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Political Science

A systematic study of the state in its varied aspects and relationships

Also an art; it is artistic
Term: Politica

Concepts of Politics
1. Formal - formal governance of the society and the state
2. Informal - Raw concept of politics; application of politics in everyday lives - man
engages himself in political activities every day.
Essentials to a state:

Each essentials is as important as the other essentials

All essentials are essentials; in an existence of a state, each must be present
o People should be more or less numerous; can be governed well and selfreliant
o No specific number of people; so that they can be self-reliant and perform
international relations.
o An agency that which carry out the will of the people
o Supreme power of the state to command and enforce obedience.
o Internal power of the state to rule within its territory
o External freedom of the state to carry out its activities without the
control of others. (Independence)
o A territory should be more or less permanent
o A territory must accommodate people; no mal-distribution (no
o A territory should enable the people to be self-sufficient/self-reliant and
perform international obligations

State de facto and State de Jure

State de facto
o Possess only internal sovereignty
o State de facto asks for recognition (respect) from other nation states who
are sovereign/major powers
o Fighting for independence
State de jure
o Possess only external sovereignty (independence)

o Before a state becomes a state de jure, a state must have been a state de
facto who asks for recognition.
o Non-interference with domestic affairs once independent.
o There is no absolute independence but inter-dependence
o You are a state by international law
Not all countries are obligated to recognize you; other state wait for
the major powers.
Other states are not allowed to interfere with other nations internal
Characteristics of Sovereignty

o As long as a state exists, there is sovereignty
o It covers everything
o Laws are applied to all within its jurisdiction
o Total sovereignty
o Absolute sovereignty
o Only one sovereign will of the people
o Sovereignty cannot be divided
o Sovereignty can never be granted only recognized

Difference between a state and a nation

The state is a political concept, while nation is an ethnic concept

A state is not subject to external control (must be independent), a nation may or
may not be independent of external control
A single state may consist of one or more nations or people and conversely, a
single nation may be made up of several states
o Ex: United States of America (states with many nations)
o Ex: Arab Nations (one Arab nation but many states)

Difference between a state and government

A state is permanent, but a government is not

o A government may change, but the state remains the same
A state cannot exist without a government, but it is possible to have a
government without a state.
The government articulates the will of the state
o The state has to subject itself also to the laws being implemented by the
o No one is beyond or above the law

Origin of the States

Divine Right Theory

o The state is of divine creation and the ruler is ordained by God to govern
the people.
o Abused by the Monarchs in the Middle Ages
Necessity or Force Theory
o States must have been created by force
o The weak ones form into a group to survive the onslaught
o Big fishes always devour small fishes
Paternalistic/Materialistic Theory
o Attributes the origin of the states to the enlargement of the family which
remained under the authority of the father and the mother
Social Contract Theory
o States must have been formed by deliberate and voluntary compact
among the people to form a society and organize government for their
common good.
o Right of the people to revolt against a bad ruler
o The people select the ruler
Economic Theory
o Explains why the state has been formed
o Economic Needs = Basic Needs
o Because man have economic needs, then there is a need to form a group
o There should be an economic satisfaction
Natural/Instinctive Theory
o Mans instinct is to associate with others
Historical/Evolutionary Theory
o The state is a product gradual growth and development

Stages of Development of a State

Privative State
o Simplest form of a state
o There were also development even if its privative
o Centralized leadership rigid hierarchy
Dictatorial and Militaristic Leader
Might is right
o The Greek City States
Athens and Sparta
Roman Imperial State
o Roman Empire
o Contribution: Legal Institutions/ Law; Senate; Legislation
Feudalistic Stage
o Feudal Lords and Feudal States
o *Military men became the Land Lord
o Vassals and fiefs
Modern State
o Has its own rights
o Man as creatures of God, has rights
o Rights of a State
Right to exist/live
Right to defend itself (National Security)
Right to possess property
Right to be free and independent
Right to establish relations with other country
Right to Equality
World State
o More complex form of a state

Classification of Governments
How to classify: Good and Corrupt
1) By the manner the ruler govern
2) By the number of the rulers
By Aristotle
Limited Monarchy
Aristos = Best/Wisest
- Mix
- Monarchy
- Aristocracy
- Democracy
- Ruling for the both

Oligos = Rich
Mobocracy Democracy
- Rule of the Mob
- May gulo but

# of Rulers
Many Poor

Anarchy no government, no rule

Good: Democracy (people)
Corrupt: Mobocracy

Aristos = best / wisest
- Poor are the many
- Poor would rule and
remove the riches
and give it to the poor

CORRUPT (Modern)
Oligos rich

# of Rulers




Unlimited terms
Habang buhay pa, go be the president parin!


Unlimited terms
More powers
Less freedom for the people
e.g Marcoss Time


Unlimited terms
More powers
No freedom for the people

According to the system:

2 kinds of government according to the distribution of power-extent of power between
Distribution of powers

extended powers


Federal State
National states
1 + X constitutions power
All under by one constitution national State
Each constitution has its own constitution
Ex: US (50 states)


Unitary state
Those under 1 constitution
National Government (on top) then the Local government
Every unity department to National Government
Power National government

Philippine Unitary government

2 levels

National states
Local government

Federal and Unitary


Distribution of powers between levels

Separation of powers (e.g King)

Legislative congress (Senate, the upper house) President creates the law
Executive President Execute and enforcement and implement of laws and policies
and the administration of public affairs
Judiciary Interprets the law
In a Presidential government

Separation of powers : 1 Head

We separate branches into Legislative, Executive and Judiciary
Ex: Monarch
Legislator: Creates law: all ugly people will have to die
: Interpret
: Execute the law


president is the head

Legislative: Robbery made the law

Executive: Polis Exercise they are the one who do the punishment
Judicial: Judge Judge interprets = nagutos kung paano at anong punishment!

Parliamentary System

Fusion of powers : 2 Heads

Prime minister

Also a minister (Law makers)

And also executes law

In a parliamentary system, it looks like


1st row left side cabinet members

England : upper house : House of the Lords
: Lower house: House of the Common

Cabinet Ministers

House of Lord: born with blue blood Dugong Bughaw , vital, earl, father
People with titles

House of the Common


Common people

Head of the State


Symbol of the entire stare

Formed of nationally of the place
Ex: Queen Long Live the Queen

Head of the Government


Power to do and make the laws

Separate powers one head

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