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Crackdown on Free Will Creativity Liberty

Prosecution undermines inclusiveness and progress.

It doesn't matter what you will say or do, prosecution based on prejudice
will find the way to and the reason to inflict pain.
For over a decade I'm trying to publish my works: books, music, photography, publicise letters
and peace initiatives. My works, to date, are on the List of Forbidden Books. I was recently called a
heretic, same as da Vinci (notebooks were hidden for centuries and available only for selected few),
Giordano Bruno, Copernicus ( whose works were printed while on his death bed), Galielo Galilei
(prosecuted and threatened with death sentence), Descartes as well as Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de
Beauvoir, Montaigne, Voltaire, Denis Diderot, Victor Hugo, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Andr Gide,
Emanuel Swedenborg, Baruch Spinoza, Immanuel Kant, David Hume, Francis Bacon, Thomas
Browne, John Milton, John Locke, Blaise Pascal.
Partial List of Artists and Scientists who were persecuted (below data may require correction
if necessary):
Libri Carolini, supposedly by Charlemagne
Dante Alighieri (only his Monarchia)
Montaigne (Essais)
Descartes (Mditations Mtaphysiques et 6 autres livres, 1948)
La Fontaine (Contes et Nouvelles)
Pascal (Penses with notes by Voltaire)
Montesquieu (Lettres Persanes, 1948)
Voltaire (Lettres philosophiques; Histoire des croisades; Cantiques des Cantiques)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Du Contrat Social; La Nouvelle Hlose)
Helvtius (De l'Esprit; De l'homme, de ses facults intellectuelles et de son ducation)

Casanova (Mmoires)
Sade (Justine, Juliette)
Madame de Stal (Corinne ou l'Italie)
Stendhal (Le Rouge et le noir, 1948)
Victor Hugo (Notre Dame de Paris; Les Misrables until 1959)
Gustave Flaubert (Madame Bovary; Salammb)
Alexandre Dumas (various novels)
Pierre Larousse (Grand Dictionnaire Universel)
Allan Kardec (The Spirits' Book)
Joseph Addison
Simone de Beauvoir
Cesare Beccaria
Jeremy Bentham
Henri Bergson
George Berkeley
Thomas Browne
Giordano Bruno
John Calvin
Auguste Comte
Nicolaus Copernicus (later lifted)
Jean le Rond d'Alembert
Erasmus Darwin
Daniel Defoe
John William Draper
Alexandre Dumas, pre
Alexandre Dumas, fils
Desiderius Erasmus
Johannes Scotus Eriugena
Frederick II of Prussia
Galileo Galilei (later lifted)
Edward Gibbon
Vincenzo Gioberti
Heinrich Heine
Thomas Hobbes
David Hume
Cornelius Jansen
Adam F. Kollr[6]
Nikos Kazantzakis
Johannes Kepler
Hugues Felicit Robert de Lamennais
Martin Luther
Niccol Machiavelli

Nicolas Malebranche
Jules Michelet
Baruch Spinoza
John Stuart Mill[7]
John Milton
Ernest Renan
George Sand
Jonathan Swift
Miguel de Unamuno
Maria Valtorta
Theodoor Hendrik van de Velde
Gerard Walschap
Huldrych Zwingli

Forbidden and Prosecuted Books

Persecution of scientists, artists, free thinkers, recently geeks.
Marek Mark J. Wagner a list of banned prosecuted books and works.
Follow the Light, Exciting Journey (book and DVD).
People, color, shapes, poetry, thoughts, color, black and white photo illustrations.
Voda/h2o. Dialog: Theoreticus and Harmonicus.
Poetry, thoughts, ilustrations.
Wright Brothers, First Flight (biography)
Extensive historical research, vivid illustrations, historical timeline from ancient times to present
Pink Republic Poetry
Voda & Fire Poetry
The Paramount Law of Transformation (Poetry).
Dragon's Adventure (children's book).

Poezje Kropl Pisane. Poetry Collection (Polish language).
King's Scrolls (Poetica Slavica. Drama.Poetry).
Leonardo da Vinci (Book: I, II, III. Biography, Paintings, Manuscripts).
La Liberte (short stories).
Water Drops Manuscript (graphic reresentation of universe).
First Aid for Prisoners of Faith (Polish language).
Trial (Biblical Story. English).
Universum. Manuskrypt of Water Drops
Universe. Black Holes.
The Anatomy of the Universe
Signs of our Times (Essay. English).
Music by Pink Republic
Pink Republic
Pink Republic Jerusalem Psalm 23
Pink Republic High Altitude Spirits
Pink Republic Peace
Pink Republic Choice
Pink Republic Dr. K.
Pink Republic Cheers
Pink Republic Silence

Pink Republic DNA

Pink Republic Feelings
Pink Republic Tongue
Pink Republic Mary Magdalene
Pink Republic Breaths
Pink Republic Prisoner
Pink Republic Orion Speaks
Pink Republic Hip Hop #9
Pink Republic Dog Fight
Pink Republic The Sea Spirits
Pink Republic Hot Bath
Pink Republic Diet Pill
Pink Republic Pulse of Life
Pink Republic Rhythm of Life
Pink Republic Peace Chant
Pink Republic Resurrection Psalm
Pink Republic Follow the Light Exciting Journey
Pink Republic Fluorescent Echoes
Pink Republic Awareness
Pink Republic Creation of Stream
Pink Republic Nativity
Pink Republic Phenix
Pink Republic Psalm 31
Pink Republic Echoes
Pink Republic Divine Reflections - Water
Pink Republic Sculpture of Time
Pink Republic Triptych
Pink Republic Blue Serenade
Pink Republic Man Made of Musical Notes
Pink Republic Free
Pink Republic Liquid Scrolls of Peace
Pink Republic Water Circles
Pink Republic Cowboys Ride
Pink Republic Trinity
Pink Republic Energy of Peace
Pink Republic Precious Planet Earth
Pink Republic Great Book of the Little Creek
Pink Republic Angelicus Harmonicus
Pink Republic Reflections
Pink Republic Dolphins Lesser Brothers
Pink Republic Round Trip to Earth
Pink Republic El Hombre Dorado
Pink Republic Book of Songs

Photography, Graphic Design, Architectural Projects, Mirror Photography, Photographic

Perception, Pink Republic Watch, Pink Republic Brand.

Theoretical Physics and Mathematical Equation.


Peace, Equality, Tolerance, Social Justice.


Marek "Mark" J. Wagner

Behind prosecuted books, art, science, barbed wires of awareness dwell human being as well as
his imprint in space and sequence. Prosecution is suffering and pain of every man and woman who
became the target.
Those who prosecute art, science, liberties, are the erasers of humanity including God's will and
aspirations toward Humanity.
Erasers of liberties and human aspirations is the ultimate evil toward entire human civilization
especially when liberties, art, science dignify human experience.
Who have the self proclaimed right on Earth to claim that some can dwell,
exist while others don't .

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