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Unit 14 Banking Lista rei 2

Reading: Banks and financial institutions

commercial bank/retail banks komercijalne banke
a bank with branches in many different places that offers services to people and businesses, for example,
keeping money in accounts and lending money:
After the crash of 1929, commercial banks were barred from doing investment-banking business.
investment bank investicione banke
a bank that helps companies and organizations to buy and sell shares, bonds, etc. and helps companies to
buy or merge (= join) with other companies:
The successful bid was led by an investment bank.
The telecoms analyst at the investment bank estimated that the business was worth around 1bn..
raise capital/funds/money dobiti/dati kapital
to manage to get money to invest in a business, project, property, etc.:
We will raise funds for reconstruction by disposing of assets.
issue /u/ izdati (obveznice (bonds), deonice (stocks/shares))
the offer for sale by a company or organization of financial products such as shares or bonds:
bond/stock/share issue
Shareholders approved the issue of 12 million shares of preferred stock.
merger partner kompanija sa kojom se udruuje
a company, organization, etc. that joins with another, for example to reduce costs and increase profits and
market share:
Companies are once again looking for merger partners in the hope that economies of scale will keep them
takeover bid (also takeover offer) ponuda za preuzimanje
an offer or attempt to take control of a company by buying enough of its shares to do this, or the amount of
money offered:
The company said it would consider a takeover bid.
stockbroking (also stock broking) /stkbrk/ prodavanje i kupovina deonica
the business of buying and selling shares, bonds, etc. for other people and organizations: a stockbroking
Online stockbroking services introduced large numbers of people to share trading.
portfolio management voenje portfolia
the activity of managing a collection of shares and other investments that are owned by a particular person
or organization:
Investors pay a lot of money for portfolio management services because they do not know enough to pick
sensible funds on their own.
wealthy /weli/ bogat
a wealthy businessman/country/investor
provide /prvad/ /prvad/ - obezbediti
to give something to a person, company, or organization, or to make it available for them to use:
The government has pledged to provide over $1 billion in refinancing.

hedge fund hed fond

an investment fund that trades large amounts of shares, currencies, etc. to take advantage of both rising and
falling prices, for example by shorting (= borrowing shares, etc., selling them, and buying them back at a
lower price):
Managers of the first hedge funds invented ways to make money no matter which way the stock market was
return /rtn/ zarada
the amount of profit made by an investment or a business activity:
The program guarantees lenders a return of 10% interest.
regulation /rejlen/ pravilo, zakon (law)
an official rule or law:
They are introducing new policies and regulations for e-commerce.
environmental/safety/ import regulations
repeal /rpil/ ukinuti (zakon)
to state officially that a law, rule, etc. no longer has legal force:
Previous efforts to repeal the law have failed.
The state estimates about $41 million will be lost each year if the food tax is repealed.
conglomerate /knlmrt/ konglomerat
a very large business organization consisting of several companies that often sell different types of product
or service:
a large conglomerate with more than $1 billion in net assets
a media/financial/industrial conglomerate
interest-free bez kamate
used to describe a loan with no extra payment in the form of interest:
The card offers 59 days' interest-free credit.
You are in effect getting an interest-free loan on 30% of your mortgage.
depositor /dpztr/ /-pzt/ ulaga, deponent
a person or company that puts money into a bank account:
Four hundred small depositors closed their accounts.
borrower /brr/ dunik, onaj koji pozajmljuje
a person, company, government, etc. that borrows money:
Naturally, defaults by corporate borrowers increased when the economy turned down.
intermediary /ntmidiri/ (plural intermediaries) posrednik
a person or organization that makes business or financial arrangements between companies or organizations
that do not deal with each other directly:
Global sourcing often creates additional intermediaries, such as foreign distributors, brokers, freight
forwarders, and customs clearing agents

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