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The geomorphology, global climatic change and civil engineering

works at the flooding areas of the Northeast of Argentina*

Eng. Eliseo Popolizio
Centro de Geociencias Aplicadas. UNNE. Av. Las Heras 727
3500. Resistencia, Chaco, ARGENTINA

*Trabajo presentado en el "International Symposium on Civil Engineering in The 21th

Beijing, China

The Argentine Northeast with more than 300.000 km2 constitute in its main area, excepting the
Misiones province (about of 29.500 km2), a very typical large plain significantly flat. It is located over
a sedimentary basin which begun its development at the early Paleozoic Era. The Northeast plain is
cut by several fluvial courses. Some of these rivers coming from neighboring areas from the so called
Height Paran Fluvial Basin (Brazil country).
The geomorphological and the hidrometrical conditions outlined the large flooding recurrence. The
mentioned flooding impact over thouthands of square kilometers. On the other hand, the flooding
acted negatively over hundred of thouthands civil people.
Laterly, it is apparent that from the 60s these phenomena have been increase and repeated with more
frequency. this, of course, imply many damages and production loosed, specially at the urban zones.
The costs are always in the order of several million dollars.
It is seems that the zone is changing to a more wet condition in which anthropic action acts as a
catalyzing phenomenon.
These not promising pictures imply the need to have in consideration these factors in future civil
engineering works.
The aim of this paper is to show geomorphology of the region acts over the flooding and led to
elaborate futures "scenarios". This is in the case that the above mentioned picture do not change in the
next decades.
Also, the aims of this paper is to show how the paleogeomorphology may predict the possible
behaiviouring and fix rulers for projects and constructions of civil engineering work to protect from
flooding in the plain areas caused mainly by the Paran river. This large river, in the most extended
flooding of this century produced a water volume of about 60.000 m3/seg in front of the Corrientes
1.- Introduction
The aim of the present study is to show how Geomorphology influences on floods in the northeast of
Argentina and allows to foresee future conditions in relation to the global climatic change. On the other hand, it
allows determining guidelines for the planning of civil works that take into account the climatic change and its
implications. (39, 63)
The area taken into consideration covers an area of more than 300,000 km2, including the provinces of
Corrientes, Chaco, Formosa, Misiones and the northern part of Santa Fe (Fig. 1) (51) Except for Misiones, it
mostly constitutes one of the immense Argentinian plains. (19, 23, 38, 55) It is modeled on a table-like structure
of the Chaco-River Paran basin, predominating sedimentary rocks and, towards the northeast basaltic flows .

The geomorphological and hydrometheorological conditions permit the recurrence of floods in fluvial courses
and great plains, thus causing damages in urban and total areas, which are valued at hundreds million dollars.
(61, 62) There is evidence that since the 60s there would be a higher frequency and magnitude of the problems
already mentioned, which are probably associated both with the global climatic change and the anthropic action.
(46, 47, 56, 61, 62, 64, 65)
The geomorphological history of the region indicates that since the Upper Tertiary, there were changes in the
climatic conditions and tectonic modifications owing to the deformation in the basement.
These climatic changes implied drier and colder or more humid and warmer conditions than those. Therefore
Paleomorphology can help in understanding the modifications that might take place as regards global climatic
change and anthropic action.(1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19, 31, 38, 54, 69, 70)
All of the above makes us determine new guidelines for the design of civil engineering works so that the latter
are not affected by a possible climatic change. These guidelines would also help to prevent modifications in the
environment. (27, 29, 36, 39, 47, 60, 63)
2.- Main geomorphological features
In Fig. 1 the vast geomorphological units considered in the study are indicated with numbers: 1,2,3 and 4 and
the second rate subunits are indicated with dash- lines. There is a remarkable contrast between the Misiones
Plateau and the great plains, delimiting a transition area constituted by gentle hills located in the eastern sector
of unit 2. (34, 51, 55)
The Misiones Plateau is constituted by an arranged relief that makes a series of steps which increase their
height northeastwards. They are remains of ancient erosion surfaces originated during former dry climate and
overelevated by tectonic effect. (19) As a consequence, the Paran and Uruguay Rivers flow along deep valleys
intercepting the basaltic flows.
On the other hand, the Iguaz River flows along a wide valley, and, near its outlet in the Paran River, flows
into a deep canyon thus originating the Iguaz Falls.
The Fluvial network of this province is quite dense and highly controlled by structural lineaments. It is
typically polygenetic. In fact, it is a network that has been overimposing to the structure while the area was
elevated epigenetically, along with the Brazilian shield and in different and alternate climatic conditions.
Therefore the river basins present paleotorrent models, carved throughout successive cycles.(19, 72, 73)
A cover of subtropical forest developed, in current morphoclimatic conditions, upon a predominantly red soil
which in some sectors becomes thicker. At the same time, the landform mamillates forming a real mass of
stepped hills which hide the paleorelief.
The transition zone already mentioned presents a model of gentle hills, with some of the
paleogeomorphological characteristics found in the Misiones Plateau, but with milder unevenness. In fact, a
dense drainage network and paleotorrent models can be observed in this zone. However, the major courses
present easily flooded plains and wetlands known as underbrushes develop between the valleys of the Aguapey
and Miriay Rivers.(23, 24, 33)
On the other hand, the Uruguay River flows along a basaltic bed but in a much wider and terraced valley.
Another characteristic of this area is the abundance of Mezosoic sandstone with some basaltic outcroppings,
covered by a thin layer of soil and prairie vegetation.
West of the sectors mentioned above there are vast sedimentary plains that converge in the wide valley of the
Paran River. It should be pointed out, contrary to what one may expect, the relief is neither homogeneous nor
monotonous, but it has a wide variety of forms even though the differences in level are minor. (23, 33, 51)
The limit between these plains and the transition zone is a consequence of the complex tectonic lineament,
that forms the edge of a tectonic-morphologic depression that runs diagonally through the province of
Corrientes. Thus it forms an immense wetland constituted by the macro system of the Iber, and its extension,
the Sarand-Barrancas depression.
The sector within this limit and the Paran River forms a triangle that goes as far as the Republic of Paraguay,
in the esteros1 of eembuc.
This space is formed by a gigantic alluvial conoid originated by the Paran River in previous dry climate, and
it is constituted by sandy sediments known as Pulchenses or the summit of the Ituzaing Formation.(23, 33,
Such conoid was affected by the former river-bed of the Paran River, organized in a fan pattern, having its
apex in the city of Ituzaing, next to the Yaciret Dam. Such valleys were filled with quaternary sediments and
nowadays they are inlaid plains between the creamy hillocks of the Puelchenses sediments, that appear over
elevated with a sifted model originated by countless lagoons. (22, 25, 26, 40, 59)

ESTEROS: marshy lands

The plains present quite low slopes (i.e. 1/000) and constitute vast wetlands that go into the current fluvial
courses or end in gullies, all of them being tributaries of the lower reaches of the Paran.
The valley of the Paran, downstream the city of Posadas, widens enormously, and past the Yacyret Dam it
turns into a mobile-bed course with countless islands and two levels of high terraces running east- westwards.
When it meets the Paraguay River it begins to turn submeridionally, south the city of Corrientes. It is in this last
section that it widens even more (up to about 30 km) and flows highly controlled by tectonic lineaments that
seem to delimit a structural pit. (23, 33, 35, 40, 41, 55)
The waters of both the Paran and Paraguay Rivers do not merge completely, owning to their different
turbidity since the latter carries a significant amount of sediments.
As a consequence, there are two channels that merge and then separate, and they do the latter leaving between
them a great number of islands.
The alluvial plain is covered by meandrous spires, abandoned meanders and courses parallel to the main one.
Altogether, they make a real labyrinthic model. (25) It may be also noticed two levels of higher terraces that tally
with the extraordinary and unusual freshets, upon which important towns flourished.
The valley is basically polygenetic, since there it can be recognized an ancient anastomosized model and the
paleovalleys of the Paraguay River which initially flowed through the depression to which the Paran River
gradually incorporated as it moved northwards. (23)
The Chaco Plain, markedly influenced by the movements of the blocks of the basements, is west of the
Paran-Paraguay center line. The blocks become positive reliefs (morphological dorsa) which comprise a
depression periodically and easily flooded, known as Submeridional Lowlands. (12, 30, 31, 32, 33, 38, 55, 69,
To the North, this structural conditioning is hidden under sediments of ancient alluvial conoids of the Bermejo
and Pilcomayo Rivers. In these it can be clearly distinguished positive areas, formed by the lateral overflows of
the former branches of said courses. They comprise inlaid plains, which are flooded or periodically and easily
flooded. (30, 38, 61, 62)
3.- The influence of the Paleogeomorphology
The study of the changes of the area under consideration, that took place in previous periods as a consequence
of the climatic changes occurred since the Upper Tertiary, is fundamental to interpreting the functioning of the
current geomorphological system.
In fact, everything seems to indicate that the transition zones between the great climatic belts have been the
most affected ones during the climatic changes. (1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 38, 40, 43, 54, 56, 63) This indicates the great
susceptibility of the area under consideration as regards climatic changes. Besides, we could also add that these
zones are extremely sensitive to anthropic changes.
In short, we could state that the geomorphological history of this geographic space is characterized by the
alternation of drier and colder periods, and other more humid and warmer that succeeded in establishing a
dynamic balance. Therefore they can be considered as biostasic. Between them, there intercalated periods of
transition or rexistasic from dry to humid and from humid to dry respectively. (13, 43)
It is important to remark that the great changes in the geomorphological characteristics took place during the
transition periods, when the landforms rapidly evolved to immediately adapt themselves to the new conditions.
(1, 6, 9, 11, 14)
In order to understand the landform of this zone it should be taken into account the geomorphological history
which was accompanied by cortical deformations, with a tendency to ascend in the eastern sector and to descend
in the western sector.
During the transitions towards drier periods the courses changed into torrents, and major courses formed
gigantic alluvial fans, as it occurred with the Paran River in several opportunities. The last fan was recognized
in the northeast of the province of Corrientes, extending itself in the Paraguay River as far as the eembuc
Esteros. The same happened to the Bermejo and Pilcomayo Rivers, that also formed alluvial conoids as we
mentioned before. (23, 38, 40, 55, 58, 72)
Finally, when dry conditions settled, pediments and pediplanes developed with their correlative deposits. This
gave rise to the stepped unevenness of the Misiones Plateau and the stepped hills of the east of Corrientes. There
originated forms of eolian accumulation such as slimmy or sandy ranges, and real dunes which can be observed
in the west of Chaco and Formosa. These periods were also characterized by eolian plain and shallow
depressions, with formation of evaporates and saline outcroppings, as it can be observed in the perforations. (69,
70) Apparently, during the Quaternary these periods coincided with the glaciations in the North Hemisphere and
the descent of the ocean level. (6, 9, 11, 14, 38, 56)
During the transitions to humid periods the courses fitted into their sediments and even overimposed on the
preexisting structure, the relief mamillated, giving rise to the formation of convex hills and slopes and the

development of subtropical and tropical soils and a densification of the drainage network. During the Quaternary
these periods seem to have coincided with interglacial periods in the North Hemisphere and the ascent of the sealevel. They also seem to coincide with the raising of the peripheric areas and basement movement. These
changes were accompanied by the displacement of the vegetational physiognomy taking a southeast northeast
direction. (2, 4, 33, 38, 43)

4.- The anthropic action and the climatic changes

The occupation of the space has been different as regards the origins in the provinces of the Argentinian
Northeast, as well as the activities carried out by men. For instance, the provinces of Chaco and Formosa only
reflect hardly more than a century of the European definite settlement. Despite this fact, the anthropic action has
been notorious specially due to the fragility of the system and because it was carried out disregarding the
geomorphological conditions. This has originated in imbalances that tally with a real anthropic rexistasics that in
some way resemble those that naturally occurred in the geomorphological past.
In the Misiones Plateau most of the subtropical forest has been cut down and replaced by plantations of
conifers or growing of: tea, mate and tung. Consequently, there developed a fast soil erosion process, that is
alarming in some sectors. (73) The result was the reappearance of the old torrent models with their consequent
load of sediments in the fluvial courses, as well as the increase in the oscillation amplitude of their levels and
In the east of Corrientes, the excess of cattle-raising in the southeast and the crops in the northeast have caused
conditions similar to those in Misiones but lessened by the low amplitude of the relief. Anyway, the floods in
fluvial valleys and the closing of roads are frequent.
In the west of Corrientes, except for most of the Ibera depression, the space is greatly affected by crop
farming, stock farming and forestation. The sandy hillocks, mentioned above, are mainly devoted to traditional
crop farming and forestation, thus existing an intense soil washing by laminar drainage.
Extensive cattle-raising and growing of rice are mainly promoted in the inlaid plains. They are run through by
road works that act as real dykes due to the reduced section and/or quantity of road sewers, which worsens the
natural situation of areas periodically or permanently flooded.
In the north of Chaco and the province of Formosa there are similar problems with road works that are
frequently interrupted or overrun by water. The overelevated areas, formed by ancient lateral overflows and
initially covered by the high and closed forest, have been subject to forestation and then crop and stock farming,
causing a significant soil-erosion.
In the west end of the region, which is the driest one, the exploitation of woods and / or clearing of trees
originates a marked soil erosion caused by water or eolic action on the paleomodel of arid conditions previous to
the current ones.
In the center and south of the province of Chaco, the channeling, with no works of control, and the
communication routes, cross-sectional to drainage, only stress the natural tendency of the geomorphological
system. (45, 47, 51, 54, 61, 63, 71, 73)
Finally, the Paran and Uruguay Rivers have been affected by the presence of an important number of
hydroelectric works especially in the upper courses, where there has been a massive removal of the original
vegetational covering. The possible modifications in El Pantanal and along the Paran-Uruguay hydroroute are
latent; within the wide valley already mentioned, there are many towns partially or totally settled, which are
subject to frequent floods.
In some cities, such as Resistencia (capital of Chaco) with more than 300,000 inhabitants, bank-protection
works that correspond to the extraordinary and unusual freshets, have considerably decreased the drainage
section. (46, 47, 63, 64)
As a consequence of the climatic conditions existing in the region, the problem of the droughts and fluvial and
pluvial floods is quite common and is part of the dynamics of the system.
The anthropic action is only worsening both problems, which brings about damages valued in hundreds
million dollars, and affects rural and urban settlers. It seems that the effects of the climatic change, which may
have originated in the 60s, are overlapping with this situation, which is itself complex and serious from a socialeconomic point of view.
There is much evidence of the change mentioned that would imply an increase in the rainfalls and humidity.
For instance, the isohyets have displaced more than 150 km westwards and the behavior of the rivers is
changing. The latter can be verified by analyzing the hydrometric registers corresponding to the last 100 years in
the city of Corrientes.
In fact, by making a diagram of the annual maxima and minima it can be observed that the tangent to the
maximum values kept descending until the 60s. Since then, the tendency has reversed, increasing the risk of

freshets higher than those in 1983, which was the highest observed. Curiously, said freshet only has a 69 years
recurrence and it had a flow of 60,215 m3 / sec., which means that it could be expected much higher values if the
tendency does not reverse. (61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 82, 83, 84)
This behavior can be also noticed in other courses of the region and in some Brazilian courses. It would be
appropriate to remark that some neonetworks with regressive erosion are originating in the area of the alluvial
conoids of the Bermejo and Pilcomayo Rivers.
To sum up, we could say that the anthropic effect and the climatic change would be overlapping, despite they
would apparently have different tendencies, in other words, the region would be entering a rexistasic period
which would worsen the problems mentioned. Should this be really happening, the droughts and the floods, both
pluvial and fluvial, would be more and more frequent and intense, the turbulent atmospheric phenomena would
follow the same way, the rivers would become more torrential and the soil erosion would be stressed. It could
even appear some tropical diseases since the vectors are present in the zone. (58, 64, 65, 80, 81)
5.- Guidelines for the design of civil works
Considering all of the above, we could propose some guidelines for the design of civil works, taking into
account the geomorphological characteristics of the region and the possible future conditions as long as there is
no modification in the tendency.
As regards road works, specially those that run through flooded and easily flooded areas, it woud be
considered the recurrence values that are higher than the average. There should be also a greater number and
section of road sewers, and the grade-line should be raised, trying to respect as much as possible the
geomorphological conditioning and taking into account the process of generation of fluvial networks, gullying
and regressive erosion.
The bank-protection works for floods should be calculated considering high recurrences (a minimum of
500 to 1,000 years). For the major rivers it would be convenient to study the feasibility of the decamillenarian
In case these works give way, in unprotected areas, it should be determined the so called same-risk
lines, use restrictions, property evaluation and insurance rating for every zone in such a way that the cities may
expand out of the easily flooded plain.
In urban areas, the value of the design storm should be re-calculated with greater intensity and duration than
those at present, so as to correctly design the storm-water sewers. Furthermore, easily flooded areas should be
delimited to determine use restrictions.
Finally, when designing housing, sheds, electric-transmission towers and others, it should be carefully
considered the possibility of turbulent atmospheric phenomena.
6.- Conclusions
Everything seems to indicate that due to the anthropic action and the climatic change, a process of anthropic
rexistasics is originating in the region having serious social- economic consequences, and effects upon the civil
For the design of the civil works it should be considered this possible future state- of- affairs as well as the
geomorphological characteristics of the areas where they may be found.
Knowing the changes originated in previous times and their effects on the geomorphological dynamics may
contribute as a reference element in order to foresee, with certain reservations, the changes that could be
originated by anthropic action or climatic change.
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