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Aim: learning to use capture schematic and simulation command
About capture:
Captures session log records generated reports and netr lists, as well as
warning and error messages.
Capture has easy to use commands available through standard pull down
menus and access keys.
Customize your working en vironment through commands available on the
option menu.
Get complete and detailed information through captures online help.
Design and schematics:
A design tores schematics folders,schematics pages and parts in a single file.
A schematics folder contains one or more schematics pages and the design
cache archiver all parts An symbol used in the design.
Hierarchial parts and pins establish hierarchial connectivity off pages
conectors establish connectivity with a schematic folder.
A complex hierarchy may map many hierarchial blocks to a single schematic
folder. A simple hierarchy maps only one hierarchial block to the schematic
Printing and plotting:
You can print out a schematic page or part from the schwmatic page
editor,part editor or project maneger.
Print multiple items at once by selecting them in the project manager before
Customize the look of your print output using the preferences command.
Set up printer options using the print setup command or the setup button
with print dialog box.
Processing your design:
Use annotate to assign new part reference or to update existing part
Use design rule checks for design rule violation.capture provides an ERC
matrix to configure test criteria.capture also places markers to help you find
the errors.
Create netlist using one of lower different formats.
Use back annoteate and a swap file to transfer packaging information to your
schematic design from another tool.
Use cross reference to bill of materials to create reports on your design.

Compatibility with SDT:

Capture automatically translates your SDT design and libraries as you open
You can save your capture design and libraries in SDT formats using the save
as command on the file menu.
Editing properties:
Almost every object in capture has a set of properties that you can edit.
You can edit properties like colours,grid style,font style and sizes and hatch
patterns on objects you can also customize these properties on adesign by
designing basis.
Part properties for hierarchial design can be changed on all parts occurrences
or a single part occurrence.
Create your own user defined properties to suit you specific needs for
example you can add a track width property for use with a PCB layout
Managing parts and libraries:
Capture provides a project manager for both design and libraries.
Move an object from project manager to project manager using the cut and
paste commands or by dragging the object from one window to the other.
You can store schematic folders in libraries for use in multiple design.
Making parts:
Use one of the 20000+ parts available in capture or create your own.
Create a part in the library by assigning a part name, part reference prefix
and a PCB footprint.
Create a package of parts by choosing a package type and specifying the
number of parts in the package.
Draw the parts using captures drawing tools then add and edit pins.
Use the view menu to alternate between viewing one part of the entire
Making connections:
Use wires to connect parts and symbols directly to each other.
End a wire by clicking on a pin another wire or by double clicking the left.
Create functions by ending a net on another net by placing a function over
two crossing nets.
Connect two nets that dont touch by placing N IDENTICAL NET ALIAS ON THE
Connect wires to bases using bus entries.
Use off page connectors to connect nets across pages in a schematic folder.
Adding text and graphics:
Use captures drawing tools to create text, ellipses, rectangles, lines, arcs,
Capture supports true type font for most visible text.

Place bit maps such as your companys logo, directly on parts or schematic
You can edit the size ,colour of all graphic objects. You can also change the fill
pattern of enclosed objects like rectangle ellipse and polygons.
Navigation designs:
Use captures project manager to easily navigate your design.
Designs in the file view show instances of schematic pages and parts bur not
Design in hierarchy view show occurrences of each instances of schematic
pages and parts. The design hierarchy is shown in this view.
Use the project manager to browse for and edit parts ,nets hierarchial parts
off-page connectors and DRC error markers.
Editing a schematic page:
Captures editing commands are easily accessible through standerd
menus,shortcut keys and popups menus.
Select multiple objects at once by pressing the left mouse button and
dragging the pointer across an area .Select multiple objects one at a time by
pressing the CTRL key as you select each point.
Drag objects using the mouse.copy objects using the copy and paste
commands or by dragging the objects with the CTRL key pressed.
Using component information system:
Orcad component information system provides an interface to your database
of approved parts and other data.
Use the part database explorer to display the databases parts that are
You can place parts from a local or client server database,or from resources
on the internet.


Simulation of various logic gates.
AND GATE:the and operation is defined as the output high if all the inputs are
high and output low if any of the inputs is low.IC 740B is used as the AND gate .A
and B are the input terminals and Y is the output terminal.
OR GATE:the or operation is defined as the output high if any of the inputs is
high.IC 7432 is used.Aand B are the inputs and Y is the op.
NOT GATE:this gate is also called inverter .if the input is high then output is low
and vise-versa.
IC 7404 is used.A is the input and Y is the output.
NAND GATE: this gate can have two or more input but only one output .It
performs the operation of not and.if all the inputs are high then the output is
low.IC used is 7400.its a basic gate.
NOR GATE: this gate can have two or more input but only one output .It performs
the operation of not or .if all the inputs are low then the output is high.the IC
used is 7486.its a basic gate.

EXOR GATE:this gate can have two or more input but only one output.7486 is the
two input Ex-or gate.its not a basic gate hence its operation can be performed
using other gates.

To create the simulation profile for JK and SR flip flops.
In electronics, a flip flop or latch is a circuit that has two stable states andcan be
used to store state information. A flip flop is a bistable multivibrator.
A synchronous SR flipflop can be made by adding a secondlevel of nand gate to
the inverted SR latch or a second level of and gate to the direct SR latch. The
extra gates further invert the inputs so the simple SR latch becomes a gated SR
latch(and a simple SR latch would transform into a gated SR latch with inverted
With clock pulse high the signals can pass through input gates to the
encapsulated latch; all signal combination exept for (0,0)=hold then immediately
reproduce on the (Q,Q) output i.e. the latch is transparent.
With clock pulse low the latch is closed(opaque) and remains in the state it was
left the last time clock pulse was high.
Truth table of SR flipflop:


The JK flipflop arguments the behavior of SR flipflop(J=set,K=reset) by interpreting

the S=R=1 condition as a flip or toggle. Command specifically the combination
J=1and K=0 is a command to set the flipflop.
The combination J=0and K=1 is a command to reset the flipflop and the
combination J=K=1 is a command to toggle the flipflop i.e. change the output to the
compliment of its current value setting J=K=0 does not result in D flipflop but
rather, will hold the current state. To synthesize a D flipflop ,simply set J as the
compliment of K.
Simlarily o synthesize a T flipflop set K equal to J. the JK flipflop is therefore a
universal flipflop because it can be configured to work as an SR, a D and a T
Truth table of JK flipflop:


no change


no change


To simulate the multiplexer and demultiplexer circuit.
A multiplexer is essentially an electronic switch that can connect one out of n inputs
to the output. The most important application of the multiplexer is as a data
selector. In general a data selector has n input lines D0,D1,..,Dn-1. M select digit
inputs s0,s1.,sm-1, and one output. The m select digits form a binary select
number ranging from 0 to 2m-1. And when this number has the value k then Dk is
connected to the output. Thus this circuit selects one of n data input lines
according to the value of the select number, and in effect connects it to the
output.clearly the number of select inputs m=log2n, so that it can identify all the
data inputs.
Data selectors have numerous application for example,they may be used to connect
one out of n input sources of a device to its output. As we shall subsequently
show ,data selectors may also be used to implement all Boolean functions.
A decoder with one data input and n address inputs is called a demultiplexer. It
directs the input data to any of the 2n outputs,as specified by the n-bit input
address. When large sized decoders are needed,they can usually be formed by
interconnecting several smaller decoders with some additional logic.

To design and simulate a full adder and subtractor circuit.
A full adder is acombinational circuit that forms the arithematic sum of input;it
consists of three inputs
And two outputs. A full adder is useful to add three bits at a time but a half adder
cannot do so. In full adder the sum output will be taken from X-OR gate and carry
output will be taken from OR gate.


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