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May L 2007

Mr. John P. Clark

Depmy Assistanl Secretary
US lmmignttioll ano.l CustomS Enforoem.:nt
425 I Streel NW, Room 7100
Wll5hinglon, DC 20536

Dear Mr. Clark:

I am ....TiLing to reqUC"S1 participation in the Delcglllion of Authority I'rogrum pursuant

to 287(11.) of thc Immigration and Nnturnli7.atlon ACl Givcn our past rclationship with
ICE (Immigration Customs Enforcement). Ihi s partnership will elUlble us to better
servc and nteet the needs ofthc residcnto; of Ocala and Marion County Florida.

in communication with your office in Tampa. Spco::ial

been vcI)" helpful and cncouraging. With his advice I 11m

• Establishmcnt of an ldenlification Rcview Officer 01 our I'olice Department

located at 402 South Pine Awnue Ocalil, Florida. This is our agency's
headquancB and it houses our Criminal IntelligclK:c Unit.
• Train two (2) Policc OfficcB, II!!signed to the Criminnl Intelligcnce Unit. with
a minimum oflwo years cllpericncc .... ho have passed a security background
acceptablc 10 ICE.

This progr-am will allow us 10 cntcr into a Mcmomndum of Understanding thot will
enable us 10 participate v.ith ICE in identifying criminal illegal .liens ..... ho pose a risk
to tbc citizen! of Ocala. I look forward to your speedy endorsement of this request
and moving forv.urd with Ihis prognun for the benefit ornll.


Oc· ~ ,-, Pm.ln. DlP, ...nll'-r
P_O _ 110\ ll1"f1
ex ~LA.. H <lIlIUA ..... 101

Mr John P. Cluck
Deputy Ass istant Secretary
US Immigration and Customs Enfolcement
4 251 Street NW Room 7100
Washmg ton, DC 20536

r (ioll alld RemOl'O/ Operations

IJ.S.l)epar1menl of HOllleland Secllrlty

425 I Street, NW
Wash ingto n. DC 20536

u.s. Immigration
and Customs

May 16.2007

Ocala Police Department

402 S. Pine A venue
P.O. Box 1270
Ocala FL 34478


Thank you for your interest in the 287(g) Delegation of Authority program. This letter is to
notifY you that the Office of the Assistant Secretary fOJ U.S. lnunigration and Customs
Enforcemen1 (ICE) has received your request for 287(g) Delegation of Authority training for
the Ocala Police Department.

On May 16, 2007, the Program Manager for 287(g) Delegation of Authority at ICE
Headquarters forwarded your request for participation in the 287(g) program to the Special
Agent in Charge (SAC) Tampa, and the Field Operations Director (FOD) Miami areas of
responsibility (AOR). The SAC and FOD, along with a member of your staff will need to
conduct a feasibility assessment study. After completion, the assessment will be reviewed at
ICE Headquarters and a determination will be made to either accept or deny your request to
participate in the program,

Should you re.quire information concerning the status of your request to particiRate in (he
local ICE point of contact is Senior Special Agent (SSA(} _ C)
can be reached at (8 I 3) 3~g~_l'bank you for your interest in
ORO'!"' De,le!~ation of Authority Program.

287 (g) Unit Chief

Detention and Removal Operations
Stoney, Meronica 0

From: (b)(6), (b)(7)(C)

Sent: Friday, August 15,20083:17 PM
To: (b)(6), (b)(7)(C)
Cc: (b)(6), (b)(7)(C)
Subject: FW: Call #3 (Ocala, Florida) & Call #4(Huntsville, Alabama)

(b)(6), (b)(7)(C)
Just to let you know and in case you get any questions about this, Mr. Pendergraph called Huntsville PD today and
informed them that they have been denied 287(g) .

(b)(6), (b)( )(C)

287(g) National Program Manager
425 I St NW, Room 3040
Washington, DC 20536
(b)(6), (b)(7)(C)
202-2(b~6) , (b)(7)(C)

From: (b)(6), (b)(7)(C)

Sent: Friday, August 15, 2008 11:38 AM
To: (0)(6), (b)(7)(C)
Cc: (b)(6) , (b)(7)(C)
Subject: Call #3 (Ocala, Florida) & Call #4(Huntsville, Alabama)

Call #3 (Ocala, Florida)

• Ocala Police Department is complete (Denial)
• Mr. Pendergraph talked with (b (6), (b)(7) C who is the acting Chief as the Chief is on vacation. (b)(6), (b)(7)(C)
advised that she would pass the information on the Chief
• There are no issues

Call #4(Huntsville, Alabama)

• Huntsville Police Department is complete (Denial)

• Mr. Pendergraph talked with (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) who understands and stated he has a good working
relationship with ICE
• There are no issues

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