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Goffman Liste der Original-Publikationen (ohne deutsche bersetzungen)

(Zitate nach Goffman Bibliographie in: LEMERT, C. und A. BRANAMAN, Hrsg., 1997, The Goffman
Reader. Malden, Oxford, S. 263f.)

wichtige Monographien unterstrichen

zur Gnze gelesene Arbeiten fett
GOFFMAN, E., 1951, Symbols of Class Status. In: British Journal of Sociology 11,
S. 294-304.
GOFFMAN, E., 1952, On Cooling the Mark Out. Some Aspects of Adaption to
Failure. In: Psychiatry 15, 4, S. 451-463.
GOFFMAN, E., 1953, Communication Conduct in an Island Community. Diss.
GOFFMAN, E., 1953, The Service Station Dealer. The Man and his Work Chicago.
GOFFMAN, E., 1955, On Face-work. An Analysis of Ritual Elements in Social
Interaction. In: Psychiatry 18, 3, S. 213-231.
GOFFMAN, E., 1956, The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Edinburgh.
GOFFMAN, E., 1956, The Nature of Deference and Demeanor. In: American
Anthropologist 58, 3, S. 473-502.
GOFFMAN, E., 1956, Embarrassment and Social Organization. In: American
Journal of Sociology 62, 3, S. 264-271.
GOFFMAN, E., 1957, Alienation from Interaction. In: Human Relations 10, 1, S. 4759.
GOFFMAN, E., 1957, Interpersonal Persuasion. In: B. SCHAFFNER, Hrsg., Group
Processes. Transactions of the Third, S. 117-193. New York.
GOFFMAN, E., 1957, Some Dimensions of the Problem. In: D. J. Levinson und R.
H. Williams, Hrsg., The Patient and the Mental Hospital, S. 507-510. New
GOFFMAN, E., 1957, On Some Convergences of Sociology and Psychiatry. In:
Psychiatry 20, 3, S. 201-203.
GOFFMAN, E., 1958, The Characteristics of Total Institutions. In: Symposion on
Preventive and Social Psychiatry (April 15-17, 1957), S. 43-84. Washington.
GOFFMAN, E., 1959, The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Garden City.
GOFFMAN, E., 1959, The Moral Career of the Mental Patient. In: Psychiatry 22, 2, S.
GOFFMAN, E., 1961, Asylums. Garden City.
GOFFMAN, E., 1961, Encounters. Two Studies in the Sociology of Interaction.
GOFFMAN, E., 1961, On the Characteristics of Total Institutions. In: D. R. Cressey,
Hrsg., The Prison. Studies in Institutional Organization and Change,
[Seitenangabe fehlt!]. New York.
GOFFMAN, E., 1963, Behavior in Public Places. Notes on the Social
Organization of Gatherings. New York.
GOFFMAN, E., 1963, Stigma. Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity. New
York, u.a.
GOFFMAN, E., 1964, Mental Symptoms and Public Order. In: Disorders of
Communication. Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease,
Research Publications 42, S. 262-269.

GOFFMAN, E., 1964, The Neglected Situation. In: American Anthropologist 66, S.
GOFFMAN, E., 1966, Communication and Enforcement Systems. In: K. Archibald,
Hrsg., Strategic Interaction and Conflict, [ohne Seitenangabe!]. Berkeley.
GOFFMAN, E., 1967, Interaction Ritual. Essays on Face-to-Face Behavior. Garden
City, New York.
GOFFMAN, E., 1969, Strategic Interaction. Philadelphia.
GOFFMAN, E., 1969, The Insanity of Place. In: Psychiatry 32, 4, S. 357-388.
GOFFMAN, E., 1971, Relations in Public. Microstudies of the Public Order. New
GOFFMAN, E., 1974, Frame Analysis. An Essay on the Organization of
Experience. Cambridge.
GOFFMAN, E., 1976, Replies and Responses. In: Language and Society 4, 3, S.
GOFFMAN, E., 1977, Gendersims. In: Psychology Today 11, 3, S. 60-63.
GOFFMAN, E., 1977, The Arrangement Between the Sexes. In: Theory and
Society 4, 3, S. 301-332.
GOFFMAN, E., 1978, Response Cries. In: Language 54, 4, S. 787-815.
GOFFMAN, E., 1979, Gender Advertisements. Cambridge.
GOFFMAN, E., 1979, Footing. In: Semiotica 25, 1, S. 1-29.
GOFFMAN, E., 1981, Forms of Talk. Philadelphia.
GOFFMAN, E., 1981, A Reply to Denzin and Keller. In: Contemporary Sociology
10, 1, S. 60-68.
GOFFMAN, E., 1983, The Interaction Order. In: American Sociological Review 48,
S. 1-17.
GOFFMAN, E., 1983, Felicitys Condition. In: American Journal of Sociology 89, 1,
S. 1-53.
GOFFMAN, E., 1983, Microsociologie et histoire. In : P. Fritsch, Hrsg., Le sens de
lordinaire, S. 197-202. Paris.
GOFFMAN, E., On Fieldwork. In: Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 18, 2, S.

Zustzliche Literatur:
BOURDIEU, P., 1983, Erving Goffman. Discover of the Infinitely Small. In: Theory,
Culture, and Society 2, 1, S. 112-113.
BRANAMAN, A., 1997, Goffmans Social Theory. In: C. LEMERT und A.
BRANAMAN, Hrsg., 1997, The Goffman Reader, S. XLV-LXXXIII. Malden,
LEMERT, C. und A. BRANAMAN, Hrsg., 1997, The Goffman Reader. Malden,
LEMERT, C., 1997, Goffman. In: C. LEMERT und A. BRANAMAN, Hrsg., 1997,
The Goffman Reader, S. IX-XLIII. Malden, Oxford.

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