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Transfer of information within the ward

(20. Pergantian Informasi dalam Bangsal)
(Istilah-istilah: )

Physicians rounds
(ronde dokter)
Change of shifts (transfer of duty)
(Pergantian/perubahan shif (pergantian tugas))
Nursing rounds
(Ronde keperawatan)

Explanation of the terms:

(Penjelasan dari Istilah-istilah: )
Physicians rounds
(Ronde dokter)
The mornings rounds are highly important.
(Putaran pagi adalah yang sangat penting.)
To eliminate disturbances (e.g. long waiting times for the physician. Waiting
and organizing of findings for the rounds) the best is to agree on a specific
time with the physician.
(Untuk menghilangkan gangguan (contoh waktu tunggu yang lama bagi
dokter.Menunggu dan mengorganisir temuan untuk putaran) yang terbaik
adalah untuk menyepakati waktu tertentu dengan dokter.)
The registered nurse or the ward nurse accompanies the physician on the
rounds, receives instructions and supplies information.
(Perawat teregistrasi atau perawat bangsal menyertai dokter dalam putaran,
menerima instruksi dan menyampaikan informasi.)

Change of shifts
(Pergantian shif)
During the change of shifts, the nurse arriving for duty is informed on the
condition of the various patients on the ward.
(Pada waktu pergantian shif, perawat yang tiba untuk bertugas
diinformasikankondisiberbagaipasien di bangsal.)
The nurse is informed about new admissions, the nursing procces, therapy and
diagnosis as well as about special instructions issued by the physician.
terapidandiagnosasertatentanginstruksikhusus yang dikeluarkanolehdokter.)
Various observations regarding the behavior of the patient the effect of
specific drugs and many other information items are relayed.
Finally, staff issues are discussed.
(Terakhir, masalahstaf di bahas.)

Nursing rounds

Nursing rounds are carried out by the head nurses (staff nurse) in the hospital
at different intervals. In the course of these rounds, care planning, care reports
and various nursing techniques are checked and discussed.
(Rondekeperawatandilakukanolehkepalaperawat (stafperawat) di RS pada
interval berbeda.Didalamrondeini, perencanaanperawatan,

Expressions used by the nurse:

(Ekspresi yang DigunakanolehPerawat: )
Were there any problems during the night?
All patients have passed a peaceful night.
(Semuapasienmelewatimalam yang tenang.)
The patient in room no. 8 hasnt had any breakfast, hell have surgery today.
(Pasien di ruang No.8 tidaksarapan, diaakanmelakukanpembedahanhariini.)

Patient W. has not collected any urine last night, and so the fluid balance could not be
(Pasien W. tidakmengumpulkanurintadimalam,
The bandage of Ms. B must be changed first thing.
(PerbandariNy.B harusdigantipertama kali.)
Patient X. has urinated spontaneously.
(Pasien X buang air kecilsecaraspontan.)
Mr. F has been in pain throughout the night but now he feels better.And is already
using the WC without any help.
(Tn. F mengalamikesakitan di
sepanjangmalamtetapisekarangdiamerasalebihbaik.Danmampumenggunakan WC
The patient in room no. 11 has washed on his own.
(Pasien di ruang No.11 mencucisendiri.)
Mr. H is getting weaker every day.
(Tn. H bertambahlemahsetiaphari.)
Yesterday night Ms. G tell asleep without any sleeping pills.
(KemarinmalamNy.G dapattidurtanpaobattidur.)
Mr. Ms mobilization progress quickly. If he is helped, he can already use the WC.
(Mobilisasi Tn. M berlangsungcepat.Jikadiadibantu,diasudahdapatmemakai WC.)
Ms. K yesterday sat in the armchair.
(Ny. K kemarinduduk di kursitangan.)

Are you statisfied with the progress of this patient?


Expressions used by the patient:

(Ekspresi yang DigunakanolehPasien: )
When will I be discharged (when can I go home)?
Why is this examination necessary?
Do I really need this operation?
Can you explain this examination to me?

Nurse : "Good morning, Mrs. Rini. "
(Perawat: Selamatpagi, IbuRini.)
Mrs. Rini : "Good morning,Nurse."
(IbuRini: Selamatpagi, Suster.)
Nurse : " How are you feeling this morning Mrs. Rini ? "
(Perawat: BagaimanaperasaanIbupagiini?)
Mrs. Rini : " I 've felt better, Nurse."

(IbuRini: Sayasudahmerasalebihbaik, Suster.)

Nurse : " Is there a problem at night?"
(Perawat: Apakahadamasalahpadawaktumalamhari?)
Mrs. Rini : " No, Nurse. I 've slept more soundly."
(IbuRini: Tidak, Suster. Tidursayasudahlebihnyenyak.)
Nurse : " Are you still dilute defecate?"
(Perawat: Apakah BAB Anda masihencer?)
Mrs. Rini : " No, Nurse. I 've beendefecate a little harder and I had no nausea stomach
(IbuRini: Tidak, Suster. BAB
Nurse : "Ok . Good . Is your breakfast already spent ? "
(Perawat: OK. Bagus.ApakahsarapanAndasudahdihabiskan?)
Mrs. Rini : "Yes, I have spent servings."
(IbuRini: Iya,sudahsayahabiskan porsi.)
Nurse : "Ok. Mean Mrs. Rini is eating more than yesterday, right?
(Perawat: OK. BerartiIbuRinisudahmakanlebihbanyakdari yang kemarin, ya?)
Mrs. Rini : "Yes, Nurse. When can I go home, Nurse?"
(IbuRini: Iya, Suster. Kapansayabisapulangkerumah, Suster?)
Nurse : "If about it, Mrs. Rini can directly ask the doctor when a doctor visit later at
10 am."
(Perawat: Kalautentangitu, IbuRinibisalangsungbertanyakepadadokterketika visit
dokternanti jam 10 pagi.)
Mrs. Rini : " Oh, I see, Nurse . "
(IbuRini: Oh begituya, Suster.)

Nurse : "Yes , Mrs. Rini . "

(Perawat: Iya, IbuRini.)
Nurse: : Yes, MrsRini. Ok, Rini thank you for the time. III be right back in 2 hours
later for give the medicine.
(Perawat: Iya,
IbuRini.Baiklah,IbuRiniterimakasihataswaktunya.Nantisayaakankembali 2 jam
Mrs. RiniL: Yes. Thank you. Nurse.
(IbuRini : Baik. Terimakasih.Suster)

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