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Bach Nguyen

DISC 346
Dr. Syeom.

Statistic Vs Calculus. Which one is worth?

I found myself interested in researching information about statistic and then I asked
myself about what I did in the past. I studied Calculus in the past, and it was very hard. In my
mind, I have been comparing between statistic and calculus. While most high school are doing ap
calculus test, there are few high school start doing ap statistic test. More school believe that if we
bring real-life experience into math can make it more interesting to students( Chui, J. 2012)
Moreover, American students found that math with real life experience could be easier to study,
and statistic math is more useful for student when it apply to students real life experiences than
calculus. Calculus in the other side is hard for students because students get in trouble in imaging
the solutions for problems. Therefore, Decision on taking calculus before statistic or taking
statistic first than calculus is kind of difficulty for people. Statistic and Calculus are in different
area of mathematics, and both of them have different advantages and disadvantages.
Firstly, Calculus is proper mathematics. It is elegant, and neat, and you get right
answers. You dont have to write sentences. Ever! Most of the problems are nice and theoretical,
so you dont have to deal with word problems. The teachers like Calculus, and fight over who
gets to teach it. They feel confident in what they are doing. They have taught it for years and
dont need to do anything new. There are oceans of on-line videos, games and resources to help
students. Khan academy videos are useful. But you dont need to have access to the computer
room to do calculus. Parents are more likely to know calculus (though well forgotten) than
statistics. Calculus is needed for important subjects such as engineering, physics and Hmm

cant think what else! Oh yes more calculus. It is a good mental discipline that helps with
problem-solving skills. It can be pretty fun if well taught. Besides people tell me that statistics is
the easy option for people who cant do calculus. On the other side, Statistics relates to life. It is
messy and often the answers arent clear, so interpretation and thinking are important. You will
need to write reports and express yourself on paper. This will help you develop your critical
thinking skills and communication skills. You have to understand contextual material such as
biology, economics or sport. Innovative teachers are excited about the changes in the
curriculum, and are embracing the new material as an opportunity to learn and develop
themselves as well as you. As New Zealand is leading the world by introducing resampling,
randomisation, bootstrapping and time series analysis at high school level, the on-line resources
are few, but those extant (and in our pipeline) are focussed for your use. Parents are not familiar
with statistics, but will find what you are doing interesting. You get to do most of your
calculations on the computer, just as real statisticians do. You will never find yourself asking
Why do we need to learn this? because it is obvious how it is a part of your life. You will be
better able to discern truth from lies on the internet. You will find yourself looking at the world
differently. Statistics is needed for many subjects: psychology, biology, engineering,
management, marketing, medicine, sociology, education, geography, geology, law and
journalism. It also widens the possibilities in the study of arts subjects such as History and
English. (Quinonez, N)
The Role of statistic in our daily life and jobs is very important. It effect many subjects as
I mentioned in second paragraph. For business, Using statistics, you can plan the production
according to what the customer likes and wants, and you can check the quality of the products far
more efficiently with statistical methods. In fact, many business activities can be completed with

statistics including deciding a new location, marketing the product, and estimating what the
profit will be on a new product. In Mathematic, Much of math is based on probability and
theories, and statistical methods help make those mathematical theories that much more accurate.
Using averages, dispersions, and estimation allows you to come up with conclusions that are
closer to the real answer than just taking a wild guess. In economics, of course almost everything
will relate to statistic. . Economists use statistics to collect information, analyze data, and test
hypotheses. Relationships between supply and demand and imports and exports are found using
statistical information. The same can be said for figuring out the inflation rate, the per capita
income, and even the national income account. Similarly to Accounting, Accountants need
balancing and checking accounts, exactness is very important, but when using those reports to
decide how well the company is doing and the trends within the business. You can also use
statistics in accounting to create projections for the next fiscal year. In management and
administration, managers or supervise usually look at statistic data in order to make decisions.
Most federal and provincial budgets are designed upon statistical data because its the most
accurate data available when estimating expected expenditures and revenue. If people think
astronomy dont relate to astronomy, they are wrong. We could not use ruler to calculate the
distance from earth to the sun. Astronomers use estimates and mathematical theories to devise
their best guess to just how far items in the universe are away from each other. That how can
they calculate the speed of light into distance from this planet to the other. Biology, physics,
chemistry, meteorology, sociology, communication, and even information technology all use
statistics. For many of these categories, the use of statistics in that field involves collecting data,
analyzing it, coming up with a hypothesis, and testing that hypothesis.

As the benefits of statistic into our life, I like to study statistic with realistic ability to real
life than calculus with complicate numbers. Accourding to (GRACE-MARTIN, K) he found that
we should study statistic before calculus. Student should study which subject we can relate to our
real life, and teacher could use realistic examples to help students understanding the subject.


Chui, J. (2013, March 12). MBAs Can't Afford To End Their Math Education With Calculus.
Retrieved November 19, 2014, from
GRACE-MARTIN, K. (n.d.). Teach Statistics Before Calculus? An interesting idea by Arthur
Benjamin. Retrieved November 20, 2014, from
QUINONEZ, N. (2014, May 16). The Importance of Statistics in Many Different Fields.
Retrieved November 20, 2014, from

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