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After the Bay State Thumping, Obama’s Got His Ticket FEATURED STORY
To Loserville
Posted by James Hudnall J a n 2 0 t h 2 0 1 0 a t 5 : 1 1 p m i n O b a m a, Politics | C o m m e n t s(54) Is Paul Krugman -- NY
Times Nobel Prize-Win
and Former Enron Advi
- Bailing on Obama?
Yesterday’s big upset in Massachusetts, placing Republican Scott Brown in Ted Kennedy’s old seat, was a clear
b y Frank Ross
message from the voters to the Democrats, especially the president, that even lifelong Dems are balking at the
crazed zealotry on display in Washington.
A lot of pigs have been taking to the air since
Obama’s response?  Full speed ahead.  “In substance, the mission can’t change.” Brown's historic -- maybe this time the word
actually means something -- win in the
Massachusetts special election for "Teddy
Kennedy's seat" on Tuesday night.  The balan
power has tilted a bit, legislation that looked
inevitable a...

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To prove he’s determined to stick to his plans, including nationalizing student loans, “card check,” cap and trade
and immigration reform are also slated to be pushed by this administration. All are unpopular. The voters are ABC
disturbed by the backroom deals to special interests, the disregard for the public’s outrage, the marginalization of
dissenters like the tea party movement. ACORN

All of this has lead to an anti-incumbent voter rebellion which resulted in yesterday’s Bay State thumping, just as it Afghanistan
did in New Jersey and Virginia last November. The Democrats tried to rationalize away those defeats last year. The Baseball
question is, will they do that again? Many long-term Democrat legislators are feeling the ground shifting beneath their
feet as even safe Dems are no longer secure. The leadership of the party is putting on a brave face, saying they plan Books and Literature
to plow ahead with Obamacare.  But many of the rank and file who voted for the earlier bills may bail on it now, 
Cable News
seeing their political futures in peril.
But, to a classic narcissist like Obama, it can’t be his fault. He’s determined to push his agenda at all costs, and
Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are his willing adjutants. They were driving the Dems to fall on their swords for Charity
Obamacare. They used bribes, threats and intimidation to get their way. But now Obama looks weak.  He foolishly
Chicago Tribune
pinned Coakley’s election on his agenda and his support did not help her. Many Democrats may find his appeals
no longer persuasive. Christianity

Obama’s polling in the 40s now. Expect that to continue as long as unemployment and other factors keep the Climate Change
economy in stagnation. The anti-business policies of the administration have only hurt things. The public is feeling
the pinch. In an election year, that spells disaster for his party. Climategate



Conservative Media








To make matters worse, Obama’s once vaunted popularity is now tarnished. His apologists may blame it on Exclusives
Republicans. But the fact is, people are abandoning their parties on both sides to become Independents. And every
politician knows you need the independents to win.  And Independents are solidly against Obama now. Featured Story

To add to his woes, the TV comics, who were once loath to mock him, are now turning their barbs his way. The Film
media, which was solidly sycophantic at the start of this year, are now questioning his moves and even his Fox News
credibility. When the press lionizes someone you can bet that they will tear him down with almost equal zeal once
the honeymoon ends.   Obama has worn out his welcome faster than any president of the modern era. As the George W. Bush
Guardian quipped: “Even Charles Manson could beat him.”
They say nothing succeeds like success. But they also say nobody likes a loser. Obama’s three for three in failing
to deliver a win after supporting Democrats in major races.  The American economy is in the tank, and his remedies 
have only made things worse.  His promises are proven to be false. The voters are turning on him. His former History
senate seat is now in peril. The press is even starting to change its tune about the tea party movement after
yesterday’s election.
When Obama was elected some people joked “Welcome back, Carter.”  That may have been an insult to Carter.
Obama may eclipse him as the most inept president of our times.  He’s certainly off to a good start. Islam

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Tags: B a r a c k O b a m a, Charles Manson, D e m o c r a t i c P a r t y, inept president, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Politics,
Scott Brown, Ted Kennedy, T h e G u a r d i a n, V i r g i n i a, W a s h i n g t o n Los Angeles Times

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Martha Coakley

54 COMMENTS media bias

LOSERVILLE - BIG JOURNALISM -- TOPSY.COM - January 20th, 2010 at 5:14 pm
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Vince Humphreys, BigJournalism. BigJournalism said: After the Military
Bay State Thumping, Obama’s Got His Ticket To Loserville [...]

JAMESB - January 21st, 2010 at 1:22 am

As long as keeps governing like he bowls – crappily – he'll continue his slide into Jimmy Carter-esque infamy.
Network News
Rampant inflation is a real possibility – apparently while Barry was getting his "impressive education" he
New Media
wasn't exposed to any basic economics.
New York Magazine

DAVE - January 21st, 2010 at 1:26 am New York Times

Is Oba-mao trying to look like Benito Mussolini ( El Duce ) when he poses like this?

News magazines
1REDCENT - January 21st, 2010 at 1:33 am
He ALWAYS strikes that pose and I ALWAYS see him as Mussolini. It's Benito's iconic "look". NPR

Barry may not do it consciously, or perhaps someone trained him to do it, in the misguided thought that it Obama
would make him look "strong" or authoritative", whatever. I don't know why he does it, but it's a crazy thing for
him to do, since all it does is bring up comparisons to Mussolini. Open Threads

opinion journalism

MRM-IN-WNC - January 21st, 2010 at 1:36 am Planned Parenthood

the length of BHO's coattails could be measured in nanometers. unless at some point he ends up supporting a
virtual clone of himself, it ain't ever gonna work. and even if there was such a doppelganger to be found, BHO Political Humor
has lost more market value faster than a new car being driven off the lot…and into an oncoming bus.
even at the very height of his popularity, people were still only interested in HIM, not what he had to say about
Print Journalism
other Dems.

BOHEMOND - January 21st, 2010 at 1:44 am Religion

"Obama’s polling in the 40s now. Expect that to continue as long as unemployment and other factors keep the
Rethinking Bush
economy in stagnation."

Naaaaah. He'll be in the 30s by spring.

Rush Limbaugh

Sarah Palin

SANMON - January 21st, 2010 at 1:45 am Scott Brown

Obama is just following Saul Alinsky's book. "When you run into problems just put your foot on the gas and go
faster" Sports
Obama is going to try to cross the canyon with no bridge. Folks you better strap that seat belt tight because Taliban
these types of landings are going to hurt. Obama foot soon will have the gas pedal pushed to the floor and we are
Talk Radio
in for his Progressive ride wether we like it or not. You about ready to see a Narcissist explode, and it ain't going
to be pretty. Tea Parties

COPPERPEONY - January 21st, 2010 at 1:53 am
"Obama is just following Saul Alinsky's book. "When you run into problems just put your foot on the gas and go
faster" Time Magazine

Like Thelma and Louise going over the cliff? LOL, I hope. Uncategorized

War on Terror
JAMES HUDNALL - January 21st, 2010 at 1:55 am
I agree, I think he may even make the 20s like Congress Washington Post

JAMESB - January 21st, 2010 at 2:01 am BLOGROLL

Let me summize M.A.'s response to Barry's screed in one phrase – ROTFLMAO! -signed Maya.

MSERIES - January 21st, 2010 at 2:02 am
Ace Of Spades HQ
0bama isn't as smart as Bill Clinton. After '94 Clinton let the Republicans save his presidency for him.
0bama will never do that. Watching him will be like watching an RC helicopter crash; even after it hits the Agence France Press
ground, it keeps spinning chewing itself to pieces.

American Thinker
SANMON - January 21st, 2010 at 2:02 am
The only problem is, we are passengers wether we like it or not. He can do allot of damage without it ever going Andrew Sullivan
through Congress.
Ann Coulter

JAMESB - January 21st, 2010 at 2:03 am Associated Press

J.H. – Ready and waiting for more of the cartoon adventures of "Capt. Barry", the FLOTUS, and his Democrat
Big Hollywood
Ship O' Fools…
Bill O’Reilly

LORBEN - January 21st, 2010 at 2:10 am Billy Hallowell Online

I have never seen a picture with Mussolini with his nose as high as The One! Whoever is directing him to do that
Black & Right
is making a grave mistake with the American people….we despise arrogance!

JAMES - January 20th, 2010 at 6:11 pm

One of the most liberal states in the union just told Chairman Bao to go pound sand. One can only imagine what
the rest of the country thinks.

Boston Globe

LORBEN - January 21st, 2010 at 2:12 am

I saw someone make that analogy on TV the other night. I cannot remember who it was, but it was great!

WEWEED_UP - January 21st, 2010 at 2:12 am C-SPAN

[..."We'll have to think through this next year from the standpoint of tactics but in substance the mission can't
Camille Paglia
change," Obama senior adviser David Axelrod told reporters....]
Charles Krauthammer
Good. That means he doesn't get it. I hope he stays egocentric and isolated, believing his own press from the
lunatic fringe left. I hope he keeps Rahm Deadfish around and doesn't fire him like Clinton did. He probably will Chicago Tribune
since the left never understood that Republicans made Clinton's presidency appear successful. ObaMao also
Christian Science Monitor
doesn't have a dot com bubble and mega-mergers to save him. I'd almost feel sorry for him if he hadn't made
himself my enemy. Christopher Hitchens

Claremont Institute
LORBEN - January 21st, 2010 at 2:13 am
"To add to his woes, the TV comics, who were once loath to mock him, are now turning their barbs his way." Commentary

Gotta love capitalism! Daily Gut

Dana Loesch
ED357 - January 20th, 2010 at 6:16 pm Dennis Miller Radio
Dennis Prager
Der Spiegel
Don Surber
Drudge Report


Ed Driscoll
Financial Times

THINKING_MAN - January 21st, 2010 at 2:17 am Forbes

If Obama was the captain of the titanic his response would have been damn the ice bergs, full speed ahead.
Foreign Affairs
His Administration is headed for the same fate.
Founding Bloggers

HIPLAINSDRIFTER - January 21st, 2010 at 2:18 am Fox Nation

Correct me if I wrong, but Mr O seems all "wee-weed up"….Now that his whole agenda is in real jeopardy, will he
Fox News
pull back, open his door to Conservative free market ideas, (like he said he would), or will he play "on tilt"- go for
broke and really flame out….?? I'm guessin' the latter… .Big tin ears…Bigger friggin' ego… Freakonomics Blog

Gateway Pundit
THINKING_MAN - January 21st, 2010 at 2:19 am
I hope he keeps the idiocy up as well, the longer it goes on the bigger the tidal wave in 2010/12
George Will

JAMES HUDNALL - January 21st, 2010 at 2:22 am Glenn Beck

Most of the people in Barney Frank's district voted for Brown. The writing's on the wall.
Hot Air

ABD - January 21st, 2010 at 2:24 am Huffington Post

Obama is going to lose 30 to 40 seats in 2010 — and the presidency in 2012!
Hugh Hewitt

Human Events
JAMES HUDNALL - January 21st, 2010 at 2:25 am
Obama's lost Paul Krugman. I rest my case. Instapundit
Investors Business Daily

JAMESB - January 21st, 2010 at 2:26 am
I'm sure he's sure we "just don't get it". James Hudnall

I'm betting he's thinking that if he just pushes harder we redneck morons will "see it his way" and fold. Jawa Report

Euro-socialism achieved, everthings cool. Then we answer "baaaah". Jerusalem Post

John Gibson
DCASE - January 21st, 2010 at 2:27 am
there will soon come a time when everyone will know EXACTLY what the Obama administration is all about…  John Nolte

You are getting a nice clue, now. But understand what we already know: This man, and his adherents and John Tierney
minions, are TRUE BELIEVERS. They have little, if no interest in governance. What they want to do- what they
Kyle Olson
WILL do come hell or high water, is Fundamentally Change the United States of America. They most assuredly
are not kidding about this. Larry Elder

So, enjoy the Scott Brown thing. It is a setback, no doubt. But remember one thing- they will attempt Larry Kudlow
ANYTHING to achieve their ends. A manufactured 'crisis' is what to expect, and expect it soon. It may not work-
Lars Larson
our opinion of their abilities is not high- but they will TRY.
Laura Ingraham
Keep your eye on the ball…
Law Hawk

WEWEED_UP - January 21st, 2010 at 2:28 am Los Angeles Times

It's THE look of Liberal Fascism. Hussein's first bio-pic should be "The Rise and Fall of Il Duce, Part 2"

CFBLEACHERS - January 21st, 2010 at 2:29 am Mancow

When the press lionizes someone you can bet that they will tear him down with almost equal zeal once the
Manhattan Institute
honeymoon ends.
Marginal Revolution
Mark Levin
Loved the rest of the article…Jimmy Carter still gets lionized and Al Gore got a Nobel Prize and an Oscar for
being a Cigar Store Indian, wooden, offensive and out of date. Mark Steyn

The entrenched media will COVER for those they lionize, no matter what inane concoction the politician is Media Research Center
The Democratic froth fringe and the media make up a Tone Deaf Choir, singing off key to each other songs only
they appreciate.
Melanie Morgan

Michael Barone

WEWEED_UP - January 21st, 2010 at 2:31 am Michael Savage

I have a feeling Hussein will win him back.
Michael Yon

MAGO - January 21st, 2010 at 2:37 am Mickey Kaus

I think it's interesting… well ok, interesting in a "I've got nothing else remotely to do at ALL" sort of way…. to
Mike Flynn
watch the One's early speeches and compare them to more recent speeches. It's pretty interesting how the
arrogance meter started going WAY up after his election. Move America Forward

JP - January 20th, 2010 at 6:38 pm
This is too much like work for Obama.
National Review

He will be very content being a one term perz. and going the tour! National Review’s The Corner

Neal Boortz
THEBARBARIAN - January 21st, 2010 at 2:38 am
While listening to the talking heads and reading the media lies, they just don’t get it.. It was a rejection of BO New Republic
ville, but it was not a stamp of approval for the republicans. Independents are tired of the corruption and wild
New York Magazine
New York Post

JAMES HUDNALL - January 21st, 2010 at 2:44 am New York Times

Not all of them. You haven't been paying attention. The owner of the Daily News is trashing him. More and
more are on the left.

SAM G - January 20th, 2010 at 6:46 pm Pajamas Media

In an article dated Jan. 20, 2010, David Brooks of the NY Times sees it this way:
“A year ago the country rallied behind a new president who promised to end the pendulum-like swings, who
seemed likely to restore equilibrium with his moderate temper and pragmatic mind. In many ways Barack Pat Dollard
Obama has lived up to his promise. He has created a thoughtful, pragmatic administration marked by a culture Patterico’s Pontifications
of honest and vigorous debate….If the evidence leads him in a direction he finds uncomfortable he will still follow
the evidence. He is beholden to no ideological camp… The country is now split on Obama because he is PoliGazette
temperate, thoughtful and pragmatic, but his policies are almost all unpopular because the people aren’t
sophisticated enough to understand it…. .Obama has shown himself to be a fine administrator…. .”
Power Line

BORN FREE - January 21st, 2010 at 2:52 am PR Newswire

"dcase" has it right. These people are not going to acquiesce. The administration has already proven it will
subvert the law to it's own ends. They have only begun to screw us.
Quincy News

QA_NJ - January 21st, 2010 at 3:00 am Real Clear Markets

While Carter was always a good comparison for Obama's election, when he was elected, I figured he would either
be a tone deaf disaster like Carter and stick to the left or he could be more of a pragmatist like Bill Clinton and
Real Clear Politics

move toward the center. I was stunned at how quickly he, too, made me wonder if he was going to make Carter Reason
good by comparison.
Reason Hit and Run

QA_NJ - January 21st, 2010 at 3:10 am RedState

While I agree that's what's on the minds of most voters today, I fear that in a year or two, the most important
Rep. McCotter YouTube Channel
issue on everyone's minds may be a nuclear Iran or the consequences of a nuclear Iran.

JBNID - January 21st, 2010 at 3:28 am Roger L. Simon

It's very hard to believe, but they STILL haven't heard us!! What does it take—musket fire?
Roger Stone

Roll Call
LAUGHOUTLOUD - January 21st, 2010 at 3:36 am
Are you saying he thinks of us as "sheepol"??? Rolling Stone

Rush Limbaugh
JAMES HUDNALL - January 21st, 2010 at 3:38 am
In 20 years, when Jimmah is dead and Obama is a white haired has been, he will be the new bitter ex-prez Rusty Humphries
running around shooting his mouth off, still blaming Bush. Like Jimmah, he will have that Nobel prize to brag Salon
about and little else.
Sean Hannity

LAUGHOUTLOUD - January 21st, 2010 at 3:40 am Silicon Alley Insider

Is Krugman really "the Conscience of a Liberal"? When you lack values how do you have a conscience??

Smoking Gun
LAUGHOUTLOUD - January 21st, 2010 at 3:48 am
You're makin me get all "wee-wee'd up"…If you were Obamster, had at your beckon-call, all types of Chicago South Park Episodes
thug types, and wanted to "Manufactuer a crisis", what form do you see it taking?…
Tammy Bruce

The Daily Beast

LAUGHOUTLOUD - January 21st, 2010 at 3:52 am
We can only hope Blarney "goes Down"…Poster boy for "TeaBagging"…. The Hill

The New Ledger

LAUGHOUTLOUD - January 21st, 2010 at 3:54 am
Now you know why Jimmah loves Obama… Thomas Sowell

OAKLEY - January 21st, 2010 at 3:54 am Times U.K.
NO Democrat or Rino seat is safe. We the People will make darned sure of that! You hear that Rinos?
LAUGHOUTLOUD - January 21st, 2010 at 3:57 am U.K. Daily Mail
I'm thinkin' it's UZI time….How do we initiate "Valkyrie" in Washington??
U.K. Guardian

U.K. Telegraph
JAMES HUDNALL - January 21st, 2010 at 4:22 am
I just wrote the next one. U.S. National Debt

U.S. News
AHARRIS - January 21st, 2010 at 4:52 am
You're kidding! I wasn't a stellar writing student, but my undergrad poetry was better than that. USA Today

Vanity Fair

AHARRIS - January 21st, 2010 at 4:52 am VodkaPundit

He even had that same pose when he was sitting in the pews of the Baptist Church.
Volokh Conspiracy

AHARRIS - January 21st, 2010 at 4:56 am Wall Street Journal

I'd expect them all to be sitting up there pointing and saying, "Look at the Haiti. See the Haiti?" Right now,
Washington Examiner
there's enough crisis there and then some to concern us for some time if they play their distractions right. While
we're all in crisis relief mode and the spirit of giving, they'll start backdooring things. Washington Post

Washington Times
AHARRIS - January 21st, 2010 at 5:03 am
Weekly Standard
These people may not give up easy, but I think the racket is finally getting loud enough that the states are
taking notice. Florida's AG plans to challenge any health care mandate; my understanding is that he's not WorldNetDaily
alone. MO's house just passed a non-binding resolution to recommend to the state's Federal legislative caucus
that they vote no on health care. AZ has a referendum on tap that would allow the voters of the state to vote on
whether or not they want to adopt any Federal reform legislation. KS has a resolution to confirm the 10th
Amendment and state's rights in committee and on the they day it was debated, there was a rally with a fairly
impressive crowd despite it being a work day.

How much teeth they ultimately decide to give those things.

JAMES HUDNALL - January 21st, 2010 at 1:54 am

Look out, Maya Angolu!!

REV WRIGHT - January 21st, 2010 at 2:42 am

He looks like an Italian dictator in the 1930's………………. .Like Benito, maybe he will rethink his commie lib
positions once he is upside down.


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