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K+S KALI GmbH - Oilpalm

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Fertiliser Advisory service Crops

Oil palm producing oil for multipurpose use
Potassium secures yield and quality
Magnesium for high photosynthesis
Sulphur essential for oil quality
Boron indispensable for metabolic processes
Fertilizer recommendation

Oil palm producing oil for multipurpose use

The oil palm is the most efficient oil crop in the world. In the main production areas oil palm achieves an
average yield of about 4 t oil ha-1. The total growing area is around 10 Mio. hectares and is increasing year
on year. The main palm oil producers in the world are Indonesia and Malaysia producing 85% of the worlds
Palm oil is a multipurpose product. Besides its usage in the food-industry, palm oil is a constituent in washing
powder, soaps, cosmetic products, candles, colours, lubricants and biofuel. The increase in global population
and the use of palm oil for biofuel are two major reasons for maximising productivity. In the past average yield
increases have been moderate but with new technologies, new management methods and new innovations
from research and development it may be possible to increase yield significantly without harming the
environment. A good and balanced fertilizer approach is one of the most important management tools to
secure high yield and oil content.

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Potassium secures yield and quality

Potassium is the most important nutrient in the oil palm production. Therefore the target of high oil yields
cannot be realized without adequate supply of this nutrient. Potassium is essential for a wide range of
functions within the plants physiology:
potassium plays an important role in the conversion of light into biochemical energy during
potassium speeds up the flow of assimilates from leaves to other plant organs (e.g. fresh fruit bunch)

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potassium promotes the storage of assimilates as a result of increased production and improved
translocation of carbohydrates - potassium increases the nitrogen use efficiency through a faster
conversion of nitrogen to proteins
plants supplied with sufficient potassium can utilize the soil moisture more efficiently than K-deficient

Potassium is involved in a high number of biochemical functions. It increases yield on many soils (bunch size
and bunch number) and improves the K-leaf content.

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Magnesium for high photosynthesis

Magnesium has many functions in the metabolism of oil palm:
magnesium is the central atom of the chlorophyll molecule, the green pigment in leaves, which captures
the light energy required for photosynthesis
magnesium is involved in the carboxylase reaction of the photosynthesis, namely as a coenzyme in the
fixation of CO2
magnesium is needed in all processes that require energy, e.g. starch, protein and vitamin synthesis
magnesium speeds up the assimilate transport to leaves and fruit bunches and it is required in many
enzymes concerned with fatty acid and oil biosynthesis

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Sulphur essential for oil quality

Sulphur belongs to the six macronutrients and is usually taken up by plants in the same order of magnitude as
phosphorus and magnesium. The total sulphur content in plants varies between 0.2% and 0.5% of the dry
matter. Sulphur is involved in many metabolic processes:
sulphur is required in photosynthesis, sugar and starch production
sulphur is a constituent of two amino acids which are needed to produce proteins
sulphur increases the nitrogen-use-efficiency of roots

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Boron indispensable for metabolic processes

Boron is the most important micronutrient in oil palm nutrition and has many functions in physiological
boron is essential for root elongation, carbohydrate and cell wall formation
boron affects the protein synthesis and the regulation of nucleic acid synthesis
boron activates the sucrose production and the transportation to other plant organs
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Fertilizer recommendation
A standard fertilizer recommendation to reach 30 t FFB includes an application of 3.0 3.5 kg MOP (Muriate
of Potash) applied in 2 applications for mineral soils and up to 3 applications in peat soils. To supply the

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magnesium needs of the oil palm an application of 1.5 kg palm-1 ESTA Kieserite is recommended.
For convenience, time saving and to distribute the nutrients very evenly in each application whilst ensuring
the most efficient uptake and utilization of potassium, magnesium and boron the use of Korn-Kali + B is
recommended. 5.5 6.0 kg Korn-Kali + B split into 3 applications is sufficient to deliver the plants
requirements of the essential nutrients potassium, magnesium and boron.

2013 K+S KALI GmbH - Bertha-von-Suttner-Str. 7 - 34131 Kassel - Phone: +49 561 9301 0

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