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Synonyms of generate in English:

1the move should generate extra business
cause, give rise to, lead to, result in, bring about, bring into
being, create, make, produce, initiate, engender,spawn, sow the seeds
of, occasion, effect, originate, bring to pass, bring
on, precipitate, prompt, provoke,kindle, trigger, spark off, touch off, stir up, whip
up,induce, inspire, promote, foster, conjure
literary beget, enkindle
rare effectuate
[ANTONYMS] destroy

2many factors determine which male is most likely to generate

procreate, breed, father, sire, engender, spawn, create, produce, give life to, give birth
to, bring into being, bring into the world, bring forth, have;
reproduce, propagate
literary beget

Synonyms of consider in English:
1Isabel hesitated, considering her choices
think about, contemplate, give thought to, reflect on, examine, appraise, review;
study, mull over, ponder, deliberate over, cogitate about, chew over, meditate
on/over, ruminate over, turn over in one's mind;
assess, evaluate, compare, weigh up, judge, consider the pros and cons of, sum up
informal size up
2I consider him irresponsible
regard as, deem, hold to be, think, think of as, reckon, believe, judge, adjudge, rate,
class as, account, count, gauge, look on as, view as, see as, take for, interpret as,
suppose, find;
3embarrassed, he considered the ceiling
look at, contemplate, observe, regard, survey, view, scrutinize, scan, examine, inspect
informal check out, have a gander at, have a squint at,get a load of
British informal have a butcher's at, take a dekko at, take a shufti at, clock
North American informal eyeball
4I hope the inquiry will consider all those issues
take into consideration, take into account, take account of, make allowances
for, respect, bear in mind, be mindful of, have regard to, reckon with,
remember,mind, mark, heed, note, not forget, make provision for,take to heart, pay/have
regard to, be guided by
[ANTONYMS] ignore

Synonyms of evident in English:
he regarded her with evident interest
obvious, apparent, noticeable, conspicuous,perceptible, perceivable, visible, observabl
e,discernible, transparent, clear, crystal clear, clear-cut,writ
large, plain, manifest, patent, palpable, tangible,distinct, pronounced, marked, striking, g
laring, blatant;
unmistakable, indisputable, undoubted,incontrovertible, incontestable
informal as plain as the nose on your face, as plain as a pikestaff, standing/sticking out
like a sore thumb,standing/sticking out a mile, written all over someone,as clear as day
archaic sensible
[ANTONYMS] unnoticeable

Synonyms of practice in English:
1the principles and practice of radiotherapy
application, exercise, use, operation, implementation, execution, enactment, action, doing
2it has become common practice to employ women lawyers for the

defence in rape trials

custom, procedure, policy, convention, tradition,
fashion, habit, wont, method, system, routine,institution, way, rule;
Latinmodus operandi
formal praxis
3it takes lots of practice to get this technique rightthe team's final

practice on Friday evening

training, rehearsal, repetition, preparation, exercise, drill, study;
practice session, dummy run, run-through, try-out,warm-up
informal dry run
4such was his disillusionment that he gave up the practice of

profession, career, business, work, pursuit, occupation, following
5small legal practice seeks reliable receptionist/secretary
business, firm, office;
company, enterprise

informal outfit

in practice

your proposal is all very well in theory, but in practice it will not
in reality, actually, in real life, realistically, practically,effectively

out of practice

rusty, unpractised

put something into practice


I wondered if I would ever be able to put my professional training

into practice
use, make use of, put to use, utilize, apply, employ,exercise, put into
effect/operation, draw on, bring into play

Synonyms of concern in English:
1the report concerns events which took place immediately after the

end of the war

be about, deal with, cover, treat, have to do with;
discuss, tell of, go into, examine, scrutinize, study, review, analyse;
relate to, be connected with, pertain to, appertain to
archaic regard
2that doesn't concern you, so it's best you don't know
affect, be the business of, involve, be relevant to, apply to, pertain to, have a bearing
on, bear on, impact on;
be of importance to, be important to, interest, be of interest to
3I'm too busy to concern myself with your affairs
involve oneself in, interest oneself in, take an interest in, be interested/involved in,
take a hand in, busy oneself with, occupy oneself with, devote one's time to, bother
oneself with, notice, take notice of
4the only thing that concerns me is that Tom might be upset
worry, disturb, trouble, bother, perturb, unsettle, make anxious, distress, upset, agitate,
cause disquiet to,disquiet
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1Katie's voice was full of concern

anxiety, worry, disquiet, disquietude, apprehension,apprehensiveness, unease, uneasi
ness, perturbation,consternation, distress, agitation
North American archaic worriment
[ANTONYMS] serenity,

peace of mind

2part of his attraction is his true concern for others

solicitude, consideration, solicitousness, care, sympathy, thought, regard, caringness

archaic concernment
[ANTONYMS] indifference

3housing is the concern of the Housing Executive

responsibility, business, affair, charge, duty, job,task, occupation;
area of activity, area of interest, province, preserve,department, sphere;
problem, worry, lookout
informal pigeon, baby, bag, funeral, headache,bailiwick
4the question of how the mass media treats issues that are of

concern to women
interest, importance;
be relevant to, have relevance for, have a bearing on, be applicable to
5public awareness of Aboriginal concerns
affair, issue, matter, question, consideration
6a publishing concern
company, business, firm, enterprise, venture,organization, operation, undertaking,
industry,corporation, establishment, house, shop, office,bureau, agency,
franchise, practice, partnership,consortium, cooperative, conglomerate,
group,combine, syndicate
informal outfit, set-up

Synonyms of issue in English:
1the committee has yet to meet to discuss the issue
matter, matter in question, affair, business, subject,topic, question, point, point at issue, item,
thing, case,concern, theme;
proceeding, situation, occasion, circumstance;
problem, bone of contention, controversy, argument
2there's something of an issue with resupply at the moment
problem, difficulty, complication, difficult
situation,snag, predicament, plight, hitch, catch, drawback,pitfall,
handicap, impediment, hindrance, obstacle,hurdle, stumbling block, obstruction, barrier;
trouble, worry, mess, muddle, mix-up;
catch-22, vexed question, quandary, the rub
informal fly in the ointment, prob, headache, hiccup,dilemma, hassle, pickle, fix, tight spot, howdo-you-do, job, gremlin, facer
British informal spanner in the works
North American informal monkey wrench in the works
dated cumber
literary trammel

3the victory was celebrated with the issue of a special stamp

issuing, issuance, publication, publishing;
circulation, distribution, supplying, supply, sending out, delivery;
4the latest issue of our magazine
edition, number, instalment, copy;
printing, imprint, impression, version, publication
5Law she died without issue in 1635
offspring, descendants, heirs, successors, children, sons or
daughters, progeny, scions, family, youngsters,babies
informal kids
derogatory spawn
archaic seed, fruit, fruit of one's loins
6an issue of blood
discharge, emission, release, outflow, outflowing,outpouring, outrush, rush, flood, deluge,
spurt, jet, cascade, stream, torrent, gush;
flow, flux, outflux, welling;
leakage, escape, drain, drainage;
excretion, secretion,
ejection, disgorgement,debouchment, emanation, exudation, exuding, venting,effluence,
effluent, effusion
technical efflux
7dated his perseverance certainly merited a favourable issue

result, outcome, consequence, end result, net result,upshot, effect, after-effect, aftermath,
conclusion, end,denouement
informal pay-off

at issue

at issue here is the definition of a work of art

in question, in dispute;
being discussed, under discussion, under consideration;
on the agenda, for debate, to be discussed, to be decided, unsettled

take issue

I take issue with your assertion

[ANTONYMS] agree

disagree, fail to agree, be in dispute, be in contention, be at variance, be at odds, be at

loggerheads, not see eye to eye, argue, quarrel;
challenge, dispute, question, call into question, oppose, object to, take exception to,
protest against, contradict, gainsay, differ from, dissent from, diverge from
archaic disaccord

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1writs were issued against the contractors the minister issued a

send out, put out;

release, deliver;
publish, announce, proclaim, broadcast, promulgate,communicate, impart, purvey, circulate,
distribute,spread, disseminate
literary bruit about/abroad, utter
[ANTONYMS] withdraw

2the captain issued the crew with side arms

supply, provide, furnish, arm, equip, fit out, rig out, kit out, accoutre, outfit, fit up;
provision, stock, purvey, accommodate;
present, invest, endow, favour
informal fix up
[ANTONYMS] withdraw

3savoury smells began to issue from the kitchen soft music issued

from overhead speakers

emanate, emerge, proceed, exude, discharge, flow (out/forth), pour (out/forth), gush
(out/forth), come (out/forth), seep (out/forth), ooze (out/forth), spread out;
be uttered, be emitted, be transmitted
4surprising profits might issue from the unwinding of a few giant

result, follow, ensue, develop, stem, spring, arise, start, derive, evolve, proceed,
emerge, emanate, flow;
be got, be had, be taken;
be caused by, be the result of, be brought on/about by, be produced by, originate in, have its
origin in, attend, accompany, be consequent on;
Philosophy supervene on

[ANTONYMS] bring


Synonyms of approach in English:
1she approached the altar with her head bowed
proceed towards, come/go towards, advance towards, go near/nearer, come
near/nearer, draw near/nearer, come close/closer, go close/closer, draw close/closer,
move near/nearer, edge near/nearer, near, draw near;
close in on, centre on, focus on, converge on;
catch up on, gain on;
creep up on, loom;
reach, arrive at
[ANTONYMS] leave

2the trade deficit is now approaching 20 million

border on, approximate, verge on, resemble;
be comparable/similar to, compare with;
touch, nudge, get on for;
near, come near to, come/be close to
informal be not a million miles away from
3the publishing tycoon approached him about leaving his job
speak to, talk to, make conversation with, engage in conversation;
take aside, detain;
greet, address, salute, hail, initiate a discussion with;
broach the matter to, make advances to, make overtures to, make a proposal to, sound
out, proposition, solicit, appeal to, apply to

informal buttonhole
4he had approached the whole business in the best way
set about, tackle, begin, start, commence, embark on, make a start on, address oneself
to, undertake, get down to, launch into, go about, get to grips with
informal get cracking on
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1the traditional British approach to air pollution control

attitude, slant, perspective, point of view, viewpoint,outlook, line of attack, line of action;
method, procedure, process, technique, MO, style,
strategy, stratagem, way, manner, mode, tactic, tack,path, system, means;
Latinmodus operandi
2doctors are considering an approach to the High Court
proposal, proposition, submission, motion, offer, application, appeal, plea
3(approaches) dated he found all his approaches repulsed
advances, overtures, suggestions, attentions;
4at the approach of any intruder, she would raise her wings and

advance, coming near/nearer, coming, nearing,advent;
arrival, entrance, appearance
5this department is our nearest approach to a Ministry of Justice
approximation, likeness, semblance, correspondence, parallel
6two riders turned in at the approach to the castle
driveway, drive, access road, road, avenue, street,passageway

Synonyms of obtain in English:
1the newspaper obtained a copy of the letter
get, acquire, come by, secure, procure, come into possession of, pick up, be given;
gain, derive, earn, achieve, attain, win, draw, reap;
buy, purchase
informal get/lay hold of, get/lay one's hands on, get one's mitts on, grab, bag, land, net
British informal blag
South African informal schlenter
[ANTONYMS] lose,


2the rules obtaining in other jurisdictions

prevail, be in force, apply, exist, be in use, be established, be customary, be effective,
be prevalent,stand, hold, be the case

Synonyms of increase in English:
Pronunciation: stress on the second syllable
1gas demand is likely to increase
grow, get bigger, get larger, become greater, enlarge,expand, swell;
rise, climb, escalate, soar, surge, rocket, shoot up, spiral;
improve, intensify, strengthen;
heighten, lengthen, extend, stretch, spread, widen;
multiply, snowball, mushroom, proliferate, balloon, build up, mount up, pile up, accrue,
literary wax
[ANTONYMS] decrease

2higher expectations will increase user demand

add to, make larger, make bigger, make greater,augment, supplement, top up, build
up, enlarge, expand, extend, raise, multiply, elevate, swell, inflate;
magnify, intensify, strengthen, amplify, heighten, escalate;
improve, make better, boost, ameliorate, enhance,enrich, upgrade;
worsen, make worse, exacerbate, aggravate, inflame,compound, reinforce
informal up, jack up, hike up, hike, bump up, crank up,step up
[ANTONYMS] reduce

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stress on the first syllable the increase in size an increase in demand

growth, rise, enlargement, expansion, extension,multiplication, elevation,

swelling, inflation;
increment, addition, augmentation;
magnification, intensification, strengthening, amplification, stepping up, step
up, heightening;
climb, escalation, surge, upsurge, upswing, spiral;
improvement, boost, amelioration, enhancement, upgrade, upturn;
worsening, exacerbation, aggravation;
development, advance, boom, spurt, snowballing,mushrooming
informal hike
[ANTONYMS] decrease,


Synonyms of decrease in English:
Pronunciation: stress on the second syllable
1pollution levels had been gradually decreasing
lessen, grow/become less, grow/become smaller,
reduce, drop, diminish, decline, dwindle, contract,shrink, fall off, die down;
abate, subside, let up, tail off, ebb, wane, taper off, peter out, lighten;
sink, slump, plummet, plunge
[ANTONYMS] increase

2you could exercise to decrease the amount of fat in your body

reduce, lessen, make less/fewer, lower, cut down/back (on), cut, curtail,
contract, diminish, narrow, pare down,slim down, tone down,
temper, weaken, deplete,minimize
informal slash
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stress on the first syllable a decrease in crime

reduction, drop, lessening, lowering, decline, falling off;
letting up, slackening, downturn, cut,
cutback,curtailment, diminution, contraction, shrinkage, ebb,wane, de-escalation;
dying down, abatement;
North American downtick
[ANTONYMS] increase


1the climate was likely to be affected by greenhouse gas emissions
influence, exert influence on, have an effect on, act on,work on, condition, touch, have an
impact on, impact on, take hold of, attack, infect, strike, strike at, hit;
change, alter, modify, transform, form, shape, control,govern, determine, decide, guide, sway,


2she had been deeply affected by her parents' divorce

upset, trouble, hit hard, overwhelm, devastate,damage, hurt, pain, grieve, sadden, distress,
disturb, perturb, agitate, shake, shake up, stir;
move, touch, tug at someone's heartstrings;
make an impression on
informal knock for six, knock back, bowl over, throw,faze, get to

unaffected, be indifferent to


1he deliberately affected a republican stance
assume, put on, take on, adopt, like, have a liking for, embrace, espouse
2she affected a small frown of concentration
pretend, feign, fake, counterfeit, sham, simulate, fabricate, give the appearance of, make a
show of, make a pretence of, play at, go through the motions of
informal put on
North American informal make like

affect or effect?Affect and effect are quite different in meaning, though frequently
confused. Affect is primarily a verb meaning either make a difference to, as in their

gender need not affect their career (affect1), or pretend to have or feel, as in I
affected a supreme unconcern(affect2). Effect, on the other hand, is commonly
used both as a noun and as a verb, meaning something brought about as a noun
( move the cursor until you get the effect you want ) or bring about (a
result) as a verb (growth in the economy can only be effected by stringent

economic controls).

Synonyms of effect in English:
1the effect of these changes is hard to assess
result, consequence, upshot, outcome, out-turn,sequel,
reaction, repercussions, reverberations,ramifications;
end result, conclusion, termination, culmination,denouement, corollary, concomitant, aftermath,
footprint, fruit(s), product, by-product;
Medicine sequelae
informal pay-off
dated issue
archaic success
[ANTONYMS] cause

2the effect of this drug can be long-lasting

impact, action, effectiveness, efficacy,efficaciousness, influence;
power, potency, strength, usefulness, success
3with effect from tomorrow
force, operation, enforcement, implementation, execution, action, effectiveness;
validity, lawfulness, legality, legitimacy, authenticity, legal acceptability
4he said See you later, or words to that effect

sense, meaning, theme, drift, thread, import, purport,intent, intention, burden, thrust,
tenor, significance,message;
gist, essence, substance, spirit;
mood, character, vein, flavour
archaic strain
5(effects) they went through the dead man's effects
belongings, possessions, personal possessions, personal effects, goods, worldly
goods, chattels, goods and chattels, accoutrements, appurtenances;
property, paraphernalia;
luggage, baggage
informal gear, tackle, kit, things, stuff, junk, rubbish, bits and pieces, bits and bobs
British informal clobber, gubbins
vulgar slang shit, crap

have an effect on

1their behaviors have an effect on others

affect, influence, exert influence on, act on, work on,condition, touch, have an impact on, impact
on, take hold of, attack, infect, strike, strike at, hit;
change, alter, modify, transform, form, shape, control, govern, determine, decide, guide, sway,

in effect

the battle had, in effect, already been won

really, in reality, in truth, in fact, in actual fact, effectively, essentially, in

essence, virtually, practically, in practical terms, for all practical purposes, to all intents
and purposes, in all but name, all but, as good as, more or less, as near as
dammit, almost, nearly,well nigh, nigh on, just about;
South African plus-minus
informal pretty much, pretty nearly, pretty well

be in effect

1is this law yet in effect?

be in force, be in operation, act, stand, apply, be applied, run, be/remain valid, be current,
function, be efficacious, hold good, be the case, be the order of the day, obtain, hold, be the
case, be prevalent,prevail, pertain, be established

put something into effect


1the plans have not yet been put into effect

implement, apply, put into action, put into practice,execute, enact, carry out, carry
through, perform, administer;
fulfil, discharge, accomplish, bring about, achieve,realize, contrive, effect;
enforce, impose
rare effectuate

take effect

1these measures will take effect on 23rd November

come into force, come into operation, come into being, begin, become operative, become
valid, become law, apply, be applied
[ANTONYMS] lapse

2the drug started to take effect

work, act, be effective, produce results, have the desired effect, be efficacious


to no effect

1his efforts were all to no effect

ineffective, ineffectual, inefficacious, vain, in vain,futile, to no
avail, unavailing, useless, unsuccessful, non-successful, nugatory,
failed, fruitless,unproductive, profitless, unprofitable, pointless, to no purpose, abortive,
archaic for nought, bootless
rare Sisyphean
[ANTONYMS] effective,


2they can bluster to their hearts' content to no effect

in vain, unsuccessfully, vainly, without success, to no avail, to no purpose, ineffectually, with no
result, fruitlessly, profitlessly, unproductively
[ANTONYMS] successfully

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the government effected a good many changes

achieve, accomplish, carry out, succeed in, realize,attain, manage, bring off, carry off, carry
through,execute, conduct, fix, engineer, perform, do,perpetrate, discharge, fulfil, complete,
finish, consummate, conclude;
cause, bring about, cause to happen/occur, initiate, put in place, create, produce, make, give
rise to;

provoke, call forth, occasion, bring to pass;

generate, originate, engender, precipitate, actuate,wreak, kindle
rare effectuate

effect or affect? See a

Synonyms of reflect in English:
1the snow reflects a great deal of light
send back, throw back, cast back, give back, bounce back, shine back, return, mirror
[ANTONYMS] absorb

2their facial expressions reflected their feelings

indicate, show, display, demonstrate, be evidence of,register, reveal, betray, evince,
disclose, exhibit,manifest;
express, bespeak, communicate, bear out, attest, prove, evidence;
result from

3he reflected on his responsibilities as a teacher

think about, give thought to, consider, give consideration to, review, mull over, contemplate,
study, cogitate about/on, meditate on, muse on, deliberate about/on, ruminate about/on/over,
dwell on, brood on/over, agonize over, worry about, chew over, puzzle over, speculate
about, weigh up, revolve, turn over in one's mind, be in a brown study
informal put on one's thinking cap
archaic pore on
rare cerebrate

reflect badly on

the incident reflected badly on the government

discredit, do discredit to, be a discredit to, disgrace, shame, put in a bad light, damage,
damage/tarnish/blemish the reputation of, give a bad name to, bring into disrepute,
become a stain/blot of the escutcheon of, detract from

Synonyms of manifest in English:
1she manifested signs of depression
display, show, exhibit, demonstrate, betray, present,evince, reveal, indicate, make plain,
express, declare


2disputes and strikes manifest bad industrial relations

be evidence of, be a sign of, indicate, show, attest,reflect, bespeak, prove, establish, evidence,
substantiate, corroborate, verify, confirm
literary betoken
[ANTONYMS] mask,


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his manifest lack of interest in the proceedings

obvious, clear, plain, apparent, evident, patent,palpable, distinct,
definite, blatant, overt, glaring,barefaced, explicit, transparent, conspicuous,undisguised, unmist
akable, unquestionable,undeniable, noticeable, perceptible, visible,recognizable, observable
[ANTONYMS] hidden,


Synonyms of distinction in English:
1the distinction between academic and vocational qualifications
difference, contrast, dissimilarity, dissimilitude,divergence, variance, variation;
division, separation, differentiation, contradistinction, discrimination, segregation, dividing
line, gulf, gap, chasm
[ANTONYMS] similarity

2a painter of distinction

importance, significance, note, consequence, account;

renown, fame, celebrity, prominence, eminence, pre-eminence, repute, reputation, honour, pres
tige, status, high standing, illustriousness, name, mark, rank;
merit, worth, greatness, excellence, glory, quality, superiority
[ANTONYMS] mediocrity

3he had served with distinction in the Great War

honour, credit, excellence, merit

Synonyms of suffering in English:
the war caused widespread civilian suffering
hardship, distress, misery, wretchedness, adversity,tribulation;
pain, agony, anguish, trauma, torment, torture, hurt,hurting, affliction, sadness, unhappiness,
sorrow, grief,woe, angst, heartache, heartbreak, stress
informal hell, hell on earth
literary dolour

Synonyms of develop in English:
1France's space industry developed rapidly after 1973
grow, evolve, mature, expand, enlarge, spread,advance, progress, prosper, succeed, thrive, get
on well, flourish, blossom, bloom, burgeon, make headway, be successful
informal go great guns
2a plan was developed to restore the company to profitability
initiate, instigate, set in motion, put in place, institute,inaugurate, originate,
invent, form, establish, fashion, generate;
undertake, embark on
3education allows people to develop their talents to the full
expand, enlarge, add to, flesh out, supplement, reinforce, augment, extend, broaden, fill out,
embellish,enhance, elaborate, amplify, refine, improve, polish, perfect
4a row developed
come into being, come about, start, begin, be born, come into existence, appear, arrive, come
forth, emerge, erupt, burst out, arise, originate, break, unfold,crop up, follow, happen, result,
ensue, break out
formal commence
5he developed the disease at age 67
fall ill with, be taken ill with, be struck down with, be stricken with, succumb to;
contract, catch, get, pick up, come down with, become infected with;

British go down with

informal take ill with
North American informal take sick with

Synonyms of indication in English:
1pain may be an indication of injury
sign, indicator, symptom, mark, manifestation, signal,demonstration, evidence, attestation,
omen, augury, portent, warning, forewarning, pointer, guide, hint, clue
2her face was turned away as an indication of her contempt
expression, demonstration, show, exhibition, display,manifestation, revelation,
disclosure, register, record;
declaration, communication, intimation

Synonyms of everybody in English:

everybody complains about taxes these days
everyone, every person, each person, each one, each and every one, all, one and all, all and
sundry, the whole world, the world at large, the public, the general public, people everywhere
informal {every Tom, Dick, and Harry}, every man jack, every mother's son

Synonyms of analyse in English:
1DNA can be analysed by various methods
break down, resolve, separate, reduce, decompose, disintegrate, dissect, divide, assay, test
rare fractionate
[ANTONYMS] synthesize

2the results of the experiment were analysed

examine, inspect, survey, scan, study, scrutinize, look over, peruse;
search, investigate, explore, probe, research, enquire into, go over, go over with a fine-tooth
comb, check,sift, dissect;
audit, judge, review, evaluate, interpret
rare anatomize

Synonyms of practice in English:
1the principles and practice of radiotherapy
application, exercise, use, operation, implementation, execution, enactment, action, doing
2it has become common practice to employ women lawyers for the

defence in rape trials

custom, procedure, policy, convention, tradition,
fashion, habit, wont, method, system, routine,institution, way, rule;
Latinmodus operandi
formal praxis
3it takes lots of practice to get this technique rightthe team's final

practice on Friday evening

training, rehearsal, repetition, preparation, exercise, drill, study;
practice session, dummy run, run-through, try-out,warm-up
informal dry run
4such was his disillusionment that he gave up the practice of

profession, career, business, work, pursuit, occupation, following
5small legal practice seeks reliable receptionist/secretary

business, firm, office;

company, enterprise
informal outfit

in practice

your proposal is all very well in theory, but in practice it will not
in reality, actually, in real life, realistically, practically,effectively

out of practice

rusty, unpractised

put something into practice


I wondered if I would ever be able to put my professional training

into practice
use, make use of, put to use, utilize, apply, employ,exercise, put into
effect/operation, draw on, bring into play

Synonyms of problem in English:
1he's been under increasing stress due to business and personal

problems they ran into a problem

difficulty, issue, trouble, worry, complication, difficult situation, mess, muddle, mix-up;
snag, hitch, drawback, stumbling block, obstacle,hurdle, hiccup, setback, catch;
catch-22, vexed question, quandary, the rub;
predicament, plight, can of worms, hornets' nest,Gordian knot;
misfortune, mishap, misadventure
informal dilemma, headache, prob, hassle, pickle, fix, tight spot, fly in the ointment, how-do-youdo, job, gremlin, facer
North American informal katzenjammer
rare nodus
2I don't want to be a problem, Lucy said
nuisance, source of difficulty, bother, pest, source of trouble, irritant, thorn in one's side/flesh,
informal drag, pain, pain in the neck
vulgar slang pain in the arse
3arithmetical problems
puzzle, question, poser, enigma, riddle, conundrum
informal teaser, brain-teaser

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a problem child
troublesome, difficult, unmanageable,
unruly,disobedient, uncontrollable, ungovernable, intractable, recalcitrant, intransigent,

delinquent, maladjusted, disturbed


behaved, manageable

Synonyms of solution in English:
1there is no easy solution to this problem
answer, result, resolution, way out, panacea;
key, formula, guide, clue, pointer, gloss;
explanation, explication, clarification, interpretation,elucidation, exposition
2(solutions) an Internet marketing firm specializing in e-commerce

services, work, resource(s), programme, provision, offer, proposals, competence,
output, deliverables;
products, merchandise, wares, goods
3a solution of ammonia in water
mixture, mix, blend, compound, suspension, tincture,infusion, emulsion, colloid, gel, fluid;
Chemistry aerosol

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