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If you can not compete with strategic plan then compete with the implementation of the plan.


Seven Ss for the strategic implementation

Shared Values

Basic Pre-tasks for Implementation

Establishing annual objectives or Goals: Desired outcomes for individuals, group or entire

Details of Seven Ss for the strategic implementation

Organizational Structure
Centralized Vs. decentralized structure


Issues for organization structuring

Firms internal environment
Firms long term objectives
Firms type of businesses

Structure & types of business

A single product or single dominant business firm should consider functional structure
A firm with several line of businesses that are somehow related with each others should
employ multi-divisional structure
A firm in several unrelated lines of businesses but want to relate them and unitize them
can be with the strategic business unit (SBU) structure.
A firm with limited resources but want to maximum use of it through ensuring the
highest level of accountability can consider matrix structure.
Style (leadership)
Role of the leader
The CEO act as the symbol of new strategy
CEOs personal vision & strategies influences the firm mission, key objectives, tactics
and strategies.

Role of the strategic leader

Strategic Leader is - who direct the organization into the future implement the strategy
through the structure and set a system of communication to strategically aware the
management and employees to inform changes of the organization.


of this strategic leader should have the capability to

Direct the organization into the future
Implement the strategy through structure
Act as a system of communication to strategically aware the employees to inform
changes of the organization
Issues of strategic leader .. strategic leader must know
When to step-own and either retire or move on
Entrepreneurial strategic style

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Design the game plan

Must understand when to change the market
Should not be over ambition
Must accountable for his strategies, decisions and performances
Role of the Visionary leader
Visionary leader is someone who is an agent of changes with a personal vision for the
future of the firm and at-least a broad idea of strategies for perusing the vision.

Characteristics of the visionary leader

Leader often appears to be based on intuition and experiences
Possess strategic awareness
Do not require extensive analysis to understand the key success factors
Leader feel the appropriate strategies for the firm
Leader realize the incremental learning, flexibility and adoption

Three steps for the visionary leaders

The vision the aspects of the vision
Selling the vision to the stakeholders and the managers
Making sure his vision is come true

Quality of a leader
Have good education but necessarily need to be literate
Ability to convince people
Have experiences
Tolerance for ambiguity
Good personally and have control over it

When a leader fails

Have opportunity but fail to bring changes
Fail to understand the firms market
Fail to manage finance and human resources
Over ambition and fail to understand the situation

Skills (management)
Conceptual skill
Human skill
Technical skill

System (rewarding)
Three strategic issues of organization reward
Timing: when to give reward
Terms: Short or long term
Performance based

Why not short term reward

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It is backward looking
Focusing on short term means forget the long term gain
Investing in future strategy may bring negative impacts

Strategies for rewarding system

Link reward tightly to the strategic plan
Must link with individual job and performance NOT on hierarchy
Keep reward open to all
Must be fair, accurate and informative
Be open to the changes of rewarding system

Shared Values (Culture)

A system of shared values and beliefs that shapes a organizations peoples, structure
and control systems to produce behavioral norms.

Issues need to be consider to change the culture

Understand the current culture & its problem with the environment
Find-out the issues of culture that needs to be change
Take time to change culture and change it phase by phase
To change consider modifying: structure, leadership style, values & philosophy,
organizational system, management skills, line & staff
How to maintain & expand the culture through socialization
Careful selection of the employees with the same values
Careful placement on the job
Job mastery through training & development
Measuring and rewarding employees performance
Reinforcing the stories & folklore of past employees
Recognize the employees contributions & promote them accordingly

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