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ACCA F5 Performance Management

ACCA F5 Performance Management

PricewaterhouseCoopers Trening akademija u saradnji sa

PricewaterhouseCoopers Business Academy iz eke
Republike Vam nudi pripremnu obuku za polaganje ACCA
ispita F5 Performance Management u trajanju od 5

PricewaterhouseCoopers Training Academy in partnership

with PricewaterhouseCoopers Business Academy Czech
Republic is offering preparatory training for ACCA exam
F5 Performance Management in duration of 5 days.

PricewaterhouseCoopers je Gold Approved Learning

Partner i Registered CPD Provider za ACCA.
ta je F5 Performance Management
Cilj ovog predavanja i ispita je razvijanje znanja i vetina u
primeni tehnika upravljakog raunovodstva za
kvantitativne i kvalitativne informacije za planiranje,
donoenje odluka, procene performansi i kontrole.
ACCA u Trening akademiji
Ako elite da saznate vie o ACCA programu, molimo Vas
da na internet stranici Trening akademije pogledate
sledee sekcije (napomena: ACCA program se u
potpunosti sprovodi na engleskom jeziku. Svi materijali
koje moete pogledati su takoe na engleskom jeziku):

ta je ACCA?
Zato uiti ACCA?
Kako do ACCA?
Opcije za uenje
Materijali za uenje
ACCA kursevi
ACCA predavai
ACCA akreditacije

Jezik obuke
Obuka e se odrati na engleskom jeziku
Mesto i vreme odravanja obuke
24 28 maj 2010.
Od 09 do 17 asova
Airport City
Omladinskih brigada 88a, 11000 Beograd
Cena kursa F5 je 500 + PDV u dinarskoj protivvrednosti.
U cenu su ukljueni:

Kaplan materijali

PwC Course Notes

Probni ispit i ocenjivanje

PricewaterhouseCoopers is Gold Approved Learning

Partner and Registered CPD Provider for ACCA.
What is F5 Performance Management
Purpose of this training and examination is to develop
knowledge and skills in the application of management
accounting techniques to quantitative and qualitative
information for planning, decision-making, performance
evaluation and control.
ACCA in Training Academy
If you wish to find out more about ACCA programme, on
the web page of Training Academy look at the following

What is ACCA?
Why Study ACCA?
The Route to ACCA
Study Options
Study Materials
ACCA Courses
ACCA Tutors
ACCA Accreditations

Training will be conducted in English language
24th 28th May 2010.
09:00AM 5:00PM
Airport City
Omladinskih brigada 88a, 11000 Belgrade
Fee for F5 seminar is 500 + VAT payable in dinars. This
fee includes:

Kaplan Materials

PwC Course Notes

Mock exams and marking

Za vie informacija o programu ACCA obuka molim Vas


For more information about ACCA programme, please


Miro Smolovi
Menader, Trening Akademija
+381 11 3302 100
+381 64 8574 000

Miro Smolovic
Manager, Training Academy
+381 11 3302 100
+381 64 8574 000

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