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Publication No. FHWA-SA-97-076 @ May 1997 US.Department Ups OFFICE OF ENGINEERING Federal Highway Ofrice OF TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS Administration 400 SEVENTH STREET, SW WASHINGTON, DC 20590 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CIRCULAR No. 3 DESIGN GUIDANCE: GEOTECHNICAL EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING For HiGHWAYS Vo.ume I - DEsIGN PRINCIPLES y | STRUCTURAL FOUNDATIONS | SOIL & ROCK INSTABILITIES EARTH RETAINING ‘SYSTEMS: TECHNIQUES The FHWA Geotechnical Engineering Circulars are a series of comprehensive and practical manuals that provide state-of-the-practice methods and techniques to assist the highway engineer in the design and construction of highway facilities. No other agency or group has assembled such a complete set of manuals for geotechnical engineering. The manuals are modeled after the well-respected set of hydraulic engineering circulars and hydraulic design series, and they are expected to become a mainstay of geotechnical engineering practice worldwide. The published circulars in this series are the following: Geotechnical Engineering Circular No. 1 - Dynamic Compaction FHWA-SA-95-037 Geotechnical Engineering Circular No. 2 - Earth Retaining Systems FHWA-SA-96-038 Geotechnical Engineering Circular No. 3 - Design Guidance: Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering for Highways, Volume I - Design Principles FHWA-SA-97-076 and Volume II - Design Examples FHWA-SA-97-077 Geotechnical Engineering Circulars are currently being developed in the following areas: Ground Anchor Structures Soil and Rock Properties ‘Technical Report Documentation Page 1. Report No, FHWA-SA-97-076 2. Government Accession No, 13. Recipient's Catalog No. “Tie and Subide Geotechnical Engineering Circular #3 Design Guidance: Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering for Highways, Volume I- Design Principles a Repo Dae May 1997 6. Performing Organization Code: 7. Author(s) E. Kavazanjian, Jr., N. Matasovié, T. Hadj-Hamou, and P.J. Sabatini 8. Performing Organization Repor No. 9. Performing Organization Name and Address GeoSyntec Consultants 2100 Main Street, Suite 150 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 10, Work Unit No.CTRAIS) 11. Contractor Grant No. DTFH61-94-C-00099 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Office of Technology Application Office of Engineering/Bridge Division Federal Highway Administration 400 Seventh Street, $.W. 13 Type of Report and Period Covered 14. Sponsoring Agency Code This document has been written to provide information on how to engineering topics discussed in this document include: deterministic and probablistic seismic hazard assessment; evaluation of design ground motions; seismic and site response analyses; evaluation of liquefaction potential and seismic settlements; seismic slope stability and deformation analyses; and seismic design of foundations and retaining structures. Volume II: Design Examples.” Washington, D.C. 20590 _| 15. Supplementary Notes Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative (COTR) Chien-Tan Chang, HTA-22 FHWA Technical Consultant Richard S. Cheney, HNG-31 16. Abstract apply principles of geotechnical earthquake engineering to planning, design, and retrofit of highway facilities. Geotechnical earthquake The document provides detailed information on basic principles and analyses, with reference to where detailed information on these analyses can be obtained. Design examples illustrating the principles and analyses described in this document are provided in a companion volume entitled, “Geotechnical Engineering Circular No. 3, Design Guidance: Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering for Highways, 17. Key Words 18. istbotion Statement Geotechnical earthquake engineering, soil dynamics, engineering seismology, engineering geology No restrictions. This document is available to the public from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161. 20, Security Cassi. (ofthis pags) 21, No, ofPages | 22. Price Unclassified Reproduction af completed page autorzed 19, Security Classf. (ofthis report) Unclassified Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72)

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