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Victoria Fromkin, Robert Rodman & Nina Hyms. 2007. An Introduction Into Language.
United States of America: Thomson Wardsworth.
1. Ambiguity: kouyuuyuo id nombo do kiwaa o boros toi ko frasa di kiwaa lobi mantad
iso rati.
2. Lexical ambiguity (ketaksaan leksikal) nopo nga kouyuuyuo di nombo do kiwaa o
sokuang-kuang do iso boros dii kiwaa lobi mantad iso rati.
3. Toilaan tokou kokomoi do ketaksaan(ambiguity) leksikal om struktural nopo nga
popokito do rati nopo do isoiso ekspresi linguistik id boros nga owonsoi mantad id
suang (contain) om nogi struktur do sintaks.
4. Compositional Semantics.
Kooturan sintaktik nopo nga popokito (express) do toilaan di mobooboros
kokomoi do gramatikal, struktur konstituen, pionitan do panandatan om

mogisuusuai po.
Kooturan semantik nopo nga popohompit nogi do toilaan semantik kaampai

no katapatan, rujukan, entailment om ambiguity.

5. Kooturan Semantik (semantic rules).
Kooturan nopo do semantik nopo nga mositi do sensitif kumaa do rati do

monoroiso boros om struktur id kinoyonon do boros dii.

Kooturan semantik I: Panandatan di nowonsoi mantad do subjek NP (noun)
om iso VP (verb) nopo nga kotunud nung ilo nopo subjek NP nga morujuk do
isoiso individual who is among the members of the set that constitute the

meaning of the VP.

Kooturan semantik II: :The meaning of (VP V NP) is the set of individuals X
such that X is the first member of any pair in the meaning of V whose second

member is the meaning of the NP.

6. Anomaly nopo duo boros dii kiwaa o rati nga au milo do piomungon tu aiso o rati di
7. Metafora nopo nga kouyuuyuo id nombo do kopiomungan nopo do boros nga
popohompit do kreativiti om imaginasi di akawas montok do manganu do korotian.
8. Idiom nopo nga kiwaa o rati di pointatap om rati nopo dii nga okon ko compositional
om kopomogunaan do kooturan compositional id idiom nopo nga kapangasil do rati
di kotoimpuirak-irak toi ko ii au logik.
9. Semantik leksikal nopo nga roitan nogi do rati boros.
Rati do boros di ogumu (panandatan) nopo nga fungsi dii morfem id suang

There is a fundamental difference meaning do rati boros miampai do

semantik leksikal om nogi rati do panandatan.

The meaning of most words and al morphemes is conventional; that is;
speakers of a language implicitly agree on their meaning.

The meaning in the most sentences must be constructed by the application of

semantic rules.
10. Teori do rati. (mantad ponoriukan do puru linguistik, rati nopo do boros nga ii rujukan
dau, id nombo do ii nopo nga kakamot id pomogunan di otopot/real that it refers to).
11. Pionitan Leksikal.

The words that describe the relation often end in the bound morpheme

Sinonim, antonim.
Marked, unmarked (relational opposites).
Homonyms.(homophones) same sound, same or not same spelling but

different meaning.
Polysemous a word that has multiple meanings that are related

conceptually or historically.
Hyponyms the relationship is between the more general term such as color
and more specific instances of it such as red. Thus, red is a hyponym of the

Metonyms a word that substitutes for an object the name of an attribute or
concept associated with that object. Metonym is always employed by the

news services. Metonyms need not be a single word.

12. Upa semantik (Semantik Features). properties that are part of word meanings and
that reflect our intuitions about what words mean.
Decomposing the meanings of words into semantic features can clarify how

certain words relate to other words.

Semantic features are thought to be the conceptual elements by which a

person understands the meanings of words and sentence.

Sokiro do haro boros dii au tokou oilaan rati, miagal ko the assassin killed
Thwacklehurst, au tokou orotian ilo komoyon do patod boros assassin om
mantad dilo, ogumu o korotian dii owonsoi id pomusarahan tokou. om ii no
komoyon do semantic features; pieces of information that the speakers of a

language agree.
Semantic properties are not directly observable and their existence must be
inferred from linguistic evidence. One source of such evidence is the speech
errors or slips of the tongue that we all produce. intended utterance and

actual utterance (actual).

The semantic properties that describe the linguistic meaning of a word should
not be confused with other non-linguistic properties such as physical

13. Semantic features and grammars. (the semantic features interact with different
aspects of grammar such as the morphology or syntax.

Semantic features of nouns: the semantic feature may be shared by many

words. female is a semantic feature sometimes indicates by the bound
suffix , -ess, that makes up part of the meaning of nouns. Count nouns can be

enumerated and pluralized and may be preceded by the indefinite determiner.

Semantic features of verbs: verb can also be broken down into semantic
features. For example, cause is a feature of verbs such as darkens, kill,
uglify and so on. Negation is a particularly interesting components of the
meaning of some verbs.

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