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Verification of Facial Features of the Employees in FEU-EAST ASIA COLLEGE

Accounting and Registrars Office Using Geometrical Features Analysis and

Template Matching

Prepared for:
Dr. Henry G. Magat

Prepared by:
Garcia, Jessa Marie
Jordan, Ronel
Reyes, Eloisa
Villamater, Chelsea

Date of Submission:
December 13, 2013

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Title Page.......................................................................................................1
Transmittal Letter...........................................................................................3
Statement of Work...............................................................................

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To: Dr. Henry G. Magat

Date: December 13, 2013
Subjects: The Implementation of Facial Features Verification Using the two
strategies in FEU East Asia College Accounting and Registrars Office
Dear Sir,
This is to submit our proposal on Verification of Facial Features of the Employees in
FEU EAST ASIA COLLEGE Using Geometrical Features and Template Matching.
The completed report, which is attached, shows that the face verification system
together with a main log-in and log-out system using username and password as
main input will contribute in improving the security against persons who plan to
access students confidential files illegally.
Thank you for the chance to study this proposal. If you have any questions about the
report, you can send an email to us.
Yours Truly,
Jessa Marie Garcia
Ronel Jordan
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Eloisa Reyes
Chelsea Villamater

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The question, Can a machine recognize faces at least as well as human?, it
is a challenge that may have an impact in improving security system in well-defined
important places.
A human being can distinguish a persons face by his own unique and distinct
features varying for every individual. These facial features information are stored in
the human brain and will serve as base for the human to remember and recognize
the person if he/she will be seen again. Through the years of mans ingenuity certain
developments have been made and innovations are being introduced. One of these
is Face Verification System. The study aims to simulate this human process by
implementing a computer based system that will store facial features data of a face
image in a database and compare it with a recently captured image of the same
FEU East Asia College Accounting and Registrar Office handles important
documents and perform sensitive transactions like accepting payments of tuition
fees, processing of transcript records, etc. Thus, more defined security measures are
needed. With this system assurance in every personnel will produce productivity in
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terms of work ethics. It is where Facial Featured Detection and Verification must be

1.2 Background
Automated face recognition is an interesting computer vision problem with
many commercial and law enforcement applications. Researchers on this are date
back to early machine vision research in 1970s. However, face recognition is still an
area of active research since a completely successful approach or model has not
been proposed to solve the face recognition problem.
Automatic human face recognition, a technique which can locate and identify
human faces automatically in an image and determine who is who from a
database, is gaining more and more attention in the area of computer vision and
pattern recognition over the last two decades. There are several important steps
involved in this problem: detection, representation and identification. Based on
different representations, various approaches can be grouped into feature-based and
image-based. Feature-based approaches, especially those relying on geometrical
featured, represent the face as a multidimensional feature vector and determine the
identification by the Euclidean distance between different feature vectors. Imagebased approaches rely on the entire image, instead of some features. In its simplest
form, the face is represented as a 2D array of intensity values.

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The feature-based approach has the advantage over the image-based

approach that it requires less data input but suffers from the incompleteness of
features and difficulty of automatic feature detection. By carefully choosing the
region of interest (ROI) and possibly appropriate transformations, the image-based
approaches can give

more reliable results than the feature-based approach (Balasuriya & Kodikara, May
1.3 Scope
The scope of the study was to design and implement a facial features
verification system that will serve as an additional security measure for the FEUEast Asia Registrar and Accounting Offices. Since technology is developing rapidly,
certain risks and threats to typical security systems are also improving. Threats like
technologically advance gadgets and techniques are used by modern criminals to
breach security. In order for security system to catch-up with these evolving threats,
additional security measures should be implemented in order to improve and tighten
the security system to counter these anti-security modern ways.
On the other hand, since the study is only an additional security measure, it is
subjected to many limitations. First to mention is that the system in only focused on
processing expressionless face images. Parameters that best describe an
expressionless face are as follows:

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The eyelids are widely open.

The eyeballs looking in the forward direction (towards the camera).
The eyebrows in a relax manner.
Lips are close with the teeth not showing.
The head in a straight position(most likely not tilted)
Any more facial feature images that will be projected or captures differently as

mentioned may affect the verification process.

The face area must be visually clear and clear of things that might cover the
important facial parts. In this case, hair covering the eyes, heavy cosmetics and
accessories such as eyeglasses should be removed during the image capturing
Any major changes that might occur to an employees face such as severe
facial injuries, sickness or maybe an associate who would undergo a facial plastic
surgery should be reported immediately to the security office for the database to be
updated. Minor facial disorders changes such as pimples, small cuts, sunburn, rash,
etc can be disregarded because it can not affect the verification process.
In accordance with the facial conditions above, lighting conditions would also
affect the face detection process. Imbalance and inadequate light source can
produce unnecessary shadows in a face image, and result to an error in detection. In
the case of varying lighting and shadow effects produced in different facial features,
an automatic calibration of contrast settings should be done in the system during a
change in environment.

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A different contrast setting must also be set to every sample, because

different skin tones also affect the detection of facial features.
With this limitations present, face verification with a wide scale of samples will
not be a 100% reliable.

2. Discussion
2.1 Approach

Figure 1. System Flowchart

Enter Employee Number and Scan the Facial Features


Compare to the
Number Database
If an Input Employee Number = Number

Reject due to incorrect

Employee Number

Template Matching
Enhance Image
If FaceGeometrical
Verification Features
Percentage <= 90%

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Face Database

Compare to the Face

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Reject due to unauthorized
Import the Profile from the number

The figure 1 shows the proposed flowchart for detecting face images. It starts with
the employee entering the username and password in the Graphical User Interface
window set by the administrator. If the system detects the correct username and
password, then the employee will be directed to the verification process proper. The
captured image will then undergo testing if it will be detected successfully or not.
Enhancement of image is used when there is a failure to detect the image at an
instant. This is done through the adjustment of contrast level and brightness of an
image. If the face verification is greater than or equal to 90%, the computer will
import the users profile from the database and export it in GUI window.
2.1.1 Face Verification
Over the last few decades many techniques have been proposed for face
recognition. Many of the techniques proposed during the early stages of computer
vision cannot be considered successful, but almost all of the recent approaches to
the face recognition problem have been creditable. According to the research by
Brunelli and Poggio all approaches to human face recognition can be divided into
two strategies:
geometrical features and template matching. Face Verification using geometrical features

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This technique involves computation of a set of geometrical features such as

nose width and length, mouth position and chin shape, etc. from the picture of the
face we want to recognize. This set of features is then matched with the features of
known individuals. A suitable metric such as Euclidean distance (finding the closest
vector) can be used to find the closest match. Most pioneering work in face
recognition was done using geometric features although Craw et al. did relatively
recent work in this area.

Geometrical features (white) which

could be used for face recognition

The advantage of using geometrical features as a basis for face recognition is

that recognition is possible even at very low resolutions and with noisy images
(images with many disorderly pixel intensities). Although the face cannot be viewed
in detail its overall geometrical configuration can be extracted for face recognition.
The technique's main disadvantage is that automated extraction of the facial
geometrical features is very hard. Automated geometrical feature extraction based
recognition is also very sensitive to the scaling and rotation of a face in the image

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Whole face, eyes, nose and mouth

regions which could be used in a
template matching strategy

This is similar the template matching technique used in

face detection, except here we are not trying to classify an image as a 'face' or 'nonface' but are trying to recognize a
face. The basis of the template matching strategy is to extract whole facial regions
(matrix of pixels) and compare these with the stored images of known individuals.
Once again Euclidean distance can be used to find the closest match. The simple
technique of comparing grey-scale intensity values for face recognition was used by
Baron. However there are far more sophisticated methods of template matching for
face recognition. These involve extensive pre-processing and transformation of the
extracted grey-level intensity values.
2.1.2 Detection and Identification Approach Multi-View Templates

Figure 2. Multi-View Templates

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In Figure 2, modeled faces are based on a set of muti-view templates which

quantize the viewed half-sphere of human into a series of view points, then extracted
four facial feature areas (full face, eyes, nose and mouth) from each of these views
as the templates. Locating the Eyes and Determining Distance between Eyeballs
Figure 3 shows the eyebrows and the eyes which are the first objects or
geometric features of the human face. To locate the eyes, the eyebrows are the first
objects located starting from the forehead. To clear the whole image of other objects
aside from the face itself, the group chose a black background so the black hair itself
would blend in with the black background, as you can see in Figure 4. The image is
then converted into a black and white image or logical image( where black pixels are
logic 0s and white pixels are logic 1s) to make hair combines with the color of
background, in order for it to be removed easily with a program that removes black
parts that are connected or chunked together. The hair in Figure 4 is now perfectly
blended with the background, the first filtering part of the program is to remove the
connected logic 1s or black pixels of the image.
Notice in figure 5 that an eyebrow is missing. It is because the other eyebrow
has connected with the hair and background. The program then represents the
eyebrow connected as part of the background and a single object, and also fills it or
turns it to white. The loss of an eyebrow in the first part of filtering in Figure 5 would
not really affect the eye detection process, unless both of the eyebrows are filtered

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The next step is to locate the vertical positions of the object [1] the eyebrows,
and object [2] the eyes and remove some noise or small black parts of the image by
an application function that find specified objects.


Filtered Image

Figure 6 Filtered Image

As seen in Figure 6, the uppermost object in a horizontal perspective is the

eyebrows and second is the eyes. This will be the guide for locating the vertical
positions of the eyes in Figure 7. Once the eyes are located, its horizontal boundary
is located with the same principle and then cropped, for the template matching and
geometrical features analysis.

Figure 7 Eyes
When the eye template is

formed or cropped from

the image, the image will

be then separated into

two parts, the left eye and the right eye as shown in Figure 8 respectively.
Figure 8

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Figure 10




template that will serve as means to locate the eyeball on each eye by their
concentration of black pixels, then finding the midpoint of the columns black area to
verify the eyeballs vertical position. Thus, when located, their distance to each other
will be calculated, by getting the distance of the blackest
column and the boundary where they are previously connected. With the data of
each template retrieved, getting their summation of the eyeball distance is obtained.
Figure 10 Eyeball Distance







geometrical feature which is detecting the correct alignment of the face by the left
and right eye. Locating the Nose and the Mouth
Using the same method in locating the eyes, the nose and the mouth can be
cropped from the image. At some point, the nose can be sometimes not visible so
the program will adjust the threshold and the level of the image. Illumination and Thresholding
In every image, lighting is not only the factor but also the face angle and
position with respect to light. The camera must have a feature that will maintain the
constant lighting so that the light reflected on the image is not bright nor dark. Face Verification Using Geometric Features and Template Distance
Distance ratio is used for verifying the eyeball distance to nose width, mouth
width to eyeball distance, nose width to mouth width, eye template vertical distance
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to nose template to eye template vertical distance to the mouth, and eye template
vertical distance to the mouth
2.2 Result
During face detection, the data we are gathered are the eyeball distance,
nose width, lip width and their respective distances from each other. The distance
ratios of facial features from other facial features are used to calculate the data. With
the template method, it will provide the same facial feature distance ratio when it is
taken a different distance from the camera. Theres additional advantage of using
this method it makes the systems rejection rate lower since many faces, even
though do not look like the other, may share the same facial features distance ratios.
2.3 Statement of Work
2.3.1 System with Controlled Environment
The face verification system should be placed in an environment that would
give constant lightning conditions and make the face detection more reliable. It
should enclosed size of an average cabinet where the computer, fluorescent lamp
and other hardware are located and covered with a black cloth. And if this doesnt
work in some terms, the system therefore should be improved in terms of adapting to
the intensity of light to any kind of environment.
2.3.2 Distance Range and Height Elevation
The distance range of the face to the camera depends on the face size of the
image. And also, the height elevation should be based on producing satisfactory of
the face detection result. Figure 11 shows the distance between the cloth and the
webcam. The distance should be 30-40 inches for the best results during face
detection. Outside of this range, the black cloth may reflect light and cause an error
in face detection.
Figure 11 Distance Range
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2.3.3 Angles



shows the angle



webcam for proper



face detection. It

requires the lens to be at least in a

straight forward position facing the eyes,
nose and lips to be captured.
Figure 12 Angle
2.3.4 Height Elevation
In Figure 13, the height elevation of the system from the ground up to the lens
of the webcam may vary on different persons height. The group considered the
average Filipino height at 62 inches 63 inches. For those people below this
average height, the web camera should have a feature that could be adjusted
manually. While for those people above this average height, a self-adjustment must
be made.
Figure 13 Height Elevation

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The software

requires an automatic

calibration of contrast

setting according to the

environment where is to be placed and the users skin colour. Once that face image
was being captured, the contrast setting function will be automatically adapted to the
For the data of the samples, they were stored in a Microsoft Access Database
format file (*.mdb). The input of the data in the database is manual, and can only be
done by the system administrator.
2.3.6 System Security Measures
The initial log-on window provides the first security measure of the system. It
triggers a sound alarm, if an intruder fails three consecutive times in logging in.
The secondary security measure of the system was the face detection and
verification part or GUI of the system. If an intruder successfully logs-in an account
tries the face detection and verification but fails three consecutive times, a sound
alarm would be triggered and his/her face image would be captures and be saved in
the database and would be recognized as an intruder image. The database, images
software location within the computer are locked by the system administrator of the
computer and can never be accessed by any individual who has not been granted
permission or authorization by the system administrator.
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The first picture shows the correct






second shows the incorrect username.

3. Resources
3.1 Personnel
These were the personnel recommended for proper maintenance, control and
monitoring of the system inside the two offices.
3.1.1. System Administrator
- He / She will supervise the implementation of the system in
terms of personnel image and information database. Also he / he will be required o
submit weekly reports to the FEU- EAST ASIA COLLEGE Administration.
3.1.2. Assistant System Administrator
- Same responsibility as the System Administrator but he / she
will conduct trainings on Registrar and Accounting Personnel for proper use and also
give guidelines as well as the rules and policies in using the system. He / She also
will attend to the suggestions and recommendations of the office personnel for
immediate action.
3.1.3. Computer Programmer / Technician
- His / Her sole responsibility is maintaining and updating the
system for added features for security protocol. He / She also will conduct image and
information database gathering among the office personnel.
3.2 Facilities/Equipment
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Hardware Components are:




Black Cloth


Web Camera


Fix Stand

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Operating System ( Windows XP, 2000, 7 or 8)

Processor ( AMD Athlon, Athlon XP, Athlon MP, AMD Sempron 2800+,

3000+, 3100+, Intel Core i7-3770K, i7-3960x, i7-2600K, i7-4770k)

RAM ( Random Access Memory) must be 256 MB(minimum) and 512

MB (maximum)
Disk Space
For the image size, one sample data consists of three
images with size of 8 KB, total of 24 KB for each sample.
The program code file size is 100 KB.
The database which is 12 samples is 200 KB.
Web Camera
The image resolution is at least 2560x1920 pixels

Microsoft Access

4. Costs
4.1 Fiscal
The suggested prices for the whole system are as follows:

Monitor- P 35,000 P 43,000

Max Resolution: 2560 1140
Display diagonal size: 27 inches
Display Technology: TFT Active Matrix
Dot Pitch: 0.233 mm
Digital video standard: DVI-D, VGA, Display port
Connections: 1x VGA 15 pin HD D-Sub
1x DVI-D 24 pin digital DVI,

1x 20 pin DisplayPort,
4x Hi-Speed USB 4 pin USB Type A
The size and quality of the displays is as big as the role of the quality of the
content of the image. This monitor has accurate colours straight out of the box
without the need to calibrate the monitor in depth. There are various preset modes
as well, which help in easily viewing content without the need for heavy calibration.
Speaker- P 3730
Dimensions: 72 101.6 mm (height diameter)
Frequency response: 100-20,000 Hz (+/- 3db within this
15 watt digital amplifier
Weight: 424 g
Keyboard and Mouse- P 1300

2.4 GHz wireless desktop combo

Simple style and low profile keycap for quiet

6 hot keys for media control and Internet

1200 dpi BlueEye mouse with mini receiver

Web Camera- P2350

Features: USB webcam with 640x480dpi resolution
(VGA, Hardware) Snapshot button for taking still images
with 2560x1920dpi (5M) and Built-in microphone Manually adjustable


CPU- P 25,700
Processor: Core i7
Memory size: 6GB/8GB
Processor Speed: 3.40
Hard Drive: 1TB/2TB
Network: Wireless LAN Data rate: 10/100/1,000M
(RJ-45 connector) Wireless LAN Type:

4.2 Time
The total time needed in order to accomplish all the tasks will be
approximately three months. Table 1 shows the complete list of tasks to be
Table 1. Tasks to be accomplished per week.




Creating the pseudo code and the flow chart of the program

2nd 4th

Programming / coding the program in MATLAB compiler

5th- 6th

Testing/ configuration of the computer

7th- 8th
8th - 9th

Analyzing / Planning of the Installation of the Computer in the

Accounting and Registrars Office
Installation of the Computer and other materials to be use

10th 11th

Testing the whole system

11th 12th

Checkups of the system if errors have been made.

5. Conclusion
5.1 Summary
Face Verification System is an advance technological transition in school. It
will improve the security of the Accounting and Registrars Office. Human Face
Verification approaches the two methods which are geometrical feature analysis and

template matching. Geometrical Features is a basis for face recognition even at very
low resolution and with noisy images although it has a disadvantage that automated
extraction of facial geometrical is very hard. On the other hand, template matching is
a strategy to extract the whole facial region and compare it with the second images
of known individuals. It is an acceptable device in detecting unauthorized person,
who will
illegally access the students documents and financial files of the school because of
higher percentage requirement for face verification.
This technical proposal will contribute to added security measure for the
school. This will ensure the capability to recognize authorized persons to be
evaluated to maintain an orderly access in the office. Other than that, it will serve as
a stepping stone for other young innovative system developers in the country to
improve the system for technological development of the industry.
However, there are problems that will incur in adopting this proposal. Face
verification with a wide scale of samples will not be a 100% reliable due to the
factors affecting the resolution of the image.
5.2 Contact

Balasuriya, L.S. & Kodikara N.D.., (May 2000) Frontal View and Human Face
Detection and Recognition. Retrieved December 6, 2013 from
doi= pe=pdf
The Mathworks Inc. (1994-2013). Retrieved December 11, 2013 from

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