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Correct Approach to Salaah

Almighty Allah states in The Holy Quran: "Verily, Salah prevents shameless and e
vil deeds.." (Surah Ankaboot, verse 45) This Divine statement describes the effe
ct Salah has on the life of the individual who regularly fulfills this ibadat. T
he salah of a person should prevent him or her from the commission of evil and s
in. However, a quick glance around at the state of Muslims who have been offerin
g Salah for years now, will reveal exactly the opposite. It appears that there i
s an increase in shameless and sinful practices. It is our firm belief that the
observance of proper salah will instill in one detestation and aversion for diso
bedience. The salah we perform, it sadly seems, has not served to curtail or cur
b the perpetration of sin. The only reason we can fathom for this state of affai
rs is the manner in which we are offering our salah. Through neglect of the etiq
uette of salah, and lack of devotion and concentration, our salah loses its effi
cacy. This article intends to highlight one practice that forms part of the etiq
uette or Aadaab of salah: THE MANNER OF APPROACHING SALAH. It has been observed
time and again that people who enter the musjid after jamaat has commenced, will
actually sprint towards the saff in order to gain the rakaat. Such racing insid
e the Musjid, is not only disturbing to other musallees, but is contrary to the
ahaadeeth of Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam. We enlist these ahaadeeth b
Hazrat Abu Hureira (radhiyallahu anhu) narrates that Rasoolullah (sallallahu ala
ihi wasallam) said: "When you approach the salah (in jamaat) then do not run. In
stead, adopt dignity and composure. Perform whatever rakaats you obtain with the
Imam, and fill in whatever was missed afterwards."
Another narration of Abu Hureira states: "When the salah has commenced, approach
it with dignity and composure "
(All ahaadeeth narrated in Saheeh Ibni Hibbaan)
The above sayings of Rasoolullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) prove the followin
It is wrong and disrespectful to run towards the saff in order to catch up with
the jamaat that is in progress. Such behaviour disturbs the Imam and muqtadees,
is a desecration of the sanctity of the Musjid, is disrespectful to the Angels t
hat attend the jamaat salah, and if qiraat is in progress, it becomes an affront
to the Holy Quran.
By adopting a decent and dignified approach, we are acting upon the command of R
asoolullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam), even though some rakaats were missed.
Approaching the salah is like being engaged in salah. Hence, anything that is no
t allowed in salah, should be preferably avoided. On the basis of this Shar ee log
ic the following will apply while coming towards the Musjid:
a) Engage in the zikr of Allah.
b) Protect the gaze from evil.
c) Avoid looking around unnecessary, for this is contrary to one s dignity.
d) Do not eat or drink on the way.
e) Do not engage in unnecessary worldly talk.
f) Do not smoke on the way to salah.
Insha-Allah, with such an approach to Salah, we shall soon realise the great ben
efits of salah. By observing these simple but tremendously effective etiquette,
the salah will assert its effect upon our lives. Gradually this will result in c
urbing and, hopefully, totally eliminating sin from our lives. In fact, one who
observes these Aadaab, and makes the intention of eliminating sin through salah,
will surely see success, Insha-Allah. Furthermore, the need to hasten and run w
ill never arise if we begin our preparations well in advance.

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