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Q & A - Is Impeachment of Obama really impossible?

Q. How many Representatives in the House does it take to initiate impeachment against Barack
Hussein Obama?
A. One. If the people of the United States cannot find just ONE House Representative to begin the
process of impeachment by filing a resolution with the House Judiciary Committee, our Constitutional
Republic is already 100% gone. No Democrats needed yet!
Q. How many members of the House Judiciary Committee does it take to pass Articles of
Impeachment out of that committee for a full House vote?
A. A simple majority on the committee, twenty-one. There are thirty-nine members of the House Judiciary
Committee, twenty-three are Republicans, sixteen of whom are Democrats. - No Democrats needed yet!
Q. How many Representatives of the House are needed to Impeach Barack Hussein Obama in a full
house vote?
A. There are 435 House Representatives and a simple majority of the House is needed to Impeach
Obama. We need 218 votes in the House to Impeach Obama. There are 245 Republicans in the House. No
Democrats needed yet!
NOTE: This means that the House CAN Impeach Barack Obama without a single democrat vote.
Impeachment is analogous with Indictment in the criminal justice system. Once the House passes Article
of Impeachment by a simple majority, Barack Hussein Obama has been Impeached (or) Indicted for
his crimes.
Next it the criminal trial, wherein all evidence is presented to support the Articles of Impeachment. The
evidence is NOT presented in a closed room, but rather before the entire world, sure to be televised every
step of the way.
House Prosecutors will present that evidence, likely someone like Rep. Trey Gowdy, with both
congressional authority and criminal prosecution experience and credentials. The Senate is NOT a
legislative body under Rules of Impeachment. The Senate is a jury under the Rules of Criminal
Justice, overseen by the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Like any other criminal proceeding, the jury must remain silent throughout the process of evidentiary
presentation. The criminal defendant or defendants may or may not take the stand in their own defense.
The Rules of Criminal Procedure must be followed and the trial must not be tainted by political
grandstanding or conflicts of interest within the make-up of the jury itself. So
What about the Senate?
First, remember that once the House has sent Impeachment to the Senate, Obama has already been
impeached. The Senate trial is for the jury to hear all evidence and either convict or acquit. Senate
conviction on impeachment requires a two-thirds vote, or 67 votes. There are currently 46 Democrats and

54 Republicans in the U.S. Senate, which means assuming no events that change the make-up of the jury
during the process -- we need at least 13 of 46 Senate Democrats, twenty-eight percent.
This is the first time in the entire process when any Democrat votes will be needed. Throughout the entire
process, we need only 13 Democrats out of 535 members of congress (2.4%) in order to convict Barack
Hussein Obama and we dont need them until after all evidence against the Obama regime has been
presented to the world.
How Democrats vote by this point will depend in part on the evidence presented and how the public is
reacting to that evidence throughout the process. The court of public opinion will sway Senate Democrats
in the end, as politicians never fail to serve themselves in self-preservation, first and foremost.
How impossible is it to impeach the most impeachable administration in U.S. history? The answer
depends more on the American people than the members of congress.
The outcome of impeach is unknown, but the odds are far better than people are being told. On the other
hand, the outcome of not impeaching is absolute and unacceptable to any real American.
Prior to the 2014 elections, common modern theory said that Harry Reid would control the Senate
outcome on Impeachment and that Republicans dare not impeach Obama until they win control of both
chambers. Well, Republicans now control both Chambers and the person in charge of the U.S. Senate is
no longer Democrat Harry Reid, but Republican Mitch McConnell.
However, the Senate Majority leader has no real power of the impeachment process or outcome.
Impeachment is not a legislative process. It is a judicial process, in which members of the Senate are no
longer legislators, but jurors.
The Senate majority leader does not preside over the trial, the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
does, and as a judicial process, all rules of evidence and criminal prosecution will apply.
Contrary to popular political talking points, there is no more certainty that Obama would be acquitted in
the Senate, after presentation of all evidence, than certainty he would be convicted.
The people simply must charge, indict, impeach and then present the evidence before not only the U.S.
Senate, but the court of public opinion as well, and then force U.S. Senators to go on record for or against
the Rule of Constitutional Law, as this is about much more than Barack Hussein Obama.
Its about the future of our country and freedom.
The wrong set of Articles is indeed a waste of time, at best. Bill Clinton was impeached, but he was not
convicted or removed from office because the House impeached on the WRONG impeachable offenses.
Instead of impeaching Bill Clinton for his treasonous acts surrounding the sale of U.S. Nuclear
technology to China, a crime which resulted in a jail sentence for Chinese bagman Johnny Chung, who
had delivered $300,000 in cash to the Clintons in return for Clinton granting China permanent favored

trade status and sharing nuke technologies, the House decided to impeach Clinton for his sex scandals,
lying about those affairs under oath, making him guilty of perjury and obstruction of justice. Despite
being blatantly guilty of those charges, not a single Senate Democrat voted to convict Bill Clinton,
proving for anyone with any doubts, that Democrats couldnt care less about the law.
Because sex scandals are neither rare nor new in Washington D.C. political circles, not even all Senate
Republicans voted to convict.
However, the impeachable offenses of Barack Hussein Obama amount to numerous acts of fraud, treason,
usurpation of office and abuse of power. The proper set of Articles of causes for indictment, backed by a
volume of evidence unlike any before it, makes impeachment a necessity and a very possible victory for
every American seeking to return the United States to the Rule of Constitutional Law.
The outcome of such an effort in unknown. But the outcome of no action is well known, and
completely unacceptable for any American hoping to salvage what is left of Constitutional Republic.
Proposed by the North American Law Center in July of 2014

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