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Bad Boys in Kilts: Bottoms up

Donna Kauffman

Sabrina 1625

Turning the tables ...

Richard Chisholm is a charming and attractive man beyond measure, far

more than should be allowed by law. Forced by family needs to assume the

administration of the local pub the town of Glenbuie, Richard begins to enjoy
every aspect of your new life: the closer contact with the community, the game of
pool, conversations with customers and opportunity to flirt at ease with the girls ...
except for Barbara Henderson, of course.
That girl would be able to give you a kick in the shins if he tried! However,
Barbara is about to show Richard the woman of your dreams may be just her and a
billiard table can be used to much more interesting games than he played with
colored clubs and balls ...

Scanning and Review: Nell

The Chisholm Brothers


Bad Boys in Kilts (3 stories)

Bottoms up - Love Confessions (Sabrina 1625)

On tap - At first glance (Sabrina 1642)
Night watch - Romance by chance (Sabrina 1638.1)

The Great Scot -

Dear reader,
Donna Kauffman, bestseller author of USA Today, Richard has the sexiest
hometown hero; and Barbara, a tempting and sensual woman who hides inside a
mechanical overall and in ways that would be more appropriate for a boy. Barbara

accepted the challenge to take the relationship with his best friend, Richard, for a
more ... intimate level. This is a novel that will warm your heart, make you smile
and leave it with a lighter soul!
Leonice Pomponius
Publishing house

Copyright 2006 by Donna Kauffman

Originally published in 2006 by Kensington Publishing Corp.



All rights reserved.

All characters in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to persons living or
dead is entirely coincidental.


Leonice Pomponio

Patricia Chaves Silvia Moreira
Vania Buchala

Translation: Maria Cristina Flores
Review: Giacomo Leone Neto

Monica Maldonado


Andrea Riccelli

Sonia Sassi

Ana Beatriz Padua

Copyrigh 2010 New Cultural Editora Ltda.

Butant street, 500-10 floor - CEP 05424-000 - So Paulo - SP
Printing and finishing: RR Donnelley

Chapter I

- This place is too small for both of us. - Barbara Henderson wiped her
hands on grimy cloth hanging strap of his overalls. He looked across the street, a
little further from the square, and saw Margaret MacDonnell around the plate
"Open" the small stationery. - "Call me Margaret Mac" - Barbara mimicked by
exaggerating in full of affectation antics.
He remembered the way the American prim had submitted three weeks
before, when he took the old business of his late Aunt Maude.
Of course, if the card at the window was the only thing that Margaret
walked "turning" there in Glenbuie, Barbara would have been the first to give a
warm welcome to the newest resident of the small village of Scottish east.
The problem was that all the boys in the region had also included the word
in their daily vocabulary, as they walked with their heads "turn" sighed the
Yankee, from the moment had come to the city.
- Stop it - Frederick Henderson scolded - and pass me the spanner. The
damn lever decided to jam.
Barbara obeyed without paying much attention to what was, for he had not
yet taken the American intruder's head.
- If you want my opinion, I think you should make a courtesy call and try to
make friends with your enemy supposed - suggested the father, between a grunt
and another, since it was difficult to drop whatever he was stuck in that moment.
Given the poor condition of the old Mini Cooper where he worked, Barbara
would not be surprised if all the car's chassis had been welded only with grease.
But what he saw at that moment, more resembled a sticky goo, mixed with
dung, in the shape of an automobile part.

Only Hinky even Thomas could imagine that a Mini Cooper would be a
vehicle to own a farm.
- Are you suggesting I banque a good girl? Just me? And why on earth
would I do that?
- Because that way you better take advantage of your time instead of
wasting it throwing sparks into the door of a stationery.
But this was not a door any, Barbara cursed softly. He picked up the tool
that his father handed him and handed the tow so he wiped his hands.
- Also can not blame the boys ciscarem there. It is natural to be impressed
by a young woman in the city, mainly because she is much younger than most of
the single women of the village. Except you, of course. - Frederick gave a sly
laugh. - And let's admit it is not even to play outside and, moreover, is ...
- Fresh meat in the area - Barbara completed. - I know, I know ... you do
not have to tell me.
Frederick Henderson slipped the cart Wood under the car and stared at his
only daughter.
- I would not use such language, but I have to admit that you hit on the fly.
It will probably take a while for the boys no longer see it as a challenge. After she
hit with some of them, things will return to normal.
- I do not care that it is with all of them, but I had to keep an eye on ... Barbara abruptly stopped what he said, when he saw the object of his desire
walking down the opposite sidewalk, just stopping in front of .. . - Damn! There's
that damn hissing wanting to take advantage of the situation.

And in broad

daylight! Son of a bitch!

- What a dirty mouth, Barbara! Her mother must be turning in his grave,
listening to her talk like that. - Frederick tried to catch the tool Barbara swayed
before she dropped on her head. Then he returned to shove under the car. - I

honestly doubt he intends to make more than a little flirting with American.
Surprise everyone if he could more than an unpretentious conversation. Even in
broad daylight - he finished with a wry laugh.
- Father! - Barbara scolded him, kicking the cart with the toe of his boot, to
hear him take a belly laugh. - That's not funny. Do not you understand how much
I am suffering? The heart of his only daughter is apart, and you implying that
other things can happen between them.
- I even think we could make a toast if it goes well - Frederick said, without
any pangs of conscience. - At least he would be giving some hope to this old here
and your friends, everyone already struggling to settle in looking only.
Barbara nodded.
- Are you really a bunch of incorrigible! - She said, although he was sure
that several gifts should already have been erected in honor of the other talents of
Richard Chisholm. And the way that rumors were running, if they were true,
probably throughout the region already knew.
Almost all city girls knew longtime m. Probably, he had already won most
of them, always honing their seduction techniques. Barbara did not belong fan
After all, I knew it was much more important to Richard than those girls
who let themselves be seduced in car seats or in the back row of the cinema.
I'd much rather be the best friend and confidante to risk losing the special
bond that had among them, having yielded to the temptation to spend a glorious
Yes, because staying with Richard would undoubtedly like being in
paradise itself.
Well, I had to admit that never had a chance to reject that kind of invitation.

- Now, my daughter - A father's voice brought her back from her thoughts.
- You would not want that men were different. Her mother, for example, would be
very disappointed if she knew I had spent the last ten years alone. Things are so
since the world began.
Barbara knew he was telling the truth. Already on his deathbed, his mother
had sworn that Frederic would not let himself sink in sorrow to the point of
becoming a burden to his only child, until the end of his days. Still remembered
her words:
"Find someone to love, Frederick, and do it before it's too old for a woman
to feel attracted to you" '
- Just as she would not want to know that after all these years you still
pining for this boy.
- Stop it, Daddy - she warned, looking back over his shoulder, as if Richard
could hear them even from across the square. - I'm not sighing.
- I know ... Daydreaming, then.
Looking across the street, she wondered what was going on behind the
closed door of stationery.
- I'm just ... ensuring the happiness of my best friend. After all, we know
nothing of this Yankee. We only know that she is the niece of Maude and America
newcomer to start a new life here. It is quite capable she is running away from a
boring husband and a bunch of ranhetas children. ... Or the worst thing, whatever.
After all, Maude never told us about it.
Frederick gave a boost to the wooden stand just rolled a little, enough to
take the head in the car and drive a reproachful look to her daughter.
- Maude never talked about his personal life. It was the type who keeps it
all to yourself, you know that. Well, now it's taking care of what concerns you,
instead of being raised suspicions about the innocent newcomer.

Barbara sighed deeply.

- Okay, I admit I had a crush on Richard that summer after high school
remaining, before Mom died. We had, let me see ... seventeen years? That was
ten years ago. We were already good friends before that and continue to be today.
Do you think, then, that I am wrong in worrying about the possibility that he come
to have such an attraction for American? And if it is an impostor? How could we
know if she's not here for some reason excuse, or just to get hold of the inheritance
alone? How to manage a store in a Scottish town was no big deal!
- I see you got to know it all about this girl, while taking the tea her side in
two or three mornings ... - Frederick was not sarcastic or call the daughter of
attention, but when it became evasive like that, his words seemed even more full of
meaning, even though loving.
The Barbara cheeks turned slightly pink.
- I'm just saying that Richard could be a little more discreet, more. At least
until we know more about this such a woman.
- For I say that is yet to be born one Henderson not play detective to find
out if overthinking something. - Frederick sighed as he saw another piece rusty in
the Mini Cooper engine. - You know I have a patience of Job, but this car is
killing my nerves. The boring is that promised Hinky that would find a way. But
I'll tell you one thing, that your unresolved passion is a hard match with that car to
take me off at any minute.
- Did you ask advice?
- No, but I'm just saying I can not understand you have missed your turn
when it was still the only one in the game. No, he preferred goofing othe until the
woman came, attracted all the boys of the city to then start elucubrar about what
might have happened if he had not lost the chances we had and the like - sentenced
him, propelling cart to roll again for under the car. - No missed chances, Barbara,

listen to what his father tells him. What are wasted opportunities. And you know
what I say about it.
- "Opportunities are the chances we create for ourselves" - repeated the two
No he asked, Barbara threw a piece of cloth to see him get out from under
the car, sitting on a stool. He smiled to see that instead of the sweaty forehead, he
now had a huge blot grease.
- My dear, you can roll up anyone but me. Nobody knows better. For
years, you dream of this guy? I do not know why just contenting themselves with
little, settling into a comfort zone. It was enough to make it appear someone
shadow, threatening to steal that little place in his heart for you to panic and
pretend to be just ensuring the happiness of the grown man. Now get moving, do
something, if it is willing to fight for happiness.
Frederick was right and she knew how.
- You think I'm being a fool? - He asked, pointing to his chest. - Look at
me, Dad. Margaret is so pretty and feminine as its name suggests, and I ...
- You are the most interesting woman in the city - Frederick assured, as if
he determined the obvious, without realizing that this was the voice of your heart.
As silly as had been the compliment, coming from a suspect, it was enough
to bring tears to Barbara's eyes.
But one look across the street and see Richard and Margaret together so
that anger back to consuming it. She wished she had the courage to come out of
the shadows and take action instead of watching him from the shadows. However,
he did not take the first step, conforming that maybe that was another passenger
enchantment to him, just as they had been many others.
However this time was not entirely sure. Margaret still not part of the social
circle of Glenbuie, but it was not a tourist.

Barbara knew it was not the only one to feel the changes brought by time.
Richard came from a strong family, like her, both with ties to the place dating back
Despite the playboy way, he would eventually follow with tradition to
marry and raise a family one day. After all, he himself had spoken to him about it
more than once.
Of course that made dreamer and carefree way of someone who imagined a
distant future. But in any case, the desire was within his heart. It was also
understood that feeling, when he started to realize the same thing.
His father was right about something else too. A Henderson did not m per
Itia sit passively watching someone else move your hand in his own. However it
was vexing to admit, it would be a good lesson for her to Richard ended up
deciding that Margaret was the woman who would sit, and she had not moved a
finger to let you realize that she also dreamed of being that woman . It had to be
her since ever.
- Thanks Dad. His defense was noted and appreciated - said Barbara. - I
can not help thinking that he had enough time to see me as a woman and it never
- It is possible that he likes to play as much like working. But this guy has
nothing to fool, I assure you. Hagg's Pub has never been so lucrative and popular
as it is today, at the time it was administered by the plague. He's got that gist of
kid off, but his heart is totally fabric Glenbuie and all who live here. It was the
love and the respect for the past of the family that Finny Chisholm passed on to
grandchildren that made Richard was very good at it. Hagg's is now the heart and
soul of this village because he made it happen.
Frederick got up and walked over to Barbara.

- His heart is as pure and true as his, my little girl. And Richard knows that.
That's the reason you have built between themselves as special link. - He leaned
down and kissed her forehead, then give a wink. - You need to have more
confidence in you, my little one.
Barbara embraced his father, but his eyes soon returned to settle in the
stationary door.
- I trust many things -. She said after a moment of silence But my ability to
attract a man, especially when it comes to someone so manly and charming as
Richard Chisholm, is not among the things I trust, I thought, without translating
the largest their fears into words.
Knowing his father, Barbara knew it was not necessary to do so. He was
the only one to see the vulnerable woman who was hiding under the girl's
appearance and taken tough.
To prove how much was certain, Frederick scolded affectionately:
- Go to dress up a bit and give an arrival in the stationery, to buy a card or
something for him. This gives you the chance to review their opponent. And you
can use the opportunity to draw some attention.
- Buy a card for Richard? It's his birthday and the next holiday will be in
Frederick sighed and looked up at the sky, shaking his head.
- Ah, Maddy, Where did we go wrong? Our girl is not a silly romantic.
- For it is against this that always fought. I do not want to go through silly.
The father looked at her with a grin.
- So there is something you need to know, girl. When it comes to love, you
do not just have to be willing to make a fool of himself, but must also accept the
fact that corr er this risk is inevitable. Cupid forgive those who act that way by

love, that is, if they are not the type who die of fear of being shot with arrows, of
course ...
Barbara knew recognize when wrong. Then acted in the only way that was
used when a subject came to extremes, turned the tables!
Pulled the rag from her father's hand and stretching it, made the cloth back
toward him, like an arrow, as exhibited a cunning and full of malice smile.
- Then why not yet seen going to the stationery Maude to buy a card or
perhaps a bouquet of flowers to Eleanor? - Caused it.
Frederick's face, already somewhat reddish in nature, it has become even
more red.
- What I do or do not do, for those who buy or do not buy flowers is none of
your business - he snapped, tearing the cloth of her daughter's hands before
returning to shove under the recalcitrant Mini Cooper Hinky farmer who still
waiting for his magic touch mechanic to return to work. - I do not recall having
asked for advice to you - muttered finally.
- But I decided to give them anyway. Incidentally, that has not stopped you
- I do not spend all my time daydreaming about Eleanor Walth, dreaming of
things that I'm afraid to fight when I have work to do - Frederick interrupted,
coming out again from under the car and getting to his feet to face her.
- That would explain why you almost caused a fire at home the other night.
Or you forgot to take the boiling water pot from the stove after certain someone
came to the workshop? Ah, but after all she needed you consertasse the car brakes
it, right? Now, to me that was a real tte--tte.
- No one asked your opinion, Barbara.

By the way, better to forget

everything I said. I've seen that you will not do nothing. Apparently, he plans to
stay in the stands watching while the Yankee grabs the man you love. And right

under your nose! This is because is afraid to fight for it. So the suffering that says
he is going through is more than deserved. And do not forget to explain the
prayers that makes his holy mother, why did not bother to lift a finger that is to
fight for his great love.
- Do not use my mother to keep me resume the subject he was talking about
- pinned Barbara, part to provoke him, partly because he had just heard the hit on
the head.
- I will use all the resources we find it necessary to get what they crave. Frederic said, not bothering to hurt or not. - How do you think we, the Henderson,
we are still here, going strong, three hundred twenty-five years later for the first of
us have stepped in Glenbuie?
Barbara moved his lips as if to say the same words that his father had been
so many times he had heard that same speech. But that did not stop her from
hanging around his neck and planted a smacking kiss that still red cheek.
- I go to the Plough's buy some sandwiches. You will want the usual?
- And when I asked for something different? - He muttered, pulling one of
the braids she wore. - Oh, bring orange juice extra size for me.
- Did ever forgot to bring? - Barbara shot, pleased to have been're even
She loved the man deeply mischievous, do not know what to do without
him. However, could well live without those well-aimed comments made by those
who knew her better than her own.
Certainly it would be ruminating what he had heard a lot longer than it takes
to eat one of the hard Plough's rolls, ie, long time.
Wasting no more time with conjectures, she ran to the toilet, the workshop
funds, and washed his face and hands. He had closed the door behind him when he
remembered back and spray some perfume to mask the smell of grease.

Even having been distracted as he arranged the way out to the street,
moments later, he thought back to the conversation with his father. If nothing else,
just around the corner, almost bumped the main subject of your thoughts.


Richard held Barbara's shoulders, preventing both lost their balance and
finish on the floor.
- Wow, where are you going in such a hurry? You want to take someone to
the gallows? - He asked, laughing, noting the haste with which it got rid of the
hands that had held.
- That's not it. On my way Plough's.
He walked away with a gesture of solemn reverence.
- It's like I always say, never come between a woman and a sweet.
- Do you even know to say nice things - she said, tapping the eyelashes
ironically, before turning away and follow path toward Plough's.
However, there was barely given two strides when Richard pulled her back
by one of the braids. Facing him, Barbara stared at him defiantly.
- What's with you? It was some gear stuck or blown engine that left this
amazing mood?
- You can say that. - Looking him in the eye, she pulled the braid to then
throw it over his shoulder in order to let your hair out of his reach.
Am I not know something I should know? He frowned.
- Did I miss something? Do not tell me you're still upset about Pitts have it
won the game tonight. I told you, everyone has their unlucky day. I agree that he

acted like a jerk, telling advantages and stuff. But I insist that if you had listened
to me and balanced the weight further back in ...
- That was just a game. I had even forgotten him. Besides, we both know I
can recover my money the next time he receives the salary. Now, if you do not
mind ...
Barbara tried to pull away, but Richard stopped her, though he knew that
would leave even angrier. Without having the slightest idea done to deserve all
that anger, he decided to risk letting her even more angry, to find out what the hell
was going on.
She gave him a sharp look, then blow the strands of hair that had slipped
over his forehead in a gesture of impatience.
Most thirty of the way the women would be ridiculous wearing braids,
Richard thought. But not Barbara. Not to mention that looked beautiful in that
grease stained denim overalls.
He could not remember a single time I had not seen her braids. And to
think I knew since I was six years old, by which time they had studied together in
grade school. Perhaps because of her hairstyle matched the freckles that dotted her
nose and cheeks. Or even the fringe strands natural blondes, who now and then
fell over his eyes, forcing her to blow on it up.
Who knows if Barbara's rebellion had not challenged the time and their
indelible marks ...
The angelic beauty in the right to perpetuate, helped by the contrast between
the delicacy of the lines and the rebellious attitudes.
Richard was sure that in addition to all this, was her perseverance and
courage are responsible for having them kept together since childhood. Still I
remembered that they were known as the inseparable duo of Miss classroom.

McKee. And when they had identified as soul mates for the same glow that kept
us irreverent eyes today.
But that way of blowing the hair that Barbara had just made was different
from the usual. It had been a gesture loaded, as had the opportunity to see once or
twice in life.
- Well, all right - he said, softening his voice. - Still do not understand why
are you treating me this way. Did I committed a crime? I would like to be
informed, inclusive. I think for consideration deserve to know what I did to make
her so angry.
She tilted her head.
- I understand you've become frowned upon by at least three quarters of
women who knows, something which does not seem to regret it one bit. Why,
then, would be worrying about me?
Richard was puzzled, which clearly came from her face.


Henderson knew better than anyone else, except perhaps his own brothers. It was
true that they fought occasionally, but in everything there was always a hint of
That day, however, she fired typically feminine pinpricks and there was
nothing caring or intimate in their attitudes. If it were another woman, he might
even suspect premenstrual syndrome, but not in the case of Barbara. She was too
feisty to surrender to something as common and generic as TPM crisis.
- Your father is well? - A problem with Frederick would be a strong reason
to leave in a foul mood. Although there was just passed by machine shop and had
only seen his legs underneath the car repaired, the name Cooper Hinky, and heard
the amount of cursing. Nothing beyond normal, or so he thought. - Do you fight?

- Where did you get that idea? - To look more emphatic, Barbara put her
hands on her hips, staring at him with narrowed eyes. - There is someone who
understands me best.
Richard realized he had, somehow, managed to enter the strange world of
female logic, which would have no chance to get out unscathed.
If what bothered her was something important, he certainly would have
known at the bar in the late afternoon. This was where everyone gathered to chat
between a drink and another. Or perhaps, if he was lucky, she told her own. There
was none of the character of the two hide from each other secrets. At least
- Okay, okay ... - In surrender, he raised his hands, taking a step back. - I
should not have asked. As seen her so angry, I thought it might help.
- This is so typical of you, always helpful, is not it? - Barbara lifted her
chin, pointing to the opposite corner store to the town square. - That you've been
doing in Maude store? Helping?
- What are you talking about? - He frowned.
- I do not see packages in their hands, which shows that was not shopping.
Or maybe you were getting something without commercial value, if you know
what me.
Richard studied with more discretion. He found it a little pale, discounting
the apples reddened face from the heat.
- How long do you not eat? He walked jumping the new breakfast? Concern was evident in his voice.
- All right. You can dodge the question, if you want.
Richard did not know what she meant.

- I give up - she continued. - I have no time to stand here, participating in

silly games. Incidentally, in my view, games include darts or pool cues. Life,
however, is serious business, Richard. You can not spend all their time playing.
- At the risk of leaving it even more angry, I must respectfully inform you
that I have no idea what you're talking about. I went to the stationery Maude,
because Margaret came to me at the bar yesterday, and I was not there. I thought
she was in need of something.
- Margaret, is it? I'll bet.
- What you mean? - Richard shook his head. - Something happened
between the two? It would be a lot of work explain? This is the second time I ask
this great kindness.
- This has nothing to do with what goes on between the Yankee and I - she
said, giving him a sharp look, which only served to make him even more
Richard's patience had reached its limit. Women! The funny thing is that
until then he'd never included in that category confusing and often frustrating. Not
that she was not a woman, but it was different. Barbara was a direct person, who
said what he thought and did not used to confuse his head. They used to tell each
other. Sometimes it was not even necessary to say anything, because they knew
what the other felt just by looking. However, Barbara knew what he meant to her,
he wondered, however, if Richard thought the same way.
But not now.
At that time, Richard felt as if the edge of a high cliff. I was much more
close to the edge, about to fall, than I would be. What did not know was how he
had gotten there.

- Why did not you tell me what's going on at once? - He insisted in

exasperation. - I would like at least to know what did I do to make Your Highness
so angry before she gives me orders to cut his head.
- Men! - Barbara exclaimed angrily. - All to you you have to be a game. A
dispute with express rules. Besides a score, of course, and an undisputed winner in
the end. Great!
She then surprised him with an enigmatic smile, which deserved to be
stored in memory for beauty but not the threat it represented.
- I already know. Let's pretend we're participating in an exciting game of
darts. - She poked good at heart.
- How? Still I do not understand where you're going. - Of course, the reason
for the bad mood it was nothing serious, but began to bother him.
- The game rules are the one that hit right on target, so the dart remains
there, you get the prize.
Richard almost asked what would be the prize in question, however, that
very moment, to be frank, I was not sure I would like to hear the answer. There
was something different about the way she was looking at him now. The glow in
her eyes made him feel on top of a podium as a prize to be won. It did not make
any sense.
- And how on a dart board, there is only one clear winner.
- Barbara, I can not understand what you mean? It also has something to do
with Pitts and one game of darts?
She shook her head.
- Do not play the fool. I have no interest in Pitts, except the joy of defeating
them in the game. But I'm talking about the game of life! It turns out that only now
I realized that I can not win if you do not play. So let me tell you I'm in the race. -

Barbara has to nudge him. - And you know me, when I walk into a dispute not
accept second place.
On second thought, it seemed cruel that moment. But he wanted to laugh
that strange mood. But was not the unwilling to go into no worries one food fight
at that time. Unlike Barbara, your game strategy included the sudden exits to avoid
confrontations out of turn, or at least before knowing who the opponents.
- All right. Pretend I never asked.
- No way. I'm tired of pretending. - Resolute, she continued to nudge him.
This time displaying a Machiavellian smile that came to scare him. - That's it, then.
Glad I could vent - finished, looking both relieved and time, if he was not
mistaken, nervous.
Although the word "nervous" did not apply to Barbara that he knew. Unless
he was wrong to bluff in a poker table that you caused a considerable loss of
money, Barbara Henderson never showed any distress. The word that best
described it was "fearless". In those parts, when there was talk of darts and cards,
she acted like an elephant in a china shop.
- You are in my sights, Richard Chisholm.
- I have no doubt. I surrender. - For the second time, he raised his arms in
the air. - You can take whatever you want.
- I wish it were that simple.
After a long-suffering sigh, he began to walk. This time she was quick and
managed to escape from his hand, he tried to hold it by the braids.
Richard even thought about going after her, but somehow doubted that the
real reason behind his strange behavior does not solve the heat of the conversation
he had just had. The best thing to do was be patient and wait to complete the

Then he heard the noise of metal on metal, followed by a whole repertoire of

curses. Richard smiled, turned around and walked over to the machine shop of
Frederick Henderson. Something was going on with Barbara and it would be better
to be prepared, if possible. There was only one man on earth who knew Barbara
better than him. It was possible that he knew what the hell was going on with her.
- Good afternoon - Richard greeted upon entering the shop.
For the twentieth time that day, Frederick went under the old Mini Cooper.
- I do not know what you're looking good on a day like today - he muttered,
while the shrill sound of metal has to sound, echoing throughout the garage. - Well,
but I suppose it's better than no late. - Frederick has grunted, forcing the tool in his
hand against any parts under the car. - By the way, this afternoon may be the last of
my life, since it seems that damned transmission will finish me before I find a way
to ... - Other metal on metal sound was heard. - Damn! That's for me to learn not to
make fun of fate. - So saying, he got up with one hand holding the other by the
Suspecting an accident, Richard found a clean cloth and threw it to the other
- Where's the first aid kit?
- I just need a little glue and masking tape.
Blood had soaked the piece of cloth that Frederick had wrapped around the
- I can not believe you do not have at least a basic medical kit. If I'm not
mistaken've heard Barbara require buy one. If she sees his wound, prepare your
- Oh, stop babbling. - Frederick got up quickly, staggering because of a
momentary vertigo.

Instantly, Richard grabbed him by the shoulders, supporting him against his
own body. With almost two meters tall, it was about a head taller than Frederick
and although this was strong and stocky, was not too heavy.
- Let's go to the sink to let the water run over the wound to evaluate the
- Hello! - It sounded a cheerful and female voice from one of the garage
Even though she said one word only, it was possible to identify Margaret
MacDonnell. After all, there was only one American in the city.
- Hello, Margaret. We are here at the bottom taking care of an injury.
- Damn! It was just what I needed. Barbara will be back anytime! - Frederick
said, bending to pass under Richard's arm. - Why do not you join Margaret to
where it is going? I'm fine, you can let me finish the healing. It was only a scratch.
- Wait a minute. - Richard raised his hand, asking Margaret stay where she
- Are you sure you do not need help? - the girl asked. - My mother was a
nurse and learned a little about first aid. I think I can do a better dressing than his.
Or go find someone. Maybe Dr. Frampton? I just see him going towards Hagg's to
eat something, but maybe ...
- Do not worry, I'll be fine. But thank you for your good will.
Although the words were gentle, Frederick's tone was aggressive. That is, if
to civilized opinion was not doing very well, Richard thought. If only because
Frederick had always been a kind person. Well, maybe it was the pain. The cut
should be worse than it had seemed at first.
- Maybe it's best to ask Frampton to take a leap here - insisted Margaret.

- For all that is holy in this world - Frederick said in an impatient whisper -,
take this woman here before Barbara is back. I already have enough trouble for
having to break up a fight of women.
Richard Frederick was trying to put the hand back under water, in order to
see the depth of cut. Suddenly he stopped and frowned, remembering the reason
why he had changed his way to crossing the workshop.
- Barbara and Margaret walked at odds? - He asked.
All though there would be plenty of reasons since the two were very
different, he thought. But in any event, no woman was as Barbara.
The American was outgoing, lively and perhaps overly friendly. On the rare
occasions they had talked, Richard concluded that that behavior was due in part to
anxiety to feel included in the group of city residents. Besides, he liked to interpret
the behavior of people and generally acertava. Age of Margaret be blatant nature. It
in no way resembled his Aunt Maude, of course.
Richard did not remember having had the misfortune to know more sullen
woman who deceased neighbor. Out a collective relief when the only Maude blood
relative had landed in the city. Luckily the girl in no way resembled that old
grumpy, that God had in peace.
Barbara, in turn, although outgoing, was bold and impetuous, becoming
almost pretentious. But it was not arrogant. I was able to step back when roamed
and was always ready to defend anyone in their relationships. It was also quick to
demand an apology from those who acted badly.
Maybe that's why Richard was feeling a bit annoyed at that time.
- This is more than a superficial wound - he said, turning his attention to the
task that played. - I think we will need some stitches. I'll let Margaret in Hagg's,
and bring Framptom to look after you, before it has had time to drink. - He smiled.
- I would not want the points stay crooked.

Frederick was pale.

- Do not say you're scared.
- Of course not! - Frederick replied, removing the hand that held Richard. I've seen blood before. All it takes is a bit of masking tape, that's all. - Looking up
at his friend, he realized that his suggestion was not well received. - All right,
tomorrow I step in the emergency room, is that okay? The cut is already pretty
clean, though slightly swollen.
- That's because we kept cutting until now compressed under running water.
As soon as you lift a finger will begin to bleed again. - He looked over his
shoulder, toward Margaret. - Now your help is welcome. Please find Frampton and
tell him to come here.
- You got it - the American said with an enthusiastic smile and a more
euphoric wave of his hand yet.
Richard replied with a smile and a nod as well. It was hard not to get excited
when Margaret was around.
- You might want to reconsider that smirk when Barbara got here, boy. What
is your intention to display the Barbara your relationship with this girl?
- Hey, what's going on?
- Now, I'm not blind. Anyone can see that you've been daydreaming with
this American. Do not condemn, is on your right, because I imagine it to be a very
pleasant company. What is not right is to walk around showing off beside her.
Richard shook his head in surprise.
- I? Do you really think I'm feeding fantasies about this girl? - He asked,
turning to the place where Margaret had been moments before; as if it could help
you better understand the situation. What was happening to Henderson, anyway?
Will father and daughter had slept badly the night? - Are you sure you're in your
right mind?

Frederick looked at Richard with an air of disapproval, surprised at how

someone could be so obtuse as not to see something so obvious.
- To my knowledge, the only one that does not fit very well is you. Rest
assured that no one here is blind.
- You've lost more blood than I had imagined - Richard said, pulling an
absorbent paper stack the box just above the sink. - Put it against the wound palm
and hold firmly in place. Margaret should be here any moment, bringing the
doctor. Why not sit down until they arrive? - he suggested not implying that the
other was dizzy, but speaking incoherently.
Something must have happened at around Henderson. If nothing else the
way Barbara had treated him about fifteen minutes before, now also had to guess
what Frederick meant.
I should have been taking account bar , he thought, letting out a deep sigh.
- No need to sit down, I'm feeling very well - Frederick mumbled, just when
Margaret returned to the workshop.
- Here we are - she announced, following the doctor to where they were.
- What was the mistake you been doing this time, old man? - Frampton was
not only the same generation as Frederick, as he had also grown in Glenbuie.
And as if there were not enough, both had fought the heart of the same
woman in the distant past.
Frederick had come out winner. Although Maddy Urquhat Henderson,
loving and devoted wife of Frederick for nearly twenty years had passed away
there were about a decade, Ben Frampton had not forgotten or forgiven his friend
to have won her heart.
- It's just a scratch - Frederick replied the doctor, quite upset to see him. - I
told these two there was no need to tear you from your meal.

- Confess who liked the idea. It's better than a doctor tells a way that injury
before Barbara back and see what happened to your hand - Richard noted.
Reluctantly, Frederick reached out for examination, while the other two
glared with his eyes without noticing Frampton.
- I thank you all for your concern, but now I'm being treated, it is best to go
away to enjoy the rest of the day. - Grumpy tone Frederick annulled the little
kindness that he could be in his words.
- You're right - Richard decided it might be better to let the Henderson solve
their problems alone. - It is better to obey, Margaret.
Frederick waved his good hand and lowered his head to see what the doctor
was doing, preventing thus that Frampton had a good view of the cut.
- These two form a double and both - said Margaret, to get away. - I had the
impression that there is some kind of tension between them.
- It's a long story ... - confirmed Richard. - But Ben is the only doctor in
town, so both are tolerated when needed.
Margaret nodded a nod and almost said something, giving up to do it at last.
- I am grateful that you have gone through earlier store - she told Richard. - I
hope you reconsider what I talked about promoting your bar, but I can not express
my gratitude for you have spent my business card to his brother Reese. If his card
serves as an indication of their work, it is clear that it needs a lot of my services she added with a smile.
- I advise you to risk, yes - he encouraged her, amused by the comment. - I'll
give her good references.
She dabbed Richard's arm.
- Thank you for helping me. I know I'm a stranger here, and I also know that
Maude was not an easy person. I am really grateful for the gentle way everyone

treated me since I came to Glenbuie. Have you ever bothered to make me feel at
ease in Hagg's. I never considered their attention as part of the work.
- It is true, we are a good people friendly here. There's nothing to feel
displaced, especially being charming as it is.
Margaret blushed.
- You, Scots are very flattering - she said, laughing. - But I still think you
should better think about the marketing ideas that I presented to you. I think we
could become great partners.
Richard smiled back, before looking over her shoulder ... and spotting
Barbara, shaking packaging Plough's against his chest.


Barbara spent about twenty minutes cursing for his ridiculous and foolish
action before Richard.
I do not know where I was thinking.
It did not take long to come back to think without the heat of emotion.
I had just turned the corner with a sandwich in hand package, there he was
joining the enemy.
Lowering his head and pressing step, she passed by both pretending not had
noticed them together.
You mean you were thinking of becoming great partners, it was not what
little woman had said?
How to speak in partnership precisely with Barbara and Richard?

Ah, that will say it to their face that appears Yankee.

But the two also rushed to meet her at the workshop door.
When looking for Richard the words stuck in his throat. Did he have the
vaguest idea what were the specific type of partnership that she wanted to him?
What would you think if he knew?
All your insecurities surfaced once, leaving her breathless, as if drowning
her in a raging sea. Not to mention the sudden sickness of seeing someone wearing
colors as gaudy and out of fashion.
Perhaps he had lost a good opportunity to have told his intentions to him
when he had seen there was little. Sometimes I hated for being so proud. Now
suffer for nothing.
Margaret had just noticed where Richard's eyes and ran back to face Barbara
too. Seeing her, the American gave a genuine grin. Certainly had no idea what the
other was about to explode.
If she had the vaguest notion of what I can do with it, not me greet, thought
- Hello dear! I was really going for her.
Disbelief was expressed in single eyebrow that the blond Scottish arched.
- Really? - Why this woman rays seek me?
- Your father ... - Richard began, but did not complete the sentence, as Dr.
Frampton approached where the three talked.
- What happened? My dad okay? - Barbara wondered with a sinking heart
and the stomach suddenly queasy.
- Do not you know bad vessel does not break easy? - the doctor said,
despising himself in the struggle waged between the oath of Hippocrates and
personal feelings toward Frederick.

Barbara pursed his lips. Did you know that Ben Frampton continued to lead
the feud he had with his father seriously but, after so long, I could not help
thinking that what the two men needed actually was have drinks together and
forget the time past.
- What happened?
- His father cut his hand and had to take a few points. Take him to my office
in a week to remove them.
All present there knew that Frederick was not going to the office of
Frampton, unless it was a matter of life or death and, anyway, not his.
Barbara spent the sandwiches pack to his left hand and held the right to
tighten the doctor.
- Thank you, Doctor. I promise to make my father's care.
- The drink will be on the house - Richard invited everyone. And turning to
Frampton, he added: - Thank you for coming so quickly.
The doctor politely nodded head and walked away then.
- I'll take a look at my father - Barbara announced, making a slight
movement to the door of the workshop funds, stopping next.
- I imagine it will be harder to deal with it from that with a lion with a thorn
in his paw. In fact, men can not stand the pain, act as if they were babies. - I was
too chattering and he knew it.
Richard, of course, was thinking about the conversation he had had earlier
and how she had behaved like a child. I hope he had the good sense not to say
And what would Margaret thinking about you? That should not worry you,
but still, I wonder. The most uncertain part of that game was there, wearing a
grease-stained overalls, hair tied in braids, battered nails and face washed. The
other, in turn, was so pretty and prim as a daisy, though with too many bright

colors. And did not strive to be not at all charming. It was to wonder how it would
have that kind of natural beauty that makes people turn their heads to look and
silent self-esteem that this certainly provide.
Barbara was quite confident regarding several things, especially in a number
of skills. However, when it comes to appearance and ability to attract the opposite
sex, all its powers simply disinherited.
Of course it was fragrant, despite the grease stains on clothing. Before going
to Hagg's for a night pool, darts and meet Richard, used to spend half an hour in
the shower, taking care to remove every last body oil brand. Washed hair, dried
and remade the braid and wore jeans and a shirt limpinhos. But that was as much f
eminilidade who had to display. After all, there h avia why try to look different.
Everyone knew her well in Glenbuie. What good change? The opinion of you was
already formed.
Of course, like any other, he had moments when you left entertained by the
fantasy of a completely new look, which had been a hallucination m ore than
anything else.
When it had to change the wardrobe, for example, changed his mind before
the work. I had no patience nor paint your nails or use a little makeup. She was T
ipo "accept me as I am or leave me alone" when it came to the use of cosmetic
resources and other props. Generally I used to leave things as they were by nature.
I had always thought that if I needed to use layers of makeup to get the
attention of a man, then it was because he was not worth it. Men, after all, did not
have to worry about that kind of deception. They shaved, brushed his teeth and
combed his hair. In times of equal rights and duties, she did the same, except for
the beard, of course.

Now, standing there in front of the simple beauty of Richard and Margaret
perfectly upright, she began to wonder about his resistance to those devices.
Richard liked feminine and delicate girls.
Well, to be frank would have to say he liked women in general. Both a
contagious laughter as a pretty face were able to attract him. That was one of the
features of it he most admired: judge people for what it was and not for what
appeared to be. And yet, he doubted that the glimpse it, he unveiled something at
least similar to a desirable woman. Certainly considered as another of his friends,
at most would be elevated to the position of confidant.
- I'd better go and make sure that my father is not doing something you
should not do - she stammered, feeling suddenly ill at ease and hating herself for it.
This was his city, there were his people and the business of her family. It was
ridiculous to feel uncomfortable that way. - I appreciate you taking care of him told Richard and Margaret and was being sincere.
Actually I wanted to be far away from there as soon as possible. Not
allowing time for a response, he withdrew, clutching the bag of sandwiches even
harder than before, leaving the two confused by his abrupt withdrawal.
- Go ahead and become partners - she muttered. - A little care. God, you're a
big idiot, Barbara! Believe you could do it ...
- Hey ...
She jumped when Richard took her arm. The sandwiches package and shook
the two soda bottles, which were also in the package, collide against each other,
spilling some of the liquid.
Moving quickly, he tried to get the package avoiding the drop.
- Sorry, did not mean to scare her. I thought you had heard what I said.
- What? - She asked, knowing that appeared irritation, whose reason he
could not understand.

However, there was not much he could do to prevent that. Hell, after the
small scenario that afternoon, he was thinking about it ?!
All she wanted now was entering the first hole he could find, and hope that
Richard one day forget everything that had happened that day.
Perhaps Margaret could distract his mind? That thought made him even
more recriminasse.
He raised his hand, palm up, in a placating gesture.
- Calm. I ... I was not only certain that ... - Richard paused and cocked his
head, but the usual teasing smile was not on his lips. Instead a sincere look of
worry marked his face. - Is everything okay? You seem so hectic today and ... and
whatever ... And it's not just you, your father also treated me in a very strange way.
What happened?
- He thinks he's invincible and hates when life proves that this is not true.
You should not interpret the hang of it personally. - It was necessary for her to
make use of all his self-control to keep looking in his eyes, acting as if nothing
wrong is happening, while asking the heavens he did not take that matter forward. I will go to the Hagg's later and let you beat me at darts, is that okay?
Richard's face did not change, and Barbara could hardly breathe. Why things
were not easier?
Looking right into those beautiful hazel eyes, eyes she knew almost better
than to herself, knowing that they reflected an equally beautiful soul ... Barbara
wished she was in love with another man. Anyone who was not his best and closest
- Okay - The explanation did little to improve the mood of Richard. - But
without this let me win. You'll have to beat me really. - His lips came to draw a
smile, and the twinkle lit known that disconcerting look. It was no wonder that
women do not resist in the face of so much charm. God knew she never could.

Barbara felt her heart beat faster and your palms sweat. It was ridiculous
allow anyone still exert devastating effect that after so many years together.
However, unfortunately I knew it was unable to change their feelings.
- I'm sure I'm good enough to face the challenge - said, outlining his usual
menacing smile.
It was hard being around Richard and not smile. But of course he had taken
his claim to be a typical bravado Barbara Henderson and not as humorous flirtation
that want it.
Laughter before economic became gradually in a broader gesture, giving rise
to the dimple that adorned one angular chin.
Richard needed a haircut, she thought, noting that the unruly strands
threatening to fall on the eyes. How I would fix that tangle of dark curls, then slide
your fingers until the sensual lips. Only imagine the feeling of warmth of tanned
skin, your body has reacted, her nipples stiffened and thigh muscles contracted.
The desire was almost palpable.
One would imagine how shocked he would be if she told about the thoughts
that inhabited his mind at that moment. How I wished slide the tip of the tongue by
the small gap that dimple on his chin!
- You better get some food. - Richard returned the bag of sandwiches and
soda. - You'll need all the help they can afford to play later. I'm feeling lucky
If you knew how lucky could have , she thought fascinated.
- Do you like bragging - she said, turning away a little and wishing he would
go away soon, or she could recover the appearance of someone under control ...
Good would be if Richard yanked impatiently that clumsy package of your
hands to toss it away, before taking her in his arms, pushing her against the nearest
wall, and then have her there. Ah, sweet illusion!

- Best left to decide who is the best in the game later - finished quickly,
before turning around and just move away running away.
Your daily quota of playing the fool had already exhausted. I had no idea it
would be able to go to Hagg's later or not. For now, what was meant to check on
his father, besides being far enough away from Richard, to replace the ideas in
order, and allow other parts of your body to calm down too. I had to quickly regain

Five hours later, there she was working on Hinky car chassis.
- Damn! - She exclaimed irritated when a huge acorn grease the motor shaft
splattered against his forehead, smearing her hair also. At that pace could never go
to Hagg's night. In fact, he had changed his mind about ten times as to go there or
With Frederick injured she had assumed the task of repairing at least the
Mini Cooper as was promised for the next day. Task complicated because it is an
old car, but of great sentimental value. To Hinky that car was like a sulky child
who had need of kicking and become aggressive from time to time. He
remembered the only time he had suggested to him buying a new car, the man had
looked upon as if she had hinted at the death of a young son.
- Maybe I should do it for him - she muttered, thinking that there was
nothing to do to save that old rusty tin that time.
On the other hand, it was a challenge to put the car in motion. It was as
stubborn as the damned car, and trade name if that thing would eventually go crazy
two Henderson in vain on the same day.
After blowing impatiently wires fringe falling over his forehead, or at least
those that grease acorn was not reached, she redoubled efforts. If you could just

boot of the car in which he worked at the time, without any substrate to dismount,
could finally begin to replace the pieces to finish assembling all the next morning.
When the clock tower across the square struck eight, Barbara had the
impression that there was not working for more than a few minutes.
How I had managed to wrestle so much?
If it continued at that pace, I never have time to go up, take a decent shower
and get ready to leave.
But, after all, so much anxiety? As if his appearance was import to someone!
That would be just another night at Hagg's. All that would be there had the seen the
way it was at that time, or even worse. He wondered if Richard was still even
bother to pay attention if she wore something different.
It was early spring, usually the highlight of the holiday season, although
Glenbuie not a place that offers a variety of attractions. The city was known for
distillery Chisholm Family whiskey, which produced the famous whiskey had
more than two centuries. However, being situated in the most western end of the
Tayside region, they were out of the "path of whiskey," which each year attracted a
multitude of tourists to Scotland. No famous castles in nearby ruins, Glenbuie had
prospered on their own. There had been periods of glory, others less so. At that
moment, everyone scrambled to get out is the best possible way.
The distillery remained the main source of income for the locals, whether as
a family company employees, or indirect beneficiaries of a strong employer,
located just on the border of the town. Increasingly, the new generation migrated
north to Inverness, or Edinburgh, toward the south, or even further afield, to
London, or even later.
Barbara, in turn, was satisfied with his life in Glenbuie. The Henderson had
lived there for almost as long as the owners of the distillery, which had managed to
maintain ownership of the clan for nearly four hundred years.

The machine shop was the only one in a radius of more than fifty kilometers,
so they could live relatively well, what Barbara considered as good enough for her.
He was happy there, living among people who had known all his life. Never
cultivated dreams become a successful person elsewhere. I was pleased with his
modest life style and the security of knowing well the surroundings and their
idiosyncrasies. He was well rooted to the land, the people and the city itself, with
its past and future. It gave him a huge comfort to know that was not the only one in
long line of people the Henderson family, who had helped to shape the course of
history of the city. And so it would be for a long time, unless, of course, that the
line of Henderson died with her.
A certain melancholy involved, stealing some of your contentment, when he
thought of Richard, smiling and singing while serving the pub's customers. The
two were very similar in their beliefs and feelings about Glenbuie, as well as
attachment to all that it meant.
Why, then, was it so hard for him to realize that formed a perfect couple?
Probably the whole town knew of his passion collected, less the most
interested. Are all men liked to go through blind?
- Barbara, are you're down there?
For the second time that day, she suffered a strong start. This time the shock
had taken a sudden movement with the tool at hand. To make matters worse,
eventually hitting unintentionally the car engine oil pan, releasing her. The disaster
it was not happening, a blown oil wire ran right over her face.
- Jesus, Mary and Joseph! - Exclaimed, angry.
- Oh, sorry. - Margaret bent, so Barbara emerged from under the car, groping
for a piece of cloth to clean the face and eyes. Margaret took a clean rag near the
suitcase tools. - Here it is - she said, pressing the cloth against the hand of another.
- I'm really sorry.

Barbara sat down as he tried to tear that thing honeydew from his face and
- You have a little grease there - Margaret warned, pointing, caring for the
ear neighbor.
Barbara avoided looking at her, for fear of saying something that might
come to regret later. Why had to be Margaret to be there, the only person who
made him feel like an idiot covered in grease? But it could have been worse if the
US had come bringing Richard in tow. All though he had already seen a worse
appearance than that on numerous occasions. At least on those occasions she had
been spared immediate comparison with Miss. Sunbeam Radiant, there, a few feet
from her.
- Very well - I said finally. - Is there anything I can do for you? - From what
was your knowledge, Margaret had come to train and taxi Glenbuie and did not
have a car. So it was little likely that she was there to order a service.
- I ... I've been thinking ... How's your father?
Barbara bowed his head. Which meant that? Margaret MacDonnell was
nervous? Actually I did not know enough to know, but during the short period of
living together, she had always seen in complete control both the appearance and
- My father is grumpy and acting like a naughty child to be injured and not
being able to work. Nothing I had not already planned. I dispatched to Hagg's a
few hours ago. I bet he must have taken a drink or two at this point and therefore
should be more quiet. What comes in handy, because then I can say the job.
Margaret looked momentarily surprised to have drawn such a long
explanation of Barbara. I do not expect to get such a frank answer to a question
that was not intended to be more than kind. In general, Barbara was not to prolong

the effect of conversations or gentle explanations. Whenever questioned, she

answered exactly what he thought.
Noting that Margaret had said nothing in response to his speech and that
soon, which would be even better not said goodbye and disappeared workshop,
Barbara asked,
- Anything else I can do for you? - It might have been harsher than
necessary, but it had more to do than goofing off.
The possibility of getting to go to the Hagg's that night was becoming more
remote. Anyway, if Margaret was going to the bar, his enthusiasm to go out that
night would disappear instantly.
He had a role defined plan if Richard noticed her and ... Well, what the hell,
why still had hope that things would be different? Had had sufficient evidence that
he would not take the initiative for anything else other than a game, or a
conversation, that is, always within about a year of friendship. He felt like he was
at a poker table against someone who had a court aces in hand.
Sighing disconsolate, decided to wait until the odds in favored, at least in
part, to try a bolder move. And with a wire dripping grease the tip of the nose, it
was certain that this was not the time in which hoped.
- To be honest, the reason that led me here ... Not that I'm not interested in
the health of his father, which is not true - Margaret hastened to clarify. - I happen
to be new in Glenbuie and, although I have known most people, and you all could
not have been more warm and friendly, I ...
Barbara had to bite my tongue not to say that only the city men had been
with effusive welcome. Even more because she was one of the few single women
who had left over, still in his twenties and was noncommittal. It would be like
telling the fable of the fox and the grapes. Then she noticed that the other twisted
his fingers nervously and curiosity ran high.

- Is there a problem? Something happened in your store? You look a little

Margaret laughed unwillingly, and Barbara realized that even that nervous
laughter contained a nice melody. Well, nothing new ...
- No, no such problem happened. But, for the short time I'm here, I realized
that there are not many of us in the city.
- "We" ...?
- Girls and unmarried - she clarified, blushing.
- Well, thank you for including me in that group.
- That's not what I meant. Heaven, I'm putting his foot in it! I did not mean
to offend you. I know that I know little, but I was just thinking ... Waiting to be
honest ... And I think it would be right to place so well ... - She paused for a
moment and laughed again, this time a firmer laugh, though somewhat
disappointed in herself. - Gee, I look like a fool. In general, I'm not, but you leave
me a bit intimidated, and it's important to me that ...
- I intimidate you ? - This time it was Barbara who laughed. - You got to be
kidding, can not be true.
Margaret sighed and shoulders bowed slightly.
- Gee, I'm rolling all! I had thought about going on here earlier today when I
saw her coming to the cafeteria. I thought I'd offer me to accompany her, so that
we could have a conversation women and, perhaps, know each other better. But
then I saw you and Richard and would not interrupt them. Soon after his father cut
his hand and, well ... - She was silent for a moment and shrugged. - Maybe it was
my silly. I like this place and the people are great, but they had hoped that we
might be ...
- Friends? - Barbara completed, still trying to digest the possibility that
Margaret was nervous because of you. It could only be a joke, and good, no doubt.

Margaret nodded head and a slight smile dull.

- A ridiculous hope, perhaps, since you lived here your whole life and
probably is not looking for new friends.
- Nonsense. - Barbara could have many faults, but would never be
insensitive with respect to a person who exposed her feelings frankly. She stood up
and held out his hand, immediately noticing dirty fingernails grease and then tried
to take a piece of cloth. - I'm sorry, I'm all dirty.
- For me it is simply amazing!
Barbara looked at her askance.
- How? You can not possibly be serious. It does not seem that fell into a vat
of grease? Well, that appearance might be expected of someone who mess with
cars all day, right? Though perhaps someone like you can do the same job without
getting dirty. - It was not his intention that this last comment had a negative effect.
- What do you mean by ... "someone like you"? - Margaret hesitated. - What
I meant by the compliment is that everyone in town recommend it as a very
efficient mechanics. I have no idea how to change the oil of my own car. Well,
now I do not have to worry about it, but when I had car ... - She has shrugged. - I
could not even do a basic repair. So the fact that you are able to dive down there
and find out what all those pieces ...
Barbara felt her face burning before the unexpected compliment.
- I grew up with a spanner in one hand and a monkey in the other. I think it's
in my genes. I can not remember any time in my life when I was not taking apart
an engine.
He studied the features and Margaret's way and, although it was hard, there
was no dislike her. At least a little.
Was it any wonder pes s oas who went after what they wanted, despite her
own insecurities. Damn! That would only further complicate matters.

- What I meant was that rain or shine, you will always be as radiant as a
flower. And that's amazing, because for me maintain a beautiful appearance is as
difficult as changing the car's oil is for you. - She smiled at Barbara, who returned
the kind gesture, surprised at how easy and enjoyable it was. - I was born like that
and I will die as well.
Impulsively, Margaret reached out, expecting her to shake in a greeting.
- Come on, no matter what your hand is dirty grease.
Barbara looked at the benfeitas nails the other and held her hand an insecure
both. Margaret undertook to tighten force her to then smile, showing her palm now
smeared with grease.
- Okay, now our friendship is sealed. I can also get dirty.
- But that's only half the battle won. - Barbara laughed. - You got dirty, but I
have not 'm clean.
- Well, that's no problem. I bet your hair look great when you let loose. I
always thought the most interesting blonde than other women. - Margaret touched
the coppery hair that fell over her shoulders. - My hair is quite uninteresting.
- Do not say that! They fall like a silky and shiny cascade. - The two women
laughed, delighted by the way the conversation flowed between them. - But I never
let her hair down. They are horrible.
- Do not say that. It is a crime! With such beautiful skin and those eyes ... Margaret's face lit up as they talked. - Is to quit your job for today?
Barbara looked at the Mini Cooper and sighed.
- Well, I would still have to do, but I think I'll stop anyway.
- Great! - Margaret surprised Barbara, to ensnare her arm. - Now it's my
- Your turn to what? - Barbara asked, a t anto alarm.

- De prove that you can get very clean. When you are ready, we will go to
the Hagg's and let the staff judge the result. Closed?
Barbara felt unable to resist the contagious enthusiasm of new friend.
- Of course - she said finally. - Why not?
Then, somewhere between a long shower and the work that Margaret was in
her hair, and then help her pick something to wear that not another of his usual
jeans, she completely forgot that was aliando- if the enemy.


- Last dose after this I will not serve anything to you - warned Richard.
Mr. Fife was one of the oldest residents of the town and everyone knew he
was tough enough to drink a good number of doses before their behavior began to
be affected. However, Richard was unwilling to underpin it along all the way to the
house where he lived, after closing the bar. In general, he did not mind doing it, but
that night worried about other things, particularly what was happening between
Barbara, Frederick and apparently Margaret also.
By the way, where were the two that night? Why had not come to the bar?
Even if not by the proposed challenge, hours earlier, to tackle in a game of darts,
Barbara had used to go to the Hagg's so work in the workshop was over.
One of his favorite pastimes was playing with him and tease him, or beating
any tourist little luck at billiards. Yet, that night, had not seen no sign of it.
Frederick had come to the bar an hour or two before, having spent most of
the time dozing on the glass of whiskey in front of him. Probably, had ignored the
recommendations Frampton, I have taken a painkiller before heading to the Hagg's.

Richard personally commissioned to serve him a bowl of cooked Martha, the

cook of the establishment, made all Thursdays. Then asked one of his employees to
accompany him to the other side of the street where Barbara would be waiting. As
Frederick the mood was not the best, by injury account, perhaps his daughter had
decided to stay at home to ensure a good rest after a day so troubled.
Like most men he knew, Frederick was not to be an easy patient. In any
event, Barbara was also not the most patient women. It was hard to imagine -la
being a good nurse.
He smiled as he ran his eyes over the bar. Maybe you should avoid
approaching the Henderson for a few days until things return to normal. I still
could not imagine what animal would have bitten Barbara that afternoon.
Women! I loved them all, but pretend to understand them ... No chance.
Richard wiped the counter and then served another drink to one of the
tourists, passing through Hagg's that night. Spring was one of his favorite stations.
It was a time when having casual visitors taking a few tables were common,
although most of the clientele was composed of people of the city, all radiant with
the return of sunshine, after the long winter.
He also liked the accommodated life Glenbuie, rhythm and the regular flow
of events as predictable as the seasons change. Running a bar could not be
something that would make much difference in a career, while maintaining the
properties of Chisholm require a good effort by the four brothers.
All were of the opinion that happiness, rather than a fat bank account, was
the true sign of success. Based on this, all brothers, except perhaps to the oldest,
Dylan, were successful.
And Richard was sure Dylan would find their way, after the coup to suffer.
Time was able to heal even the most grievous wounds.

Peering into the atmosphere of the bar, he felt deeply at peace with himself.
Who would have thought that led Chisholm boy would become a successful
entrepreneur, even before reaching the age of thirty? After all, he had his own
business, always full of people she loved.
Hagg's pub was the heart of the city, situated right in front of the main
square. All were in the habit of going through there at some point of the day was to
drink one or two shots of whiskey, to taste cooked juicy that only Martha could
prepare or eat a generous plate of fish and chips, followed by a match billiards or
darts. When someone remembered to bring a violin, some couples they are
animated to dance a little.
In fact, people came up here mainly to talk, exchange information about the
business of the day, share achievements, lament the failures and tell fibs. And
Richard was there, in the middle of it all, enjoying the live orchestra music,
composed by a whole mix of moods. It was hard to imagine a better place to be.
And it was at that very moment that the heavy oak door of the bar opened,
letting in light from one glimmer of the street, accompanied by the always cheerful
appearance and full of life Margaret MacDonnell.
Richard smiled broadly. On second thought, maybe there were more nice
places where a man could be. I have not had an exact opinion about the new
resident Glenbuie, even though the reviews of Frederick that afternoon he'd been
led to believe.
One way or another, though, there was no denying it was pleasant to look at
a woman so voluptuous. After all, he was of the opinion that a beautiful female
specimen should never be neglected. Taking into account the number of male
heads turned to admire her in the half-light room, he was not the only one thinking
that way. What, indeed, was not news to anyone.

The number of available men in Glenbuie Area, although the attention paid
to the newcomer not limited to singles, was greater than that of unattached women.
As a rule, they were occasional visitors, or coming by bus loaded with tourists. But
the reality was that there were many beautiful and available women in those parts
had a good time. A resident fixed, single young was so rare there as very welcome.
Of course the wives of these men would not be all satisfied to see them admiring
another woman.
Richard smiled. I was sure that none of them would venture to secure life of
home to risk a passing adventure. He felt a stab in the heart to think about family.
It was something that had occupied his thoughts fairly often recently. The brothers
and he were very close to each other. Besides them, God knew that all people in
Glenbuie were like members of their family.
However, he missed something else. It surprised watching the couples who
came to Hagg's how laughed together, joked and even fought, but always ended up
leaving together. Melancholy always hovered in the end of the day, when he came
up to the lonely room upstairs to the bar. At that time, his only companion was the
- What it takes to get a drink here, or at least call the bartender's attention?
Richard was so absorbed in his thoughts and daydreams, I had not realized
that Margaret had sat on the other side of the counter, with a smile full of
expectation on his handsome face. M esma the way, did not realize the buzz caused
by comments full of admiration, which were scattered all over the place. Some
boys had even moved away from pool tables and dart games to admire it.
- What it was? - A feminine and very familiar voice asked defiantly. - Can
you not get a little so that everyone with this startled expression? Better shut your
mouth, before it enters a fly, Rhys. As for you, Conner, still has not paid me the
matches I won the pool last week. Today the first round will be on your own.

Richard threw a tea towel over his shoulder and was appalled at the beautiful
woman who faced him.
- Barbara ?!
The object of his attention, like that of all men who occupied the room now
in complete silence, turned to s ua great ally and accomplice.
- See? - She asked, upset. - I said that this idea was absolutely ridiculous.
Everyone knows that this type of clothing does not suit me.
- Why not get rid of clothes, then? - Fife shouted, with the toothless mouth
and a head full of drink. Raising his empty mug in the direction of Barbara, he tore
laughter of those present, ending the temporary silence.
Margaret leaned Barbara and spoke in her ear, in a very audible voice:
- It's not very glamorous a woman make a fuss to get into a bar full of men.
- I can not believe! - She turned to Richard. - You think I'm really calling
attention? Do not answer, better let it go - commented noting that the smile
reappeared on his lips. - I do not want to hear a single word from you about it. - He
pointed to the summer dress cheerful colors he wore.
And it was just fabulous, Richard thought.
He nodded head in response to the warning he had received, assured that as
soon as he recovered from astonishment faced with a childhood friend, the one
who did not take his jeans, would have much to say. Good stuff, of course.
- Moreover, you also get concierge strange way if he had to dress that way.
- That's right - he agreed, crossing her arms and laughing. - I do not get any
better dress. I'd rather stay with the occasional kilt. - He winked at Margaret. - I do
not mind showing my legs. - He leaned on the counter and looked at the legs of the
rba B a r a. - I do not accept me you have taken so long to display their.

The male audience agreed with the comments, judging by the whistles that
followed. Instead of feeling flattered, however, Barbara was rubra and grabbed
Margaret's arm.
- I've had enough. Just a joke. I am grateful to you for the idea and for his
effort. But the last thing nee so now is a drink. My good sense is already damaged
beyond belief.
- Want to stay quiet? - Margaret Barbara leaned and whispered something in
her ear.
Richard could hardly hear what she said, but had something to do with a
plan that would have worked.
I wonder what Barbara meant? And since she and Margaret had become
close friends? The last time that had seen them thought it would not be long before
they engalfinhassem.
Before he had time to unravel that enigma, Barbara turned to him:
- At this point I do not know what I want, but I will definitely not be able to
keep coming out well. - She pointed to the flowered dress. - Not so. - Stated the
Only then he realized that Barbara was with her hair loose. Had been so
admired before the dress that framed perfectly curvaceous body, not to mention the
legs on display ... Of course he had ever seen of her hair loose over so many years
together, but always in the process of arresting them again in braids. As depended
on it, she never would hold back those glowing wires, wavy course, that came to
him just below the shoulders, also covering back.
- I think it's very beautiful - said, not addressing anyone in particular.
The two women stared at him, and he shrugged, slightly embarrassed.

- You look beautiful loose hair, and dress color also there fell very well. Realizing that Barbara was looking at him as if he disagreed completely than just
heard, he hastened to add: - Of course I also liked his hair before.
Women! Hell, never unveil the secrets or what they thought. Here was the
most perfect example of the contradictory. Barbara had produced whole, but to
hear the laudatory review from someone, was bored. Will we one day to
- Did you understand what I said? - Barbara went to Margaret, as his
comment to explain your attitude. - Frankly, I'm good for it. He's all yours.
- But I do not want ...
Margaret's words of protest were in the air as Barbara walked determined
toward the door, amid new comments and whistles of those present, and a new
toast of Fife.
Richard followed with eyes each step of her, dumbfounded, holding his gaze
stuck behind closed doors for about ten seconds after she had left.
- Well ... - Margaret said slowly resumed as the place the usual level of
chaos. - That's what you get for making new friends and influence people. - It
settled down better on the high stool, his elbows resting on the polished oak desk,
his chin against the palm of one hand. - I should not have me nosy, but I could not
stop myself.
- Do not worry, everything will straighten. Barbara has been acting so weird
lately, who knows why, but it will pass. You should not take her attitude as a
personal offense. - Richard filled a mug of beer and placed it in front of Margaret.
- Thanks, but I'm still feeling like a fool.
- Maybe I can help you better understand what happened, to explain the
reason for this transformation. Barbara know very well, I know she does not point
unknotted. I know of certainty it better than most people, I assure you.

Margaret took a sip of beer while he pondered whether to open the game
with it or not.
Watching thoughtfully the girl, Richard wondered what would so serious in
all this.
- She was beautiful, if that can help.
Still silent, Margaret took another sip of beer.
- I should not have gotten myself - she said. - After all, I live here a few
weeks ago and I'm still adapting me. Except ... there are so few young, single
women here, I imagined that Barbara and I could understand us, to the point of
becoming friends. I know we're a little different from each other ... - She fell silent
to hear him give a laugh. - Do you see one? I should not have precipitated me.
- I'm just recognizing that you two are different, but there is nothing
pejorative about it.
Hours earlier, someone had asked, Richard would have said hardly two
would become friends. However, it could not be forgotten that were women and, as
such, totally unpredictable beings. He himself had been a witness of the strangest
female attitudes. And, frankly, the idea of the two become friends pleased him.
Although Barbara not very accepted the idea that someone intrude in your life
about to change her whole or in part. Now it was easier to understand why she had
been so irritable lately.
- You're right, we are very different, but still, we have almost the same age,
so I thought it would be a good idea if we knew better. - Margaret sighed and took
another sip of beer. - Maybe because we have a history of life experiences so
different, our friendship would only have to add to the two. To be honest, and to
my surprise, just understand each other and got along well, although for a short
time too. We talked a lot and told things from my past, as she had the opportunity
to vent what was heavy at heart. Minutes later, I was helping her get ready for a bit

... - She broke off suddenly, and avoided the gaze of Richard, raising his mug of
beer to take another sip of the drink, blaming himself for having too much.
- Margaret?
Startled to hear Richard pronounce his name in a suspicious tone, she ended
up spilling beer mug on the counter, spreading the drink everywhere. Then he
opened the bag and began to look for something that could dry the liquid.
- I'd better get going - she concluded. - I have a lot to do before meeting with
his brother, to expose my business proposal.
- But I have not had time to talk to him.
- Okay, okay ... - Suddenly she was in a hurry to leave. Or, as it continued to
avoid his gaze, he might be wanting to get away from any embarrassing situation.
- The drink is on the house. - Richard grabbed her arm to make her stop the
frantic search for the portfolio in the bottom of the bag.
- That's right. I can ...
- Margaret.
She quieted.
- Thank you, Richard - she said, still avoiding looking at him.
- What's going on? - He asked quietly. There was a genuine interest in
knowing what was going on. - Please, I really want to know.
Margaret was silent for a moment before taking a deep breath.
- I should have gone straight to bed after work - she mumbled, resting his
chin on clasped hands, elbows on the counter.
- I promised myself I would not precipitate me, that would prevent me
involved before you know and feel about the city and the people. However, three
weeks after my arrival here I am, wrapped in a subject that does not concern me.
Richard heard aware of what she was saying, but could not contain a smile.
- Hey! - He poked her arm.

Margaret's shoulders hunched slightly and she decided to face him. In other
circumstances, the girl's posture of repentance, which as a rule brought a smile on
his face, would have left him worried, but this time, his smile widened. After all, in
just three weeks in a sleepy town like Glenbuie, she could not have got into any
complications for real?
- I have no idea what's going on between you and Barbara, but believe me,
she's the most confident person I know - he said. - Since you seem to feel bad
about something unknown to, I want you to know that I'm sure whatever it did, it
must have been because of good intentions of his generous heart. Barbara will
understand that. - Even without having the slightest idea what he was saying, he
felt the need to say something, since hated to see someone in that state. - In
addition, Barbara does not allow anything to defeat long.
- I just hope not to have further made things worse - she murmured.
- What?
Margaret pushed the stool where he sat closer to the counter.
- You are a very easy person to talk, you know?
Richard laughed.
- Well, I'm just a manager and bartender. I think I'm not helping much
because you have not told me what actually is happening. It is harder to start an
information your to take a broken cork in the neck of a bottle of wine.
- If you were not who you are, it would not be so difficult to talk.
He frowned, puzzled. Strange how that kind of situation was happening too
often in recent days.
- It would be great to hear suggestions of a third person, and you would be
the best listener for a number of reasons, but this time, you're the last one I should
talk about it.
He shook his head, laughing.

- Women!
Margaret also chuckled.
- I know I can be giving the impression of doing storm in a teacup. Sorry for
talking more than he should.
- I can not forgive her, since I have no idea what you are talking about. But I
never swiped me to offer my opinion about things unknown to me, so if you can
not find another listener can hear it, feel free to find me. I will do whatever is in
my power to help.
Margaret smiled, nodded a nod, picked up the bag and before leaving, turned
to face him one last time.
- You're a great guy. If Barbara know to take things ... - She shook her head
and smiled. - But the best I have to do now is keep quiet and go. The busybody in
me needs to be stopped.
Richard leaned over the counter, resting his chin on his hands.
- You know I left my super curiosity piqued, right? One of the reasons why I
like to manage Hagg's is that I am much more nosy than any gossipy old woman.
Which, by the way, makes me a great listener too.
- I know that.
- So ...? - He made the offer on hold and, as Margaret did not withdraw
immediately tried to find out a bit more about that mystery. - Tell me what's going
on between you and Barbara. The fact that her best friend does not mean that I can
not keep my opinion to myself. I will not mention this conversation to it, if you
feel better. But I can not help if you do not know what the problem is.
Margaret sighed divided.
- What is the reason gown and flowing hair? - he challenged and concluded
that it was better to go straight to the point. - Why all that? I do not know how he
got that Barbara is arrumasse both. I know how much she is averse to big

productions to believe that what counts most is someone in your inner beauty.
Everyone here in Glenbuie to know and love it for what it is. What I am trying to
say is that it does not need those things. - He raised his hands, palms forward, as if
to apologize. - She was wonderful, but did not look like it.
- But you thought liked what he saw?
- Of course yes. A beautiful girl in a beautiful dress. How could I not have
- So you think she's pretty?
- Why do not you think? - The question put Richard on alert.
- Well, you know she spends most of the day dealing with car parts and then
have to lose a lot of time to take all that grease hardened nails. -Margaret Lifted
one shoulder in a gesture of doubt.
- In fact, it is an excellent mechanics - he added proudly. - Almost as good
as Frederick himself. This has nothing to do with the fact that she was beautiful or
- Men! - Margaret sighed.
- Why am I under the impression that we have different opinions? - He
asked, laughing exclamation made.
- Because we may have it. - She drummed her fingers on the counter, giving
the clear impression that fighting a huge inner struggle.
- I would like to meet you two better, as well know how to best handle the
- Coping better with that question?
- Do you think Barbara attractive it?
This time it was Richard who sighed.
- I said yes. What does it matter?

- You know each other forever. They are best friends and stuff. Have you
ever went on a date the two?
Richard stared at her, dumbfounded.
- Of course not!
- Why the surprise? Just admit she's pretty. I've been here only three weeks,
but I realized that you are nothing shy with women. You think of Barbara as
similar sister or something?
Richard was still stunned. What is the real reason that interrogation? If those
overtures were about ... No, it would be too surreal to contemplate.
- No, I do not think of her as a sister. I think of Barbara as my best friend. I
do not confuse the two. It is closer to me than most people.
- But you do not see her as a sister? - Margaret insisted.
- No, at least not in the way to which you refer. - Now Richard was even
confused and sorry to have gotten into the matter. Especially because it was
becoming increasingly clear that he was the subject pivot. - Maybe it's best that we
both try not to be so nosy - muttered finally.
- You're probably right ... - She leaned toward the counter and smiled. Well, I'll leave you with this information to do whatever they want with them.
- And that means what exactly?
- And plus the fact that she finds attractive too. For your information, not
Barbara sees as a brother.


Sitting behind a desk full of papers and a calculator, Barbara could not
concentrate, wondering occurred the night before. Maybe you should see a doctor
or therapist. Yes, because acting in this way might just even be something coming
from an unbalanced.
Recalling the events of the previous day, he found himself looking at
Margaret as if to kill her. However, not long after the Yankee have offered their
support and friendship, she was exposing all its frustrations and desire that had for
Richard. He told how he would see her the same way he looked at Margaret, as
well as any other woman.
To his surprise, the Yankee had laughed and received everything he had
heard much better than it would have done if the opposite had happened. It was
comforting to know that the only claim to Margaret regarding Richard, as well as
any other man in Glenbuie was to accept their consulting services. She admitted
having arrived in town ostensibly to take trade Maude, but the truth is hoped that
the work he had been doing to promote stationery awaken the interest of other
local merchants.
After seeing her whining regarding your lack of female appeal, which she
now preferred to consider how Delayed one day too long, most of which was spent
thinking about Richard, Margaret had confessed that in the United States, she was
known among friends for their talents matchmaker. While the Yankee had
admitted not knowing her and Richard very well, it was evident that he felt a
special chemistry between them. According to her, all Barbara had to do was open
Richard's eyes, that he spent looking at her differently.
One of the tips had been that some men did not appreciate subtleties and had
suggested to Barbara it might be the time to act in a more direct and blatant way, to
attract his attention. It was all a matter of personal marketing, according to the

For believing and excited about the ideas of the other, Barbara had
experienced one of the most embarrassing moments of his life. God, would not
dare to appear in Hagg's or anywhere else in the city for months, after the
ridiculous performance the night before.
What would be thinking, damn it? A dress, a little makeup and her hair loose
on all sides? It could have been more ridiculous? It was quite possible that they
were still laughing at your expense.
Well, it is true that had raved with the brief moment when Richard
contemplated in shock. At that moment I wanted to use all feminine wiles who
knew instinctively to intrigue him even more. Perhaps the experience had been
more rewarding and not insulting.
However, as always, the reason overcame any fanciful reverie, reminding
her of the principles he believed in. That is, if being appreciated just because their
appearance was better then dispensed one demonstration of interest. The marketing
go to hell! That was the truth. The experience was not all bad because it had
reinforced his belief that only allow Richard, or any other man, approached with
more serious intentions if he had accepted as was indeed.
Now I knew that the only thing he wanted to Barbara Henderson was the
partnership in a game of darts or billiards and a shoulder to lean back in times of
difficulty. A friend. That was all he craved.
Of course I also want him as a friend. But in addition, I wanted him naked,
sweaty and crazy for her.
Jesus and Mary, I need a drink.
Unfortunately not yet passed the eight-thirty in the morning. She had been
on the ground floor, where was the workshop, since the day will shine when he had
lost hope of getting to sleep. But the day began not all bad, because finally
managed to finish repairing the car Hinky.

Fortunately, Frederick had gone out early, as soon as the sun had dawned, to
go to Sudley seek supplies and would not be back until late afternoon. Thus, she
had managed to escape the accurate evaluation, not always desired the father.
However I could imagine what he would say when he learned of his triumphal
entry into Hagg's the night before.
Now I needed to stop daydreaming and pay attention to the accounts of the
workshop in order to prepare the checks to pay the bills.
Half an hour later and had made no notation on the ledger. Hard to
concentrate after the vexation by which had passed. The luck was that he still had
all day to catch his balance. Again he imagined his father's reaction when he
learned the news. Good thing that the city was too small to have a newspaper. I
could even imagine the headline:



Not that the city needed headlines. The news should have spread by word of
mouth at this point. And probably already had become the joke of the day.
Well, you have to prepare to deal with the mockery of the townspeople. The
only thing, in fact, tortured her was knowing that Richard was laughing with the
rest of the people. I could not blame him. After all, if someone else had done the
same paper ridiculous that she would be the first to join the chorus of laughter
beside him. Benfeito by becoming the joke of the day. Stupid idea, stupid, stupid!
Shaking his head, he wondered to what extent would reach a woman to
attract the attention of a man. On second thought the result was a little wild sex
until worth ...

Rose up from nothing comfortable chair, Barbara stretched for a long time
before peer through the single tiny office window. The corrugated glass was
permanently tarnished, but still gave to get a good picture of what happened on the
other side of the square.
Margaret had agreed, since the curtains to the upper stationary floor were
Barbara was tense and anxious to know if her new friend would show up in
the workshop to talk about the previous night's events. So far, no sign of her.
She had considered the possibility of going to talk to the Yankee in order to
make it clear that she was not angry. After all had stumbled willingly, at least at
that time, the fake look of someone who was not. He had been driven by time and
by the enthusiasm of the new friend.
Recalling what had happened since the arrival of Margaret in the workshop,
I had to admit there was a moment had felt wonderful. That's right it was just a
passing emotion.
Closing his eyes briefly, opened to shift the focus of attention, from
stationery to Hagg's. What would Richard be doing? Probably would sleep late, as
usual. That was the life of a bar owner.
He directed his gaze to the narrow windows of the floor above the pub and
began to imagine how it would be, the body manly spread over the huge bed, a
mattress sunk in goose feather.
Still remembered the day off to an auction when he arrematara a beautiful
double bed, accompanied by the magnificent mattress, four years earlier. Richard
was a great man, with approximately ninety kilos and almost two meters tall. After
so hearing complaints about the bed inherited from Hagg, which left him with his
feet off the dais, she had decided to drag it to an auction in Inverness for a
weekend. It had not been easy task to convince you to spend more than anticipated.

Actually, it was a tough match for knowing which one was more restrained
spending. I could not criticize him for being so economical. On the contrary, he
prided himself because, like her, he work hard to contribute to the coffers of the
clan Chisholm. Good money to keep the family estate and Richard was not given
to consumismos in relation to personal comfort was needed.
How I wish him to ask to do some pranks with him that generous and soft
bed! I imagined them enjoying every kind of comfort that a man and a woman
could want, playing sensually that bed wide ...
A soft knock at the door made her had a start of guilt, settling back in his
chair and turning their attention to the ledger on the table. The last thing he needed
was for someone to find her there, doing something that could give notice the
lustful thoughts with Richard Chisholm.
Soon the door opened and the temptation in the flesh stuck his head through
the crack.
- Good day!
The persistent image of him, naked, spread over the bed made Barbara
blushed to the roots of hair. However, since nothing could do to contain the
feelings that stirred swirling within it, he decided he would act normally.
- Woke up early.
- Yeah. You got a minute?
God help her. Surely he had come to talk about their unusual appearance at
Hagg's the night before. Why else would come there so early?
- ... I'm working on the ledger, though rather be doing something else. I
would love to distract me. - Heavens, was not at all what he intended to say.
Needed was shut up, to say the least nonsense. "Distract me." There was something
else Freudian to say? Although it would be a great pleasure to make a list of all the
things I would like him to do to entertain her, and they all have a huge bed of his

room as a backdrop. And her body, naked and burning as the central character.
That thought alone would be able to keep it rubra for hours on end.
Richard entered the office suddenly seemed even smaller than it already
was, and Barbara saw no possibility of achieving focus on those columns of
numbers the tables in front of him. How he had left things get to that point? He
knew the man had so long and should have controlled his feelings so they do not
get so passionate. And yet, clearly remembered now the moment he cast lustful
eyes on her body, burning every centimeter of exposed skin. It was revealed the
desire invading every part of your body, damming finally in the middle of her
thighs. Unfortunately at that time I had felt the greatest impostors and the sense of
panic had killed any possible sensuality.
After all, was not the shame for cardboard, or the untimely exit of the bar
that had been tattooed on his memory, but the split second in which he was
awarded male appreciation eyes where none exists.
Might just be crazy, that was the only explanation for everything. He craved
his attention and to achieve, panicked.
On the other hand, even now, the memory of all those women who had used
tactics to get his attention made her want to disappear. There would be no way to
get him to notice her as a woman even without all the props?
- Earth to Barbara. Are you all right? - Richard leaned against the table and
bowed his head in order to maintain eye contact. She, however, continued to
pretend he had any idea what meant those damn numbers before her.
- I'm great. It turns out that these calculations do not add up at all. - Well
something seemed not even be making sense, even though it had nothing to do
with the calculations of the ledger. - I keep telling my father that you need to list
the parts when they arrive, not when he uses them, but you know how it is
stubborn. - Which was a lie, but after all, had to invent something to say, to stop

him to ask what had happened the night before, which of course would have no
logical explanation.
- Want me to take a look at the calculations? - He asked, turning around the
Barbara put her arms on the pages, full of absolutely accurate calculations in
order to prevent you from seeing them. And to distract him, he looked up and
- You can let me months ma got it. I'm not the slightest desire, much less
patience to deal with mathematics.
- And what would you like to do? - He asked with a half smile.
Suddenly, the air in the room seemed not enough for Barbara breathe freely.
He imagined dreaming to hear that suggestion. Had I understood right? Perhaps he
was under the influence of erotic thoughts of minutes before. The image of two
naked on the feather bed came back to haunt her.
For a brief moment thought to act as if he had understood there a double
meaning in that question answered with another suggestion even more spicy. Does
he realize your intention? He wondered whether it would have enough power to be
discreet, while very bold.
And if he laughed at his words, interpreting them as some kind of joke?
Heaven needed a drink urgently! Desperation befell when she came across
the wall clock, indicating that they were still nine in the morning!
I had to learn as quickly as possible to take everything in stride. Margaret
certainly would. She would smile, answering up to what he had said, and all seem
spontaneous and charming, because the Yankee was a master in the art of
She let out a long sigh. I had never felt so awkward in his entire life.
- You can take a break?

- Huh?
Richard smiled and shook his head. Then, repeating a particular all grimace,
he stuck his fingers in his hair and reached for Barbara.
- Come. I want to show you something.
When looking for that big, manly hand, waiting for her, she wished with all
my heart never started thinking about Richard Chisholm as anyone but a great
Now I could not help but look at the hand of long, nimble fingers, which had
already held by hundred times without a single malicious thought, and deeply want
him to touch her where he pleased.
Sure by now he must already be wondering if she had gone mad once,
Barbara pretended to ignore the hand he held out and closed the ledger.
- Of course. No problem. - She noticed grease debris that still held his hands
and dark nails, having been working earlier and shrugged his fingers so he could
not see them.
- I just need to ... - Almost completed the sentence with a "freshen up a bit,"
which would seem ridiculous.
She wore the usual all overalls stained with grease, and doubted whether
Richard hoped she would rise to change clothes, though she felt a sudden desire to
do so.
Not intended to put the summer dress, but at least something more feminine.
Suddenly, she remembered that her wardrobe did not have much more than that
kind of costume. The dress she had worn the night before was the M rgaret.
- I need to remove grease from hands - muttered, standing up abruptly. - Be
right back ... Just a minute ... - He came around the table and went through Richard
preventing your body touched his.

With the newly shaven face, hair still damp, the baggy jeans and a shirt of
faded green Hagg's, Richard was so beautiful, she felt even more awkward.
- Do not worry about it. It's not ... - Protests it did not get to be heard, since
Barbara had gone to the small toilet on the other side the workshop.
She closed the door and grabbed the edge of the porcelain sink.
- Control yourself, come on! You're giving in sight. - He raised his head and
looked in the mirror.
Her hair was divided in half and arranged in braids, as always. There was a
smear of grease on her nose and chin. Great! He rubbed his face with the back of
the hands, which only made it worse they look. Sighing, he turned to the stack of
towels, arranged on the shelf above the toilet.
Rubbing his hands and face, he considered the possibility of loosening the
hair. It was not something as excessive wear makeup or dress, which, by the way,
made her feel uncomfortable. But hair was just a detail, right?
I used to bring them trapped in braids because it was practical, allowing you
to lie under gravity racer, without having to feel a lump in the neck, what would
happen if she held her hair in a ponytail or in a single braid . It was the only reason
bound them that way. Until the night before.
Margaret had talked a bit about how much he admired the beauty of her hair,
yellowish tone, the fact that they are fed and naturally wavy ... He had insisted at
length that she wore loose, speculating aloud about the reasons to continue to
braids even after work in the workshop.
Barbara had repeated that the only reason that kept the prisoners was really
practicality. I liked to play billiards and darts, and let the hair away from her face
made the task easier. In response, Margaret had suggested you use them short. The
counter-argument was the lack of patience to go to the hairdresser, besides the fact

that his hair grew like weeds. At length they were, just below her shoulders, it was
possible that she herself trimmed the brittle tips or double.
However, I had come to think about, as she brushed her hair after her
disastrous, so thought, going to Hagg's the night before. Maybe it was a bit vain
after all, had to admit. Similarly, he had admitted that he liked to have longer hair
not only for reasons of functional nature. Well, I used to not take advantage of
them to look more feminine, but the simple fact of knowing that they were there
was enough to make you feel more feminine.
At that time she played with the elastic bands that held the stuck braids and
began to withdraw one of them, with the intention to undo the braid and drop
wires, just to see how Richard would react. A strong hit against the toilet door
yanked her from her thoughts, making her cry out in surprise.
- What are you doing in there?
- Be calm, please - she replied, rough, feeling foolish immediately by stupid
- We're not going to find the royal family, Your Highness, therefore, try to
hurry - he said with a laugh.
Barbara decided she should be grateful for the interruption, the saving to
make a ridiculous role the second time in a period of twenty-four hours.
- He's your best friend - she whispered to his usual image without grace
reflected in the mirror. - And that's a good thing. Feel happy and keep a level head.
- What?
- Nothing, nothing - she muttered, before pushing hard on the door that was
almost always jammed. However, this time, the door slid without resistance,
pounding on Richard.

- Caramba! - He exclaimed, holding the edge of the door that was nearly
knocked against his nose, which caused the wood back in the direction of Barbara,
who lost his balance.
Richard grabbed one of her arms, pulling her forward, and then hold the
other elbow to keep it standing.
Barbara's heart began to beat wildly. All he needed now was that Richard
did not touch her in any part of your body, even in something as innocuous and
innocent as his arms ... at that moment did not seem harmless or innocent, since
they were too close to their breasts, which immediately became stiff and sore.
Richard felt his fingers sink slightly in his skin, as he kept staring at him ... and
gave realized that neither of them moved to drop. It is bound by the eyes, seeing is
a new and unusual way. To look away, she turned out to stop him in the mouth
well designed that had seen the most diverse expressions of rebuke to belly laugh
... and whose taste she longed to be able to prove.
Then, as in a dream, he put his hand up her delicate face. Unable to control
herself, Barbara felt her breath caught in her throat, while leaned toward him, eager
to deepen the caress.
- Ready - he said. Was it his imagination or Richard's voice sounded deeper
and slightly hoarse? - Still left one little spot here. - He rubbed his nose with his
thumb, and her lips parted, as if providing that then he would bring his face closer
to him so he could ...
Only then the words of Richard became not mean more than the gesture that
he had just done, leaving her with the features burning with embarrassment.
Turning away abruptly, she furiously rubbed his face, wishing he could tear
himself the shame she felt with the same ease with which removed a smear of

- Thank you - said dryly. -let's Hurry. I have all day to lose. - He tried to
pass Richard, but he intercepted a pass with his arm.
- Wait just a minute.
- I do not care if I have grease stains on every centimeter of skin, is that
okay? As you said "we will not find a real family."
- Can you calm down and go back to where you were, please?
Barbara did as he asked, lifting her chin in a defiant attitude, even though it
would still be rubra.
- Certainly, sir. Inspector. We do not want to feel embarrassed to be seen
with me. - What you said it made no sense, and she knew it, but his pride was
wounded by his own idiocy, of course.
Therefore, what could be the best way to discount the frustration over the
very object of their ridiculous fantasies? If Richard had the remotest of printing ns
of how it all was excruciating for her.
- And then you will calm down? What bug bit her, anyway?
She snorted impatiently, more annoyed with than anything else, but obeyed
and stood in place.
- What you wanted to show me? With my father was, I can not leave the
workshop abandoned for long. - It was easy to see the lie he had just said, since
there were no other cars there to fix it, but still she held on.
- I was just wondering where Frederick would be. I wanted to know about
the injury. - Richard winked. - Let me guess. He went to the Miss coffee. Eleanor
to take breakfast and enjoy flirt a little.
Barbara could not help but laugh. The two had talked before about the recent
attraction of his father, satisfied before the sweet romance that began to flourish
between Frederick and Eleanor.

- It is redder than a pepper every time I mention the attraction of it and do

not want to know what I think about it or not, but he's the first to give opinions on
how I should handle my felt ... - Calou- immediately realizing what was about to
confess to a feeling none other than the object of his passion.
That was the biggest problem when loved best friend. It was very easy to
talk to Richard and was accustomed to tell him everything. Except, of course,
about his feelings that almost let slip. The attitude the mistake because he knew
that she was not interested in anyone.
- My father was the Sudley actually to find material. - Best to stick to topics
m ore safe.
Richard's smile never faded a millimeter and his eyes took too long studying
it. What to Barbara was torture.
- I want to show you something. - He took her by the arm, repeating. - We
will not take more than a few minutes.
Barbara lowered the garage door and followed him, grateful for having
changed the subject. I was determined to keep his mouth shut and only say the
essentials in response to what he would show you. It soon became clear that they
were going to Hagg's.
- What do you show me in the bar?
- Shhh! Be patient. I wanted your opinion before buying something, but I
was at an auction with Dylan, choosing a few things to Glenshire and, as always,
he was impatient. He is still the same boring ever, so I had to make a decision in a
split second. - Richard looked at her and his eyes were bright in the way they used
to stay every time he was really excited about something.
They entered the bar, still dark and cold. The doors would be reopened about
two hours after lunch. He led her through the bar entrance to the tables, went
around the back, towards the door leading to the upstairs rooms.

His rooms!
Barbara swallowed. Every day, he had to have chosen ... I did not need to
see the huge bed that dominated much of the room they occupied the entire second
floor of Hagg's.
Richard had taken care of the conversion of that space in a loft , shortly after
he bought the place. Mandara tear down the walls that separated three smaller
rooms, creating a single huge space for himself. A part there served as living room,
with an old sofa and fluffy lined brocade and a huge couch, around which stacks of
books and magazines on various subjects were stacked. There was also a balcony
on which via an electric oven, a coffee maker and a sink. More up out installed a
shelf, where the few dishes and necessary utensils were stored. There was a full
kitchen downstairs, so he had not seen the need to have another upstairs.
The only private area was the bathroom that Barbara knew had been
transformed into a paradise, which was part of a bath two meters long, with plenty
of depth. The piece had been discovered in a sale of objects belonging to a manor
house, held by one of the other family members, too indebted to afford to worry
about the old house. The Chisholm well understood that kind of difficulty as it
struggled to keep Glenshire, who was in the family for more than four centuries.
- How is that Dylan is doing with the transformation of Glenshire in hostel?
You think you will be able to open soon? - Barbara asked, desperate to focus on
anything but the huge bed that had been imagining Richard spread recently. Naked,
of course! The more they tried to block that image, more detailed perversely she
- Things are going slowly. Dylan is still overcoming everything that
happened. But soon he recovers.
Dylan, the eldest of four brothers Chisholm, was the one who had left
Glenbuie and the family to move to Edinburgh, where he started a new life with his

wife created by the city. The sudden death of it, however, left him quite affected.
Then, finally, he decided to return to Glenbuie, a completely changed man, taking
into account the unfavorable changes that suffering had caused him.
Barbara wanted Richard continued to speak in order to occupy his mind with
his brother's affairs.
He turned his back on her and went to get a box that was on the folding
table, between the counter and the sink.
Taking advantage of the fact that he could not see her, Barbara took the
opportunity to contemplate it in all its shameless and ever increasing desire. Q u to
know if mentally perform that fantasy from start to finish, eventually dissipate the
immense urgency she felt for him. If only for a few minutes. I was tired of
imagining pulling his shirt over his head, unbuttoning his jeans, then make it back
to the bed, and then look into that muscular body, exploring his broad chest with
palms and .. .
He turned with a carved wooden box in his hands.
- Come here and take a look at this - also asked with obvious enthusiasm.
For a moment, Barbara allowed to stand in that fantasy, imagining that his
eyes were shining for her. For what he would do to her on that mattress soft and
wonderfully decadent feathers and mountains of white sheets.
Struggling to contain the excitement, she crossed the room to find it, without
diverting for a moment the eyes of his.
What would Richard reaction if he knew the details of what she imagined at
that time? Or, better yet, if she showed you how ...


- I do not intend to spend much - Richard said. - But I could not resist ... and
I knew you'd be the only one who would understand. To be frank, you are also the
reason why I opted for the acquisition.
Barbara stood before him, but his eyes were fixed on him, not the wooden
box. She looked at him as if ... well, if not mistaken, and he rarely made mistakes,
had the impression that she wanted to eat him alive, the way that every man would
like to be devoured, because of their more primitive desires.
From the time the night before, where Margaret had implied a veiled clue of
the reason behind the strange Barbara behavior, he could not think of little else.
Margaret was not very subtle, but anyway, she did not yet know either. One would
imagine that the American had more than enxergado actually existed. At that
moment, he was not sure that I would that Margaret was wrong. And then, that
inner voice that often speaks to intimate people, was funded devil's advocate,
saying that sometimes it was necessary that a stranger, without preconceived ideas,
clearly saw what he himself would never see.
Barbara Henderson wanted. Whole.
Looking into her eyes, he again had the same feelings he had felt the night
before. Lying in the same bed, which was now behind Barbara, he had put to think
of everything that had happened the previous day, in everything that was said ...
and realized that the light of Margaret assumptions, everything was very sense. In
the case of Barbara Henderson, of course.
In addition to Frederick, one better than he knew so well. Passing attitudes,
looking at them on a different perspective, it was easy to see that she had tried to
insinuate the strange conversations in recent days.

Having imagined a supposed interest in Margaret, Barbara had threatened

sense. Outside the prospect of losing it that incited to put their thoughts and
feelings about it in evidence.
Richard shook wooden box harder. He had told himself that this was the first
time I wake up at sunrise since ... forever. And immediately he had dressed to go
see her, eager to show you their new treasure. That had been his initial idea, I
would have shown her before the whole mess was initiated, since it was known
that she used to go to Hagg's every day after work.
However, that day he awoke even earlier, had dressed and crossed the square
because I wanted to see Barbara. Since it opened his eyes that morning, he had felt
consumed by anxiety. Aimed to find out, once and for all, if Margaret's suspicions
were only the result of a romantic mind, or if there was truth in what she said.
The fact that his heart had soared to knock on the office door of Henderson,
in the palm of your hands were sweating a lot, and that the front of your jeans
become increasingly tight, were clear indications that conclusions had yet arrived
at dawn were true.
But the truth is that seeing her had made things even more complicated. It
seemed, Barbara was still angry and there was no logical explanation for it was
acting that way. Would have to take the risk and get on with what he had planned,
even without being sure that he was acting in the most convenient way.
He looked eye gaze, suddenly unsure of it all. But now that Margaret had
planted that seed in his mind, he could not think of anything else. Did Barbara
wanted it? For he had come to discover stunning and very real that wanted too.
Barbara noise beating insistently against the wooden box brought him back
to the present.
- And then you are going to show me or not?

There she was angry again. But what would he have done wrong this time?
And they both just did not play open, telling each other how they felt? After all,
they were longtime friends and had talked about every possible subject. At worst,
Barbara unleash laughing.
Damn, Margaret and your assumptions!
The advantage was that until then, no one had been hurt. I had to take the
risk, even if they continued to be just good friends.
Why not ask her?
Perhaps for the same reason she did not ask him. Because, as a rule, friends
used not imagine naked on a bed. Or perhaps do not want each other the way he
wanted to touch her. Even with the hypothesis Barbara burst out laughing when he
heard his confession of love, the desire to kiss her not placated. Unable to tame the
images that flooded his mind, to stop flowing, nor would stop growing the mad
desire he felt for her. If the case was not resolved soon, it may explode. So the idea
that no one had been injured was completely wrong.
Thank you, Margaret!
Richard opened the box cover, trying to put aside thoughts, images and all
the rest. They needed to understand and find some place where both feel at ease,
which did not apply to any place near your bed.
And he knew exactly where he could go. Barbara approached the box, so
that it could examine the contents, feeling more grateful than ever for the moment
when he had decided to make that purchase.
Barbara gasped, enchanted by what he saw when the wooden lid was
- Oh, my God! They are lovely. - She reached up to touch hesitantly, very
old darts. - What time are they? Rods hand-carved, real feathers for the launch. But
they seem ...

- New? And they are - Richard explained. - I sent clear darts and put new
tips and downs, but the carved wooden rod is original. Tips and penalties should
have been changed numerous times over the years and yet were damaged. And
amazing that the stick has been so preserved, even being protected by some sort of
- You had to restore them? - Barbara looked at him in surprise. - But this
devalues the object, right?
Richard smiled.
- Do not just bought to keep looking. I bought to use them.
- Do you plan to launch these darts? But they must be ... - She was still
- The rods were made about four and a half centuries. They say they were
made for King Henry VIII for a courtesan. Since Anne Boleyn had already
presented with a game of darts before. It is assumed that he has sent the new to be
treated before handing them to her. - Richard winked. - Unfortunately, she was
beheaded before this is ready. The game of darts are being handed over to the
daughter of a courtesan. - He shrugged. - All this could have been invented, of
course, but it was the story they told me. I've got the family documents to which
they belonged. They date back to at least 1600. There is no evidence of connection
with royalty. Anyway, the other set of darts attracted me and I thought you might
also like. - He began to box at the hands of Barbara. - They were carved to be
played by the hand of a woman.
She has to stifle a scream, raising her hands to her mouth.
- Richard! I could not ...
When she pushed the box toward him, he laughed and raised his hands to not
get it back.

- Accept. You're the only person enjoying this game more than me. When I
saw these darts I immediately thought of you. See how the stem was carved so as
to be thin as well. I took them in hand and although they are longer, the lightness
of which is impressive for something that was done so long ago without the
technology that we have today. - He touched the box, which Barbara now held. - I
thought we could keep them here, only to be appreciated. But wanted you to be the
only person to use them.
His hands trembled slightly Barbara when holding the box.
- I do not know what to say. - Carefully, she removed one of the velvet case
of darts which was the complete trio and felt the weight of it by hand. - Wow!
You're right, it is very light. Awesome! - It slowly slid a finger along the rod.
Richard was surprised to see her touching him with the same affection. He
came to feel the delicate fingers involving his stiff sex, taming it and ... Damn, it
was increasingly difficult to look at her without dreaming of going to bed with her.
Barbara, in turn, is delighted with the object, caressing the sensual way,
while not any malice to associate one thing to another.
- They are a work of art. - She looked up and found him watching. A smile
on Richard's lips, but their faces have become slightly pink. - Why are you
- There is no specific reason. - Only at that moment he realized he had
always worshiped set eyes on it. Why had I never thought of it otherwise before?
Shaking his head, he tried to return to the subject: - I bet you can not wait to throw
one of them, right? Come on, admit it. - He groaned inwardly. If she could imagine
that his desire was to throw her on the bed. The darts had a much greater
significance than the game. But for now, it would be better not to expose their will.
- Why do not we go down to try them?
Barbara looked at the darts and then to him.

- I still can not believe you did this.

He pretended to feel insulted.
- Are you implying that I never do anything for you?
- No, it's, well you always so restrained in spending. We both are. And this
should not have been anything cheap. I still think I should not let you ...
- Do not be silly. It has nothing to allow or not. It is settled and ready. Richard took her arm and led her toward the door. - There are things about me that
not you know. I'll prove I'm so impulsive as any man. - If she knew the impulses
that he was having that contain that exact moment ...
Once they reached the ground floor, he turned on the light of where were the
pool table and the targets of darts. The rest of the bar was under diffuse light that
penetrated through the spaces between the shutters of the windows.
Barbara walked ahead of him.
- Still I do not understand the reason for all this, even because today is not
my birthday or any other special day ...
Richard made it back to him and held his arms gently.
- Just because you have seen the look on his face when I opened the box
made it all worthwhile. You are very important to me, Barbara, and I like to make
her happy.
So I just said those words, he realized how much he meant it. Not to mention
I could not think of anything else. In fact, always been so, only he had not assumed
that Barbara was in charge of your thoughts throughout the day, every day ...
always. He realized always waiting for the moment she would enter the door of the
bar with a smile at the end of the day. I loved watching her play and make fun of
townspeople when defeated in the game, and getting money out of occasional
tourists were in darts or billiards. To be honest, I could not imagine life without
Barbara. Your goals, things that he thought important, were virtually the same as

hers. Both valued family, ancestors, the town's inhabitants more than anything in
I could not understand how he had not thought of her as his partner in all
aspects before. Now I could not stop imagining that everything had always wanted
and hoped been right there under your nose.
The problem now was how to proceed in relation to that discovery.
Should I bring her close to him and kiss her?
Margaret had sworn that Barbara felt the same as he. But there where he
was, at that moment, he felt like he was on the verge of a very high cliff. A right
step and would rise to heaven. One wrong step, however, cast into the depths of
There was a lot at stake.
He looked at the darts and an idea formed in his mind.
- It's been so long since I played for keeps - said, forcing a natural tone.
- How? - Barbara put the wooden box on the pool table and took one of the
darts. - Are you saying you want to play for real money?
- That's about it. - Richard smiled, leaned against the table and folded her
- More or less, what? - She asked, arching an eyebrow.
- Come on, start. Throw the darts a few times to get used to them.
Meanwhile decide what will be the prize. - However, he already knew what would
be the prize ... I was about to play the best game of your life.
Barbara continued to stare at him for a long time. Then he shrugged and
turned toward the targets.
- All right. Do as you like, but in any case, be prepared to lose.
- Well, well, who's playing the thankless now? - He teased. - Just buy old
darts for a girl, and she starts to play the arrogant up on you.

Barbara has positioned itself to play, trying to get used to the weight and
balance of the longest darts, but still had time to look at Richard over his shoulder.
- By now you should know that no good for this kind of maneuver. It's easier
to beat me in the game than trying to bribe me.
- Why, I defeated her in darts often.
She smiled sweetly.
- When was the last time?
- Well, it was ... - He had to stop and think. - Frankly I can not remember.
- Exactly. You tired of losing me. So very conveniently, he decided to face
me only in billiards.
- Can not say no to beat him at pool.
- You beat me many times. But at least I grant you the chance.
- Are you trying to imply that I do not know lose?
She shrugged, letting the action speak for itself.
- Damn women!
- Stop being afraid. I'm here to give you a chance to recover their masculine
Richard made Barbara became to turn to the targets.
- Come on, do a warm-up. You'll need it.
There was the example of another thing they had in common. Both were
competitive. None of them liked to lose. And this time, he asked the heavens that
would work in order to favor both.
- What are you telling me, Richard? He walked already practicing with these
- I do not know how many hands have touched these darts, but if only to
enjoy them, my hands are not among them. I plan to play with my own darts.

- Now I understand your intentions. You think you can beat me because I
was wearing new darts. - She smiled and turned back to the targets. - Well, that
remains to be seen.
It was good to know they could challenge and provoke each other, and under
it all there was a foundation of firm trust as a rock ...
Just as were some parts of his body.
How could I have come to such a state, so quickly? Even the day before, I
could not even dream that Barbara nourished other feelings for him that was not
the friendship they shared. More shocking was the fact that by becoming aware of
this possibility, her body reacted as if of its own will.
Taking a deep breath, she watched her throw the first, second and finally the
third dart.
- Not bad! - Exclaimed, so the first two darts hit the inner circle and the third
had touched the outside of the target.
She laughed, amused.
- Come on ... admit I'm doing very well. - She grinned at Richard, whose
intention was to goad him, before turning again to the target, loitering slowly
toward him in order to collect their precious darts. - To tell the truth, I decided to
give up the heating throws.
Richard felt her body contract. Barbara was indeed a bold. Always liked that
feature, which made it even more intriguing. However, I imagine if she knew how
to use this daring for their own benefit. God, would you have conditions to stand
without giving embarrassment when it came his turn?
- Do you want to practice a little? - She teased.
He shook his head.
- Since you will use the new darts it's just that I leave straight to the game in
order to even the odds as much as possible.

She lifted her nose in an arrogant posture, how to tell him he was wrong if
he thought that attitude could save him. He returned, grimacing.
When Barbara turned around, returning to position, Richard took the
opportunity to take the shirt inside the pants, in a modest attempt to disguise the
effect she had on him. When she made the first pitch, still occupied in articulating
the details of how the game would use to make it soften, so that together explore a
newfound attraction that apparently felt for each other.
Fifteen seconds later, she was celebrating with shouts and dancing like a
cheerleader. One of the darts reached the inner circle, while the other two had
landed well on the edge of the target.
- Wonder! - She murmured. - Very yummy playing with my new equipment.
- Well, I hope so, since buying them almost led me to bankruptcy - Richard
replied, trying to distract her. And he succeeded.
Barbara frowned.
- I said it was expensive, but you insisted. You can not give me a gift to then
be complaining about the price.
He laughed and walked to the wall that separated the gaming area of the bar
reserved for drinks. Raising one arm, he picked up his set of darts of sturdy oak
support, which was above your head line.
- I'm just saying it's good to see that it was a very well spent money. Approached of which it must be given the launch line, prepared and launched the
first: inner circle and by the dart that Barbara had launched.
- Displayed! - She muttered.
He gave a teasing smile, then launch the second and third darts. One hit the
outside of the target, next to her, while the third was put down to the very center of
the target.
Barbara crossed her arms.

- Delayed effect of accumulated luck for a long time - she said. - You never
hit the target before the second round.
- What if I say I've been practicing.
She chuckled.
- Now you come exercising since she began working at Hagg's, at the tender
age of twelve. I do not doubt that since that time, if not before, he had already done
some releases. If that's not enough practice, so I do not know what it was.
Instead of collecting the darts, he aproximou- from the place where she was
reclining against a pool table.
- Maybe I was more motivated this time.
Barbara moved slightly, realizing that he had approached more than
necessary. His pupils dilated and his throat went dry. She, however, did not move
away. On the contrary, he kept his eyes locked on him.
- Motivated - managed to repeat, although the word sounded a bit hoarse. You do not know for what was playing.
Richard approached further and smile malicious on his lips widened.
- Of course I know.


Barbara swallowed hard, which was a feat, since his throat was completely
dry. The way Richard was looking at her looked a lot like ... the way he did in his
eternal reverie. Which meant, of two things: either the light was deceiving your
vision or had just lost the sense of reality. At that moment he felt observed the
same sensuous way he looked at his legs the night before. Never in all the time

who knew Richard had seen the mane of different i ra it was not as a friend.
Nothing could compare to that languid look of recent times.
The rest of his thought went out, saw him raise his hands to play with the tip
of her braids, so that the nodes of his hands touched her neck, just above the
breasts. The nipples responded immediately standing out in the thin fabric of the
suit he wore. It had to suppress a groan at the so-subtle pleasure.
Overall. God! It could only be an alu cinao! Richard Chisholm would
never have sexual fantasies about her. Damn braids and loose clothing with grease
stains, and ...
- What ... are you doing?
- I won the first round. - His smile was lethal. - Now I'm taking over my
- Prisoner? - Never had been captive of anyone else before. Even if there
was the remotest possibility, the fact that it could turn out to belong to him caused
him surprise, plus a possible understanding.
Thus, merely nodded and continued confusion to wonder what it would be
appropriate to do this in a moment. It was obvious that I would take Richard's head
in his hands and gently invite him to kiss her passionately, slide the hot and wet
lips around his neck, lap to finally go to her nipples already swollen and suck them.
However, the mere thought made her strive to contain a deep groan that
threatened to escape his mouth.
- What do you mean? Why? - He asked in a voice that denoted an
inconceivable amount of emotions. And expose these emotions, of course, would
generate consequences that maybe she was not ready to take over.
Richard looked up, those hazel eyes moving under lashes that were wickedly
long, thick too much to belong to a man already genetically blessed. Like all

Chisholm, say by the way. How many times had not provoked saying he was too
In the past, playing unscathed without thinking of anything but laugh. But
now, I shuddered, feeling the solid brush of his fingers against the front of your
rustic cotton overalls.
Did he have the vaguest notion of the damage it was causing?
Of course yes! Richard was a master of seduction. The stories of his
conquests, which ran through the town and the hills that surrounded her, had been
elevated to the status of legends. The memory made her reflect.
If there were even a seduction in progress, would she then intended to be just
another name on a long list of women?
The mind-blowing sensations caused by a simple touch would accept this
condition. Why never before considered the possibility of also being a target of
Perhaps because I never imagined possible something. The dance known as
between a man and a woman never before had taken place, except in her fantasies.
I had to think, what was almost impossible given the proximity of the bodies and
the subtle caress.
Why would he just picked that moment to do that? There was no way to find
out what was going through his mind and heart. The only person who knew the
truth was her father and although she loved to meddle in their affairs, he never ...
Oh no! There was another person.
- Richard? - The word sounded like an omen.
His fingers now sliding down his chin Barbara and then the side of her neck,
making every millimeter of your skin crawl. He was limited to arch an eyebrow in
response, sliding her hands lightly over the partially flowing hair.
- Why? - She again challenged, this time with a new purpose.

Even if Margaret had told him, she was sure it happened, it was not a
reasonable explanation for Richard behavior. Unless ...
Was it possible that he felt the same as her? Or was just having fun to mock
their reactions?
No, he would not be so mean to that, because it would be unworthy of your
feelings ... Or did you? Was the fact that he was not seeking their own pleasure.
While he was a famous Don Juan , Barbara suspected also be famous but at
opposite role. His previous experiences were not very rewarding. So it was far
from being a skillful lover.
Richard continued to undo the braids.
- Why do you never wear your hair down? Last night I came to the
conclusion that it is a crime. - She smiled with eyes full of malice and something
else. - So I choose to receive prize for this round wins is that you continue to play
with her hair. - It took a lock of hair golden and shiny between your fingers to feelthem texture. - You should think about using them loose more often.
- Is only doing this to divert my attention from the game - she mumbled
hesitantly, praying that Richard was flirting with her for real. The experience,
however, made her keep the possibility of a darker scenario in mind, keeping the
back foot.
Taking a deep breath, he tried to convince himself that he was exaggerating,
no more compromising happen there. Despite the famous conquest of stories
surrounding Richard Chisholm, he was a gentleman, after all. There used to force
his attentions on someone if he was not in the mood. Something that probably
never happened before.
And this morning was no different.
- Believe me - he whispered - my attention is going to be far more
committed than his.

Well , she thought Barbara, slightly astonished on his words. Just ... well ...
Once finished loose braids, he stuck his fingers through the golden threads,
untangling them, until they were released. She shuddered at the touch, but nothing
done to help you, not to keep him from pursuing the task.
- That's great - he said, with a very masculine smile of satisfaction. - Your
turn now. Second round.
If conditions had to laugh, she would have. That man had deranged all his
nervous system, and other systems, and now hoped she would be able to throw
sharp objects and sharp against a target?
It would be very lucky if he could take a single step without going to the
ground. Her legs were visibly wobbly. As if reading his thoughts, he moved his
eyebrows up and down instigating it.
- If you win this round, it will be their turn to claim the prize.
The idea that could take Richard what he wanted, so it was something that
would give you pleasure. His senses were beginning to dance under this
Still I was not sure what was going on there, but decidedly would not give
up before finding out. His competitive nature crossed the fog of lust and desire that
still enveloped his brain ... and moistened other parts of your body.
- Right now ... wait for me - she said, stumbling slightly toward the target
that would remove your darts, then walk more firmly, in the certainty that had
fared better than expected.
He is playing with fire, Barbara.
But since when he had stopped to?
Nearly choked when he felt Richard standing right behind you.
- I will not let this to disturb. - His chest rubbed his back as he passed her, to
go take your target darts.

God, he is much more experienced than me!

Well, experienced or not, it did not matter.
He felt increasing pulse rate, skin burning as if he had fever.
Very carefully, also removed the target darts. When he pulled the last,
Richard bent his head so that his lips stay centimeters to her ear.
- Do not shake now - he guided, putting his big hands on her shoulders, then
move slightly and bring the face of silky hair, feeling the scent emanating. After a
deep breath, he rubbed his mouth to the ear lobe, nipping her lightly. - Have I ever
told you how I love the fragrance of shampoo do you use?
Things to complicate every minute, the line between friendship and
seduction was very close. He was even flirting with her. Or maybe it was more
than that ... It was possible that he was trying to seduce her completely.
Stunned by the situation he was in, all she could do was to linger there,
enjoying the caresses, while the vibrations of the husky, deep voice hypnotized her,
wrapping her nerve endings in a frenzy of lust and desire.
- I do not ... I mean ... I think not ... - finally managed to mumble in response
to the question already lost in eternity from one minute to another.
Then he pulled the hands that touched and stepped back to allow her to
Barbara resisted the urge to shake his face to ward off the heat rising in her
soul and walked resolutely to where would launch the darts, taking care not to look
For so many years it was anticipated that the dream came to fruition, but
when he had within reach, was terrified.
And if you had just ruining everything? What would happen then if it
resulted in a total disaster? And how, after all, a game of darts had emerged in the
middle of it all?

If there was something he knew well, they were competitive sports. So if

Richard had chosen that gaming environment as seduction scene, she only had to
Please feel free to concentrate on the game. That victory ... or defeat will
bring the consequence whatever.
That was the "bullshit" that had used in relation to itself numerous times.
Looking at the target, he positioned himself, unsure of what would most
worth, win or lose. What I would ask as a prize anyway?
Well, maybe the worry was somewhat premature. This time, taking into
account the way his fingers trembled, would be a victory if he could reach the table
where she was the target.
Breathing to provide a higher concentration, she prepared herself, feeling for
the dart between his fingers. It was nice to hold that thin rod, as well as the smooth
wood that was made. He thought of the hands that had held before her, and the
stories surrounding him. Those were some thoughts to make your fingers remain
firm. She reached up and took aim.
The first dart hit the target in the circle outside. The second release had no
better result.
Trying not to rush, she closed her eyes, before the third and last pitch. To
throw the javelin, I knew it had been a good effort.
Well on the fly!
- Uh-uh! - She celebrated as always used to do, running then the
characteristic hump cheerleader.
To turn to Richard was that he realized where he was ... and what they were
doing. Their first two releases had not been much and having agreed on the fly, or
not, he had not played, and could very well win that round.

The thought made her shudder, leading it to consider that it might be better
to lose it at once. However, not being to deliver the game, she drove to Richard a
dignified courtesy of a lady.
He held sides of baggy pants like a long dress and bowed his head before
giving way to it and sit back again against the pool table, as he prepared to play.
The grin was definitely confident, by the way was before the personification
of arrogance. So it would be best not to try to be more feathered than the actual
peacock that defied.
Richard did not even paused to better focus. He shot three darts in a
succession of quick movements. The first hit the inner circle, the second slightly
off target. Then, after releasing a brief look at Barbara, he buried the third so close
to her, that feathers came swinging.
- I believe I won again - he said unnecessarily.
- Yeah ... I ... think so. - Barbara leaned over the table harder, as if the
mobile could improve their internal and external balance or, even better, swallow it
They were in vain his attempts to act natural. When Richard looked at her
and walked toward her, she knew what was coming. He would make touch her.
The anticipation of what was to come left almost breathless. In that moment of
brutal honesty, she acknowledged that, despite the risk, had never wanted
something so intensely throughout life.
His knees smote one against the other, following the heartbeat, which
became increasingly accelerated. He tried to compose at all costs. It was virtually
impossible to find a minimum of saliva that was to drain the wilderness of your
mouth and throat. On the other hand, the opposite problem occurred in another part
of your body. It had to tighten her thighs against each other in an attempt to contain

the ever-increasing excitement as fincava fingers against the mahogany pool table
behind him, when Richard stood before him.
Oh, how he wanted to be bold enough to invite him to approach even more.
But bravado was so far beyond their current possibilities, especially since there
was no way to win a game that did not know the rules, let alone what the unerring
move that would lead to defeat him.
- Apparently, I have to ask my prize again.
Barbara remained silent, staring at the mouth moved slowly, teasing her. I
wondered what would be the taste of it. I was both scared and excited at the
thought of being about to find out.
This is Richard , she forced herself to remember, seeking emotional comfort.
You know him since childhood. You can trust that he will find the best way to
conduct this situation.
With a mischievous smile, he put her hair behind her shoulders, freeing the
neck, then playing with the collar jumpsuit she wore.
Despite all the protests that had she lusted be wearing something more
feminine, or anything other than her unattractive work attire.
- I've seen you wearing those clothes at least a million times.
Barbara felt her heart squeeze and wished the ground would open up and
swallow inside with your clothes and all. Even not bother to answer. As much as
he wanted to be desired, it never embonecaria all to look like someone who was
However, I felt that all his beliefs were about to break. It was enough for
Richard to touch her to burn your skin.
Narrowing the distance between them, he slid his hand up the first in a row
of buttons that closed the front of the suit. Barbara wanted to be wearing an outfit
that had zipper.

- In all that time, I think even once asked me what would you be wearing
underneath all this.
She swallowed, feeling the increasingly hot face. Was there evidence that
had never been noticed with the intensity he wanted. And he could not express
himself more clearly.
- Richard ... - He raised one hand in an attempt to stop him.
When their eyes met, what she saw was not disinterest, not mere curiosity
warm. Rather, it was an expression of urgent need. Suddenly he witnessed what
waited for years. The brilliance of Richard's eyes was the translation of pure desire.
For her!
- Now, however, I can not think of anything else - he went on, in a hoarse
Then let the first button, then another and another, until disclosing the full
breasts. The stiff nipples showed part of delirious sensations that ravaged. The
thighs were so strained that left the impression that never would relax.
Richard unbuttoned another button ... and another ...
Suddenly it was no longer a game.
- What made you change your mind? - She asked.
Do not stop now, you moron!
The last hint of reason made her believe he would regret forever if he did not
understand the reasons behind that big upset.
- Does it matter? - He asked, dropping another button. - Want me to stop?
She automatically shook his head no to his own amazement. Now, that was
the truth. I did not want him to stop, but needed to know the reason that led him to
change his behavior.
- So let me continue to discover the treasures you've been hiding from me all
these years.

Her hand rose, as willingly and covered him.

- Richard ... - You could hear the urgency in his own voice, and wondered
how he understood her so slow reactions. Taking advantage of the clarity of spasm,
again he stressed: - Why only now decided to provoke me? - She insisted. - I need
to know.
- A bird passed me and said that everything we've been looking for all these
years, has always been right before my eyes. - He laced his fingers with hers.
- A bird - Barbara managed to repeat, his attention was focused on the last
button, which was about to be released. - Or perhaps a flower?
He paused, looking at her through his thick lashes.
- Does it matter?
The heart of Barbara hesitated for a moment.
Why did I open this his big mouth?
- It is, yes - she replied, knowing now why he did so. - It is important to me.
- He struggled not to get away from him. And he stood there, listening without
escape than likely would kill any hope that Richard came to feel for her the same
love that devoted to him. Not to mention that there was still the possibility that it
was nothing but a joke.
- Barbara. - Richard took her hand and placed it next to his chest. - I have no
interest in Margaret, if that's what you mean. You think I'd be here with you, if that
were the case?
- But it was Margaret who ...
He nodded with a nod.
- But I'm the one taking the initiative. I was even thinking maybe you would
like to thank her. - He smiled. - Well that's what I intend to do as soon as possible.
Barbara thought only in the earthquake that was about to happen if your
innermost desires were not satisfied.

- But in all these years, you never ... - All she wanted was to feel more
confident about the way they were taking. As much as it was exciting, things
would change.
- And your we ... I mean, if I do not ... well, things are not the same. Maybe
we can not rescue more our friendship.
Richard grinned, surprising her with such force and safety transmitted
through a sincere gesture.
- What I want most right now is that nothing is as before.
Barbara would like to share a bit of that confidence.
Noticing the confused, he took one of her hands, placed it over his heart.
- I hope you want me to be always around at his feet ... and under most
interesting things as well. I want to be unforgettable.
Barbara could not help laughing.
- Oh yes, you are already unforgettable, Richard Chisholm, rest assured!
He smiled slightly and shook the body with its irresistible and malicious
- So I think it is high time for me to demand my prize without you interrupt
It was what she wanted most in the world.
- I also want. You have no idea how. And than ...
- But that so much concern? You more than anyone should trust me. - He put
a finger to her lips. - First, however, I would like to clarify one thing that's
bothering me.
She nodded head, moaning softly as he felt he brushed the tip of his finger
on his lips.
- How come you never told me anything about what he was feeling,
Barbara? You should have the same contact me the truth.

She lowered her chin, he has to lift soon after.

- Always best friends went - he noted. - You could have told me what he
- Anything but that - she replied awkwardly. - I could not ... I can not afford
to ... I know you too well, Richard. I know you do not do your kind of woman.
Rays! - She whispered, her eyes filled with tears. Does it have to be so
melodramatic? - Want to know? I guess I'm not the kind of nobody!
- Shhh. - Richard held her chin firmly, when she threatened to lower it again.
- I do not want to hear this conversation, Barbara Henderson. You do not have to
autodepreciar both. We deserve to share the very best among us, and not waste any
more time with this talk nonsense.
Surprised at the sudden outburst, she stared at him with wide eyes. I had
never thought that in perspective.
- Have you ever been closer to me than anyone else, and the fact that we
remain together for all this time, should serve to tell us something. You were more
insightful and realized that there really was between us before I did. - He let the
hand that held her chin to slide your finger across the face rubra. - Know that you
are not the only person with insecurities, my dear.
A long time it was not called as sweet way. It was so rewarding to hear back
that the sound of the voice of Richard ... I could not remember the last time he had
called the "honey." At that moment, the way he looked at her, touching her and
saying his name made her feel more feminine than ever felt.
- Tell me, which could leave you insecure? - she asked.
- Love.
That one word, spoken so seriously surprised.
- And why would you worry about it? All the love and you have the biggest
heart in the world.

- I do not doubt my ability to love, I just ... - He paused, as if searching for

the right words to say, serious countenance.
- Richard ...
- I've been dating a while, you know - he said.
Barbara smiled.
- Yes, I know. You are a living legend, Richard Chisholm. That's why I find
it so hard to believe that you have been attracted to me. - He pointed to his
overalls, dowdy. - You might have got something better, no?
- What I mean is that've dated enough, ma s never gave my heart. I am
amazed that you have not given realized that before. I had already concluded that
my nature did not match the long-term commitment. But the prospect of growing
old alone is very sad. I confess that it has distressed me a lot lately.
Barbara did not know what to say. He was a very charming man, no doubt,
and all the girls in a radius of one hundred kilometers had already probably heard
of him. So it was strange to imagine it yourself at any time of life.
Funny how she had never imagined that a beautiful and so confident man
like Richard could have that kind of insecurity. The last impression was always
that he was pleased to collect achievements.
Richard played now with the two lapels of overalls that open, foresaw the
beginning of the line of her breasts. Besides strong physical gesture appeal, the
uncertainty Barbara via the beautiful eyes made her heart melt even more.
- You're being too pessimistic - whispered fondly. - I can not imagine a
future as sad as this. Then do not forget that you are the joy of that city. There is
not a single person who does not think in his pub as a place to find the affection
and friendship of all. You are the soul of this place. I see unfolding in touch with
people, and how do him good warmth. You wither without all the boiling life that
has constantly around you.

- And I ask you if by any chance ever felt only in a room full of people ...
The question so full of meaning, made without notice caught her unprepared.
- I ... - Barbara was silent for a moment, thinking of the countless times he
felt only by observing other couples, asking that the momentum had approached
the point of wanting to stay together. It questioned yourself, too, because that kind
of magic did not happen to her. - Yes, God knows how many times that concern
took my nights sleep.
Richard grabbed her chin, raising it.
- I do not feel like that when you're around.
Her heart started beating wildly.
- Me neither ... - she said shyly. And it was so true. - But obviously be
friends, is not the same as being lovers. I could not bear it if by chance ...
- That's right, Barbara. I have it stored in a special place in my heart, apart
from all my flirtations and adventure, because you've always been well above that
for me. Much better than all women. Now I realize that always understood that fun
is fun, but had never been able to experience more than that with any other woman.
All relationships I had were passengers. But not ours, I could never consider you as
a hobby. Do you understand what I say? I discovered how much I am ambitious in
this regard. I want much more than we have, or want it all and then some. Do not
be fooled into thinking that this does not panic me. Of course yes. But when I think
of the grandeur of that feeling and how much trust you, I'm sure that special place
in my heart always had and will have a single owner.
Richard bared on the strength of his sincere words ... and with a desire that
could not disguise.
Perceive it in that state was enough to melt what remained of resistance
Barbara. And to think he had decided to attract his attention, and had just begun to
invested already revealed a success.

However, his low self-esteem has not allowed him to imagine that Richard
could really be in love with someone like her. Maybe because I thought that in no
other heart, not yours, fit so much love.
- So that's how you see me now? For real? - She insisted, hoping to be a little
safer before taking the next step. - Actually this was a result of something that
Margaret said? Or because I put a dress? I suppose you know that was not me,
Richard ... Or rather, it was a foolish and insecure woman, willing to do anything
to get your attention. And now you want me to drop the hair ... So I begin to fear
not the woman you ...
A hearty laugh was heard, interrupting her.
- Keep talking as if it were a desirable woman. Do not you understand? Not
only the hair or the clothes that make a woman. There are actually other things that
generate attraction.
- Do not confuse things, this is friendship, Richard. But I need to know if
you ...
- If the desire? - He took the side of the suit, to bring her to his side and then
back it up against the pool table, pressing up against her, responding to that
question with stiff manhood. - Am I being emphatic enough?
Without waiting for what she would say, or even get lost in digressions
whether they were ready or not, Richard took her lips with greed, exploiting it,
In an instant, Barbara held to the pool table, and now clung to the shirt and
Richard's hair, returning the kiss with equal ardor, as if his life depended on it.
What probably it was true.


Richard was kissing Barbara Henderson, as if there were another tomorrow

and that was his last chance to win the sky. For she had paradise of flavor.
He groaned to feel her bury her fingers in his hair and hold them tightly,
corresponding to kiss with deep urgency.
Why had lost so long? Their tongues entertained in a fierce duel where there
would be no losers. It was insane the need they felt for each other. It should feel
terrified, which somehow happened. He knew her too well, except for the
mysterious aspect that only now was revealed to him, which meant that every
touch, every taste was felt to a much more primitive intensity.
Now I knew what stowage missing in your life. Such a deep connection as
the merger of two souls.
I heard something that sounded like a whimper, and as he pulled away
slightly to look at her, saw her cheeks flushed.
- What it was? - He asked, struggling to control himself at least a little. It
was as if he had waited for this moment for a lifetime ... and now it had come,
noted that patience was not one of his virtues.
- We both ... What's going on with us, Richard?
He smiled at the sincere excitement he saw in her eyes.
- Do not make me elucidate the inexplicable, my dear.
Barbara patted his shoulder, but sighed as he took two of his fingers to his
mouth. The growing desire made his pupils dilate. He parted his lips to see him
take his fingers deeper into the mouth and suck them then.
It was necessary to curb the overwhelming desire to kiss her lips, now
moistened the tip of his tongue. I wanted to finish the game with fingers in his
mouth. So let them slip out slowly, stroking them tips to leave altogether.

Barbara had her eyes locked to hers, as he held her face to make kiss her.
She bit her lower lip, causing her to moan louder, accompanying her in the sweet
After that, it has to take over the tasty lips again and again. Unhurried,
sometimes; eager to others. It was delightful to play with her, which was allowed
to do again and again. If the little sounds that Barbara did could be construed as
evidence, so he was not alone in the urge to possess it.
Barbara clung to bunches near his neck. There was no resistance this time,
when he went exploring with his tongue the perfect face, or nibbling her chin,
turning to kiss her ... but a slow surrender, to let him play as he pleased.
His body was hard as a rock, asking that the tension could be released.
However, with surprising clarity of thought, he knew it would be better for both if
they followed calmly, a move at a time, living every second. That would be the
first day of a lifetime together.
He remembered then that had already had several "firsts" together: the first
fish caught together, the first bike when they had learned to ride, the first beer,
followed by many others, the first drinking ...
But the next experience we were to experience together was very different.
He would never forgive himself if he did something that harmed the relationship of
- You send me, my Barbara - whispered against her chin. She muttered
something he could not understand, but tilted her head back, allowing access to the
soft skin of her neck. He, of course, did not waste the opportunity.
Barbara walked even more the body of his, her hips moving in the small
space between the pool table and him. Richard muttered, which was all he had to
do to stay focused at what he did. He kissed, licked and slid his lips around the
region below the Barbara's ear, as he opened another of the suit buttons, and

another, until it was possible to lower the top of the clothes in order to let the
shoulders and bare arms to then down the costume to her waist.
He did not want to risk making Barbara became to feel ashamed, but needed
to see her. I had to see it with your new eyes.
He raised his head, raising her hands to Barbara hips, fingers stuck in the
overall tissue, taking care to leave your hard sex in constant contact with her body.
- What are you doing with me should be banned by law, Barbara.
Under the overalls she wore a delicate fabric top, which could see the lacy
silk bra underneath. Barbara was a tall woman, and her breasts were entitled to
their size. Admiring them, trapped by the glass half hoops she wore, concluded that
they were the exact size of your cupped hand, perfect to be petted. And he would
do it.
Richard was panting, his throat dry, his fingers stuck it to the softness of the
rounded hips, causing them to move smoothly, stroking his throbbing manhood.
Ah, damn time you promised yourself go with all roam the situation
demanded, because I could not wait to feel it fully, free of clothes, filling it with all
his desire.
By the way she reacted, it was already certain that she was ready to receive
it. It was not easy to contain the curiosity to see it only covered the delicate
lingerie, but the reward was worth it.
- You keep saying you do not like these women of nonsense. So tell me what
makes this delicate and tiny butterfly silk and lace, hiding a priceless treasure?
She was heavily flushed, wanting to make sure that excited him, but
embarrassed to do so.
- Please do not kid yourself ...
- A man never kids something that makes your ... body is harder than marble
covering the bar counter. - He brought to Barbara and join them in the desire to

show her how much her sex was proof that he wanted. Pressed the volume in front
of the jeans against her thighs. - See what you do to me. - He looked away for stiff
nipples Barbara, begging to be sucked, to then go back to look at her eyes. - I'm
glad you seem to be enjoying it too.
The blush now accentuated in the lap of Barbara, which opened a charming
and mischievous smile. For the first time, he saw Barbara who knew as well as
- I never said no - she teased. - But tell me why I'm almost naked while you
- Because, as I recall, is that I've earned the right to a prize. - Suddenly, he
allowed his thirsty mouth passed to issue unrelated sounds, interspersed with
words. - However, if you insist, I allow you also entitled to something - He raised
his arms to play with her, without, however, come unglued body that continued
well next to his. - As it seems that will not even be a third round of darts ...
Barbara wasted no time, surprising him by bringing his hands to his shirt,
pulling it out at the same time espalmava his hand over his broad chest. Realizing
his startled expression when he saw her throw the shirt over his own head, so that
landed on the pool table, she smirked.
- When did you see me give up any advantage in competition? - He asked,
considering the well defined muscles of the abdomen tan as if admiring a work of
Richard had no idea how she would see him as a man and not just a friend.
He wondered if she too would find it completely different.
- What an incredible body, Richard Chisholm - she said with a sigh, making
his arousal increase further.
He laughed, enjoying the present desire to trace in Barbara's voice.

- It is a feature our we both enjoyed. By the way, if I'm not mistaken was to
claim my prize. - He put his arm around her body, her hands reached his back.
Barbara was slightly tense to feel that he loosened the brackets that held her
- What are you going to do now?
With your fingertips, Richard freed it from bra straps, taking it slowly.
Realizing up with stiff nipples, denouncing her condition, she stifled a cry, for then
moan, returning to hold on to the edge of the table, for he felt it no longer could
stand its own weight.
So he just removed the delicate intimate piece, threw it toward the pool
table, to join his old shirt.
- The one-piece female I was using, and you ...
- I think you're terribly sexy, with a part of the overall falling from her hips,
her nipples pressing against the top, begging my hands touch them. - Richard
placed his palms against each of the nipples and acariciou- lightly over the very
thin top.
- Oh, God ... - Barbara whispered, clutching the table so hard that his
knuckles lost their color.
He lowered his head, unable to stay away from her for a moment it was. He
captured the hard beak between his lips and sucked gently nibbling them then
Barbara's groan of pleasure sounded like a prize for it, providing you with an
intense satisfaction that neither the climax of any other could be compared.
Barbara removed the hands that held the table and plunged into the fingers in
abundant hair in order to keep it where it was, what he really enjoyed.

Sliding one hand the sinuous contours, he ran off to play with her nipples,
pulling more desire to groans. Barbara forgot the shame and left to shiver, while
his hips moved on him, teasing him more and more.
Each centimeter Richard's body was hard and hot. Finally, raising the thin
fabric of camisete the bar, he exposed her breasts to a glorious nakedness. With a
sigh of satisfaction, sucked the nipples stiff, the urgent need to taste the sweet
flavor of white skin. Barbara raised her hips so Richard began to slide his tongue in
circles around each breast.
He slid the palm of one hand gently on the still damp nipple, then rotate it
between his fingers, while his tongue continued to play with each other.
The Barbara moans succeeded. Nothing seemed more natural to Richard
than put it on the pool table to then cover it with his body.
- What ... - The sentence remained unfinished, as she returned to moan, so
Richard pressed his hips against hers.
To raise it to put it on the table, the suit had slipped to the floor, leaving her
only wearing a tiny pink panties, which stood in contrast to the pale skin of the legs
and belly.
Richard lay down beside her, in order to look at it and touch it whole. With
golden hair scattered on the green felt of the table, the white skin like alabaster of
slender legs and trunk perfect, made her look like a fairy. She probably caoaria
him if he did such a comment aloud.
He smiled at the thought of that possibility.
- I do not even know this wild look - she said.
- What is it? I'm just a poor man, trying his best to satisfy the hunger of their
prey .... I mean, his wife. - The words yielded a knowing laugh, that could excite
him even more than all that had happened before.
- I would say that their effort is paying off so far ... - she said in one breath.

Once you have put it on practically naked pool table, Richard hoped she
would be ashamed or embarrassed. But contrary to his suspicions, Barbara reacted
the same way when he felt cornered by a stronger opponent in the game, fighting
back and challenging him again.
- Of course I'm already wondering how many awards you had the right to
win a single round. And do not think that I am not aware, because I intend to
overcome it in the next.
Richard reached out across the table and picked up a wooden dart handmade.
- Want to play? - He asked, playing with the stick carved.
Her eyes widened, but not out of fear. That was one of the gestures that he
liked it. Barbara never unnerved and never would. The bond that united them was
too deep.
Richard put to one side, leaning on the elbow, while continuing to play with
the dart in the raised hand.
- Beautiful work of art, is not it? - He looked at the body of Barbara and
winked. - This dart is a work of art too. - He experienced the satisfaction of seeing
her blush while curiosity about his intentions shone in those blue eyes. It was a
whole needs. And he would have extreme pleasure in meeting them one by one.
Slowly, but with great determination, he turned upside down dart, leaving
the sharp point against his palm. Then approached the pen of one of Barbara's
nipples, first one, then the other, in an insinuating caress. Both were still stiff and
slightly moist, a stronger shade of pink than originally. She moved her hips as a
long moan escaped from his lips, and arched her back when Richard slipped the
pen slowly down the center of his chest, then make it circles around the navel.
He leaned over and continued exploration, now with the language.
- A man can get enough, here - said sincerely, stopping for a moment to kiss
her. - And yet, I remain attracted to the rest of the feast.

Barbara held her panting as he slid his tongue the way he had drawn with the
pen. Slightly lowering the body, he fished with his index finger, the handle of one
of the sides of the panties that Barbara wore and pulled it. She moaned as he felt
his feminine scent, giving you the certainty that she was very excited. Given his
state of arousal, he came to think that never before felt anything like any other
Maybe, but only with his body, he acknowledged. With the power of love
behind the desire, he was entranced by the sensations he had ever experienced. The
need he felt was profound, almost desperate, coming from places as deep and dark
that he could not possess within themselves.
I own it was all he wanted. No, that was all that was necessary for their
survival. Now that he had discovered, he did not intend to release her ever.
Be calm, do things with way and she will be yours forever.
As he slid his tongue over one of the handles of Barbara panties, she held up
to the edge of the table. The other hand stroked his hair, which clung so tightly, he
imagined that some wires were torn, but until the pain was exciting. The urgency
of it stoked it further.
He smiled to take the tip of the darts still on the table to cut of the panties
- What do you think you're doing? - Barbara feigned surprise when the inner
part was thrown away.
- Shhh! - The benfeitas thighs still close together. He took the penalty that
already had used before and slid it between her legs, pulling out an exclamation of
surprise. - Lie down and let me play. - He looked up at her. - The playful spirit has
always been present among us, and now that we will not eliminate it. Not when we
are to enjoy the most fun we've had to date.
She narrowed her eyes, as if about to argue.

Of course, if it disagreed would not be your Barbara.

Richard has to slide over the pen to fluffy space between the thighs, causing
excitation of both grow. Finally, Barbara returned to lay your head on the table felt.
- I will not leave you hungry for anything - he murmured as he slid his
tongue over her hips to the point where you started the triangle of golden fluff. This I Promise You.
Barbara scratched him in the back, returning to hold him by the hair. But this
time who had control of the following direction was it.
- Spread your legs for me. Let me play with you.
She did, moaning as he felt that the sentence was replaced by the tongue.
They were mad kisses, followed by intimate provocations lips about to let it
completely at the mercy of lust to be consumed with such fullness. Suddenly she
was already with the knees completely away, opening up more in a delirious
Richard lifted his body to gain momentum in over her body so that extended
along the table. Put the wooden darts on the table and delivered the remaining
clothes so she was completely naked, leaving only the transparent top folded above
her breasts. Then crawled to nestle among the plump thighs, his face millimeters
from where she most wanted.
- Linda. - Praise sounded like a bow. - Every part of you is beautiful, lovely
and all mine. - Slowly introduced language into the wet and soft femininity.
The sound that escaped Barbara's lips revealed the proximity of ecstasy. She
began to move her hips forward and back, as if her body had willingly.
Richard kept pace, wishing she reached the greatest of all pleasures and so
let him taste the sweetest nectar. To complete the most erotic caresses, he licked
several fingers in his mouth and took them to caress the stiff nipples, pulling

Barbara went crazy with pleasure under her manly, which needed a lot of
control not to take it away for you. She was sensitive to every touch, reacted so
strongly that Richard felt on the verge of insanity. Then he slid the palm of one
hand down to penetrate her with his fingers. She moaned and uttered hoarse
sounds, raising your hips toward his face. Returning with his tongue to suck it in its
most sensitive spot, he felt ready to reach ecstasy. All it took was replacing the last
time the language the fingers she screamed insane.
Barbar moved her so hard he almost fell off the table, as his hips twitched in
spasms of pleasure. She held his head with one hand, taking the other against the
fingers that remained within her body.
Shortly after he lifted his body to grab it, any part of your body, pulling it
towards you.
- Come here - ordered. She never beg. No she.
But Richard had other ideas. I had not discovered that treasure, only to deal
with it like a wild animal on the discomfort of a pool table, when there was a huge,
soft bed waiting for them upstairs.
It is away from her for a moment, not before depositing a hot kiss between
her thighs, causing her to scream wildly.
Then jumped off the table and holding her hips, pulled her toward him.
- Put your legs around my hips.
- How? - She was still trying to understand this sudden change, looking at
him with narrowed eyes.
It seemed sated, sleepy and happy ... and it was because of him. And Richard
had never wanted someone with such intensity as desired.
- Hold on to me, Barbara. - And never let me turn me away , completed in
- I do not want to play darts.

He smiled as she hugged her legs, wrapping her neck with your arms.
- No more darts - reassured her.
- That's good!
Her smile was so soft and sweet, that Richard had to taste those lips.
He kissed her gently and without haste, as she clasped her arms around his
neck, the firm thighs around his waist, surrendering to the kiss, full of contentment.
I heard her whisper and moan made him decide never to give up that sly purr
for the rest of his days.
He started up the stairs, certain that if he did not love her quickly ran the risk
of going mad.
- Let's - whispered against her lips.
- What?
- Did you have any idea what do to me? - he challenged, certain that his
body could not be tougher than it was then.
- I think a little bit - she replied, laughing lazily.
- Only?
- Take me quickly to his bed and go crazy me, Richard Chisholm. Only then
can we decide who won the highest award today.
An irreverent impulse, he placed it over one shoulder.
- What a fun position ... - Barbara slipped the body slightly down and
nibbled the top of his buttocks as she climbed the stairs.
Richard gave a hearty laugh while pushing with one foot in the door.
- This could be a topic for debate long and inflamed.
- Lucky for me, then.
No, he thought, as he put his knee on the bed, throw it on the mattress
covered with white sheets.
- Lucky for us.


Barbara felt powerful. And yet, all that was done until then had been let him
give her pleasure. Not that he had not appreciated that role, but it was important for
her to know that the partnership between the two would be on equal footing.
Outside, they were the perfect match, but the bed ... well, at least he was sure that
Richard could not be more perfect for her. A mischievous smile appeared on his
Now it lacked whether it would also be perfect for him. I wish they were
around for partners.
Richard covered her body with his, and she hesitated for a moment. So I
wanted to feel the weight of it on his body.
Be patient, Barbara!
She surprised him at the last moment, reversing the positions. Not that its
not very considerable weight were able to keep him bedridden, but maybe I could
persuade him to change the field of view. If only for a while.
The momentary shock of Richard was soon replaced by a devilish grin, as
she placed his hands on the bed, next to the head.
- Complaining about the awards that have not yet won, right?
- Maybe this is just part of the game, not the prize. - She laughed. - We will
decide who will be able to declare winner after we finish here ...
- I do not think there will come a day when it will end things between us, my

Barbara felt flattered, but then shook his ankles with her, realizing that he
was beginning to move. At the same time, increased the pressure with holding her
- Well, now let me have my turn right. Otherwise, how will we know who
the winner?
Richard thought for a moment, and then he lay in complete relaxation.
- Do what you want. I'm all yours ... - He closed his eyes. - But be gentle,
please - added wryly.
- Why did you decide to close your eyes? - Distracting him with the
question, she took the opportunity to unbutton his jeans to lower it until it hit the
ground. Then he took off his shoes and socks. He thought for a moment in her
underwear and other clothes strewn down on the pool table. However, soon came
to focus on the present, to just see him in his underwear. She had already seen
wearing as little clothing as now, when would dive in the warm waters of the
springs embedded in the rocks, just beyond the Mr. currant plantation. MacClellan.
But never the way he was now.
- Have any idea how much you are attractive using nothing more than this
thin top? - Richard smiled, hands resting naturally on each side of the head.
Barbara was not sure how to proceed. But who would believe that she had
been brave enough to be in that situation. After all, Richard was his best friend, the
most reliable, a true ally. At first I had thought that the situation could be
complicated to give the step that was to be given. However, soon he realized that
nothing between them had been difficult or complicated. On the contrary, all out
exciting and perfect. And despite the chill he now felt in the belly, he found trouble
to answer him with a response typically yours.
She took the thin camisete and threw it aside, surprised to feel so good

- I think I can imagine ... - He moved up-a little about it. - But I confess that
the match is hard. I did not realize you had such a perfect body. A Apo I, I'd say.
He felt a delicious shudder to see him suddenly speechless. He decided to
take advantage of him, refusing to receive any assistance from his opponent.
- By now you just told advantage - said, laughing, before leaving for the
bravest thing I've ever done.
Sitting on his legs, slid his hands into the chest muscles, following the same
central track of the dark, to hold with both hands the swollen member, stroking it
completely, head to the base.
- While I can not say you were not excited - she said in shock with his own
However, the way he closed his eyes, as his hips moved forward and a deep
moan escaped from his lips ... well, would have to be daring more often.
- You're killing me, but I think I do not care much to die in that state. As
long as you do not stop doing what you're doing until my last breath.
She now slid his hand up, as he lowered his underwear with the other.
Richard opened an eye crack and admired her, and a wry smirk.
- Stop me grinding, or ... - Decreased pressure than did.
He closed his eyes and let his head fall on the pillow.
- That's right. Do what you want c omigo.
She looked without haste the glorious male beauty Richard Chisholm now
naked. Always I had imagined the scene just as the reality showed, and countless
times. But although it owns a quite lived imagination, do not come to do justice to
the beauty of the body sculpted by a physical working life, carrying crates of beer
and unloading trucks of other alcoholic beverages.
Not only well defined muscles leaped to the eye but also the beautiful face
of outstanding features. Just thinking about it was absolute master of all that was

enough to make you feel a goddess, the most beautiful and powerful servant of the
It was hard to decide where to start. After all, it was not every day that the
greatest desire of a woman is concretized. I did not intend to waste anything by
suddenly wake of fear and find that everything had been a good dream that would
never be lived.
Eyes still closed, the body spread under her, ready, willing and apparently
quite powerful, Richard decided to rush her.
- Are you aware of the constant wear to which it is subjecting me, looking at
me, while denying me his wonderful touch?
- Maybe I do not want to play, just look.
Richard was known for his good nature and irresistible charm. No one would
dare say that he was afraid of work. Everything was carried out according to their
own pace, time and could find a place in their own way. So do not let her torture
him any longer. In a sudden move, he turned her, standing over the body of her and
holding her arms above her head. Barbara was caught off guard, not understanding
what had happened so that the power was reversed so fast.
- Do you know who my ancestors were famous for plunder castles in their
time, capturing a beautiful woman here and there.
Barbara laughed.
- I'm not sure what that means, nor the relationship to beauty, but I liked the
part of the rapture.
Richard leaned over, biting her chin.
- Do not know the half of this story yet. And I think I made it clear how
much I consider beautiful, so it no longer be subject to doubt.
It was not easy for her to believe it could be the woman he wanted. But it
was time to trust those who would defend with his life. It was time to believe that

he would take care of your heart with the same care that took care of all that
concerned her.
There, lying under the body of Richard, Barbara felt as if finally come home.
- I thought it was now my turn.
- Your turn is over. You took too long.
- I did not know that my time was being timed.
- Victory never comes to those who merely wait.
- Of course arrives, and not a few times.
- But not today. And from this day forward you will be all mine. - Richard
looked at her as if he could not believe how out favored by luck.
So rather than trying to dominate it, he leaned over her and kissed her with
such delicacy that her eyes filled with tears.
- What is it now? - He asked, wiping a tear from her eye the corner. - Will
end up traumatizing me.
Barbara went from tears to laughter, accompanying him in a belly laugh.
- You do not have that kind of concern since losing her virginity to Jolie
Griffin in MacClellan currant plantation.
He sighed.
- What can I say? I think she could not resist the charm of a Chisholm.
Barbara looked break the ceiling, as if to demonstrate that he was boring.
Richard, however, surprised her with a sudden seriousness. Supporting his
weight on his elbows, he released her wrists to hold her face in her hands.
- Do not have any fear towards me. What's going on between us is not like
anything that has been before. It is important to me that you believe ...
Barbara silenced him with a kiss.
- I know that. I'm just ... I wanted to be enough for you.

She was startled when he rolled the body in order to lie down in bed, putting
it on you.
- And since when you are not enough for me?
- From half an hour ago when you made me see stars - said adjusting his
- Seriously what you're telling me?
She patted the shoulder of Richard, before joining the relaxed laughter. Then
straightened up better of him.
- For me it is very important to know - she said, feeling the security of strong
hands that held her hips firmly. - I need to know.
Gently he lifted her, to download it in a perfect fit, finishing one blistering
martyrdom. When they were fitted perfectly, he entered slowly, watching every
detail that changed in that beloved face.
- I know - he replied, before starting to move the body.
They moved together, Barbara with a cry stuck in his throat, while the wail
of Richard was breast background. As he accelerated the movement, she pressed
her legs to it in order to get easier ride him. She accompanied with movements that
harmonize perfectly with his, enjoying the pleasure of feeling completely fulfilled
by him.
Shortly after, Richard was no longer able to control himself, releasing what
had been containing in the fullest of ecstasies. He barely had to release his seed
into her, when Barbara found she was again in the reverse position.
- This has never happened before - he mumbled still very breathless, damp
skin against hers.
- How did you ... - He paused, then he laughed and kissed her on the lips. - I
should have known it would be different with you. Will get what you want from
me, kid. - He smiled full of malice. - And I'll be ready to serve it.

He brought her to his side as they lay side by side.

- I think the first round goes to the sweet maiden.
- Maiden? - She asked, slightly raising his head.
He looked at her with mischievous look.
- For a beautiful lady, then. - She made her become supporting her head on
his shoulder. - Accept your victory and do not be bragging.
- As if you were not doing it.
- Hey, you know me too well. I believe that I will not be able to forgive me
when you're angry with me, just using my charm.
Barbara clasped her muscular legs with her, as if her body had been tailored
to fit his.
- I think it will be able to convince me to forgive him from time to time.
He slid his hand down her back to nip her buttocks.
- I will try to remember that.
Barbara pinched a nipple, causing him to scream for, then rest his chin
against his chest.
- How do you propose that we ... - She broke off suddenly, deciding that
maybe that was not the time to talk about the future. - How would you like ... tell
people? I mean, you want to ...
- Of course yes. But I did not think it would be a problem for us.
- Why?
He craned his neck and looked at the clock on the nightstand.
- Logo Martha will be in the kitchen, if not already. I think she has found
enough evidence to put two and two and ...
Barbara sat on the bed, preparing to step down, but he stopped her.
- Care to let people know that I was so eager to have you, I could not even
wait that we had gone to the room? You will become a living legend.

Barbara smiled and made to snuggle up in his arms.

- A legend is? - Wrapped the body of Richard with one arm and has to put
his legs between his. - All right. I can handle that kind of fame.


Donna Kauffman published his first book in 1992. Since then, its success
increases every published book. Specializes in writing novels with a lot of passion,
love and adventure, Donna has won many awards magazines named as Romantic
Times and Puhlishers Weekly.

Read the 1626 edition of Sabrina



After get dumped her boyfriend Reed Larkin, the only thing that Gabby
think of doing is to offer a farewell drink ... in his head.
Gabby Pearson has everything a man could want in a woman, and dismiss
her was the hardest thing Reed has had to do in life, especially with the clich "It's
not you, it's me ..."
Fate, however, intervened in the most ironic way possible when the Secret
Service tells Reed that Gabby is his new mission: he has twenty-four hours to win
her back, get information that she may not even know you have, and at the same
time protect it.
The stakes are high. Chances are impossible ... and the mutual attraction is
so intense as Gabby anger. And now only remains to wait for your next Reed says,
"It's you I love, without a doubt" is the beginning of a wonderful and lasting
relationship ...

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