre.

10. If, at lbo time of bilth of a pet'Bon, the Suo and

:Mtrs occupy the 7th house, Snturn occupy the 8th houso and
the waning Muon ocoupy tho 4t.h house, tho death of
person will be caused by Litds. If the 1st, 5t.b, St.h and 9th
housos be occ;upied l't! >peotively by the Sun, lUra, SatlJrn
nud Moon, the pel'son ':t death will be caused by a f!Ul
J:-,:.m mouhl<liu lop, by an a.ttnok of lightning or by tho full

v.f a wall.



cH. 26.]


11. The cauao or death or a person wl,ose horoscop_e

does not con tnin any of theYogu ennmerated above aball be
determined fiom the 2tnd Drekkana counted f1om the rising
Dtekkana at the time of bhth of person ; and death. ill
be enuRed by the lotd of auoh (22nd) I>rekkana Ol' by the lord
of the sign of whioh lhe Dl'ekkana is a division, whichever
itpowerful, by ..;.,tor. fire or other means belonging to such
lord (a).


(a.). Vide elaor.a 1 of this cb tp&er.

12. of death of a person will be tbnt of t e

sign occupied by the Lord of the risi ng Navamsa (4) or t;
will be Lho plnca of the sign of tho plnnet which occ,upiea
the same sigu as. that ocoupiod br tho lord of tho ising
NavJLmfla or it will tie the place of the sign of the, planet
aspecting the lord of the rising Nnvamsa or it will be th.o
place of the sign of the lotd of the Navamsa occupied by
the lord of the rising Navamsa (b). Tho actual pl11ce of
death ahall be determined br a carot'ul examination of tho
several point . Tho period for which a person \Vill r maiu
,insensible befoao denth will be the time of oblique afoension
of the porliou of the ri11ing sigu below the boai on. If the
rising sign be aspeoted b1 his lord, suoh peaiocl will be
twice, aud if it be ao peotcd by benefic planets, it will be
throe Limes, the tillle of such obliqut ascension (c).
(a} Ariea-plaoe faequeoted b1
p},eep; Taurus-place
freqnented by oxen ; Gornini-a bonae; Cancer-a well; Leo a
Virgo-water-bank; Libra-bazur or store-houeo;
Soorpio-a ltoJe; aagiUarl-plaoo frequented by hor8fs; CApri
corn-watery tracts; Aqnarius-a bouso; PJatoee-wnt.ery plaoea.
'l'ho above is general. . lC n dialino place of denth be
D!cntioned in connection with a Yoga rola iog to deatb, 'he d tb
will ooout only in such a place.

[ou. 25.

(b.) If ift' ref!t plaor death are pointed oat by dift'ereut

t 0 'the aign . the movt


0 pl ; et, the pla o''b l tighig

pla et will be the pl ce' d61lth. Again, oC the two signa of a
phinet,t be pla e:o'r 'tiie Moolatrikooa sign will be the place ot
.de th, Aoc, rdiug 1to ilomt': tbe plaoo of 'death ia the particular
pOrtio n( 'the lidnse belonging to the moat : powerful planet
anoh 1\8 the plaoof. worship, the bath-room, the .kitchen &o
(vido atauz,,,12 or Chapter II.) .
! .


(o.) If the tiaiag sign be aspeoted by ita lord and by a

benefto planet tho J>OrioJ of insensibility will bQ 6 times aa long.


Ir, ,at the time: of bit-th

of a

person, the


Drekkan ftdm\Jie; Hsirig Drekkana. be a fiery Drt kkana (a)

the body df tho p r: oti after death will be buint and redu
ced: to aslies.' :It' the 2 nd Dt'ekkaua. be a. wo.oory Daekktlna
(b) 'tho body' ' Ill;

be ihrU n into Wtlter; if suoh Dtekkanu.

beMist& Dt;ekkan" (c) the body wili be neither burnt nor

.thrown into water but allowed to dry up. If the 8th house
contain a Sa.rpa Dtekkana. (d) the body will be devoured by
. Clogt,}1.ckals; crows &nd the like; Thus has been described
ti1o ohunge of Lhe body after dt-at.h. For a knowledge of
the past and life of a\ person and of the nature of
such lifu tho roadua is aeftlned to higbet worb ou horoscopy.

' (a.) .A. Fiery. is the Drekkana of a maleflo planet.

A WAtery Drekkana is tho Drekkana ora benefic plnnet,

(o.) A . Mill&'& Dtekk on'a is the DrekkRoa of a benefie plane'

occupied by a J'efi'o plRnca" 'well
the of a malefic
planet ocoupiod by a beuefic pla.nct.


(cl) Sarpa Daekkanas -'l'hese are the lat and nd Drek.

kn.11M of Cmcer, 1st ud 2ud Drekkanaa of Scorpio and
3ad Drekkaul\of Pisces. According to Subhodhiui, the terms
".Vyala vnrg o" is interpreted intJ the Drekknnas of Vyala
. 'sarpa); Grndlua (vulture), Kol& (hog) a.ud the like,

011. 23.]

14. If the lord of the Drekkatia .occupied by. the Su11

or the Moon, whicheve is powerful, be JoJ>iter, the person
has come from Devaloka ; if aueh lord be either tho
Moon or Venus, the person has ooine from Pitriloka. ;if socii
lord be the Sun ot I
ar11, the per on l1ns coma fromtt,
world of lower animals ;and if such lord be eithet Saturn '
or Metcury, the person
bas coine froiu. the region or heU.
lC the lord of the Drekki,na ooeupied by t.he Sun or the
Moon, whichever is powet'ful, bo in his exaltation sign snch
last life of the . petaon will be of an ex!'lted ob'lrtcter ; if
SUCh lord OOOnpy A pJaoe between. tho exaltation nnd de
pression signa the IIUSt lifo will be onof middlimpottanco J
and if such lord occupy l1ia depaossiou . iga\ th'. Just Jifo yf
the parson will be one of a low oba.raote . . . .

15.If the 6b andthe 8tti houses be niloecupied; tl1e

person will, after death, go t<the world 'of 'th" pl net most
powerful of the loads of the Dtekkan"s of such lith and 8th
bOoReS (a) j or the p1U'SOD will gb to ihe \Vot}d of the' planet
occupying the 6th, 7Lh or the ': Stli liouf (b), .Again, i
Jupiter oooapy the 6th bonae or one of the KenliJ"booses
or the 8th hoaRe and be n the aaine t.irne in his exnltn.tion
sign or if the rising sign be Pisceand Jupiter occupy it
and be in tbe Navamsa of a be;oe6c p1:uiewbile the other
planets are weak, the person \Vill obt.nin Sulvatiou after
death. (c)
' ' , : :,:


(a). For the worlds .or the ev;el pl1'n l11 1 i e l1111etan&ll
(b.) If two ' r more plan ts . oapy . the '6tb, 7da aaut Slh .

lt01:aaee, the poraoo will go to ,w rld. of;t,

of them.


t po,werf l

: (c): The ned world may nlso be defermiucd from

t.he poattiou or the plaoot at the' time bcle&t.h as.,,,' thu
time of birth or a perioD, ;





ON LosT HoRoscopKS.
When a peson isigoo..antof tho tiUJe of his concep
tion or birth, tho time of birth .shall, when daly qaestjou
cd about, he determined fomJ.he Prasua L!lgoa (a). If
the }at half of tlle rising sign be oat by the. hol'izon, the
month of bitth will be in the Uttarn.yl'n& (b) aud if-the 2ud
half be cut by the hul'izon the ll}Qntlt will be in the Deksbi
llaynna {c).
(t ). PI'&Sna Lagna:the ril'ing sign ot the timo or qnery.
(b). flttarayana :the 6 months f1'0m Oa.prioorn to: Gemini.
(c.), Deksbinayaua: th1:1 6 months from Cancer to Sagittari. 2. If Rt the time oq! aery the flt-st of a sign
bE-gin to rise, the sign occupied by Jupi er at te time Lhth
will be the Prasna Lagna itself.. If tlu2od Dtekk!'nof a
sign begin to rise at the time of query, the sign occ;iupi d
by Jupiter at the time birth will be the _ J)h sign ftom tbe
Prasna Lt.gnH;if tbe Srd Prekkaua ofa sigu b gin to tise at
the time of quey, the. sign occupied by Jupiter at the time
of bitth will be the th sign from thePrii&\D& Lt gna (a.1'he
yoar of birth shall then be determined from _the appearance
of the person (b). If the Sun occupy the. P1asana. Lragna or
if the Dl'ekkana of the Sun rise at tbe time .9r query, the
Ritu(a pel'iod of 2 months) of birth will beGreeshma(whe11 tbo
San pa:ises thtougb Gemini and Canoe); aud in the oru;e of
other planet.their Ritus h,ve beon mentioned el ewhere
(c). :If the Ria thus determined do' not happon to be tho
lma of 1he .Ayan" already determined, tho coreoUitu
shall be determined as explaiued in the next st-anza (d)
:.1 a.
Io other wotdP, if the rioiog Dwadaaamaa "t U1e time
or query be the first, the aign occupied by Joptier at the time
er birth will be tLe P1aaaua Tgua itself i iiiho riaiog Dwada..

cu. G.]


bo tho 2nd, Lite sign occupied by Jupiter


lhe timo of

birth will be the 2nd aign from the Prasoa. La.gna. and so on.

t,, As Japiter takes 12 years to go round the heavenl!l, if

t.he nnmbor of circnits passed through by Jopiter from the time of
birth be known the age ofthe person oan be at once determined.
J!or instance suppose J npiter t.o occupy sign Soorpio at the Lime
of qnery and sign Taurus at the time of birth, and suppose him
to be in his 4th ctrcnit. The age of the person will be 8 X 12
+ G or 42 years. The cycle of Jupiter oau be determined from
the appearance of the person-from a rough estimate of
ltia age. In the instance cited abo"te the age of the person is
either 6, or 12+6=18 or 24. + 6=30 or 36+ 6= 42 and so
If however the cycle of JaJ>iter cannot be euily
ascertained fr.>m the appearance of the pt>reon, tho number
of the cycle
ahnll be determined from the par' of body touched by a person at
tbe time. In stanza 24 oC chpter ?0 of the Drilat Sambita, tho
human body is divided into ten parts, each pad corresponding
to a Daaa period of 12 years,
(l). Feet and ank Its.
(2). Slumks and knees.
(3). The thighs and genital organ.

(4). The lnins and the navel.

(5), The belly.
(6). The brl'&qt and tlte bosllms.
(7). The shoulders.
(S). Tho neck and lips.
(9). Tho eyes and brows.
(10}. Theforehead and LhelteRd. Sothat ifUteboiJeybe
tonohoo, it may be determined tbal al the time of query ;8
io hiR 5th round. So the Age of the person will be 4 x 12
or 48 yeal'8, plus the number of years taken by Jupiter to move
from the 11ign occupied by him ai lhe time of birth to tho sign
occupied by him at the time of qoory.
(c). So that if the San occupy the Prosna Lagna or if the
nrekkana of tha San rise at the time of query, the Ritu is



[cH. 26

If Venus occupy the Pnsna !Jagna or ir Uae Drekkana

of Venus ise at the time of query, the Ritn is Vaaanta (when
the San paues through Aries aud Ta ourus). In the cue or
Mars and his Drekkana the Ritu is Greeahma (Gemiui and
Oanoer). In the oaae or the Moon and Iter Drekkaua, the
Rita is Varaha (Leo and Virgo). lu the caRe or Mercury and his
])tekkana, the Rita is Satrat (LibrB. and Scorpio). l n the cue of
Jupiter and hie Drokkuna, the Ritn is Heruanta (Sagitt.arl and
Capricorn) ln the cue of s turn and his Drt kkan.a the .Ritu ia
Sisira (Aquarius and Pisces). If two or more planets occupy tho
'Pl'asna. L tgua, the Rita of the moat powerful plauet will be the
Ritn of bhtb.
(d), Soppoae the ..iyana determined from stanza 1 to be
tlte Uttarayana so that the month of birth is one between Oapti;
oora ad Gemint Suppose the Praana Lagaa to be ononpied by
the Moon whose Rita is Varsba (Leo and Virgo); in snob a onse,
the Rita of Veuus, the alterndive planet of the !-loon viz the
Vasauta {Aries and Taurus) shall be determined as the Ritu
f>f birth as explained in the Srd stanza.

S. If tl1e Ritu do not tgtee with the Ayana then the

Ritu of the alternative planet sbn.ll be determined as the Ritu

of Lhth of 1\ person (a). The Moon and Von us 1\l'e nlteruutive

pl1mot.a. Su Mvl'CIIl'Y u.uu ::M111'11 (b )1 and ao J upit.or
Srturn. If the fh11t hu.lf of tho l'i11ing sbonlJ
l'ise at the Lime of q11ery, the month of birth will be the
first of t.he two months of the Ritu and if the second laalf
shonlJ rise then the 2nd month of the Ritu will be the
month of birth. 'l'he date of birth shall be detelmined from
the pol'tion of the alf Drekkano. that has risen above the
horizon. (c)
(tJ), This point has been already explained, vide note (d) to
the last stanza.


According t.o the commentator lleroory, Mars and the

Slln are allornatiye planets.




ltlJSlT 1A.TAI:A



(c). As the baU1Drekkana "hiob may be rising d the time

or query represents all the 80
of .a month, if just one half
of it should have risen above the horizon, the birlh must have
occurred jus after 15 days of the mt'oth. lu other word11, the
date of birth may be determined from ihe portion of the bait'
eign that bu risen above the hotizoo by proportion. A Drek
kaua islO drgrees; half a Drekkana is 5 drgrees a11d a thirtieth
path of a is 10 minuteso that verylOmiuutes or the rising half
Drekkana rep1"88eota a. day. H will be convenient if Lagn"
pbula i. e. tba euot longitude in signs, degrees and minutes of
the point of the ecliptic oat by the horison be determined in tae
Jhst instance (vide Appendix).
The Lea,.ned Btahmins in the Science of horoscopy
sn.y that tlte number of degrees pBSsed ovf.'r by tho Sun in
auy particular sign reprosents the lunar day 1\ tho timo or
birth (a). If the Pruna Lagna be a day-1ign tho birth
will have occurJ'8d at night and if it be a n,'ght-1ign, tho bhtll
will have occurred by day; the gbatika of bi!th shall }le
determined from the pottion of the rising sign that has
risen above the horizon (b).

(ll). Beginning f'rom tlto first lnnnr day in tlto Moon's in
oreasP. Suppose the San to occupy the 24th degree of Sngittnri
at the time or birth. The iunar dAy or 'l'itbi At the time of birtlt
js t.he 24th day from the first day in the Moon's iucrease or
24.-15 or 9th d11y io her wane.

(b). The length or the day or nigM of birth \-sing known

U is represented by riaing iign and the Lngna. Spbuta will
give us the exact proportion of the Sign that hilS risen above
the horisoo. Dy the Rule of Three we cau arrive 1\t the exact
time of bfrtb from Snn-rise or Sun set Wlten this is known I ho
horoscope may be oaat with the help or the astronomical tablos
or the .Almanac. 'l'be fitah four sl:ftozu therefore g;ivo us"
ompleto paocoea for the discovery of the time of birth of
C(IOD from lhePre.sva L11gna.



[en 26.

According to some the lunar motlth or birth shall

be determined from the Navamsa occupied by the Moon at
the time of query (a) Again, the ign oocupiby tho
lloou at the time of bittb will bo either the Prusna.. Lngna
or the 5th house or. 9th house faom it whichever is most
powerful. If it be diffioult to determine which of the threo
signa is most powerful, the sign occupied by the Moon will
be the sign represented by tbpart of body of K"lapuauslaa
that may happen to bQ touched by a person at the time of
query or the eign may be determined from the like indio
tions oocurriug at the time of query(b).

(a). The role staled in the Text is very vague. Wbat the
author means is thus e.xplaiued by the commentator.
Suppose eaob Navamia. to be divided into 9 Equal parts:
then,ir at the time of query the plaoe occupied bJ the Moon be

4nd within the

The lunar
month will be

(1). 8th part of the l

7th pad of the N..-. S
Kar. tibm. Navarn&A of Aai01:1.
S' vamta.
of '1'1\arua
(2). 7t.h pArt of the t Oth part of.t to Na,. S Margnaira
Namun&a of '!'aurua ... 5 vamsa of Gewtllt
(S). 6th pArt .othe} 5th pa.rt of the Na- S Pou6 ba.
Navamaa of Gemun 5 vamaa of Oauoer
(4.). 5Lh pRd of the

Navamaa of Cancer 5

.4th part or the Na- S

vamea of.Leo

(5). 4th part of the l. 7th part. of tho Na- 5 Pbalgaoa.

Navamsa. of Leo
... S vamea of V1rgo
... l,
. (G). 7th P"!tof lha l. 6th part ?r the N{ Chaitra.
Navamaa of V1rgo S vamaa of Ltbra
6th f PLfP:rbt of the l. bth P"f ror t.he a.{ VaieakhR.
N. (7).
avamsa. o t ra ... 5 vamsa o ...corpto

(8). 5th part of the l. 4th port or the Na- S J htha

!ianmsa .o Scorpio ...S vawsa. uf Sugituui ... ( yea

cu. 26.]



(9). 4th pllrt of the } Srd part of the Na- f Aal adhs
Navamea,uf Sagittari... vamea_of Capricorn ... l_

(10). Srd. p!ld of the l. 2nd pBtt of te Na- Sravano.

N. of Cnprauurn.
.. 5 v11mea uf Aqnar1os . l.
(11). 2nd partJf t.he t 5th pnrt .or the Na-{ Bhadrapada
Navamsl\ of Aqoarns... 5 varusa of Ptsoetl . ...
( 12). 5thNavaroea
p rt of or
l. 8th ...p 5rtf81UM
f o(tho

(b). For_instance, ir, nt the time, oeaturos representing any
of the aigna of the Zodino ba. seen or their sounds heard, 'h
Moon will occupy snob sign at the time of birth.

The sign occupied by the Moon at the time of birth

of n person will be at many signs removed from the sign
occupiocl by tho Moon at tho time of q'.lery as the Moon i11
removed from the rising t:ign at the time of query (a).
D 1t if the rising sign be Pisces, then Pisces will be the sign
occupied by the Moo!l at the time of bhtb. (In onl!e of
donbt.),_the_fiign eho.H be d.,tel'minet.l by nny_artioles of food
tbat mRy be brought, any figures that mny appear or by any
sounds that may be heard at the time (b).


(.a). For instance, enppose Scorpio itt rising sign ond
Pisces f.he ,l'ign occupied by the Moon at the time of query.
Ftom Soorpio to 'Pisces is 5 sign11 ; the 5th sign frorn Pi ces is
Cancer. Cancer will therefore be tlte sign oocnpled by tho Moou
1\t the time of birth of a person.
(b), From articles having the shape of, or in any way
oonneoted with the creatures representing the signa of tho
Zodiac arid from the sounds of tho Jiko creature,the sign occupied
by the Moon may be determined. In all these oases, it ia assam.
ed, that an all-pervading Intelligent Doing helps au astrologer
by various signs and Rnggestions.

7. The rising sign at tho time of birth will be tho

sign of the lord of tbe rising Navamsa at the time of quety
(a). Or, tlte 1iaing sigu at the timo of birth will be as





(cu 20

many signs removed from Prasna Lngna as the Dtekkana.

occupied by the Sun is removed from the rising J>rekkana.
at the time of query (b).
(a). Snppoaing tbe ri,.iug Navamaa at tho timo of qnery to
be that of Sagittari, thu iaiug 11ign at the tiwo of birth is Sagit

(b). Sappose tho rlsio.r Drekkana at the time of query to

be the 2nd Drekkana of sign Gemini and the Drekkaua occupied
by the Snn at same time to be the 3td Drekkaua of Sagittari.
1.'he numbe1 of Drekkanas from the one to tho othe1 ia 20.
Therefore tho rising sign at the time of birth is the 20th sign
from Gemini; subtracting 12 f1ow 20 h is te 8th aigu from
e., sign

8. Ot, multiply the Sphuta (Longitude) of he plnnet

or of the most powerfnl planet occupying tho tising sign
by the number of inches in the length of the shadow of a
twelve inch Sanku (a straight rod) ph1oed vertically on a.
l10rizontal sul'fnce aud in the sun; divide tho product by
12. 'J'he rems.iude1' will give the rising sign at the time of
bil'th (a). According to others, if the quereut be seated at
tho time ofquety, tho 7th house ftom Lhe l'itsiug.sigunt tho
time will be the Lngna ntho time of birt,h i if the queteuli
be lyi11.g at the time, the 4th house from the rising sign will
be the Lo.gno. at the time of bilth; if the querent be stun
dinat the time, then, the lOth bouse will be the L:1gna.
and if be be rising fl'om his seat, then the rising sign itself
will be the Laguu. at the time of birth (b).
(a.) Snppose tl1e longitude of the planet, or, (whore there
are severa.l plnneta) of the moat powufnl planet oocupyiug tho
ri oi11g 11ign to be 4 signa 10 degreOi aud 20 minutes aud suppose
the lengtb_of the shadow to be 4l iuches, the product. of the two
uuwburs iat 19 sigus lG degrees and 30 wiu11tos, 'l'hi:t divhluJ



cs. 2G.J



by 12 gives as remainder '1 eigne, 16 df'grees and 30 minutes.

The LRgna at the timc of birLh is therefore the 8th sign from
ArieF, which is sign Scorpio.
(b.) According to Subhodhini, the 'lth, 'th, lOth and ht
l1otleea ate liOL with reference f,Q the PrAana !Agna aa explained
by Bhatia Utpala bot with reference to the L : go" obtained from
the prooese given in the fitat hlllf or text, that ie, from sigl
Scorpio in t.he instance quoted io note (a).

9. If the rising sign at tho time of qnery b.e Taurn11

or Leo, multiply the L'gno. Sphuta (the longiturle of the
ascendant) by 10; if it be Gemini or Scorpio, then, multi
ply the sphuta by 8; iC Aries or Libra, then by 7; if Virgo
oT Ct\pticorrr, then, by 5; and i it be any of tlte remaining
sign11, tlaon by tho number of such sign roan Aries (a).
Again, if the plane occnpying the rising sign be Jupiter
multiply the L!\gua spllltta by J 0; iC it ba M:tus, by H ; if
Venus by 7; if any of the remaining planets by 5; if se\ertll
planets occupy the rising sign, then multiply the Lagna
Sphutu. by the factor for each of such plauets. Add up the
several products and fiud the sum (b).
In a.nd in the next stanz1. the 11u hor a process
for diacovetiug the N!lkshatra (a11teri11m occupied by the Moou)
or the qoerent, his wire, brother, sou aud e,.,emy. Tne figures
given in the ted are known aa those of Rllai Gnnllkara aud
Grabo. Guoakara-Zodiaoal and Planetary factors, refe1rcd to iu
the chapter on A.sbtakavarga,
(a.) For in11tance, if Oanoer be the Rign. it being the 4tlt
aign from Aries, the faetcr ror Oaooor i11 4 . 'l'he f11ctor for
agi tari is 9; that for Aquarius is 11 and tba for Pisces is 12.
(b.) Suppose the Lagna ephuta to bo s 10 20' and aop
pose Jupiter 11nd Venus to ocoopy the tiaiug sign. Now, from t.he
Langa Sphuta it ia evident tha the riiiiog aigu is Virgo. The
factor fo1 Virgo is 5, mullipl.ring 5' 1020, by 5, wo get



[ca. 2G

21 40' Dividing this by 12 we geas remainder 2 21 40" (R.)

Again,; the f"ctor for Jupitet i11 10 nnd\t for Venus is'/.
llultiplyiug ti' 100 20' by 10 we got 53' 13" 20' Dividing byll1
we got. as remniucer 5' IS 20'. Agnin, multiplying li' 10 20' lty
7 we get 87 ]2 20'. Divilling hy 1:.! we get 1 12 20'. Addiug
tlia to 6' 13 20' wo get a 2t; 4<Y (G). .Adding together Rand
G \Ve get 9 17 20.

10. Multiply this sum by 7, ndd 0 to tlo product if

the rising sign be & moveable sign; or aubstract 9 ftom the
product if the !'ising sign be a conmon one or leave the
product us it is if the rising sign be a fixed one ('1). n;vide
the sum ot the difference or the product aa the case may be
by 27. The remainder will retll'esent the N kshatro. of
querent n.t the time of birth. By n. bimilllr process applied
to tl1e Sphnto. of the 3td, 5th, 6th and 7th houses (b), wo
shall get thoNaksbatras of the quorent'a broLho..,. son, onomy
and wife.
(a,) .According to Dllatta Utpala, i the rising Dekkan
be tl1e first Drekkana of the Rigo, 9 is to be added; if it be tho
2nd, 9 need neither he ndded to uor subtracted from the produoto
nnd if it bo the 3n1, 9 is to be subtracted f,o!ll the product.
(b. If you add 2 signs Lo the Lagna sphuta, you got lho
sphuta of the Srd house which represents a persou'11 brothtr; if
you ndd 4 signs to the ,.:..agna sphuta, you get tho spbut of tho
r.tb house whiuh represents a porson'11 son; if you odd 5 signs to
the L1gna sphuta you get the ephuta of the 6th house which
represents a person's enemy nnd if you add 6 signs to the Lagoa
Fpluta, you get the sphuta of the 7th bouao which representll 1\
person'11 wife. Multiply the several spl&ntas by the Zodiacal
factors or the several houses and by the factors of the planeb;
occupying such houRes, add tho products, multiply the sum
ly '/,add orsubttact 9 if necessary, divide the sum or remainder
\1y 27, tho remftinder will give you the Nnksba.ha of tho
scvctnl persona.

cri. 26.]



11. Multiply the same sum (a) by 10, 8, 7, 5; add ot

substract 9 if necessary, as stuted above.; divide the result
by their. apptopriat.e nombers. (b) you will obtain the year,
Rita, Month, Lunar day, day or night;Naksh&tra,the ghatika,
the 1ising sign and the riHing Navamsa at the time of bil'tb.
In this and in the following threestanna, the aut.ho.r another prooeaa for disoove1ing he y r, m nlh
o. of
tho birth of a person.
(11') The sum obtained .at the end of stanza 9.
(b.) These and the proceall of division will bu found ex
plained in the next three 11tanF.&a.

12. . From the product of the sum by 10 shall be doter

mined the year (age), Ritu and month of birth (a); nod from
the product of the sum by 8 shall be detetmined the Paksha
(fortnight) nd Tithi (lunar day) ( )


(11.) This prodooti'is the &ret of the four products reforr d

to in the last atanswith 9 ndded to' ' or ilubtraoted from it i
uecesaary. Divide the qnant.Uy byl20, the remainder will give
the age of . th. person. : Divide the same gua.ntity by 0, . t.he
remainder will give the Rit.u of birih Jrom r Sisira. Divide . the
same qnan,tity.by2, the remainder will give ..the first or the
aeoond month of the Ritn. ,
. ,.. .,
(b.) This product is th.e ae nd. of the foor prod nota referred
to in the,nsa with
9 . added or snbtraot.ed if neoesll\rf.

Divide quantity b1t"o, the remi.nder will .gjve.tbe fortnight

or birth. Divide lbe same quanti6y byl5, the remainder will
gi.the ln1;1ari .ay. :.. . , ,


,, . 1

. ; . . ; .,

.. . . . }._ ,Frothe produ.oof the by :7 sbU be

.mined wbe her the birth oecurrec;l , day or. by ,nigh;t,. a d
also the Nakshatra.
., .,.!:: ,,' . i ,., ; ! i..

Digitized by



[ca.. 26,


'l'his product ia the Srd of the fo11r products mentioned in

the lith 11tan11!\ with 9 Added or aubt.raoted if neceaaary. Divide
tlae quantity by 2, the birth will have ooourrod by d oy or night
aoooadiog aa the rttmainder ia .one or more .tbau one. Divide the
aome quantity by 27, the remainder wiU give the Nakahatra faom

14. From the product of the Snm by 5 shall be dekr

mined the Ohatika, the rising sign, the HonL aud the rising
Navo.w&\ a.t the time of birth.


This produc' is tlae laat of the four produot11 mentioned in

starazl\ 11 with 9 added or substrnoted if necessary. Divide tho
quantity by tho Dow bur pf (lhatikaa iu the day or ;Bight of birth
ns thtcase may be, f.he remnindea will. give
the Ghatiko. from
Suo-tiae or Son-set at the time of birth. Divide the snme
quantity by 12, the aemainder wiJJ give the ri11iog ;ign from
Aries. Divide the quantity by two, the bora of birth will be tlae
lst or 2nd acoordiug as the remainder is 1 o&mo1e thau 1. Divide
tlae qoa.utity by 9, the . r maiu er will give the. uumbe:r of
the riaing Navawsa faom tho 6ral Navam1111o of the ai11iug 11igu, .
Similuly divide the qoa.ntit.y by 12, tho. remainder will give
the numb8r of the rising Dwadasamsa ; divide the quantity by
31the remainder will give the rising Drekkana.

. N. B.-In all the above cases, it is evident that the remain

der will be in the shape of signs, degrees and minutes. 'rhe
nnnaber representing the sign, is the number repteaeuting the
part.icular Nok11hatra, year, month, Pakaiha, Tithi, Ghatika &o
at tho time of bir h-thdegrees and minutea only go to iuoreaae
the number by unity.

15. Multiply by two the number of Matras in a

person's name;add the length of shadow to it; divide the .
aum by 27; the remainder will give the Naksbatra, at the
time of birth, from Dhanishta.



eu. 27.]



Thnllme ia the name given to a person at the Namakarana
ceremony. A short vowel sound is oonnted as one Matra and:a
long vowel aouud is counted aa two, and a oooaooent is oounted
as hair a Matra. The length or the shadow of a twelve inch
Sa ktt shall be added in iuuhea.
1R. The Dik numbers are :
8. East
8. West




N. West
N. East


Mul iply by 15 the number for the Dik or direction which

the querent faces ; add to the product tho number of persons
facing the same dik, divide the snin by 27 The remainder
will give the Nakshatra of the person from Dbanishta..
This stanza contains another process again to disoover the

17. Thus h:us been stated by me various processes for

the construction of a lost horoscope. Intelligent pupils shall
study them carefnJly and use them.
ON 'l'HJ: DauiUNAS
1. The let Drekkana of sign Aries is a man with a.
white cloth tied round his loins, black, facing a person as if
ablo to protect him, of fearfnl appearancand of red eyes
and holding an axe in his hand.
This i11 of the
Jd ars is if.a lord.

hape of a m on and is armed,





[cu. 27.

2. .According to Yavanachnrial' the 2nd Drekkana. of

sign Aries is a woman fond of oaau\mcuts nd sweetmeats;
with a pot-like belly, of tho face of n. horse, thirsty, and
This Dtekkana is of the shape of a woman and of a quadru
ped ; the face resembles that of a bird also. The Sun is its lord.

3. The 3rd Drekkann. of Aries is a mn.n of a wicked

natuae, le.arned in the arts, of a btown coloa, fond of woak,
failing in his attempts to carry out a woak, holding up a
stick in his hand, dressed in a red garment aud angry.
This Drekkftna is of the shRpe of a man and is armed
Jupiter is ita lord.

4.. The let of Sign Taurus is a woman

with hairs out and growing in omJs, with a pot-like belly
ressed in a burnt garment, thirsty, and fond of food and
TJ!is Drelckal\a is of the , shape of a woman and carties
61e, Venus is its lord.
5. Tbe 2nd D1ekkana of sign Ttt.uros is a man skilled
in works conneoted with agriculture, grain, house, cows,
music, dance, painting, writing and the like, skilled nt the
plough and in works connected with a conveyance, with a
neck bent like that of the bullock, thirsty, with a face like
that of the rum and dressed in dhty gartnents.
This Drekkana is of the shape of both a man and a quadru.
ped. Meroury ia its lord.
6. 'fhe 3rd Drekkana of sign Tautus is a man with a
body l'Csembling that of nn elephant, with large teeth, with

cu. 27.]



feet resembling those of the camel, of a brown color, nttacbed

to the ram and to the ouimals of the forest.
This Drekkaaa is boLb of human and quadruped shape. Saturn
is ite Jord.

7. 'fhe 1st D1ekkana of sign Gemini is a woman fond of

needle \vork, beautiful, fond of decoration, witboutcbildren,
with raised bonds, having attained puberty and full of lust
ful thoughts.
This Drekkaoa is of the ahape of a woman. MeroarJ ia ita

lord. ,


. .. .

8. The 2nd Drekkana of sign Gemini' is a man .resid..

ing in a flower garden, wonring a mail coat, holding a bow in
his hand, food of fight, carrying arr ws.his .face like that of
a Garuda (Brahmani kite), his thoughts d rected to. p.ay,
children, ornaments
and wealth.'

This Drekkaoa is or the shape or a man and is armed. It is
aleo of t.he abape of a bird. Veuus is ite lord.
9. The 3rd Drekkaoa of sign Gemini is a mao welririg
ornaments, possesing many gems, wearing a m11il coat and tRr
get, carrying a bolv in his hand, learned in all the arts and
a literaty writer.

This Drekkana ia of tbe shape of a mao aod ia Armed.

Saturn is ite lord.

1O The let Drekkana of Cancer carries leaves, roots

and fruits, has a body resembling that of the elephant ;
lives in a forest near sandal tee, bns feet as large as that of
the camel, bas a face like that of the bog and a neck like
that of a horse.

oigitiz d




[ca. 27.

This Drekkaoa ia of the altape or a quadruped.

The Moon

is ita lord.

11. The 2nd Drekkaoa of sign Oa.noor is a woman

wearing in her head lotus flowers, caraying a snake, hard
hearted, young, cayiug in a forest; and holding a branch of
the Palasa. tree in her hand.
. Notes.
Thia Drekkaoa is of the ahapo of a woman. Mars ia ita lord.
12. The Srd Drekkana of sigq Cancer if; a man sur
rounded by a snake, sailing in a boat in the sea on account
of procuring ornaments for his wife, wearing ornaments
made of gold and with a flat face
' This Drekkaua is one of the shape or a man and a snake.
Jupiter is ita lord.

18. The 1st Drekkana of sign Leo is of the shape of a

vulture and a jackal, seated on the top of Salmali tree, resem
bling a dog in appearance and is also of the shape of a man
dressed in dirty garments and separted from his pru:ents
and oryiog aloud.
This Drekkana ia of the shape of a man, a qoa.droped and a
biad. The Sou ia its lord.

14 The 2nd Drakkano. of sign Leo is a man of the shape

of a horse, wearing a sli htly white garland of flowers
in the head and covered with deel'-skin and fl"on!ll, unapproa
chable like thlion holding a bow in his hand and with a
a bent nose.

. Notes.
This Drekkaua is of the shape of a mao and is armed. Jo piter
is ita lord.



. 22'9

cil. 17.]

15. The 3rd Drekkaua of Leo is a man with the face

of a bear, the pranks of a monkey, 'witha olnb in hie hand
carrying fruita and meats, with a Jong beard and whiskers
and '!th curling hairs.
This Drekkana is of' the shape of a man and a quadruped
and is armed. liars is its lord.

16. The tat Drekkana oh:gn virgo is a virgin girl

cartving a pot filled with flowers,dressed in dirty garments
and fond of clot.hs and wealth and proceeding to the house
of her preceptor.


TMs Drekkana is of the aha, f a woman.. Mercury ia

ita lord,

. 17. The 2nd Drekkanaof sign Virgo is holding

a pen in his hand, black, with a cloth tied round his. head,

examining items of receipt and expenditure, with 'large

bow in his h nci and covered with hi.ii'8' all over:his body.

, .11


This Drekkana is of the shape of a man and is. armed. Sa

turn is ita lord,
. . '
18. Fhe Srd Drekkana of sign Virgo is a woman of
yellow oolor, dressed in white silk carrying a pot and ladle
in her hands, pure and proceeding to a temple.
Notes,'.' :
Thii Drekkaa itf the shape of a' t.rom&n. Venos ia ita lord.
' . .
19. The 1st Drekbna of sign Libra is a man a balance in one hand, akilled in weighing &Dd meaanr
ing, with articles in his band to be weighed or measured and
with his thoughts directed to t.b& determi.Dation of t.he


price of auch articles.

:; :



[9J1, 27.

. ii ;f ::



,, :.: n

Not !J .

! .,


.. :

i.uJ;. 'hii Drekkhna is ofthe shape of aman . VeQus ia ,its lord.

,,., ,;!. o:!

The dDrekk na : sigh' Libra

'm ri with


face of a vultuae, holding a pot in hie hand, wishing to fall
down, suffering from huoger and thirst and with his
thoughts directed to his wife and. children.
'l'bis Prekkaua is or the shape or a man and a bird. Saturn is
ita lord.
, ,

21. The Srd Drekk na of sign Libaa is a Dl&n with the

face of a horse adorned with gems, soaring animals in the
woods carrying a golde quiver and wearing a mail coat,
caraying fruits and meat, monkey-like in appearance and
llolding a bow in his band.
This Drekkana ia ofthe shape off. man and aquadruped,Mer
cury ia Hs lord.

.. 22. . The s.Dre.kan" of sign Scorpio is a beautiful
w man, naked and without ornaments, quitting her place,
lauding after a.loug an with a snal(e coiled
round her legs.


This Drekkana ia of the shape' of. a woman aud a aerpeu .

Mara is ita lo1d . .. . : .,; ; ; .'.

28. The 2ud Drekkana of Scorpio is a woman wiUa a

.bp .l,ile that oa turtlopot, desiring the comfort. of her
plaop and .with a 11erpent coiled round her body on account.
ocher hosbarid...:... "..:. .... ; . ,
. .
:- .. d.


!_,,1,; J'i'/( . .J.


.t:. , '", .....1::.

.J'!t . !,u


.r . ..



.o ...

. .

.:IJ 'J!i t,. :Pre" MJ. of tho . s)lape of" womaaod a

ilerpeut. Jupiter ia ita lord.


Digitized by



ou. 27.]



24. The 3rd Urekkana of sign Scorpio is a. lion with a

broad n.nd a flat face like that of . a turtle, scal'ing dogs,
deer, jackals and hogs in the woods and lol'ding over a couu
try abounding iu Sllndal trees.
'!'his D1ekkaua is of the shape of " quooroped. Tho Moon is
its lord.
25. The 1st. Drekbna of sign Sagittari is a man with
thbody of a horse, wi'h a long bow io his baud, stopping
in his hermitage and watching ovet the several articles re
quired fot Snorificial rites.

This Drekk.auis of tho 11hapu of nntl n qrio.drutctl nnd

is armed. Jupiter is itt lord.
26. The 2nd Drekknna of sign Sagittari is a. beautiful
woman, bright as gold and the Champnka flower, seated on
a thtone of middle size, and picking up the gems of the
'!'his Drekbna is of t.l1e shapo of a womnn. l(ars is ita lord;
27. The 3rd Drakknna of Sagittari is a man with a
long beard n.nd wLieket'S, of the color of gold and the chnm
paka flower, seated on a. throne with a club in his Laud aoc!
dr ssed i'u w bite silk and dear skin
Thill Drekkauoa is of tho sh11pe of a man aud is armed. 'flie
Sou is ita lord.
28. The fi1st Drokkuno. of sign Capricorn is n. mau
coverd with hairs, st1ong as the sea monster, with a body
like that of a bog, wearing a uoso string and fette1s and
with a deformed fnco.
This Dtekknua is of tho shapo of n Dlnu h..adcd with feller..
Saturn is its lurd.




[ca. 27


29. The 2nd Daekkana of sigCapdoorn is a woman

skilled in the arts, with eyes like the petals of the lotus,
black, hankering Rfter various tllinga and wearing eaa
ornaments made of iron
'l'biaDtekkna ill of the shape of a woman.Venus ia it.slord.

30. 'fne Srd n.. ekkl\na of sign C11pl'ioorn is of the shapu

of a Kinuara (aoeleatial being) covered with flannel, with a
a quiver, a bow and a mail coat and carrying on his should
ers a pot set with precious stones.
This is armed. Mercury is ita lord.

The lstDaekkana of sign Aquaaiaa is a man with

tho face of a vultute, with hill thoughts directed towards the
guin of oil, liquor, water, and meals and drtl6Sed in flanue-1,
silk and deer skin

This Drekkaua is of the shape of a man.

Saturn is ita lord.

32. The 2nd Drekkana of sign Aquarius is a woman in

can burnt with tho woo4 of Sal mali in it and collecting
iron, lhing iu a forest and daessed in dirty garments.


'l'his Drekkana. is of the shape of a woman who oatries fire.
Meroary is its lord.

53. The 3rd Drekkana of sign Aquarius is a black man.

with hairs in his ear. wearing a crown and caraying baak,
leaves, the oil of bdellium, hon and pots from one place to
'fhia Drekkana iaof the shape of a man, Venus is ita lord

34o, The 1st Drekkana of Sigu Pisces is " mun with

tho vessels of l!acl'ificiul rites, pot.a, pearls, go1!1S and conch.





shells in his bands, carrying ornamen.tea and sailing in o. boat

iu tho lea for the purpose of decorating his wife.
Jupiter is the lord of this Drekkaoa..
tl5. The 2nd Drekkana of sign Pisces is a womaa with
a long flag-staff and banner, sailing in a boat to the'other
shore of the sea accompanied by her r..iends and with a face
bright as the Champaka flower
This Drekkana is of the shape of a woman. The Moon is ita

36. 'Xhe Srd Drekkana of" aigu Pisces is a man with

a snake coiled round him,standing naked on the brink of
a pit in a forest, anfl'eriog from thieves, from fire a:1d from
hunger and weeping.
This ia of the shape of a snake. Mara is its lordNotea.-Tbe author baa stated the use of these descriptions
of the Drekkanaa iu his Yatra. IC the Drekkana be of agreeable
appearance, CAtTJing fruits, flowers, gems and pots and aapected
by benefic planettt, there will be aucoea, IC they be of hideoui
appearance, armed and aspected by malefic. planets, there will be
disgrace and failure ; if they carry aerpenta or fetters there will be
delirium and imprisonment.. The Drekkana deaoription is also ot
nae in tracing out theives aooording to Pri hayaaafl, son of
Varaha Mibira, in hie Sbadpanchasika, a work on Hcral'y As


1, 2 & 8. In my work on Jataka I hAve treated of the



(ou, 27.



1. Definitions and 'Elementary principles:(Zodiacal)


On Animal aud Vegetable Horol!oopy.
4. On Nislloka kala o1 tbn time or conception .
5. Ou Malter& connected with biath time.
6, Ou Bo. .larishta. or Early dellLb.
'l. On Ayordayn. 01' the dctelmioation or length or JirG.
8. On .Planetaay divisions and sub-divisions of lifo knowu


ns Daaaa aud Aulardasas.


On Ashtaka.vargaa.
On Avocation ..
1J. On Raj" yoga or tho birh or kings.
}2. Ou Nabhasa;yogns ..
IS. On Chandra Ol' lunar Yogas..
14. On Double plauetary Ynga11.
15 On Asoetio Yogas.
16. On the Nakabutraa or. the Moon in the aaterisms.
17. On the Moon in the several signs or the Zodiac.



On the Sun, Mars and other planets in he


signs of te Zodiac.

19. Ou planetary aapeota20. On the planets in the Dhavns.

21. On the t>lauota iu tlu:h sevel'l\1 Vargas.

24. On
25, On
26. On
27. On

Miscellaneous Yoga&
Ma.l fio Yogas.
the Horsoopy of women.
the Discovery of a lost Horoscopothe Drekkanaa.

I shall now give a summary of the subjects treated of

in my work on Yo.tra.
4, 5 & 6.
Ch 1. Prusna Prubhclla..
a. Nakdbatrabhidhana


Digitized by







5. Mohorta Nirdesa.
G. Chandra B11la.
i LaguaNiscbaya,

8. Lagna Bheda.

9. Grabnsodhi.
10. Apavada.
11. Misraka.
12. Tanovepana..
JS. Gobyakapoja.
14. SwapnadhynyR. (DreRmR)
15. Snaoavidbi. (hath)
16. Grabayojna.
li. Prayana. ('l'ravcls)
18. Sakunnrnta.
19. Vivabakala.
20. Grabakarana. (on the planets)
The last of the above subjects has been separately
treated of by me io my Astronomical work known as Pancha
aindbanta. Thus the three branches of the Jyotisba. Sastra
viz As ronomy, Hotoscopy and Samhita have been treated
of by me for the bonefit of intelligent students.
7. These brief works have beon written by me on a.
full study and examination of the elaborate works of the an
cient writers. I any important points tie found omitted
I crave the forbearance of the learned critics.
8. If any portion of the text be found omitted by the
writer who copied or the teacher who taught, the learned
will kindly supply the omission, setting aside all feelings of
jea.lousy- Again, if there be found in the te:xt errors, im
perfections or omissions, the learned will kindly make the
nece sary corrections and supply what is wanted.
9. Varaha Mihira, the son:or tho Brahmin Aditya
dasa from whom he received his education, obtained the
boon of kn wledge from the Sun in the village of Kapi&ha,





[ca. 28.

spent his days in the court of Ujj"yaoi in the province of

Ava.nti and baa wriUen this neat work on horoscopy after
a cal'eful examination of the wol'ks of the ancient sages on
the subject.
10. I have been enabled to write thepresent work by
the the grace of the Sun, of Vasishtba, and of ..A.dityadaaa,
worshipped by me. Salutation to thtt ancient writers of



Beqnired the Lagna Sphutam, that is, the Longitude

of the Ascendant a.t 89 gh. from Sunrise on l.l'ridfty
lhe 28th May 1886, for a place whose.Lntitude is 11.
From the Almanac we find that ihe Sun entered '!'au
rna' nt 56 gh. 40v. gh. on the 12th May, and quits the sign
at 12. gh 27v. gh. on the 13th Juno. Therefore time taken
by the Sun to tnove through sign Taurus
= 8gb. 20v. gh.+;;1 days+12 gh.27v. gh.
_31 days 15gb. 47v. gh.
1,12,500v. ghs.
Time from Sun-rise on the 28th M11y to the end of the
Sun'd course through '!'a.urus
16ds 12gb. 27v. gh.
= 58,827v. ghs.

Time of obliqne AScension of!= 5 gh. 6v. gh.

Taurus for Latitude 11
J = 806v. gh.
Therefore tirne of oblique ascension of the portion d
Taurus to be passed over by the Sun on the morning of the
806 X 58,827 .
- 2gb.
Subtracting this from 39gb. 80v. ,h we get time of
oblique ascension of signs from Gemio1 = 89gh. 80v. gh
-2gb. 39v. gh 8t; gh. olv. gh.
From Table B we find that time of oblique ascension
or signs for Gemini to Scorpio 81 gh. fl6v. gh.
'l'berefore time of oblique ascension of portion Sagit
tari that has risen above the horison.
= 36 36v. gb.
= 5 gh. 15v. gh. =:nov. gh
Time of oplique asoen:sion of the 80 degrees of sagit
ta.rl for Latttude 11, 1s 6 gh. 21'1. gh. {Vide Table A)
32lv. gh.
Therefore portion of Sagitt.ari that lbas risen above the

horizon =
- = 29 261 Sagittari being the 9th sign
from Aries,

Lagna. Sphuta.m required is 8' 29 26 1

'l'he Bhavasphutam process is too complioate<J to be given
here. The Reader is referred to Baskuaobatya's work en

TABLE A: Shewing the time of oblique ascension of each sign of Zodiac for Places situated
in Latitudes from 0 to 52 degrees, in Ghatikas and Vighatikas:
N. B. Aghatika = 24 minutes and a Vighatika =24 seconds.

Taurus. Gemini,

Cancer. Leo.



Libra. l5corpio.

I I ... I





0 4
1 4



61 6






22 5
20 4o
18 I 4o

v. a.

v. a.

17 5
16 5

25 5
25 6








v. a.



5 4 49 4
'1 4 45 4
15 4
17 4 59
18 5
1! 4
8 : 4.
20 5



18 ,
16 I
18 ;







22 !





87 4 58 5
89 4 55 5
41 4 67
43 4o
45 5
47 5







17 5
18 5










v. a.



5 4






88 4

v. a.





41 4


























28 8
S9 8















4.6 '

















8'1 6























as IS 68 6
aq 6 0 6






2 6
6 6






" "'


















56 6


















. 8

8 6
11 6
14 6






























10 4 0
9 8 58
9 8 56








81 8



33 3


49 8
<67 3

41 2

69 8



14 8
11 3
8 2






























47 8 0


< iS










28 IS






n 1240


2 86- 8
62 2


0 6

52 6
53 6
64 7

6 61
66 6
411 6
1 6
62 7
6 7
67 '1
2 '1 11 7


48 6
6 61
68 '1

8 7




6 6
11 6

26 4
81 4



88 4t

67 8
66 8

18 2
8 2




20 2
liS 2










TABLE B: Shewing the time of oblique ascension from any one sign to any other sigff
of Zodiac for places whose latitude is 71 _
Similar Tables can be prepared for other latitudes





Libra. ...



Taurus., ni., Cancer. , Leo.

V. G.

...... 60.. 83


V. G.


9 39 IIi 8 j 20
0 5 6 10 85 15
64 60 0 6 29 10
25: 64 31 60 0 5
4 I 49 10 54 89 60
69 : 4-4. 5 49 3

28 59
46 I33
Sagittari.... 23 JS 28 24o
Capricorn.... 17 57 23
Aquarius.... 13 8 18 14
8 47 18 68


V. G.

29 26
56 21
50 16
.21 10
0 5
55 60


v. ;

Libra. IScorpio. ,Sagittani Capri-A9ua-l







V, G.


V. G.

V. G.

34,80 84.
1 126
20 65
26 15 26
B 10 &
O! 5 0

39 21 44 42 49 47

33 53 39
82 83
23 43 29
19 !2,24








15 46 36
42 42 8
3(1 36 Iii
7 31 28
46 26 7
41 21 2

51 25
41 46
lf6 17
80 56
25 51

55 46


51 13 55 27

7 60 21
40 88 4-4. 62

35 17 89 31
so 12 84 26

84 60 0 6 28
55 10 0 I15
60 0 19559
32 60 0 6 21
10 114 31


14 4-4. 19
53 38 58' 48 58 49 11 54 891 60 0
4 34 9 39 9 44. 2:& 49 oo I 55 11
43 29 48, 84 48 40 1 45 291 50 50



18 46

4 49 9 10 18 24o
60 0 4 21 8 85
55 39160 0 4 14

Table 0 8hewing .the Antardasa periods of the Various Nakshatra Dasas.

Yrs. bls. Ds.
1Yrs.1 De.
Yrs Ms. Ds.
0 10 0
... ... o I Me.
...... ... 0 i 3 J8
... ... 0 7 0
... ... 1 0"' lS
... 0










... o




... 0







I 4'
; 1o

I 9









... 1









...1 0


1 0

































... 2





... 1


:::, g

(l ;


Saturn 2



.. ... 0
... ... 1
..... ... 0












... 0
...' 0


..., 3

... 2



... 2


... ...

.. ..

... . ... 2



a l


C >








... ... 3













... 0


... .... 0




.... Venue

.. ..



0 11













... ... 0









... ...

11 1 27






... ...








.. 1




..... ... 21


V enos
; Sun



















0 0



6 '





... s





0 10




o l










... .

..., 0













... 2



... 2 8




g ,








10 0

82 10

2 0












Dra\V a prett.y-lage semi.cirole on ei\Oh side of a well
planed and smooth oblongular plank. Plac :its edge along
a straight line drawn ea.<Jt to west on a smooth l : vel gtonnd,
the plank being inclined nt an angle with tl1e plnue of tile
h(ltizon, equal to th :complement of the latitude of the
place, so that a st1a:ght needle fixed llt the centre ol' the
semi-ohcla 1\nd llt right angles to the plane of the plank
will point to the Pole and the plu.ue of the plank will be
parallel to the plane of the equ1\tor. 'l'he edge of nn ob
longnlar piece of wood placed at the centr1:1 will sel'Vtt as
well as a needle. Now divile tho semi-chcle into 1t-qual
pl\rts, ml\rkiug the points ()f division with tho 6gus fo1u
6 down ttl 12 1md fom 12 np to li, 'l'ho clivii.ionli epro
sont the hous. It' the dillmeter be about a cubit in leugt h
each division may furthe1 be divided into 0 o 60 equal
parts, so that the position (Jf the shadow or the needltl will
give the time within a minute. Now apply the equation
of time and the result will be the local clock time Ol' the
melln solat time req11ired. This can be c mvet.ed into
Gh t.tikii,.'J and Vigh,,tika!'l from sun rise frow the taule
shewing the time of sun rise for e1ch .du.y.
Notes:-(1). The latitude of the place may be found
fl'om n pNtty good Atlas 01it may be ascortain :d by
the altitude of Lhe pole-sta1 both at l be time vf its culmi
nltion and the time of its depression and taking the mean
(:t), The oomplt!(neot of the angle of latitude may be
marked on a piece of solid wood and the potiou may be
out out in the shape of a fine wedg" and made to support
the plank of the inclined dial.
(S) 'l'he e1\St and west line may bo marked pretty
oel'!'ectly with the help of a mariuet's compass or it may be
foumd by matlcing tho two points of contnct of the tmd
the 11hadow of a litnight Nd fixel verticl\lly at the centre
of n ci19lu <11awn 011 1 smooth, hol'iz1ntul surface, with tho
oitc:umftll'ence of the circle both before and after mid-day
-- tho line juiuing the two p:>ints bl\ing due east and
(4). A lev:1, horizontal ground may be prepared with
the help of a spirit-level.




D. Table Shewing the Equation of Time, for India.

D.&.'I'll, .J.t.Nl1UY.
m. a.






+..8 132
.. 29
4 57
15 24

6 17
7 8
7 67
8 21
8 44
I} 6
9 28
10 10
10 so
10 49

19 u 7
21 1125
22 1142

12 27
12 41
12 54
13 s
18 17
IS 28
lS 88


-m. a.



m. a.


f-13 ..,+12 80 + 8 52 -a 3 -2
3 10
2 16
1s "I 12 18 8 34t
.2 6
8 16 a 11
14 a 12 5
I 56
14 8
u s2 258
Uo 131 1138
1 85
2 23
11 28
14. 181 11 9
2 5
1 24
1 4'i
8 41 113
14. 25 10 54
1 1
14 27 I 10 38 1 32
8 '5
8 47
14 28 10 23 1 15
0 59 8 49 0 38
14 29 10 7
0 26
3 51
14 29 950
0 27 3 52
0 13
14 28
3 52 -0 1
917 +0 12
H. 27
14 21. 9 0 -o 8 8 52
0 12
0 18 3 51
0 25
14 21 8 42"
0 82 850
o as
14. 17 8 25
It IS s 7
0 59 8 f5
14 8
3 42
7 31
1 12
14 2
1 171
'I 18
1 so.
13 c6
1 36
8 34
18 4o9




6 0
6 41
5 2S
5 5
4 28
4 10

2 59
2 20
2 29
2 89
2 47
2 55


8 29
3 24
3 12
3 5
2 58
2 42
2 s-.

22 22
s 0
3 23










m. s.

m. a.

-m-. a.

25 +sSS
6 3 -0 18 -10 26 -16 111 -10 40 I
5 59
0 82 10 45 16 20 10
16 !0
9 53
0 52 11
8 57 654
9 29
11 22 16 19
6 49
.. 8
9 4
1 si 1140 161'1
4 18
8 ss
1 51 1168 16 u
.. 28 5 87
2i2 12 15 16 i1
4 38 1530
6 22
2 82 1Z 82 16 7
4 47
16 2
ll 53 12
5 18
6 51
3 18 18 4 15 55
5 4
5 5
6 24
5 13 4 55 8 84 13 19 15 48
ll 66
3 55 18 u 15 41
5 :!0
15 sz
5 27
4 35 4 16 1348
5 27
4.68 0
15 28
534. 4 24 4 87 14. 2
4 18 4 58 14 15 15 13
s 59
5 19 14 27 15 1
4 1
14 49
8 30
14 39
6 52 348
6 2
s 0 1!1
14 50 14 S7
3 85
5 57
2 so
6 23 15 1 14 2S
6 1
2 0
15 11 14 8
3 s
6 5
1 so
7 441
6 15 21 13 58
6 8
1 0
7 26 15 so 13 37
6 10
]5 88
13 20 -.o so
6 12 2
15 52
45 12
13 44
3 I 0
o o
7 15
8 27
6 14
15 21 51
1 0
15 58 12 25
6 15
1 29
12 6
16 8
I 17
9 8
6 14
11 45
1 59
9 28 16 8
6 13 1 0
9 47 16 12 11 24 228
6 12 0 42
0 24 10 7
6 10
2s 26
0 6
6 7
8 34




1 -...:.


II. A'1' NIGH'l'.
Attach equal weights to the ends of a. long fine striug
and tltrow the string over two fiue metallic wires each about
a foot in length fixed regilly between

supports and a.t the

heigM of about 5 or 3 feet ftom 'the ground, running east

to west, nnd nbout 5 ot 6 feet apart from ench other.


tlte two plumbliuos are cel'laiuly vcrticnl,and tho plane- pass

ing through them will bo u. vertical plane.

This plane may

be mude to p1\SS tluough the Pole sta.r about the time of its
onlrninntion or depes ion by slightly moving the string
. over one of the 'vieto the east or west till th& two plum
lines hide the Pulo at& to n.n ob;Jorler stationed 2 ot :)
f<!ot to tho South ot' the southern plurnbline n.nd :looking
with one eye, the 'othet eye'being clo3ed.
secured lhe pl one or themeri dian.

We ha'Te thus

Now attach the ends

of a slightly tight string to the two plwnblines. about tbeh

Jnid lle poiuts.

'l'lte observer may now lie down below, with fuco tnl'ne<l up, the hcaJ suppotou by a pillow aud one
cyo !h cl umlct tho two ;tt'iugs ruuuiug uotLh antl
souLlt so that lhe upptw striug is wholly concealed by the.
}ower and


the tl'auSit of still'S


the strings

'l'he Almanac givtls Lhe time of culmination of the Verm l

equinox fot encl1 llay of the yeat aud also Lhe times nt

Which particnlur !>tat'S culminate a(tel' the culmination

of the votual equinox.

If tho two times be added, we get

the timo of culmination of a. pa.tLicular stat from 12 noon

tliat dny. Dut if the snm exceed 24 hou1s then subtract
hom it 23 hours and 56 minutes, the l'omaindct' will be tho
time of culmiuation of tho Star ftom 12 noon that day.



'I' BLE E. ShllWitlf


time of euZmittation
VerMZ Equio.

qJ tlte

cnl';D ina- Uoof V.




8 19 Angnat
2 65















18 12 1
19 11 50
12 11 69



t1on eqnmox


12 4




m. 11.


IS 17 July'

12 4 17 6
r, 16 41
G 10 17

8 4-2


""" 806

2 82
2 8
1 4.4
1 21 Sepflembor
0 67
0 31 ,
0 10
23 43
23 19 O'ctobet
22 65
22 32









1!1 26

18 39

I 18 15


Sun a1wl the

17 6
17 28


GG 16
16 80
6 liS 7
5 14 4-3
4 14 19
8 13 56
29 12 1 13 82
4 11 [)!) In
57 12 45
ur; 1'3 21
63 11 68
51 11 31- .
49 11 11
41 10 4-7
4.6 10 28
<to 10 0
9 8'6
9 13
44 8 49
45 8 26
8 2
7 liS
li:! G 61
G 28


11 68

27 12

Digitized by

6 40


!I'.ABLE 1': SlaowiAg the timu at tohich the teveral 1tAr1 culmitlat
a.ft t ''" culmitw tion of the VerAa.l Equinor.




h. m.






P. l)halguni
U. Phalgnui


1 48 Angira11
II Ba Apar






... 6


... 8




.. 11
... 11
... 111
... 111





4& Swati




.. 12

... .

... lll


... 18



... 13
... 18


P. Aahadha
39 Abhiji'
0 U, Aahadl1a ...
68 Sravana
fill Sraviahta
6 Sataya
41 P. Bbodradada...
46 U Bbadrapada..
7 Revati
26 Dhruva (Pole Sta\")




. 20
... 211

.. ,

m .









1 7
1 16

Note: Aa the Vernal Eqoino1t ia enbject to a retrograde motion oC over

60 aoo<>nda a year, tables E. and II'.will have to be prepared from tbo
Almauao for the year.





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