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Methods and technique of the study:

This study which arrived to identify how profile and multiple intelligences
influence the level of performance of people with disabilities inspite of their
According to Glass and Hopkins (1984), descriptive research can be either
quantitative or qualitative. It can involve collections of quantitative information that
can be tabulated along continuum in numerical form such as scores on a test or the
number of times a person chooses to use a certain feature a multimedia program,
or it can describe categories of information such as a gender or patterns of
interactions when using technology in a group situations . Descriptive research
involves gathering data that describe events and then organizes, tabulates, depicts,
and describes the data collection.
Borg and Gall (1989) stated that , the term descriptive research is unique in
the number variables employed. Like other types of research, descriptive research
can include multiple variables for analysis, yet unlike other methods, it requires only
one variable.
Spector, M. (2014). Handbook of Research on Educational Communications
and Technology. Retrieved from
#about authors
The Handbook of Research for Educational Communication and Technology.

Instrumental Research
There is one type of research instrument had been used in this study namely
survey questionnaire . likewise ,documentary analysis was used to examine
relevant documents that can help to produce facts and information for the study.
One set of survey-questionnaire was prepared for the teachers and parents of
persons with disabilities respondents. The survey questionnaire was divided into two
sections. Section 1 focused on the profile of the school in terms of facilities and
equipment ,organization commitment for PWD , provision of trainings for school
personnel , budget allocation for PWD and attitude of the school towards PWD.
Section II , on the other hand , dealt with the friendliness of the school for PWD in
terms of obstruction, signage, street furniture, path ways, parking, ramps, stairs,
railing and hand rails, entrances, doors, corridors, and restrooms.
Whereas, documentary analysis was used to scrutinized the barrier-free
school environment for persons with disabilities.

In measuring and identifying the opinion of the teacher and parents of PWD in
terms of profile of the school, and friendliness of the school for PWD , the following
Likert Scale was used



Strongly unfavorable to the concept

strongly disagree

Somewhat unfavorable to the concept



Somewhat favorable to the concept


Strongly favorable to the concept

Strongly agree

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