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Standard Test Rllethod for

CBR {GalPfornia Bearing Ratio) of Laboralio~=Compacted

This 8mdawJ ir iwed under (he ixed designation D 1883; the number immaliately following the designaion indicstes the year of
otiginnl ndgtion or. in the case of revision, the year of lasi mision. A numher m parenhies indicaes the year of las m p p ~ v a l A
snpmdp1 qxilon (e) imlicam an editorial change since the l a s revision or reappmual.

Thir sfaBdord has Been uppmved jor

ure by agencies of tbe Depunmenr ojDefeme.

1.1 This test method covers the determination of the CBR

(Califomia Bearing Ratio) of pavement snbgrade, subbase, and
base course materiais from laboratory con~pactedspecimens.
The test method is primarily intended for (but not limited to)
evaluating the strength of materials having maximum particle
sizes less than J/4 h. (19 mm).
1.2 When materiais having maximum particle sizes greater
than % in. (19 mm) are to be tested, this test method provides
for modi9ing the gradation of the material so that the material
used for tests ail pasm the %-h. sieve while the total grave1
(+No. 4 to 3 in.) fraction remains the same. While Wtionaily
this method of specimen preparation has been used to avoid the
error inherent in testing materiais containing large particles in
the CBR test apparatus, the modified material may have
signuicantly different strengt properties than the originai
material. However, a large experience base has developed
using this test method for materials for which the gradation has
been modSed, and satisfactory design methods are in use
based on the results of tests using this procedure.
1.3 Pasr practice has shown that GBR resuifs for those
materials having substantial percentages of particles retained
on the No. 4 sieve are more variable than for fmer materials.
Consequently, more trials may be required for these materiais
to establish a reliable CBR.
1.4 This test method provides for the determination of the
CBR of a material at optimum water content or a range of
water content fmm a specified compaction test and a specified
ry unit weight The dry unit weight is usually given as a
percentage of maximwn dry unit weight determined by Test
Methods D 698 or D 1557.
1.5 The agency requesting the test shall specify the water
content or ninge of water content and the dry d t weight for
which the CBR is desired.

1.6 Unless specified othemise by the requesting agency, or

unless it has been shown to have no effect on test results for the
material being tested, aU specimens shall be soaked prior to
1.7 For the detednation of CBR oF field compacted
materials, see Test Method D 4429.
1.8 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
as the standard. The SI equivalents shown in parentheses may
be approxhate.
1.9 Al1 observed and calculated values shall conform to the
guidelines for significant digits and rounding established in
Practice D 6036.
1.9.1 The procedures u& to specify how data are coUected,
recorded or calculated in this standard are regarded as the
industry standard. In addition they are representative of the
signiicant digits that generally should be mtained. The pmedures used do n d consider material variation, purpose for
obtaining the da@ speciai purpose studies, or any considerations for the user's objectives, and it is common practice to
increase or reduce significant digits or reported data to be
commensmte with these considerations. Bis beyond the scope
of this standard to consider sgnicant digits used in anaytical
methods for engineering design.
1.10 This standard does nor purpo~tfo address all of the
safety pmblems, if apljt, assocociated with i&s me. 1t is the
pespo>EsibiIi@of the user of this standard to ~itablishappw
pdfftesafety aad k d t h practices arsd &demine the appiicability of regulatoiy Emitations prior to me.


Tlestest method is mder the jurisdi*linionof ASiM CommiUee D18 on Soil and
Rock and is the d k t responsibiiity of Snbcommitfae D18.05 on Strength md
Compressiiiiity of So&.
C m t edition appmved Nov. 15,ZW. Published Dewnber u#T1.Ori&mUy
appmved in 1961. L w previous edtion appmved m u#)5 as D 1883 05.

*A Summaq of Change~&on

a p p m at the end oi this standard.

CoWlqlhtO ASTM h v e m a d , 100 Ban Hacm M e , PO Bm CmO. Weat Conaftohod<an,PA le428.2859, Unbd %&s.

9 ~18m-o7
2, Referenced Documents

2.1 ASTM Standarrls:

D 432 Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of So&
D 653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and C o n h e d
D 698 Test Methods for Laboratory Compactia C k t e r istics of Soii Using Standard Effort (12 400 &-lbf/ffj(M)C)
D 1557 Test Methods for ~abomtoryCompaction a-tenstics of Soil Using Alodified Effoa (56,000 fr-lbfl
ft3(2,700 kN-m/m3))
D 2168 Test Methods for Calibration of Laboratory
Mechanical-Rammer So Compactors
D 2216 Test Methods for Laboratoxy Determination of Water (MIoisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass
D 2 4 7 Practice for Classifcat~nof Soils for
Purposas (Unified Soil Classification System)
D 7488 Practice for Description and Identification of Soils
(Visual-Manual Procedure)
D 374.0 Practice for Minimum Requirements for Agencies
Engaged in the Testing andior hspection of Soii and Rock
as Used in Engineering Dasign and Construction
D 4318 Test Methods for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and
Plasticity Index of So&
Test Method for CBR
Ratio) Of
So& in Place
D 4753 Guide for Evaluating. Selechng, and Specifying
Balances and Standard Masses for Use in Soil, Rwk, and
Construction Matenals Testing
D 6026 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Geotechnical Data
E 11 Specification for Wire Cloth and Sieves for Testing

3.1 DeJiPatim: AU definitions are in accoKlance with Terminology D 653.

3.2 Defantioits of T e m Specific m t0Staadard:
3.2.1 water content of the compactiotl speciinen, w,-water
content in percent of material used Ca cornpact the test
3.2.2 water cmtent fop I in. (25.4-m) afier so&g
wawater m t e n t in percent of uppa 1 in. (25.4 mm) of
material removed after soaking and penetration.
3.2.3 water content affer festing, wrwater content in
percent of material afkr soaking and final penetration; does not
include material described in 3.3.2.
3.2.4 dry d.ensis. as compacted and b@ore soakiag, pd&
density of the as-compacted test specimen using the measured
wet mass and calcularing the dry mass using the water content
defined in 3.2.1.


Fci iefesenced ASTM standards nsit the ASi?vi website, wwwasmi.og. or

wntact ASTM Customer Savice a1 For A~uuurlBook o f m M
SrandanLr volume infonnation, refer to the standani>s Docnmeni Summary page on
the ASTM website.

4. Summary of Test Method

4.1 The Califomia Bearing Ratio (CBR) test is a load test

applied to the surFace and used in soil investigations as an aid
to the design of pavements. The laborfitory test uses a circular
piston to penetrate material compacted in a mold at a constant
rate of peuetmtion. The CBR is expressed as the ratio of the
nnit load on the piston required to penetrate 0.1 in. (2.5 mm)
and 0.2 in (5 mm) of the test soil to the unit load required to
peneme a standard material of well-graded m t e d stone.
4.2 This test method is used to determine the CBR of a
material compacted in a specified moId It is incumbent on the
'questing agencies to s ~ m i the
0f e s h g to d s f y
agency pmtocol or specific design requirements. Possible
of testing includes:
4.2.1 CBR penetration tests are performed on each point of
a c o m ~ d o ftest
l performed in mordance with Method C of
D 698 or D 1557. The CBR mold with the spacer disk specified
in this standard has the same intemal dimensions as a &m.
(150-mm) diameter compaction mold.
4.2.2 Another altemative is for CBR test to be perfonned on
material compacted to a spcific wata content and density.
Altematively, a water content range may be stated for oue or
more density values. This will often require a series of
prepared using two or three compactive eEorts for
the specified water content or over the range of water contents
requested. The compactive efforts are achieved by foliowing
procedures of D 698 or D 1557 but varying the blows per layer
densities above and
desired densiv.
5. Si&cance
and Use
5.1 This test rnethod is nsed to evaluate the potentid
strength of subgrade, subbase, and base course maerial,
includipg recycled materials for ase in mad and airfield
mvements. The CBR value obtained in this test forms an
integrai part of several flexible pavement design methods.
5.2 For applications where the effect of compaction water
content on CBR is small, such as cohesionless, ooarsegrained
mmrials, or where an allowance is made for the effect of
Mering compaction water contents in the design proCemire,
the CBR may be determined at the optimum water content of
a specified compaction effort The dry unit weight specified is
normaily the mhimum percent compaction allowed by the
using agency's field compaction specification.
5.3 For applications where the effect of compaction water
content on CBR is &wn
or where it is desired to account
for its effect,the CBR is determined for a muge of water
contents, usually the range of water content permitted for field
compaction by using agency's field campaction specification.
5.4 The criteria for test specimen preparation of self cementing (and other) materials which gain strengfh with time
musi be based on a geotechnical engineering evalnation. As
directed by the engineer, self-cernentiug matenals shail be
pmperly cnred until bearing ratios representing long term
service conditions can be measured
N m 1-nie agency pedaming this test can be evaluated in c m dance with Practicr: D 3740. Notwithsiandingthe skttmmis on precision
and bias contained in thjs test method the precision o? this test method is
dependent on ihe compeience of the p e m n e l perfomhg it, and ihe

suitability of the equipment and faciiities u&. Agencies that meet the
critena of Practice D 3740 are generally considered capable of competeut
and objective testing. Users of this test me&@. are cantioned that
compiiance with Practice D 3740 does not in itseIf ensure dable testing.
Reliable tesiing depends on many .factors; Prnctice D 9 4 0 provide8 a
means of evaluating some of those factors.

6. Apparatus
6.1 Loading Machine-The loading machine shall be
equipped with a movable head or base that travels at a W o r m
(not pulsating) mte of 0.05 in. (1.27 mm)fmin for use in forcing
the penetration piston intO the specimen. The load rate of 0.05
in. (1.27 mm)lrnin shall be maintained withh 220%over the
range of Ioads developed during penetmtion. The minimum
capacity of the loading machine shall be based on the requirements indicated in Table 1.
6.1.1 The machine shall be equipped with a load-indicating
device matched to the anfcipated maximum penetration load:
10 Ibf (44 N) or less for a 10-kip (44.5-M\l) capacity; 5 Ibf (22
N) for 5-kip (22.3-kN) and 2 Ibf (8.9 N) for 2.5-kip (11.2-kN).
6.1.2 Penetra.tion measuring device (such as a mechanical
diai indicator or electronic displacementmsducer) that can be
read to the nearest 0.001 in. (0.025 mm) and associated
mounting hardware. A monnting assembly that wnnects the
defomwion meaming device to the penetrating piston and the
edge of the mold will give accurate penetration measnrements.
However, mounting the deformation holder assembly to a
stressed compnent of the load frame (such as tie rods) will
introduce inaccuracies of penetrtion measurements.
6.2 MoEd-The mold sbdl be a rigid metal cylinder with an
inside diameter of 6 t 0.026 in. (152.4 t 0.66 m) and a
height of 7 2 0.01 8 in. (177.8 t 0.46 mm). It shall be provied
with a metal extension collar at least 2.0 in. (50.8 mm) in
height and a metal base plate having at least twenty eight
%+in. (1.59-mm) diarneter holes uniformly spaced over the
plate within the inside circumference of the mold When
assernbled with spacer disc in place in the bottom of the mold,
the mold shall have an intemal volume (excluding exkmion
Collar) of 0.075 t 0.oOB ft (2124 2 25 cm).Fig. 1 shows a
satisfactory mold design. A caiibration pmedure should be
used to confirm the actual volume of the mold with the spacer
disk inserted. Suitable cairbraon procedures are contained in
Test Methods D 698 and D 1557.
6.3 Spacer Disk-A circular metal spacer disc (see Fig. 1)
h a ~ agminimum outside diameter of 5%a in. (150.8 mm)
but no greater than will allow the spacer disc to easily slip into
the mold The spacer disc shall be 2.416 t 0.005 in. (61.37 1.
0.127 mm) in height.
6.4 R-+A
rammer as spec8ed in either Test Methods
D 698 or D 1557 except that if a mechanical rammer is used it
must be equipped with a circular foot, and when so equipped,
must provide a means for distribnling the ramrner blows
TABLE 1 Mlnlmum LDad Capaelty
Maxlmum NfeasufableCBR
Mhimum Load Capacity




10 OWI


uniformly over the surface of the soil when compacting in a

6-in.(152.4-mm) diameter mold. The mechanical rammer must
be calibrated and adjusted in accordance with Test Methods
6.5 Expansioiz-Memring Apparatlks- An adjustable metal
stem and perforated metal plate, similar in configuration to tha$
shown in Fig. 1. The perforated plate shaii be 5% to S1%'/i6 in.
(149.23 to 150.8 1 m)in diameter and have at least forty-two
%+h.(1.59-mm) diameter holes uniformly spaced over the
plate. A metal tripod LO support the dial gauge for mmeuring
the amount of swell during soaking is also required. The
expansion measnring apparatus shall not weigh more than 2.8
Ibf (1.27 kg).
6.6 Weigkts-One or two annuhic metal weights having a
total mass of 4.54 t 0.02 kg and s l o W metal weights each
having masses of 2.27 t 0.02 kg. The annular weight shail be
5% to 5% in. (149.23 to 150.81 mm) in diarneter and shail
have a center hole of approximately 2% in. (53.98 mrn).
6.7 Pmetratwn Piston-A metal piston 1.954 t: 0.005 in.
(49.63 F 0.13 mm) in diameter and not lass than 4 in. (101.6
mm) long (see Fig. 1). If, from an operational standpoint, it is
advantageous to use a piston of greater length, Ehe longer
piston may be used.
6.8 Swell Measuremeat Device-Generally mechanical diai
indicators capable of reading to 0.001 in. (0.025 m ) with a
range of 0.ZOQin. ( 5 - m ) minimm.
6.9 Ba.hce-A class GP5 balance meeting the requirements of Sp@cifications D 4753 for a baiance of 1-g readability.
6.10 DPying &en-Themiostadcaily contmIIed, preferably
of a forced-draft type and capable of maintaining a nniform
temperature of 230 2 9OF (110 F 5'C) throughout the drying
6.11 Sieves-314 in. (19 mm) and No. 4 (4.75 mm), conforming to Lhe requirements of Spenfication E 11.
6.12 Filter Paper-Fast filtering, high wet strength ikr
paper, 15-cm diameter.
6.13 Straigktedge-A stiE metal straightedge of any m v e nient length but not less than 10 in. (254 m).The total length
of the straightedge shall be machined straight to a tolerante of
k0.005 in. (IO.l m ) . The scraping edge shail be beveled if
it is thicker than 118 in. (3 mm).
6.14 Soaking Tank or Pan-A tank or pan of sufficient depth
and breath to aIlow free water around and over the assernbled
mol& The tank or pan shouid have a bottom grating that allows
free access of water to the perfmtions in the mold's base.
6.15 MUciag TwIs-Niiscellaneous tools such as mWng
pan, spoon, trowel, spatula, etc., or a suitable mechanical
device for thoroughly mking the sample of so2 with water.

7. Sample
7.1 The specimen(s) for compaction shall be prepare in
accordance with the procedures dven in Method C of Test
Methods D 698 or D-1557 for cokpaction in a 6-in. (152.4m)mold except as follows:
7.1.1 if ali material passes a %-in.(19-mm) sieve, the entire
gradation shall be used for preparing specimens for compaction
without modification. if material is retained on the %-h.
(19-mm) sieve, the mate.rial xtained on the %-h. (19-m)
sieve shall be removed and replaced by an equal mass of



Units, h.








TABLE 2 M&iO Eaulvalenta

Un& in.





Un&. lb

EsuhraIent, kg




material passing the %h.(19-m) sieve and retained on the

No. 4 sieve obtained by s e p d o n from portions of the sample
not used for teslhg.

8. Test Spedmens
8.1 Beanng Rato at Optimran Weter C o n m Ody-Using
material prepared as described in 7.1, conduct a control
compaction test with a sufcient number of test specmens to
estabiish the optimum water contwt for the soii using the
compaction method specified, either Test Methods D698 or
D 1557. A previously performed compaction test on the same
material may be wbstituted for the compaction test just
described, provided that if the sample conEains material retaine on the %-in. (19-m) sieve, soil prepared as de&M
in 7.1 is used (Note 2).



U*. psi

U*, in.










Equivalent MPa






value suf6cient to produce a .pecimen havng a density equd m or greater

tan hat required

8.1.2 Whme the CBR is desired at optimum waler wntent

and some percentage of maximum &y unit weight, compact

8.1.1 For cases where the CBR is desired at 100 % maximum cy mit weigbt and optimum water content, compact a
specimen using the specied compaction procedure, either Test
Meiods D 698 or D 1557, from soii prepared to within 40.5
percentage point of optimum water content determined in
accordance with Test Method D 2236.

three specimens from soil prepared to within 10.5 percentage

point of optimum water content and using tbe s@ed
compaction but using a different nmber of blows per layer for
each s e m e n . The nmher of blows per layer shall be varied
as necess-y to prepare specimem having unit weights &ve
and below ie desired value. Typically, if the CBR for mil at
95 % of maximum dry unit weight is W e d , specimens
compacted using 56,25,and 10 blows per layer is satisfactory.
Penetration shal be performed on each of these specimens.
8.2 Bearing R& for Q Range of Water Conteizts-Prep~x:
specUnens in a manner similar to that demibed in S.1 except
that each spximen used to develop the compaction cnrve shall
be penernited 1x1 addition, the complete water content-unit
weight relationship for the 25-blow and 10-blow per laya
compactions shall be developed and each test qxchen compacted sha be penetrated. Perform aU compaction in the CBR
mold In cases where the specified unit weighr is ist or near
100 % maximum dry unit weight, it wl be necessary to
include a wmpactive effort greater than 56-blows per layer
(Note 3).

NOTE3-TKhere the maximum dry unit weight was determinad from

compactionin the Pin. (101.6-mmf mold, it may be necessiny to compacr
specimens as desdbed in 8.17, using 75 blows per layer or some other

N m P-Asemilog log plot of dxy unit weight v m m compactive effon

usuaily gives a smight b e relelionsbip wlien compactive &ort in A-Ibm3
i s ploaed on the log S&.
This type of plot is useful in estabiishing the

Nom 2-Ma%imm dry nnit weight obtained from a compaction test

performed in a 4-in. (10l.-mm) diame& mold may be slightly &reata
than the maxin~umdry unit weight obtained om compacrion in the 6in.
(152.4-mm)compacion mold or CBR mold.

N m I - S e e T&le 2 fm metric equi~aients.

FiG. 1 Beering Ratfa Test Appmms
compaaive eori and number of blows per layer needed to bmket the
specified dry unit weighr and water c.mteui xange..

8.2.1 If the CBR test spairnen is to be soaked, take a

representative sample of the material for the detemination of
water content in accordance with Test Method D 2216. if the
compaction process is conducted under reasonable controlied
lemperatures (65 to 75 F (18 to 24 C) and tbe processed soil
is kept sealed d b g the compaction process, only m e representative water content sampile is q u i d . However if the
compaction process is being conducted in an unconm11ed
environment take two water con= samples one at the
beginning of compaction and another sample of the remaining
material after compaction. Use Test Method D 2216 to determine the water contents and a m g e the two values for
reporting. The Wo samples should not differ more than 1.5
percentage points to assume reasonahb unifomllty of the
compacted specimen9swater content.
8.2.2 If the sample is not to be soaked, take a warer content
sample in accordance with Test Methods D 698 or D 1557 if
the average water content is desired.
8.2.3 Clamp the mold (with extension collar amhed) to the
base pIate with the hole for the extraction handie facing down.
Insert the spacer d i over the base plate and place a disk of
Iter paper on top of the spacer disk. Compact the soil-water
mixtnre in~othe mold in accordance with 8.1, 8.1.1, or 8.12.

8.2.4 Rernove the extension collar and carefdiy rrim b

compacted soil even with the top of the mold by means of a
straighredge. Patch with smaller size material any holes that
may have developed in the surface by the removal of come
material. Remove &e ptxforated base plate and spacer disk,
weigh, and record the mass of the mold plus compacted soil.
Place a disk of coarse filter paper on the perforated base plate,
invert the mold and compacted soil, and clamp the perforated
base plate to the mold with compacted soil in cmtact with tbe
filter papa
8.2.5 Place the surcharge weights on the perforated plate
and adjustable stem assembly and carefuiiy lower onta the
compacted so2 specimen in the mold. Apply a surcharge equai
to the weight of the base material and pavement within 5 Ibf
(2.27 kg), but in no case Sial1the total weight used be less than
10 lbf (4.54 bg). If no pavement weight is specified, use 10Ibf
(4.54 kg) The mass of the Expansion Measuring Apparatus is
ignored unless its mass is more than 2.8 lbf (1.27 kg). lrnmerse
the mold and weights in water aiiowing Eree accRss of wata to
tbe top and bottom of the s p a h e n . Take initial measurements
for sweU and allow the specimen to soak for 96 h. Maintain a
constant water leve1 during this period. A shorter hmersion
period is pennissible for fine grained soils or granniar soils that
take up m o i s m readily, if tests show that the shorter period
d w not affect the results. At the end of 96 h, take final sweil

measurements and calculate the sweii as a percentage of the
initial height of the specimen.
8.2.6 Remove the ree water and allow the specimen to
dran downward for 15min. Take care not to disturb the surface
OSthe specimen durng the removal of the water. It may be
necessary to tilt the specmen in order to remove the surface
water. Remove the weights, perforatwi plate, and filter paper,
and determine and record the mass. The user rnay find it
convenient to set the mold's base on the Nn of a shallow pan
to provide the t and carefully using a bulb syringe and
adsorbent towels to remove free water.



9. Procedure Por Be*

9.1 Place a smharge of weights on the specUnen sufficient
to produce an intensity of the loading specified; if no pavement
weight is specified, use 110-lbf (4.54 kg) mass. If the specimen
has been soaked previously, the surcharge s11d.i be equal to that
used during the soaking paiod. To prevent upheavai of soil
into the hole of the surcharge weights, place the 5-lbf (2.27-kg)
annuiar weight on the mil surface prior to seating the penetration piston, after which place the remander of the surcharge












Drr bnsity m Molded

RG. 3 0t-y Density Versus CBR

determining the load penetration relation. Attach the penetrating measuring device in accordance with 6.1.2.
N m 5-At high loads the supporis may toque and aect the reading
of the penetration gauge. Checkuig the deptb of pistw peneration is oue
means of checking for emneous mrain indications.

9.3 AppIy the Ioad on the penetration piston so that the mte
of penetration is approximately 0.05 in. (1.27 mm)fmin.
Record the load readings at penetrations of 0.025 in. (0.64
mm),0.05Oin. (1.27mm),O.O75in. (1.91 rnrn), 0.10Din. (2.54
mm),O.lZSin. (3.18mm),O.l5Oin. (3.81mm),0.17Sin.(4.45
rnm), 0.200 i n (5.08 mm), 0.300 in. (7.62 m),0.400 h.
(10.16 mm)md 0.500 in. (12.70 m).Note the w i m m load
and penetration if it occurs for a penetration of less than 0 . 5 0
in. (12.70 mm). With manuaiiy opetated loaduig devices, it
may be necessary to take load readings at closer intervals to
control the rate of penetration. Measure the depth of piston
penetration into the soil by putting a ruler into the indentation
and measuring the difference from the top of the soil to the
bottom of the indentation. If the depth does not closely match
the depth of penetration gauge, determine the cause and test a
new sample.
9.4 If the test specimen was previously soaked, r e m e the
soil from the mold and determine the water content of the top
1-in. (25.4-mm)layer. Take the water content sample in
accordance with Test Methods D 698 or D 1557. Each water
content m p l e s i d i weigh not less than 100 g for fine-grained
soils nor less than SO0 g for grandar soils.
N m 1 4 e e Table 2 for mwlc equivalen&.
FlQ. 2 Coneotion of Load-Penetratim Curves

Nom 6-The load readtgs al petrations of over 0.300 in. (7.6 mm)
mny be omitted if the bting machine's capadiy has been reached.

9.2 Seat the penetration piston with the d e s t possible

loa& but in no case in excess of 10 Ibf (44 N). Either set both
the Ioad and penetration gauges to zero or make provisions to
substract any initial values from al1 subsequently collected
data. This initiai load is required to ensure satisfactory seating
of the piston and shall be considered as fie zem load when

10.1 Load-Penetration Curue-Calculate the penetration

stress in pounds per square mch or megapascals and plot the
stress penetration curve. In some instantes, the smspenetration curve may be concave upward initially, because of s u r f a
irreguiarities or otha causes, and in such cases the zero p&t
s h d be adjusted as shown in Fig. 2.


D 1883-07

NOTE7-Fig ? shouid be u& as an example of correctiw of

Id-penetrauon m
es only. It is ud. meant io imply thai the 0.2-in.
penemtion is always more than the 0.1-in. penetration.

10.2 BeaPi>ag Ratio-Using corrected stress vaiues taken

from the stress penehation CUme for 0 . 1 0 h. (2.54 mm) and
0.200 in. (5.08 m ) penetrations, calculate the beanng ratios
for each by dividing the corrected stresses by the standard
stmses of 1OOO psi (6.9 hQa) and 1500 psi (10.3 MPa)
respectively, and multiplying by 100. Mso, calculate the
for the mximum stress, if the penetration is less
than 0.200 in. (5.08 mm) by inkrpolating the standard stress.
mported for the soi1 is n o m d y the one at
The karing
0.100 in. (2.54 mm) penetration. When tbe ratio at 0.200 in.
(5.08 mm) penetration is greatcr, rerun the test. If the check test
gives a simiiar result, use the bearing ratio at 0.200 in. (5.08
rnm) penetration.
N m 8 4 omsion the testing agency may be requested to determine he CBR vaiue f a a dry density no1 repmented by rhe laboratwy
compaction curve. For exampie, the m t e d CBR vane for the dry
density at 95 % of maximum dry density and a optimum water mntent
might be r e q u u . A r ~ ~ o m e n M
to acheve this
is to
b m p a a two or time CBR test specimens a the m e molded water
content but compact each specimen m differnit mmpaaion energies to
achieve a deusity below and above the desired vaiue. The unreded CBR
*~ottedagaina *e dry density and the d e s w CBR vaine
iuterpreted as illmuat& in Fig. 3. F a mnsistency the rofiected CBR
vaiues should be of identical origin, for example, aii either &ed a
un-soaked and aii either at 0.1 rx 02 comted penetration values.

10.3 Calculate the dry density, pd, of the compacted specimen (before scakiug) as foiiows:

(1 w,)


= dr~


as wmpacted, kIglm3 or


M, , = wet mass of soil as molded plus mold mass.


Mg or g
= mold mas, Mg or g,
cOntent determinatiOn of m~~s*tative
scnips taken during the compaction process,
= volume of mold (ami of mold X initial
height), a calibrate value, m3 or cm3.
10.3.1 Conversion cif dry density units:


= swell that occurred d d n g soaking, %,
S = ,,fical sweU de&-&
from &e final m i n initial
swelI measurement, in. (mm)
h, = height of test specimen kfore sweii, in. (m).

11. Report
11.1 The n:port shall include, as a minimum, the following:
11.1.1 Method used for preparation and compaction of
specimen: Test Mediods D 698 or D 1557, or other, with
11.1.2 Condition of sample (unsoaked or soaked).
h s i t y (unit weight) of sample as compacwl
(before soaking).
11.1A Water content of sample in percent:
.1A-1 As com~act* Top 1-in (25.LCmm) layer after soaking.
11.1.5 Sweil (percentage of initiai height).
11.I .6 Bearjng ratio of sampie (unsoaked or soaked), per-

11.1.7 Surcharge
11.1.8 A ~ sY~ c i a sam~le
~ r e p n t i o nand esti'% Procedures (for example, for self cementing materiats).
11.1.9 Sampie identification ( k a i ~ nh, n n g nmber, e%.).
11.1.10 Any pertinent testing done to identify the sample
such as: soil classifications per Test Method D 2487, visual
classification per Practice D 2488, Atterberg Limits per Test
Method D 43 18, gradatim per Method D 422, eh.
11.1.11 The percent material retained on the 19-mm sieve
for those cases where scalping and replacement is used.

12. Precision and Bias

12.1 Precisim-Test data on precisiou is not presented due
to the nafure of the materials tested by this test method. It is
either not feasible or too costiy at this time to have ten or more
labomtories participate in a round-robin tasting program.
Notwithstanding this statement the following is offer for
12.1.1 One user, based on seven repetitions, has developed
a IS % of 9.2 % (compacted per Test Method D 698) and 6.9 %
(compacted per Test Method D 1557). See Appendix XI for the
data nsed
12.1.2 Subcommim DI 8.05 is seeking any data f'mm the
users of this test method that might be used to make a more
thorough statement on precision.
12.2 Bias-There is no awepted reference vaiue for this test
rnethod, therefore, bias cannot be debmined.
13. Keywords
13.1 This standard is hdexed under the foowhg terms:

= dry unit weight, kN/m3 or lhflft3,
9.8066 = conversion factor, Mg/m3 or g/cm3 to kN/m3, and
62.428 = conversion factor, Mg/m3 or #cm3 to lbflft3.
10.4 If the test specimen was soaked, calculate the percent
sweil as foliows:

Caliiornia Bearing W o
Pavement Subgrade
Pavement SubSubbase
Pavement Base Courss

Base Cwrse
Strength of Soll

U s e d For, N a m w Tem
Used For, Narrow Tem

Reiated Tem, Bmadw Tem

Used For, N a m r Tem
Used For, Bmader Tem
used For, Nanower Tem
Used For, Bmader Tenn
Used For

Pavemant Ddgn
Acoeptance Tests
Besring Capacity
Materiais Evaluations
Bearing Rao
Laad Penetraton Curva

Used b r , N a m r Tem
Usad For
Used For
U& For
Used For, Braader Term
Used For
Used For, Broader Term


Relatsd To

Cchesnte Soils
Compressive Sirength

Used Mr
Used For


U d For

Soil Teds

Used Mr

Used For

See Fig. X1.l for more information.

Al1 Motertnl paaMd tha t l 0 siese
- Osar Bm of a l 1 material passed tha M 0 sfsse
A ef AAiWO 990
P180 naed
ait rsishta wem 110 P ~ P+ fD888) sad LPZ PDi t (111167)
7 ttat repetitlow
Ibe abwe data is from ono iissr
( 1 6 ) snd (M%> lfrits reptssent tke 1-ts
ae dwcribed I n
ASiM Practiee 0870.


FlG. X1.1 Compacthre Effort

CommiW DI8 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard sirice the h t issue

@ 1883 - 05) that &y impact the use of this standard. (Approved November 15,2037.)

(1) Revised Section I ro include requirements of significant

(2) Revised Section 1.1 to include Practice D 6026.
(3) Added new Section 3, Terminology.
(4) Added note referencing Practice D 3740 to Significance
md Use section.
(5) Added detaiis to Appamtus section
(6) Eliminated Note 8 that provided guidance for determining

CBRs for penetrations other than 0.1 and 0.2 h.

(7) EIiminated old 9.4 and Figure 4 as these items pertain to
engineering design.
(8) Added formulas to Calculation section.
(9) Modiied the re*
section to include mly essential
(10) Modified Precision and Bias section to confom to DI8
Standards Preparation Manual.

ASRd tntemtimal takesno ~ S & R nspecffngthe vdkQ ofany pat~ntrighls B 6 ~ ~ r t eindmmcuon with any &m mentoned
of infrinsgementofsuch W,@re&re@ their own respm&i&.

H mi revlsed, dlhor reoppm~llw W r a w n . Your mmmentsom ni&ed ortherforrevkron of Misstaodsrd or foraddiiionalshrndards

md s h W be &da&
toAST1M Iniemationet ! f e a ~ r t a i sY.w r w n m n i s wrll nicelvs carefui mnsidembn ai a m b n dthe
rt%pom& t6chmml cimmitiee,
you may aftend. i i y ~ Itksl
u !ha1 ywr mmments have mi I
B a fair heaiing
maka your vlews knom to m ASiM Canmieo on Sltmlards, ef
&ir855 shown bttlow

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