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Islam-Chris anity Debate

GOD started to Cry!!!!

V.R . O


Truth cannot be fashioned. Truth is one and
the same; it is immutable. Truth is above the
power of death, it is omnipresent,eternal,
and most glorious - BUDDHISM

When the British occupied India they sent many trained

missionaries there to try and convert Muslims into Christians.
The most famous of them all was a German priest trained in
England by the name of Reverend Karl Pfonder. He was fairly
uent in Arabic and Persian (Farsi) as well as English and German.
He had many debates with Muslim scholars in the 1850s especially
with Maulana Rahmatullah Keeranwi (RAH). This was the rst time
in history the Muslims were on the back foot because the rulers were
Christians and the Muslims were being oppressed and persecuted
throughout India.
Rev. Karl Pfonder was aware that the Muslims also believe in Isa
(AS) to be alive in the heavens while Muhammad (SAW) died a
normal death and is buried in Madinah Munawwarah. In one of the
debates, he began by asking the Muslim scholar:
Rev. Harl Pfonder:
'Where is Muhammad (SAW) now?'
The Muslim scholar took his me to answer him. A er a considerable
pause and thought he replied, 'In the heavens next to Allah.'
This is what the Christians believe about Jesus that 'he rose to the
heavens to sit on the right side of God'. The Reverend then referring

to the Prophet (SAWS)'s grandson Hussain (RA)'s martyrdom in

Karbala said: 'If he is next to God, then when his grandson with the
rest of his family was being killed in Karbala, did he not ask God
to save them?'
The Muslim scholar again after a lengthy pause and thought replied,
'Yes he did.' The Reverend then asked excitedly, 'What did God reply?'
To this the Muslim scholar appeared to have been taken back and was
silent for a long me in deep thought with his head down.

The reverend was expec ng the Muslim to say that God obviously
said 'No', because if he had accepted the Prophet (SAW)'s request,
then his family would have been saved and that is obviously not what
happened in Karbala. They were martyred. And if the answer from God
was no, then that would show that the Prophet (SAW) was not close and
dear to Allah (SWT).
Seeing the Muslim quiet, the Reverend stamped his feet on the stage
urging the Maulana to answer, 'So what was God's reply then?'
The Muslim nally answered, 'When the Prophet (SAW) asked God
to save his family, God began to cry.'
'What? How ridiculous! God began to cry? What nonsense!'
exclaimed the Reverend.
The Muslim scholar then said, 'Yes, God started to cry and said,
'Oh Muhammad! I could not save my own son (on the cross),
how can I save yours?'
Time to step into the Real World.
Do you know that there is a complete chapter with the
name MARIAM, in the Holy Quran??

It is not possible to get these details.

THANK YOU ALL good Souls
who have made their work freely available.
We are ordinary Muslims helping to crush A Misconception on
Islam within a Minute - refer Showcards @

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