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of the World

Harris, Master Herbalist

Part of the proceeds of this book goes to

The History of Herbs Institute
Las Vegas, Nevada

1 Apple Cider Vinegar
4 Cayenne or Capsicum
16 Clay
21 Garlic
39 Lemon
42 Olive Oil
46 Salt
52 Bibliography
54 Index

Apple Cider Vinegar

Do not expect the same health benefits with clear vinegars (that have been heated and
processed), as those found in raw apple cider vinegar.
Influence on the Body
Blood and
Circulatory System
Body System

Digestive Tract

First Aid

Infections and
Immune System
Lungs & Respiratory
Mouth, Nose & Throat

Nervous System
Skin, Tissues & Hair

Urinary Tract

Blood Purification Clogged Arteries Cholesterol (lowers

bad, raises good) Varicose Veins
Detoxification Mental Clarity Night Sweats Vertigo
Chronic Fatigue Premature Aging Calcium Assimilation
Acid Reflux Heartburn Food Poisoning Constipation
Ear Infections
Burns Sunburns
Wound Healing

Cuts Insect Bites Insect Stings

Allergies Hay Fever Coughs (inhale in steamer) Cough

Syrup Candida Yeast Ringworm Fungus
Arthritis Rheumatism Painful Joints Gout
Congested Nose Mouthwash Gum Infection Sore Throat
Muscle Cramps
Headaches Twitching
Skin Health Youthful Skin Acne Corns Callouses
Weak Skin Psoriasis Shingles Warts Hair Loss
Hair Rinse
Kidney Bladder

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Other Uses

Herb Vinegars Massage Liniment House Cleanser

Key Properties:
Digestive Aid - increases saliva and gastric secretions and appetite
Mildly Acidic


Kev Components:



(including, but not limited to)

Calcium Copper Iron Magnesium Manganese

Phosphorous Potassium Selenium Sodium Zinc
Apple cider vinegar is made from fresh, crushed apples
allowed to mature in wooden barrels (wood tends to boost
natural fermentation). Natural apple cider vinegar has a rich,
brownish color, and when held to the light, a cobweb-looking
sediment (called 'the mother') can be seen. Apple cider
vinegar has a pungent odor and sometimes is so ripened it
can pucker the mouth and smart the eyes.
Digestive Aid

Organic raw apple cider vinegar contains powerful enzymes,

minute quantities of minerals and a mild acidity that balances
and promotes digestion.
Millions suffer with heartburn (a type of acid reflux)
aggravated by poor digestion and weak saliva juices.
Activating the saliva glands with raw apple cider vinegar just
before eating, helps alleviate and heal acid reflux.
The acetic acid and potassium found in raw apple cider
vinegar support good bacteria, deter harmful bacteria, and
aid digestion and assimilation of nutrients. Raw apple cider
vinegar facilitates the absorption of calcium and helps
regulate its metabolism.

Additional Benefits
Cleansing and

Raw Apple Cider Vinegar:

Achieves and maintains healthy blood consistency
Helps remove arterial plaque and body toxins
Fights arthritis by removing crystals and impurities from
joints, blood, tissues and organs

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Vitality and Health

Balances the body's pH (acidic) level

Normalizes urine pH, relieving the frequent urge to urinate
Heals urinary tract infections
Fights bacteria, viruses, germs, and mold
Heals sore throats and tickles, laryngitis and gum disease

Detoxifies the body, allowing sinus, asthma and flu

sufferers to breathe easier

and Remedies

Helps the body control and normalize body weight

Regulates women's menstruation and relieves symptoms of
PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome)
Use raw apple cider vinegar as a salad dressing or ingredient
for stimulating antipasto vegetables. It may be taken straight
or diluted in water.
Daily Tonic and Restorative:
Take one to two teaspoons raw apple cider vinegar, add raw
honey (or agave nectar, or pure maple syrup) to taste, in eight
ounces distilled or purified water. Drink upon rising, and an
hour before lunch and dinner.
Acid Reflux (Heartburn) Aid:
Before meals, sip 1/3 teaspoon raw apple cider vinegar (hold
in mouth for a minute before swallowing) to stimulate salivary
glands, alleviate heartburn and improve digestion.
Gargle/ Mouthwash:
A teaspoon of raw apple cider vinegar in warm water makes a
mucus-cleansing, antiseptic gargle or mouthwash for sore
throats or mouth and gum sores. Add a dash of Real salt (not
table salt) for added benefit.
Sunburn Vinegar Wash:
The 'burn' and inevitable skin pealing caused by a sunburn
can be diminished and often avoided by applying raw apple
cider vinegar to exposed areas as soon as possible. Stinging
may occur on sensitive areas. The sensation often resolves
quickly on its own. Dilute the area with water if it becomes
intolerable. When possible, leave vinegar wash on overnight
and rinse off in a shower or bath in the morning. Yes, you will
smell like a pickle for awhile, but the benefits of damage
control to the skin and accelerated healing are worth it.

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Chapter taken from Top 40 Herbs of North America by Angela Harris, Master Herbalist

Ca:1enne or Capsicum
Latin Name: Capsicum annum
Also known as: Red Pepper, Bird Pepper, African Bird Pepper, Pipo
Scientific Classification
The capsicum genus has many herbs in it,
cayenne, chili pepper, bell pepper, pimento, paprika, tabasco pepper, etc.

Influence on the Body

Blood and
Circulatory System

Blood Sugar
Body System


Solanaceae - potato family

Capsicum - pepper
C. annum - cayenne pepper


DISORDERS blood thinner blood cleanser
arteriosclerosis external and internal BLEEDING
VEIN ELASTICITY PHLEBITIS (inflammation of veins)
ENERGY GENERAL TONIC (increases energy and
strengthens the muscular and nervous system, while
improving digestion and assimilation, resulting in a general
sense of well-being) fatigue lethargy preparation for
SURGERY CATALYST (enhances function) astringent
(increases the tone and firmness of tissues, lessens mucous
discharge from the nose, intestines, vagina and draining
sores) increases PERSPIRATION promotes SWEATING
diaphoretic (promotes perspiration, increasing elimination
through the skin)

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Digestive Tract

Endocrine System
Eyes and Nose

APPETITE STIMULANT aromatic (has a spicy taste,

contains volatile oils which aid digestion and relieve gas)
digestive disorders STOMACH ULCERS ULCERS
CARMINATIVE (brings warmth, circulation, relieves
intestinal gas discomfort, and promotes peristalsis) gas
eyes sinus problems

First Aid

bruises burns sunburn cuts WOUNDS (stops bleeding)

vulnerary (promotes healing of wounds by protecting
against infection and stimulating cellular growth) SHOCK
prevents FROSTBITE insect bites and stings sprains

Infections and
Immune System

CHILLS COLDS coughs hay fever antipyretic (reduces

fever) INFECTION antiseptic antibacterial spleen
contagious diseases lock jaw (tetanus) diphtheria

Lungs and
Respiratory System
Mouth and Throat

Nervous System

Reproductive System




jaundice liver
fluid in the LUNGS mucus pleurisy
offensive breath pyorrhea (a gum disease) LARYNGITIS
cluster headaches CONVULSIONS palsy spasms
Parkinson's disease STROKES paralysis SENILITY
chronic pain external backache cramps
Male: male tonic
Female: menorrhagia (excessive bleeding during

Skin, Tissues & Hair

Urinary Tract

shingles skin problems rubefacient (increases blood flow

to the skin causing local reddening)

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Other Uses

CATALYST in herb formula combinations (enhances the

function of other herbs)

Key Properties:
DIGESTIVE AID - relieves gas, increases gastric secretions and appetite, repairs
STIMULANT - increases internal heat, dispels chill, strengthens metabolism and
analgesic - relieves pain


Primarily affecting:

mucous decongestant




References to cayenne have been found on plaques in

Egyptian tombs. It was cultivated for hundreds of years in
Africa, India, and tropical areas, including the tropical
Americas. Healers from India have used cayenne as an
Ayurvedic (Indian traditional medicine) herb for many
centuries. The North American Cherokee Indians used
cayenne for its stimulating properties, while the Navajos used
it as a means of weaning children from breast feeding. The
hot, pungent cayenne pepper was introduced to Europe by
Columbus on his return trip from the Americas.
John Lindley (1799-1865) wrote in his Flora Medica (1838)
about capsicum annum being employed as a gargle,
administered internally, and for treating gout, gas and
In 1943, the Dispensary of the United States of America
reported, "Capsicum is a powerful local stimulant, producing
when swallowed, a sense of heat in the stomach and a
general glow over the body without narcotic effect."
Cayenne and related peppers have a long history of use as
digestive aids in many parts of the world, but the herb's
recent popularity has come through conventional medicine.
Capsaicin, the 'heat' component in peppers, has been
approved by the FDA (U.S. Federal Drug Administration) for
treatment of pain that often lingers after an attack of shingles.

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There is also evidence that capsaicin creams may be helpful

for relieving various types of arthritis.

My Mom taught us how to use cayenne from a young age. If

she was cold, in a cup of water she would mix a teaspoon of
cayenne (40,000 HU) and drink it down. She would also put
cayenne between two pairs of socks before my brothers
would go hiking in the snow of the Sierra Nevadas.
The first time I really experienced the majesty of cayenne,
was when a young friend of my son was playing at our home
and cut his hand on the top of a can. I ran it under water and
put pressure on it, but it still wouldn't stop bleeding. I
remembered the cayenne and poured it on his hand. It
stopped bleeding immediately and helped alleviate the pain
he was experiencing.
More recently, I mixed cayenne into a natural cream for my
aging mother's 'burning' feet. After just three applications her
discomfort stopped. She had been suffering for over six
months with this condition. I also make up an easy and
effective cough syrup (recipe to follow). I am grateful each
time I remember the wisdom I was raised with. I hope you will
pass on this wisdom to the next generation and beyond.

Key Components:

(including, but not limited to)

Vitamins A (partially responsible for its red color) Lutein

(yellow carotenoid pigment) Carotenes .1 (thiamine) B2
(riboflavin) B3 (niacin) B5 (pantothenic acid) B6
(pyridoxine) B9 (folic acid) B12 (cobalamin) Biotin
Choline Inositol PABA (Para-Amino Benzoic Acid) C
Bioflavonoids E K
Calcium Iron Magnesium Phosphorous


Phytosterols Capsaicin (effective for blocking the

transmission of the pain impulse to the brain)
Heat Units (HU)

The 'heat' of the herbs in the pepper family is measured by a

Heat Unit (HU) rating system, which is equivalent to BTU .
(British Thermal Units). In other words, the rating of how 'hot'
the herbs are. Cayenne is the hot capsicum pepper, generally
rated from 40,000 HU on up to the hottest at around 300,000

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HU. Most cayenne is in the range of 40,000 to 100,000 HU.

The hotter pepper heat units do not necessarily mean the
herb is more effective medicinally. I recommend the 90,000
HU cayenne. This seems to be tolerated by most people and
is still very effective.

Cayenne stimulates circulation in the nervous and circulatory

systems. The effect is almost immediate and the benefits
linger. Circulation is equalized everywhere, the heart is given
immediate support and nutrition. The heart beats more firm
and steady, and the blood vessels dilate. Nutrients from
foods will reach and penetrate damaged muscle and nerve
tissues much better and quicker when cayenne is eaten in
strong doses along with the meal. Profuse perspiration
cleanses the pores of the skin and the effect on the nervous
system is electrifying.
Stimulation is the key to healing. When the body and its
organs are properly stimulated, they heal, cleanse and return
to normal function. If taken regularly, cayenne will reach and
rejuvenate every part of the body. It has been used
specifically in the treatment of the spleen, pancreas, kidneys,
and ulcers of the stomach and intestinal tract.

Heart and
Circulatory System

Capsicum gives the cardiovascular system a little lift by

stimulating the heart and enhancing circulation without raising
blood pressure (it actually adjusts itself to normal). Pulse rate
does not get faster, but each beat of the heart is given more
power. Cayenne influences the heart immediately, then
gradually extends its effects - feeding, restoring the elasticity,
and healing ulcers in the cell structures of the walls of
arteries, veins and capillaries.
Cayenne is used for strengthening the heart. muscle. In
emergency situations (such as heart failure), cayenne can be
administered to stimulate the heart muscle, restore active
circulation, and normalize blood pressure. Capsicum is
excellent for equalizing blood circulation, which works to
prevent strokes and heart attacks, and will bring one quickly
out of shock. It is reported that capsicum significantly lowers
serum cholesterol and triglycerides and improves the ratio of
HDL (high-density lipoprotein - good cholesterol) and LDL
(Iow- density lipoprotein - bad cholesterol) elements, reducing
the risk of heart disease.

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Cayenne is useful in arresting hemorrhages, both externally
and internally. Even when the bone is exposed in a deep
injury, cayenne pepper can be poured onto the wound to stop
bleeding, cleanse and accelerate healing.
Red Skin:
As blood flow increases to the skin, it may cause local
reddening and feel warm. When people see this, they may
think that the skin is irritated, but cayenne is a counter-irritant
(there is no itching involved). Cayenne brings the blood to
the surface (causing redness) to take away toxic poisons,
and begin the healing process. The warm, burning sensation
heals, rather than damages, the tissues.
Warms the Body:
Sprinkle a small amount of cayenne into shoes to keep the
feet warm on a cold day (too much cayenne will over heat
and produce a burning sensation). Sprinkle a small amount of
powder into socks to prevent frostbite.
Promotes Perspiration


Interestingly, many people who live in hot tropical areas

consume goodly amounts of hot peppers every day to cool
down. Perspiration is the natural cooling mechanism of the
body. Capsicum promotes perspiration and increases
elimination through the skin.
By increasing circulation, cayenne raises the metabolic rate
of the body, especially when combined with other substances
that increase metabolism. Cayenne also stimulates the liver,
increases the number of liver enzymes responsible for fat
metabolism,and decreases the fat deposits in the liver
caused by a high fat diet.


Like many spices, cayenne pepper increases the flow of

digestive secretions from salivary, gastric, and intestinal
glands. This stimulates the appetite, improves digestion,
relieves gas discomfort and distension, and promotes
peristalsis in the intestines. Cayenne enhances the body's
ability to digest food in the stomach, assimilate nutrients in
the intestines, and expel wastes through the colon.
Capsicum supports the cleansing, and removal of, ulcerous
tissue from the stomach and the acceleration of tissue
regeneration and healing.

Catalyst for
Herb Formulas

Capsicum is used as a catalyst in many herb combinations.

aids in the absorption and effectiveness of most any herb


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formula. The nutrients are assimilated far faster into the body
and moved to where they are needed more efficiently.

Those suffering from osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis

have received relief by using a rub-on cream made with
capsaicin, an ingredient of capsicum. It is possible to make a
liniment with cayenne extract or the powdered herb to relieve
inflammation. Rub the extract over arthritic joints and wrap
with a cotton flannel cloth overnight, or make a poultice with
the powdered herb.
Although the 'heat' of the herb may be severe, there is
usually no reddening or blistering of the skin. Capsaicin
primarily affects sensory nerves, having very little action upon
blood vessels.


Capsicum is useful for relieving toothaches.

on the affected area.

Rub the powder


Combining capsicum and plantain for applying externally in a

poultice, can draw out foreign items embedded in the skin.

Infections and
Immune System

Cayenne helps build the body's defenses. It is excellent for

disease prevention and the quick improvement of conditions
caused by the flu or a cold. It's high Vitamin C content is
especially good to allay or overcome the effects of a cold. In
cases of diarrhea caused by exotic bacteria, cayenne
(especially taken in capsule form) will often elicit a rapid
return to normal gastrointestinal function.
Cayenne assists in wound healing and helps prevent
infection. It helps arrests bleeding and stimulates cell growth.
The powder may be poured directly on a wound or abrasion.

Alcohol Addiction


Herb Parts Used

and Remedies

Capsicum is said to be able to help people end their addiction

to alcohol, possibly by reducing the dilated blood-vessels and
thus relieving chronic congestion.
The herb may be taken as a part of a daily diet, to ward off
disease in general and specifically to act as a cancer
Whole red peppers, with or without the seeds, fresh or dried
Fresh chilies are the most nutritious, and have the highest

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amount of Vitamin C. They also contain a beneficial essential

oil that aids digestion. Be cautious and wear rubber gloves
when preparing fresh peppers and their seeds, as their oil
can burn the skin. Cayenne may be added to soups and
When heated, cayenne looses most of its healing
qualities and becomes an irritant.
Home-made Hot Sauce:
Cover the fresh or dried peppers with vinegar in a macerating
jar (a non-porous container with a lid); soak overnight. Blend
and continue to macerate for a week. (Maceration is the
process of breaking down the fruit of a plant to a soft, mushy
consistency, releasing some of its moisture, flavor and
properties into a liquid of choice.) Next, express the pulp out,
and add salt to taste. This makes a thin hot sauce that may
be used freely according to preference and tolerance.

The cayenne pepper of grocery stores is largely a mixture of

paprika and true pepper. Paprika (Hungarian pepper) has
scarcely more than one-sixth the pungency of real cayenne
Color does not entirely determine the quality of powdered
peppers. The red color of cayenne does fade when exposed
to light. However, some types of red peppers are naturally
lighter in color yet still very potent and powerful. The value of
any specimen may be fairly estimated by the intensity of its
odor (which is peculiar, somewhat aromatic, and extremely
irritant) and by its acrid, burning taste.
A teaspoon of cayenne in a cup of water can help stop a
heart attack, bring someone out of shock, help a headache
vanish, and assist in warming a body in hypothermia.
Cayenne can help stop bleeding when applied to a wound or
taken internally. Cayenne is a disinfectant and will actually
reduce pain when applied to a cut.
Cayenne is used in nearly all external applications where
speed is important, or when quick relief (as in arthritis,
rheumatism, bursitis, and sore muscles) is desired. Cayenne
may be added to all natural creams or lotions, and used for
external discomfort or circulation problems.
Sprinkle powdered cayenne on bleeding cuts and it quickly

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stops the bleeding. The powder or liquid extract may be

rubbed directly on toothaches or swellings for relief.
Liquid Extract

The liquid extract is valuable to have on hand for

emergencies. Use it moderately, as it is many times stronger
than the tea. Place the powder or extract on or under the
tongue for crisis situations such as shock, hemorrhage or
heart attack.

Teal Infusion

Cayenne is seldom used in a decoction because some value

is lost when it is simmered for any length of time.
Cayenne Tea:
A tea may be made by pouring hot water over the cayenne
and letting it steep.



Cayenne is effective as a fomentation (towel soaked in warm

infusion and placed on affected area) for rheumatism,
inflammation, pleurisy, sores and wounds. It soothes
discomfort and promotes healing circulation.
Cayenne added to any poultice will promote circulation.
Healing Poultice:
1 part comfrey leaves
1 part plantain
1/16 part cayenne
Optional: add two parts slippery elm for binding a wound and
soothing inflammation.
Mix powdered herbs with warm water and make a paste.
Spread on the affected area and cover with a natural fiber
cloth. Apply heat if desired.


Cayenne Liniment Rub:

1 cup raw apple cider vinegar
1-1/2 teaspoon cayenne
Pour hot vinegar over cayenne. Cover and let steep for a few
hours. Use immediately, or continue to macerate (soak to
soften and release constituents) for up to two weeks, for
greater strength. Store liniment rub in a light-proof bottle and
apply externally when needed for sprains, swellings,
inflammation, and deep-seated internal congestion.
Alternative: Once the liniment is cool, add 1/4 teaspoon
wintergreen essential oil (about 25 drops). Shake capped
bottle vigorously each time before using, to disperse the oil.

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Cayenne Spray:
Distilled Water
Cayenne to tolerance
Glycerine (optional) for greater adherence
Mix water with cayenne. Filter out any grittiness by running
the mixture through an unbleached coffee strainer. Put in
spray bottle. The spray is slightly numbing. Use for the
discomfort of arthritis, painful joints, sore muscles,
neuropathy, and numbness or burning in the extremities.


Easy Cayenne Cream or Ointment:

Add cayenne powder or extract (to tolerance) to a simple,
organic cream or ointment (without synthetic ingredients).
Cayenne ointment is extremely valuable due to its powerful
ability to bring out toxic poisons and as a counter-irritant,
easing arthritic and sore muscle discomfort. It may be used
safely without burning or blistering.

Internal Uses

When used as a catalyst in herb formulas, cayenne is

generally used as a one-eighth part compared to other
herbs used in the formulation, unless otherwise stated.


Taking cayenne powder in capsules carries the herb deep

into the gastrointestinal tract and eliminates the feeling of
'heat' in the mouth.
At the first sign of a cold, take two capsules of capsicum
every hour with a large glass of water. By eating nothing
else, an oncoming illness can be warded off within a few
hours. It is not recommended to take more than eight
capsules in a twenty-four hour period. Colon discomfort and
purging may result.


Daily Tonic: (four days a week)

Taking 1/4 teaspoon powder in water or juice, up to 3 times a
day, will benefit the heart and circulation in the body.


For Internal Bleeding:

Take a teaspoonful of cayenne in a glass of extra-warm water
and drink it down. By the count of ten, in most cases, the
bleeding will stop.

Cough Syrups

2 Tablespoons freshly squeezed Lemon Juice

or raw Apple Cider Vinegar
2 Tablespoons Honey

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% tsp or more Cayenne (depending on tolerance)

Mix ingredients and keep in the refrigerator. Shake well
before using. For sore, scratchy throat or cough, take one
teaspoon cough syrup as needed.

Cayenne should not be used internally for hemorrhage during

childbirth. It can stop bleeding temporally, but as the
circulation increases, bleeding could resume after a short
period of time. A skilled midwife may choose to use cayenne
directly in the uterus, as she deems necessary.
Handle fresh cayenne with great respect and keep out of
eyes and away from mucous membranes. Contact with
cayenne herb or extract will not permanently damage the
eyes or mucous membranes, but it can cause serious
discomfort. If cayenne gets into the eyes or mucous
membranes, flush the area freely with cold milk until the
burning abates. If skin contact with cayenne becomes
uncomfortable, first rinse with plain rubbing alcohol and then
wash with soap and water.
Wear a filter mask when grinding dried cayenne. Grinders
used to process cayenne must be cleaned with alcohol, then
soap and water, otherwise, potent oils and resins will affect
subsequent products.
Cayenne sometimes gives a burning sensation to the throat
and stomach, but it does not damage them. In fact, studies
show that cayenne helps heal ulcers. For the first few days
of taking cayenne, it may feel hot going in and hot going out.
The body eventually becomes accustomed to the sensation.
With continuous use, it feels more like a warm glow.

Plant Profile


Natural Habitat:
Indigenous to Mexico and Central America, cayenne is now
cultivated in all warmer regions of the globe. While the
species can tolerate most climates, they are especially
productive in warm and dry climates.
The varieties of capsicum fruits vary greatly in size, color and
'heat' of taste. The hottest is the yellowish red fruit of Sierra
Leone, West Africa. These African birdseye cayenne have
small (1/3 to 1/2 inch long), pungent, bright pods. Once
consumed, the 'heat' is retained longer in the body than any
other variety. The African varieties grow on shrub-size plants

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... _--_



with small and pungent fruit, while the American varieties are
herb-size plants with larger, heart-shaped fruit.
The red pepper 'cayenne' is a perennial shrub in its native
South America and other warm parts of the world. In northern
gardens, it is an annual, dying out each year.
The plant grows 20-60 inches. The leaves are covered with
short, soft hairs. Single white flowers, purple-tinged and
ornamental, bear thin, long pods that are very shiny and
thick-skinned. The pods are initially green and eventually
turn red or yellow.
Cayenne is readily recognized by its characteristic 'heat', due
to the high concentration of a compound known as capsaicin
(from the Greek word 'to bite'). Capsicum has been aptly
described as the plant that bites back.
Cayenne Pepper



Don't set plants out too early. Peppers
prefer warm climates. In cooler areas,
greenhouse or amid sheltered borders
sun. The plant flowers in midsummer.
from sun and wind damage by planting

are heat-lovers and

grow the plant in a
out of doors, in full
Protect the blossoms
them with taller

When fruits are uniformly red, cut them from the plant,
leaving a stem of at least one half inch long. Dry them
immediately on screens, or string together using a needle
and heavy thread. The entire plant may also be pulled out of
the ground to dry.
Do not put cayenne in a paper sack. Paper takes the precious
oils out of it. Do not refrigerate. Store peppers whole or
ground in tightly sealed containers. Keep cayenne
powder at room temperature. Cayenne fades in the light and
should always be kept in dark containers. When kept sealed in
proper conditions, it will keep its potency for six months to a
year. Cayenne will last longer if made into a fluid extract.

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Clay is a sediment of earth that is putty-like when wet and hardens when baked. It has
amazing healing qualities and is used medicinally for its extraordinary absorbent and
energizing properties that can cleanse the body of noxious toxins, promote cell growth
and accelerate healing.

Influence on the Body

Blood and
Circulatory System

Blood Sugar
Body System


Anemia Blood Building Blood Cleansing Heart High

Blood Pressure Arteriosclerosis Varicose Veins
Alkalosis (acute acidity) Internal Cysts Deficiencies
Demineralization Fatigue Swellings Odor Absorbent
Bone Tissue Regeneration Bone Fractures

Digestive Tract

Gastritis Ulcers Intestinal Tract Cleansing Hemorrhoids

Parasites Expels Worms

Ears and Eyes

Ear Infections Eye Revitalization

First Aid

Infections and
Immune System
Lungs and Respiratory
Mouth and Throat

Bumps Bruises Wounds Cuts Splinter Insect Stings

Burns Absorbs Radiation
Allergies Absorbs Allergens

Inflammation Arthritis



Liver Detoxification Gallbladder

Sinusitis Asthma Bronchitis

Lung Problems

Flat Feet Hernia (abdominal cavity rupture due to muscular

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Nervous System
Reproductive System

Skin, Tissues & Hair

Urinary Tract
Other Uses

Headaches Spine
Pain of all kinds
Female: Fetal Positioning
Menstruation Discomfort

Uterine Fibrous Tumors

Cleanse Soften Baths Facial Masks (cleansing)

Abscess Boils External Cyst Acne Skin Irritations
Impetigo (highly contagious disease of the skin) Shingles
Eczema Psoriasis
Post-Operative Complications Baby Powder (talcum
substitute) Water Filter Transplanting Aid for Plants Tree
Wound Pack Bricks Pottery Ceramics
Key Properties:

Absorbs and eliminates toxins, allergens and wastes, cleanses the body
Relieves pain

Accelerates healing and cell regeneration

Contains minerals and nutrients that energize the body

Types of Clay

There are several varieties of clay in different colors. They

have similar healing qualities, yet each contain their own
unique properties. Some of the better known healing and
beautifying clays are green, red, yellow, gray, white, and rose.
Green and Gray Clays
In general, green and certain gray clays are used for drinking
clay medicinally. They are also excellent when used for
poultices, plasters, masks, cuts and wounds, etc.
Rose Colored Clay
Rose clay is smooth and often used for cleansing masks,
body packs, smoothing roughened skin and healing acne.
White Clay
White clay is a very fine powder, often used in tales and
talcum products. It is an excellent deodorant and particularly
good for stinky feet and hands. It is ideal for babies and
diaper rash.

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Kev Components:

(including, but not limited to)

The kinds of minerals present in clay varies depending on the
type of clay and location where it is found. In addition, clay
has the ability to pull nutrients from other sources that weak
or damaged areas of the body can then use to heal itself.
Properly prepared clay brings the vital energy from the sun,
air and water to promote cleansing and growth of new cells.
The healing properties of clay go beyond the sum of its parts
and continue to amaze naturalists and scientists alike.
Absorbs and Eliminates

Clay draws toxins from inflamed areas, relieves pain and

discomfort, and reduces swelling. When taken orally, clay
destroys and cleanses the body of unhealthy cells, then
activates the regeneration of healthy ones. It works on the
deeper organs as well.
Anything unhealthy and emitting negative radiation is
irresistibly attracted to clay (a positive pole) and becomes
subject to cleansing evacuation. Clay absorbs radioactive
substances, helps eat away and absorb the plaque of
arteriosclerosis, and absorbs and rids the body of odors.

Anti-Bacterial Filter

Clay is used to filter contaminated water and render it

innocuous. It destroys bacteria. Parasitic organisms cannot
thrive in a clay-medium. Clay draws out parasites and toxins
from the bowels (and other organs where they are lodged)
and eliminates them through the digestive tract and
defecation. It cleanses the body of noxious wastes, toxins
and parasites.

Promotes Healing

Clay has sedating, relaxing, absorbing, and healing actions

on inflammation of the intestines and other areas of the body.
For best results, take clay prior to eating a large meal to quiet
the anticipated stomach discomfort of over-eating.


Clay purifies the blood, cleansing out toxins and building

blood components. It does not contain enough iron to explain
its ability to rebuild red blood cells, yet red blood cell counts
increase with its use. Clay is rich in minerals and enzymes
and has the ability to 'fix' free oxygen that purifies and
enriches the blood. A powerful stimulant, clay awakens
dormant energy resources in the body.

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Clay Preparation
and Remedies

You might find clay in your garden (about one yard deep), but
clay is more often obtained in quarries where clay is then
used for bricks, pottery, ceramics, and therapeutically, to heal
and beautify. When clay is to be used for medicinal
purposes, be sure to use pure clay that:

has not been previously baked

has not been mixed with synthetic additives
has not been previously used to draw out toxins or

Activated clay is fresh, unused powdered clay mixed with

distilled water and set in the sun in a closed jar. The more
clay is exposed to sun, air and rainwater, the more active it
will become. The best time for exposing clay to the sun's
rays is just prior to an immediate need. When possible, the
clay should be prepared several hours prior to use. Dry clay
may be stored in darkness indefinitely (a condition similar to
the earth it came from). Even without exposure to light, clay
already possesses most of its wonderful healing properties.

Use Proper Containers

Internal Use

Enamel, earthenware, porcelain, wood or glass containers

may be used to hold clay as it is prepared. Never use metal
or plastic. Metal spoons may be used in the process, but do
not leave them in contact with prepared clay.
Put a teaspoon of powdered clay into half a glass of distilled
water. Clay water has been taken this way for absorbing
toxins from the blood, tissues and organs of the body, and for
purifying and enriching the blood. It is best to drink clay in
the morning after waking, at night before going to bed, and
15-60 minutes before eating for cleansing and invigoration.
Take one teaspoon of clay a day, a half-hour or more before
meals, for eating away at arterial plaque, absorbing toxins
and eliminating parasites. Clay can even acts on capillaries,
when taken with lemon, dissolving crystals and 'flakes' of

External Use

To activate clay for use as a poultice or compress, add

distilled water to clay in an appropriate container until it
initially reaches a half-inch or so, above the level of the clay
(different clays absorb water at different rates). It is easier to
add powdered clay to a mixture that is too thin, than to add
more water when it is too thick. DO NOT STIR. When clay is

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stirred, it turns sticky and difficult to handle. It also becomes

concentrated, solid and impermeable, which reduces its
porosity and ability to absorb efficiently. Letting clay rest for
several hours, allows it to dilute itself without stirring.
Prepared clay should be a homogenous paste with just
enough clay to avoid its falling apart. When there is time,
place the clay mixture in the sunshine (covering with a gauze
to prevent impurities), for added benefit.
Handle the clay as little as possible when applying. There is
no need to smooth it down. Take full advantage of its drawing
effects by placing it directly on the skin, or if necessary, use a
thin cloth in between. Clay is usually placed closest to the
area to be acted upon, yet clay has shown activity at a point
in the body far removed from the application site. Some
believe clay is alive and acts with wisdom, seeking out where
it is most needed. Clay is often used this way for absorbing
impurities, cleansing out toxins, reducing swelling, and
soothing inflammation and pain.
After use: Throw the clay away where it won't be used again.
It will be devitalized and impregnated with the toxins it
absorbs. The cloth may be washed and used again.
Clay Poultice

For a clay poultice, use a thick paste of clay, spread with a

wooden spoon onto the center of a diaper (or any natural
fiber cloth) in an area approximately six by eight inches and
one inch thick (adapt amount of clay to a larger or smaller
area as needed). Apply the clay directly to the area to be
treated, pressing it into the flesh so that it adheres. Cover
with a dry cloth and leave it on until the clay pulls away on its
own accord. This indicates the application is complete. Pull
off any clumps of clay and discard them. Cleanse the area
with water and thoroughly dry the skin surface.
Quick and Easy Poultice (for small areas):
It is possible to use unprepared clay when in a hurry and only
a small amount of clay is needed. To do this, add a few drops
of water to a small amount of dry clay to make a paste. Apply
this to a pimple before going to bed to draw out impurities,
cleanse and heal acne, or to use on a bee sting or mosquito
bite. Always use activated clay when available.


Detox 8ath: (see SALT preparations)

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Chapter taken from Top 40 Herbs of North America by Angela Harris, Master Herbalist

Latin Name: Allium sativum
Also known as: Clove Garlic, Stinking Rose, Poor-Man's- Treacle (treacle is a middle
English term for a medicinal syrup used for poisons, snakebite and various ailments)
Scientific Classification
There are many varieties of garlic, each differing in size, pungency and color, but the
most well known are the white-skinned American, Creole (the pink or purple Mexican or
Italian garlic), and the larger Tahitian garlic. Elephant garlic is a variety of garlic with a
large bulb which has a relatively mild flavor and lacks many of the healing qualities.

Liliaceae - lily family

Allium - onion
A. sativum - cultivated garlic
Sister plants: onion, leek, chives

Influence on the Body

Blood and
Circulatory System

Blood Sugar
Body System


Digestive Tract


HEART heart palpitation ALTERATIVE (cleanses and
stimulates efficient removal of waste products) BLOOD
BLOOD POISONING dropsy anemia
diabetes hypoglycemia
TONIC (increases energy and strength throughout the body)
stimulant (increases internal heat and strengthens
metabolism and circulation) physical endurance
anticatarrhal (eliminates mucous conditions) insomnia
restlessness antispasmodic ANTI-OXIDANT aging
diaphoretic (promotes perspiration)
CANCER prevention CANCERS (particularly gastrointestinal) TUMORS
aromatic (contains volatile essential oils which aid digestion
and relieve gas) improves appetite heartburn
DIGESTIVE DISORDERS cramps stomach ulcers

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_ .._--


ulcers diverticulitis FLATULENCE (gas) CARMINATIVE

(relieves intestinal gas discomfort, promotes peristalsis)
parasiticide (kills and expels parasites and worms)
Endocrine System

First Aid

Infections and
Immune System


Lungs and
Respiratory System

Mouth, Nose & Throat

Nervous System

helps regulate glands
inflamed eyes eye catarrh (mucous membrane inflammation
with discharge)
WOUNDS VULNERARY (promotes healing of wounds by
protecting against infection and stimulating cellular growth)
leg ulcers insect bites bee stings poisonous bites and
stings lead poisoning metal poisoning nicotine poisoning
chills swollen glands FLU allergies ANTIBIOTIC
athlete's foot ringworm ANTISEPTIC (fights pathogenic
bacteria and helps prevents infection) IMMUNOSTIMULANT childhood diseases INFECTIOUS DISEASES
CHOLERA SPINAL MENINGITIS rabies typhoid fever
ARTHRITIS osteoarthritis rheumatism
gallbladder cholagogue (promotes the flow of bile)
detoxifies LIVER
EXPECTORANT (loosens and removes phlegm in the
respiratory tract) ANTI-CATARRHAL (eliminates mucous
TOOTHACHE rhinitis (clogged and running nose) sinus
problems sinus congestion sore throat pharyngitis
lumbago muscle cramps
nervine (improves nerve function) neuralgia pains
migraine headaches dizziness epilepsy paralysis
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Reproductive System



Female: emmenagogue (promotes menstrual flow)

Skin, Tissues & Hair

Urinary Tract

Other Uses

acne chapped and chafed hands necrosis (death of cells

or tissues) eczema psoriasis WARTS carbuncles
promotes kidney function diuretic (increases urine flow)
bladder weakness

Key Properties:
ANTI-MICROBIAL - kills or limits the growth of bacteria, virus, fungus, and
counteracts poisons

- stimulates the body's defense system

EXPECTORANT - loosens and removes phlegm from the respiratory tract

ANTI-CATARRHAL - diminishes excessive mucous conditions
CLEANSING and ELIMINA TlON - cleanses blood, lymph, skin (through
perspiration), digestion, increases urine output
HEART and CIRCULA TlON - reduces blood platelet adhesion, thins blood,
lowers elevated blood pressure, improves circulation, protects blood vessels,
lowers cholesterol, removes plaque
DIGESTIVE AID - improves appetite, relieves gas, promotes intestinal
elimination, and expels parasites and worms
ANTI-OXIDANT - protects blood vessels and other tissues from degradation and
TONIC - reduces muscular spasms, convulsions and cramps, and stimulates and
nourishes nerves






According to a 3,500 year-old Egyptian scroll, healers

believed garlic could help a person fight cancer. Garlic was
thought to be bestowed with sacred qualities and was placed
in the tombs of pharaohs. It was given to slaves that built the
pyramids to enhance their endurance and strength.

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This strength-enhancing quality was also honored by the

ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, whose athletes ate
garlic before sporting events and soldiers before going off to
war. The Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder (ca. 23-79 AD)
declared, "Garlic has powerful properties, and is of great
benefit against changes of water and of residence." He
recommended it to treat asthma, suppress coughs, expel
intestinal parasites, and as an antidote for snake bites and
certain poisons.
Dioscorides (ca. 40-90 AD) was a surgeon and physician for
the Roman army. He described garlic with regard to the
Doctrine of Signatures (the belief that medicinal properties
.are revealed symbolically by the plant's outward
appearance). Thus, a plant such as garlic, with a long hollow
stalk, would be good for diseases of the windpipe. He also
wrote of garlic's ability to "clear the arteries."
Garlic was first noted in Chinese literature in the Collection of
Commentaries on the Classic of the Materia Medica (500
AD). It was traditionally used in China for fevers, cold,
tuberculosis, dysentery, intestinal parasites, and beneficial
effects on circulation and the heart.
When the plagues ravaged Europe, it was discovered that
garlic was an effective preventive and treatment. The Black
Death is estimated to have killed 30-60 percent of all
Europeans in the 1400s, reducing the world's population from
an estimated 450 million to between 350-375 million. Garlic
formed the principal ingredient in the 'Four Thieve's Vinegar',
used successfully at Marseilles for protection against the
plague when it prevailed there in 1722. This formula
originated, it is said, with four thieves who confessed that
while taking the aromatic vinegar liberally, they were
protected as they plundered the dead bodies of victims.
During an outbreak of infectious fever in certain poor quarters
of London, the French priests (who often used garlic in their
meals), visited the worst cases without harm, while the
English clergy caught the infection, and in many instances,
fell victim to the disease.
In an 1858 study, Louis Pasteur, the French microbiologist,
demonstrated garlic's antiseptic activity. Albert Schweitzer

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(ca. 1875-1965) used the herb to treat amoebic dysentery in

Garlic oil was so popular in Russian medicine that it was
referred to as 'Russian penicillin.' Their hospitals and clinics
have used volatile garlic extract treatments in the form of
vapors and inhalants.
During World War I, garlic was used as an antiseptic for
wound care. In 1916, the British government issued a
general plea for the public to supply it with garlic in order to
meet wartime needs.
Throughout the millennia, garlic has been a beloved plant in
many cultures for both its culinary and medicinal properties.
Over the last few years, it has gained popularity as
researchers have scientifically validated many of its
numerous health benefits.
When I first discovered the virtues of garlic, I used it for
everything. In the beginning, I didn't understand the
importance of using fresh garlic. Needless to say, I fed my
family the cheapest garlic oil capsules I could find. When my
husband would come home from work, he would open the
door to the stale smell of rancid garlic. He was not a fan!
My five year old son would chew up the capsules straight. He
called them "footballs". I am sure it did him some good, but
fortunately, a short time later, I realized fresh garlic was
infinitely more potent and effective.
The problem was how to get my family to eat it raw? Over
time, I found some simple ways to get raw garlic into my
family. One way was to give them a garlic shooter (see
GARLIC preparations). You see, garlic is best when used
fresh. Garlic shooters help get the garlic down without it being
so hot or pungent to the taste.
I remember one time when I had a bunch of scouts and their
leaders over for a cooking class. I introduced them to garlic
shooters. They loved 'em! However, one of the leaders ate
so many, that his wife made him sleep on the couch that
night. You can get away with one garlic shooter and still be
okay in public, but more than that, you definitely smell of the
stinkin' rose. The solution to this problem is simple ... we all

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eat it together!

I can't talk with you about the virtues of garlic without

mentioning garlic enemas (see GARLIC preparations). We
have used this method when nothing else seemed to work.
We used it for severe allergic reactions, appendicitis, severe
strep infections, high fevers, and yes, we even saved a dog
dying of parvo. I always tell my kids they need to take their
herbs by mouth or they will have to take them another way.
I for one am grateful for this incredible herb that has surely
saved many a life. I highly recommend the book 'Garlic:
Nature's Super Healer by Joan and Lydia Wilen. Every home
library should have this great book on hand.

Kev Components:

(including, but not limited to)

Vitamins A Lutein (yellow carotenoid pigment) !li

(thiamine) 82 (riboflavin) 83 (niacin) 85 (pantothenic acid)
86 (pyridoxine) Folate Choline C E K
Organic Aluminum (needed by the brain and protects the
body from inorganic aluminum) Calcium Chlorine Copper
Germanium Iron Magnesium Manganese
Phosphorous Potassium Selenium Sodium Sulfur Zinc
Protein Enzymes Allicin Allicetoin I and II Sallylcystein
Garlic has considerable amounts (more than any other herb)
of germanium, a mineral which strengthens the immune
Allicin is a sulfur-containing amino acid formed when alliin
comes into contact with the enzyme allinase. This happens
when a garlic clove is crushed, bruised, chopped or heated.
Allicin is responsible for the strong, characteristic aroma of
garlic. The odor lingers because the aromatic compounds
are exhaled from the lungs (and sometimes excreted through
the skin) throughout digestion. Chewing parsley, basil, mint,
or thyme helps counteract the intense smell.
Garlic preparations in which allicin has been removed (as in
the 'odorless' garlic preparations), lose most oftheir

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antimicrobial effects.



Garlic is warming to the digestive and respiratory tracts, has

stimulating and rejuvenating effects on the body, helps to
regulate menstrual flow, and is an important antibiotic, antiviral, and antiseptic remedy for colds, flu, bronchitis,
pneumonia, and other infections. Garlic is famous for killing
and clearing intestinal parasites. Garlic's ability to protect the
blood and cardiovascular system and its anti-cancer activity
have been researched extensively. With regular use, the
herb can help lower high blood pressure, reduce high
cholesterol, and help prevent and reverse atherosclerosis.
Raw garlic kills a wide variety of microorganisms by direct
contact, including fungi, bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. It is
excellent for wound healing and infectious diseases. The
juice, oil or powder may be used on open wounds for this
purpose. It protects wounds from infection and stimulates cell
growth. In India, garlic is used to wash wounds and ulcers.
In research studies, allicin has been shown to be effective
against common infections like staphylococcus and E. coli
bacteria, colds, flu, stomach viruses, and Candida yeast. It
also impedes powerful pathogenic microbes such as
tuberculosis and botulism. Studies have found garlic to be a
potent antibiotic, even against drug-resistant bacteria.
It stimulates the immune system, rejuvenates the spleen, and
strengthens the body's defenses against allergens and
One source reports that a garlic necklace or small bag
containing garlic may be worn around a child's neck to make
body parasites disappear. Garlic is that powerful.

Respiratory Tract

Garlic nourishes and disinfects the lungs, loosens mucus,

and is a superior expectorant. It is effective in treating
asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory conditions, and it has
been used in cough remedies for centuries.
The odor is so readily diffusible that when a fresh garlic
preparation is applied to the soles of the feet, in seconds it is
exhaled by the lungs and detected on the breath.

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Successful treatments of tubercular consumption by garlic

have been recorded. The sufferer inhales the freshly
expressed juice, diluted with an equal amount of water.
Bruised and mixed with oil (like extra virgin olive oil), then
rubbed on the chest and between the shoulder-blades, it has
relieved whooping-cough.
Cleansing and



Garlic has a powerful detoxifying effect on all the body

systems and provides protection against pollutants and heavy
metals. Garlic purifies the blood by promoting eliminative
functions, thus cleansing and efficiently removing waste
products. It stimulates the lymphatic system to move waste
materials and promotes perspiration, allowing for toxin
elimination through the skin. Garlic increases the secretion
and flow of urine, protects the liver, and promotes digestive
Garlic, like onion, contains compounds that inhibit enzymes
that activate the inflammatory response, thus markedly
reducing inflammation. These anti-inflammatory compounds
protect against severe asthma attacks and help reduce the
pain and inflammation of osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis.
Garlic improves the appetite, stimulates gastric secretions
and bile flow (helping digest fats), increases the mobility of
stomach walls, promotes peristalsis (contractions that propel
contents onward) of the intestines, and relieves gas and
painful distension. It destroys infectious bacteria without
destroying the natural flora (beneficial bacteria) and rids the
bowels of harmful parasites and worms.
Inserting one clove of garlic in the rectum can relieve the
discomfort of hemorrhoids by helping to shrink hemorrhoidal

Heart and
Blood Vessels

Garlic helps to control disorders of the blood and strengthen

the heart, blood vessels and circulation in several interrelated
ways. Extensive research with garlic in this area of health
has shown that allicin, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E,
selenium and manganese all play an integral part in
cardiovascular health.

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Blood Thinner - Stickiness

Garlic contains an anti-coagulant which normalizes blood
platelet adhesion by reducing the 'stickiness' of the blood and
its tendency to clot. This increases fluidity and thins the blood.
Eating one garlic clove a day for several months will
significantly thin the blood.
Relaxes and Enlarges Blood Vessels
Allicin activates sensory nerve endings which induce the
relaxation and enlargement of blood vessels, lowering blood
pressure, improving blood circulation, and reducing the
formation of atherosclerotic plaque. Garlic is excellent for
both high and low blood pressure, though it is especially
useful in lowering hypertension.
Protects Blood Vessel Walls
Allicin inhibits coronary artery calcification laid down by the
body in areas that have been damaged. In a year-long study,
patients given daily, aged-garlic extract showed an average
calcium level score of 7.5 percent, verses 22.2 percent in the
placebo group.
Reduces Plaque Formation - by Lowering Cholesterol
Atherosclerotic plaque develops when blood cholesterol is
damaged by oxidation. Garlic's antioxidant properties (with
Vitamin C, Vitamin E, selenium, and allicin) limit the amount
of free radicals in the bloodstream, protect blood vessels from
the deleterious effects of free radical damage, and reduce the
oxidative damage of serum low-density lipoproteins (LDLs 'bad cholesterol'). Vitamin E defends the fat-soluble areas,
and Vitamin C protects the water-soluble areas, from
Clinical studies have shown that garlic lowers total serum
cholesterol by about 9-12 percent, principally by inhibiting
cholesterol absorption from food. It lowers levels of LDLs in
the blood, and triglycerides, in comparison to high-density
lipoproteins (HDLs - so called 'good cholesterol'). This shift
helps the liver metabolize fat substances in the blood, rather
than allow them to be deposited in tissues.
A German study indicates that the allicin in garlic greatly
reduces plaque deposition and size by up to 40 percent by
preventing the formation of the initial complex that develops

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into an atherosclerotic plaque. It hinders the docking of LDL

cholesterol to its receptor sites in blood vessels and existing
plaques. Researchers suggest that garlic can help prevent
and potentially reverse atherosclerotic plaque formation.

Breaks Down Existing Plaque

Garlic has soft oils that help emulsify plaque, loosen it from
arterial walls, and help dissolve calcifications such as uric
acid crystals found in arteriosclerosis. In a double-blind
placebo-controlled study that followed 152 individuals for 4
years, standardized garlic powder at a dosage of 900 mg
daily, significantly slowed the development of atherosclerosis
as measured by ultrasound. They also showed less evidence
of damaged arteries.
Purifies the Blood
Garlic purifies the blood and enhances a physiological
process called fibrinolysis, which works to remove plaque and
clots from blood vessels.
Heart Attack Reduction
Garlic oil given to 432 individuals over a period of 3 years,
who had suffered an initial heart attack, resulted in a
significant reduction of second heart attacks and an average
50 percent reduction in death rate among those taking garlic
Blood Sugar

Rejuvenating Effects

Brain and
Nervous System

Garlic lowers high blood sugar levels and assists the body to
normalize glucose tolerance in cases of both hypoglycemia
and hyperglycemia (diabetes). Studies have shown that the
allicin in garlic combines with Vitamin 81 (thiamine) and in the
process, stimulates the pancreas to begin releasing insulin.
Garlic is a stimulating tonic. It builds endurance, enhances
energy, and strengthens all systems. As an antioxidant, the
herb protects blood cell walls, nerves and tissues of the body
from degradation and aging.
Research in China has shown that sallylcystein (a sulfur
compound present in garlic), prevents degeneration of the
frontal lobes of the brain.

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Garlic nourishes the nerves and is a valuable nervine tonic

and anti-spasmodic. An infusion of bruised cloves, given
before and after every meal, has been effective in epilepsy.
Garlic acts as an anti-stress agent. When sniffed into the
nostrils, it will revive sensibility to someone suffering with
hysteria. It is excellent for relieving nervous headaches.

Substances found in garlic, such as allicin, germanium (an

anti-cancer agent), selenium, and Vitamin C have been
shown to protect colon cells from the toxic effects of cancercausing chemicals and to stop the growth of cancer cells
once they develop. Studies show that garlic helps white
blood cells in the body to protect and fight against cancer
Researchers at Loma Linda University have found
substances in garlic that activate enzymes in the liver which
destroy alfa-toxin, a potent carcinogen. Alfa-toxins are
claimed to be a leading cause of liver cancer.
In Russia, garlic was found to retard tumor growth. Several
large studies strongly suggest that a diet high in garlic can
prevent cancer. 41,837 women were followed for 4 years.
Results of the study showed that women whose diets
included significant quantities of garlic were approximately 30
percent less likely to develop colon cancer.
A large data set of case-control studies of Southern European
populations were reported by Galeone C, Pelucchi C, et ai, in
the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. When compared to
those eating the least amount of garlic, study participants
consuming the most garlic had a reduced risk for cancer of
the oral cavity and pharynx of 39 percent; esophageal cancer,
57 percent; colorectal cancer, 26 percent; laryngeal cancer,
44 percent; breast cancer, 10 percent; ovarian cancer, 22
percent; prostate cancer, 19 percent; and renal cell cancer,
31 percent.

Insect Repel/ant

Garlic is an effective insect repellant, primarily due to its

thiamine (Vitamin B1) content. It helps repel mosquitoes and
relieves the discomfort of insect bites. Take garlic internally
with liquid capsules of Vitaimins B1 and B12 one hour before
going outside and/or apply garlic oil to the skin. In the

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garden, garlic discourages insects that might prey on plants.

Herb Parts Used

and Remedies

Selection and Storage

The whole plant

Garlic is highly digestible and elements enter the blood

stream rapidly. Grated garlic placed near the most virulent
bacteria will kill them in five minutes.
Garlic is freshest in summer when the bulbs are firm and the
cloves harder to peel. Soft, shriveled, moldy or sprouting
garlic are all indications of decay that will cause a rancid
flavor and inferior quality. Buy garlic that is plump, firm,
compact, solid, and heavy for its size. The papery, outer skin
should be taunt and unbroken.
Store fresh garlic in an uncovered or loosely covered
container in a cool, dark place away from exposure to heat
and sunlight. This will help prevent sprouting (which reduces
flavor and causes excess waste) and maintain its maximum
freshness. It is not necessary to refrigerate garlic.
Some people freeze peeled garlic, but it reduces its flavor
and changes the texture. Depending upon its age and
variety, whole garlic bulbs will keep fresh for two weeks to two
months. Inspect the bulb frequently and remove any cloves
that appear to be dried out or moldy.
To store peeled cloves, place them in a jar and cover with
olive oil. Close the jar and refrigerate for up to two weeks.
The garlic flavored oil may be used for cooking.

Types of Preparations

Raw Garlic and Fresh Juice:

Fresh garlic is thought to be the most effective form of garlic
for antibiotic and anti-fungal activity. Garlic is nature's
antibiotic. It can heal almost any infection including the
plague. Those who eat fresh garlic regularly rarely get sick.
Garlic Oil- There are two types of garlic oil:
1. Garlic Infused Oil: Extra virgin olive oil infused with the
healing properties of garlic cloves.

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2. Garlic Essential Oil: Isolated by distilling raw garlic.

Essential oils are highly concentrated and may irritate
unprotected skin. Garlic essential oil can be
particularly harsh on unprotected skin. First apply a
carrier oil (like extra virgin olive oil) on the skin, or
dilute the essential oil within a carrier oil.
Cooked Garlic:
Enzymes are denatured and activity reduced significantly
when garlic is heated. Cooked garlic adds flavor to food, but
reduces its antibiotic properties.
Dehydrated Garlic Powders:
Prepared by dehydrating garlic cloves, then grinding them
into powder. A large portion of the allicin content is lost,
losing some of the antibiotic and antifungal action of garlic
(though not all of it). Dried garlic can still have therapeutic
properties and benefits.
Aged Garlic Extract:
A cold-aging process where garlic is sliced, placed in an
alcohol-based extracting solution, and naturally cold-aged for
up to twenty months without heat. Allicin decomposes,
producing an odorless garlic that does not agitate the
stomach of sensitive individuals and is readily digested.
Many health benefits are retained, but it loses its antibiotic
and antiviral activity.
Fresh Clove

When a sliced clove of garlic is rubbed over a cut, it will clean

and sterilize a wound. For rheumatism, take a clove or two of
crushed garlic with honey, two or three nights in a row. Garlic
may also be used as an arthritic rub with one part chopped
garlic mixed with two parts camphor oil.
For hemorrhoids, insert a clove of garlic into the rectum
before bed (be sure to first protect the skin with a layer of
extra virgin olive oil).
Hold a piece of garlic on each side of the mouth (between the
teeth and cheek) at the onset of a cold. Colds will disappear
within a few hours or a day. This is also good for coughs and
sore throats.
Take up to twelve or more raw cloves per day for acute cases
such as pneumonia, strep throat, or other serious diseases.

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When taken internally, garlic's effectiveness for lowering

blood pressure is increased by adding cayenne.
Garlic Shooter:
from the Gilroy Garlic Festival Cook Book
Freshly squeezed juice of ~ Lemon (1-2 Tablespoons)
1-2 Tablespoons Water (optional)
1 clove Garlic, crushed
Put lemon juice and water into a cup. Add freshly crushed
garlic clove. Immediately swirl cup to achieve a circling
motion and drink in one gulp. The 'shooter' experience may
be followed by an immediate feeling of rejuvenation called the
'shooter rush'.
Once the garlic is crushed, it should be used within ten
minutes for best potency. Upon contact with the liquid, the
garlic begins to 'heat'. If swallowed fast enough, the shooter
can be taken without tasting garlic (it will still produce lunghealthy 'garlic breath' and great healing benefits).
Pickled Garlic:
There are lots of wonderful pickled garlic recipes out there,
but most of them use heat in the cooking process. Heated
garlic still has some of its medicinal properties, but they are
. greatly diminished.
One recipe my mom came up with was to take the leftover
brine or juice from her favorite pickles and pour it over whole
cloves and let it sit for two to four weeks. This gave it enough
time for the brine to get into the clove, sweeten it up and
lessen the amount of heat of the straight raw garlic. The best
thing about it, is that all the benefits of raw garlic are retained,
plus it tastes great! When my mom opens a jar around my
kids, it's gone in no time. They love it!


Sore Throat and Cough Syrup:

Mix freshly expressed garlic juice with honey. As an
alternative, add a small amount of cayenne (to tolerance) for
coughs and sore throats.
Garlic Water (Tea):

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Crush one to four cloves of garlic and put in a cup of hot

water. Leave to steep (covered) overnight. In the morning,
filter and discard the pulp and drink the garlic-infused water
for colds, fevers, tuberculosis, and blood diseases. Use the
tea as an enema for worms and bowel infections.
Infused Oil

Garlic Oil:
Crush approximately 20 cloves of fresh garlic and put in a
glass jar. Cover with 4 ounces extra virgin olive oil and stir.
Top with a lid. The oil may be used within 3 hours, however,
for best potency, solar macerate (soak in a liquid to soften
and release constituents, with some time in the sun) for 2
weeks by shaking daily and putting the jar in the sun for a few
hours each day for the first 3 days.
Water and garlic juice will sink to the bottom of the jar.
Separate carefully by pouring the oil off without retaining any
of the watery pulp. The finished oil must not contain water
droplets. Filter the infused oil through several layers of clean,
dry cheesecloth. Left-over pulp is great for garlic bread,
soups, etc. Label and store the oil in tightly-stoppered amber
bottles, in a cool, dark place. Store in the refrigerator for six
months to a year. Throwaway if mold appears.
On Food:
Use the oil on fresh salads. It may also be used for cooking,
but it will loose most of its medicinal properties when heated.
Put two to three warmed drops (to body temperature) in the
ear, one to three times daily. Keep the ear up for a few
minutes to let the oil absorb. Use a clean cotton ball in the
ear if needed.
The oil may be taken internally to kill infection. Take one
teaspoon every hour in a little lemon juice or water for fever,
intestinal infection, mucus of the stomach, colds and flu.
Take two teaspoons, three to four times daily for chronic
colitis or ulcerated stomach conditions.
Rashes, Aches, Sore Muscles:
For skin problems, rub the oil directly onto the skin. It is also
good for aches, sprains, rheumatic pains, sore muscles, and

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chapped or chafed hands.

Rub pimples several times daily with garlic oil. Eruptions will
disappear without leaving a scar, but this does not remove
the cause. Purify the skin by cleansing the blood and colon
Athlete's Foot:
Wash infected areas in hot, soapy water. Rinse and dry well.
Massage in the garlic oil two or three times daily. Continue to
apply once a week to prevent recurrence.

Raw garlic may irritate or even burn skin if left on for a

length of time. To prevent this, rub extra virgin olive oil
on the skin prior to applying garlic preparations.
Garlic Poultice:
Crush fresh garlic and add warm water and flour. Good for
aches, pus and infections. After covering the area with olive
oil, use on the chest for chronic bronchitis. Apply a poultice of
freshly-grated garlic to ringworm.


Yeast Infection:
Blend one clove of garlic in one pint water. Strain, add one or
more pints of water, and use as a douche.


Garlic Enema:
Blend 10 cloves garlic with one cup hot water. Cool, strain
and use as an enema. Hold in as long as possible (usually a
very short amount of time). Garlic kills germs and parasites,
improves peristaltic action (intestinal contractions that propel
bowel contents onward) and pulls mucus.
Alternative: Add catnip tea, chamomile or organic coffee.
These help pull mucus, soothe colon cramping, and alleviate
a lot of the burning sensation.
My family lovingly calls garlic enemas "the ring of fire". It is
not comfortable, but it is extremely effective. When nothing
else works at our house, we use garlic enemas. This
technique has never failed us.

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Catnip and Garlic Enema:

A very effective enema combination is equal parts catnip tea
and garlic water. The garlic fights infection, pulls mucus, kills
germs, bacteria, virus and parasites, and increases peristaltic
action of the colon. Catnip helps ease cramping of the colon,
brings down fevers, pulls mucus, helps stop pain, and relaxes
and soothes the whole system. These herbs together make a
powerful enema combination.
4 Tablespoons Catnip herb
1 quart Distilled Water
Make catnip tea by pouring boiling water over catnip in a one
quart jar. Cover and let steep for ten minutes. Strain and
cool until lukewarm. Pour catnip tea and the garlic enema
solution (above) in equal parts to the same enema bag with
rectal tip and proceed with enema.
As an alternative to using fresh garlic:
Eight garlic capsules or one teaspoon herbal garlic powder
(not the kind found in grocery stores) may be used, but fresh
garlic is always preferred. For babies, use one small garlic
clove to one pint water.
Gall Stone Cleanse: (see OLIVE OIL preparations)

Garlic Spray for the Garden:

12-15 chopped Garlic cloves
2 tablespoons, Mineral Oil
1/4 ounce Soap
9 cups Water
Soak chopped garlic in mineral oil for 24 hours. Dissolve
soap in water and slowly add it to the garlic mixture. Strain
mixture through fine gauze before storing in a glass container.
When using, dilute 1 part garlic mixture to 50 parts water.
Use garlic spray for aphids, mites and small caterpillars. It
provides plants some fungicide protection.


Direct topical application of garlic may cause skin irritation

and even blistering. It is recommended to put on a layer of
extra virgin olive oil before applying garlic preparations
directly to skin.
Garlic thins the blood. This should be taken into account prior

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to surgery and when taking blood thinning medications.

Garlic is on the Federal Drug Administration's generally
regarded as safe (GRAS) list, including during pregnancy,
lactation and childhood.
Common side effects include garlic breath and possible body
odor. Initial stomach discomfort has also been reported.
When garlic is not well-tolerated by the stomach, it is often
due to having inflamed or ulcerated mucous membranes of
the digestive tract. It is possible to ease discomfort by
thoroughly chewing garlic or use garlic water as a substitute
until the stomach is healed.
Plant Profile


Natural Habitat:
A native of central Asia, garlic is cultivated worldwide
(although it does not flourish in cold climates).
Garlic is a perennial herb (the plant grows back from a
persistent rootstock in the spring) with a tall central stalk (2-3
feet) and long, narrow, flat, grass-like leaves that extend from
the ground to the middle of the stem. The most utilized part
of the plant is the segmented bulb, which breaks apart into
10-16 cloves. Mature bulbs are 2-3 inches in diameter.
Garlic tastes somewhat like an onion but stronger, with its
own distinctive flavor. Once the cloves are crushed or cut,
the odor is intensely pungent.
In early summer, white to light purple flowers bloom in a
cluster at the end of the plant's stalk, contained within a
sheath. The sheath also contains the bulb. Small black seeds
are later produced in wild garlic. Seeds do not mature in
cultivated varieties. Cloves are used for replanting.

Growing Garlic

Garlic grows well in sunny locations where the soil is rich,
sandy and kept relatively moist. Separate individual cloves
from the bulb just prior to planting in October or early spring,
for harvesting the following summer. Space cloves (base side
down, pointy side up) six to eight inches apart and one to two
inches deep. For largest bulbs at harvest time, prune away
flowering stems that shoot up in early summer; add compost
in early spring to fertilize (avoid planting after heavy
applications of fresh manure).

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To minimize bulb diseases, do not over-water. Newly planted

garlic needs moisture for its developing roots, but does not do
well in sodden conditions. If rain does not fall, water deeply
once a week. Gradually reduce watering as the weather
warms up in the spring. Garlic needs a hot, dry summer to
mature the bulbs.
and Storage

Dig bulbs after the tops have died down. Place in a single
layer in a shaded spot to dry, then either cut away the tops
(leaving about a two-inch stem), or plait the tops of the plants
together. Hang plaits or loose bulbs in nets from the ceiling in
a cool, dark place.

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This common citrus fruit has a decidedly sour, acidic taste, is rich in Vitamin C, and has
antiseptic, antioxidant and cleansing properties.

Influence on the Body

Body System
Digestive Tract
Infections and
Immune System
Lungs and
Respiratory System
Mouth and Throat
Other Uses

Acid Anti-oxidant
Dyspepsia (indigestion) Ulcers Parasites
Middle Ear Infection


Colds Flu Fever Immune System


Sinus Bronchitis Asthma Lungs Pneumonia

Sore Throat Laryngitis
Laundry Stains House Cleanser

Drain Deodorizer

Key Properties:
Colds and Infections


Kev Components:


(including, but not limited to)

Vitamins A ill (thiamine) B2 (riboflavin) B3 (niacin) B5

(pantothenic acid) B6 (pyridoxine) C
Calcium Copper Iron Magnesium
Potassium Sodium Zinc


Anti- Viral, Antibacterial
and Antiseptic

Lemon juice kills harmful viruses on contact and builds the

immune system. It strengthens infected tissues and organs

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and has enormous antiseptic power.


One of the most effective and quickest blood purifiers, lemon

juice dissolves uric acid and other toxic crystallization that
can lodge in joints. This helps relieve arthritis, rheumatism,
and gout, and cleanses the kidneys and bladder. Lemons are
highly recommended for losing weight.


Lemon juice has the ability to oxygenate (the opposite of

oxidize). Cell oxygenation increases available oxygen, and
deters degeneration, disease and aging. The Vitamin C in
lemons particularly protects water-soluble areas of the body.

Digestive Aid

The acidity of lemons is far less than the hydrochloric acid of

the stomach and has actually been found to help heal ulcers
and assist in the digestion process. Intolerance to lemons is
very rare. Lemons stimulate bile flow and increase the
digestibility of food and nutrients. In particular, it increases
the assimilation of calcium.

Heart and Circulation

Lemon juice helps to fluidify dense and badly-circulating

blood without preventing coagulation (as blood-thinners do).
Lemon juice helps to reduce high blood pressure and tones
the heart. It stimulates the breakdown of flakes and plaque
found in hardened arteries, and helps distended veins and
fragile blood vessels to cleanse and heal.
Lemon juice helps prevent chilblains (swelling and congestion
of the skin due to cold weather, often associated with burning
and itching) seen most often on the front of the legs. Lemon
juice can also strengthen the sensitive skin of the feet.

and Remedies

Use freshly squeezed lemons whenever possible. Do not

substitute with concentrated lemon juice products that have
added preservatives and other chemicals.
Lemon Water:
A good way to take lemons is with water (half a lemon in four
to eight ounces of warm water). Drink first thing in the
morning. Drink during the day between meals or with a little
hot water, before, during, or after meals. Try it to alleviate
pain anywhere in the body, especially if your lower back
Lemon water may be taken from two to six times a day for a

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period of months or even several years. It is not advisable to

go overboard. Begin with one or even a half lemon a day
until the body is acclimated. Increase by one or a half lemon
every two or three days. For arthritis or rheumatism, it may
be necessary to take up to eight or ten lemons a day. After
arriving at the limit permitted, it is important to taper off (at the
same rhythm) until maintaining a consumption of only two to
four lemons a day.
Just add a natural sweetener to your lemon water, such as
agave, raw honey, xylitol, stevia or raw sugar, to make a
wonderful lemonade drink.
Garlic Shooter: (see GARLIC preparations)
Gall Stone Cleanse: (see OLIVE OIL preparations)

Massage and strengthen the gums with the inside part of a

lemon peel. Use the inside part of a lemon rind for healing
hand or facial skin problems. Rub sores with lemon juice. It
stings a little, but is highly beneficial.

Nasal Douche

A few lemon drops in the nose can relieve a migraine

headache. For amazing healing of infections of all kinds,
pure lemon juice can be dropped into each nostril (about a
half-dropperful). It will smart with a healing sting. Mucus will
immediately accumulate in the mouth. Spit it out rather than
swallow. This will continue for 15 minutes or more,
depending on how much mucus needs to be expelled. This
therapy may be repeated as necessary. Take at least 15minute breaks between lemon applications to the nasal

Lemon Vapor

Inhaling lemon juice vapor by using a vaporizer or humidifier,

accelerates the healing of the lungs and respiratory tract.
Use 50-80 drops of fresh, well strained lemon juice. Breathe
in deeply and hold each inhalation in the lungs for several
seconds. This may cause coughing, as viruses are loosened
and water vapors activate the coughing reflex. Be sure to
spit up diseased saliva. In general, use up to 20-30
inhalations every 4-8 hours.

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Olive Oil
By definition, virgin olive oil is made from high-quality olives by a simple pressing method.
Extra virgin olive oil is made from the best quality olives with the least amount of
processing. The olive quality standards (but not the pressing method) for virgin olive oils
were reduced in the last decade, so an extra virgin olive oil today equals the virgin olive
oil of the past. Olive oil that has been processed and refined, falls into the same nutrientdeficient category as other refined oils.

Influence on the Body

Blood and
Circulatory System
Blood Sugar
Body System
Digestive Tract
First Aid

Skin, Tissues & Hair

Arteriosclerosis Cholesterol Balance Lowers Blood

Pressure Heart
Cancer protection

Digestion Intestinal Lubricant Laxative

Bruising Cellular Regeneration and Repair

Liver Gall Bladder Cleanse Cholagogue (promotes bile
Dry Skin
Key Properties:

Lubricates intestines, arteries, skin, tissues, organs, cell membranes

Provides antioxidant protection against aging and degradation of structures
Types of Olive Oil

In general, olive oil is extracted by crushing or pressing

olives. Olive oil comes in different grades of quality,
depending on the type of olives used and the amount of
processing involved.

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The most common varieties of olive oils include:

Extra Virgin Olive Oil- is considered to be the finest quality.
This oil comes from the first olive pressing of the highest
quality olives and retains the most nutrients.
Virgin Olive Oil- comes from the second olive pressing and
includes some nutrient loss.
Pure Olive Oil- undergoes some processing, such as
filtering and refining.
Extra Light Olive Oil- goes through considerable processing
and retains only a mild olive flavor.

Key Components:

(including, but not limited to)

Beta-carotene (pre-Vitamin A element) Choline (member of

the Vitamin B complex, a fatty constituent) Vitamins E K

Iron Potassium Sodium

Fatty Acids Phytosterols Chlorophyll Squalene

Oleocanthal Polyphenols (powerful antioxidant)

Chlorophyll is a photosynthetic pigment found in plants. The

greener the color of the oil, the more chlorophyll is present. It
contains many nutrients and promotes the healing of skin
conditions and wounds. Squalene helps protect the heart
and soothes and maintains youthful skin. Phytosterols help
reduce cholesterol.
Beta-carotenes, Vitamin E and polyphenols are all
antioxidants that help counteract the negative effects of
environmental pollutants and junk food that react with and
damage the body at the cellular level. Antioxidants neutralize
free radical damage and repair cell membranes.
The polyphenols and oleocanthal found in extra virgin olive oil
are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Oleocanthal
is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory that functions in much the
same way as aspirin. It is a non-selective inhibitor of
cyclooxygenage (COX) that reduces inflammation and pain.
The Mediterranean Diet, which uses olive oil as its principle
source of dietary fat has been studied by nutritionists for its
unique health advantages. It was initially noted that the
people of Crete lived significantly long lives and had lower

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rates of stroke, heart disease, stomach- and other cancers.

Researchers believe these health benefits can be attributed,
at least in part, to the rich use of olive oil. Other healthpromoting factors of the diet include increased vegetable
intake and a limited use of meat and dairy products.
Hearl and Circulation

Olive oil contains heart-friendly fats that help raise HDL (highdensity lipoproteins, the 'good cholesterol') and lower
triglyceride levels in the blood. It also helps keep the arteries
supple and healthy. Studies now indicate that extra virgin
olive oil may help to lower blood pressure. Patients were able
to reduce or eliminate the need for medications when olive oil
was taken on a regular basis.


Olive oil helps to moderate blood sugar levels and lowers the
risk of diabetes onset.


Components in olive oil assist the body in overcoming

memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer's disease in the
elderly. Alzheimer's is associated with clogged arteries
caused by cholesterol and saturated fat. Replacing other fats
in the diet with olive oil can protect both arteries and brain


Squalene is a natural organic compound found in shark liver

and some plants, including olives. It is used in cosmetics and
skin creams as a moisturizer. Squalene helps to regulate
sebum (produced by sebaceous glands in the skin and
secreted through the pores). Sebum forms a coating on the
skin that acts as a barrier, inhibits microorganisms from
growing and lubricates the skin and hair.


Additional Benefits
Digestive Tract

Studies at the University of Oxford have concluded that olive

oil may be as effective as fresh fruits and vegetables in the
prevention of colon cancer. A diet rich in olive oil has been
shown to reduce the incidence of colon, breast and skin
Olive Oil:
Is easy to digest.
Is an excellent natural laxative and of great benefit to the
intestines. It lubricates the mucous membranes and yet does
not seal them off, thus allowing for vital nutrient absorption in
the digestive tract.

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Liver and Gallbladder

Stimulates the secretion of hepatic (liver) and pancreatic

Very helpful in cases of gallstones and liver congestion.


Is nourishing to the skin.

Restores oils that heal dry skin.
Helps the skin retain health and vitality when applied
topically, and when used regularly in the diet.

and Remedies

Properly pressed olive oil is used medicinally both topically

and internally. Olive oil does not oxidize (turn rancid) very
easily and keeps well at room temperature. Humidity, light,
air, and heat are enemies of olive oil. For maximum
longevity, store olive oil in tightly closed containers, in a cool,
dark environment.

Liver Massage

Massaging the liver with olive oil accelerates its functions.

Proceed clockwise.

Gall Stone Cleanse

(from Velma Keith's The How to Herb Book)

Go on a three-day apple juice fast
At the end of the third day, drink three ounces lemon juice
mixed with three ounces olive oil, just before going to bed.
Sleep on the right side (propping up with pillows under the
hip) to help concentrate the remedy in the gall bladder area.
Take garlic enema (see Garlic Preparations) in the morning
of the fourth day. When present, green and black gallstones
will pass with subsequent bowel movements.

Itchy, Dry
Skin Remedy

Keep a small container of extra virgin olive oil in the shower

and refill regularly (light and heat lower the oil's effectiveness
over time). After a shower (but before drying off) pour a small
amount of the oil into the palm and rub it onto areas of the
skin that need to be moisturized. The oil blends with the
water left on the skin and spreads easily and evenly. Use
regularly if the condition warrants it. The oil will lubricate and
heal the skin and the healthy nutrients will be absorbed
through the skin and underlying tissue.

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Natural salt is an essential element in our food. Salt helps regulate the water content and
water flow in the body that is necessary for life. Salt and water are the major elements of
the environment of an unborn baby. Without salt, the imbalance of ion equilibrium in the
fluids of the body could cause cells to burst, muscle spasms, brain damage and eventual
The overuse of refined table salt has led to serious health complications. Unfortunately,
health professionals condemn salt without acknowledging the culprit as being refined
table salt, nor do they realize the difference pure, unprocessed salt makes, with its
attendant healing properties. We will discuss the health benefits of two types of sea salt,
1) Himalayan crystal salt (from an ancient, primal sea), and 2) Sea salt.

Influence on the Body

Blood and
Circulatory System
Body System
First Aid

Infections and
Immune System
Lungs and
Respiratory System
Mouth, Nose & Throat
Nervous System
Reproductive System


Cleansing Detoxification Metabolism

Injury Bruise Infection Antiseptic
Cellular Regeneration


Draws out Toxins

Glandular Disorders
Allergies Anti-bacterial


Inflammation Joint Inflammation


Asthma Respiratory Infections

Mouth and Gum Irritations Sinus Congestion

Muscle Inflammation

Sore Throat

Muscle Aches Muscle Relaxation

Soothes Nerves
Relieves Pain
Female: Menstruation Regulation


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Skin, Tissues & Hair

Other Uses

Skin Hydration Moisture Retention Skin Cleansing

Skin Scaling Skin Itching Irritated Skin
Air Purification


Electro-Smog Neutralization

Key Properties:


Kev Components:

Relieves Pain


(including, but not limited to)

All known Minerals (including Sodium and Chloride which we

recognize as the salty taste)
We will compare three types of salts. The first two are
beneficial and have healing qualities:
1) Himalayan crystal salt
2) Sea salt
3) Refined table salt (sodium-chloride)
Himalayan Crystal Salt

100% pure Himalayan crystal salt contains all known mineral

elements needed by the body. The balanced crystalline
structure releases vital energetic effects on the body which
result in unique healing properties. Salt baths, salt lamps,
salt inhalation and direct physical contact with salt blocks
have been known to cleanse, stimulate circulation, increase
moisture retention, promote cellular regeneration, hydrate the
skin, detoxify the skin, heal dry, scaling, itching, irritated skin,
reduce inflammation of muscles and joints, relax muscles and
relieve pain and soreness. When heated, salt purifies the air.
Himalayan crystal salt is mined in the Himalayan Mountains
in Pakistan. The energy of the sun dried up a long-ago primal
sea, leaving salt and minerals that were then exposed to
years of enormous pressure. Crystal salt floated in
transparent, whitish, pink or red, shiny veins in the salt
mountain and crystallized in areas where sufficient pressure
was available. In this crystal salt, mined in the Himalayas,
the elements are available in such tiny particles that-they can
be easily absorbed and metabolized by human cells.
Himalayan crystal salt has a balanced crystalline structure

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with fine branching, and smooth edges. The crystal is

connected to the inherent mineral elements in a harmonious
state. Each crystal is full of life and has unique healing
Sea Salt

Ocean sea salt is not white and it is not dry. It is a little gray
with minerals and feels damp in humidity. The chemical and
mineral composition of our blood and saline fluids (in and
around each cell) have an amazing similarity to that of sea
water. Sea water contains over 80 known mineral elements
found in nearly the same proportions to that found in humans
and animals. Natural sea salt neutralizes toxins and
detrimental bacteria, enhances all organic functions and
helps to maintain life.
Even a small loss of ion equilibrium causes cells to burst,
nervous disorders, brain damage, muscle spasms and the
breakdown of cell-regeneration and growth, and results in
eventual death. However, not all sea salts are equal.
Roughly 80% of the sea salt available on the market today is
refined to some extent. White sea salt has been altered.
Read labels carefully and look for the off-white, nutrient-rich,
pure sea salt when purchasing for personal and therapeutic
Sea salt crystals are irregular in shape, with some isolation of
crystalline structure disconnected from the natural elements
surrounding them. Assimilation of nutrients and energy
release in the body are possible, but not quite as readily as
with Himalayan crystal salt.

Refined Table Salt

Sodium Chloride

The most common salt consumed in the United States today

is table salt. It is typically a highly refined sea salt that has
been stripped of most of the natural occurring minerals,
leaving only sodium and chloride. The refinement process of
table salt involves heat, bleach, and usually includes the
addition of iodine, iodine stabilizers, and chemicals to prevent
water absorption (for prevention of clumping in the box and
free-flow from the salt shaker). The chemicals which prevent
the salt from absorbing water while in the box, also prevent it
from being properly absorbed and processed in the body.
By using refined, white, table salt, indigestible salt crystals

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begin to build up in the body. Seeking missing nutrients, the

body actually craves more salt. Most people consume more
empty sodium-chloride, multiplying the problem and resulting
in more deposits of unhealthy crystals throughout the body.
These crystals can reside in joints (arthritis), kidneys (kidney
stones, swollen tissues), veins, arteries (arteriosclerosis,
hypertension), the lymph system, glandular systems, sexual
organs, and even the brain (strokes). This eventually leads to
brittleness in these areas, loss of proper function,
inflammation, edema, pain, and impairment of the body's
over-all vitality.
I highly recommend against the use of common table
salt. It is primarily responsible for the negative side effects
attributed to salt, now reported by doctors and media.
The unnatural crystals of common table salt are totally
isolated from each other and are dead. The body must use
tremendous amounts of energy to metabolize these crystals,
with very little results, leaving salt deposits in the body.
Additional Benefits

Pure, Unrefined Salt:

Attracts and absorbs unhealthy wastes and toxins for
Has healing and antiseptic properties


Cleanses and heals the respiratory tract when salt water

or its steam is inhaled

Baths of heated salt water and prepared seaweed are used

to remedy glandular disorders
Has natural iodine that enriches the thyroid without the
negative side effects of synthetic or isolated iodine


Has bromide, which soothes the nerves without weakening

the nervous system


Regulates menstruation and relieves symptoms of PMS

(pre-menstrual synd rome)


Always use unrefined, pure salt for cooking and eating. Do

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and Remedies

not use common table salt.


Add a teaspoon salt to a glass of hot water (to tolerance) and

gargle three times a day for mouth and throat irritations.

Glandular Tonic

Make thin poultice strips with seaweed and sea salt for
glandular disorders. Apply directly to swollen glands, or soak
in a warm bath with strips of sea kelp and sea salt.

Salt Water Drink

A healthy tonic that has been sold for up to $50 a bottle in

some places, consists of adding Himalayan salt rocks to pure
water and leaving for 24 hours to dissolve and saturate the
water. If salt crystals remain, the water is fully saturated, and
you can use less salt next time. Drink 1 teaspoon a day of
the salt-saturated water for cleansing, healing and energizing

Inhalation and Vapors

Dissolve Himalayan salt crystals in water and inhale it

through the nose. You may do this by:

Breathing in the salt water through the nose, directly

from the container.

Using an inhaler device or water-pik appliance. Nasal

attachments may be purchased at medical supply

Inhaling steam vapors of boiling salt water. Breathe in

deeply and fill the lungs with the healing mist.

Daily inhalation for several minutes can speed respiratory

illness recovery, ease breathing, and relieve congested air
passages and sinuses affected by smoke-filled or polluted air,
allergies, hay fever, colds, flu, asthma, or other irritants.
Salt Blocks

Salt Lamps
The low-level heat of Himalayan crystal salt lamps accelerate
healing, and help neutralize electro-smog that is common in
our world of cell phones, television, and computer use,
electrical lines, and other environmental technology.
Salt Block
Place feet on a salt block or use a smaller block of salt to rub
an area of discomfort, help draw out toxins, or relieve the pain
and congestion of arthritis, injury, sinus, and infection. Feet
may sweat after 10-15 minutes on a salt block. Wear a thin
sock, or wipe off the block (and the feet) with a damp cloth or
natural antiseptic wipe. Periodically revitalize your salt block
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by placing it in direct sunlight for an hour.

Salt Bath
Place a handful of Himalayan salt rock under running hot
bath water. Soak for 20-30 minutes to pull out infection,
toxins and the pain of muscle aches and sore joints, and to
heal and cleanse skin conditions and diseases.
Detox Bath
Take a detox bath for body aches, sore muscles, cleansing,
and losing weight.
1 part Himalayan Salt
1 part Clay
1 part Ginger powder
Use 1/2 cup of the detox bath mixture in a hot water bath.
Rub skin vigorously with a wash cloth or Luffa every 10
minutes. Try to stay in the bath for 30 minutes. Rinse off in a
shower when finished.

2011 History of Herbs Institute





Abehsera, Michel, The Healing Clay

Bergner, Paul, The Healing Power of Minerals, Special Nutrients, and Trace Elements.
Prima Publishing (1997)
Block, Polly, Obstetrics for the Home. Homespun Publishers (1984)
Bosshardt, Neal E., We Eat Clay (And Wear it, too) (2003)
Bragg, Paul C., N.D., Ph.D. and Patricia Bragg, N.D., Ph.D., Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar
Miracle Health System with the Bragg Healthy Lifestyle. Santa Barbara,
California: Health Science
Burroughs, Stanley and Alisa Burroughs, The Master Cleanser (1993) revised edition
Castleman, Michael, Nature's Cures. Emmaus, PA, Rodale Press, Inc. (1996)
Cech, Richo, Making Plant Medicine. Williams, Oregon: Horizon Herbs Publication
Christopher, Dr. John R., School of Natural Health. Provo, Utah: BiWorld Publishers, Inc.
(1978) and 20th Revised and Expanded Anniversary Edition, Springville, Utah:
Christopher Publications, Inc. (1996)
Complete German Commission E Monographs, Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines.
Boston, Massachusetts (1998)
de Langre, Dr. Jacques, Seasa/t's Hidden Powers
Dextreit, Raymond, Our Earth Our Cure.
Foster, Steven and Rebecca L. Johnson, Desk Reference to Nature's Medicine.
Washington, D.C.: National Geographic (2006)
Foster, Steven, 101 Medicinal Herbs, An l!Iustrated Guide. Loveland, Colorado:
Interweave Press, Inc. (1998) - also see:
Hamilton, Rowan, M.N.I.M.H. and Arnold Fox, M.D., Discover the Power of Aged Garlic
Extract. Laguna Hills, California: Global Health Society (1999)
Harris, Angela, Top 40 Herbs of North America.

Las Vegas, NV (2010)

Harris, Angela, see:

Hellmiss, Margot, Natural Healing with Cider Vinegar
Hendel, Dr. Barbara, MD and Biophysicist and Peter Ferreira, Water & Salt, The
Essence of Life
Herbalgram web site, see:
Horizon Herbs, LLC, Williams, OR. (Certified organic seeds and plant starts) (2009)
Bibliography - 52

Keith, Velma J. and Monteen Gordon, The How To Herb Book. Pleasant Grove, Utah:
Mayfield Publications (1996)
Lau, Dr. Benjamin, M.D., Ph,D., Garlic and You: The Modern Medicine. Canada: Apple
Publishing Company Ltd. (1997)
Mindell, Dr. Earl, Garlic, The Miracle Nutrient.
National Geographic Society, Nature's Healing Arts from Folk Medicine to Modern
Drugs. (1977)
Nature's Miracle Healing Medicine, Garlic Can Cure or Prevent Many Serious Illnesses.
Woodbridge, NJ: Globe Communications Corp. (1984)
PDR (Physician's Desk Reference) for Herbal Medicines. Montvale, New Jersey:
Medical Economics Company, Inc. (1998)
PDR for Herbal Medicines, Third Edition. Mantvale, NJ: Thomson PDR (2004)
Quest-Ritson, Charles for OK Eyewitness Companions, Olive Oil
Ritchason, Jack, N.D., The Little Herb Encyclopedia. Pleasant Grove, Utah: Woodland
Health Books (1995)
Salts that Heal and Salts that Kill, see:
Santillo, Humbart, N.D., Natural Healing with Herbs. Prescott, AZ: Hohm Press (1993)
Scott, Cyril, Dr. Lust Speaking ... Cider Vinegar
Trudeau, Kevin, Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You to Know About. Elk Grove Village,
IL: Alliance Publishing Group, Inc. (2004)
USDA U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, see for nutrient composition of foods
Wilen, Joan and Lydia Wilen, Chicken Soup and Other Folk Remedies, Revised Edition.
New York: Ballantine Publishing Group (2000)
Wilen, Joan and Lydia Wilen, Garlic, Nature's Super Healer.
Wilen, Joan and Lydia Wilen, Healing Remedies. New York: Ballantine Books (2008)
Wilen, Joan and Lydia Wilen, More Chicken Soup and Other Folk Remedies, Revised
Edition. New York: Ballantine Publishing Group (2000)

Bibliography - 53

Lists found within the Index:
Preparations and Remedies - Where to find
formulas, recipes, and herbal preparations
Also see 'SOMEREMEDIES:'listed throughout
the Index, for treatments used successfully and
where they are found in the book
Other Uses - Common, non-medicinal uses of
the 7 Healers, and where to find them

Bleeding - Hemorrhage:
14; Clay 16

Cayenne 4,7-8, 10-

Cayenne Extract: Cayenne 11-13
Builder - Anemia: Clay 16, 18; Garlic 21;
Lemon 39-40
Clay Water: Clay 18-19
Cleanser - Purifier - Alterative: Cayenne 4;
Clay 16, 18; Garlic 21,28,30; Lemon 40;
Vinegar 1-2


- Boils:

Clay 17; Garlic 22

Cayenne 4, 10

Allergies - Hay Fever: Cayenne 5; Clay 16-17;

Garlic 22, 27; Lemon 39; Salt 46; Vinegar 1
Clay Water: Clay 19
Garlic Enema: Garlic 26, 36-37
Salt Inhaler: Salt 50
Antioxidant see Body as a Whole System,
Garlic 26
Garlic Enema: Garlic 26, 36-37
Arthritis - Rheumatism:
Cayenne 5-6, 9-1113; Clay 16; Garlic 22, 28; Lemon 39-40;
Salt 46; Vinegar 1-2
Arthritic Rub: Garlic 33
Cayenne Fomentation: Cayenne 12
Cayenne Spray: Cayenne 12-13
Easy Cayenne Cream: Cayenne 11, 13
Garlic Oil: Garlic 34-35
Lemon Water: Lemon 40-41
Salt Block: Salt 50
Asthma: Cayenne 5; Clay 16; Garlic 22, 24, 2728; Lemon 39; Salt 46; Vinegar 1, 3
SOMEREMEDIES: Salt Inhaler: Salt 50

Clay Water: Clay 18-19
Disorders - Diseases:

Garlic 28

SOMEREMEDIES: Garlic Water: Garlic

Poisoning: Garlic 21
Thinner - Clotting: Cayenne 4; Garlic 23, 28,
Blood Vessels: Garlic 23,28-29;
Olive Oil 44

Lemon 40;

Blood Pressure - Hypertension (high) Hypotension (low): Cayenne 4, 8; Clay

16; Garlic 21,27,29,33;
Lemon 40;
Olive Oil 42, 44
Cholesterol - Plaque - Arteriosclerosis Atherosclerosis: Cayenne 4, 8; Clay 16,
18; Garlic 21, 24, 27, 29-30; Lemon 40;
Olive Oil 42-44; Vinegar 1-2
Clay Water: Clay 18-19
Dilation: Cayenne 8; Garlic 29
Inflammation - Phlebitis:

Cayenne 4

Varicose Veins - Vein Elasticity:

8; Clay 16; Vinegar 1

Cayenne 4,

Index - 54

Nutrient Deficient:

Body as a Whole System

Acidity - Alkalosis - pH Balance:
Lemon 39; Vinegar 3

Clay 16;

Clay 18; Garlic 30;

Catnip and Garlic Enema: Garlic 36-37
Clay Water: Clay 18-19
Cleansing - Detoxification - Odor: Cayenne 5,
9, 13; Clay 16-18; Garlic 22-23, 28;
Lemon 39; Salt 46-49; Vinegar 1-3
Clay Water: Clay 18-19
Detox Bath: Salt 51
Salt Bath: Salt 51
Salt Block: Salt 50
Salt Water Drink: Salt 50

Olive Oil 44

Dementia - Alzheimer's:

Olive Oil 44

Mental Clarity -Memory: Olive Oil 44;Vinegar 1

Bronchitis - Bronchial Congestion:
5; Clay 16; Garlic 22, 27; Lemon 39
SOME REMEDIES: Garlic Poultice:

Garlic 36

Cayenne 11

Cayenne Cream: Cayenne 11
Cancer: Cayenne 10; Garlic 21, 23, 27, 31;
Olive Oil 42, 44
Tumors: Cayenne 4; Clay 16; Garlic 21,31
Catalyst (enhances

Dizziness - Vertigo: Vinegar 1

Edema - Fluid Retention - Swelling: Clay 16
Energy - Tonic - Endurance - Stimulant Warming: Cayenne 4,6,8-9, 13; Clay
17-18; Garlic 21,23,26,30


see Female

Childhood Diseases:

Garlic 22

Diaper Rash: Clay 17


Cayenne 5; Garlic 22
Garlic 22

Cleansing - Detoxification
Whole System
Cayenne 4;

Mucus - Decongestant - Anticatarrhal:

Cayenne 5; Garlic 21-23
Catnip and Garlic Enema: Garlic 36-37
Garlic Enema: Garlic 36-37

see Body as a

Colds - Flu: Cayenne 5,10,13; Garlic 22,24,

27; Lemon 39; Salt 46; Vinegar 3
Cayenne capsules: Cayenne 13
Garlic Water: Garlic 34
Salt Inhaler: Salt 50

Growth - Metabolism - Healing: Salt 46-49

Salt Lamp: Salt 50
Salt Water Drink: Salt 50

Cayenne 4-5,



Clay Water: Clay 18-19
Daily Tonic: Vinegar 3
Salt Water Drink: Salt 50
Fatigue - Lethargy - Weakness:
Clay 16; Vinegar 1

Clay 16


Anti-aging - Antioxidant - Degenerative

Conditions: Garlic 21, 23, 29-30; Lemon
39-40; Olive Oil 42-43; Vinegar 1
Anti-stress - Relaxation:
Salt 46


Clay 16


- Laxative see Digestive Tract

Coughs: Cayenne 5, 13; Garlic 22, 24, 27;

Vinegar 1
Cough Syrup: Cayenne 14

Clay 16

Night Sweats: Vinegar 1

Index - 55



Vinegar 2

Diabetes - Hyperglycemia: Cayenne 4; Clay

16; Garlic 21, 30; Olive Oil 42, 44

Parasites - Worms: Clay 16; Garlic 22-24,2728; Lemon 39

Catnip and Garlic Enema: Garlic 36-37
Garlic Enema: Garlic 34, 36-37

Diarrhea see Digestive Tract

Digestive Tract: Cayenne 5
Appetite Improvement - Aromatic:
6, 9

Cayenne 5-

Constipation - Sluggish Bowels - Laxative Increased Peristalsis Movement:

Cayenne 9; Clay 16; Garlic 28; Olive Oil
42, 44; Vinegar 1

Ulcers: Cayenne 5-6, 8-9, 14; Clay 16; Garlic

21,27; Lemon 39-40
Garlic Oil: Garlic 34-35

Cayenne 5

Diuretic see Urinary Tract

Digestive Tract (continued)

Cramps - Spasms - Griping: Garlic 21,28
Catnip and Garlic Enema: Garlic 36-37
Garlic Enema: Garlic 36-37

Cayenne 10; Garlic 22; Vinegar 1

Digestion - Indigestion - Disorders - Tonic:

Cayenne 5-6; Clay 18; Garlic 21, 23, 28;
Lemon 39; Olive Oil 42, 44; Vinegar 2-3
Clay Water: Clay 18-19
Food Poisoning:

Ears - Earache - Infection:

Lemon 39; Vinegar 1

Clay 16; Garlic 22;

Ears (continued)
Garlic Oil: Garlic 34-35

Cayenne 5; Garlic 22, 30


Garlic 22-23, 27

Eyes: Cayenne 5; Clay 16; Garlic 22

Vinegar 1

Gas - Colic - Carminative:

Garlic 22-23, 28

Cayenne 5-6, 9;

Heartburn - Acid Reflux - Hiatal Hernia: Garlic

21; Vinegar 1-3
Acid Reflux Aid: Vinegar 3

Clay 16; Garlic 28

SOME REMEDIES:Garlic 28, 33

Infections - Diseases:

Garlic 22, 34

Garlic Enema: Garlic 36-37
Inflammation - Gastritis - Colitis - Dysentery Diverticulitis: Clay 16, 18; Garlic 22, 24
Clay Water: Clay 18-19
Garlic Oil: Garlic 34-35
Nutrient Absorption:

Cayenne 8-9; Lemon 40;

Feet: Clay 16; Lemon 40
Athlete's Foot: Garlic 22
Garlic Oil: Garlic 34-35
Burning Feet: Cayenne 7, 13
Flat Feet: Clay 16

Cayenne 14; Clay 17

Fibrous Tumors: Clay 17

Menstruation - Irregularities - PMS - Cramps:
Cayenne 5; Clay 17; Garlic 23,27; Salt
46, 49; Vinegar 3
Fevers - Antipyretic (reduces fevers):
Cayenne 5; Clay 16; Garlic 22, 24; Lemon

Index - 56

Catnip and Garlic Enema: Garlic 36-37
Garlic Enema: Garlic 26, 36-37
Garlic Water: Garlic 34
Salt Inhaler: Salt 50
First Aid - Emergency Conditions

Bruises - Sores - Septic - Ulcers: Cayenne 5,

12; Clay 16; Garlic 22; Olive Oil 42; Salt
Cayenne Fomentation: Cayenne 12
Lemon Juice Rub: Lemon 41
Cayenne 5; Clay

Sunburn Wash: Vinegar 3
Cell Proliferate - Tissue Repair: Cayenne 5,
8-10; Clay 17-18; Garlic 27; Olive Oil 42;
Salt 46-47
First Aid, Cell Proliferate


Clay Water: Clay 18-19


Cayenne Fomentation: Cayenne 12
Cayenne Powder: Cayenne 7, 10-11
Healing Poultice: Cayenne 12

Poisons - Metals - Toxins - Pollution:

28; Olive Oil 43


Salt Inhaler: Salt 50
Shock: Cayenne 5, 8, 11-12
Cayenne Extract: Cayenne 11-12
Cayenne Powder: Cayenne 11
Sprain - Strain - Swelling: Cayenne 5, 11-12;
Clay 18
Cayenne Extract: Cayenne 11-12
Cayenne Liniment Rub: Cayenne 12
Clay Poultice: Clay 18, 20
Garlic Oil: Garlic 34-35
Gallbladder - Gallstones: Clay 16; Garlic 22;
Olive Oil 42, 45; Vinegar 1

Glands - Endocrine System:


Garlic 22; Salt

Glands (continued)
Glandular Tonic: Salt 50
Gout: Cayenne 6; Lemon 40; Vinegar 1


Clay Poultice: Clay 18, 20
Frostbite - Hypothermia:

Cayenne 4

Gall Stone Cleanse: Olive Oil 45

Cuts - Wounds: Cayenne 5, 7-8, 10-12; Clay

16-17; Garlic 22, 25, 27; Olive Oil 43;
Salt 46; Vinegar 1

Drawing - Extraction - Absorption:

10; Clay 16,18; Salt 46


Poisonous Bites: Garlic 22-23

Antiseptic - Disinfectant: Cayenne 5-6, 10-11;

Garlic 22, 24-25, 27; Lemon 39; Salt 4647,49; Vinegar 2

Burns - Scalds - Sunburns:

16; Vinegar 1, 3

SOME REMEDIES: Garlic 22 31

Clay Poultice: Clay 18, 20

Cayenne 5, 9, 11

Cayenne Powder: Cayenne 9,11
Insect Bites - Stings: Cayenne 5; Clay 16;
Garlic 22, 31; Vinegar 1

Hair - Growth - Loss: Vinegar 1
Headaches: Cayenne 5, 11; Clay 17; Garlic 22,
30; Vinegar 1
Cayenne Powder: Cayenne 11
Nasal Douche: Lemon 41
Heart: Cayenne 4,6,8,13;

Clay 16; Garlic 21,

Index - 57

23, 28; Lemon 40; Olive Oil 42-44

Vaginal Douche: Garlic 36

Cardiac Stimulant - Tonic: Cayenne 4, 8


Daily Tonic: Cayenne 13

Circulation - Disorders: Cayenne 4, 6, 11-13;
Garlic 21,23,28-29;
Salt 46-47
Edema - Dropsy - Water Retention:

Mold: Vinegar 3
Inflammation - Anti-Inflammatory (see also
Arthritis; Joints; Rheumatism): Cayenne 5,
10, 12; Clay 16, 18, 20; Garlic 28; Olive Oil
42-43; Salt 46-47

Garlic 21

Cayenne Fomentation: Cayenne 12

Cayenne Liniment Rub: Cayenne 12
Clay Poultice: Clay 18, 20
Healing Poultice: Cayenne 12

Heart Attack - Heart Disease: Cayenne 4, 8,

11-12; Garlic 30; Olive Oil43

Cayenne Extract: Cayenne 11-12

Cayenne Powder: Cayenne 11
Heart Beat - Regularity - Palpitations:
Cayenne 4,8; Garlic 21

Joints -Inflamed: Cayenne 10, 13; Lemon 40;
Salt 46-47; Vinegar 1-2

Hemorrhoids see Digestive Tract


Hiccups: Vinegar 1

Cayenne Spray: Cayenne 12-13

Clay Poultice: Clay 18, 20
Salt Bath: Salt 51

Hemorrhage see Blood, Bleeding


Garlic 21,30

Immune System - Stimulant:
27; Lemon 39

Garlic 22-23, 26-

Vitamins and Co-Factors

Infections - Diseases - Anti-bacterial - Antiviral - Anti-fungal (see also Cholera;

Diphtheria; Fever; Leprosy; Malaria;
Rabies; Ringworm; Small Pox; Spinal
Meningitis; Tetanus; Typhoid Fever;
Whooping Cough): Cayenne 5; Clay 18;
Garlic 27,31-33; Salt 46,48

Catnip and Garlic Enema: Garlic 36-37

Clay Water: Clay 18-19
Garlic Enema: Garlic 26, 36-37
Infections (continued)


A: Cayenne 7; Garlic 26; Lemon 39

Carotenes (easily transform in the body to
Vitamin A): Cayenne 7; Olive Oil 43
Lutein (yellow carotenoid pigment):Cayenne

B1 (thiamine): Cayenne 7; Garlic 26,30-31;

Lemon 39

B2 (riboflavin): Cayenne 7; Garlic 26; Lemon

B3 (niacin): Cayenne 7; Garlic 26; Lemon 39
B5 (pantothenic acid): Cayenne 7; Garlic 26;
Lemon 39
B6 (pyridoxine): Cayenne 7; Garlic 26, 28;
Lemon 39

Garlic Oil: Garlic 34-35

Nasal Douche: Lemon 41
Salt Bath: Salt 51
Salt Block: Salt 50
Candida (yeast-like fungal infection):
22, 27; Vinegar 1


B9 (folic acid): Cayenne 7; Garlic 26

B12 (cobalamin):

Cayenne 7

Key Components, Vitamins


B Complex: Olive Oil 43

Index - 58


Biotin (part of the B-complex, essential to the
metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins,
and fats): Cayenne 7
Choline (recently recognized as an essential
nutrient of the diet, a member of the Bcomplex, is a component of the fatty
constituent lecithin and the
neurotransmitter acetylcholine):
Cayenne 7; Garlic 26; Olive Oil 43


Sodium: Garlic 26; Lemon 39; Olive Oil 43;

Vinegar 2
Key Components, Minerals

Sulfur: Cayenne 7; Garlic 26

Allicin: Garlic 26, 28-31

Olive Oil 43
Clay 18; Garlic 26; Vinegar 2

Fatty Acids: Olive Oil 43


Olive Oil 43

Phytosterols: Cayenne 7; Lemon 39; Olive Oil

Polyphenols (powerful antioxidant): Olive Oil

Bioflavonoids (substances that are often found

with Vitamin C and are known to improve
life): Cayenne 7

Protein: Garlic 26

E: Cayenne 7; Garlic 26, 28-29; Olive Oil 43

K: Cayenne 7; Garlic 26; Olive Oil 43


Olive Oil 43-44

Clay 18; Salt 47-48

Aluminum, Organic: Garlic 26

Salt 49

Calcium: Cayenne 7; Garlic 26; Lemon 39;

Olive Oil 43; Vinegar 2

Cayenne 6-7, 10


PABA (Para-Amino Benzoic Acid, a member of

the B-complex family, it is one of the
basic parts of folic acid): Cayenne 7
C (ascorbic acid): Cayenne 7, 10; Garlic 26,
28-29,31; Lemon 39-40



Zinc: Garlic 26; Lemon 39; Vinegar 2

Inositol (part of the B-complex, a component

of the outer linings of all cells, particularly
the heart and brain): Cayenne 7


Garlic 26, 28-29, 31; Vinegar 2

Garlic 26

Copper: Garlic 26; Lemon 39; Vinegar 2


Garlic 26,31

Iodine: Salt 49
Iron: Cayenne 7; Garlic 26; Lemon 39; Olive
Oil 43; Vinegar 2
Magnesium: Cayenne 7; Garlic 26; Lemon 39;
Vinegar 2

Garlic 26, 28; Vinegar 2

Phosphorous: Cayenne 7; Garlic 26; Lemon

39; Vinegar 2
Potassium: Cayenne 7; Garlic 26; Lemon 39;
Olive Oil 43; Vinegar 2

Kidneys see Urinary Tract


Garlic 22

Liver: Clay 16; Garlic 22, 28; Olive Oil 42, 45

Bile Flow - Cholagogue:
Olive Oil42

Garlic 22; Lemon 40;

Cayenne 5


Lungs - Respiratory (see also Asthma;
Bronchitis; Coughs; Expectorant; Mucus Decongestant; Sinus - Congestion): Clay
16; Garlic 22-24, 27; Lemon 39
Lemon Vapor: Lemon 41
Salt Inhaler: Salt 50

Cayenne 5, 12; Garlic 22


Index - 59

Cayenne Liniment Rub: Cayenne 12
Disease - Pleurisy - Emphysema - Pneumonia
- Tuberculosis: Cayenne 5, 12; Garlic 22,
24, 27; Lemon 39
Cayenne Fomentation: Cayenne 12
Garlic Water: Garlic 34

Nose - Congestion
Vinegar 1

- Discharge:

Garlic 22;

Other Uses
Air Purification:

Salt 47

Baby Powder: Clay 17

Bricks - Ceramics - Pottery: Clay 17


Drain Deodorizer:

Cayenne 5


Salt Lamp: Salt 50
Other Uses (continued)

Prostate Gland Health: Garlic 23

Tonic: Cayenne 5

see Female

Mouth - Gum Infections

Vinegar 1,3

Lemon 39

Electro-Smog Neutralization

Herb Vinegars: Vinegar 2

- Diseases:

Salt 46;

House Cleanser:

Lemon 39; Vinegar 2

Insecticide - Insect Repel/ant: Garlic 23, 31

Gargle/ Mouthwash: Cayenne 5; Vinegar 3
Lemon Peel Rub: Lemon 41
Salt Water Gargle: Salt 50


Garlic Spray for the Garden: Garlic 37
Laundry Stains: Lemon 39

Mucus - Decongestant - Anticatarrhal see

Body as a Whole System; Expectorant;
Sinus, Congestion

Massage Liniment: Vinegar 2

Muscles - Sore - Cramps - Twitch: Cayenne

11, 13; Garlic 22-23; Salt 46-47; Vinegar 1

Water Filter: Clay 17-18

Cayenne Spray: Cayenne 12-13
Detox Bath: Salt 51
Easy Cayenne Cream: Cayenne 11, 13
Garlic Oil: Garlic 34-35
Salt Bath: Salt 51
Nervous System - Nerves (see also Brain;
Epilepsy): Cayenne 6, 8; Clay 17; Garlic
23, 30; Salt 46, 49
Circulation - Stimulation:

Cayenne 8; Garlic


Clay 17

Tree Wound Pack - Transplant Aid: Clay 17

Pain Relief - Anodyne - Analgesic - Neuralgia
(see also Headaches): Cayenne 5-6, 1113; Clay 17-18; Garlic 22; Olive Oil 43; Salt
Catnip and Garlic Enema: Garlic 36-37
Cayenne Spray: Cayenne 12-13
Clay Poultice: Clay 18, 20
Detox Bath: Salt 51
Lemon Water: Lemon 40-41
Salt Bath: Salt 51
Salt Block: Salt 50

Cayenne 5-6; Garlic 22


Cayenne 5, 8; Garlic 30; Olive Oil 45

Parkinson's disease: Cayenne 5

Parasites - Worms see Digestive Tract

Senility: Cayenne 5


- Sweat - Diaphoretic


Index - 60






28; Vinegar 1

Cayenne 4, 8-9; Garlic 21,

Powder: Cayenne 10-13

Salves - Ointments - Creams: Cayenne 6-7,
Easy Cayenne Cream: Cayenne 13

Plague: Garlic 22
Poisons see First Aid

Syrups: Cayenne 7, 13; Vinegar 1

Cough Syrup: Cayenne 13
Sore Throat and Cough Syrup: Garlic 34

Pollution see First Aid, Poisons

Preparations and Remedies
Baths and Soaks: Clay 17; Salt 51;
Detox Bath: Salt 51
Nasal: Lemon 41
Vaginal: Garlic 36
Catnip and Garlic Enema: Garlic 36-37
Garlic Enema: Garlic 25, 36-37
Essential Oil: Cayenne 10; Garlic 32
Extracts - Tinctures:

Cayenne 12

Preparations and Remedies


Fomentations - Washes - Sprays:

Cayenne 12-13; Vinegar 3
Cayenne Spray: Cayenne 12-13
Fresh: Cayenne 7, 10-11; Garlic 28, 32-33;
Vinegar 3;
Gall Stone Cleanse: Olive Oil 45
Garlic Shooter: Garlic 25
Insect Repellant: Garlic 31
Lemon Water: Lemon 40-41
Lemonade: Lemon 41
Salt Blocks - Lamps: Salt 50
Gargles - Mouthwashes:
Vinegar 1,3

Teas - Infusions - Tonic Drink: Cayenne 12;

Clay 19; Garlic 34; Salt 50-51
Rabies: Garlic 22

Clay 16, 18

Rheumatism see Arthritis

Ringworm: Garlic 22; Vinegar 1
SOME REMEDIES:Garlic Poultice: Garlic

Shock see First Aid
Sinus - Congestion - Infection: Cayenne 5;
Clay 16; Garlic 22; Lemon 39; Salt 46;
Vinegar 3
Sinus (continued)
Salt Block: Salt 50
Salt Inhaler: Salt 50
Skin and Tissue: Cayenne 5, 8; Olive Oil 4245; Vinegar 1, 3

Cayenne 6; Salt 50;

Acne - Pimples - Skin Eruptions:

Garlic 23; Vinegar 1

Inhalants - Vapors: Garlic 25; Lemon 41; Salt

Oils - Liniments: Cayenne 10; Garlic 25, 3233; Olive Oil 45
Cayenne Liniment Rub: Cayenne 12
Garlic Oil: Garlic 34-35

Clay Poultice: Clay 18, 20
Garlic Oil: Garlic 34-35

Clay Poultice: Clay 17, 19-20
Garlic Poultice: Garlic 36
Healing Poultice: Cayenne 12

Clay 17;

Cleansing - Emollient (softens & soothes):

Clay 17
Salt Bath: Salt 51
Corns - Calluses - Scar Tissue: Vinegar 1
Eczema - Psoriasis - Shingles:

Cayenne 5-6;

Index - 61

Salt Water Gargle: Salt 50

Clay 17; Garlic 23; Vinegar 1

Infection - Disease - Impetigo:

Clay 17

Rash - Irritated - Dry - Chapped - Chilblains:

Garlic 23; Lemon 40; Salt 46-47
Garlic Oil: Garlic 34-35
Rubefacient (causes local reddening):
Cayenne 5,9
Lemon Peel Rub: Lemon 41
Salt Bath: Salt 51
Skin Moisturizer: Olive Oil 45
Warts: Garlic 23; Vinegar 1
Sleep Disturbances - Insomnia Restlessness: Garlic 21; Vinegar 1
Small Pox: Garlic 22
Spasms - Anti-Spasmodics - Seizures (see
also Epilepsy): Cayenne 5-6; Garlic 21
Spinal Meningitis:

Garlic 22

Spleen: Cayenne 5, 8; Garlic 27

Typhoid Fever: Garlic 22

Ulcers see Digestive Tract
Urinary Tract - Kidneys - Bladder: Cayenne 5,
8; Clay 17; Garlic 23; Lemon 40; Vinegar 1

Garlic 23, 28

Infections - Diseases: Vinegar 3

Urinary Frequency:

Vinegar 3

Weight Loss: Cayenne 9; Lemon 39-40;
Vinegar 2-3
Detox Bath: Salt 51
Whooping Cough: Garlic 22
Garlic Oil: Garlic 28
Women Issues see Female

Stress see Body as a Whole System, Antistress

Stroke: Cayenne 5, 8; Olive Oil 43
Swelling see Body as a Whole System, Edema;
First Aid, Sprain

Teeth - Toothache:

Cayenne 10-11; Garlic 22

Cayenne Extract: Cayenne 11
Cayenne Powder: Cayenne 10
Tetanus - Lock Jaw: Cayenne 5
Throat - Sore - Laryngitis - Tonsillitis:
Cayenne 5, 13; Clay 16; Garlic 22; Lemon
39; Salt 46; Vinegar 1, 3
Cough Syrup: Cayenne 14
Gargle/ Mouthwash: Vinegar 3

Index - 62

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