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Part B
Robert Gagnes Nine steps of Instruction is an instructional design model that purposes
to improve and convey a lecture. Gagnes believed that there are conditions of learning.
In order to arouse and produce such a condition of learning, he established nine general
steps of instruction in teaching. By following these nine general steps, students will have
higher chance to master knowledge or concepts.

Lesson: Trigonometric Ratios and Problem Solving with Trigonometry

Target students: Tunku Abdul Rahaman University College

Diploma in Science (Information Systems Engineering)
Year 1 Semester 1
Number of students: 12

Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to


find the trigonometric ratios sine, cosine and tangent.


apply trigonometric ratios concepts to find unknown side lengths

in right triangles.


solve right triangle application problems.

Lesson Plan based on Robert Gagnes Conditions of Learning
The table below shows Robert Gagne's events of instruction and the lesson that follows it.

Event of Instruction Lesson Example

1. Gaining Attention Before entering class, I will make sure Lecturer should give a
myself well prepared, confidence and

very good impression

have a proper dress code.

to students to gain the

To get the attention from students, I

respect from them.

will use a short video (2.07 minutes)

The use of audiovisual

which is taken from Youtube with the

aid grabs the student's

title The World of Trigonometry.

Asking questions in the
beginning creates an
interactive atmosphere.

After the short video, I will pose

questions to students by asking them
what they can see from the video and
what they are going to learn in this

2. Informing the

Students will be informed regarding to Making students aware

Learner of the

the learning outcomes of this lesson.

of what they are going


At the end of the lesson, students will

to learn, what they will

be able to find trigonometric ratios,

be able to perform at the

solve the real life problems related to

end of the lesson and

trigonometric ratios.

how they will be able to

use the knowledge or

At the beginning of the lesson, I will

skills in the future.

Allows students to learn

Recall of Prior

ask students to recall back what they

new information by


have studied previously at the last

retrieving their prior

lesson about Pythagorean Theorem.


3. Stimulating

Questions will be posed to students:

1) What is the formula of
Pythagorean Theorem?
2) What is called right triangle?
Students will be asking to write and
draw on the whiteboard provided in
front of the class.

4. Presenting the

A copy of notes is with students which Organize and chunk

they are asking to download and print

content in a meaningful

it out from CEL (College E-Learning

way to avoid

System). The e-learning system

overwhelming students.

designed to enable teaching and

The main purpose is

learning through the use of internet

information gaining.

Students will be writing on their notes
while the lecture is on. I will use
visualizer as my teaching tool. By
using visualizer, I can demonstrate all
the solutions step by step to students. I
will simply pose questions to students
while teaching process is going on to
make sure there is an interaction
between me and students. Students are
allowed to ask questions instead of
just copy and listen. Students allowed
giving thoughts, opinions throughout
the whole lecture time.

5. Providing

I will introduce websites to students

Students are allowed to


after finish the lecture. These websites

try access these


can help students enhance their

websites on their

learning process.


The three websites will be introduced

Lecture uses "discovery

to students are:

learning" because

1) Math Warehouse

students are adults and it
2) Free Mathematics Tutorials,

gives them the freedom

to explore. Lecturer

Problems and Worksheets

facilitates the learning

process. Cues, hints and

3) Purplemath
Students will be guided to access
these websites. These websites will
help students understand presented
knowledge as well as later applying
the learned knowledge or skill to
solve a task.
Students are free to explore to get
information related to trigonometric
ratios and find questions to try and
solve by their own. I will be
facilitating the whole learning

prompts will be given if



6. Eliciting

Students are divided to 3 groups. Each Activate critical

group consists of 4 students. Every

thinking skills of

group will be given a different

students to help them

problem solving question to solve in

internalized new skills

15 minutes. They are allowed to go to and knowledge and to

those websites introduced in order to

confirm correct

get information to solve the problems. understanding of these

I will monitor each group progress

trigonometric ratios

towards successful completion. After


completion of the discussion, each

group have to present their solutions
by writing on whiteboard, using
visualizer, Power Point or any
technology tools they want which are
available in the classroom.

7. Giving Feedback

Immediate feedback will be given to

Provide timely and

students after their presentation.

detailed feedback to

I will inform students the accuracy of

students on their

their solutions. Its not enough for

performance can

only telling them Good job or You

enhance learning.

are not right. Instead I will tell them

why they are right, why they are
wrong and what must be improved.
8. Assessing

One (critical thinking) paper-based


quiz will be given as formal

exercise enables

assessment. 10 marks will be awarded. students to use what

From this assessment, I will know

they learned and apply

whether or not my students achieve

it. Assessing such

the learning objectives as well as

allows lecturers to test

allow students to see what the content the expected learning

areas they have not mastered are.

outcomes have been


9. Enhancing

At the end of the lesson, I will access

Highlighting and

Retention and

a website called Fascinating Facts of

reviewing important


Mathematics (malini-

knowledge or concepts to show the

in real-life scenarios

applications of trigonometry in real

will help students

life to students, my goal is to highlight transfer acquired

and review important knowledge or

knowledge. This is the

concepts in real life scenarios. It will

step towards mastery

help students retain and transfer the


knowledge they learned.

One more video will be showing to
students which is at Youtube, the title
is Gettin'TriggyWitIt(WSHSMath

Kruse, K. (2010). Gagne's nine events of instruction: an introduction. Beginner Basics.

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