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Director, Production, Animation and Design: Dadomani Studio

Agency: Armando Testa
Art Director: Andrea Lantelme
Sound Design: Taboo Studio

These gures come from the Lavazza Fairy Tales. The announcement was made in animation by using stopmotion technique. It is installed in a paper city. Buildings are made three-dimensional and the characters are
bi-dimensional. In order to make the publicity, more than one thousand paper shapes were used, and each
of them has a different movement. The shapes were drawn, at the beginning, at hand and then, modied in
the post-production and afterwards, in the end, cut with a cut laser printer. Houses are made in shapes of
polystyrene cubes covered by thin cardboard sheets.
Estas guras provienen del Cuento de Hadas Lavazza. El anuncio fue hecho en animacin utilizando la
tcnica de stop-motion. Se instala en una ciudad de papel. Los edicios estn hechos en tres dimensiones, y
los personajes en dos dimensiones. Para hacer el comercial se utilizaron ms de mil siluetas de papel, cada
una mostrando un movimiento diferente. Las siluetas en un principio se dibujaron a mano, modicndose en
la postproduccin y despus al nal se cortaron con una impresora lser de corte. Las casas estn hechas en
forma de cubos de poliestireno cubiertos por delgadas lminas de cartn.

All images courtesy of Dadomani Studio



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Artist: Yulia Brodskaya

Yulia Brodskaya was born in Moscow (Russia); prior to moving to the UK in 2004 she was interested in
diverse creative practices ranging from Textile Painting, Origami and Collage to more traditional Fine Art
practices. Following an MA in Graphic Communication (2006, University of Hertfordshire) she continued to
experiment and explore ways of bringing together all the things she likes most: typography, paper, and highly
detailed hand-made craft objects. She has swiftly earned an international reputation for her innovative
paper illustrations and continues to create beautifully detailed paper designs for clients all around the world.
Yulia Brodskaya naci en Mosc (Rusia). Antes de trasladarse al Reino Unido en 2004 estaba interesada en diversas prcticas creativas que van desde la Pintura Textil, Origami, Collage, todo desde las prcticas artsticas
ms tradicionales. Despus de una maestra en Comunicacin Grca (2006, Universidad de Hertfordshire),
continu experimentando y explorarando maneras de reunir todo aquello que ms le gusta: la tipografa,
el papel y los objetos de artesana, trabajos hechos a mano llenos de detalles. Obtuvo una gran reputacin
internacional por sus ilustraciones de papel innovadoras, y contina creando diseos de papel de gran detalle
para clientes de todo el mundo.

This page:
Where Wishes Come True
Agency: Yellowdoor
Design director: Anthony Cassidy
All images courtesy of Yulia Brodskaya


This page:
Art director: Daniele Basilico
Photographer: John Ross
On the following pages:
Colour Cloud
Client: Stora Enso
Photographer: Michael Leznik

This page:
American love
Illustration for AARP magazine
Art director: Todd Albertson
Photographer: Michael Leznik


This page:
Client: New York Observer
Photographer: Michael Leznik

Design: Matthew Shlian

As a paper engineer your work is rooted in print media, book arts and commercial design. Beginning with an
initial fold, a single action causes a transfer of energy to subsequent folds, which ultimately manifest in drawings and three dimensional forms. The use your engineering skills to create kinetic sculpture which have lead to
collaborations with scientists at the University of Michigan. Researchers see paper engineering as a metaphor
for scientic principals; I see their inquiry as basis for artistic inspiration in your studio the is a collaborator, explorer and inventor. I begin with a system of folding and at a particular moment the material takes over. Guided
by wonder, my work is made because I cannot visualize its nal realization; in this way I come to understanding
through curiosity.
Como ingeniero del papel, su trabajo tiene sus orgenes en la impresin, las artes del libro y en el diseo comercial. Empezando con un pliegue inicial, la accin individual transere energa a los pliegues subsiguientes, que
nalmente se maniestan en dibujos y formas tridimensionales. Utiliza sus habilidades de ingeniera para crear
una escultura cintica, lo cual le ha llevado a colaborar con cientcos de la Universidad de Michigan. Los investigadores ven la ingeniera del papel como una metfora de sus principios cientcos. l ve su investigacin como
la base de su inspiracin artstica. En su estudio es colaborador, explorador e inventor. Empieza con un sistema
de plegado y, en un momento determinado, el material toma el control. Guiado por el asombro, lleva a cabo su
obra porque no puede visualizar su realizacin nal. De este modo, llega a comprenderlo gracias a su curiosidad.

These pages:
Tessellation Series
All images courtesy of Matthew Shliam


These pages:
Days in August Limited Edition pieces commissioned by Queen Rania of Jordan
Photo by Matthew Shlian



This page:
Memory Windows
Left page top left to right:
Rice Bowl
Atomic Jellysh
Sewing Highways
On following pages:

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