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Question C

Globalization is now happening in our life. This is a process of increasing the

connectivity and interdependence of the worlds view, market, business,
product, idea and other aspect of culture. In the other words, globalization
means the world without border. However, there are also cons in
globalization more specifically in the context of morality when it becomes
harmful towards the world.
First and foremost, globalization may threaten the culture because of
certain uncontrolled habit. Culture can be defined as a characteristic, belief
and knowledge of a particular group of people defined by their social habit.
First, we can see in traditions of Javanese culture where during any ceremony
like wedding ceremony, usually the Javanese will have rewang means the
people work together to prepare for the ceremony. However, since
globalization occurred, this rewang had been replaced by modern catering
which people just pay for the service and they just have to wait for the
ceremony begin. Next, the language of people nowadays are no in the proper
manners. Because of globalization, especially the teenagers are affected by
using the harsh words in their daily conversation and not giving the respect
to the elders. This consider rude because in our culture younger should use
proper words when talking to others which shows the dignity of the family.
In addition, some terms that globalization may threaten the culture is
in the terms of consumerism. This can be clearly seen when gadget became

one of the main important device in our daily life. Previously, when
smartphone is not an important device, people can spend their quality time
very well with the family and friends. However, the existence of smartphone,
create some distance because even in dining table, all family members likely
to scrolling their smartphone rather than talking to each other. Other than
that, the western ideals also bring the harmful impact towards the people
over the world. For an instance, the culture of skinhead, black metal, gothic
and others brings the immoral behavior of the people who involve. This is
because, our culture teaches us to be polite and respect others while these
cultures teach vice versa that might harm our society which prioritized on
ancient culture that has full respect and dignity.








Environment is the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal or

plant lives or operates. Since the globalization has occurred, it increase the
ecological footprint of human activities around the world which leads to first;
deforestation where the clearing of trees, transforming a forest into cleared
land. This permanent destruction happens due to the developing of an area
such as construction of new building, housing area and others.


globalizing, every area need to be developed and achieved the standards

therefore they forgot to appreciate the environment and become immoral
where they forget due to the deforestation, they also may damage the plant
and animal habitats.

Lastly, the harmful impact of globalization is power and social

deferential. This is happen where the rich become richer while the poor
become poorer. Globalization lead to inequality because all citizens do not
get the equal service which they categorized by the social status. In the
health issue, usually those who are affordable are likely to be serving where
they can get the best treatment throughout the world however for poor
people; they just have to wait for the treatment in their place. Other than
that, due to this, poverty also increases because they cannot catch up with
the modernization of the world and left behind where their salaries are fully
utilized to pay daily commitment. Therefore, globalization consider as
immoral when there is no ways to overcome it since globalization is

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