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2006 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition Latin America, Venezuela

A Uniform Line Model for Non-Uniform

Single-Phase Lines with Frequency Dependent
Electrical Parameters
P. Moreno, Member, IEEE, P. Gmez, M. Dvila, and J. L. Naredo, S. Member, IEEE
AbstractIn this work a new model for analyzing single phase
non uniform transmission lines with frequency dependent
electrical parameters is presented. The model is based on
synthesizing an equivalent uniform transmission line. The
frequency and the space dependence of the electrical parameters
of the non uniform line are introduced into the equivalent
uniform line by means of a transient resistance and a shunt
transient conductance.
Index TermsFrequency domain synthesis, method of
non-uniform transmission line, transient


alculation of electromagnetic transients in transmission

and distribution electrical systems is usually performed
assuming that the transmission lines are uniform, .i.e., with
constant cross-section and constant electrical properties of
conductors and dielectric. There are however cases where the
electrical parameters of a transmission line have strong
variations along its length and disregarding such variations
would not yield correct results. Examples are towers modeled
as vertical conductors and overhead lines crossing hilly
terrains. A non-uniform line (NUL) can be modeled in
general-purpose programs, for instance EMTP, by dividing it
into several uniform segments. Although lines subdivision is
straightforward, the procedure is cumbersome and a great deal
of experience is needed in order to define the optimal number
of line sections.
There are several approaches to study NULs. Some are
based on time domain techniques [1],[2], [13]-[15] while
others on frequency domain techniques [16],[17]. Models for
transmission towers using NULs have been also published
[18],[19]. In a recent paper by Semlyen, a new development
using the ABCD transmission matrix for the analysis of
NULs lines has been presented [20]. In this work the key idea
was the determination of the propagation functions of an
equivalent two-port model. For the case of a single-phase line,
this method requires the approximation of 5 parameters by
rational functions for each transmission line end. Moreover, in
some cases the propagation functions can be non-smooth and
damping techniques for time domain simulations should be
used [21].
P. Moreno and J.L. Naredo are with CINVESTAV, A.P. 31-438, Plaza la
Luna, Guadalajara, Jal. 44550, Mexico (e-mail:
P. Gmez is with ESIME-IPN, Zacatenco, Mxico. M. Dvila is with
Universidad de los Andes, Mrida, Venezuela.

1-4244-0288-3/06/$20.00 2006 IEEE

In this paper a new time domain model for single phase

non-uniform transmission lines with frequency dependent
electrical parameters is presented.
The proposed model is based on synthesizing an equivalent
uniform transmission line from the chain matrix of the NUL.
The frequency and space dependence of the electrical
parameters of the NUL are introduced into the equivalent
uniform line model by means of a transient resistance and a
transient conductance. This new model requires the
approximation of only these two electrical parameters by
rational functions. The resulting modified transmission line
equations are solved by using the method of characteristics
[22], which discretizes both time and distance and has been
used successfully in calculating transients on lines with nonuniformities and nonlinear effects [1]-[4]. In the model
developed here a new single-interior point procedure for the
method of characteristics is presented. Results obtained with
the proposed method are compared with those obtained with a
Numerical Laplace Transform program (NLT) [5]-[7].
The 2-port frequency domain representation of a singlephase transmission line segment of length x is as follows:
V ( x, s)
V ( x x, s)

= (x, s )

I ( x, s )
I ( x x, s)


where V(x,s) and I(x,s) are the voltage and current in the
Laplace domain at point x of the line, while V(x-x,s) and I(xx,s) are the analogous values at point x-x; (x,s) is the
chain or ABCD matrix given by
cosh ( x ) Y01 sinh ( x )
( x , s ) =

cosh ( x )
Y0 sinh ( x )


being the propagation constant:

= ZY


and Y0 the characteristic admittance of the line segment:

Y0 = / Z


Z and Y are the longitudinal impedance and transversal

admittance of the segment. Equation (1) can be used to
construct a model for non-uniform transmission lines. The
procedure consists of dividing the non-uniform line in several
segments, computing the chain matrix of each segment and
putting together all the chain matrices into an equivalent
matrix for the whole line.

After dividing the transmission line, the entire equivalent

chain matrix is obtained as the product, in the appropriate
order, of the whole set of chain matrices, as follows [8],[ 9]:
V ( L, s)
(M )
(i )
(1) V (0, s)

= ! !

I ( L, s)
I (0 , s )


being L the line length and (i ) the chain matrix for the i-th
line segment. In compact form (5a) becomes
V ( L, s ) 11 12 V (0, s )

I ( L, s ) =

21 22 I (0, s)




For a symmetrical non uniform line, the values of 11, 12,

21 and 22 of (5b) can be defined as
11 = cosh ( nu L )
12 =

Y0, nu

sinh ( nu L )

21 = Y0,nu sinh ( nu L )

the line non-uniformity. From (11) the transient electrical

parameters are given by

G ' ( s) = Ynu / s C G


As explained in the next sections, these values can be

included in time domain analysis by means of recursive
convolutions using rational approximations.
A. Transmission line equations.
The Telegrapher Equations of a single phase transmission
line, including frequency dependence of the line electrical
parameters, are defined as follows [10]:

+ LG
r ' (t )i ( )d = 0
t t



+ CG
t t


22 = 11
where the subscript nu denotes values corresponding to the
complete non-uniform line.
From (6b) and (6c):

R ' ( s ) = Z nu / s LG

g ' (t )v( )d = 0


where r(t) and g(t) are the time domain transient longitudinal
resistance and shunt conductance, respectively. If R(s) and
G(s) are synthesized using rational functions and applying the
Leibnitzs rule [11], the line equations can be expressed as


+ Rx i + = 0


arccosh(11 ) arccosh( 22 )
A non symmetrical line does not comply with (6d) because
of its bi-directional nature. Thus, when analyzing this type of
lines, if the left hand side of the line is the source side and the
right hand side is the load side, the propagation constant is
computed from (6a). Otherwise, this constant is computed
from (6d).
From (3), (4), (7) and (8) the per-unit length impedance and
admittance for the whole NUL are

+ Gx v + = 0


Y0 , nu =

21 / 12

and solving (6a) or (6d) for nu

nu =

Z nu = nu / Y0, nu



= k i pi e p (t ) i ( ) d ,


i i

i =1


Finally the uniform line model equivalent to the NUL is

Z nu V ( x, s)
d V ( x, s ) 0

= Y
0 I ( x, s)
dx I ( x, s ) nu
The per unit length impedance Znn and the admittance Ynn can
be expressed as

Z nu = R' ( s) + sLG


Ynu = G ' (s ) + sCG


where R(s) and G(s) represent the transient resistance and

conductance of the line, while LG and CG are the geometric
inductance and capacitance computed at the average value of


e qi (t ) v ( ) d ,


Rx =


i =1

i =0

Ynu = nu Y0,nu



ki , Gx =

(15c), (15d)

i =0

D = k + LG , E = m + C G ,

(15e), (15f)

being ki and pi the poles and residues of the rational

approximation of R(s), while mi and qi are the poles and
residues of the rational approximation of G(s). These poles
and residues are computed using the technique known as
vector fitting [12].
B. Recursive Convolution.
Due to the non-smooth nature of the transient parameters,
the convolutions in (15) are solved using complex conjugate
pairs of poles and residues [12]. Hence, the rational
approximation of the Laplace domain spectrum of is given
by the following expression:

The eigenvalues of A are given by


( s) =


i = 1, 2,! , N1


1,2 = DE ,

i =1

and the eigenvectors are given by

where N1 is the order of the approximation and

k p
k * p*
i = i i + i i* I (s )
s+ p
s + pi

I (s )


ai = k i pi + k i* pi*


bi = pi pi*


ci = k i +

k i*


d i = pi + pi*
Coefficients ai, bi, ci, and di are always real. Eq. (18) can be
written in time domain as

d i
d i (t )
+ bi i = ai
+ bi ci i (t )

i =1


1 + d t / 2 2 (i

n +1 =

n+1 in 1

) + bi ci t in

i,n 2 bi t 2 i,n1 (1 di t / 2)

i =1

1 + h t / 2 2 (v v ) + f g t v
(2 f t )
(1 h t / 2)

n +1 =


n +1

n 1


i ,n 1

where the real coefficients ei, fi, gi, and hi are computed
similarly to (19) from mi and qi.

A. Transmission Line equations.

The method of characteristics consists of transforming the
Partial Differential Equations of the transmission line in
ordinary differential equations [22].
Equations (14a) and (14b) can be represented as


+B + = 0

+ 2 v ZW + 2 i + Rx i ZWGx v + ZW = 0 (28b)
Along the lines defined by = dt/dx, called
characteristics, the following equivalence can be applied:

1, 2


+ R x i Z W G x v + ( Z W ) = 0

, B = G



B. Numerical Solution for the Internal Point.

By numerical integration of (30) along the characteristic lines,
as shown in Fig. 1, known solutions of voltages and currents at
any time step t can be extended to the time t+t as follows:
vP =
G2' vPt G3' vP2t + G2 (vS + vL ) + Z 2 (iS i L )
2 G1'
ZW L '

( S L )
2 P + S + L

2 Z1'

[ Z i

2 P t

(24a), (24b)

Z3' iP 2t + G2 (vS + vL ) + Z2 (iS iL )


2 'P + S + L W (S L )


G1 = 1 +

Z W G X x
Z G x
, G2 = 1 W X

Z1 = ZW +



Using (29) in (28) it can be written

+ ZW
+ R x i + Z W G x v + ( + Z W ) = 0

iP =


+ 1 v + ZW + 1 i + Rx i + ZW Gx v + + ZW = 0 (28a)

Along the characteristic lines, equations (30a) and (30b) are

equivalent to system (14).

(27a), (27b)

By left multiplying (14a) and (14b) times ML and applying

(25) and (27):


and in a similar way for


(26a), (26b)

Z W = D / E , YW = Z W1


Applying the central differences rule to (20) and in accordance

to (16), the total convolution can be written as follows:

, M R =



a s + bi c i
i = 2 i
s +d s+b

+ di

1 Z W
ML =
1 Z W


which is equivalent to

d 2 i


R X x
R x
, Z 2 = ZW X

(33a), (33b)
(34a), (34b)


S' =

i , R 2 bi t 2 i, S (1 d i t / 2)


1 + d i t / 2

i =1

For the load boundary point L (x = L), the connection of a

resistive load RL is considered:
i L = v L / RL


and the voltage at L can be expressed as:

vL =


G2' RL + Z2'
vL2t G3 RL + Z3



G1' RL + Z1'


+ G2VP + Z2 iP L' + P W L' + P




L' =

1 + h t / 2
fi gi

i =1

2 + h t


2 + d t


1 + d t / 2


x t

Z 2' = x t 2

bi c i

i =1

2 + d t

(2 f t )

i , P t


i , P 2 t

(1 hi t / 2 )

1 + hi t / 2

i =1

P' =


i =1





i =1

Z 3' = x t



i =1

Z 1' = Z 1

i, P t 2 bi t 2 i, P 2 t (1 d i t / 2)
1 + d i t / 2

i =1



C. Boundary Points
At each transmission line end there exists only one
characteristic line, as illustrated in Fig.1. Therefore to solve
for the voltage and current at these points the boundary
conditions should be introduced. For the sending point S (x =
0), the application of an ideal voltage source vS = f(t) is
considered. In this case it can be written for the current at S:
iS =

1 Z 2 i S t + Z 3 i S 2 t

+ G1 v S G 2 V P + Z 2 i P

Z 1'

L '
S + P +
( S + P )


L' =

i =1


G3' = Z W x t


i, R 2 bi t 2 i, L (1 d i t / 2)
1 + d i t / 2

i =1



Fig. 1. Characteristics grid Internal points.

G 2' = ZW x t 2

i , R 2 f i t 2 i, L (1 hi t / 2)
1 + hi t / 2




A. Sagging Between Towers.
A single line 600m long with a sagging between towers is
analyzed. The line maximum and minimum heights are 28m at
the towers and 8m at the middle span. A unit step voltage
source is connected to the sending node, while the receiving
node is left open. Fig. 2 shows the voltage at the receiving end
of the line, comparing the results obtained with the Numerical
Laplace Transform and the method of characteristics with
single internal point. Results when the line presents no
sagging (UL) are also included. Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 show a
comparison of frequency spectrums of the transient resistance
and conductance of the NUL, computed using (12a) and (12b),
against those spectrums obtained with the vector fitting
technique. Note that the transient conductance is zero for the
uniform line.
B. Simulation of a Field Experiment.
As a second example the proposed method is applied to the
simulation of a field experiment performed by Wagner, et al.
[23]. The experiment consists on injecting a step like wave at
one end of a 2185.4m long line divided in 7 equal segments,
as shown in Fig. 5. Each segment has a length of 312.2m. The
line maximum and minimum heights are 26.2m at the towers
and 15.24m at the middle span. The 3 line conductors are
ACSR with radius of 2.54cm. The injected wave is applied
simultaneously to the 3 conductors at the sending node, while
the receiving node is left open. For the simulation, the line is
represented by a single-phase equivalent.

Fig. 2. Voltage at the receiving end of the line.

Figure 6. Voltage at the receiving end of the line.

A time domain model for analyzing single phase non
uniform transmission lines with frequency dependent
electrical parameters has been presented. The model is based
on synthesizing an equivalent uniform transmission line from
the chain matrix of a NUL. The application examples have
shown very good agreement with those obtained with the
Numerical Laplace Transform and from a field experiment.
Besides, a new procedure using the Method of Characteristics
with a single interior point has been presented.
Fig. 3. Transient resistance (in ohms)


Fig. 4. Transient conductance.

The voltage at the receiving end of the line is shown in Fig. 6,

comparing the experimental results and those obtained with
the method of characteristics. Waveforms were plotted as half
of their actual magnitude, as done in [23], to remove the
doubling due to the open circuit.

Figure 5. Configuration of the non-uniform line.

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Pablo Moreno V. (IEEE Member). He received his B.Eng.
degree in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering from
UNAM, Mexico. D.F. in 1985. He received his M.Sc. degree
from ITESM, Monterrey, Mexico, in 1989, and his Ph.D.
degree from Washington State University, USA, in 1997. He
currently is a full professor with Cinvestav, Guadalajara. His
research interests are in Electromagnetic Transients in Power
Systems and in Electromagnetic compatibility.
Pablo Gmez Z. He received his B.Eng. in Mechanical and
Electrical Engineering degree from Universidad Autonoma de
Coahuila, Mex. in 1999, and his M.Sc. and D.Sc. degree in
Electrical Engineering from Cinvestav, Guadalajara, Mex. In
2002 and 2005, respectively. He is currently with ESIME-IPN,
D.F., Mxico. His research interests are in Electromagnetic
Transients in Power Systems.
Marisol Dvila C. She received her B.Eng. degree in
Electrical Engineering from the Universidad de Los Andes,
Venezuela in 1993. In 2002 she received the M. Sc. Degree
and in 2005 the D.Sc. Degree from Cinvestav, Guadalajara.
She currently is a professor at the Universidad de Los Andes .

Her interests are electromagnetic transient analysis and digital

protection of power systems.
Jos Luis Naredo. (IEEE Senior Member, 2000). He
received his B.Eng. degree in Mechanical and Electrical
Engineering from Universidad Anahuac, Mexico. D.F., in
1983. He obtained both, his M.A.Sc and Ph.D. degrees, in
Electrical Engineering from the University of British
Columbia, Canada, in 1987 and 1992, respectively. He
currently is a full professor with Cinvestav, Guadalajara. His
research interests are in Electromagnetic Transient Phenomena
and in Digital Protection and Measurement in Power Systems.

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