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How to Supplement

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December 2006 Volume 2 : Issue 12

The Problem eating of cyanobacteria from the less or dangerous by credible scien-
An untold number of women genus Spirulina as a health food.” tific authorities. They then burn out.
who have been placed on inexpen- Carmicahael points out that
Pharmaceutical License
sive iron supplements which resulted some cyanobacteria which can
contaminate Spirulina harvests I want a company that oper-
in digestive distress and black stool ates with a pharmaceutical license.
are testimony to the importance of produce potent nerve toxins. Even
more common than the four neu- This is not required of natural food
quality supplementation. Iron in a fer- products (the supplements I pre-
rous sulfate form irritates the diges- rotoxins found in these water plants
are potent liver toxins which not fer) but it provides an extra mea-
tive tract and oxidizes to a black col- sure of safety and quality control.
or. (This problem is usually resolved only damage the liver, but may
prove to be cancer causing agents.2 Companies that operate with
by using a chelated iron--read on.) 1. Schauss, Alexander, Ph.D., Colloidal minerals: a pharmaceutical license are not
The problem with iron is obvi- Clinical implications of clay suspension products afraid to have the FDA come in and
ous, but many problems are not so sold as dietary supplements, American Journal of
inspect their facilities for cleanliness
Natural Medicine, Vol. 4, No. 1, January/February
obvious. For example, the widely 1997, 5-10. and to insure that what is placed
touted colloidal mineral products 2. Carmichael, Wayne, The Toxins of Cyanobacte- on the label is actually in the prod-
were often contaminated with sig- ria, Scientific American, January 1994, 78-84.
uct. These are unannounced in-
nificant quantities of aluminum. spections. FDA inspection also as-
My analysis of one product found How to Supplement
aluminum the 6th most abundant I am frequently asked how one
element (272 mg/liter). Aluminum should supplement. The follow-
is a potentially neurotoxic sub- ing are some of the criteria I use in
stance associated with increased evaluating the supplements we
risk of dementia. It definitely is not have chosen to work with. The dis-
something one should be ingest- cussion is broken into two parts. The
ing as a food supplement no mat- first deals with the manufacturer.
ter how effective and attractive the The second deals with the products.
advertising for the product. Regard-
less, millions used these products.1 About the Company
Similarly, millions have been led
Not a Shooting Star
to believe that blue-green algae is a
desirable and healthy supplement. I look at how long a company has
Aquatic biologist and toxicologist been around. Highly unethical com-
Wayne Carmichael writes, “...the tox- panies usually act like shooting stars.
icity of many chemicals produced They appear suddenly and make
by cyanobacteria is undeniable. For wild and exaggerated claims for
this reason, I am becoming increas- their products. They then tend to run
ingly worried by a modern fad: the afoul of the legal authorities or their
products are shown to be worth-

Copyright 2006 by Jim McAfee. All rights reserved. 

sures that a manufacturer follows name for the promotion of the prod- Florida nephrologist who conducted
Good Laboratory Practices and ucts. These companies will have the study with toxicology experts at
Good Manufacturing Practices. research facilities at their disposal the school’s Gainesville campus.”2
and will often have unique and dif- There is no reason to use
A Manufacturer
ferent types of products. Some supplements derived from raw
I want a company that manu- of these products are patented. materials which could poten-
factures its own products. Many tially contribute to toxic residues.
private labelled products are de- Toxicological Testing 1. Quig, D.W., and Crinnon, W., “Clearance of lead
signed more for profit than quality. Quarantine and examination from a patient with lead poisoning from Ayurvedic
herbs,” 2006, IAACN Conference, San Diego.
A number of years ago I worked of all raw materials for purity and 2. “Lead still in calcium supplements,”,
as an intermediary with a company potency prior to manufacture of Sept. 20, 2000.
interested in having their products products is important. Testing of
private labelled. They told me they manufactured products for disin- The Supplements
wanted the best quality that could tegration and dissolution time, sta-
be made. The manufacturer told bility, purity, potency, bioavailabil- Based in Nature
me that their best product was re- ity, odor, and taste is also essential. I believe supplementation
served for their direct distribution Many companies are not even should be derived from foods which
channel, but they would be able to aware of the fact that there are toxico- have a long history of safe usage as
manufacture an excellent product. logical issues with supplements. Da- much as possible. The reason for this
When the company saw the price vid Quig, Vice President of Scientific is the desirability to find sources of
of a good product, they decided Support for Doctor’s Data, a testing nutrients we can use day in and day
they wanted a less expensive prod- laboratory, shared an amazing story out for a lifetime without problems.
uct to increase their profit margin. at the 2006 meeting of the Interna- There are few studies on the effects
tional and American Associations of of feeding animals for a lifetime on
Backed by Science
Clinical Nutritionists in San Diego. synthetic formulations of nutrients.
Products should be based on The lab tested a man’s urine and There are also potential prob-
legitimate scientific research rather found 9,100 ug/Pb gm (micrograms lems with derivation of nutrients
than the desire to have something per gram of lead). There was some from sources which are not a nor-
to sell. There is a difference between difficulty identifying the source of the mal part of the human food chain.
producing a product and looking lead poisoning until the man’s herbal For example, krill oil is now being
for a scientific reference to sup- products were tested. They proved promoted as a source of omega-3
port the product and basing the to contain 56,185 ug/gm of lead.1 oils. My research indicated that the
development of a product on the Contamination of calcium large amounts of the carotenoid
best scientific research available. products with lead has been a long astaxanthin in krill oil have a totally
Independent Verification standing problem. An excerpt from different structure than the astax-
I look at a company’s associa- a news report follows: “The authors anthin in salmon. We know the
tions. Is research on their products tested 23 products in March; their re- salmon is safe as it has been a part
published in peer reviewed journals sults appear in Wednesday’s Journal of man’s diet for thousands of years.
like the American Journal of Clinical of the American Medical Association.”
“The authors found no detect- Use a Good Multiple
Nutrition, Free Radical Biology and
able level of lead in 15 of the supple- In last month’s newsletter I shared
Medicine, the FASEB Journal or similar
ments. The remainder had from 1.74 the research of Dr. Arthur Furst who
publications? Do they have a work-
micrograms to 3.43 micrograms per found that a good multiple could
ing relationship with organizations
1,500 milligrams of calcium. The prevent animals from developing
like the United States Department
dose generally recommended to cancer, while all would develop can-
of Agriculture, the World Health Or-
help prevent osteoporosis is about cer without the supplementation. I
ganization, and Stanford University.
1,200 milligrams to 1,500 milligrams did not mention that laboratory rats
A Scientific Advisory Board daily.” (I think this level is too high) are generally much better nourished
I look for products that have “Experts have suggested that the than people are as they are able to re-
competent scientific personnel body’s total daily exposure to lead produce without difficulty, a measure
working on the development of should not exceed 6 micrograms, of adequacy of nutrition. Remem-
products rather than lending their said Dr. Edward Ross, a University of ber this the next time a researcher

Copyright 2006 by Jim McAfee. All rights reserved. 

states that an artificial chemical has two rats pictured. The animal receiv- *OUFTUJOBM
been shown to be completely safe ing the high quality phospholipid $IFMBUFE.JOFSBMT

in testing on laboratory animals. and phytosterol sources from whole "NJOP"DJETQBTT

This is one of the reasons drugs are grains and legumes evidenced UIFQPSFT

often approved, then pulled off the not only superior nutrient utiliza- 1PTJUJWFMZ$IBSHFE
market when they are demonstrat- tion, but also better overall health. UP/FHBUJWFMZ$IBSHFE
ed to create problems in people.
One of the objectives of supple- Vitamin C

mentation should be to obtain as 8BMM
Dr. Steve Hickey and Dr. Hilary
wide a range of nutrients as possible
Roberts have recently published a wrapping the mineral with however
from natural sources. Lack of even
book entitled Ascorbate: The Science many amino acids are required to
one important nutrient can have
of Vitamin C. They point out that vi- neutralize the charge--usually two).
serious consequences. Celebrated
tamin C “has a half-life in the blood Chelated minerals tend to be
researchers Harte and Chow stud-
of about 30 minutes.” This results in safer and more effective than min-
ied over 200 research papers and
the fact that a quick release dose erals which are not in this form.
concluded that “the shortage of a
only provides protection for a maxi-
single essential vitamin, mineral el- Biological Matrix
mum of 4-6 hours. Slow release dos-
ement, amino acid, or fatty acid will I like to see rice, yeast, and kelp
es provide much better protection.
create a shock wave that spreads to as sources of nutrients. This means
Most of the work conducted
affect the utilization and/or function that the nutrients have entered
on vitamin C underestimates the
of every other essential nutrient.” into a biological matrix. They will
Cheraskin, E., et al, Psychodietetics, New York: benefits of this nutrient because ex-
Bantam, 1976, 22. perimental animals and people have be accompanied with amino acids,
typically been dosed with a quick re- vitamins, minerals, enzymes and
Nutrients to Look For lease form of vitamin C once a day. co-enzymes which will greatly im-
Hickey, Steve, Ph.D., and Roberts, Hilary,, Ph.D., prove their effectiveness. Over the
Phospholipids The Science of Vitamin C, Ebook:, 2004, years I have seen a good number of
My favorite multiples contain p. 126-129.
people obtain better results from a
a rich source of phospholipids and food based multiple than a whole
phytosterols. These are the primary box of synthetic supplements.
building blocks of cell membranes.
They have profound influence upon
the overall functioning of the endo- #F
crine system and nutrient utilization. #PUJO
Studies on animals have shown /JBDJO
that a phospholipid and phytosterol #
source derived from whole wheat, Amino Mineral Amino
rice, and soybeans improves nutri- Acid Acid
ent utilization in animals by 50%.
Such a study was conducted on the Chelated Minerals #
/JBDJO # #
The word chelate means “claw.” It
refers to a process of wrapping miner-
als with amino acids to neutralize the Use a High Potency
positive charges minerals carry. Stud- Fish Oil
ies have shown that this improves
Numerous studies have shown
absorption of minerals up to sixfold.
that Americans are seriously defi-
A positively charged mineral
cient in omega-3 oils. I prefer a fish
tends to attach to the lining of the in-
oil supplement made by molecular
testine which has a negative charge
differentiation (not distillation). It
(opposites attract). The result is poor
is the only fish oil product of which
absorption. A properly chelated
I am aware which contains certifi-
mineral has no charge (this requires
able amounts of all 8 of the master
Copyright 2006 by Jim McAfee. All rights reserved. 
1271 High Street, Auburn, CA 95603
Phone (530) 823-7092 order line (800) 359-6091
Visit our website!

molecules of the omega-3 family. Zeaxanthin 274:532-538.

Lutein1,2,3 3. Di Mascio, P., M. E. Murphy, and H. Sies. (1991)
Molecular differentiation en- Antioxidant defense systems: the role of carot-
ables the manufacturer to select All of these are carotenoids. enoids, tocopherols, and thiols. Am. J. Clin. Nutr.,
specific molecules from fish oil, Free radical oxygen is arguably 53:194S-200S.
while leaving behind others which the most damaging free radi- 4. Cutler, Richard G., Antioxidants and aging, Am
J Clin Nutr, 1991;53:375S.
are associated with rancidity, fishy cal produced in the human body.
taste, and burping. This product is A number of years ago a well-
a vast improvement over earlier fish known aging researcher, Richard Removal or Addition
oil formulations. It contains 50% Cutler, reported that two nutrients to this Newsletter
more omega-3 oils than earlier sup- are directly associated with lifespan. If you wish to be removed from this health-
plements in a capsule half the size-- The more of these nutrients in the letter simply send us an email requesting to
a heck of a lot easier for swallowing! blood, the longer animals or humans be removed. If you wish to add an email ad-
dress send us the address with a request to
would tend to live. The two nutrients be added.
A Carotenoid Complex were carotenoids and vitamin E.4
Phospholipids and omega-3 My favorite carotenoid product Web Resources
oils are key structural nutrients, be- is made with a patented Nutri-Max
ing the major building blocks of cell process. It is encapsulated in a ni-
walls or cell membranes. These fats, trogen environment to prevent it
however, are at risk of oxidizing if from reacting with oxygen. Studies Disclaimer
This publication contains the opinions and
antioxidant intake is inadequate. by the United States Department ideas of its author. It is intended to provide
The most powerful of all fat of Agriculture demonstrated that helpful and informative material on the sub-
soluble antioxidants are the carot- the product increase immune func- jects addressed in the publication. It is pro-
vided with the understanding that the author
enoids, followed by vitamin E. The tion 37% in 20 days, improved natu- and publisher are not engaged in rendering
most powerful and efficient free ral killer cell activity 20%, increased medical,health, or any other kind of personal
professional services in this newsletter. The
radical oxygen quenchers are the antioxidants in cholesterol 5-fold, reader should consult his or her medical,
following in order of their potency: and reduced oxidation at the cellu- health or other competent professional be-
Lycopene lar level by 44%. Powerful medicine! fore adopting any of the suggestions in this
Gamma-carotene 1. Di Mascio, P., Devasagayam, T. P. A., Kaiser, S., newsletter or drawing inferences from it.
and Sies, H. (1990) Carotenoids, tocopherols, and The author and publisher specifically dis-
thiols and biological singlet molecular oxygen claim all responsibility for any liability, loss, or
Canthaxanthin quenchers. Biochem. Soc. Trans., 18:1054-1056. risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred
Alpha-carotene 2. Di Mascio, P., Kaiser, S., and Sies, H. (1989) Ly- as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of
Beta-carotene copene as the most efficient biological carotenoid use and application of any of the contents of
this newsletter.
Bixin singlet oxygen quencher. Arch. Biochem. Biophys.,

Copyright 2006 by Jim McAfee. All rights reserved. 

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