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Answer all questions.

Jawab semua soalan.

1. Diagram 1 shows three sets, Set I, Set II and Set III, of the apparatus set-up for an
experiment to investigate the effect of ethanoic acid and ammonia solution on the
coagulation of latex.
Rajah 1 menunjukkan tiga set, Set I, Set II dan Set III, susunan radas bagi satu
eksperimen untuk mengkaji kesan asid etanoik dan larutan ammonia ke atas
penggumpalan lateks.

PPT 2012 Chemistry Paper 3


(a) State one hypothesis based on Set I and Set II.

Nyatakan satu hipotesis berdasarkan Set I dan Set II.
[ 3 marks ]
(b) Record the time taken for the latex to coagulate in Set I and Set III.
Rekodkan masa yang diambil untuk lateks menggumpal dalam Set I dan Set III.
Set I :________________________________________________________________
Set III : ______________________________________________________________
[ 3 marks ]
(c) Construct a table to record the time taken for coagulation in Set I and Set III.
Bina satu jadual untuk merekod masa yang diambil untuk penggumpalan dalam Set I
dan Set III.

[ 3 marks ]
(d) State one observation that can be obtained from each set of this experiment.
Nyatakan satu pemerhatian yang dapat diperoleh daripada setiap set eksperimen ini.
Set I

: __________________________________________________________

Set II

: __________________________________________________________


: __________________________________________________________

[ 3 marks ]
(e) State the operational definition for the coagulation of latex.
PPT 2012 Chemistry Paper 3


Nyatakan definisi secara operasi bagi penggumpalan lateks.

[ 3 marks ]
(f) For this experiment, state:
Bagi eksperimen ini, nyatakan:

The manipulated variable

Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan


The responding variable

Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas


The constant variable

Pemboleh ubah dimalarkan

[ 3 marks ]
(g) (i) Excess hydrochloric acid is added to the beaker in Set II after 2:00 p.m.
What observation can be made about the latex?
Asid hidroklorik berlebihan ditambah ke dalam bikar dalam Set II selepas 2:00 p.m.
Apakah pemerhatian yang boleh dibuat mengenai lateks itu?
[ 3 marks ]

(ii) Explain the answer in 1(g)(i).

Terangkan jawapan bagi 1(g)(i).
PPT 2012 Chemistry Paper 3


[ 3 marks ]
(h) Explain why latex can coagulate without acid in Set III.
Terangkan mengapa lateks boleh menggumpal tanpa asid dalam Set III.
[ 3 marks ]
(i) (i) Explain why the latex in Set I coagulate faster than the latex in Set III.
Terangkan mengapa lateks dalam Set I menggumpal lebih cepat daripada lateks
dalam Set III.
[ 3 marks ]

(ii) The following is a list of chemical substances:

Berikut ialah senarai beberapa bahan kimia:
PPT 2012 Chemistry Paper 3


Nitric acid / Asid nitric

Sodium hydroxide / natrium hidroksida
Methanoic acid / asid metanoik
Potassium hydroxide / kalium hidroksida

Classify these substances into substances that can coagulate latex and substances that
cannot coagulate latex.
Kelaskan bahan-bahan ini kepada bahan yang boleh menggumpalkan lateks dan
bahan yang tidak boleh menggumpalkan lateks.

[ 3 marks ]

2. The three statements below describe the observation made when three elements react
with water. The elements are in Group 1 of the Periodic Table of Elements.
PPT 2012 Chemistry Paper 3


Tiga pernyataan di bawah menghuraikan pemerhatian yang dibuat apabila tiga unsure
bertindak dengan air. Unsur-unsur itu adalah Kumpulan 1 Jadual Berkala Unsur.
Statement 1 / Pernyataan 1
Lithium, Li, moves slowly at random on the surface of the water with a little fizzing. The
water then turns red litmus paper to blue.
Litium, Li, bergerak perlahan-lahan secara rawak di atas permukaan air dengang
menghasilkan desiran. Air itu kemudian menukar kertas litmus merah ke biru.
Statement 2 / Pernyataan 2
Sodium, Na, moves rapidly at random on the surface of the water with a hissing sound.
The water then turns red litmus paper to blue.
Natrium, Na, bergerak pantas secara rawak di atas permukaan air dengan menghasilkan
bunyi hiss. Air itu kemudia menukar kertas litmus merah ke biru.
Statement 3 / Pernyataan 3
Potassium, K, moves very rapidly at random on the surface of the water. It ignites with a
lilac flame with a pop sound and a hissing sound. The water turns red litmus paper to
Kalium, K, bergerak sangat pantas secara rawak diatas permukaan air. Ia menyala
dengan nyalaan ungu muda serta menghasilkan bunyi pop dan hiss. Air itu kemudian
menukar kertas litmus merah ke biru.
Plan a laboratory experiment to investigate the reactivity of lithium, sodium and
potassium with water.
Rancang satu eksperimen makmal untuk mengkaji kereaktifan litium, natrium dan kalium
dengan air.
Your planning should include the following aspects:
Perancangan anda hendaklah mengandungi aspek-aspek berikut:
(a) Aim of the experiment
Tujuan eksperimen.
(b) All the variables.
Semua pemboleh ubah
(c) Statement of the hypothesis
Pernyataan hipotesis
(d) List of substances and apparatus
Senarai bahan dan radas
(e) Procedure of the experiment
Prosedur eksperimen
(f) Tabulation of data
Penjadualan data

PPT 2012 Chemistry Paper 3


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