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Competitive Analysis

Requirement Analysis

An analysis of the competition helps a business, or

client, to see what is on the market. It allows for flaws
Requirements are the objectives of a business, or client.
to be avoided and strengths to be improved
Requirements include what a user wants to see and
upon. A competitive analysis saves time, money,
whatever goals he/she has; such as consistency, being
resources, and having to redo a project
pleasing to the eye, proper disposition, useful
Audience Definition defines whom the project is for. There are two similar groups
because of failure the first time. In dating,
features and functions that can be performed,
that are defined as the audience and both are the definition. The first being the user
by analyzing admirable peers, one will
and the skills of a user and their normal
group to benefit from the lessons and the second being the group the project was built
be able to create a strategy such as
environments. Simularly in dating, a person
for (main user group). The main user group will further the relationship to reach the final
how to treat a partner and how to
looks for qualities in a person such as
goal. By acquiring a date, the applicant is one step closer to his/her goal. The main objective
choose ones outfit. The strategy
documentation will be also
hair or eye color, height and weight,
for the user would be the same. The readers of the lesson would gain beneficial knowledge as
leads to a desirable partner.
passed to technical engineers
personality and other things
to what steps work for the applicant and what steps were failures, causing the applicant to
who will develop coding to give life
of compatability.
go back to the proverbial "drawing board." These users will use this information
to a site. The information architecture
in much the same way the applicant used the competitive analysis and
How do I
document will also be used as a guide to
will improve their chances of a date.
get a
test the usability of the site. User definitions,
cases and scenarios will also be used. The
information architecture document will be followed
as the guideline to develop an effective and userfriendly website. This project will be used by users
and other interested parties to achieve a date, or a
possible date, as shown by our applicant.
User scenarios are story-like paragraphs that



User Scenarios

describe users possible thoughts. There are

also the students of the project to consider. A
scenario would include the process that the
user went through to get his/her date and
what experiences that he/she faced. A scenario
is also a short story of a what potential partner
can be. The scenario tells what the partner
would expect one to do on a date. The
scenario helps one to think of how to
treat the partner from the
other person's

Wire Frames
A sketch of the intended evening's plans can go a long
way to help further the enjoyment of the evening. A
wire frame is not a detailed, final outline and does not
focus on detail of a website but instead focuses on its
overview. The wire frame is a rough layout to what
the design of a site will look like. It shows placement
of text and images and is used as a general layout
plan for designers to follow. The wire frame is
used by the designers to mold a final
website. In dating, a wire frame can be
related to an evening's events. E.g.
when a couple goes to a movie,
A site map is a visual aid to show
where the couple will set,
how the process is structured. It
such as next to each other
offers a quick guide to help users find
at the best place to
the information that they are looking for.
view the screen. It
It shows a user what subjects are related
focuses on the
and how to get from one process to another.
hierarchy of
The site map, unlike the process flow, allows the
the most
user to view the project as a whole rather than a
specific path he/she may choose to follow. The site
map shows where the couple will go on a date and
future dates and how each relates to the other. It shows the
global navigation of a website and how one page can link to
the other. E.g. the chain of buildings show how one location can
link to the location adjacent to it or a location further down the
road. All locations link back home. In essence global navigation.

Site Map


Content Survey
Content survey is a methodical review of a project's
content. It defines what content is needed and the
status of that content. In the case of dating the content
shown would be the content needed for a successful date.
Content herein could include cologne, proper attire, jewelry, flowers or
candy, a set of wheels, or even appropriate music. Other information of
value to review in the content survey are possible dinner choices; such as a
A process flow is a graphical
choice of a specific restaurant for the date given a few options. Entres and desert
representation of the sequence of
choices should also be included. A good review to make sure every item is in place and
all operations, movements, delays,
properly accounted for can make an evening go much better and smoother. In web
decisions, and any other activities of a
design, a content survey would allow for all pages on the website to be accounted for.
process. The process flow outlines and
Each link, image and all of the text would be checked off and sorted according to
illustrates the interaction and actions that
content. Server software and requirements for the site as well as software used in
the user takes and how the he/she may or
making the site should also be accounted for in the content survey. Basically any
may not react. It covers the entire experience.
and everything to do with the site should be cataloged here.
It describes the sequence of events and the
relationship of the tasks. The process flow can also
identify actual and ideal paths that can identify
problems and potential improvements. It is also used
to verify that all the components of a system that have
been accounted for and aid in the development of the
project. The process flow shows possible routes that the
user may take on the date and the results of each of his/her
actions. A user may want to have a plan for a romantic date
such as going to a movie or or a fun date at a monster truck rally.
By outlining these dating plan, a user will be able to decide which
dating plan is most appropriate for his/her companion.


This poster is the class project of TaRan Wilson, Miyuki Shimbo and Ray Henderson. All information and images contained herin are the itellectual and physical property of these students. No replication of any kind of this poster is allowed without the written approval of these students.

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