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The case that Ive chose is the article where President Noynoy Aquino is planning to extend
his 6 years term up to 12 years term. He wants to move to clip the powers of the Supreme
Court for striking down as unconstitutional the administrations pork barrel schemethe
Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP), and his openness to calls from his political
cohorts to revise the 1987 Constitution, a handiwork of his mothers administration, to
allow him to extend his single six-year constitutional term. For me, President Noynoy
Aquino shows a moral principle of Teleology which according to the Merriam Webster, the
fact or character attributed to nature or natural processes of being directed toward an end
or shaped by a purpose. And according to Wikipedia, it is an account of a given thing's end
or purpose that is from an Ancient Greek telos, meaning roughly "end" or "purpose" and
-logia, meaning "study of, discourse".
President Noynoy is just doing his job for the country. Because for me, he is doing his best
just to make our country and economy competitive and has a stability status. For me, how
Noynoy handle the country is not a big deal and not a problem to me, I may say that the
Philippines now, is a little bit improving rather than before. Maybe we cant just feel and
experience it right now, but I know that someday we will. We should work one step at a time
thats why we should for our turn when that competitive and stability status will happen. A
good example of this a toddler, growing to a child, to a teenager, as we grow little by little, we
learn and discovery new things. We learn how walk, talk, crawl, communicate and so many
things to learn. And as we grow, we learn and learn up to the extent where we got curious
on the stuffs that we see, touch, hear, taste and smell. We learn step by step and for the
longer term for our president, we must step by step learn and discover the wrong doings of
the earlier presidents and change those things to make our country competitive and stable.
As you can see, I am more in favour of the terms and conditions of President Noynoy.
In this article, I can say that the sociological concepts that were used in the said case were
authority, demography, values, role and power. Authority is included because since he is
our president until now, he has the authority and the power to give orders to the
government employees and to the senates to help him out in improving and developing our
country. Because without the help of other people and by just the power of the president,
there would be no progress at all and if there will be, there is a low progress in doing so.
Thats why he needs the help of other people. Demography is also included in this article
because as the president is doing his job, there must be a big change with regards to the
improvement of the society, economy and all in all, the countrys status. Another
sociological concept that is involved in this case is the values, where we must appreciate al
the efforts that our president is doing for our country. That the president has the very
important and significant values for our country since most of us Filipinos voted him as the
president which means that most of us do believe in his strength in managing our country
the same as his parents. That only means that we value President Noynoy as our president.
And lastly is the role, Noynoy has the role as our president thats why he must not lose our
trust and faith to him in managing our country. For me, dictatorship is the one that the
president is emphasizing on his speech. But I know that dictatorship may lead into good
result since we can see some outcome that the president is doing.

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