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March 12, 2007

Abacavir, is an antiretroviral drug. When a virus (such as HIV) tries to manufacture
DNA from the viral RNA, it unknowingly incorporates abacavir instead of a natural
component of DNA, guanosine, which stops the virus from reproducing.
Es una droga antiretroviral. Cuando un virus (como VIH) trata de fabricar ADN del ARN
viral, ignorantemente incorpora abacavir en lugar de un componente natural del
ADN, guanosina, que detiene la reproduccin del virus.
Abyssinone II
October 4, 2010
(2S)-Abyssinone II is a prenylated flavonoid from the Chinese medicinal plant
Broussonetia papyrifera. The racemic compound was synthesized by M. Cushman and
co-workers, who also made several derivatives of it. One of them showed 20 times
more activity against human aromatase than the base compound and is being tested
as a breast cancer chemopreventive.
Es un penltimo flavonoide de la planta medicinal china Broussonetia papyrifera. El
compuesto racmico fue sintetizado por M. Cushman y colaboradores, quienes
adems hicieron varios derivados de l. Uno de ellos mostr 20 veces ms
actividad contra el aromatase humano que el compuesto basd y est siendo
probado como un quimiopreventivo de cncer de seno.
Aflatoxin B1
September 28, 2009
Aflatoxins are mycotoxins that are secondary fungal metabolites produced by species
such as Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus. They were first described by K. Sargeant
et al. in 1961. Under certain conditions, notably high humidity, they can contaminate
cereal, nut, seed, and spice crops. Aflatoxin B1, a potential carcinogen, accounts for
~60% of all aflatoxins. It was recently found in some samples of commercial Chinese
peanut butter and sesame paste.
Son micotoxinas que son metabolitos funginos secundarios producidos por especies
como Aspergillus flavus y A. parasiticus. Ellos son descritos primero por K. Sargeant y
colaboradores en 1961. Bajo ciertas condiciones, humedad notablemente alta, pueden
contaminar cereal, nueces, semilla y sabor del cultivo. Aflatoxin B 1, un carcingeno
potencial, calculus para ~60% de todo el aflatoxin. Fue encontrado recientemente en
algunas muestras de cacahuete chino comercial y pasta de ssamo.
January 4, 2010
Amphetamine, or 1-phenyl-2-aminopropane, was first synthesized in 1887 by
Romanian chemist L. Edeleanu. It is a central nervous system stimulant and the parent
compound of a family of widely used (and abused) psychoactive drugs. It is sold under
many trade namesBenzedrine, Dexedrine, and Adderall are the most prominent
and as the racemic mixture or either of its two optical isomers. The D-isomer is shown.
Anfetamina o 1-fenil-2-aminopropano, fue sintetizado primero en 1887 por el qumico
rumano L. Edeleanu. Es un estimulante del sistema nervioso central y el compuesto
familiar de una familia de psicoactivos ampliamente usados (y abusados). Este es
vendido bajo muchos nombres comerciales- Bencedrina, Dexedrina, y Adderall son los

ms comunes- y como la mezcla racmica u otros de sus dos ismeros pticos. El Dismero es mostrado.
Chlorine pentafluoride
January 3, 2011
The gas chlorine pentafluoride (ClF5) was first prepared by D. F. Smith in 1963 by the
reaction of ClF3 with F2 under heat and pressure. It was previously an unknown
compound. Ironically, it was predicted on the basis of the existence of XeF 4, which at
the time was considered to be a novelty because it was believed that noble gases
could not bind to other elements. ClF5 has occasionally been tried as an oxidant, but
the HCl and HF byproducts make this a bad idea.
El gas pentafluoruro clrico primero fue preparado por D. F. Smith en 1963 por la
reaccin de ClF3 con F2 bajo calor y presin. Fue previamente un compuesto
desconocido. Irnicamente,
January 31, 2011
2,5-Dimethylfuran is a low-boiling, flammable liquid. It is synthesized from fructose or
glucose and has been promoted as a sustainable biofuel. Recently, it was identified as
a marker for cigarette smoke for the purpose of evaluating workplace safety.
January 10, 2011
3,4-Diaminopyridine, or 3,4-DAP, is used to treat muscle diseases such as Lambert
Eaton myasthenic syndrome. It has also been used to relieve the symptoms of
botulinum neurotoxin type A (BoNT/A) poisoning (botulism), but it penetrates the blood
brain barrier and produces neurotoxic side effects. K. J. Janda and coauthors have
recently shown that the 3,4-DAP derivative 3,4,5-triaminopyridine overcomes this
problem and has anti-BoNT/A potency equal to 3,4-DAP.
Xenon Difluoride
February 7, 2011
Xenon difluoride is a white crystalline solid with an unpleasant odor. One of the first
compounds to be prepared from inert gases, it was synthesized by the low-pressure
photochemical reaction of xenon and fluorine by J. L. Weeks, C. L. Chernick, and M. S.
Matheson in 1962. The same year, R. Hoppe and co-workers produced it via electrical
discharge. XeF2 is a strong fluorinating agent.
January 17, 2011
Heme, a porphyrin derivative, is the color component of hemoglobin, which is
responsible for transporting oxygen in blood. It was isolated by E. Bertin-Sans and J.
de Moitessier in 1892. In 2010, M. P. Soares and coauthors reported that infections can
release free heme from hemoglobin, which leads to heme-promoted tissue damage
and severe sepsis.
Lidocaine is used topically to relieve itching, burning, and pain from skin inflammations;
and it is injected as a dental or minor surgery anesthetic.

Lidocana es usado tpicamente para aliviar comezn, quemaduras, y dolor de

inflamaciones superficiales; y es inyectado como un anestsico dental o en
cirugas menores.
December 22, 2008
Morphine is the most important alkaloid in opium, an extract of the poppy Papaver
somniferum. A good grade of opium contains 914% of anhydrous morphine. It has
been used as a potent painkiller for more than 150 years, especially after the
development of the hypodermic needle. But it is extremely addictive and withdrawal is
Morfina es el alcaloide ms importante en el opio, un extracto de la amapola Papaver
somniferum. Un opio de buena calidad contiene 9-14% de morfina anhidra. Ha
sido usada como un potente analgsico por ms de 150 aos, especialmente
despus del desarrollo de la aguja hipodrmica. Pero es extremadamente
adictiva y renunciar es difcil.
August 9, 2010
Propranolol is an early nonselective beta blocker used primarily to treat high blood
pressure, angina pectoris, and other cardiovascular conditions. It was developed in the
1950s by J. W. Black at ICI (now AstraZeneca); he received a share of the 1988 Nobel
Prize in physiology or medicine for his work. Of propranolols two optical isomers, the
(S)-enantiomer is the more bioactive.
Propranolol es un -bloqueador primario no selectivo usado principalmente para tratar
alta presin sangunea, angina de pecho, y otras condiciones cardiovasculares. Fue
desarrollada en los 50s por J. W. Black en ICI (ahora AstraCneca); l recibi en 1988
una parte del Premio Nobel de fisiologa y medicina por sus trabajos. De los dos
ismeros pticos de propranolol, el (S)-enantimero es el ms bioactivo.
January 24, 2011
9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the psychoactive compound in marijuana (Cannabis
sativa). It was isolated by Y. Gaoni and R. Mechoulam relatively recently (1964). THC
receptor CB1 in the brain gives the marijuana high; receptor CB2 in the immune
system is the basis for its medicinal use. From 1984 through 2006, J. W. Huffman and
co-workers used THC and its analogues in immunosuppressant drug research.
May 17, 2010
Thalidomide was introduced in the early 1950s as a morning sickness drug for
pregnant women, but it was discontinued a few years later when thousands of children
were born with deformities. Thalidomide is a racemic mixture of two enantiomers: The
(R)-enantiomer (shown) lessens morning sickness, but the (S)-enantiomer is
teratogenic. Administering only the (R)-enantiomer is unsafe because the isomers
interconvert in vivo. Recently, a cell protein has been implicated in thalidomides

Talidomida fue introducida a comienzos de los 50s como una droga de enfermedades
tempranas para mujeres embarazadas, pero fue descontinuada pocos aosdespus
cuando miles de nios nacieron con deformidades. Talidomida es una mezcla
racmica de dos enantimeros: el (R)-enantimero (mostrado) disminuye enfermedad
temprana, pero el (S)-enantimero es teratognico. Administrando slo el (R)enantimero es inseguro porque el ismero se interconvierte in vivo. Recientemente,
una protena celular ha sido implicada en teratogenicidad de la talidomida.
February 14, 2011
Yohimbine is an indole alkaloid ester first identified in several herbal species by the
American botanist R. Raymond-Hamet in 1934. Today its main sources are the African
evergreen yohimbe (Pausinystalia yohimbe) and Indian snakeroot (Rauwolfia
serpentina). Yohimbe bark is sold over the counter as an herbal aphrodisiac. Yohimbine
hydrochloride is a prescription drug that has been used to treat erectile dysfunction with
varying results.
Hydroxylammonium nitrate
February 21, 2011
Hydroxylammonium nitrate, the salt of hydroxylamine and nitric acid, can also be
considered a hydroxy derivative of ammonium nitrate. It is unstable and potentially
explosive in dry form. NH3OHNO3 has been and continues to be tested as a rocket
monopropellant because, like NH4NO3, it contains oxidizing and reducing components.
March 14, 2011
Oroidin is a term used to describe a group of alkaloids found in marine sponges; it is
also the name of the specific dibromo compound shown. Recently, A. Ferreira-Pereira
and co-workers reported that this compound inhibits an enzyme responsible for the
multidrug resistance phenotype in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The molecule
may aid in the search for multidrug-resitance-avoiding anticancer drugs.

Methyl isocyanate
March 28, 2011
Methyl isocyanate (MIC) is a toxic, volatile liquid used in the manufacture of common pesticides
such as carbofuran, carbaryl, and aldicarb. The disastrous release of a large amount of MIC
from a Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, India, in 1984 eventually killed as many as 17,000 people
and disabled many more. This year, the Chemical Safety & Hazard Investigation Board ruled
that a fatal 2008 MIC release from the Bayer CropScience plant in Institute, WV, was caused by
employees bypassing safety controls.

Uranium hexafluoride
February 28, 2011
Uranium hexafluoride is a white-to-gray solid made by treating any of several uranium-containing
materials, including metallic uranium, UC2, UCl5, and UF4, with molecular fluorine. It is covalently
bonded, as would be expected from its low sublimation temperature of 56.5 C. Its main use is
separating uranium isotopes. UF6 is stable in dry air but reacts vigorously with water.

Azelaic acid
April 4, 2011
Azelaic acid, formally nonanedioic acid, is a white crystalline solid with a melting point of 106.5 C. It
occurs naturally in grains such as wheat, rye, and barley and is produced industrially by

ozonolyzing oleic acid. It is used topically to treat acne and rosacea. Some plants release
azelaic acid as a distress flare to signal cells to activate their defenses against attacking
El cido azelaico es un producto anti-acn tpico. Se trata de un producto natural que se encuentra
en los alimentos (tanto vegetales como animales) y se forma endgenamente a partir de cidos
dicarbxilicos de cadena larga, a partir del metabolismo del cido oleico y por omega-oxidacin
de los cidos monocarboxlicos. El cido azelaico se utiliza patra el tratamiento del acn
vulgaris en forma de crema al 20%
El cido azelaico ha sido tambin empleado con xito en el tratamiento del melanoma maligno y de
otras condiciones hiperpigmentarias como el lentigo maligno y el melasma.

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