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P re se n t S im p le /P re s e n t C o n tin u o u s
P re se n t P e rfe c t S im p le /P re s e n t P e rfe c t C o n tin u o u s
Verbs, N o u n s, A d je c tiv e s an d A dve rbs

R o u-id U p G ra m m a r a n d V o ca b u la ry ( U n it 1)

P ast S im p le /P a s t C o n tin u o u s
U se d to /W o u ld
P a st P e rfe c t S im p le /P a s t P e rfe c t C o n tin u o u s

R ound U p G ra m m a r a n d V o ca b u la ry (U n it 2 )

F u tu re S im p le /F u tu re C o n tin u o u s /b e g o in g to
F u tu re P e rfe c t S im p le /F u tu re P e rfe c t C o n tin u o u s /O th e r Ways to Express th e F u tu re
Q u e s tio n Tags


R ound U p G ra m m a r a n d V o ca b u la ry ( U n it 3 )


Use o f E n g lis h R eview (U n its 1 -3 )


A rtic le s /C o u n ta b le an d U n c o u n ta b le N o un s
Q u a n tifie rs an d D e te rm in e rs

R o un d U p G ra m m a r a n d V o ca b u la ry ( U n it 4 )

M o d a ls /b e a b le fo /S e m i-M o d a ls

R o un d U p G ra m m a r a n d V o ca b u la ry (U n it 5)

T he Passive
O th e r P assive C o n s tru c tio n s


R o un d U p G ra m m a r a n d V o ca b u la ry ( U n it 6 )


Use o f E n g lis h R eview (U n its 4 - 6 )


M a k in g C o m pa rison s
R e la tive C lauses

R o un d U p G ra m m a r an d V o ca b u la ry (U n it 7 )

C o n d itio n a ls
O th e r C o n d itio n a l Form s

R o un d U p G ra m m a r a n d V o ca b u la ry ( U n it 8 )

W ishes an d R egrets
P re fe re n ce s


R o un d U p G ra m m a r a n d V o ca b u la ry (U n it 9 )


Use o f E n g lis h R eview (U n its 7 -9 )



R e p o rte d S peech

R ound U p G ra m m a r a n d V o ca b u la ry (U n it 1 0 )


G e ru n d s an d In fin itiv e s
So, su ch , too, e n o u g h a n d very
D e m o n s tra tiv e s

R ound U p G ra m m a r an d V o ca b u la ry (U n it 1 1 )


C o n ce ssio n a n d C o n tra st, in case

P urp ose a n d Reason
M anner
It, the re , th a t, w h a t



R o un d U p G ra m m a r a n d V o ca b u la ry ( U n it 1 2 )


Use o f E n g lis h R e view (U n its 1 0 -1 2 )



C a u sa tive , In d ire c t Q u e stio n s

P ro n o u n s, Possessives an d P ossession
A d je c tiv e O rder

R o un d U p G ra m m a r a n d V o ca b u la ry (U n it 1 3 )


P a rtic ip le C lauses
Verbs + th a t cla u se
C le ft S e n te n ce s, A d ve rb s, n o m a tte r

R o un d U p G ra m m a r a n d V o ca b u la ry ( U n it 1 4 )


In ve rsio n 1 & 2

R o u n d U p G ra m m a r a n d V o ca b u la ry ( U n it 1 5 )


Use o f E n g lis h R eview (U n its 1 3 - 1 5 )


A p p e n d ic e s


Irre g u la r Verbs


S p e llin g R u les


P hra sal Verbs


Present Simple/Present Continuous

Present Perfect Simple/Present Perfect Continuous
Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives and Adverbs

Grammar Presentation 1
Present Simple
The Present Simple is formed as follows:
l/You/We/They watch television every day.
He/She/lt needs help.
He/She flies/goes to America at least twice a year.

M O B The 3rd person singular ends in an ~s in the affirmative (+ve) form.

Do you watch television every day?
Does he need help?

The Present Simple is used

with the following verbs, which
are known as stative verbs.
They have been divided into
four groups.

Y/e dont watch television every day.

She doesn't need help.

The Present Simple is used to refer to

repeated actions.
He visits his grandparents at the weekend.
permanent situations.
They work for the government.
the laws of nature and science.
Plants dont grow in the dark.
states through the use of stative verbs.
I know quite a lot about global warming.

Verbs showing a connection

appear, be, belong to, concern,
consist of, contain, cost,
deserve, depend on, equal,
have, hold, include, involve,
mean, measure, owe, own,
possess, resemble, seem,
sound, weigh
Verbs describing senses
fee/, hear, notice, see, smell,
sound, taste

timetables and programmes.

What time does the film start? It starts in two hours time.

It is also used in
narratives (spoken/reviews), commentaries and jokes.
So, I open the door and go into the living room.
He goes past the goalkeeper, but Johnson gets back and blocks the shot.
A horse walks into a cafe and the waiter asks: Why the long face?
newspaper headlines.
Farmers face climate change with confidence.

The following adverbs of frequency and time expressions are used with the
Present Simple to refer to repeated actions:
always, nearly always, normally, (very) often, usually, sometimes, occasionally,
rarely, scarcely, seldom, never, on Saturday(s), every morning etc
I always pay my bills on time.
She is rarely late for work.

Verbs referring to the use of

the mind
agree, believe, consider, doubt,
expect, feel, forget, hope,
imagine, know, mind, prefer,
realise, recall, recognise,
remember, suppose, think,

Verbs describing emotions

adore, care, fear, hate, like,
love, matter, want, wish

M O B The adverb of frequency comes before all verbs except the verb to be.

The following time expressions are used in time clauses with the Present Simple to refer to future time:
after, as soon as, before, by the time, immediately, once, the moment, until, when, whenever
It is also used after no matter how/what/where/who.
I ll phone you when I get home.

B The future tense is not used after the time expressions above.


Unit 1

Present Continuous
T^e Present Continuous is formed as follows:
am painting my front room at the moment.

Some stative verbs can be used

in the continuous tenses when
they refer to an activity and not
a state.

He She/lt is sitting in the garden.

*'ou/We/They are making good progress.
Is he/she/it sitting in the garden?
Are you/we/they making good progress?

He appears to be lost.


I 'm not/l am not painting my front room at the moment.

He/She/lt isnt/is not sitting in the garden.
You/WefThey arent/are not making good progress.

He's appearing in Tom's new

play, (acting)

The Present Continuous is used to refer to

actions which are in progress now.


She has an eco-friendly car.

She is having a good time.


H e's talking to his brother on his mobile phone.

actions which are in progress around the time of speaking.
I m trying to get a bank loan to start a business.
temporary situations.
She's working in her uncle's restaurant until term starts.

This fish smells bad.

(gives off a smell)

The children are smelling the roses.

(putting their noses to)

changing situations.
' The ice in Greenland is melting at a remarkable speed.
personal arrangements for the future.

We think it s a good idea.

(have an opinion)
Were thinking of going abroad.

We're leaving for Australia next week.

habits which are annoying (with always, constantly or forever)
My mother is always telling me what to do.


It is also used to emphasise, confirm or show knowledge of somebodys habits.

I saw your youngest daughter up a tree when I arrived!
Who, Julia? Oh, yes. Shes always climbing trees.

The following time expressions are used with the Present Continuous of
non-stative verbs:

Examples of other stative

verbs that can be used in the
continuous form with a change
of meaning appear in Appendix I
on page 272.

at present, at the/this moment, currently, now, still, this week, today, tomorrow etc

A Complete the sentences by using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present
Continuous together with any adverbs of frequency given.

I ..............................

The match
to go for a coffee.

(not start) until 9 o clock, so w e ..........

Our planet

(get) warmer at a faster rate than most scientists have predicted.


I .............................

(not think) she

(know) where the money is.

................... (have) time

(not travel) as fast as light.

(see) my cousin after work.

(you want) to come and

meet her?


Well call you the moment she

the midday train.



(always/try) to make her feel bad. Stop it!

(have) no idea what you

(talk) about.
(contact) us.

(normally/take) the early train, but today he

(wonder) why Tom

(keep) playing tennis with Andy.

(lose) every time they


A machine that


Im pretty sure Sally

her telling me she was born in Toronto.


(work) on solar energy...........

(come) from Canada. I

(cost) less to run.


Present Simple/Present Continuous

Com plete the te xt by using the correct form of the verbs in brackets and any other w ords given . Use the Present
S im p le or Present C ontinuous.

ESB5S Read the whole text first to get an understanding of what

it is about.

More sisters in law

According to the magazine The Lawyer, the number of women partners in major British law firms
(increase). This

(1 )

(not mean) that there is an equal

(2 )

number of male and female lawyers at the top of their profession, but the situation (3)
(slowly/change) for the better.
The company with the highest number of female partners is Sacker & Partners, which

(4 )

(have) 48%. Although this is encouraging, some firms partnerships

(5 )

as 6% women. One other firm which (6)

(employ) only 10% female partners


(consist of) as few

(now/try) to increase that number. The chairman, who recently took on four more

female partners,

(believe) that his firm

(8 )

women at the top. At a recent interview, he said: We

(need) more

(9 )

(move) in the right direction.

(1 0 )

Vocabulary 1
U se th e w ord s above each set o f se n te n ce s to c o m p le te th e s e n te n ce s. U s e th e c o rre c t fo rm of e ach w o rd . Use

each word at least once.



te ll

As far as I know, Peter never

Can you

You need to

Do you think th a tactions



lies: he only

the truth.

Unable to speak, Mike has to communicate through


Is English Tanyas second language or is she a native

Smoke.......................... have been used as a means of communication.

English is her mother


As Gerry speaks a regional dialect with a very strong

me what the homework is, please?

fluent French if you want a job in our Paris office.
louder than words?

a word about this to anyone!

nonsense all the time!

has greatly improved over the past year.

departm ent

ta lk



, foreigners find it difficult to understand him.



On my way to the doctor's.........................., I started to feel better.

The blood samples are sent to the

I spent my time in hospital in a

As a surgeon, Dr Forbes spends a lot of time in the operating

The X-ray

for analysis.
with seven other patients.

is in the second building on the left.

Unit 1
incom e





Unskilled workers get an hourly

According to the job advertisement, th e .......................... is 35,000 a year.

Now that shes retired, she has to get by on a sm all....

As a property owner, Lisas

Divers dont really get enough

ce rtificate

of about 7.

includes rent from the houses she lets out.

for doing such a dangerous job.


diplom a

qu a lifica tio n

Those people who dont miss a lesson get an attendance

At the end of the six-month course you get a

Leaving university with a good

Daves teamwork

Your creative

Be sure to include all your

com prehensive

ta lent

gives you a better chance of getting a decent job.

are very poor because he always thinks hes right.
will help you achieve success in the advertising industry.
on your application form.

com p u lso ry



Geography is a(n)

We learnt a great deal on the

If the course is ..........................., you have to take it.

prom otion

sk ill


schools in the UK have well over 1,500 pupils.

subject, so you can choose to do something else.
course, but it was tiring.



retirem ent



Janets worked hard and deserves her

to sales manager.

The company has offered several employees early...........................

Youll get the

Almost a hundred workers at the local factory face

Im applying for a head office because my career prospects will improve there.

When I handed in m y........................... , my American boss asked me why I wanted to quit.

Pay........................... to what your teachers say and youll get high marks.

Harry's poor

The number of

.......................... in class is something teachers mention to parents at the end of term.

if you dont arrive at work on time.

if it closes.

record meant that he hadnt learnt enough to get good grades.

pupils have appears on their reports.


Present Simple/Present Continuous

Phrasal Verbs 1
A Match the phrasal verbs with their meanings. The first one has been done for you.
M eaning

Phrasal Verb

break down
bring in
bring out
catch on
drop out
face up to
get across
get at
get on with
pick up


make clear
accept courageously
leave (a course, organisation)
have a good relationship with

Now com plete each of the fo llo w in g sentences w ith a phrasal verb in the correct form .

Work seems more pleasant when you

Talks between employers and employees often

Mr Potts is a brilliant mathematician, but he doesnt always

to his pupils.

Universities seem to

Those students who are not prepared to work hard often

year at university.

Being a brilliant teacher, Ms Hayes can



I never give up: I always


your colleagues.

some useful Italian phrases every time I travel to Rome.

, which can lead to workers going on strike.

new courses every other year.

at the end of their first
the difference between words with similar


? Are you saying my work isnt good enough?

my problems and do my best to solve them.

Lisa is highly intelligent. You only have to explain something once and she ...


Prepositions 1
Use the prepositions below to complete the sentences. The prepositions can be used more than once.

This job appeals

Most of Marias work involves translating documents................ English ...............

Tom has little confidence

only make things worse.

How do you deal

Hes good................. learning poems.................. heart.

I was proud

Who is responsible

providing the staff

Doctors who work

hospitals have to care

The day I get bored

my job is the day Ill retire

With the exception

two security guards, Jeff was the only person...............


me, so Ill definitely apply


his abilities, so laughing


him or shouting

him will

a boss who never congratulates yo u ................. your work?

being the one who found the answer

the question.
safety equipment?
their patients without showing any emotion.
duty in the building.

Unit 1
Use of English Practice 1
: =5d :ne text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.


Read the whole text before you answer any questions.

Not going the distance

'cwadays it is not unusual for students to become discouraged at university and decide to (1)
~ain reasons why a student might take this decision and neither (2)

quite possible that a (3)

There are two

anything to do with intelligence.

intelligent student has chosen a (4)

course that simply does not

to him or her. This situation often results in the student having a poor (6)


record and not

doing the work required to pass the exams.

-nother reason concerns teaching. (7)
ecturers have difficulty in (8)
.ery strong (9)


a recent study, students frequently complain that many university

what they want to teach. This occurs most often when the lecturer has a

or the student is at a foreign university where courses are not taught in his or her mother

Unless there is a really good reason, the decision to leave university without a qualification is a big one. Students who
cannot (1 1 )...................the difficulties they encounter and leave without (1 2 )....................a word about their problems to
anyone may regret their decision. A future employer might regard an applicant who has done this as a quitter and not a
suitable candidate for a job.

take off

B get off

is having

are having










B As well

getting across


B voice





come up with

face up to



B telling

getting out


set out

D drop out



D totally



D fit


D attendance

Agreeing with

D According to

catching on

D sending out


D tone


D speech

get away with

D take out


D saying


Present Perfect Simple/Present Perfect Continuous'

Grammar Presentation 2
Present Perfect Simple

Go and be in the Present

P erfect S im p le

The Present Perfect Simple is formed as follows:

l/You/We/They have eaten all the biscuits.
He/She/lt has been in the news recently.

00300 Although the two

Have l/you/we/they eaten all the biscuits?

Has he/she/it been in the news recently?

sentences below are similar,

they have different meanings.

l/You/We/They havent eaten all the biscuits.

He/She/lt hasnt been in the news recently.

Shelley has gone to Ireland.

Shelley has been to Ireland.

The Present Perfect Simple is used to refer to

states which existed in the past and still exist.
We have known Martin since we were students.
The house has belonged to her family for over a century.
actions which began in the past and have not stopped.
He has taken the same route to work for years.
actions which occurred at an unmentioned time in the past and have an

The first sentence means

Shelley hasnt returned from
Ireland and the second one
means Shelley has visited
Ireland, but is not there now.

effect on the present.

I ve finished my work, so now I can relax.
actions which have occurred a number of times.
I ve used this program hundreds of times.
It s the third time the boss has warned her.
actions during a period of time that has not ended.
We've visited several interesting places this week.

The following time expressions are used with the Present Perfect Simple:
already ever, just, lately, never, recently so far, still, up to now, yet, since + a specific time, for + a period of time,
over the past few years

fflEEB It/This is the first/second/third etc. time is used with the Present Perfect Simple, but It/This is the last time is not.
It's the first time I Ve worked in a laboratory.
It s the last time I (will) help you!

The Present Perfect Simple can also be used to refer to future time with time expressions like after, as soon as ...,
when (see Grammar I on page 4) to emphasise that an action must be completed before another one can occur.
I ll tell you how much money there is when I ve counted it.

Present Perfect Continuous

The Present Perfect Continuous is formed as follows:
l/You/We/They have been making life difficult for John.
He/She/lt has been lying there since lunchtime.
Have l/you/we/they been making life difficult for John?
Has he/she/it been lying there since lunchtime?
l/You/We/They havent been making life difficult for John.
He/She/lt hasnt been lying there since lunchtime.

The Present Perfect Continuous is used to refer to

actions which began in the past and are still going on.
(The emphasis is often on how long the action has
been going on)
Shes been teaching here for over thirty years!
I ve been trying to call her since early this mornins.
Weve been working on this task all week.
actions which have just finished or have not

finished yet and have an effect on the present.

Their hands are dirty because theyve been
repairing an old engine.
H es only been working in the garden for ten
minutes and he already looks bored.

The following time expressions are used with the Present Perfect Continuous:
all day (long), for, How long..?, lately recently, since

1: - : ete the sentences by using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple or
: -isent Perfect Continuous together with any other words given.


(just/leave) the office. I think he

(go) to lunch.

am angry because I ............................................ (wait) for you for over an hour!

t's the second time you
How many times

(be) rude to me today.

....................................... (I tell) you not to keep people waiting?


(sit) in the waiting room since 10 oclock and the secretary

............... (not call) our names yet.

I cant tell you what his plans are until I

How long

........................................ (he study) Japanese?

Marion.............................................(pass) her exams with flying colours.

m really pleased with myself because I



(write) two essays this morning.

................................. (work) hard all afternoon, so we deserve a break.


(always/feel) that you will be successful one day.


(ask) him.

Dont worry. We

(not forget) about our promise to send you to summer camp.

Complete the text by using the correct form of the verbs in brackets and any other words given. Use the Present

S - i pie. Present Continuous, Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous.

Geography suffers another blow

Every year the Department of Education (1)
:* oupils who (2)

(publish) statistics regarding the numbers

(complete) their A level studies* in different subjects. These statistics

(now/begin) to worry geography teachers, who (4)



: _e number of pupils taking A level geography drop over the past few years. Since the release of this years
stat sties, members of the

G iv e G e o g ra p h y its P la c e C a m p a ig n (5)

..orrying trend. So far, however, the only firm conclusion they (6)
gz.ernments 2 million

A c tio n P la n fo r G e o g ra p h y

0 ' the other hand, it (7)

(try) to explain this

(reach) is that the

is absolutely necessary to reverse this trend.

(appear) that teachers of mathematics and the physical

ences are pleased with this years statistics and with good reason. The number of maths pupils alone, for
example, (8) ............................................ (rise) by over 7% since last year. One member of the
a n d C o lle g e L e a d e rs

A s s o c ia tio n o f S c h o o l

explained this satisfactory trend. She said, Recently students (9)

Decome) aware of the subjects they need to help them get a job after university, and clearly maths, biology,
chemistry and physics ( 10)

(give) them a considerable advantage in the job market.

"A levels: final school exams which are used as qualifications for a place at university.


Present Perfect Simple/Present Perfect Continuous

Vocabulary 2: Collocations
Make, Do and Take

The table below gives a list of common expressions with make, do and take. Make sure you know what each one means.


ones best
ones duty
a favour
a job
research (into)
some shopping
some sightseeing
something right/wrong
a trick

advantage of
control (of)
a chance
a decision
(any/no) notice of
part in
a risk
somebody by surprise
somebodys place
a shower/bath
something for granted
something into account
something seriously
things easy


an attempt
an arrangement
a change
a choice
a claim
a complaint
a decision
a difference
an effort
an error
an escape
an excuse
friends (with)
fun of
an impression

a journey
a mistake
a noise
a profit
a promise
room (for)
somebody feel better
somebodys day
something difficult (for)
something easy (for)
up ones mind
ones way to
a wish

Com plete the sentences by usin g the corre ct form s of make, do and take. Use the Present S im p le , Present
C ontin uo us, Present P erfect S im p le or Present P erfect C ontinuous.


Sonya.............................................a different excuse every time she arrives late for school.


Fortunately, the storm

I don't feel tired because I

Geoffrey hardly ever.............................................any notice of what I say.

How long

How many times

The new manager

all the expenses Into account yet, but Im sure we
a large profit since the beginning of the year.


So far Janet




Its so annoying!

part In the school play three times In the last four years.
much damage to the island since it hit.
things easy for the past few days.

this job?

you a favour?
a big difference since he arrived.

a good impression on her new employer.

mistakes even when they

a great effort not to.

a noise when I want peace and quiet.


Verbs 2

Match the phrasal verbs with their meanings. The first one has been done for you.
Phrasal Verb

M eaning

get by .
go over
keep on
put in for
put through to
set up
take in
take on
take to
work out

retain in employment
apply for
connect by phone
absorb (an idea)
establish, start (a company)
give employment to


Now complete each of the following sentences with a phrasal verb in the correct form.

Erin earns very little, but somehow she.............................................on a tight budget.

I always

The hotel owners

Young children

Although her company isnt doing very well, she


a new experience for him.

Can you
I asked the operator.

Nobody in our class


my work so that I can correct any mistakes Ive made.

seasonal workers like waiters and housekeeping staff every summer.
teachers who give them plenty of attention.
all her employees

............................... just

a transfer to the London office.


a company in a foreign country, so this will be



Jennie Brewster's office, please?

maths problems as fast as Martin does.

Daniel las promotion to senior manager took her by surprise, and she

Prepositions 2
Use the prepositions below to complete the sentences. The prepositions can be used more than once.





out of


w ith

Sarahs teachers are

The factory isnt very efficient because the machinery is

As soon as Frank gets tired ...............

Please pay attention

Dave argues
every day.

I have no intention

Psychiatrists are often paid

Mike works ...............a sales representative, so hes often away................. business.

Several workers.................the local factory are afraid................. losing their jobs.


a loss to explain her sudden change in behaviour.


being................. work, hell go job hunting.

what your safety officer tells you.

his colleagues

every opportunity, so they get annoyed

him almost

handing in my resignation; its sim ply................ the question.

the hour.

The lift has been.................order since the beginning of the week.


Present Perfect Simple/Present Perfect Continuous

Use of English Practice 2

Read the text below and use one word to fill each gap.

Teachers use their own money

A recent survey (1)

revealed that over 75% of teachers (2)

bought items for their class. Although they realise they are not responsible (3)
things for their class, they believe they cannot (4)
own money. In many cases the school

(5 )


their duty properly without using their

........................... not have enough money to provide teachers

all the Items they need, which has brought criticism from teachers associations. A

representative of one of the largest associations said: Teachers naturally

(7 )

every effort to

give interesting lessons whenever possible, but this shouldnt mean going into their own pockets. The danger is that
schools will (8) ............................................ teachers goodwill for granted and expect them to fork out for classroom
materials all the time.
In response to this statement, a government official replied: We are (9)
teachers are having to pay for supplies. This government has (10)
( 11 )

a loss to explain why

increasing funding

it came to power, so there is concern that some schools ( 12 )

not managing their budgets very well.

Forming Words
Verbs and Nouns

Verbs describe actions, events and states.

We go for a walk in the woods at the weekend, (action)
The 2004 Olympic Games were held in Athens, (event)
She knows a great deal about climate change, (state)

Verbs have different forms.

They are having a lot of fun at the summer camp
He went to their house early this morning.
I haven't taken my driving test yet.
Have you decided to sell your bike?
You cant make me cry.
He seems to have lost his confidence.
Imagine spending a week in space.
Swimming is supposed to be good for you.

(Present participle)
(Past participle)
(Full infinitive)
(Bare infinitive)
(Perfect infinitive)
(Gerund as a subject)


Nouns are names given to objects, places, people, emotions etc. They usually have plural forms, but some do not.
I need some information about the countries I intend to visit.

Nouns can also be used to qualify other nouns.

The car keys are on the kitchen table.


Adjectives and Adverbs


Adjectives give information about nouns. They have no plural form.

I sought two white shirts with my last fifty-pound note.

Adjectives can also give information about verbs like feel, look, seem, smell,
sound and taste.
The flowers looked beautiful, but they didn't smell nice.

Some adverbs are formed in a

slightly different way.
autom atic

a n grily
a u to m a tica lly

30000 good ->

w ell


Adverbs give information about verbs, adjectives and other adverbs.

People normally avoid trying new foods.
The pupils waited quietly for their teacher to arrive.
We were all extremely tired after our long walk.
He played really well during the tournament.

last, late, low, long, straight

She bought a fast car and she
drove it fast.

Adverbs are usually formed by adding - l y to the adjective,

q u ick - q u ic k ly

Some adverbs have the same

form as their adjectives. These
are: early, far, fast, hard, high,

bad -> badly

Read the te xt below. In each gap 1 -10, w rite the type of w ord, verb, noun, adjective or adverb th at fits in the gap.
There is an exam ple at the b eg in n in g (0).

An international arts festival

A small (0 ) .adjective. town situated near the border with England is not the type of place you would expect an
international arts (1 )

to be held. And yet Llangollen, with a (2 )

played host to this (3 )

event since the middle of the last century.

Although the Eisteddfod, as the festival is (4 )

proud of. Several (5 )

, may not be the largest of its kind, it has a history to be

people have taken part in the festival. One such person was Luciano Pavarotti in

1955. Later, the Italian (6 )

to begin a (8)

of about 3000, has

said it had been his experience in Wales which had (7 )


singing career.

Nowadays the competitors may not be so high profile but they find the festival (9 )

enjoyable. They

not only get the chance to show off their talent but they also have the opportunity to form strong ( 10 )
with like-minded people from completely different backgrounds.

Now com plete the text. Use each word below to form another word th at fits in the corresp ond ing gap in the text.
There is an exam ple at the b egin ning (0 ). You m ay refer to A p p e n d ix 2 on page 273 to rem ind yourself of the
prefixes and suffixes used to form verbs, nouns and adjectives.















Present Perfect Simple/Present Perfect Continuous

English in Use
Idiom s

Use the idiom s below to com plete the captions under the pictures.

see eye to eye

get the p icture

p u ll yo u r socks up

a pat on the back

burn the candle at both ends

in the bag

These marks are not as good as I

expected from you, Belinda.
You really need to ..........

Dont worry about my promotion.

It's ...............................................

It's a great job and my new boss

and I
. on everything.

Were so busy at work that Im

having t o .....................................
to keep up.

Oh! I .......
Theyre doing everything they can
to make you unhappy at work.

Well done, Belinda! You really

for the effort youve made recently.

M atch the idiom s w ith the m eanings below. Th e first one has been done for you.

agree with each other


understand what you mean

as good as certain


try hard to Improve

work late and get up early



W h ich m eaning?

Som e phrasal verbs have more than one m eaning, so it is necessary to use the context to decide w h ich m eaning i<
m ost likely. Look at the pictures and caption below and decide w h ich picture m ost lik e ly represents the m eaning
of the cap tion .

I picked up a little Italian when I was In Italy.

M atch the m eanings of the phrasal verb p ick u p below w ith the pictures 1-3.


lift from the ground........


take by car

3 '2 -m a r


I n e :he correct answer.

C ircle the correct answer.

Biology isnt ...

after the third year, so
students dont have to study it.
A compulsory
C optional
B comprehensive
D temporary

Good teachers always

students to learn.
A take in
B get across

f t t i n Read the whole question before choosing the answer.


Its the first time she

A is working
B works

in the advertising
C has been working
D has worked

The local elementary school has been in this

the 1970s.
A from
C before
B since
D for

of your new teacher?
A are you thinking
C do you think
B you think
D have you thought

Its not very nice to laugh

who gets an answer wrong.
A with
C to
B at
D for

a fellow student

Well be back from our vacation a couple of days

before school
A starts
C has started
B is starting
D will start

My name is Maria and I ........ Mexico.

A am coming from
C have been coming from
B comes from
D come from

The twins are

A equally
B equal

Rice........ in parts of the world with little rainfall.

C hasn't been growing
D are not growing

A does not grow

B is not growing


Not many professionals are paid

A with
C in
B by
D to

Mr Brody has handed in his

and is leaving
the company next week.
A redundancy
C promotion
B sack
D resignation

Are people who dont

A say
B speak

lies the best

C tell
D talk

Some people earn very little but their

quite high because they get money from other
A income
C wage
B salary
D pay

Those students who drop out of university do

not complete their
A degree
C diploma
B certificate
D qualification

During an economic crisis, companies

very few new employees.
A keep in
C pick up
B take on
D put in for

You all deserve a pat on the

teacher to her class.
A head
C hand
B eye
D back

many favors for me and he never
asks for anything in return.
A taken
C done
B made
D given

the hour.

The children are tired because they

their project all day.
A are working
C have been working
B work
D have worked

C catch on
D get at

good at the physical

C equality
D equalizing

what they want their


, said the

Asifs English is so good that many people think

hes a native
A talker
C lecturer
B speaker
D teller


Past Simple/Past Continuous

Used to/Would

Past Perfect Simple/Past Perfect Continuous

Grammar Presentation 1
Past Simple
The Past Simple is formed as follows for each person:
You/She watched television yesterday afternoon.
They flew to America last week.
Did you watch television yesterday afternoon?
Did they fly to America last week?

She didnt watch television yesterday afternoon.

They didn't fly to America last week.

zam sBin the question and negative (-ve) forms with d id and d id n t, the verb
returns to the bare in fin itive form.
The Past Simple is used to refer to
actions or states which occurred or existed at a certain time in the past.

The Past Simple is used with

the stative verbs on page 4 in
Unit 1.
The following time
expressions are used with
the Past Simple to define a
specific time in the past:
ago, back then, in March,
in the 60s, in those days, in
2004, last week/month/year,

He phoned me two days ago.

I didn't think appearance was important in those days.
several actions which occurred one after the other in the past.
They entered the building, walked up the stairs and went into his office.
events which make up the main part of a story.
He closed the door behind him and locked it.
She knew at that moment that she didnt want to leave.

past habits.
I visited her every weekend during the school holidays.

Past Continuous
The Past Continuous is formed as follows:
l/He/She was watching television when Colin got back.
YouA/Ve/They were staying with friends at that time.

The following time

expressions are used with
the Past Continuous:

Was she watching television when Colin got back?

Were you staying with friends at that time?

as, at that time, at 8 o clock

yesterday, while

She wasn't watching television when Colin got back.

You werent staying with friends at that time.

The Past Continuous is used to refer to

actions in progress at a particular time in the past.
I was having dinner with Jane at eight o clock, so it wasnt me you saw at
the funfair.

actions in progress in the past when another action occurred.

We were sunbathing on the beach when we got the news.
They were playing chess when they heard a loud bang.
two actions in progress at the same time in the past.
While I was checking the emails, Beth was making phone calls.

background events in a story.

The wind was getting stronger and huge thick black clouds were covering
the sky.

Unit 2
_ 'e *orms of used to are like other verbs in the Simple Past.
Used to is followed by the bare Infinitive.

Would Is followed by the bare infinitive.

As a child, she would play alone for hours.
How often would he go abroad?
When he was a teacher, he wouldnt stay up
late on weekdays.
Would + bare infinitive describes

Payne used to do a lot of climbing.

Did you use to have long hair?
didnt use to spend much time at home.

used to + bare infinitive describes

past habits which no longer occur.

past habits which no longer occur.

When we were young, my father would tell
us stories before we went to bed.

used to eat a lot of omelettes, but I don't eat eggs at all now.

a state which once existed, but no longer exists.

would is not used to describe past states.

Arnold used to be a firefighter, but hes retired now.

I didnt use to like peace and quiet, but now I do.

Com plete the sentences by choosing the correct alternative.

That large building would/used to belong to my family, but now its owned by a famous film star.

As we played/were playing a computer game, Dave called to invite us out.

While Karen washed/was washing her hair, I was having/would have a shave.

The sun shone/was shining and a gentle breeze was blowing/blew through the trees.

Philip got up/was getting up, was walking/walked over to the window and decided/was deciding to go back to bed.

Nadia was writing/would write short stories in her free time when she was a teenager.

I didn't answer/wasnt answering your call because I was having/had a bath when you were phoning/phoned.

Dutch sailors were arrlving/arrived on this coast over 300 years ago.

They wouldnt live/didn't live in this area in the 90s.


Did you see/Were you seeing Andrew on your way over here?


The detective was picking up/picked up the ring and was putting/put it in an evidence bag.


Margaret and I would/used to be neighbours, but she moved/was moving away last year.

Com plete the text by using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past S im p le or Past C ontinuous.

I clearly remember the day we (1)

(2 )

(move) into this neighbourhood. It

(snow) heavily and a cold wind

(3 )

fun for my brother and sisters because we (4)

snow while our parents (5)

(blow). It was great

(spend) most of the day playing in the

(get) our rooms ready so that we could have a comfortable

nights sleep. This was a good idea because when the removal van (6)

.............................(leave), the whole

family was exhausted.

The following morning I was the last one to get up. When I did, I (7 )
bedroom window. My brother and sisters (8)
had made. As I was keen to join in, I quickly

(1 0 )

(go) over to my
(play) outside with some new friends they

(9 )

............................................ (get) some clothes from the wardrobe.

(not take) me long to get dressed and run out into the garden. Breakfast could

wait until later.


Vocabulary 1
Use the w ords above each set of sentences to com plete the sentences. Use the correct form of each w ord. Use each

word at least once.



d istu rb


in terrup t

Jasons argument at last nights party.

Please dont when Im talking.

I was surprised when my parents didnt

My concentration was


Marie was

Someone had

Whenever Marion starts talking nonsense, I get really..........................

What they said about Charlotte deeply



after I told them I wanted a tattoo.

when someone started shouting.

to knock when you come back: come straight in.
over whether she had given her sister the key to her flat.
the flowers in the vase.
all of us.

I used to enjoy going out, but these days I just cant be



You can

in me because I wont say a word to anyone.

Whether I forgive her

Of course I .......................

Im not going to

my cousin to drive us to the airport early in the morning and she didnt disappoint me.
on her willingness to apologise.
him: hes my best friend.
only on what Jake said. I need to ask someone else.
rem em ber

Did you


rem ind

to tell Andy about the picnic?

me of my niece who lives in Australia.
me to send Paula an email, will you?

I couldn't...........................meeting him because it had been over 30 years since wed seen each other.

I didnt have a pen or my mobile phone on me, so I

Not having a good memory for faces, Anna didnt





attitud e

fe e lin g


her address.
............her aunt immediately.
opin ion

sp irit


From my fathers point of

Its quite normal for parents

Tamara had the

In my

The children were in high

Being a sociable person, Donna is always in the

As Ritas parents are not narrow-minded, all of her close friends meet with their

Hes in a bad

, theres nothing more important than being neat and tidy.

to be quite different from those of their children.
that her mother wouldnt take to her new friends.

, someone who talks behind your back cannot be called a true friend.
as we were travelling to the beach.
to meet new people.

and doesnt want to speak to anyone.






Joanna is always willing t o ...........................a few hours to help her friends.

During his free time, Dennis.......................... hours making model aeroplanes.

Dont ...........................your time asking for Ians help; he wont even consider it.

T im e .......................... quickly when youre in good company.





w orried

Michael w as............................ to make a good impression on his new girlfriends parents.

Calling her names will only make her

Graham was

Teenagers are often

Being around strangers makes some people


and then she'll be in a bad mood for the rest of the day.

to ask Veronica out because he was

of her saying no.

about what their friends say about them.



......................, which causes them to start feeling very


I didnt think Gillian was being...........................when she said I should pay for all the damage done at
the party.

If you want to stay out of trouble, go out with

Jim tends to say what he thinks and often upsets

Whether you think a decision is

Barry used to be



or not depends on your point of view.

................... to criticism.




m aintain

Cameron always........................... his wife in an argument, no matter whether he thinks she s right or wrong

As a close family, they

Being both knowledgeable and sociable, Barry can .........................a conversation with almost anyone.

I set aside a little time every day to

Angela's sixteen now and she cant

it when her parents treat her like a young child,

It takes a great deal of hard work to .....................

a relationship.

by each other at all times.

in touch with people Ive met.


Phrasal Verbs 1

M atch the phrasal verbs w ith th eir m eanings. Th e first one has been done for you.


Phrasal Verb

ask a fter------------------------------------------------------------------- enquire about

be concerned about
break up
give an impression of being
bring up
care about
visit without arrangement
come across
drop by
agree with
fall for
pass on to the next generation
fall in with
be attracted to
fall out
not be friends any longer
hand down

Now com plete each of the fo llo w in g sentences w ith a phrasal verb in the correct form .

Wendy and Calvin

last month, but theyre thinking ofgetting back together.

You can

Helen and Julie

trust strangers.

I saw your friend Anya this morning and she

That clock was

at any time: you dont need to call before you come to see me.
after a terrible argument yesterday.
as being shy when I first met him, but it was only because he doesnt

to my father and he is going to


to me.

It's becoming more and more difficult for parents to

want to raise them.

I ............................................ everybody elses plans because I had no choice.

Why do all the boys


their children the way they

Janine? Shes not that attractive!

Of course we

what happens to you; we are your friends!

Prepositions 1
Use the prepositions below to com plete the sentences. Th e prepositions can be used more than once.








They share the same occupation and interests, so they have a lot

Nick didnt believe

We had a discussion ...............our differences so that we could understand each other better.

Now that Robert can work things out

You should be happy................. your sister, not jealous.................. her.

Theyre really not happy

He prefers to spend his free time


I used to know all my neighbours

name, but now I only know them

Can I have a word with you



Was it you who introduced me



first sight until he saw Sue.

his own, he rarely complains



you telling their mother what happened at school.

private, please?


Unit 2

Use of English Practice 1

: 3<d the text below and decide w h ich answer (A , B,

C or

D) best fits each gap.

Life in a big family

nink it is quite (1)

for people from small families to believe that growing up with five brothers and

sters has more disadvantages than advantages. However, I wouldnt have It any other way. I admit that it is difficult

:o keep the house ( 2 ) ...................and tidy and that someone is bound to (3 ) ................... your concentration whenever
o u want (4 )

and quiet. I also realise that my parents don't have enough time to (5 )

for all of

us, but I think these are only minor drawbacks.

i my ( 6 ) ..................., there are far more Important advantages. Firstly, I always have somebody to ( 7 ) ................... me in
: mes of trouble. This shows I have people around me who really (8)

me and that I am never alone. It Is also

g'eat to know that I have people to ( 9 ) whenever I dont want to keep something to myself. As you can tell,
my family Is very close and, like in all close families, we (1 0 )
never stay in a bad (11)
A in all, being (12 )

the same interests. One final good point is that

for long because there is always somebody to cheer me up when I am sad.

with several brothers and sisters ensures that I never feel lonely. I am a sociable person

and my parents, brothers and sisters are the most Important people to me in the whole world.















fall for

care about



























ask after

come across











Grammar Presentation 2
Past Perfect Simple
The Past Perfect Simple is formed as follows for each person:
/ ran to the shop, but somebody had bought the book I wanted.
They had barely finished washing the car when it started to rain.
Had you stolen the money the police found in your flat?
Had you ever worked in a factory before you started here?
When we got back home, we discovered that we hadnt shut all the windows.
/Is they hadnt reached a decision by midday, they decided to break for lunch.

The Past Perfect Simple is used to refer to

actions which occurred or states which existed before other actions or states
in the past.
By the time we arrived at the station, the coach had left.
I took out the pen that had been in my drawer for years.
She never knew how much hed loved her.
We had no sooner started talking about her than she came into the room.

The following time

expressions are used with
the Past Perfect Simple
to show that one action
occurred before another in
the past:
after, already, barely...when,
before, by the time,
hardly... when, it was the
first time...since, just, no
sooner... than, when, years

actions which occurred or states which existed before a time in the past.
No human had set foot on the moon before 1969.

Past Perfect Continuous

The Past Perfect Continuous is formed as follows for each person:
We had been working hard all day, so naturally we were very tired.
She had been waiting for an hour before I arrived.
How long had you been looking for a flat before you found this one?
Had they been talking about me for long before I walked in?
When I found the ring in her pocket, I realised she hadnt been telling
the truth.
I knew he hadnt been playing the guitar for long the moment I heard
him play.

The Past Perfect Continuous is used to refer to

actions which were in progress until another action or time in the past.
We'd been talking about relationships for hours before the party started.
I remembered how much she had been looking forward to her eighteenth
actions which had just finished or were in progress and had an effect at a

particular time in the past.

Their hands were sticky because theyd been eating sweets.
H ed only been peeling onions for less than a minute when tears started
rolling down his cheeks.


The following time

expressions are used
with the Past Perfect
ail day (long), for,
How long.. ? since

Unit 2

; :
ate the sentences by using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past P erfect S im p le or Past
: r -feet Continuous together w ith any other words given.

By the time we next met, she

As I

How long

(change) completely.
(forget) my keys, I had to wait for my parents to arrive.
(you collect) comics before you got this one?

............(hardly/leave) the house when I heard my phone start to ring.


There were no biscuits in the tin because my brother and his friends

It was the first time Marios ............................................ (speak) to her since they left university.

When Colin and Andrew came out of the room, it was obvious that neither of them .............................................

The children didnt want to go to bed because their uncle

all evening.

Liam .............................................(only clean) his room for ten minutes before he got bored.


(eat) them all.

(tell) them ghost stories

The man she was talking about was the same one I ...........................
couple of days earlier.

(see) outside our house a

Com plete the te xt by using the correct form of the verbs in brackets and any other w ords given. Use the Past
S im p le , Past C ontinuous, Past P erfect S im p le or Past P erfect C ontinuous.

How well do you know...?

-ow well do you know the people in your life? Apparently, not very well according to a study which

(come out) last week. It found that the vast majority of us get the wrong impression

of people we know at one time or another.

One typical example from the study was that of Margaret (not her real name), a twenty-year-old student. Margaret
met a young man called Stuart while she (2)
They (3)

(work) as a tour guide during the summer.

(take to) each other and decided to go out.

After six months Margaret discovered that Stuart (4)

(see) another young woman at the

same time, so she asked for an explanation over coffee. As I (5 ).............................................(talk) to him about it,
'e (6)

(look) at me with a puzzled expression. He really (7)

not believe) that he (8)

(just/do) something awful, said Margaret. After this incident,

Margaret was angry with Stuart, but even more disappointed that she (9)


someone to hurt her.

Although the explanation for this case might be that Margaret and Stuarts relationship was short, the study also

(find) that the disappointment of not knowing someone can occur after a fifty-year

relationship. One researcher involved in the study said: It is hard to get to know people, but it is even harder to
understand why you never get to know them.


Vocabulary 2
Use the words above each set of sentences to com plete the sentences. Use the correct form of each w ord. Use each

word at least once.

answ er




By the time she....

After I had broken his mobile phone, he

Can you

Why do you have to

When he left the house, h e .......................... that your children were extremely polite. letter, I had moved abroad.

by breaking mine.

to this email as soon as possible, please?


everything I do to Mum and Dad?

estim ate





I wouldnt like t o .......................... what Mikes going to come to the fancy dress party as.

Jeanette automatically

I dont

It was difficult to

Now that Ive told you my idea, what do you

Most people would


that she would get an invitation to Carol's party.

youve got a jacket you could lend me, have you?
how many people were at the wedding reception.


........... Pauls behaviour as unacceptable.


tim e


Jerry doesnt enjoy spending long......................... of time away from his family.

Its nice to be able to rely on your friends In

After going out for two years, Alan and Rita felt they were ready to take their relationship to the next

I expect my friendship with her to get stronger in the long..

Its unwise to take anyone for granted at a n y ......................... of a relationship.

It Is ...........................clear that family is more important in some countries than others.

I was......................... impressed by the way the villagers cooperated with each other.

Advice on solving family problems is now...........................available.

The announcement of their engagement took me

Most parents feel

It is ........................ young children who play in this park, but teenagers hang around here in the evening.



rem ark

of trouble.

by surprise.

about their children rushing into marriage.


un like


Sam and Chris seem to get on well

their obvious differences.

Sam, Chris thinks that you can tell whether someone will make a good friend or not the
moment you meet them.

In addition, Sam doesnt trust people easily,

.......................... being suspicious of strangers, Sam is careful with people he has known for years.

Chris is willing to take their honesty for granted.

grea tly

Jessica is not


h ig h ly

lik e ly



to make that mistake again!

wait a year or two before they get engaged.

youre not thinking of asking Veronica to help you.

We were...........................disappointed when our picnic was cancelled.

Its .....................

Our wedding planner came




that theyll celebrate their anniversary with a few close friends.

recommended and everything went off smoothly.




sim ila r

Having the

Edward is

Our new neighbourhood is quite


Im sorry I took your jacket, but apart from this small stain it is

It is widely believed that everyone should have

Barbecues are enjoyable for young and old


opinions as someone else helps to strengthen the bonds of friendship.

his father in so many ways.
to our old one, so we've settled in quickly.

twins do not dress differently, it can be very difficult to tell them apart.



su ffer

to the one Ive got.

rights, regardless of age, beliefs, colour or gender.




with the problem, so theres no need for you to do anything.

As Stan

Be careful when you talk to David! He won't

How she

Leave the tidying up to me. Ill


from a lack of confidence, he rarely goes out.

any disrespect.

with bringing up three young children and doing a part-time job is beyond me.
everything out.

great embarrassment when his girlfriend broke up with him in front of his friends.



Past Perfect Simple/Past Perfect Continuous

.... .................................................................. ....................... ..... .

Phrasal Verbs 2

M atch the phrasal verbs w ith th e ir m eanings. Th e first one has been done for you.
M eaning

Phrasal Verb

respect, admire
criticise (to humiliate)
meet by chance
display to impress
compensate for

get together----------- ------------------- let down

look up to
make up for
put down
put off
put up with
run into
show off
take after

B Now complete each of the following sentences with a phrasal verb in the

correct form .

I had barely got off the bus when I

She definitely

We used to

Its not unusual for young boys to

It was the third time he

meet me.

Why does he ...........................................his expensive possessions when we all know hes wealthy?

The girl's father

Parents often
they do not approve of.

As he believes honesty is so important, he never ...........................................dishonest people.


an old friend at the station.

her mother in both appearance and character.
at a caf in town every Sunday afternoon.
their elder brothers and try to copy them.

and not turned up to

being late to her birthday party by taking her to the funfair.

their children

becoming friends with kids

Youre always saying how disappointing he is. Give him a chance and don't


all the time.

Prepositions 2
Use the prepositions below to com plete the sentences. The prepositions can be used more than once.






w ith

Teenagers are often.................pressure to satisfy their parents wishes.

Teenagers frequently put pressure

Michael left home

the age of 19 and got married

John got engaged


Jealousy can cause children to be cruel

Shes fond

I would describe Peter

When we were students, I regarded Jerry





I got in contact

their parents to buy them whatever they want.

his childhood sweetheart when he was 21.

their younger brothers and sisters.

you because you remind her

her son when he was young.

someone who feels most comfortable when he is


my closest friend because I could always

her when she returned from Australia and was enthusiastic

Getting angry.................. young children doesnt accomplish anything.

seeing her again.

Unit 2


of English Practice 2

me text below and use one word to fill each gap.

VaK ng judgements

a -few decades (1)

.........youngsters aged between eight and twelve, who are now described
tweens, knew very little about scandal. They (3 )

not use to

access to information about the unacceptable behaviour of the famous and they were rarely asked to say whether
r e . approved (4 )

an adult's behaviour.

: wadays tweens not only have access to news Items about a stars bad behaviour but they also have the ability to
. :ge behaviour on their (5 )
"ether, (6 )

During recent interviews, tweens were quite willing to decide

their opinion, a well-known celebrity (7 )


:: nettling wrong and give reasons for their judgement. Of course (8)
- ter the influence of their parents and tend to fall In (9 )

this age, they are still

parental views, especially when

r e . come from a close family.

-5 weens grow Into teenagers, the way they have been brought (1 0 )
-* -ential because the pressure their peers put (11)
As a esult, they (1 2 )

becomes less
them takes over from parental values.

up to people based on who they are and not on what they do. Teenage

g ' s. for example, said that being pretty, famous and popular was more important than behaving badly.

Forming Words

:h kids


Com plete the table below. Put in a prefix where possible. You m ay refer to A p p e n d ix 3 on page 2 74 to rem ind
yourself of the prefixes used to change m eanings.








(1 )









(3 )








d isturbed/d isturbi ng




(4 )

was 21.

sr again.





(self-)rel iance



(10 )



Use the word in cap itals at the end of each sentence to form a word th a t com pletes the sentence.

Dont ask Glen for an opinion because hes so

able to give you one.

that he wont be

When a friend tells you something is

reveal it to anyone else.

To my mind, Annies far too

When I heard Linda shouting at the children, I realised she wasnt as

as Id thought.

, it means you mustnt

Its remarkable how some people can give accurate

that occurred in early childhood.

What you said was .....................

The toddler showed his

Shes unusually


to be a babysitter.


of events


Take it back right now!

by throwing his toy on the floor.


for a five-year-old.

Com plete the table below. You should put in a prefix for every word you w rite dow n.
A d je ctive






(1 )




(2 )


(3 )



(4 )

(5 )

(6 )





(8 )

(9 )



(in/un)sociabi 1ity




(7 )


(1 0 )


Unit 2

Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

3 S W hen you have decided what kind of word is missing, make sure that the form of the word (positive or negative)
- ees sense in context.

"rying to escape
Before becoming adults, there are two periods when we try to escape from (1)
rcrtrol. The first of these occurs in early (2)


, at about the age of two. The


cer-ble twos, as they are sometimes known, exhibit the type of (3)



iccears to show they find being under total control completely (4)

Walking has


i en them the (5)

to go where they want, and they can take full advantage of


~ ; oy running away from their parents at every opportunity.

~_e second period when (6)

at being controlled is clearly shown is when

Idren become (7)

a y

At first, there are a few minor signs that they are moving

from their parents. Then, as they reach

, these signs become more

(8 )


:c ,ious and more frequent.

~_ese two periods of development are similar in that both toddlers and adolescents show they are

....................................with their parents being in control. The difference is that 18-year-olds are

'eady for ( 10)

, whereas toddlers are not.


English in Use

Use the idioms below to complete the captions under the pictures.

twist him round my little finger

have the upper hand

came out of his shell

^ g iv ^ ie ^ ^ ie c^ n T T ^ n in ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ w e a ^ o u ^ ie a ^ o r^ o u ^ le e v ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ le ^ o u rh a i^ o w r^ ^

. J

She did what? Ill

Dont worry! I can

when I see her!

so Im sure hell drive you to

the airport.

Its good to show emotion,

but when you

* <
You might be older, sis, but just
remember that I .. .
in this family.

Come on, Maggie! Stop being

so serious all the time and
for once.

Summer camp was really good for

John. He
for the first time in his life.

M atch the idiom s w ith the m eanings below. Th e first one has been done for you.

make someone do what you want

tell someone angrily exactly what you think of them

show emotions openly

control things

relax and enjoy yourself

lose shyness and become friendly

W h ich m eaning?

A change of preposition can change the m eaning of a sentence. M atch the beginnings of each pair of sentences
on the left w ith the pair of endings on the righ t so th at th ey make sense.

We arrived on tim e

and we didn't miss the start of the film.

We arrived in tim e

to get a cup of coffee before the film started.

1shouted at Jerry

to tell him it was lunchtime.

1shouted to Jerry

because he'd done something foolish.

It was in m y way and that's why

1asked her to move it.

It was on m y way and thats why

1offered to take her to work.

M atch the phrases in bold w ith the m eanings below.


communicated in a loud voice

on the route 1was taking

earlier than necessary

showed anger with


causing an obstruction





C ircle the correct answer.

:-e correct answer.

By the time she got back home, the babysitter
asleep in the living room.
A was falling
C fell
B had been falling
D had fallen

Franks normally so reliable, so I didnt expect

him to
A put me down
C put me off
B let me down
D bring me up

that it was dangerous to go into the

woods behind our house after dark.
A would think
C used to be thinking
B used to think
D was thinking

I used to spend long

the garden shed.
A periods
B spaces

When did Sally get engaged

B with
D for

Sonya has the

hand in her house and
controls her brother and sisters.
A longer
C upper
B higher
D taller

her elder sister and says she
wants to be just like her one day.
A looks up to
C puts up with
B takes over
D makes up for

that Caroline will help you without
asking for something in return.
A regard
C guess
B estimate
D assume

natural for teenagers to want
A perfectly
C mainly
B strongly
D finely

Everyone likes her because she has such a

A resistible
C useful
B satisfied
D caring

Its not easy for Pamela t o ........ with the

pressure her family puts on her.
A cope
C tolerate
B sort
D suffer



While we were waiting for Jenny, we

driving into town.
A were seeing
B had been seeing
D had seen


According to June, Ben and Jack

at last
nights party.
A fell out
C had fallen out
B were falling out
D had been falling out
They were very tired because they
furniture all day.
A moved
C were moving
B had been moving
D had moved
We lost contact with Shirley two years........
B ago
D previous

When I was young, the whole family

on a
picnic every weekend.
A would go
C had been going
B were going
D had gone
It wasnt unusual for girls to get married
a young age in those days.
A to
B in
D with

when you heard the news?

C would you do
D did you use to do

A were you doing

B had you done


D terms



of time painting in

Please dont
B interfere


in our business.
C disturb
D provoke

Nobody was in th e ........ to go out, so we

ordered some pizza.
A approval
C spirit
B feeling
D mood


Future Simple/Future Continuous/fce going to

Future Perfect Simple/Future Perfect Continuous
Other Ways to Express the Future/Question Tags
"W m

Grammar Presentation 1
Future Simple
The Future Simple is formed as follows for each person:
1 think she/they will make the right decision.
Youll be old enough to vote next year.

The following words and

expressions are used with the
Future Simple:

Will 1have enough time to visit my aunt?

Will you carry this bag for me?
We will not let it happen again.
We wont tell anyone about your plan.

be certain/sure, believe,
definitely, guess, know,
cr~aps. probably, reckon,
suppose, think

The Future Simple is used to

refer to future facts.
She will be eighteen next month.

make promises.
1 will give you the money tomorrow.

make decisions at the time of speaking.

I t s stuck! I ll get a hammer.

make requests.
Will you get some apples on the way back from work?

make predictions.
It will take at least six months to get into shape.

make offers.
1 will help you clean up after the party.

give opinions or express possibility about future events.

1 think the concert will be a great success.
Were sure they will do better next year.
I ll be busy tomorrow morning.

make threats.
I'll tell your mother.

Future Continuous
The Future Continuous is formed as follows for each person:
l/He/We will be driving to Paris this time tomorrow.
Will you be working in the office next Friday morning?
They wont be staying the night.

The Future Continuous is used to

refer to actions in progress at a specific time in the future.
Theyll be cooking for the whole family next Sunday morning.
I will be working on my project tomorrow afternoon.
refer to actions which have been planned.
We will be staying at the best hotel in town.

make guesses about actions in progress.

It s seven o clock now, so Pauline will be working out at the gym.


The following expressions

are used with the Future
at 5 o clock tomorrow, next
Saturday morning/evening,
this time tomorrow/next week/

Unit 3
be going to
Be go in g to is formed in the same way as the Present Continuous.
/ am going to buy a new microwave oven next week.

Be go in g to is used with
future time expressions.

WefThey are going to sell the shop soon.

He/She is going to study medicine.

REMEMBER![The Present
Simple and Present
Continuous are also used
to refer to the future.

Are you going to take part in the fun run?

Is he going to apply for the job ?
I'm not going to give up jogging.
Shes not going to visit us during the holiday.
Be go in g to is used to
refer to intentions.

I m going to take an aerobics class.

Shes going to ask for an extra day off.
make predictions based on present observations.
Look at all this traffic! Were going to be late.
The children are eating too much ice cream. Theyre going to make themselves sick.

Com plete the sentences by using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Future S im p le , Future
Continuous or be go in g to togeth er w ith any other words given . Use be go in g to wherever possible.

I ..................

(make) his birthday cake this time on Friday.

(you help) me?


Look at how much cake hes eating! He

As Ive hurt my back, I

Its midday, so he

............................................ (you/get) one of those fridges which uses much less electricity than normal ones?

I think


There are no lemons left. I

(probably/eat out) this evening.

(have) a terrible stomachache.
(be able to go) climbing with you.
(prepare) lunch.
(you be) surprised at how well he can cook.
(not make) that mistake again and thats a promise.
(go) and buy some.


Don't call me at four oclock. I





(have) a rest then.

(never/replace) chefs in restaurants.
(have) a barbecue next Saturday evening.

Com plete the em ail by using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Future S im p le or Future
C ontinuous, be going to and in one case the Present S im p le . Use any other w ords given.

Its great to hear that you (1)
(2 ).................................

(open) your own restaurant. I think that it

(attract) plenty of customers as there isnt another restaurant that has Greek

food on the menu in your area.

agree that you (3)

(have to) visit some restaurants here in Greece before you

(serve) any Greek dishes at your restaurant. I (5)

(definitely/take) you to some of the best traditional restaurants in the city so that you can get a better idea of how
to cook Greek food.
Unfortunately, I (6)
I (7)

(not be able to join) you on Poros. During the first week of August,
(stay) with my cousin George at his family's summer house. He
(be) eighteen on 6th August and we (9)

surprise party for him. So, Georges sister and I (10)

(have) a big
(arrange) everything in secret for

the whole week.

Best wishes,


Future Simple/Future Continuous/be

going to

Vocabulary 1
Use the words above each set of sentences to complete the sentences. Use the correct form of each word. Use each
word at least once.


m end



As long as you are careful, your hand w ill......................... very quickly.

Young peoples broken bones

Doctors had to

Some serious illnesses can be

Medical staff

much more quickly than those of the elderly.

locals for chemical poisoning after an explosion at the factory nearby.
when the patient seeks medical help early.
all the flu victims to health within a week.

Don escaped the accident without any

An ear

The child who had a deep

An X-ray revealed two


You'll do yourself
exam ination

w ound

in fection


prevented her from going for her daily swim.

on his arm was taken to hospital for stitches.
of the patients left arm.
has healed so well that there is no scar on his cheek.
by not taking your doctors advice and going out with a high temperature.
in jection





After a thorough medical .........................., Veronica was told there was nothing wrong with her.

You cant take this medicine without a

Ive got some

Emma was happy to hear she did not need an

In order to make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor had to wait for the results of a blood

I can never look at the needle when I have an

As they are most at risk from disease, medical staff are among the first people to receive

from your doctor.

for low-calorie dishes that will help you lose weight.

....................... on her broken leg.

th ro b b in g

com m on

Theres no cure for th e ...........................cold, but there are remedies you can take to make it bearable.

A spoonful of honey will provide temporary relief for a ......................... throat.

As I had a

After training, Carla felt a

Having a

headache, all I wanted was peace and quiet.

pain in her right arm whenever she tried to lift it.
nose, Sandra bought a lot of tissues to take to work.
cough always sounds really bad.






tw isted

H er............................ hip was black and blue, but she hadnt suffered any fractures.

She has to get around on crutches because she has a badly

The gymnast held an ice pack on his

You cant do push-ups when you have a ........................... wrist.


knee after taking a heavy fall.

in her leftleg.

Unit 3





Make sure you put your hand over your nose if you feel you are going to


When one person in a group

Its not a good idea t o .......................... your nose as hard as you can.


with relief when his doctor gave him the good news.

regim e

, others sometimes do the same thing.




You can imagine h is.......................... of mind when he had to give up weight training.

There are three major food

A tough training

Sallys busy daily

Its best to choose a fitness

There are now face...........................available that remove wrinkles and make people look younger.

A good suntan

will protect you while you are sunbathing.

Some vitamin

are so large that theyre difficult to swallow.

Nowadays strawberry-flavoured cough

more easily.

A combination of eye

: carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

can leave you exhausted when youre not really fit.
does not allow her to spend much time at the gym.
that suits your needs and ability.

is prescribed for children to help them to take it

and eye

brought me relief.


Future Simple/Future Continuous/be g o in g to

Phrasal Verbs 1

M atch the phrasal verbs w ith th e ir m eanings. Th e first one has been done for you.

Phrasal Verb


bring r o u n d ----------care for

get over
give up
go down with
go through
keep off
pass out
wear off
work out

recover from
become ill with
help back to consciousness
stop doing
look after
disappear slowly
lose consciousness, faint
do exercise
not eat or drink

------- --------------

B Now complete each of the following sentences with a phrasal verb in the correct form.

My doctor advised me to

As the effect of the injection

Im going to

It was so hot that several people

Luckily, a little cool water was enough t o ........................................... them

Who Is going to

It will take some time for Ron to

There were hardly any clerks in the office because most of them



golf because I had a bacK problem.

, my leg started to hurt.
later, so I wont eat a lot now.

Jackie while Im at work?

his illness, but he will recover.

a great deal of pain after suffering burns while fighting the fire.

The dietician said it would be best t o .............................................dairy products with a high fat content.

Prepositions 1
Use the prepositions below to com plete the sentences. Th e prepositions can be used more than once.

1____ 2L_ from



out of

I dont think I will benefit

Now that hes ................. danger, he wont have to for much longer.

Unfortunately, Jill will have to stay

pain after the operation.

After suffering

Concentrating................. getting well is the key.................. recovery.

As I am not in the habit................. working out, any strenuous task leaves me

Dont put yourself

risk by exercising too hard.

Keep all medicine

the reach of children.

Samantha didnt use to be keen

We were all surprised


a diet.




bed for

least a week because she is still

the effects of stress for years, he is now

good health again.


going to the gym, but now you cant keep her away
how quickly she got over her illness.


Unit 3
Use of English Practice 1
Read the te xt below and decide w h ich answ er (A, B,

C or D) best fits each gap.

E_. the time medical students complete their studies and training, they should be able to (1)
e~ectlvely. Primarily, a doctor must be able to make a diagnosis on most occasions based on a brief
:ne symptoms described by a patient. When a doctor is sure the diagnosis is correct a


be enough to help the patient (7)


can be written,

'ecommendations made, or both. When, for example, a patient comes into the surgery with a (4)
doctor might decide that a course of antibiotics, (5)


their patients

syrup and advice to (6)

throat, a
very cold drinks

the illness quickly. In cases when a diagnosis cannot be made

mmediately, a doctor may request a blood (8)

to get more information.

.'/hen a patients problem is outside the doctors field of practice, the patient is referred to another doctor. For instance,
a general practitioner will refer a patient with an eye (9)

or a (10)

pain in the chest to an eye

specialist and a cardiologist respectively.

1 secondary, though no less important, role for a doctor concerns psychological well-being. Firstly, a doctor should
ensure that a patients (11)

of mind will help recovery. Moreover, a doctor has to recognise that the patient

*no regularly comes in complaining of a heavy cold after just one ( 12 )

may just need a sympathetic ear

end little else.




A treat

B restore

A vaccine

B injection


B note


B sprained

A flu

B cold

A stay out

B keep off

B give up

pass out

A check

B test

B harm


A tough

B hard

A condition

B situation

A sneeze

B yawn



D fix


D operation


D paper


D sore


D throat

wear off

D leave out

go through

D get over


D data


D ache


D cutting


D state


D blow


Future Perfect Simple/Future Perfect Continuous/Question Tags

Grammar Presentation 2
Future Perfect Simple
The Future Perfect Simple is formed as follows for each person:
l/He/She/We/They will have finished by tomorrow evening.

The Future Perfect Simple is

used with by + a specific time
in the future, or by now.

Will you have recovered from the injury by next month?

We wont have made our final decision by the weekend.

The Future Perfect Simple is used

to refer to actions or events that will be finished at a specific time in the future.
They will have saved enough money by next spring.
to express probability that actions or events will be finished at the time

of speaking.
It's four o clock, so Jim will have had his operation by now.

Future Perfect Continuous

The Future Perfect Continuous is formed as follows for each person:
By this time next year, l/he/she/we/they will have been working here for
ten years.
How long will you have been doing the project by the end of this year?
He wont have been playing golf for three years by next month; he only took
it up earlier this year.

The Future Perfect Continuous is used to

refer to actions or events that started in the past and will still be In progress
at a specific time In the future.
By the end of this year, I will have been doing this job for exactly five years.
express the probability of how long actions or events will have been in

progress for a period of time until the time of speaking.

Its exactly six o clock, so they will have been travelling for about eight hours.


T he Future Perfect Continuous

is normally used to put an
e~ohasis on the length of time
the action will have been in
progress, so this tense is used
in the following structures. B y
+ a specific time in the future +

Future Perfect Continuous + for

+ a period of time, or H ow long
=e'*5ct Continuous
(question form) + by + a
specific time in the future? In +
period of time (e.g In tw o yea rs
tim e ) can also be used at the

beginning of the sentence.

Com plete the sentences by using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Future Perfect S im p le or
Future P erfect C ontinuous.

How lo n g ................................................ (you work) in this hospital by the end of this month?

Im sure she............................................ (recover) completely by the end of the summer holidays.

Phone her. She

By the end of this year, Barbara

it shows.

In just three months time, Charles

They hope that th e y ............................................ (receive) enough vaccine by the time school starts.

(get) the results of her blood test by now.

(attend) aerobics lessons for eighteen months, and
(complete) his medical studies.

Com plete the text by using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Future S im p le , Future C ontinuous,
be going to , Future P erfect S im p le , Future P erfect Continuous and the Present S im p le .

My plans
In two years time I (1)

. (complete) my degree in food science. However, I dont intend to leave

university until I (2)

(be) 22 because I (3)

course. This second qualification (4)

(take) a postgraduate

(give) me a better chance of getting a good job.

Another reason why I expect to get a good job is that I know someone in the food industry. By the end of this year,
a friend of mine (5)

(work) for a major company in the industry for five years. He has

already made some good contacts and has promised that he (6)

(put) in a good word for

me when the time ( 7 ) ............................................ (come).

Besides the two qualifications, I (8)

.. (have) something else to put on my C.V. This time

next month, I (9)

(get) valuable experience in a quality control laboratory. Although I

realise that having a summer job means missing out on a lot of fun, I am sure that the sacrifice

(be) worth it in the end.

Other Ways to Express the Future

The phrases below are used to express actions which will occur in the near future.
be about to

be due to
be on the point of
be on the verge of

We are about to open our own gym.

He is due to have his final operation on his hip.
They are on the point of deciding which treatment is best for the patient.
Scientists are on the verge of discovering a revolutionarynew drug.

Question Tags
A question tag is formed by adding an auxiliary verb or a modal verb and a
subject pronoun to a statement. When the statement is positive, the question
tag is negative and when the statement is negative, the question tag is
positive. Question tags are used to ask for confirmation of the statement.
You prefer this one, dont you?
She doesnt work out regularly, does she?
He is going on a diet, isnt he?
They bought the equipment, didnt they?
She had fish for lunch, didn't she?
I wasnt being unreasonable, was I?
We have made a mistake, havent we?
He had won the trophy before, hadnt he?
You will tell me, wont you?
She can stay, cant she?

/mrara The following question

tags are formed slightly
Lets go, shall we?
I am fit enough, aren't I?
Help me get into shape, will you?

Com plete each of the fo llo w in g sentences by adding a corresponding question tag.

Go and see a dentist,


She gave you a prescription,

I havent done anything wrong,

He will help you with your fitness regime,.............................................?

Lets choose this activity,.............................................?

The operation was a success,.............



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