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L a p o r a n Ta h u n a n 2 0 0 6 A n n u a l R e p o r t

Business And People Excellence

Daftar Isi

Cover Letter | Surat Pengantar

Great Achievement | Pencapaian Besar

Financial and Operational Highlights | Ikhtisar Keuangan dan Operasional

Message from the Chief of Supervisory Board | Sambutan Komisaris Utama

Message from the CEO | Sambutan Direktur Utama

Great People SDM yang Kompeten

2006 Highlights | Peristiwa Penting tahun 2006


Awards and Certification | Penghargaan dan Sertifikasi


Corporate Profile | Profil Perusahaan


Corporate Strategy | Strategi Perusahaan


Companys Ethic and Commitment | Etika dan Komitmen Perusahaan


Shareholder Composition | Komposisi Pemegang Saham


Vision and Mission | Visi dan Misi


Corporate Culture | Budaya Perusahaan


GMF Organization Structure and Transformation | Struktur Organisasi dan Transformasi GMF


Production Unit | Unit Produksi


Management Discussion and Analysis | Pembahasan dan Analisis Manajemen


Good Corporate Governance | Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Supervisory Board Description | Uraian Komisaris


Profiles of Supervisory Boards Members | Profil Anggota Dewan Komisaris


Director Description | Uraian Direktur


Profile of Directors | Profil Direksi


Audit Committee | Komite Audit


Nominee Committee | Komite Nominasi


Remuneration Committee | Komite Remunerasi


Corporate Internal Audit | Auditor Internal Perusahaan


Corporate External Audit | Auditor Eksternal Perusahaan


Corporate Secretary Description | Uraian Sekretaris Perusahaan


Risk Management | Manajemen Risiko


Supervisory & Control | Pengawasan dan Pengendalian


Social & Environmental Balance | Keseimbangan Sosial & Lingkungan


Information Disclosure | Penyebarluasan Informasi


Affiliated Transaction | Transaksi Afiliasi


Transaction Not Yet Approved by Shareholders Meeting (RUPS) |

Transaksi yang Belum Mendapat Persetujuan RUPS
Credit Rating | Peringkat Kredit


Cover Letter
Kata Pengantar

Jakarta, Juli 2007

Kepada Yth.,
Para Pemegang Saham
PT GMF AeroAsia
Garuda Indonesia Group

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Bersama ini kami sampaikan Laporan Tahunan Perseroan beserta Laporan Keuangan PT GMF AeroAsia untuk Tahun Buku 2006 yang telah
diaudit oleh Akuntan Publik Osman Ramli Satrio & Rekan (Deloitte)

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Emirsyah Satar

S d

Chief of Supervisory Board | Komisaris Utama

Acting CEO & Director of Line Operation & Garuda Fleet Management |
Pjs. Direktur Utama & Direktur Line Operation & Garuda Fleet Management

Sunarko Kuntjoro

m Agus Prihatono

Member of Supervisory Board | Komisaris

Director of Base Operation | Direktur Base Operation

Richard Budihadianto

Prijo Utomo

Member of Supervisory Board | Komisaris

Director of Strategic Resou

Resources | Direktur Strategic Resources

Hanrozan Haznam
Director of Finance | Direktur Keuangan

| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Great Achievement
Pencapaian Besar

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 3

Financial Statement and Operational Highlights

Ikhtisar Keuangan dan Operasional

Financial Highlights | Ikhtisar Keuangan

(IDR x 1000)

(IDR x 1000)

(IDR x 1000)

Percentage |

Revenue | Pendapatan Usaha

Direct Cost | Beban Langsung
Gross profit | Laba Kotor
Total Operating Expenses | Beban Usaha
Income from Operation | Laba Usaha
Other Income (expenses) - Net | Lain-lain - bersih
Income Before Tax | Laba Sebelum Pajak
Tax Expenses | Beban Pajak
Net Income | Laba bersih

















Total Liabilities | Jumlah Kewajiban





Equities | Ekuitas








(IDR x 1000)

(IDR x 1000)

(IDR x 1000)




Total Current Asset | Aktiva Lancar

Total Non Current Asset | Aktiva Tidak lancar
Total Assets | Total Aktiva

Current Laibilities | Kewajiban lancar

Noncurrent Liabilities | Kewajiban Jangka Panjang

Key Financial Ratio | Ratio Keuangan Utama

Net Income/Net Operating Revenue | Laba Bersih/pendapatan usaha

EBIT/Total Assets | EBIT/Total Aktiva
Net Income/Equities | Laba Bersih/ekuitas
Current Asset/Current Liabilities | Aktiva Lancar/Kewajiban Lancar
Total Debt/Total Assets | Total Kewajiban/Total Aktiva
Total Debt/Equities | Total Kewajiban/ekuitas
EPS | Laba Per Saham
Altman Z Score | Index Kebangkrutan

| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Percentage |


Financial Statement and Operational Highlights

Ikhtisar Keuangan dan Operasional

Operational Highlights | Ikhtisar Operasional

Number of Employee | Jumlah Pegawai
Number of Branch | Jumlah Kantor Cabang
Garuda Aircraft Availability | Tingkat ketersediaan pesawat Garuda
Garuda Dispatch Reliability | Tingkat Ketepatan waktu penerbangan
Garuda Tech. Incident Accident Rate | Tingkat Kecelakaan Teknis
Penerbangan Garuda (Incident/Accident /100 Revenue Take Off )
Turn Around Time Ratio | Rasio Waktu Pengerjaan Perawatan
Man Hour Utilization | Tingkat Jam Kerja Produktif Pegawai
(Productive Direct Man Hour/Employee/Day)

Company Rating | Peringkat Perusahaan

Company Health Rating | Tingkat Kesehatan Perusahaan


Percentage |




(IDR x 1000)

(IDR x 1000)

(IDR x 1000)
























(IDR x 1000)

(IDR x 1000)

(IDR x 1000)

AA / 89

AA / 81

AA / 89.10

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 5

Percentage |


Message from Chief of Supervisory Board

Sambutan Komisaris Utama GMF Aero Asia

PT Garuda Maintenance Facilities Aero Asia (GMF) has successfully

closed the year 2006 with a positive result, through securing profit of
Rp 40,381 billion or slightly less declined compared to 2005.

PT Garuda Maintenance Facility AeroAsia (GMF) telah mampu

mengakhiri tahun 2006 dengan hasil positif melalui perolehan laba
bersih sebesar Rp 40.381 miliar atau sedikit berkurang dibanding
hasil yang dicapai pada tahun 2005.

This achievement has not been isolated from the support and
contribution of all partners and customers of GMF, who played a
crucial role in assuring GMFs development and contribution to date.

Pencapaian ini tentu tidak terlepas dari dukungan dan kontribusi dari
seluruh mitra usaha dan pengguna jasa GMF, yang telah berperan
sangat penting dalam turut mengembangkan GMF sehingga dapat
berkiprah sampai saat ini.

For that, I would like to take this opportunity to thank and extend my
deep appreciation to all partners and customers for their trust to GMF.

Untuk itu, pada kesempatan ini saya menyampaikan terima kasih dan
penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya kepada seluruh mitra dan para
pengguna jasa GMF atas segala kepercayaan yang telah diberikan.

I also would like to take this opportunity to thank and extend my

utmost appreciation to all members of GMFs management and
employees for their hard work and efforts in assuring positive results.

Saya pun menyampaikan terima kasih dan penghargaan kepada

manajemen dan seluruh jajaran PT GMF AeroAsia yang telah berupaya
dan bekerja keras sehingga dapat mencapai hasil yang positif.

Such achievement surely adds to the prevailing optimism and believe

that a solid will combined with collective capability and hardwork will
further expand and improve GMFs market share and positioning in
the local and global maintenance, repair and overhaul industry.

Pencapaian ini tentu akan terus menumbuhkan optimisme bahwa

dengan tekad yang kuat, disertai kemampuan dan kerja keras bersama,
maka GMF akan dapat terus mengembangkan dan memperluas
pangsa pasar jasa maintenance, repair & overhaul-nya kepada
perusahaan-perusahaan baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri.

| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Message from Chief of Supervisory Board

Sambutan Komisaris Utama GMF Aero Asia

With continuously
improved results, GMF
will be able to realize its
strategic partner program
by achieving its vision
as Dominant Player in
Regional Market in 2008
as planned
Not to mention GMfs continuous effort in improving human
resource competence along with the promotion of Good Corporate
Governance principles throughout the companys management and
operation. These efforts will surely boost GMFs competitiveness even
further in the years ahead.

Apalagi mengingat GMF telah secara terus-menerus melaksanakan

upaya peningkatan kompetensi sumber daya manusia serta
pengelolaan perusahaan yang mengacu pada prinsip-prinsip Good
Corporate Governance. Upaya-upaya ini tentunya akan semakin
meningkatkan kemampuan dan daya saing GMF di masa-masa

GMF is also expected to further boost its technical know how as well
as competence in servicing customers with maintenance, repair and
overhaul works that are in line with Garuda Indonesias policies as its
major shareholder.

PT GMF AeroAsia pun diharapkan dapat terus mengembangkan know

how dalam technical aspect maupun kompetensi sebagai penyedia
jasa maintenance, repair & overhaul yang sejalan dengan kebijakan
Garuda Indonesia sebagai perusahaan induk.

With continuously improved results, GMF will be able to realize its

strategic partner program by achieving its vision as Dominant Player
in Regional Market in 2008 as planned.

Dengan kinerja yang terus membaik, kiranya GMF mampu

merealisasikan program strategic partner serta upaya pencapaian visi
sebagai: Dominant Player in Regional Market di tahun 2008 sesuai
yang telah direncanakan.

May God the Almighty always sheds his blessing and directions to all
of us in making GMF the inspiring pride of everyone.

Semoga Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa senantiasa memberikan petunjuk

dan hidayah-Nya kepada kita semua, dalam upaya mengembangkan
GMF sebagai perusahaan kebanggaan kita bersama.

Supervisory Board | Komisaris Utama

Chief of Superviso

h SSatar
GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 7

Message from The CEO

Sambutan dari Direktur Utama

2006 marked the end of the four meaningful years -- full of challenges
and learning curves -- since GMFs spin off from its parent company
Garuda Indonesia.

Akhir tahun 2006 menandai empat tahun yang penuh arti, tantangan
dan pembelajaran sejak pemisahan (spin off) Garuda Maintenance
Facilities (GMF) dari induk perusahaan PT Garuda Indonesia.

During the four years, the company has been able to operate
independently, competitively and profitably for shareholders, as well as
beneficially for employees and the surrounding communities.

Dalam kurun waktu tersebut perusahaan telah mampu beroperasi

secara independen, kompetitif, semakin menguntungkan bagi para
pemegang saham dan semakin bermanfaat bagi karyawan dan
lingkungan sekitar.

All of these deserve mentions considering the very tough year that
GMF experienced in 2006. In terms of revenue, GMF was relatively
successful in maintaining the companys performance in 2005 despite
a slight 6.74% decline Rp 1.103,075 million.

Semua ini penting untuk digaris bawahi terutama mengingat

tantangan sangat berat yang harus dilalui GMF di tahun 2006. Dalam
hal pendapatan usaha, GMF relatif berhasil untuk menyamai prestasi
tahun 2005 walaupun terjadi sedikit penurunan yaitu 6,74 persen
menjadi Rp 1.103,075 juta.

However, as shown in this 2006 annual report, GMF was successful

in increasing operating profit by 41.07 percent and in increasing
productivity by 7.19 percent. This proves that GMF has continuously
improved efficiency and effectiveness of the companys administrative
and operational management

Namun, seperti ditunjukkan dalam laporan tahunan 2006 ini, GMF

berhasil meningkatkan laba usaha perusahaan sebesar 41,07 persen
dan meningkatkan produktivitas karyawan sebesar 7,19 persen. Hal
ini membuktikan bahwa GMF berhasil meningkatkan efisiensi dan
efektivitas manajemen administrasi dan operasional.

Operational efficiency increased by 2.59 percent, in line with the

proportion of decline in revenue and operating cost. On top of that,
the company was also able to cut collection period from an average
of 108 days to 89 days, which helped increase the companys liquidity
position by 45.13 percent.

Efisiensi operasional meningkat sebesar 2,59 persen, atau sejalan

dengan proporsi penurunan pendapatan dan beban langsung serta
beban usaha. Selain itu, perusahaan juga berhasil menurunkan
collection period dari rata-rata 108 hari menjadi 89 hari sehingga
meningkatkan likuiditas keuangan perusahaan sebesar 45,13 persen.

In terms of overall performance measured against the companys

long term Corporate Strategic Plan, GMF is relatively on track despite

Dalam hal pencapaian keseluruhan dibandingkan dengan rencana

pengembangan strategis jangka panjang perusahaan (Corporate

| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Message from The CEO

Sambutan dari Direktur Utama

During the four years, the

company has been able
to operate independently,
competitively and
profitably for shareholders,
as well as beneficially
for employees and the
surrounding communities.

some lags in the financial and operational sides. Although some Key
Performance Indicators (KPI) for both finance and operation have not
been met as planned, the companys administrative KPI has reached
the top mark or 100 percent met.

Strategic Plan) GMF masih terbilang on track walaupun agak

ketinggalan dilihat dari sisi keuangan dan operasional. Ada beberapa
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) bidang keuangan dan operasional
yang belum berhasil dicapai sesuai dengan target, namun KPI bidang
administrasi manajemen berhasil mencapai nilai puncak atau 100%

One of the key drivers behind GMFs resilience in 2006 was

Managements breakthrough strategy of increasing and expanding
consignment agreement, which was fully supported by all business
units. As a result, GMFs net profit in 2006 declined only by 9.42
percent, which was due more to exchange rate losses following
rupiahs strong appreciation throughout the year.

Salah satu kunci utama keberhasilan GMF di tahun 2006 adalah

dengan berhasil melaksanakan program efisiensi yang diterapkan
oleh Manajemen dan didukung oleh segenap jajaran unit usaha. Hal
ini terlihat dari, laba bersih GMF tahun 2006 hanya turun sebesar 9,42
persen, yang lebih banyak dipengaruhi oleh kerugian kurs karena
penguatan nilai rupiah.

In other words, GMF has at this time been successful in putting

in place a solid management and administrative system that is
conducive for future innovation and breakthrough. These innovations
and breakthrough will be crucial especially when the company is faced
with a very tough market condition and economic situation.

Artinya GMF sudah memiliki sistem manajemen strategis yang mapan

dan kondusif untuk menggalakkan lahirnya berbagai inovasi dan
terobosan di masa yang akan datang. Inovasi dan terobosan tersebut
sangat penting terutama ketika perusahaan harus menghadapi kondisi
pasar dan perekonomian yang sangat sulit.

Anticipating and riding high on tough economic condition

Mengantisipasi dan memanfaatkan kondisi perekonomian yang

sangat sulit

The declining national aviation industry as a result of increasing

operational cost following the governments decision to cut subsidy
fuel at the end of 2005 had caused a drastic drop in demand for
aircraft maintenance and repair. This condition lasted until the end of
first semester of 2006.

Turunnya kinerja industri penerbangan nasional sebagai akibat dari

meningkatnya biaya operasional usaha setelah pemerintah memutuskan
untuk mencabut subsidi BBM di akhir tahun 2005 menyebabkan order
perbaikan dan perawatan pesawat turun cukup drastis. Keadaan ini
berlangsung setidaknya sampai dengan akhir semester I tahun 2006.

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 9

Message from The CEO

Sambutan dari Direktur Utama

In the beginning of the second semester, purchasing power of

consumers began to recover, which stimulated early recovery of the
air travel industry. However, order for aircraft maintenance and repair
lagged behind and only recovered at the end of third quarter of 2006
and rapidly built up until year end.

Di awal semester kedua, daya beli masyarakat mulai pulih dan industri
penerbangan nasional kembali bergairah. Namun order perbaikan dan
perawatan pesawat baru kembali pulih di akhir kwartal ke tiga tahun
2006 dan terus meningkat secara signifikan sampai dengan akhir

This means that all management and employees of GMF are forced to
keep utilizing the time and resources available even when the market
was at the bottom.

Artinya seluruh jajaran Manajemen dan karyawan GMF dipaksa untuk

tetap memanfaatkan sumber daya dan waktu yang tersedia dalam
rangka meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan terlepas dari kondisi pasar
yang sangat menurun.

To this end, GMF Management decided to give special attention to

improving the quality and prosperity of GMF human resources. Various
human resource development and training programs were conducted
while at the same time remains prioritized the focus on achieving
operational excellence.

Untuk itu, Manajemen GMF memutuskan untuk memberikan perhatian

khusus terhadap peningkatkan kualitas dan kesejahteraan karyawan
GMF melalui berbagai program pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia
(SDM) sambil terus meningkatkan operational excellence.

Special attention to Human Resources

Perhatian khusus terhadap SDM

GMF implemented a very intensive human resource training and

develoment program in 2006, which include:
preparing leaders and potential leaders, as well as providing
professional career planning
implementing Performance Management System (PMS) down to
staff at the lowest level, followed by its reward programs
improving recruitment of new employees based on link and match
process that is applied to Aviation Technical High School (Sekolah
Menengah Kejuruan Penerbangan)
establishing GMF Corporate Learning Service, which provides
technical and managerial trainings for existing employees

Program-program pengembangan kualitas dan kapasitas SDM tersebut

antara lain adalah dengan :
mempersiapkan leader dan calon leader, serta professional career
menerapkan Performance Management System (PMS) hingga level
staf, yang diikuti dengan reward program,
perbaikan perekrutan tenaga kerja baru yang sudah mengacu
pada proses link & match terhadap Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan
pendirian GMF Corporate Learning Service, yang menyediakan jasa
technical maupun managerial training.

All of these programs were designed in line with the transformation

blue print of GMF towards becoming a leading provider of brainpower
or expertise and innovation in aircraft repair and maintenance

Semua program tersebut diadakan sesuai dengan konsep transformasi

GMF menuju perusahaan penyedia brainpower atau keahlian dan
inovasi di bidang perawatan dan perbaikan pesawat terbang.

This is also in line with the Corporate Strategic Plan, the companys
long term blueprint, which should be completed in 15 years after
the companys spin off in 2002. The vision is for GMF to become a
dominant MRO provider in the world.

Hal ini juga telah digariskan dalam rencana jangka panjang GMF
bahwa dalam waktu 15 tahun sejak spin off di tahun 2002 GMF harus
menjadi pemain terkemuka dalam industri MRO di dunia.

A this time, GMF is one year behind the end of the first five year
succession plan which aims to position GMF as a leading and
respected MRO provider in Asia and Southeast Asia.

Saat ini GMF terpaut satu tahun dari berakhirnya rencana kerja
lima tahun pertama yang mengharuskan GMF menjadi salah satu
perusahaan penyedia jasa perawatan dan perbaikan pesawat yang
terpandang di kawasan Asia dan Asia Tenggara.

At the end of 2006, GMF was successful in meeting the concept and
action plans already laid out for the first five years as shown by the
companys continuous expansion and improvement of is performance
and profile.

Di akhir tahun 2006, GMF tetap berhasil memenuhi konsep dan

rencana kerja yang telah digariskan untuk lima tahun pertama dengan
terus memperluas dan meningkatkan profil dan kinerja perusahaan.

In order to raise operational performance, GMF has underlined the

importance of lean and innovative operation. Therefore, what is
needed is higher integration and more efficient operation by every
business unit and among various operation lines.

Dalam meningkatkan kinerja operasional, GMF menekankan

pentingnya lean and innovative operation. Untuk itu diperlukan
integrasi yang lebih tinggi dan lebih efisien di dalam setiap unit usaha
dan di antara berbagai lini operasi.

Optimization of contract with suppliers will continuously be improved

in order to support the companys financial performance. One of them
is by way of entering consignment agreements with various suppliers
and vendors, especially with spare parts distributor.

Optimalisasi kontrak dengan supplier juga terus ditingkatkan untuk

mendukung kinerja keuangan perusahaan. Salah satunya adalah
dengan terus meningkatkan perjanjian-perjanjian yang bersifat
konsinyasi terutama dengan para penyedia suku cadang.

The company also persistently trying to incrase strategic partnership

with other parties in order to add value to GMFs performance. In 2006,

Perusahaan juga terus mengupayakan dan meningkatkan strategic

partnership dengan pihak-pihak yang dapat memberikan nilai tambah


| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Message from The CEO

Sambutan dari Direktur Utama

GMF signed a cooperation agreement with KLM Cargo, Woodward

Governor Company, Bridgestone Tire and Safaen Farr Aviation Training
Centre. These agreements have proven effective in bringing ease
and higher preparedness for GMF especially in providing spare part,
logistical network, as well as in increasing the availability of technical
expertise in supporting the overall performance of the company.

terhadap peningkatan kualitas dan kinerja GMF. Di tahun 2006,

GMF menandatangani kerja sama dengan KLM Cargo, Woodward
Governor Company, Bridgestone Tire dan Safaen Farr Aviation Training
Center. Kerjasama tersebut terbukti sangat efektif dalam membawa
kemudahan dan kesiapan GMF untuk menyediakan spare part,
jaringan logistic service yang semakin luas dan kesiapan tenaga trampil
di GMF dalam meningkatkan keseluruhan kinerja perusahaan.

Selective promotion and marketing

Promosi dan pemasaran yang lebih selektif

What is not less important is promotion and marketing. Although GMF

does not adopt an aggressive marketing and promotion program, a
number of promotion and marketing initiatives were conducted such

Participate in domestic and international aviation events

Sponsor a number of domestic events in order to increase public
awareness of GMF

Yang tidak kalah pentingnya adalah promosi dan pemasaran.

Walaupun GMF dapat dikategorikan tidak terlalu agresif dalam hal
promosi dan pemasaran, namun beberapa kegiatan promosi dan
pemasaran strategis tetap dilakukan di tahun 2006. Kegiatan-kegiatan
tersebut antara lain adalah :
Melakukan pertemuan-pertemuan dengan para pengambil
keputusan dan juga pemilik perusahaan, karena bisnis GMF
adalah B2B dimana keputusan diambil oleh beberapa orang dan
keputusan pemilik yang berpengaruh,
Promosi yang bersifat advertising masih tetap dijalankan dengan
menggunakan majalah-majalah penerbangan internasional,
seperti di MRO magazine dan juga Aircraft Technology Engineering
& Maintenance. Untuk domestik GMF tidak memasang iklan di
majalah atau surat kabar karena pendekatan kepada pemegang
dan pemilik perusahaan lebih efektif ketimbang dengan iklan,
Mengikuti event-event penerbangan domestik maupun internasional.,
Menjadi sponsor untuk beberapa event di dalam negeri guna
memperkenalkan GMF kemasyarakat umum.

In 2006, GMF concentrated only in preparing its participation in the

Dubai Airshow which will be held in 2007 and the Singapore Airshow
in 2008.

Tahun 2006 GMF hanya berkonsentrasi pada pameran di Dubai

Airshow yang akan diadakan pada tahun 2007 dan Singapore Airshow
pada tahun 2008.

The main goal of GMFs promotions and marketing is to increase the

companys profile among stakeholders such as regulators, customers
and strategic partners.

Tujuan utama dari kegiatan promosi dan pemasaran GMF adalah untuk
meningkatkan profil perusahaan di kelompok-kelompok stakeholders
terpenting seperti regulator, pelanggan dan mitra strategis.

Other than that, promoting and marketing GMF is crucial in increasing

public awareness about the importance of regular aircraft repair
and maintenance, while educating the public about procedures
and parameters to international standard for aircraft repair and

Selain itu tujuan lainnya adalah meningkatkan kesadaran stakeholders

dan masyarakat luas mengenai pentingnya perawatan dan perbaikan
pesawat secara rutin, serta meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat
mengenai prosedur dan parameter perbaikan dan perawatan pesawat
yang berstandar internasional.

At the end, all of GMFs promotional and marketing activities are

expected to further strengthen GMFs position as a leading provider
of integrated aircraft repair and maintenance service in Indonesia and
Southeast Asia.

Pada akhirnya seluruh kegiatan promosi dan pemasaran GMF

diharapkan dapat memperkuat posisi GMF sebagai penyedia layanan
perawatan dan perbaikan pesawat menyeluruh dan terkemuka di
Indonesia dan kawasan Asia Tenggara.

All of these have been achieved and will remain achievable thanks to a
solid support, a strong will, a proven capability, a positive mindset and
an unbreakable commitment to customers satisfaction, as well as an
extraordinary coordination from all GMF employees. This deserves a
high note considering that GMF is not only demanded to change but
to undergo a full and timely transformation.

Semua itu dapat dicapai berkat dukungan yang solid, keinginan (will)
yang sangat kuat, kemampuan yang memadai, pola pikir yang positif,
komitmen terhadap kepuasan pelanggan, dan kekompakan yang luar
biasa dari seluruh karyawan GMF. Padahal GMF ditantang tidak hanya
untuk berubah, melainkan mentransformasi diri secara menyeluruh
dan cepat.

However, we must always remind ourselves that no success can be

achieved without a process that is strategically conceptualized, steps
that are well planned and results that are closely monitored and

Namun, perlu kita sadari dan ingat bahwa keberhasilan hanya dapat
diraih melalui suatu proses yang terkonsep, terencana dan terkontrol
dengan baik.

Therefore, it is crucial to underline that GMFs transformation requires

every employee to be willing and able to change their working

Untuk itu, perlu terus diingat dan diimplementasikan dengan baik

bahwa konsep tranformasi GMF mengharuskan perubahan pola pikir

conducting regular meetings with decision makers and business

owners, as GMFs nature of business is B2B wherein decisions
are made by a few people in the organization and wherein the
influence of business owners are usually very dominant
Advertising placement in trade publications such as MRO
magazine and also Aircraft Technology Engineering and
Maintenance. GMF chose not to place any advertising in local
publications and news papers since a direct approach to
management and owners of clients is deemed more effective

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 11

Message from The CEO

Sambutan dari Direktur Utama

mindset and attitude. Mainly from the mindset and attitude of a

techinician to those of a pragmatic, serving, and exemplary leader.

dan pola kerja setiap karyawan GMF dari pola pikir seorang insinyur
yang sifatnya teknis menjadi pola pikir pemimpin yang sifatnya teknis,
praktis namun juga melayani dan mengayomi sesama.

Moving forward, the biggest challenge for GMF lies on maintaining

and increasing the harmonious relationship and constructive
teamwork among and between employees. Foremost, GMF needs a
solid teamwork to carry GMFs transformation mission in order to add
more meaning and contribution to the industry and the society at

Ke depan, tantangan terbesar dan terutama bagi GMF adalah terus

menjaga dan meningkatkan kebersamaan yang telah terbina. Terutama
kebersamaan dalam menjalankan misi transformasi GMF sehingga
semakin bermakna strategis bagi industri penerbangan nasional dan
masyarakat luas.

Last but not least, GMF must strive to be an integral and supportive
element in clients performance improvement. To this end, the safety
and comfortability of plane passangers in Indonesia will be the main
barometer for GMFs success.

Juga kebersamaan dalam mendukung kinerja setiap pelanggan,

terutama dalam menjaga kepercayaan pasar. Rasa aman dan nyaman
yang dirasakan oleh para pengguna industri penerbangan nasional
adalah barometer utama keberhasilan GMF.

I will end this note with a sincere and deep appreciation on behalf of
GMF Management and employees to all members of the Suprvisory
Board for the support and advise given to the Board of Directors. Also
a great thanks to all GMF employees, partners and surely customers for
their sustained trust and commitment in supporting GMFs success.

Atas nama Manajemen GMF dan para karyawan, kami mengucapkan

terimakasih dan penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya kepada Dewan
Komisaris atas dukungan serta saran yang telah diberikan kepada
Dewan Direksi. Kami juga berterima kasih kepada seluruh karyawan
GMF, rekan kerja dan tentu saja para pelanggan atas kepercayaan dan
komitmennya dalam mendukung keberhasilan GMF.

May God the Almighty always sheds his blessing and directions to all of
us in making GMF the inspiring pride of everyone.

Semoga Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa senantiasa memberikan petunjuk

dan hidayah-Nya kepada kita semua, dalam upaya mengembangkan
GMF sebagai perusahaan kebanggaan kita bersama.
CEO | Direktur Utama

Hadinoto Soedigno


| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

2006 Highlights
Peristiwa Penting tahun 2006

1. Annual Shareholders Meeting approved 2006 Budget and
Action Plan followed by appointement of Public Accountant
Office Osman Ramli & Partners (Deloitte) to perform audit on the
companys financial report and performance evaluation report,
compliance audit to rules and regulations as well as on the
companys internal control system in 2005.
2. GMF, Ministry of National Education and Directorate General of Air
Transportation signed MoU regarding curriculum development of
the Aviation High School.

Januari :
1. RUPS Tahunan menyetujui RKAP 2006 dan penunjukkan Kantor
Akuntan Publik Osman Ramli & Rekan (Deloitte) untuk melakukan
audit laporan keuangan, laporan evaluasi kinerja dan audit
kepatuhan terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan dan sistem
pengendalian intern perusahaan periode tahun 2005.

1. GMF received delegation of IPOMS (Indonesian Production and
Operation Management Society) to perform benchmarking on IT
and ERP implementation in supporting the companys business
2. Obtained formal accreditation as a qualified calibration laboratory
from National Accreditation Committee

Februari :
1. GMF menerima kunjungan IPOMS (Indonesian Production and
Operation Management Society) untuk melakukan benchmarking
mengenai implementasi IT dan ERP dalam mendukung business
process perusahaan.
2. Mendapat pengakuan formal sebagai laboratorium yang telah
memenuhi persyaratan umum kompetensi laboratorium kalibrasi
dari Komite Akreditasi Nasional (KAN).
3. Mengadakan partnership gathering dengan para vendor dan
supplier agar terbangun hubungan yang lebih baik.
4. Menandatangani perjanjian perawatan pesawat terbang dengan
Air Atlanta, MK Airlines, DAS Air Cargo, Air Sahara, dan Alliance
Management Center di ajang Asian Aerospace 2006.


Establish partnership gathering with vendors and suppliers to

further improve the relationship
Signed aircraft maintanence agreement with Air Atlanta, MK
Airlines, DAS Air Cargo, Air Sahara, and Alliance Management
Center at the Asian Aerospace 2006


GMF, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional dan Departemen

Perhubungan Udara menandatangani MoU tentang
pengembangan kurikulum SMK Penerbangan.

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 13

2006 Highlights
Peristiwa Penting tahun 2006

1. GMF performed engine repair GE Frame 9 owned by PLN Muara
2. Conducted Collective Working Agreement (PKB) seminar in
relation to preparing the renewal and formulation of the new PKB
3. Air Asia trusted GMF to handle technical handling for its aircrafts
4. Sending representative to participate in cleaning the Ciliwung

Maret :
1. GMF melakukan perbaikan engine GE frame 9 milik PLN Muara
2. Menyelenggarakan seminar Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB) dalam
rangka mempersiapkan pembaharuan dan pembuatan isi PKB.
3. Air Asia menyerahkan technical handling pesawatnya di Station
Cengkareng kepada GMF.
4. Mengirimkan perwakilan untuk mengikuti operasi bersih Ciliwung.

April :
1. Handed operational support to SMP Terbuka and an orphanage
house in Teluk Naga subdistrict, Tangerang
2. Successfully obtained WTP accreditation and AA rating from an
audit performed by independent public accountant for financial
year 2005

April :
1. Menyerahkan bantuan operasional kepada SMP Terbuka dan
Lembaga Yatim Piatu di Kecamatan Teluk Naga, Tangerang.
2. Berhasil meraih predikat WTP dan rating AA dari hasil audit KAP
untuk tahun buku 2005.

1. China airlines performed A340 training to GMF Line Maintenance
2. GMF gave donation to Indonesia Aircraft Maintenance and Shop
Association (IAMSA) and to the community surrounding the
3. Successfully maintained and added 6 (six) EASA approval rating
4. Air Asia trusted GMF to take care of technical handling of its
aircraft at its Denpasar station
5. B737-300 owned by Indonesia Air Asia received heavy
maintenance at GMFs Hangar 3

Mei :
1. China Airlines memberikan training A340 kepada para engineer
Line Maintenance GMF.
2. GMF memberikan sumbangan kepada Indonesia Aircraft
Maintenance & Shop Association (IAMSA) dan masyarakat sekitar
3. Berhasil mempertahankan dan menambah 6 (enam) rating EASA
4. Air Asia mempercayakan technical handling pesawatnya di Station
Denpasar kepada GMF.
5. Pesawat B737-300 milik Indonesia Air Asia menjalani heavy
maintenance di hangar 3 GMF.

1. Signed MOU with INACA in order to maximize GMFs capacity and
capability for domestic operators.
2. GMF Management visited Aviation High School (SMK 29) in
Jakarta to reconfirm its commitment to provide link and match
solution program to bridge education and employment needs
3. Annual Shareholders Meeting approved annual report and
financial report for the year 2005
4. GMF developed Data Center
5. GMF distributed aids to Yogyakarta - Central Java earthquake

Juni :
1. Menandatangani MoU dengan INACA untuk memaksimalkan
pemanfaatan kapasitas dan kapabilitas GMF oleh operator
2. Manajemen GMF mengunjungi SMK Penerbangan 29 Jakarta
untuk menegaskan komitmen perusahaan dalam memberikan
solusi program link and match dunia pendidikan dan dunia kerja.
3. Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham menyetujui laporan tahunan dan
pengesahan perhitungan tahunan periode tahun buku 2005.
4. GMF mengembangkan Data Center.
5. GMF menyalurkan bantuan korban gempa Yogyakarta Jawa

July :
1. Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) performed an audit
on GMF
2. Yemen trusted GMF to perform technical assessment
3. GMF sent a team and donation to for Tsunami victim in Pangandaran
4. Aeroparts Middle East gave an appreciation for GMFs success in
repairing a badly damaged APU GTCP36


Juli :
1. Direktorat Sertifikasi Kelaikan Udara (DSKU) mengaudit GMF.
2. Yemen menyerahkan pelaksanaan Assessment Teknisinya ke GMF.
3. GMF mengirim Tim serta bantuan ke lokasi bencana Tsunami di
4. Aeroparts Middle East memberikan apresiasi kepada GMF yang
berhasil memperbaiki APU GTCP 36 yang rusak parah.

| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

2006 Highlights
Peristiwa Penting tahun 2006

1. FAA inspector performed an audit on GMF
2. GMF-IHB performed management of Halon for PT Badak LNGBontang

1. Yemen Authority performed an audit on GMF
2. Journalists from various Japanese media visited GMF facilities
3. DGCA approved certification of CASR147 with rating B737-series
to GMF
4. DGCA confirms GMFs compliance with CASR145 requirements
5. GMF successfully extended Certificate of Approval from FAA

1. GMF Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting appointed Hanrozan
Haznam as Finance Director
2. Expanding Supply Chain Management cooperation with Aero

1. Presenting information surrounding aircraft maintenance and
industrial gas turbine engine at the Indonesia Infrastructure
Exhibition 2006
2. Authorities of Oman and Dutch DMO (Defense Material
Organization) performed an audit on GMF
3. GMF won the tender for Kongsberg type KG2-3 (XATG-IB) engine
conducted by Pertamina Ep, Java Region, Cirebon

Corsair Auditor performed an audit on GMF

GMF and Blue Airways agreed to collaborate for the total
maintance of B747-300 aircraft

December :
1. Auditor ATO Philipines performed an audit on GMF.
2. Yemen Airways awarded to GMF for maintaining On Time
Performance (OTP) of Yemen Aircraft at Cengkareng Station

Participating in HR Expo 2006 at Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta


The shareholders decided to terminate Hadinoto Soedigno, the

termination of which started to be effective on January 16, 2007.

Agustus :
1. Inspector FAA mengaudit GMF.
2. GMF-IHB mengelola Halon dari PT Badak LNG-Bontang.

September :
1. Pemerintah Yemen mengaudit GMF.
2. Para wartawan dan berbagai media Jepang mengunjungi fasilitas GMF.
3. DSKU menyetujui pemberian sertifikat CASR 147 dengan rating
B737-series kepada GMF
4. DSKU menyatakan GMF comply dengan CASR 145 requirements.
5. Certificate of Approval dari FAA berhasil dipertahankan oleh GMF .

Oktober :
1. RUPSLB PT GMF menetapkan Hanrozan Haznam sebagai Direktur
2. Perluasan kerjasama Supply Chain Management dengan Aero

November :
1. Menyajikan informasi seputar industri perawatan pesawat
terbang dan mesin turbin industri bertenaga gas pada pameran
The Indonesia Infrastructure 2006.
2. Authority Oman dan Dutch DMO (Defense Material Organization)
melakukan audit terhadap GMF.
3. Tender Overhaul Engine Kongsberg tipe KG 2-3 (XATG-IB) yang
diadakan PT Pertamina Ep Region Jawa, Cirebon berhasil
dimenangkan oleh GMF.
4. Auditor Corsair mengaudit GMF.
5. GMF dan Blue Airways menyepakati perjanjian kerjasama total
perawatan pesawat B747-300.

Desember :
1. Auditor ATO Philipines mengaudit GMF.
2. Yemen Airways memberikan penghargaan atas dukungan penuh
GMF dalam menjaga On Time Performance (OTP) pesawat Yemen
di Stasiun Cengkareng.
3. Berpartisipasi dalam HR Expo 2006 yang diselenggarakan di Hotel
Borubudur Jakarta.
4. Pemegang saham mengambil keputusan untuk memberhentikan
dengan hormat Hadinoto Soedigno yang efektif berlaku tanggal
16 Januari 2007.

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 15

Awards and Certifications

Penghargaan dan Sertifikasi
Name of the Award
Nama Penghargaan
Year of the Award
Tahun Perolehan
Agency Giving
the Award
Badan Pemberi
Masa berlaku

Name of the Award

Nama Penghargaan
Year of the Award
Tahun Perolehan
Agency Giving
the Award
Badan Pemberi
Masa berlaku

Certificate of Approval No. 145/0100

Republic of Indonesia, Ministry of
Transportation, Directorate General of Civil

Approval Certificate No. EASA.145.0062


European Aviation Safety Agency

Unlimited untill surendered, Superseded,

Suspended or Revoked

Name of the Award

Nama Penghargaan
Year of the Award
Tahun Perolehan
Agency Giving
the Award
Badan Pemberi
Masa berlaku

Air Agency Certificate no. WGFY076F

Name of the Award

Nama Penghargaan
Year of the Award
Tahun Perolehan
Agency Giving
the Award
Badan Pemberi
Masa berlaku

Certficate of Approval No. AWR/AMO/


Name of the Award

Nama Penghargaan
Year of the Award
Tahun Perolehan
Agency Giving
the Award
Badan Pemberi
Masa berlaku

Certificate of Approval No. CAA/5525/36/

AELD (Issue-06)

Name of the Award

Nama Penghargaan
Year of the Award
Tahun Perolehan
Agency Giving
the Award
Badan Pemberi
Masa berlaku

USA, Department of Transportation, Federal
Aviation Administration


Sultanate of Oman, Ministry of Transport &
Communications, Directorate General of civil
Aviation and Meteorology

Reissued 2006
Civil Aviation Authority OF Peoples
Republic of Bangladesh


Certificate of Approval 176/157

Civil Aviation Authority of Zimbabwe


Name of the Award

Nama Penghargaan
Year of the Award
Tahun Perolehan
Agency Giving
the Award
Badan Pemberi
Masa berlaku

Name of the Award

Nama Penghargaan
Year of the Award
Tahun Perolehan
Agency Giving
the Award
Badan Pemberi
Masa berlaku

Name of the Award

Nama Penghargaan
Year of the Award
Tahun Perolehan
Agency Giving
the Award
Badan Pemberi
Masa berlaku

Name of the Award

Nama Penghargaan
Year of the Award
Tahun Perolehan
Agency Giving
the Award
Badan Pemberi
Masa berlaku

Name of the Award

Nama Penghargaan
Year of the Award
Tahun Perolehan
Agency Giving
the Award
Badan Pemberi
Masa berlaku

Name of the Award

Nama Penghargaan
Year of the Award
Tahun Perolehan
Agency Giving
the Award
Badan Pemberi
Masa berlaku

Name of the Award

Nama Penghargaan
Year of the Award
Tahun Perolehan
Agency Giving
the Award
Badan Pemberi
Masa berlaku


| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Certificate of Approval No. AO/0120/06

Jabatan Penerbangan Awam,
Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia


Approval Certificate No. UG/CAA/081

Reissued 2006
Civil Aviation Authority Uganda


Air Agency Certificate No 179 F

Republic of Philippines Department of
Transportation and Communications


Certificate of Approval No. AWI/139

Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore


Approval Certificate No. 018

Republic of Yemen , Civil Aviation & Met
Authority, Civil Aviation Sector


Approved Maintenance Organisation

no. K/AMO/F/008
Kenya , Civil Aviation Authority


Maintenance Organization Certificate

no. MOC 145/005
Civil Aviation Authority of Papua New


Awards and Certifications

Penghargaan dan Sertifikasi

Name of the Award

Nama Penghargaan
Year of the Award
Tahun Perolehan
Agency Giving
the Award
Badan Pemberi
Masa berlaku

Repair Station Certificate no. 181/2538

Name of the Award

Nama Penghargaan
Year of the Award
Tahun Perolehan
Agency Giving
the Award
Badan Pemberi
Masa berlaku

Certificate of Approval no. AMO/PK/GMF

Name of the Award

Nama Penghargaan
Year of the Award
Tahun Perolehan
Agency Giving
the Award
Badan Pemberi
Masa berlaku

Aircraft Maintenance Organisation

Approval no. 945

Name of the Award

Nama Penghargaan
Year of the Award
Tahun Perolehan
Agency Giving
the Award
Badan Pemberi
Masa berlaku

Certificate of Approval no. 229/DCAM/05

Name of the Award

Nama Penghargaan
Year of the Award
Tahun Perolehan
Agency Giving
the Award
Badan Pemberi
Masa berlaku

Certificate of Approval no. AWR/AMO/


Name of the Award

Nama Penghargaan
Year of the Award
Tahun Perolehan
Agency Giving
the Award
Badan Pemberi
Masa berlaku

Approval Certificate No. 063

Name of the Award

Nama Penghargaan
Year of the Award
Tahun Perolehan
Agency Giving
the Award
Badan Pemberi
Masa berlaku

Department of Civil Aviation, Thailand


Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority


South African Civil Aviation Authority


Republique de Djibouti, Ministere de
lEquipment Et des Transports


Civil Aviation Law and The Civil Aviation
Rules and Regulations of The Sultanate
of Oman

Ghana Civil Aviation Authority


Certificate of Approval
no. 5-1638/2005-A1(2)
Gov. of India, office of the Director General
of Civil Aviation


GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 17

Name of the Award

Nama Penghargaan
Year of the Award
Tahun Perolehan
Agency Giving
the Award
Badan Pemberi
Masa berlaku

Name of the Award

Nama Penghargaan
Year of the Award
Tahun Perolehan
Agency Giving
the Award
Badan Pemberi
Masa berlaku

Name of the Award

Nama Penghargaan
Year of the Award
Tahun Perolehan
Agency Giving
the Award
Badan Pemberi
Masa berlaku

Name of the Award

Nama Penghargaan
Year of the Award
Tahun Perolehan
Agency Giving
the Award
Badan Pemberi
Masa berlaku

Name of the Award

Nama Penghargaan
Year of the Award
Tahun Perolehan
Agency Giving
the Award
Badan Pemberi
Masa berlaku

Name of the Award

Nama Penghargaan
Year of the Award
Tahun Perolehan
Agency Giving
the Award
Badan Pemberi
Masa berlaku

Sertifikat Assessment no. 965/E20700/2005-S0

Reissued 2005
Divisi Jasa Teknik - Pemasaran dan Niaga
PT Pertamina


Approval Certificate no. 210591

Lufthansa Technik Philipines

Depend on Satisfactory Standard

Sertifikat Akreditasi
Komite Akreditasi Nasional


Certificate of Approval No. 147/0700

19 September 2006
Republic of Indonesia, Ministry of
Transportation, Directorate General of Civil

Ramp Incident Free for 1 Years (Total 11 Years)

Reissued 2006
Japan Airlines International Co., LTD.


Yemenia Certificate of Recognition On-Time

Performance 2006
Reissued 2006
Yemenia The Customer Services and Ground
Operations Divisions


yang Kompeten
SDM yang


| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Corporate Profile
Profil Perusahaan

PT Garuda Maintenance Facility (GMF) AeroAsia is an aircrafts,

including engine, component and other supporting services
maintenance and refurbish company that puts Product Quality,
Reliability, On Time Delivery and Affordability at its highest standard. In
order to build up its reputation, GMF is fully supported by 2,395 skillful
and highly motivated professionals, who have strong determination
to ensure that the aircraft maintenance and refurbishment work are
performed with minimum ground time and high efficiency.

PT Garuda Maintenance Facility (GMF) AeroAsia adalah perusahaan

yang bergerak di bidang jasa perawatan dan perbaikan pesawat
terbang, termasuk mesin, komponen dan jasa pendukung lainnya
yang mengutamakan Kualitas Produk, Keandalan, Ketepatan waktu
dan Kemampuan. Untuk membangun reputasi tersebut, GMF
didukung oleh 2.395 tenaga profesional dengan keterampilan dan
motivasi yang tinggi, serta memiliki komitmen yang tinggi untuk
melaksanakan perawatan dan perbaikan pesawat terbang tujuannya
adalah ground time minimum dan tingkat efisiensi yang tinggi.

GMF is located in a 115 acres of production area in Soekarno-Hatta

International Airport, considered as the biggest in Asia, complete with
infrastructure facilitaties such as aircraft hangar, component workshop,
engine workshop, material dock, water and waste management
center, management office, and others. The Company ensures that all
these facilities have to agree utilized in the most optimal way possible
final objective is to achieve total customer satisfaction.

GMF menempati area produksi seluas 115 hektar di Bandara

Internasional Soekarno-Hatta, dimana fasilitas tersebut merupakan
salah satu fasilitas terbesar di Asia yang terdiri atas banyak infrastruktur
seperti hanggar, component workshop, engine workshop, gudang
material, gedung pengolahan air dan limbah, gedung manajemen,
dan lain-lainnya. Keseluruhan fasilitas ini dimanfaatkan seoptimal
mungkin untuk menjamin pelayanan serta kepuasan pelanggan.

GMF feels confident in its various services performances started from

Line Maintenance to Overhaul, engine and component maintenance
and refurbishment, modification process and refurbishment. During its
four years establishment, GMF has successfully achieved some national
as well as international certifications have been awarded to GMF.
That all help strengthening GMFs position and reputation as a world
standard aircraft maintenance and refurbishment company.

GMF mampu melaksanakan perawatan dan perbaikan pesawat

terbang, mulai dari perawatan Line Maintenance sampai Overhaul,
perawatan dan perbaikan mesin serta komponen, modifikasi dan
juga melaksanakan Cabin Refurbishment. Selama empat tahun berdiri
GMF mencetak beberapa prestasi dari dalam negeri maupun dunia
internasional. Berbagai sertifikat nasional maupun internasional
berhasil diraih. Sertifikat pengakuan ini memperkukuh kemampuan
perawatan pesawat terbang GMF dengan standar internasional.

In 2003, GMF expanded its line this boosted of business to aircraft

modification, GMFs position one of a few able to performance
of aircraft maintenance companies who has been considered as
competent in performing major aircraft modification using a state-ofthe-art technology and equipment.

Tahun 2003 GMF melakukan ekspansi ke bisnis modifikasi pesawat

terbang. Bisnis ini mengangkat posisi GMF menjadi salah satu
perusahaan perawatan pesawat yang mampu melaksanakan
modifikasi besar pesawat dengan teknologi tinggi.

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 19

Corporate Strategy
Strategi Perusahaan

In the year 2003, GMF has developed a 15-year strategic plan named
Global Challenge. In order for the company to deal with future
challenges and to achieve the set targets for the next first five-years
period the Company has structured Corporate Strategy, by which six
Strategic Initiative Team being involved. The Strategic Initiative Team

Pada tahun 2003, GMF telah membuat Rencana Strategis Global

Challenge yang berjangka 15 tahun. Untuk menghadapi tantangan
bisnis ke depan dan mencapai sasaran-sasaran yang telah ditetapkan
pada lima tahun ke depan yang pertama, perusahaan telah menyusun
Strategi Perusahaan. Pelaksanaannya dilakukan oleh enam Strategic
Initiative Team sebagai berikut :

Strategic Initiatives # 1: Financial Restructuring

Target of the #1 Strategic Initiative is to strengthen the Companys
Financial Structure in order to accelerate the companys operational
and development plans to complete the following Milestones such
as No Short of Working Capital in 2004, a minimum of 1.35 times
of Market Capitalization in the 4th quarter of 2004, 10% Net Cash
Reserved of Current Asset in the 1st quarter of 2005, a 30-day Cash
Conversion Period in the 1st quarter of 2005, and Initial Public Offering
(IPO) to be launched in the 1st quarter of 2006.

Strategic Initiatives # 1: Financial Restructuring

Sasaran Strategic Initiative # 1 adalah memperkuat Struktur Keuangan
Perusahaan untuk kelancaran operasional dan pengembangan
perusahaan dengan beberapa Milestones seperti: No Short of Working
Capital pada tahun 2004, Net Cash Reserved 10% of Current Asset pada
kwartal I 2005, IPO pada kwartal pertama 2006, Cash Convertion Period
30 hari pada kwartal I 2005, dan Market Capitalization minimal 1,35 kali
pada kwartal IV 2004.

Strategic Initiatives # 2: Organizational Enhancement &

Management Development
Target of the #2 Strategic Initiative is to posses an organizational
climate that supports a continuous transformation to complete the
following milestones such as to boost productivity five hours daily
in the 3rd quarter of 2004, Turn Around Time that is according to
international industry standard in the 3rd quarter of 2004, to increase
capacity utilization by 70% in the 3rd quarter of 2006 and approved Six
Sigma Formulation in the 1st quarter of 2004.

Strategic Initiatives # 2: Organizational Enhancement & Management

Sasaran Strategic Initiative # 2 adalah memiliki iklim organisasi yang
mendukung jalannya transformasi yang berkelanjutan dengan
beberapa Milestones seperti: Meningkatkan produktivitas lima jam
per hari pada kwartal III 2004, Turn Around Time sesuai dengan standar
industri internasional pada kwartal III 2004, meningkatkan utilisasi
kapasitas terpasang sebesar 70% pada kwartal III 2006, dan Six Sigma
Formulation Approved pada kwartal I 2004.

Strategic Initiative # 3: Global Talent Pool Development

Target of the #3 Strategic Initiative is to accelerate development and
talents acquisition process that is according to the GMF development
plan. The completed Milestones are to establish a Learning Center
whereas its blueprint was approved in the 3rd quarter of 2004, to
access the Top 10 schools and universities in the 3rd quarter of 2004,
and to enhance and to possess global talent resources nationally.

Strategic Initiative # 3: Global Talent Pool Development

Sasaran Strategic Initiative # 3 adalah mempercepat proses
pengembangan dan akuisisi talenta-talenta yang sesuai dengan
rencana pengembangan GMF. Milestones-nya adalah: membangun
Learning Center yang cetak birunya akan disetujui pada kwartal III 2004,
memiliki akses ke sekolah dan perguruan tinggi Top 10 pada kwartal III
2004, serta memiliki global talent resources di local countries

Strategic Initiative # 4: Logistic Network Development

Target of the #4 Strategic Initiative is to increase Material Supply Chain
and to enhance Part Trading skills. Other targets of this Strategic Initiate
#4 are to attain 94% of Service Level Material with Inventory Turn Over
is less than 2 (two) during maintenance activity, to generate more
income to GMFs business, Asset Management, Part Trading, Logistic
as well as optimization of bonded zone. The Milestones are Regional
Trading Point started to operate in the 1st quarter of 2005, Pooling
System started to be marketed in the 4th quarter of 2004, and to fasten
Parts supply accordingly to the industry standards in the 4th quarter of

Strategic Initiative # 4: Logistic Network Development

Sasaran Strategic Initiative # 4 adalah meningkatkan Material Supply
Chain dan kemampuan dalam Part Trading. Sasaran SIT ini antara lain
mencapai Service Level Material 94% dengan Inventory Turn Over > 2
dalam melayani kegiatan perawatan. Sasaran lainnya, memberikan
tambahan pendapatan bagi GMF melalui bisnis. Asset Management,
Part Trading, Logistic serta optimalisasi fasilitas kawasan berikat.
Milestones Strategic Initiative ini adalah: Regional Trading Point
beroperasi pada kwartal I 2005, Pooling System dipasarkan pada kwartal
IV 2004, serta mengejar cycle time pengadaan parts yang sesuai dengan
standar industri pada kwartal IV 2004.

Strategic Initiative # 5: Business Network Expansion & Marketing

Target of the #5 Strategic Initiative is to extend market exploitation
and to increase GMF capacity in order to grab a better business

Strategic Initiative # 5: Business Network Expansion & Marketing

Sasaran Strategic Initiative # 5 adalah mengeksploitasi pasar dan
meningkatkan kapasitas GMF dalam menangkap peluang bisnis yang


| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Corporate Strategy
Strategi Perusahaan

opportunity. The Milestones are the operation of facilities in MiddleEast region in the 1st quarter of 2004; total sales reached USD 250
million in the 4th quarter of 2006, and the operation of the second
facility in the 3rd quarter of 2005.

lebih besar dengan Milestones: Fasilitas di Timur Tengah beroperasi

pada kwartal I 2004, total penjualan mencapai USD 250 juta pada
kwartal IV 2006, dan fasilitas kedua di dalam negeri beroperasi pada
kwartal III 2005.

Strategic Initiative # 6: Core-Related Business Diversification

Target of the #6 Strategic Initiative is to leverage organizations core
competency level through product diversification. In other words, the
GMF products have to be able to enlarge its highest margin and must
be ready for further maintenance and development. The Milestones
are Cargo Conversion for B737 had penetrated the market in the 1st
quarter of 2004, IGTE Service was being commercialized in the 2nd
quarter of 2004, B767 Cargo Conversion was commercialized in the 3rd
quarter of 2005, and total sales of GMF reached USD 250 million in the
4th quarter of 2006.

Strategic Initiative # 6 : Core-Related Business Diversification

Sasaran Strategic Initiative# 6 adalah me-leverage core competence
organisasi dengan diversifikasi produk. Dengan kata lain, produk GMF
harus memiliki marjin yang tinggi dan harus bisa dipertahankan dan
dikembangkan. Milestones-nya adalah: Cargo Conversion untuk B737
masuk pasar pada kwartal I 2004, IGTE Service dikomersialkan pada
kwartal II 2004, B767 Cargo Conversion dikomersialkan pada kwartal III
2005, dan total penjualan GMF mencapai USD 250 juta pada kwartal
IV 2006.

The implementation of the Strategic Initiative has been carried out by

the whole GMF organizations, which is mainly supported by special
assignment teams, whereas each team is called Strategic Initiative
Team (SIT). Using the PDCA method as to support the relevant work
mechanism, it is expected that the Strategic Initiative Plans can
further achieve other milestones that is assembled into GMF Vision
accomplishment for the first 5 (five) years.

Implementasi dari Strategic Initiatives telah dilakukan oleh seluruh

jajaran manajemen dan karyawan GMF, yang pada dasarnya
mengandalkan dukungan dari tim Special Assignment yang disebut
Strategic Initiative Team (SIT). Dengan menggunakan metode PDCA
untuk mendukung efektivitas dari mekanisme kerja yang diterapkan,
rencana yang telah dituangkan dalam Strategic Initiative Plan terus
menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dari pencapaian tujuan strategis
perusahaan dalam lima tahun pertama.

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 21

Companys Ethic and Commitment

Etika dan Komitmen Perusahaan

In dealing with a global MRO industry challenge, GMFs good

reputation is regarded as the most basic element that the company
must maintain. Until today such reputation has been and will always
be developed in its highest standards of technical feature, business
integrity and stakeholders strongest commitment.

Dalam menghadap tantangan global industri MRO, hal mendasar yang

harus dipertahankan adalah reputasi GMF. Selama ini reputasi tersebut
telah dan tetap akan dibangun dengan standar yang tinggi dari segi
keunggulan teknis, integritas bisnis dan komitmen yang kuat kepada

GMF reputation is regarded one of the most valuable asset in which

the company is operating under an influential business environment
affected directly by trustworthy, honesty and integrity. Such reputation
must be developed traditional ethical conduct grows from within
every individual who works for GMF.

Reputasi GMF merupakan asset yang sangat berharga, terutama dalam

dunia bisnis yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh kepercayaan, kejujuran dan
integritas. Reputasi ini harus dibangun berdasarkan tradisi berperilaku
etis yang terutama muncul dalam diri setiap insan GMF sebagai
karyawan perusahaan.

Although GMF experiences ethical challenges in its daily activities,

the company strongly commits to achieve a high ethical standard of

Meskipun dalam aktifitas kerja sehari-hari setiap orang menghadapi

tantangan etika, tetapi GMF berkomitmen untuk meraih kesuksesan
dengan menjunjung standar etika yang tinggi.

Mental Attitude | Sikap Mental

GMF Basic Mentality Principles
Sikap Mental Insan GMF

Kontrol berawal dari keterukuran

Control starts from persistence and

Bicara dengan data, bertindak

dengan fakta
Speak with data, act with fact.

10 Uniqueness of GMF Personal

10 Ciri Insan GMF

Mengawali setiap penugasan dengan menetapkan ukuran keberhasilan

To start every assignment by setting up the right target.

Menyikapi permasalahan dan mengambil tindakan dengan didukung

data dan fakta
To deal with problems and taking action based on the given data and

Saya adalah apa yang saya ucapkan

dan lakukan
I am what I say and do.

Perbaikan terus menerus dan

menghilangkan kegagalan
Continuous improvement and learn
our failure.

Solusi itu ada dalam kesederhanaan

Solution can be found in

Proses berikutnya adalah pelanggan

The next stage is my customer.

Manusia itu unik

Mankind is a unique creature.

Menjadi pemain bukan penonton

atau komentator
A player is not the audience or the

Terbaik bukan berarti sempurna

Being the best is not being
Saling menghormati & menghargai
sesama manusia
Respect and appreciate each other.


Konsisten dan teguh memegang janji sehingga patut menjadi suri

Consistent and persistent in keeping promises.
Tidak cepat puas dan senantiasa mencari peluang-peluang
penghematan dan perbaikan
Always keen to be better and keep searching for better efficient
Memberikan solusi yang sederhana sehingga tidak menimbulkan
masalah baru
Providing a trouble-free solution to prevent new problems.
Menyelesaikan tanggung jawab sebaik-baiknya sebelum diteruskan
kepada orang lain
Be fully responsible to the work before delegating it to toher people.
Menghargai keunikan setiap orang dan menyikapi setiap perbedaan
melalui sudut pandang orang lain
Appreciate everyones uniqueness and accept other peoples differences
from their perspective.
Tidak menyalahkan keadaan dan orang lain, namun berperan aktif
mempengaruhi hasil yang bermutu
Not blaming someone else yet being proactive in giving the best results

Berani memulai hal-hal baru dan senantiasa menyempurnakannya

Dare to start something new and continuously make it perfect

Menghargai harkat dan martabat orang lain sebagai sesama manusia

Highly regard other peoples dignity and respect each other.

| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Companys Ethic and Commitment

Etika dan Komitmen Perusahaan

Core Value | Nilai-nilai

Employee Prespective | Penjiwaan bagi Karyawan

Costumer Preception | Persepsi di mata Pelanggan

Kepiawaian | Competence
Dengan semangat berkontribusi, tidak henti-hentinya
meningkatkan keterampilan, keahlian, dan sikap mental
demi perbaikan hasil yang sudah dicapai sebelumnya.
To devote the unmost contribution by perpetually
improving the skill, competency as well as mental
condition in order to achieve maximum results.

Handal | Reliable
Antusiasme yang tinggi dalam memberikan solusi. Mampu
menyelesaikan tugas profesional sesuai standar kualitas
yang berlaku secara konsisten.
Providing effective solution with high enthusiasm spirit.
Ability to present customers with first-rank service
standards, and perform professionally and consistently.

Integritas | Integrity
Loyalitas terhadap profesi dalam memperjuangkan
kepentingan perusahaan dengan tetap menjunjung
tinggi nilai-nilai kejujuran, kerendahan hati, dan
Committed to always strive to prioritize corporate needs
in trust honesty, modesty and with high responsibility.

Kelakuan Etis | Ethical Conduct

Teguh memegang prinsip-prinsip kewajaran, tanggung
jawab, akuntabilitas, dan transparansi dalam aktifitas usaha
yang ditunjukkan melalui perilaku yang konsisten dengan
yang diucapkan.
Strongly hold the principles of high tolerance, integrity,
accountability and transparent in all business aspects, that
are expressed consistenly through good behaviour and
oral statement.

Efisiensi | Efficiency
Sikap mental do the thing right from the begining, dalam
setiap peran dan tanggung jawab dan selalu melihat
peluang untuk perbaikan serta penghematan.
Do the thing right from the beginning, being the basic
principle in every role and conduct, by embracing better
opportunity and applying cost efficiency method.

Harga yang Bersaing | Competitive Pricing

Senantiasa kreatif dan inovatif dalam menciptakan
manfaat dan nilai tambah bagi pelanggan dengan harga
yang wajar dan bersaing.
Being creative and innovative to guarantee high efficiency
and to provide value-added services to customers. Selling
the products/services in a competitive and affordable

Kerjasama | Teamwork
Dilandasi rasa saling menghormati, saling asah, asih, dan
asuh, senantiasa menyelesaikan tantangan pekerjaan
dengan tuntas dan memberdayakan mata-rantai yang
Respect, caring and tolerance become the basic principles
of assignment completion and make the most of even the
least efficient issue.

Layanan yang Sesuai | Customized Service

Tanpa mengabaikan sebuah standar kualitas dan layanan
baku, hasil kerja yang diberikan merupakan solusi khas
dan spesifik yang sesuai dengan kondisi dan kepentingan
Highly regard quality standard and services to ensure
the provision of a unique and direct solution to fulfill the
needs and wants of customers.

Proaktif | Proactive
Siap menghadapi tantangan baru dan memilih tidak
berpangku-tangan dan menyalahkan keadaan atau orang
lain, namun secara dinamis melahirkan ide-ide kreatif dan
mengambil inisiatif untuk memberdayakannya.
Be highly initiative in presenting creative ideas to catch up
with the changing market trends and to deal with market
challenges, by being positive and efficient.

Keterjangkauan | Accessbility
Dekat dengan pelanggan dan penuh rasa tanggung jawab
dalam menanggapi berbagai permintaan serta pertanyaan
pelanggan dan menindaklanjuti dengan cepat, melalui
cara yang sederhana.
Maintain good relationship with customers, by being
responsible wheen serving customers, and quickly
responding to customers needs through a friendly

Keikhlasan | Genuine Concern

Menyikapi segala tantangan pekerjaan dengan hati jernih
dan mawas diri yang direfleksikan melalui sikap mau
mendengarkan dan penuh empati, sehingga dirasakan
semangat pelayanannya.
Able to strategically tackle problems and face challenges
at work genuinely by giving our best efforts and patience.

Kemudahan | Convenience
Semangat dan tekad yang kuat untuk melayani dan
menciptakan rasa nyaman bagi pelanggan melalui respon
yang cepat dan cara yang sederhana.
Assure comfortness to customers by quickly responding to
their needs and through a more personalized approach.

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 23

Shareholder Composition
Komposisi Pemegang Saham

Pemegang saham

Jumlah saham

Share Value *)
Jumlah nominal saham *)


PT Garuda Indonesia




PT Aerowisata







Back in 2002, GMF was officially launched as PT Garuda Indonesia

subsidiary company, registered as PT Garuda Maintenance Facility
AeroAsia (PT GMF AeroAsia) in notary certificate No. 93 dated 26 April
2002 issued by Arry Soepratno, SH notary public office. GMF has also
noted in the Republic of Indonesia (RI) national addendum certificate
No. 78 dated 27 September 2002, with 99% of PT GMF AeroAsias
shares are owned by PT Garuda Indonesia, whilst PT Aerowisata owns
the remaining 1%. As per 31 December 2006 the share composition as
above table.


*) in Thousand Rupiah
*) dalam Ribuan Rupiah

Tahun 2002, GMF resmi menjadi anak perusahaan PT Garuda

Indonesia dengan nama PT Garuda Maintenance Facility AeroAsia
(PT GMF AeroAsia) melalui akte notaris No 93 tanggal 26 April 2002
yang dikeluarkan oleh kantor notaris Arry Soepratno, SH. dan telah
diberitakan dalam tambahan berita negara RI No. 78 tanggal 27
September 2002. Adapun komposisi pemegang saham saat itu adalah
99% saham PT GMF AeroAsia dimiliki oleh PT Garuda Indonesia dan 1%
dimiliki oleh PT Aerowisata. Sedangkan komposisi kepemilikan saham
per 31 Desember 2006 adalah seperti tabel di atas.

| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Vision and Mision

Visi dan Misi

Corporate Vision
To become a dominant player in the regional market by 2008

Visi Perusahaan
Menjadi MRO yang dominan di pasar regional pada tahun 2008.

Corporate Mission
To provide integrated and reliable maintenance, repair and overhaul
solutions for a safer sky and secured quality of life of mankind

Misi Perusahaan
Menyediakan solusi maintenance, repair dan overhaul yang terintegrasi
dan handal untuk keamanan udara dan menjamin kualitas hidup

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 25

Corporate Culture
Budaya Perusahaan

The basic values that are followed by the GMF organizational levels or
known as GMFs Core Belief is described in the daily business practices,
such as the following:

Nilai-nilai dasar/utama yang dianut jajaran organisasi GMF disebut sebagai

GMFs Core Belief dan dijabarkan dalam praktik bisnisnya sehari-hari dengan
bentuk sebagai berikut:

Striving for Airworthiness

In performing its entire activities, GMF has to always upgrade its
aircraft maintenance infrastructures, update with scheduling as
well as with the standardized material and production system to
ensure that each aircraft is under proper maintenance and in good
condition to fly off, using the most feasible cost efficient methods
in terms labor cost, material and maintenance schedule costs.

Mengutamakan Kelayakan penerbangan

Dalam melaksanakan seluruh aktivitasnya GMF harus senantiasa
secara terus menerus meningkatkan sarana perawatan pesawat,
proses penjadwalan, sistem serta standar material dan produksi, untuk
menjamin bahwa setiap pesawat dalam perawatan yang baik dibuat
untuk layak terbang dengan biaya yang seefisien mungkin dari sisi
tenaga kerja, material dan waktu perawatan.

Relentless Capability Enhancement

In performing its entire activities, GMF continuously invests on
enhancing technical and professional expertise, also on improving
equipment and facilities in order to fulfill every costumers needs,
to increase the aircraft operational period, and to maximize
customer satisfaction through GMFs professional service provision
given by its highly dedicated employees.

Meningkatkan Kemampuan dengan Sungguh sungguh

Dalam melaksanakan seluruh aktivitasnya GMF harus senantiasa
secara terus menerus berinvestasi menciptakan keahlian teknis dan
profesional, meningkatkan fasilitas dan peralatan dalam rangka
memenuhi kebutuhan setiap pelanggan, umur pemakaian pesawat
yang lebih panjang dan membantu pelanggan mengoptimalkan
penggunaan pesawatnya, melalui kemampuan professional yang
dapat diandalkan dengan semangat kerja yang tinggi.

Team Work and Respect Individual Ability

In performing its entire activities, GMF is committed to continually
operate accordingly to the standardized safety and working
security procedures so that all staff feels they are in a comfortable
working environment that eventually can bring positive effect to
their work performance. Each individual at GMF should respect
each other and appreciate each others distinct contribution.
Moreover, each employee should feel free to give honest insight
and recommendation to support the companys success.

Kerja Sama Tim dan Menghargai Kemampuan Individu

Dalam melaksanakan seluruh aktivitasnya GMF harus senantiasa secara
terus menerus mengoperasikan dengan sungguh-sungguh standar
keselamatan dan keamanan kerja untuk kenyamanan semua staff
dan untuk mendapatkan kinerja kerja yang tinggi. Setiap individu di
GMF, harus menghargai martabat individu lainnya dan menghargai
kontribusi mereka yang unik. Setiap karyawan harus merasa bebas
untuk memberikan saran ataupun masukan-masukan yang jujur.

Genuine Concern
In performing its entire activities and in order to create a distinct
masterpiece, each individual at GMF is expected to work
continuously in high self-motivation, in close coordination with
and in genuinely caring for the customers, so that they feel
comfortable in making their choices of efficient service and of
efficient maintenance schedule following the flight regulations as
well as factory specification.

Perhatian yang Ikhlas

Dalam melaksanakan seluruh aktivitasnya untuk menciptakan suatu
karya besar, setiap individu di GMF harus senantiasa secara terus menerus
bekerja dengan semangat kerja yang tinggi, koordinasi yang sangat dekat
dan penuh perhatian secara ikhlas kepada pelanggan untuk membantu
menentukan pilihan pelayanan yang paling efisien dan penjadwalan
perawatan yang paling dapat diandalkan untuk kepentingan persyaratan
peraturan penerbangan dan spesifikasi dari pabrik pesawat.

Good Corporate Citizenship

In performing its entire activities, GMF is fully aware of its duty
and responsibilities as a good citizen based on 2 (two) stated
dimensions, which are the community in which we operate
and the world in its broadest meaning. Every individual at GMF
is striving hard to follow various regulations that help to build
the surrounding community, to perceive the existence of its
business operations as mutually benefiting in improving peoples
welfare particularly towards a clean, healthy and educated good

Warga Negara yang Baik

Dalam melaksanakan seluruh aktivitasnya GMF sadar benar bahwa
kewajiban dan tanggung jawab sebagai warganegara yang baik
berada pada 2 (dua) dimensi, yaitu dalam komunitas di mana kita
beroperasi dan di dunia dalam arti yang seluas-luasnya. Setiap individu
di GMF berusaha dengan sungguh-sungguh untuk memastikan
dipenuhinya berbagai peraturan perundang-undandangan yang
membentuk komunitas ini, serta memandang keberadaan bisnis
operasinya sebagai saling menguntungkan untuk meningkatkan
kesejahteraan masyarakat, khususnya pada hal-hal seperti tata kelola
yang bersih, kesehatan dan pendidikan.


| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

GMF Organization Structure and Transformation

Struktur Organisasi dan Transformasi GMF



Resource Director

Line Operation &

Garuda Fleet Mgt

Base Operation

Corporate Supervisory Board & Directors

Susunan Komisaris & Direksi
The Compositions of the Supervisory Board and The Board of Directors
of PT GMF AeroAsia are as follows:

Susunan Dewan Komisaris dan Dewan Direksi PT GMF AeroAsia adalah:

a. The Companys Supervisory Board

Chief of Supervisory Board
Member of Supervisory Board
Member of Supervisory Board

a. Komisaris Perusahaan
Komisaris Utama

b. The Companys Board of Directors

Director Of Line Operation &
Garuda Fleet Management
Director of Base Operation
Director of Finance
Director of Strategic Resources

Emirsyah Satar
Sunarko Kuntjoro
Richard Budihadianto

Hadinoto Soedigno


Agus Sudaryo
Bimo Agus Prihatono
Hanrozan Haznam
Prijo utomo

b. Direksi Perusahaan
Direktur Utama
Direktur Line Operation &
Garuda Fleet Management
Direktur Base Operation
Direktur Keuangan
Direktur Strategic Resources


Emirsyah Satar
Sunarko Kuntjoro
Richard Budihadianto

Hadinoto Soedigno

: Agus Sudaryo
: Bimo Agus Prihatono
: Hanrozan Haznam
: Prijo utomo

In running its tasks the GMF Board of Directors is assisted by Executive

Committee that consists of 11 Vice Presidents, namely:

Dalam menjalankan tugasnya Dewan Direksi GMF dibantu oleh Executive

Committee yang terdiri dari sebelas orang Vice President, yaitu:



VP Corporate Strategy & Development : Prijo Utomo

VP Internal Audit & Control : Setijo Awibowo
VP Business Cooperation & Development : Bimo Agus P.
VP Corporate Finance : Erie Permadi
VP Asset & Trade Management : Batara Silaban
VP Engineering Services : Suwito
VP Quality Assurance : Fuad Abdullah N.
VP Base Maintenance : Agus Sulistyono
VP Component Maintenance : Rahmat Hanafi
VP Line Maintenance : Marnala Aruan
VP Engine Maintenance : Arsil Anas

VP Corporate Strategy & Development : Prijo Utomo

VP Internal Audit & Control : Setijo Awibowo
VP Business Cooperation & Development : Bimo Agus P.
VP Corporate Finance : Erie Permadi
VP Asset & Trade Management : Batara Silaban
VP Engineering Services : Suwito
VP Quality Assurance : Fuad Abdullah N.
VP Base Maintenance : Agus Sulistyono
VP Component Maintenance : Rahmat Hanafi
VP Line Maintenance : Marnala Aruan
VP Engine Maintenance : Arsil Anas

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 27

GMF Organization Structure and Transformation

Struktur Organisasi dan Transformasi GMF

GMF Organization Transformation

Transformasi Organisasi GMF

In order to face future business challenges, one of the main activity that
the company prioritizes is tranformation of the overall organization,
which complements other tranformation that GMF has undertaken such
as business , human reources and PDCA transformation throughout
GMF. The main goal of this transformation is to allow a High Performing
Organization, which is willing and prepared to compete in and against the

Untuk menghadapi tantangan bisnis kedepan, salah satu kegiatan yang

dilakukan adalah transformasi organisasi, yang melengkapi transformasi
lainnya yang telah dilakukan di GMF, yaitu transformasi bisnis, transformasi
sumber daya manusia, dan transformasi PDCA (Plan Do Check Action)
diseluruh organisasi GMF. Tujuan transformasi organisasi ini adalah untuk
mencapai High Performing Organization, yang siap dan mampu bersaing di
masa datang.

The transformation concep that the company implements uses a hybrid

organization concept, which is an approach that combines traditional
command and control as reflected in the organization structure based on
the Cross Functional Coordination as reflected in the Strategic Initiative
Team as well as in the special assignment allocated to an individual or a
team. The key issues in the organization tranformatiotn are:

Konsep transformasi yang diterapkan adalah dengan menggunakan

konsep organisasi hibrida, yaitu pendekatan organisasi yang memadukan
basis tradisional Command and Control yang tercermin dalam struktur
organisasi dengan basis Cross Functional Coordination yang tercermin
dalam Strategic Initiative Team serta penugasan khusus terhadap seseorang
ataupun tim. Adapun hal-hal penting yang ada dalam proses transformasi
organisasi ini adalah :

a. Mindset Change
It is a priority in the organization tranformation of GMF, so that the
attitude of every individual also changes accordingly, especially in
the area of:
Bureacracy entrepreneur intrapreneur
Cost Center Profit Center Share Service
Individual Unit scale Corporate scale

a. Perubahan Mindset
Merupakan prioritas utama dalam proses transformasi organisasi
GMF, agar perilaku setiap individu karyawan GMF mengalami
perubahan dalam hal :
Birokrasi entrepreneur intrapreneur
Cost Center Profit Center Share Service
Individual Skala Unit Skala perusahaan

b. Playership based on rorles

Job description is no longer the main reference for GMF employee
in performing their work, instead it is contribution and role
according to the organization needs, such as:
1 level below Director Lead train develop
2 level below Director Managing the business
3 level below Director Achieving Operational Excellence

b. Playership sesuai peran

Job Description bukan lagi menjadi panduan utama pegawai GMF
bekerja, namun lebih diutamakan pada kontribusi dan peran yang
sesuai yang dilakukan dalam organisasi, contohnya :
1 tingkat dibawah direktur Memimpinmelatihmengembangkan
2 tingkat dibawah direktur Menjalankan bisnis
3 tingkat dibawah direktur Melaksanakan Operation Excellence



Organization Framework and Strucure

The organizations framework and structure are designed with
due consideration of market needs both for expaning market
share as well as for improving efficiency and effecttiveness of the

Pola dan struktur organisasi

Pola dan struktur organisasi dibuat dengan memperhatikan
kebutuhan pasar, baik untuk memenuhi pangsa pasar maupun
membentuk pasar dengan tetap menjaga efisiensi dan efektifitas

d. Measurement and complexity of different organization

The role, responsibility, complexity and size of a unit are the main
aspects to be considered in determining the size and position of a
transforming unit

d. Ukuran dan kompleksitas organisasi yang berbeda-beda

Peran, tanggung jawab, kompleksitas dan besarnya sebuah unit
merupakan hal-hal yang diperhatikan dalam menentukan ukuran
dan keberadaan unit yang akan ditransformasi.

e. Compliance to Regulation
As one of the key requrement in operating an MRO business is the
level of compliance to regulation in order to remain competitive.
A number of regulations must be compilad with such as business
rules and law stipulated by either the authories and companys
policy, airworthiness from FAA, EASA, and DSKU, as well as
professional standards such as GAAP, PSAK, IIA, NDT, dll.

e. Kepatuhan terhadap regulasi

Sebagai sesuatu yang harus dipenuhi dalam menjalankan bisnis
MRO, kepatuhan terhadap regulasi adalah kewajiban agar tetap ada
dalam persaingan. Beberapa peraturan yang harus dipenuhi antara
lain : peraturan perundangan bisnis dari pemerintahan maupun
prosedur perusahaan, peraturan kelaikan udara dari FAA, EASA dan
DSKU, serta standard profesi seperti : GAAP, PSAK, IIA, NDT dll.

The role of the Supervisory Board which is supported by Audit

Committee, Remuneration, and Risk Management Committee as well
as a focused and effective role of the Board of Directors according to
the members respective expertise in order to provide a sustainable
directorship. GMF organization strucutre is as described in the previous
diagram, however the role and responsibility of the Board of Directors,
Vice Presidents and otherr levels below them have been restructured in
2006 and was approved by the Supervisory Board. The first step of the
long journey of doing 7 contributing as roles equipment had been done
nothing out of these will be esealated for the following years.

Peran komisaris yang efektif dengan bantuan komite Audit, Renumerasi,

Nominasi, dan Risk Management dan peran direksi yang fokus dan efektif
yang in charge sesuai dengan bidangnya masing-masing dengan konsep
memberikan arahan (directorship) perlu diusahakan secara terus menerus
dalam menjalankan GMF. Bentuk struktur utama GMF seperti diagram
sebelumnya, namun peran dan tanggung jawab direksi, Vice President (1
tingkat dibawah direksi), maupun level-level dibawahnya sudah ditata
ulang ditahun 2006 dan telah mendapatkan persetujuan komisaris.
Perjalanan panjang dalam bertindak dan berkontribusi sesuai peran
sudah juga mulai dijalankan, dimana perputarannya akan semakin cepat
pada tahun-tahun berikutnya.


| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

GMF Organization Structure and Transformation

Struktur Organisasi dan Transformasi GMF

Overall, here are to major functions in GMFs transformation which are

Corporate Functions and Business Functions. The Corporate Function
with its shared service concept supports the business function which is
responsible for outsourcing and dealing with other parties outside of GMF.

Secara umum transformasi organisasi GMF dibagi kedalam 2 fungsi

besar yaitu Corporate Function dan Business Function. Corporate Function
dengan konsep share service-nya mendukung seluruh kebutuhan Business
Function, dimana business function memungkinkan melakukan bisnisnya
dengan baik, dapat melakukan outsource dan partnership dengan pihak
diluar unitnya bahkan diluar GMF.

A lot of new business units are formed together with changes in the
name and level of positions as a result of the transformatoin. With such
tranformation, GMF expects to achieve its vision of Global Challenge
2018 by becoming a high performing organization.

Konsekwensi dari transformasi organisasi GMF, adalah banyak terbentuk

nya bisnis unit-bisnis unit dalam grup bisnis yang ada, serta perubahan
nama dan level jabatan dimasing-masing fungsi untuk meningkatkan
playership individu sesuai peran dan kontribusinya. Melalui pendekatan ini,
diharapkan GMF dapat mencapai visinya Global Challenge 2018 dengan
bertindak sebagai high performing organization.

Sustainable Transformation | Transformasi Berkessinambungan

V1 Transnational Enterprise-Global Mindset

Year -n

Business Performance

Year 10
Year 5



V0 Dominant RI Market Leader








GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 29

Production Unit
Unit Produksi
(Proforma) Laba Usaha/Income from Operattions
Engine Maintanance

Penjualan / Sales Engine Maintenance


Millions / Juta USD



















Non GA (DOM)

Non GA (INT)




Engine Maintenance

Engine Maintenance

This unit contributed 19% of the total revenue in 2006, or slight

decline compared to its contribution in 2005. The Engine Maintainance
unit booked Rp 12,456 billion of profit in 2006. The decline in revenue
was mainly due to lower sales and production of CFM56-3 engine
compared to the ones in the previous year. Whereas the increase
in profit was a result of higher production of engine or other APU,
especially type SPEY engine which was successfully repaired with low
cost by utilising the remaining spare parts life cycle that customers
were still willing to use.

Unit ini merupakan unit yang memberikan kontribusi revenue sebesar

19% ditahun 2006, sedikit menurun dibandingkan tahun 2005.
Sedangkan menurut proforma laba usaha, unit Engine Maintenance
memperoleh keuntungan sebesar Rp 12.456 miliar ditahun 2006.
Penurunan pendapatan yang terjadi umumnya disebabkan oleh
tingkat penjuaalan dan produksi engine CFM56-3 yang lebih sedikit
dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya. Perbaikan keuntungan didapat dari
meningkatnya produksi mesin atau APU lainnya, khususnya untuk
engine tipe SPEY yang berhasil diperbaiki melalui beberapa transaksi
yang berbiaya murah, dengan memanfaatkan sisa umur suku cadang
yang masih diterima oleh pelanggan.

In 2006, the unit employs 142 people who were distributed into
three production lines. Moving forward the three production lines
are geared to become independent business units such as Auxilliary
Power Unit services, Turbine Component Services and CFM56&SPEY

Tenaga kerja yang terlibat di unit ini selama tahun 2006 adalah
sebanyak 142 orang yang terbagi dalam 3 lini produksi yang sudah
mulai diarahkan pengembangannya menjadi business unit tersendiri,
yaitu unit Auxiliary Power Unit Services, Turbine Component Services dan
CFM56 & SPEY Services.

The services of Engines Maintenance include maintenance of Spey

555, CFM56-3, and also various types of Auxiliary Power Unit (APU)
such as GTCP36, GTCP85 and TSCP700, including their overhaul service,
and services for engine types JT8D, JT9D-7/-59-A as well as CF6-50/80,
including their module replacement or minor- and medium-scale
repairs. Meanwhile, a new unit that was being developed in 2006 as
a move to diversify the business was the Industrial Gas Turbine unit,
which was specifically designed to undertake Heavy Industrial Turbine
(HIT) works. GMF has secured certifications of both services from the
Indonesian DGAC and FAA.

Jasa perawatan mesin Engine Maintenance meliputi perawatan mesin

jenis Spey 555, CFM56-3, juga berbagai jenis Auxiliary Power Unit
(APU) seperti GTCP36, GTCP85 dan TSCP700 sampai dengan overhaul
sedangkan engine type JT8D, JT9D-7/-59A serta CF6-50/-80 sampai
dengan penggantian modul atau perbaikan ringan hingga sedang.
Sedangkan unit baru yang sedang dikembangkan pada tahun 2006
sebagai diversifikasi bisnis adalah Industrial Gas Turbine khususnya
untuk pengerjaan Heavy Industrial Turbine (HIT). Sertifikasi yang didapat
dalam perawatan engine dan APU type diatas diproleh dari Indonesian

The Engine Maintainance is a capital and technology intensive unit

and, therefore, it requires strict arrangement of production time and
cash flow in order to assure an economically efficient optimization of
the unit, which leads to a higher profit.

Unit Engine maintenance adalah unit yang padat modal, padat

teknologi dan juga perlu pengaturan waktu produksi dan aliran uang
agar dapat diperoleh optimasi yang lebih ekonomis, sehingga marjin
keuntungan semakin meningkat.

Engine Maintenance Production 2006 | Produksi Engine Maintenance 2006



Aux. Power Unit (APU)

Industrial Gas Turbine Engine























Gas Turbine

| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Production Unit
Unit Produksi

(Proforma) Laba Usaha/Income from Operattions

Base Maintenance

Penjualan/Sales Base Maintenance























Base Maintenance

Base Maintenance

As the biggest revenue and profit contributor, i.e., respectively 32%

and Rp63,311 billion, to the company, Base Maintenance unit has
now been operating in its full capacity, practically using up all of
the hangars it current has. The unit has opened 9 narrow body lines
and 4 wide body lines to date, thus allowing very high capacity
utilization with up to 5-man hours a day. The overall unit employs 670
people while having additional workforce coming from GMF internal
employees as well as contract workers whenever it experiences peak

Sebagai penyumbang penjualan (32%) dan keuntungan terbesar (Rp

63.311 miliar) di GMF, unit Base Maintenance saat ini telah betul-betul
memaksimalkan kapasitas hangar yang ada dengan membuka 9
line narrow body dan 4 line Wide Body, yang tingkat penggunaannya
cukup tinggi dan berhasil menjual 5 man hour per day. Keseluruhan
tenaga kerja tetap yang ada pada unit ini adalah sebanyak 670 orang
ditambah tenaga tambahan baik dari internal GMF maupun pegawai
kontrak temporer, jika terjadi beban puncak.

The units performance will be continuously maintained and increased

by improving its project management and pre-inspection for any
aircraft prior to doing maintenance works for it at GMF. The Base
Maintenance unit is now directed to build business units consisting
of Hangar I Wide Body, Hangar 3 Non-Garuda Narrow Body, Hangar 3
Garuda Narrow Body, Workshop Hangar, and Thrust Reverser

Kinerja ini akan terus ditingkatkan dan dipertahankan dengan

melakukan perbaikan dalam project management dan pre inspection
terhadap kondisi pesawat sebelum dilakukan perawatan di GMF.
Unit Base Maintenance telah pula diarahkan untuk membentuk unit
business yang terdiri dari unit Hangar I Wide Body, Unit Hangar 3
Narrow Body Non Garuda, Unit Hangar 3 Narrow Body Garuda, Unit
Hangar Workshop serta unit Thrust Reverser.

Having two hangars, cabin workshop and sheet metal workshop, Base
Maintenance offers a number of services starting from routine repair
works up to major undertakings including modification. Unit Base
Maintenance also offers a number of the companys leading services,
including painting aircrafts exterior, cabin refurbishment, modification
of Section 41 B 747 series, as well as installation of entertainment
and audio visual instruments in aircraft cabin. At the moment, Base
Maintenance has been able to undertake even major works for various
aircraft types such as F28 B, B737 series, B747 seriesA300, A310, DC10
and MD80, with certification from FAA, EASA, DGAC Indonesia, and
from other countries.

Dengan fasilitas 2 hangar, cabin workshop serta sheet metal workshop,

kemampuan Base Maintenance dalam perawatan pesawat meliputi
berbagai layanan, mulai dari perawatan rutin menengah hingga
overhaul, pelaksanaan perbaikan struktur pesawat yang ringan hingga
perawatan besar, termasuk modifikasi. Unit Base Maintenance juga
menangani beberapa pekerjaan unggulan, antara lain, pengecatan
eksterior pesawat, cabin refurbishment, modifikasi Section 41 B 747
series serta pemasangan sarana teknologi hiburan audio visual di kabin
pesawat. Saat ini Base Maintenance GMF telah mampu merawat hingga
perawatan besar untuk tipe-tipe pesawat F 28, B 737 series, B 747 Series,
A 300, A 310, DC 10, dan MD 80, dengan sertifikasi yang dimiliki dari dari
FAA, EASA, DGAC Indonesia, serta Negara-negara lainnya.

Base Maintenance Production 2006 | Produksi Base Maintenance 2006

Tipe Pesawat / Aircraft Type

Narrow Body
(B 737, MD 80 & F-28)

Wide Body
(B 747, A 330 & DC-10)

Jenis Perawatan /
Maintenance Visit





A Check



C Check





D Check

Structure Repair


Major Modification

A Check

C Check




D Check

Structure Repair

Major Modification

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 31

Product and Service

Produk dan Layanan

(Proforma) Laba Usaha / Income from Operations

Component Maintrnance

Penjualan / Sales
Component Maintenance














Non GA (DOM)



Non GA (INT)




Component Maintenance

Component Maintenance

The sales revenue declined in 2006 due to a drop of income from

Garuda, which was the main customer, and no significant sales yet to
other customers. The profit and loss statement showed losses of Rp 1
billion in 2006. Most of the time, the unit handles components of B737,
the uses of whichh keep rising in Indonesia. Another strategy that is
now being developed is how the unit can boost the introduction of
NDT and IGTE products to non-aviation industry.

Terjadi penurunan sales revenue pada tahun 2006 yang umumnya

disebabkan oleh menurunnya pendapatan dari Garuda sebagai
pelanggan utamanya, serta belum diperolehnya penjualan yang
signifikan dari pelanggan lainnya. Dari laporan proforma laba rugi unit
ini menunjukkan kerugian sebesar Rp 1 miliar ditahun 2006. Dengan
populasi terbanyak adalah komponen dari pesawat B 737 yang mana
di Indonesia terus meningkat jumlahnya. Strategi lain yang juga
sedang dikembangkan adalah dengan pengenalan produk NDT dan
IGTE kepada industry non aviasi.

This unit has been improving its process, particularly in the

procurement of break down materials, which has started using
the consignment system so as to have a faster rate of component
maintenance works.

Perbaikan proses juga sedang dilakukan khususnya dari sisi pengadaan

material breakdown part, yang sudah mulai menggunakan sistem
konsinyasi, agar waktu pengerjaan perawatan komponen dapat
ditingkatkan lebih cepat lagi.

The component maintenance unit employs 231 people and pursues

business expansion strategy by establishing new subsidiary business
units in addition to the existing shops such as Wheel & Brake shop,
Halon Bank, Trolley and Uplift Loading Device (ULD) shops.

Unit Component Maintenance dengan jumlah pegawai sebanyak

231 orang, juga melakukan strategi pengembangan bisnis dengan
membentuk unit bisnis-unit bisnis baru disamping shop yang sudah
ada, seperti Wheel & Brake shop, Halon Bank, Trolley dan Uplift Loading
Device (ULD) shop.

As a solution provider to total aircraft maintenance, GMF has a

number of workshops consisting of Avionics Workshop; Electrical,
Mechanical and Oxygen Workshop; Ground Support Equipment
Workshop; Calibration and NDT Workshop; and Facility Workshop. The
Avionics Workshop unit is responsible for the maintenance of avionic
equipment, which includes communication radio component, Flight
Data Recorder, Gyroscope, In-flight Entertainment Component, as well
as other components. The use of modern and automated devices such
as ATEC-5000, SMART/VME and IRIS 2000 is very supportive towards
assuring the smooth operation of component maintenance for various
types of aircraft such as B 737, B 747, A 330, A 310, A 300, DC-10, MD80 and F 28. Certifications for this service have been obtained from a
number of countries such as DSKU, FAA and EASA.

Sebagai penyedia solusi total perawatan pesawat terbang, GMF

memiliki beberapa workshop yang terdiri dari Avionics Workshop;
Electrical, Mechanical and Oxygen Workshop; Ground Support Equipment
Workshop; Calibration and NDT Workshop; dan Facility Workshop. Unit
Avionics Workshop melaksanakan perawatan peralatan Avionics
yang meliputi komponen Radio Komunikasi, Navigasi, Instrumentasi,
Radar, Auto Pilot, Cockpit Voice Recorder, Flight Data Recorder, Gyroscope,
Inflight Entertainment Component, serta beberapa komponen lainnya.
Pemakaian alat-alat modern dan otomatis seperti ATEC-5000, SMART/
VME dan IRIS 2000, sangat mendukung berjalannya perawatan
komponen untuk tipe pesawat B 737, B 747, A 330, A 310, A 300, DC10, MD-80 dan F 28. Sertifikasi yang diperoleh dari beberapa negara
seperti DSKU, FAA dan EASA.

Component Maintenance Production 2006 | Produksi Component Maintenance 2006













Calibration & Non Destructive Test




Ground Support Equipment





Facility Maintenance
Industrial Gas Turbine Engine





| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Product and Service

Produk dan Layanan

(Proforma) Laba Usaha/Income from Operattions

Line Maintanance

Penjualan / Sales
Line Maintenance















Non GA (DOM)



Non GA (INT)





Line Maintenance

Line Maintenance

The increased revenue was reflected on both sales (24% of total GM

sales) and a profit of Rp1,165 billion; however, this unit needs to boost
its non-Garuda customers, whose number is still small. GMF has also
a business unit to cater the needs of non-Garuda Line Maintenance
at Cengkareng station. This business unit is expected to increase sales
and services, i.e., in terms of quantity and quality, to other airlines
transiting in Cengkareng. The units growth in 2006 mostly reflects its
ability to raise its sales of line maintenance services to non Garuda
airlines, following extensions of contracts with 10 airlines at 7 stations
throughout Indonesia.

Peningkatan pendapatan juga terus terlihat baik dari sisi penjualan

(24% total sales GMF) maupun proforma laba usahanya rugi
sebesar Rp 1.165 miliar, namun yang masih perlu ditingkatkan
adalah pendapatan dari pihak non Garuda yang masih kecil. GMF
juga sudah menyiapkan satu unit bisnis untuk non Garuda Line
Maintenance di Stasiun Cengkareng, agar pemasaran dan pelayanan
terhadap maskapai penerbangan yang singgah di Cengkareng dapat
lebih ditingkatkan dari sisi jumlah dan kualitasnya. Pertumbuhan
pendapatan ditahun 2006, adalah cerminan hasil penjualan line
maintenance kepada pihak non GA, yang mulai meningkat setelah
diperoleh kontrak jangka panjang terhadap 10 airline di 7 bandara di

The expansion of Line Maintenance unit in a number of locations

through establishment of branches and point of sales is largely meant
to increase revenues from both Garuda and non Garuda airlines
transiting at the Soekarno Hatta International Airport, Ngurah Rai
International Airport in Denpasar and 17 other airports throughout
Indonesia. At the same time, International Line Maintenance serves
Garuda Indonesia in Singapore and the Middle East. The various types
of aircrafts that the unit caters include B777, B767, B747, A320, A330,
A340, DC10, and F28, the services of which begin at the Transit Check
down to other minor regular services with various time intervals such
as daily, weekly and monthly as well as A Check.

Pengembangan Line Maintenance di beberapa lokasi sebagai kantor

cabang dan point of sales, untuk meningkatkan pendapatan, baik
dari PT Garuda Indonesia dan juga beberapa airline lainnya yang
singgah di Bandara Internasional Soekarno Hatta Cengkareng,
Bandara Internasional Ngurah Rai Denpasar dan 18 bandara lainnya di
Indonesia. Sementara untuk internasional Line Maintenance melayani
pesawat-pesawat PT Garuda Indonesia di Singapura dan Timur
Tengah. Jenis pesawat terbang yang ditangani mulai dari jenis B 777, B
767, B 737 series , B 747 series, A 320, A 330, A 340, DC 10, hingga F 28
mulai dari Transit Check hingga perawatan ringan lainnya yang interval
waktunya mulai dari harian, mingguan, hingga bulanan dan A Check.

The unit employs 866 people who work at 23 GMF branches, most of
which are located at major stations such as Cengkareng and Denpasar.
Other than certifications from DSKU, FAA and EASA, or from other
countries, Line Maintenance unit has also obtained awards from
customers such as JAL and Yemenia, especially for categories of safety
and punctually.

Tenaga kerja tetap yang ada pada unit ini sebanyak 866 orang yang
menyebar di 23 kantor GMF, yang sebagian besar berada distation
besar seperti Cengkareng dan Denpasar. Disamping sertifikasi yang
diperoleh dari DSKU, FAA, EASA serta Negara-negara lain, unit line
maintenance juga memperoleh beberapa penghargaan dari customer
yang dilayaninya seperti dari JAL dan Yemenia, untuk kategori
keselamatan dan ketepatan waktu.

Line Maintenance Production 2006 | Produksi Line Maintenance 2006

Tipe Pesawat /
Aircraft Type

Narrow Body

Jenis Perawatan/
Maintenance Visit




Preflight Check





Transit Check









A Check

Wide Body


Preflight Check





Transit Check









A Check

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 33

Product and Service

Produk dan Layanan

Penjualan / Sales
Engineering Services

(Proforma) Laba Usaha / Income from Operations

Engineering Maintrnance












Non GA (DOM)



Non GA (INT)





Engineering Service

Engineering Service

The engineering service unit offers aircraft maintenance standard

program, modifications and controlling, reability control program,
data communication services from the aircraft to ground, and the
distribution of aircraft maintenance documents, including expert

Unit Engineering Services, yang menjual jasanya dalam bentuk program

standar perawatan, modifikasi dan pengontrolannya, reliability control
program, pelayanan data komunikasi dari pesawat ke darat serta
manajemen dan distribusi dokumen-dokumen perawatan pesawat,
termasuk pelayanan jasa tenaga ahlinya.

GMF understands customers needs and, therefore, provides modern

maintenance engineering service through the best system in order
to have punctuality, reliability and efficient maintenance results. The
GMF Engineering Service has performed maintenance engineering
and major modification works, such as .. changing the maintenance
program by using the new standard of maintenance MSG-3 for
B737series, Cabin Refurbishment, Section 41 for B747 series, Pylon
Modification, and Cargo Conversion for B737.

GMF mengerti apa yang diinginkan pelanggan dan dengan

memberikan jasa rekayasa perawatan yang modern melalui sistem
terbaik sehingga ketepatan waktu, reliabilitas serta hasil perawatan
yang efisien dapat dicapai. Beberapa contoh rekayasa perawatan
dan modifikasi besar seperti Peningkatan waktu interval perawatan
pesawat (A Check, C Check dan D Check), perubahan maintenance
program dengan menggunakan standar perawatan baru MSG-3 untuk
B 737 series, Cabin Refurbishment, Section 41 untuk B 747 Series, Pylon
Modification, dan Cargo Conversion untuk B 737 telah dimiliki oleh unit
Engineering Services GMF.

Being a new unit, the Engineering Service units services have not been
largely used by both domestic and foreign airlines and, therefore, its
income is still dependent on revenue from Garuda. xxxxxxxxxx
In terms of profit and loss, the unit has been able to book a profit of
Rp1,086 billion in 2006. Business process improvement such as by
obtaining licenses for engineers as well as by improving the units
marketing capability remains the main focus and priority of GMF in
addition to the effort to offer One Stop Service for aircraft maintenance
at GMF.

Sebagai unit yang jasanya belum banyak dibeli oleh airline domestik
maupun Internasional, pendapatan Engineering Services masih
mengandalkan pendapatan dari Garuda, dimana terjadi penurunan
seperti pada unit-unit bisnis lainnya. Jika dilihat dari proforma laba rugi,
unit ini juga sudah mulai menunjukkan keuntungan sebesar Rp 1.086
miliar ditahun 2006. Perbaikan business process seperti peroleh lisensi
untuk para engineer, serta perbaikan pemasaran masih harus terus
diupayakan oleh GMF selain mencoba menawarkan satu kesatuan One
Stop Service untuk perawatan pesawat di GMF.

The unit employs 66 professionals, who are mostly mechanical,

electrical, metallurgic, and avionic engineers as well as mathematicians
and experts in science.

Tenaga kerja ahli yang ada di Engineering Services ini sebanyak 66 orang,
yang kebanyakan adalah sarjana teknik dari bidang Mesin, Elektro,
Elektronika, Metalurgi dan Penerbangan serta sarjana Matematika dan
Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam.


| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Product and Service

Produk dan Layanan

Penjualan / Sales
Asset & Trade Manegement


(Proforma) Laba Usaha / Income from Operations

Asset & Trade Manegement








Non GA (DOM)




Non GA (INT)








Asset & Trade Management

Asset & Trade Management

Material supports for aircraft maintenance is one of the most

important elements to determine whether or not an aircraft is
airworthy and whether or not it is on time in flight operations.
The Asset and Trade Management unit offers a number of services
such as providing aircraft components management, warehousing,
distribution, sales and purchase of materials, including AOG (Aircraft on
Ground) support up to bonded zones facilities.

Dukungan material untuk perawatan pesawat adalah salah satu hal

penting untuk menentukan apakah sebuah pesawat laik terbang dan
tepat waktu atau tidak. Asset & Trade Management memiliki sejumlah
layanan, di antaranya adalah memberikan dukungan jasa mulai dari
pengelolaan komponen pesawat, pergudangan, distribusi, penjualan
dan pembelian material termasuk dukungan AOG (Aircraft on Ground)
hingga fasilitas kawasan berikat.

The units sales kept growing from year to year along with the
expansion of services being offered. The increased sales and profit
have not met the expectation set for 2006; however, the profit reaped
has reached Rp5,522 billion. The units business expansion plan is
divided into at least 3 sub-units such as Logistic, Strategic Procurement
as well as Trade and Asset Management, with more business sub-units
are now under development such as bonded zone and services and
the ones for Garuda Indonesia as major customer.

Pertumbuhan penjualan dari unit ini terus meningkat dari tahun ke

tahun seiring dengan makin meluasnya jasa yang diberikan. Perbaikan
penjualan dan keuntungan masih belum sesuai harapan di tahun
2006, namun keuntungan yang diperoleh telah mencapai Rp 5.522
miliar. Pengembangan bisnis yang ada di Asset & Trade Management
dikelompokan dalam paling tidak 3 unit bisnis antara lain Logistic,
Strategic Procurement serta Asset & Trade Management, dengan
beberapa tambahan unit bisnis yang sedang dikembangkan seperti
kawasan berikat serta service terhadap pelanggan utama Garuda

Since 2005, the unit has entered into consignment and distributorship
agreements ement with a number of agents/distributors other than
logistic service agreement.

Sejak tahun 2005 telah dilakukan kerja sama konsinyasi serta

keagenan/distributor yang telah diperoleh unit Asset & Trade
Management disamping kontrak kerjasama logistic services. Dengan
jumlah karyawan tetap 122 orang, unit ini akan lebih fokus pada
business penjualan parts serta logistic services, sementara upaya
effisiensi dilakukan dengan melalui strategic procurement.

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 35

Management Discussion And Analysis

Pembahasan dan Analisis Manajemen

GMF: One Solid Unit

GMF: Satu unit yang solid

PT GMF Aero Asia ended year 2006 by showing sustainable

performance results that were similar to that of 2005. Amid the
challenges and economic situation of that period, the company
enjoyed a net profit of Rp 40 billion taken from a declining revenue,
which had dropped by 6.75% from Rp 1,183 billion to Rp 1,103 billion.
However, the company was able to cut its expenses by 6.59 percent
from Rp 1,118 billion to Rp 1,044 billion. The companys gross operating
profit and gross profit reached higher level compared to the ones in
2005, while its profit before tax dropped significantly compared to that
in 2005 due to the appreciation of the Rupiah against the US Dollar
throughout 2006.

PT GMF Aero Asia menutup tahun 2006 dengan mempertahankan

kinerja yang mendekati tahun 2005. Di tengah tantangan dan situasi
ekonomi yang ada, perolehan laba bersih perusahaan mencapai Rp
40 miliar dari pendapatan yang menurun 6,75 persen dari Rp 1.183
miliar menjadi Rp 1.103 miliar. Sementara itu, pengeluaran perusahaan
berhasil dikurangi menurun 6,59 persen dari Rp 1.118 miliar menjadi
Rp 1.044 miliar. Pencapaian Laba Usaha dan Laba Kotor perusahaan
lebih besar dibandingkan tahun 2005, sementara laba sebelum Pajak
menurun jika dibandingkan dengan tahun 2005 karena adanya
rugi kurs akibat terapresiasinya Rupiah terhadap Dollar yang cukup
signifikan di tahun 2006.

All of the above figures mean that GMF was successful in enhancing
its performance through increasing its efficiency and effectiveness,
particularly in the financial, human resource, operational and
promotional aspects.

Artinya GMF berhasil meningkatkan kinerja dengan meningkatkan

efisiensi dan efektivitas perusahaan terutama di aspek keuangan, SDM,
operasi dan promosi.

This success is due to the GMF Managements main target and strategy
set in early 2006, namely, boosting the business and people excellence.
In other words, GMF had to enhance its operating performance
through raising the quality and productivity of its human resources.

Keberhasilan tersebut tidak lepas dari tujuan utama dan strategi

yang ditetapkan oleh Manajemen GMF di awal tahun 2006. Yaitu
meningkatkan business dan people excellence. Dengan kata lain GMF
harus meningkatkan kinerja usaha melalui peningkatan kualitas dan
produktivitas sumber daya manusianya.

Corporate Strategic Blueprint

Corporate Strategic Blueprint

All of the above achievements were in line with the corporate strategic
blueprint, which have been formulated and implemented since the
companys spin off from Garuda Indonesia four years ago. Following
the strategic blueprint, all staff and management of GMF have agreed
to run the company to become a leading MRO company in the world
within 15 years after the spin-off.

Semua hal tersebut diatas sesuai dengan corporate strategic blueprint

yang telah digariskan dan terus diikuti sejak GMF dipisahkan dari
induk perusahaan Garuda Indonesia empat tahun sebelumnya. Dalam
strategic blueprint tersebut, seluruh manajemen dan karyawan GMF
sepakat untuk membawa GMF menjadi perusahaan MRO terkemuka di
dunia dalam kurun waktu 15 tahun sejak spin off.

The strategic blueprint is split into three five-year periods, each of

which has its own specific objective as follows:

Strategic blueprint tersebut kemudian dibagi menjadi tiga periode lima

tahunan dengan target pencapaian masing-masing sebagai berikut: .

a. 2003 2008: USD 330 million

b. 2008 2013: USD 578 million
c. 2013 2018: USD 1.3 billion

a. 2003 2008: USD 330 juta

b. 2008 2013: USD 578 juta
c. 2013 2018: USD 1,3 miliar

GMF has successfully met the objective of each period. As for the first
five-year period, GMF was one year behind the corporate mission to
become the dominant player in the regional market, which must be
achieved in 2008.

Hasilnya GMF secara konsisten telah berhasil memenuhi target

pencapaian dari setiap periode yang telah ditentukan. Untuk periode
lima tahun pertama, GMF terpaut satu tahun dari misi perusahaan
menjadi Dominant Player in Regional Market yang harus berhasil dicapai
pada tahun 2008.

However, as indicated by year 2006 results, GMF is optimistic that the

short term and long term objectives set in the strategic corporate
blueprint are achievable, especially when measured against the four

Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh hasil yang dicapai di tahun 2006. Terutama
dilihat dari empat aspek bisnis utama perusahaan yaitu keuangan,
SDM, operasional dan pemasaran, GMF optimis akan berhasil


| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Management Discussion And Analysis

Pembahasan dan Analisis Manajemen

fundamental business aspects such as finance, human resource,

operation and marketing.

mencapai target antara dan target jangka panjang yang telah

digariskan dalam strategic corporate blueprint.

Throughout 2006, GMF experienced various ups and downs with most
of the challenges were mainly external. However, all members of the
management board and staff of all levels admittedly experienced the
best and the most prideful journey. Everyone feels the effect that the
positive transformation has brought into the company, which makes it
better and stronger amid various challenges.

Singkat kata, tahun 2006 merupakan tahun yang penuh tantangan,

terutama tantangan ekternal, bagi GMF. Namun tahun 2006 juga
merupakan salah satu tahun terbaik dan paling membanggakan
bagi seluruh jajaran manajemen dan karyawan GMF. Di tahun 2006
seluruh insan GMF boleh membuktikan dan merasa bangga bahwa
GMF betul-betul telah mengalami transformasi menjadi perusahaan
yang lebih baik dan lebih kuat dengan tantangan yang juga semakin

Indonesias Economic Condition versus GMF Strategy

Kondisi Perekonomian Indonesia dan Strategi GMF

In the beginning of 2006, the national aviation industry experienced

a drastic downturn resulted from the diminishing public and business
purchasing power, following the governments decision to cut fuel
subsidy at the end of 2005. The 126% fuel price increase has pushed
operating cost for businesses significantly higher.

Di awal tahun 2006, industri penerbangan nasional mengalami

penurunan cukup drastis sebagai akibat dari turunnya daya beli
masyarakat dan dunia usaha setelah keputusan pemerintah untuk
mencabut subsidi BBM di akhir tahun 2005. Padahal di saat yang
sama perusahaan penerbangan harus menghadapi kenaikan biaya
operasional karena kenaikan harga BBM yang rata-rata mencapai

The governments action negatively impacts GMF in ways that repair

and maintenance orders from its biggest client Garuda Indonesia
decreased by 25.74 percent compared to 2005. Likewise, non-Garuda
orders also dropped by 19.66 percent compared to the ones of Rp 332
billion in 2005.

Dampaknya sangat besar bagi GMF. Order perbaikan dan perawatan

dari Garuda Indonesia sebagai pelanggan terbesar GMF turun
25,74 persen dibandingkan RKAP tahun 2006. Selain itu, order dari
para pelanggan non-Garuda Indonesia juga turun 19,66 persen
dibandingkan tahun 2005 yang mencapai Rp 332 miliar.

The situation lasted until the end of first semester of 2006. However,
although the Indonesian economy had recovered significantly in the
second semester as shown In the rapidly growing volume of airlines
passengers , the positive effects lagged considerably and were not felt
until the end of the third quarter or nearing the end of 2006.

Keadaaan tersebut bertahan sampai dengan akhir semester pertama

tahun 2006. Namun walaupun perekonomian Indonesia mulai pulih
di semester kedua tahun 2006 yang ditunjukkan dengan volume
penumpang pesawat yang mulai meningkat secara cepat dan
signifikan, dampak positifnya baru dirasakan GMF mendekati akhir
kwartal ke tiga 2006 atau mendekati akhir tahun.

Due to the governments success in reducing the inflation and interest

rate, Indonesias economic situation steadily improved in the second
semester of 2006. Such improved condition eventually led to the
gradual recovery of public consumption level, particularly among the
middle and upper income classes. At the same time, declining interest
rate started to rebuild the trust and confidence among the business

Namun seiring dengan keberhasilan pemerintah menurunkan inflasi

dan tingkat suku bunga, perekonomian, perekonomian Indonesia
mulai bergairah di semester kedua tahun 2006. Turunnya inflasi
membuat daya beli masyarakat terutama kelas menengah dan atas
perlahan-lahan pulih sedangkan turunnya suku bunga meningkatkan
kepercayaan dan keyakinan dunia usaha.

While it took some time until the recovery got into the rural parts of
Indonesia, economic activities in almost all major cities throughout
Indonesia showed a positive development. This was mainly due to the
rapidly increased public consumption, declining inflation, improved
distribution of products and services, and a recovering domestic
tourism, which initiated a strong build up of intra island travel and

Walaupun perekonomian di daerah-daerah non kota besar masih

kurang bergairah, namun perekonomian di kota-kota besar di
seluruh Indonesia menunjukkan pertumbuhan yang positif
didorong oleh konsumsi masyarakat yang terus meningkat,
namun tanpa menimbulkan efek inflasi. Distribusi barang dan jasa
semakin lancar, pariwisata domestik mulai berangsur normal serta
penerbangan antar kota besar dan tujuan wisata juga berangsurangsur pulih.

In addition, a bullish stock market, a stable Rupiah, and a higher

government foreign exchange reserve showed that the economy was
growing steadily with more dynamics and optimism. As a result, the
aviation industry began to normalize, leading to higher demand for
aircraft repair and maintenance.

Dinamika dan tren perekonomian yang semakin positif ditunjukkan

oleh bullish-nya pasar saham, stabilnya nilai tukar rupiah dan
semakin tingginya cadangan devisa pemerintah. Akibatnya, para
pemain di industri penerbangan mulai beraktivitas normal yang juga
memulihkan order permintaan untuk perbaikan dan pemeliharaan
pesawat terbang.

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 37

Management Discussion And Analysis

Pembahasan dan Analisis Manajemen

Growing Market Potentials and Forming Strategic Alliance

Memperluas Pangsa Pasar dan Aliansi Strategis

In early 2006, GMF set a yearly goal, namely the Business & People
Excellence as the basis for formulating the annual action and budget
plan (RKAP).

Pada awal tahun, ditetapkan tema tahunan Business & People

Excellence sebagai panduan bagi upaya perusahaan dalam
mengeksekusi rencana aksi (RKAP) yang telah ditetapkan.

Together, the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board, as well as

Shareholders agreed and committed to executing the action plans
in order to achieve the above stated goal. This was done through
expanding potential markets, lessening dependency on Garuda
Indonesia, enhancing strategic alliance, perfecting partnerships with
suppliers of spare parts, improving operational standards, as well
as creating a more comfortable and secure work atmosphere for
all employees. On top of that, GMF continuously promoted good
corporate governance (GCG) throughout the company in order to
reflect proper management, operational and service practices.

Untuk mencapainya, strategi yang diterapkan Direksi dan didukung

oleh Komisaris dan pemegang saham adalah meningkatkan pangsa
pasar dan mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap Garuda Indonesia,
memperluas aliansi dan mengembangkan kerja sama dengan
perusahaan pemasok suku cadang, meningkatkan standar operasional,
meningkatkan kenyamanan dan keamanan lingkungan kerja untuk
meningkatkan kesejahteraan karyawan dan meningkatkan kesadaran
dan implementasi tata kelola perusahaan (GCG) di seluruh aspek
manajemen, operasional dan pelayanan.

The strategy has proven effective in tackling fluctuations in the market

and the economy in 2006, therefore, GMF was able to anticipate and
take advantage of the domestic economic growth.

Strategi tersebut terbukti efektif dalam menghadapi kondisi pasar yang

cukup sulit di tahun 2006 sehingga GMF berhasil mengantisipasi dan
memanfaatkan tren pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional dengan sangat

While waiting for the market to recover, GMF chose to focus on

increasing the motivation and wellbeing of its human resources
through intensive training and development programs, especially for
the Line and Base Maintenance division.

Dengan demikian, ketika pasar belum dan mulai berangsur pulih,

fokus manajemen ditekankan pada peningkatan motivasi kerja dan
kesejahteraan karyawan. Perusahaan mengadakan beragam program
pelatihan (training) bagi karyawan terutama di divisi Line dan Base

As a result, the companys 2006 RKAP underlined business and

personnel development so as to make GMF the most reliable and
trusted MRO player in the region.

Di tahun 2006 RKAP menekankan pengembangan bisnis dan personil

GMF sehingga dapat menjadikan GMF sebagai pemain regional yang
handal dan terpercaya.

The 2006 business planning and performance measurement were

done using Balance Score Card method, whereby the main targets set
by the management were continuously familiarized and internalized
to sub business units. More than that, GMF also adopted individual
Performance Planning method in order to measure and boost
individual productivity.

Perencanaan dan pengukuran kinerja tahun 2006 dilakukan dengan

menggunakan Metode Balance Score Card dimana target pencapaian
utama yang ditetapkan manajemen terus disosialisasikan dan
diinternalisasikan ke unit-unit dibawahnya. Bahkan, untuk mengukur
efektivitasnya, GMF melakukan pengukuran yang dituangkan ke dalam
Individual Performance Plan masing-masing personil GMF.

On the corporate level, GMF agreed to set a number of Key

Performance Indicator (KPI) for 2006, as shown in table on the next
page. *

Di tingkat korporasi, GMF memiliki beberapa KPI yang target serta

pencapaiannya yang seyogyanya diwujudkan di tahun 2006. Tabel di
halaman selanjutnya menjabarkan beberapa KPI bisnis GMF secara
keseluruhan dan pencapaiannya selama tahun 2006:

Besides the KPI objectives, the company has also implemented twelve
operational milestones and expanded the previous six Strategic
Initiative Teams (SITs) to seven SITs to achieve those milestones.

Di samping berupaya untuk mencapai beragam KPI tersebut,

perusahaan juga menerapkan 12 milestones operasional dan
menyempurnakan enam Strategic Initiative Team menjadi tujuh
Strategic Initiative Team untuk mencapat milestone tersebut

As of the end of December 2006, out of eight milestones, four

milestones have been accomplished.

Hingga akhir Desember 2006, ada empat milestones yang tercapai dan
delapan milestones yang belum tercapai.

The twelve milestones are:

1. The launching of facility in the Middle East.
2. The launching of domestic Second Facility.
3. Improved financial structure, completed with Net Cash Reserve
accounted 10% of current assets.
4. Zero equity shortage.
5. 70 percent capacity utilization (accomplished)
6. Qualified Turn Around Time (TAT) industry standards.
7. Six hours per day human resource productivity level.

Ke-12 milestone operasional tersebut adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Pembukaan fasilitas di Timur Tengah.
2. Pembukaan Second Facility di domestic .
3. Perbaikan struktur keuangan sehingga mempunyai Net Cash
Reserved sebesar 10% dari jumlah Aktiva lancar.
4. Tidak terdapat kekurangan modal.
5. Kapasitas terpakai sebesar 70 %. (tercapai)
6. Tercapainya TAT (Turn Around Time) standard industri.
7. Produktivitas sumber daya manusia 6 jam per hari.


| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Management Discussion And Analysis

Pembahasan dan Analisis Manajemen


Keuangan /

Customer /

Strategic Objective

Key Performance Indicator



Achievement /
Pencapaian 2006

Maximize Return
To Shareholder

Return on Equity (ROE)



Return on Investment (ROI)



Maximize Sales & Growth

Combined Revenue (MUSD)



Net Margin



Optimize Asset Utilization

Number of Sold Mhrs (KMhrs)



Provide Reliable Product &

Services At Competitive Price

Customer Satisfaction Index


Not Measured

Provide One-Stop
MRO Solution

Financial Capability

Efficiency Improvement

Internal Process /
Proses internal


Not Measured

2.24 %


Number of declined services

4 ea

6 ea

Account Receiveables

60 days

89 days

Cash Ratio



Current Ratio


141.41 %

Debt to Equity Ratio


175.8 %

Asset Turn Over


130.17 %

Cost of Poor Quality


1.45 %

Inventory Turn Over



Technical Incident &

Accident (TIA) Rate



Aircraft Availability



Cabin Performance Index



Dispatch Reliability



Turn Around Time (TAT) Ratio



Business Network &

Partnership Development

Number of long term

partner & supplier

8 ea

7 ea

Core Related

Number of BP

15 BP

11 BP

% Capacity Utilization

70 %

95.68 %

Number of New
Rating DGAC : FAA : EASA



Manhour Utilization



Quality & Delivery


Capacity & Capability


Technical & Organization

Competencies Development

PCM Compliance Index


91.40 %

Technical Training Time ratio

4% - 7%


GCG Index


82 %

Number ethic violation

(berat : sedang : ringan)

0% : 2% : 5%

0.25% : 0.04% : 0.02%

Culture Index



PDCA Index



Leadership Talent Management

Implementation Index


38.50 %

Process Redesign

% of IT coverage on
business process



GCG & Corporate

Social Responsibility
Learning & Growth/
Pembelajaran dan

Quality Index
% of Market Share From
regional Market

Culture & Management


GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 39

Management Discussion And Analysis

Pembahasan dan Analisis Manajemen


Learning Center program implementation (accomplished).

45 days of Average Collection Period.
To market asset management (accomplished).
Six Sigma Method implementation.
Good cooperation with Airlines and MRO (accomplished).

The seven Strategic Initiative Teams and their missions are:

Strategic Initiative Team # 1 : Share Holder Value Enhancement

Strategic Initiative Team # 2 : Quality Enhancement Program
Strategic Initiative Team # 3 : Business Portfolio
Strategic Initiative Team # 4 : Phased-In Phased Out
Strategic Initiative Team # 5 : New Facility
Strategic Initiative Team # 6 : Strategic Partnership
Strategic Initiative Team # 7 : People & Management Acceleration


Mengimplementasikan program Learning Center (tercapai).

Average Collection Period 45 hari.
Memasarkan asset management (tercapai).
Melaksanakan Project Six Sigma.
Kerjasama dengan Airlines dan MRO (tercapai).

Sedangkan tujuh Strategic Initiative Team guna mencapai milestone

yang ditetapkan adalah:
Strategic Initiative Team # 1 : Share Holder Value Enhancement
Strategic Initiative Team # 2 : Quality Enhancement Program
Strategic Initiative Team # 3 : Business Portfolio
Strategic Initiative Team # 4 : Phased-In Phased Out
Strategic Initiative Team # 5 : New Facility
Strategic Initiative Team # 6 : Strategic Partnership
Strategic Initiative Team # 7 : People & Management Acceleration

The twelve operational milestones and seven Strategic Initiative Teams

have been integrated in order to improve performance, growth and
development of GMF, and to ensure that GMFs accomplishments for
2006 were according to the agreed and planned Strategic Corporate

Ke-12 milestones operasional dan tujuh Strategic Initiative Team

diintegrasikan untuk terus meningkatkan kinerja, pertumbuhan dan
perkembangan GMF serta demi memastikan bahwa pencapaian GMF
di tahun 2006 sesuai dengan Strategic Corporate Blueprint yang telah
digariskan dan disepakati bersama.

It is GMFs commitment to achieve sustainable and reliable

performance that integrates every aspect of the companys business
heading toward a constant development and growth, as indicated by
its financial and operational performance.

Hasilnya adalah kinerja yang tetap solid sebagai hasil dari upaya
yang mengintegrasikan setiap aspek usaha GMF demi kemajuan dan
pertumbuhan yang berkesinambungan. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari
peningkatan kinerja yang seirama antara aspek keuangan dan aspek
operasional GMF.

Based on the management discussion and analysis, it can be

concluded that the success of the GMFs financial and operational
performance can be well achieved through efficient and effective
human resource development as well as marketing efforts.

Dapat disimpulkan dari tinjauan dan analisa manajemen berikut bahwa

pencapaian aspek operasional dan keuangan hanya dimungkinkan
karena keberhasilan GMF dalam menciptakan sinergi antara kualias
sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang lebih baik dengan kegiatan
pemasaran yang lebih efisiensi dan efektif.

Reliable and Stronger Financial Performance

Kondisi keuangan yang tambah sehat dan kuat

Compared to 2005, the GMFs net profit decreased by 6.75 percent;

the reason being that foreign exchange loss accounting for Rp 21
billion. Such a loss was caused by a large amount of account payable
in USD currency, that was accrued at the end of 2006 in which Rupiah
currency was appreciated quite significantly. On that account payable
subject, the company then decided to strategically invest in relatively
huge Inventories under an exchange agreement. To balance the
resulting potential risks, GMF strives to increase its strategic partnership
in consignment with the main engine component suppliers.

Walaupun keuntungan bersih GMF turun 6,75 persen dibandingkan

tahun 2005, hal ini terutama disebabkan karena kerugian valuta
asing yang cukup besar yaitu mencapai Rp 21 miliar. Kerugian valas
tersebut terutama disebabkan oleh pembayaran piutang lama yang
cukup banyak dalam USD yang terjadi di akhir tahun 2006, dimana
telah terjadi apresiasi rupiah yang sangat signifikan. Atas pembayaran
tersebut perusahaan mengambil keputusan strategis untuk melakukan
investasi pada persediaan yang relatif besar dalam persediaan dalam
perjanjian pertukaran. Untuk mengimbangi risiko yang terkandung
dalam keputusan tersebut, GMF terus meningkatkan kerjasama
strategis dengan penyedia komponen dalam bentuk konsinyasi.

That was a crucial decision to made, in a way that the effort aimed to
reduce pressures on the supply chain, in terms of manageable cash
flow arrangement aiming to cover short-term operational activities
and to innovate a breakthrough in supporting the overall companys

Keputusan tersebut dianggap penting dalam rangka mengurangi

tekanan pada sisi penyediaan kebutuhan kas baik untuk menutupi
operasional jangka pendek maupun sebagai suatu terobosan untuk
mendukung kinerja perusahaan secara keseluruhan,

Inventories under exchange agreement is a strategic business initiative

that aimed to minimize risk in the form of overinvestment, caused by
the obsoleteness of spare parts or unavailability of payment means.
Besides, the strategy has a proven record in minimizing the order time,
maintaining the availability of major spare-parts needed for aircrafts
repair and maintenance purposes. Financial wise, the strategy seems
to create negative impacts; while operational wise, the strategy is
considered well effective and efficient.

Persediaan dalam perjanjian pertukaran merupakan strategi bisnis yang

cukup jitu untuk menekan risiko baik berupa overinvestment karena
dampak depresiasi (obsoleteness) persediaan suku cadang, maupun
risiko ketidaktersediaan alat pembayaran. Selain itu, strategi tersebut
juga terbukti tepat dalam menurunkan waktu pemesanan, dengan
tetap menjaga ketersediaan suku cadang yang paling penting dan
dibutuhkan dalam mendukung kegiatan perbaikan dan perawatan
pesawat. Akibatnya, walaupun dari sisi keuangan strategi tersebut


| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Management Discussion And Analysis

Pembahasan dan Analisis Manajemen

seolah-olah memberikan dampak negatif, dari sisi peningkatan efisiensi

dan efektivitas operasional, strategi tersebut terbukti sangat tepat.

Operating Revenue

Pendapatan Usaha

In 2006, the GMFs revenue amounted to Rp 1,103.08 billion or 66.56

percent of the targeted figure. The figure consists of Rp 771.55 billion
(71%) of the Garuda aircrafts maintenance revenue plus Rp 331.52
billion (29%) of the non-Garuda aircraftss maintenance revenue.

Pendapatan Usaha GMF pada tahun 2006 adalah sebesar Rp 1.103,08

miliar atau sebesar 66,56% dari target. Pendapatan tersebut terdiri
dari Rp 771,55 miliar (71%) pendapatan dari perawatan pesawat
Garuda dan sebesar Rp 331,52 miliar (29%) pendapatan perawatan
pesawat non Garuda.

Eventually, the year 2006 targeted revenue was not accomplished.

The reason for this, among others, include that the Garuda aircraft
utilization was lower than what has been budgeted for, and
postponement of contracted aircraft maintenance from its schedule
by non Garuda customer. The circumstances were unexpected
as in previous year the revenue and maintenance composition of
non-Garuda aircrafts tended to increase. Additionally, the delays

Tidak tercapainya target 2006 antara lain disebabkan realisasi utilisasi

pesawat milik Garuda lebih rendah dari anggarannya dan karena
terjadinya penundaan jadwal perawatan pesawat milik maskapai
non Garuda. Berbeda dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya dimana proporsi
pendapatan dari perawatan non Garuda Indonesia cenderung
meningkat, penundaan perawatan pesawat non Garuda Indonesia
pada tahun 2006 mengakibatkan proporsi pendapatan non Garuda

Revenue Composition I Komposisi Pendapatan

















in maintenance of non-Garuda aircraft in 2006 have resulted in 34

percent decline in the total revenue proportion compared to that in
the previous year, and became 29 percent of the total revenue in 2006.

Indonesia mengalami penurunan dari 34% dari total pendapatan

pada 2005, menjadi sebesar 29% dari total pendapatan pada 2006.

Operating Profit

Laba Usaha

In 2006, GMF booked its operating profit for Rp 80.21 billion or 108.6
percent of the fixed target, representing significant increase from
Rp52.43 billion in the previous year. The rising operating profit was the
result of a drop in the direct costs from Rp 936.97 billion in 2005 to
Rp 822.30 billion in 2006. In percentage, the 12 percent decline was
higher than the 7 percent drop in revenue proportion. This proves
that the company was able to implement its programs efficiently by,
among others, providing faster aircrafts maintenance service.

GMF berhasil membukukan laba usaha pada tahun 2006 sebesar

Rp 80,21 miliar atau 108,6% dari target yang telah ditetapkan,
atau meningkat sangat signifikan dibandingkan Rp 52,43 miliar di
tahun 2005. Kenaikan Laba Usaha disebabkan penurunan beban
langsung dari Rp 936,97 miliar pada 2005 menjadi Rp 822,30
miliar pada 2006. Persentase penurunan beban langsung (12%)
bahkan lebih besar dari prosentase penurunan pendapatan (7%).
Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan telah berhasil
dalam melaksanakan program efisiensinya antara lain dengan
memberikan pelayanan lebih cepat dalam perawatan pesawat.

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 41

Management Discussion And Analysis

Pembahasan dan Analisis Manajemen

Revenue | Pendapatan Usaha










Direct Cost


Net Profit

Laba Bersih

GMF has booked a net profit amounted to Rp 40.382 billion or lower

than the 2005 figure of Rp 44.583 billion. Eventually, the net income
also declined, because of foreign exchange loss caused by the Rupiahs
appreciation at the fiscal date.

Hasilnya, GMF berhasil membukukan laba bersih sebesar Rp 40.382

miliar atau lebih rendah dari Laba bersih tahun 2005 yaitu sebesar
Rp 44583 miliar. Penurunan pendapatan bersih disebabkan selisih
kurs yang diakibatkan oleh penguatan nilai rupiah yang cukup
sinifikan pada tanggal neraca.

Operating Income & Net Income | Laba Usaha & Laba Bersih













Net Income




The lower net income has lowered the Return On Assets (ROA) and the
Return On Equity (ROE) in 2006 from respectively 6.3 percent and 16.7
percent to 4.8 and 15.47 percent.



Penurunan Laba Bersih tersebut mengakibatkan penurunan ROA dan ROE

tahun 2006 dari masing-masing 6,3% dan 16,7% menjadi 4,8 dan 15,47%.

| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Management Discussion And Analysis

Pembahasan dan Analisis Manajemen





















Asset (Aktiva)


The GMFs Asset or Total Asset increased from Rp 702.49 billion in 2005
to Rp 847.89 billion as of the end of 2006 or a rise by 20.7 percent.

Aktiva atau Total Asset perusahaan meningkat dari Rp 702,49 miliar

tahun 2005 menjadi Rp 847,89 miliar di akhir tahun 2006 atau
meningkat sebesar 20,7%.

The asset increase was driven by Non Current Asset, i.e., inventories
under exchange agreement

Peningkatan aktiva disebabkan peningkatan Aktiva Tetap yaitu berupa

persediaan dalam perjanjian pertukaran

Meanwhile, the Current Asset decline was more likely driven by

improved cash-payable payments, which eventually lowered the
account-payable value.

Sedangkan turunnya nilai Aktiva Lancar lebih disebabkan membaiknya

pembayaran piutang pelanggan yang mengakibatkan menurunnya
nilai piutang.



In 2006, therefore, the GMFs net worth reached Rp 308.12 billion;

an increase compared to Rp 267.74 billion in 2005. The increase was
triggered by the companys ability to book net profit valued at Rp
40.38 billion in 2006.

Dengan demikian, kekayaan bersih GMF tahun 2006 mencapai Rp

308,12 miliar, meningkat dibandingkan dengan Rp 267,74 miliar
tahun 2005. Peningkatan ini disebabkan keberhasilan perusahaan
membukukan laba bersih sebesar Rp 40,38 miliar pada tahun 2006.

Net Worth | Ekuitas





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Management Discussion And Analysis

Pembahasan dan Analisis Manajemen



Overall, GMFs current liquidity ratio marked a decrease compared to that in

the previous year. The companys Current Asset has declined from 2.009 in
2005 to 1.414 in 2006. The current asset decline was caused by the increase
of Operating Debt (receivables), namely the debts of specially related parties,
which were associated with operating account-payable decline.

Rasio Liquiditas perusahaan pada umumnya mengalami penurunan

dibandingkan tahun 2005. Current Asset perusahaan turun dari 2.009
menjadi 1.414. Penurunan Current Ratio disebabkan meningkatnya Hutang
Usaha, yaitu Hutang Usaha Pihak Hubungan Istimewa yang disertai dengan
menurunnya Piutang Usaha.

However, in line with improving revenue receivables from customers,

the companys Cash Ratio for year 2006 experienced a 100 percent
increase, namely from 0.11 in 2005 to 0.223 in 2006.

Namun demikian, Cash Ratio perusahaan pada tahun 2006 telah mengalami
peningkatan 100% yaitu dari 0,11 pada 2005 menjadi 0,223 pada tahun
2006, sejalan dengan membaiknya penerimaan pendapatan dari pelanggan.

Liquidity Ratio | Rasio Likuiditas





Current Ratio (CA/CL)


Quick Ratio
(CA-Ineventory) / CL


Cash Ratio (CA SH/CL)










Cash From Operation and Net Cash Flow

Kas dan Arus Kas Bersih

In 2006, cash from operation has increased by almost 10 times of that

in 2005. The cash flow position was thus better than 2005, increasing
from Rp 33.065 billion to Rp 47.989 billion in 2006.

Cash From Operation pada tahun 2006 meningkat hampir 10 kali lipat
dibandingkan tahun 2005. Posisi Kas dan Setara kas dengan demikian
menjadi lebih baik dibandingkan 2005, yaitu dari Rp 33.065 miliar
meningkat menjadi Rp 47.989 miliar pada tahun 2006.

The resulting net cash flow figure in 2006 was slightly lower than
previous year, decreasing from Rp 15.303 billion to Rp 14.923 billion.
This was driven by the companys relatively high investment in the
Inventories Under Exchange Agreement. Besides, the decrease was
also caused by term-deposit accounted for Rp 37.31 billion.

Net Cashflow yang dihasilkan oleh perusahaan pada 2006 menjadi sedikit
lebih kecil dibandingkan tahun 2005, yaitu dari Rp 15.303 miliar menjadi Rp
14.923 miliar pada 2006 karena perusahaan melakukan investasi dengan
jumlah relatif besar pada Persediaan dalam perjanjian pertukaran. Selain itu
penurunan tersebut juga diakibatkan oleh penempatan deposito berjangka
sebesar Rp 37,31 miliar

Cash & Net Cashflow | Kas & Arus Kas Bersih



















Cash from


Net Cash Flow



| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Management Discussion And Analysis

Pembahasan dan Analisis Manajemen

Human Resource Development

Peningkatan kualitas dan kesejahteraan SDM

The company considers that an effective human resource

management can be done through: better composition and proper
employees demography arrangement to adjust to the companys
needs as well as the industrial development, enhancing the
employees capability to absorb and implement the latest technology,
striving for mindset transformation from technical to a more business
and market oriented personnel, and to raising the level of wellbeing of
all employees.

Tantangan utama yang harus dihadapi dalam mengelola sumber

daya manusia terutama adalah: memperbaiki proporsi dan demografi
karyawan sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan dan perkembangan
industri, meningkatkan kemampuan karyawan dalam menyerap dan
menerapkan teknologi terkini, mengupayakan perubahan mindset dari
yang bersifat sangat teknikal menjadi lebih berorientasi bisnis atau pasar,
serta meningkatkan kesejahteraan karyawan secara keseluruhan.

GMFs demography statistical data in 2006:

Demografi pegawai GMF pada tahun 2006 secara statistik adalah

sebagai berikut :

GMF Employees Level Of Education In 2006 | Tingkat Pendidikan Pegawai GMF 2006


GMF Employees Age Level In 2006 | Usia Pegawai Pegawai GMF 2006

SD 30

Usia 19-29
Jml 23

Sarjana S2

Usia 50-56
Jml 421
Usia 30-39
Jml 639

Sarjana S1


Usia 40-49
Jml 1259

Direct & Indirect Composition Employee 2006 | Komposisi Langsung & Tidak Langsung Pegawai 2006

Grand Total


Strategic Policy & Development




Engine Maintenance



Quality Assurance



Business Cooperation & Development


Asset & Trade Management


Line Maintanance


Internal Audit & Control

Engineering Services


Component Maintenance



Base Maintenance


Corporate Finance


Board of Director









GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 45






Management Discussion And Analysis

Pembahasan dan Analisis Manajemen

The following table lists the development and increment of employees

from the 2005-2006 period:

Dari tahun 2005 - 2006, perkembangan dan pertambahan pegawai

tetap adalah sebagai berikut :

Heading for People Excellence objective, GMF conducts some

initiatives to develop the human resource intensively. The purpose of
the initiatives is, to anticipate challenges in the next two or three years
when the company is expected to experience significant turn-over rise
as result of increasing pensioners rate and rising demand for skilledtechnician.

Untuk mewujudkan People Excellence, GMF melakukan berbagai initiatf

untuk meningkatkan kualitas SDM dengan cukup instensif walaupun
hasilnya belum bisa dirasakan dalam waktu dekat. Hal ini dilakukan
untuk mengantisipasi tantangan di masa dua sampai tiga tahun
mendatang dimana perusahaan akan mengalami peningkatan turn
over yang cukup signifikan karena pensiun dan tarikan permintaan
pasar tenaga teknisi trampil yang semakin meningkat.
Inisiatif tersebut antara lain :
Mempersiapkan pemimpin dan calon pemimpin melalui
dukungan konsultasi professional career planning. Inisiatif ini diawali
dengan pemetaan Human Asset Value, yang kemudian dilanjutkan
dengan melakukan Individual Development Program yang dapat
dipercepat sesuai hasil pemetaan yang telah dilakukan. Percepatan
tersebut dilakukan melalui berbagai program seperti Turbo Leader
Training, magang sebagai pimpinan business portfolio, rotasi dan
Penerapan Performance Management System (PMS) hingga level
staf, yang diikuti dengan program penghargaan (reward program)
untuk memastikan bahwa visi dan misi serta target kinerja yang
telah ditentukan manajemen dapat diturunkan secara berjenjang
dari Rencana Strategis (KPI dan Initiative) Perusahaan, ke tingkatan
dinas, bidang hingga individu, Target kinerja tersebut juga terus
diinternalisasikan melalui program pengembangan dari masingmasing individu tersebut.
Perbaikan system perekrutan dari Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan
Penerbangan yang sudah mengacu pada proses link & match
dalam rangka percepatan pembentukan teknisi siap pakai,
perekrutan tenaga yang keahliannya sangat dibutuhkan.
Penyempurnaan sistem perekrutan ini juga dibarengi dengan
peningkatkan outsourcing beberapa pekerjaan yang non value
added. Selain itu, GMF juga meningkatkan perekrutan internal
dengan tujuan menaikkan rasio direct employee (money maker
Pendirian GMF Corporate Learning Service, yang menyediakan jasa
pelatihan teknis (technical training) maupun pelatihan manajerial
(managerial training) sehingga GMF dapat dengan cepat
memenuhi syarat kelayakan udara dari sisi kualitas SDM. Program
ini juga telah berhasi menciptakan efisiensi biaya yang cukup
Internalisasi terhadap budaya perusahaan ke setiap individu
dengan menggunakan proses PMS, media komunikasi (Web,
Portal, LKS-Bipartit dan Group Socialization), Reward/Punishment,
penunjukan Compliance Officer serta pengukuran KPI Ethic
Perbaikan tingkat kesejahteraan pegawai yang disesuaikan dengan
tingkat inflasi, tingkat kemampuan perusahaan serta kesesuaian
pasar, dengan tujuan untuk menarik dan mempertahankan SDM
bermotivasi tinggi, produktif serta berkualitas tinggi.
Selain itu GMF juga sangat memperhatikan pegawai yang
mendekati masa pensiun serta mereka yang telah pensiun
dari perusahaan setelah mengabdi di Garuda dan GMF melalui
peningkatan kontribusi perusahaan terhadap benefit yang diterima
pegawai untuk mempersiapkan dan setelah memasuki masa
pensiun. Hal ini menyebabkan peningkatan biaya yang cukup
tinggi ditahun 2006, terutama karena perubahan tingkat diskonto.

The initiatives are as follow:

To prepare leaders and leaders candidates through professional
career planning consultation program. The program starts with
Human Asset Value mapping method, followed by Individual
Development Program being accelerated in accordance with the
mapping results. The acceleration program was released through
Turbo Leader Training program, and apprenticeship program
to be positioned as portfolio business leader, rotation and
Implementation of Performance Management System (PMS)
to all levels of staff, followed by a reward program to ensure
that the companys vision, mission and performance target are
promoted and achieved by all levels from Strategic Planning
(KPI and Initiative) level, down to functional levels, business units
then to individual levels. The performance target will continually
be promoted internally through each individual development
Improvement of recruitment system to be applied for graduates
of aviation vocational schools, the system of which is based on
the link-and-match process aiming at producing ready-to-work
mechanics and the recruitment of most-needed professionals.
In addition, the system includes the outsourcing of nonvalueadded works. GMF also increased the internal recruitment, aiming
at boosting the direct employee (money maker employee) ratio.

Establishing the GMF Corporate Learning Service, which provides

technical and managerial trainings. Such trainings aim at enabling
GMF to meet air-worthy requirement in the aspect of human
resource quality. This program has also succeeded in creating
significant cost efficiency.

Internalization of corporate culture by every individual through

PMS process, the media (Web, Portal, LKS-Bipartiet and group
familiarization), reward/punishment, the appointment of
Compliance Officer and KPI Ethic Violation measurement.

Improvement of employees well-being, which is adjusted with

to the inflation rate, the companys capability and the market
condition. Such improvement aims at recruiting and retaining
highly motivated, productive and high quality human resources.
In addition, GMF is very much concerned with employees who
will retire soon after serving in both Garuda and GMF. Out of this
concern, GMF increases its contribution to the pension benefit for
those employees. This is the reason for the significant rise in costs,
particulary due to the changes of discount rate, in 2006.


| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Management Discussion And Analysis

Pembahasan dan Analisis Manajemen





Move to GA

Total turn over




I / 06





II / 06



III / 06






IV / 06












Employee Turn Over Ratio








Pension Fund
GMF enrolled all employees in the pension fund program of PT
Garuda Indonesias Pension Fund (DPGA). Based on the decision of
the annual Shareholders Meeting on August 1, 2002, GMF was one
of the DPGA founders together with other subsidiaries of PT Garuda

Dana Pensiun
GMF mengikutsertakan Pegawainya dalam program dana pensiun pada
Dana Pensiun PT Garuda Indonesia (DPGA). Disamping itu, mengacu
pada Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham pada tanggal 1 Agustus 2002,
diputuskan bahwa GMF adalah salah satu mitra pendiri DPGA bersamasama dengan anak Perusahaan PT Garuda Indonesia lainnya.

Pension Program
The company is running a defined-contribution retirement program
or old-age insurance program for all of its permanent employees in
accordance with the Companys directive. The Companys contribution
is recorded as the cost of the current year.

Program Pensiun
Perusahaan menyelenggarakan program pensiun iuran pasti atau
program asuransi jaminan hari tua untuk seluruh karyawan tetapnya
sesuai peraturan Perusahaan. Kontribusi Perusahaan dicatat sebagai
beban tahun berjalan.

Pension Reward Fund

In addition to the pension fund, the company also rewards pensioners
who meet the requirement of normal pension benefits in line with the
Manpower Law number 13/2003. There is no designated funding for
this program by the company.

Uang Penghargaan Pensiun

Selain program pensiun, Perusahaan memberikan penghargaan
kepada karyawan yang memenuhi persyaratan pensiun normal
(manfaat purna jasa), sesuai dengan kebijakan Perusahaan yang
didasarkan pada Undang-undang Ketenagakerjaan No. 13 Tahun
2003. Tidak terdapat pendanaan yang disisihkan oleh Perusahaan
sehubungan dengan Imbalan kerja ini.

This cash pension benefit is calculated using the Projected Unit Credit
method. The accumulation of actuarial benefits and losses that are
not yet admitted, the value of which exceeds 10% of current value
of defined benefit, will be admitted using a straight line method in
the estimated average remaining service period of the participating
employees in the program. The service cost for this program will be
charged directly if the benefits become a right or vested but , on the
other, hand, they will be admitted as costs using straight line method
in the average period up to the benefits become vested.

Perhitungan manfaat uang penghargaan pensiun menggunakan

metode Projected Unit Credit. Akumulasi keuntungan dan kerugian
aktuarial bersih yang belum diakui yang melebihi 10% dari nilai kini
imbalan pasti diakui dengan metode garis lurus selama rata-rata
sisa masa kerja yang diprakirakan dari para pekerja dalam program
tersebut. Biaya jasa lalu dibebankan langsung apabila imbalan tersebut
menjadi hak atau vested, dan sebaliknya akan diakui sebagai beban
dengan metode garis lurus selama periode rata-rata sampai imbalan
tersebut menjadi vested.

The amount admitted into defined benefit liability in the account

constitutes the current values of the defined benefit liability, which
is adjusted with the liability shouldered by PT Garuda Indonesia,
the actuarial profits and losses to be admitted, and the costs of past
services to be admitted.

Jumlah yang diakui sebagai kewajiban imbalan pasti di neraca

merupakan nilai kini kewajiban imbalan pasti disesuaikan dengan
kewajiban ditanggung oleh PT Garuda Indonesia, keuntungan dan
kerugian aktuarial yang belum diakui, dan biaya jasa lalu yang belum

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 47

Management Discussion And Analysis

Pembahasan dan Analisis Manajemen

Solid Operation

Operasional yang solid

Operational achievement in 2006 showed equally positive results with

that of the companys financial peformance.

Pencapaian kinerja operasional di tahun 2006 menunjukan hasil yang

sama baiknya dan seirama dengan kinerja keuangan perusahaan.

Despite some lags compared to the 2006 Budget and Action plan,
accomplishment of reaching the businesss excellance in 2006
becomes a highly valuable learning point for the company in its effort
to reach the operational excellence, especially in the planning of
workloads, operations and operational cash allocation.

Walaupun belum sesuai dengan target yang ditetapkan dalam RKAP,

pencapaian business excellence di tahun 2006 menjadi pelajaran yang
sangat berharga untuk semakin mendorong terwujudnya operational
excellence, khususnya dalam hal perencanaan beban pekerjaan,
perencanaan operasional dan penyediaan cash untuk operasional.

Overall, the companys efforts to assure operational excellence are

done through:
Improving the companys work load planning through creating
long-term contracts, establishing a Sales Control Center, adding
more certifications and establishing service recovery to address
the clients concerns
Improving the companys operational planning by extending the
life cycle of engine on wing of Garuda B737, increasing the aircrafts
and its components reliability, the implementation of project
management at Aircraft Base and Engine Maintenance units, as well
as improving aircraft rotation in order to increase aircraft utilization
rate of Garuda aircraft. On top of that, GMF continuously tried to
expand cooperation with consignment companies in order to
improve the companys product portfolio in every business unit
Improving the provision of cash was done by implementing
the Customer Remittance Policy, weekly cash management
and planning, acceleration of receivable settlement, increasing
efficiency at all levels, implementing consignment for spare parts,
as well as requiring advance payment from customers

Secara garis besar, upaya mewujudkan operational excellence

dilaksanakan melalui:
Perbaikan perencanaan beban pekerjaan dengan pembuatan
kontrak-kontrak jangka panjang, pembuatan Sales Control Center,
penambahan sertifikasi GMF dan Service Recovery untuk merespon
keluhan dari pelanggan
Perbaikan perencanaan operasional dengan memperpanjang
umur engine on wing Garuda B 737, meningkatkan kehandalan
pesawat dan komponennya, penerapan project management di
unit Aircraft Base & Engine Maintenance, serta memperbaiki rotasi
pesawat sehingga tingkat utilisasi pesawat Garuda terus membaik.
Selain itu GMF juga terus mengupayakan perluasan kerja sama
dengan perusahaan konsinyasi guna memperkuat product portfolio
pada setiap unit bisnis.
Perbaikan penyediaan kas telah dilakukan dengan
mengimplementasikan Customer Remittance Policy, pengelolaan
dan perencanaan arus kas mingguan, percepatan penagihan
piutang, peningkatkan efisiensi diseluruh jajaran, implementasi
konsinyasi suku cadang yang diperluas areanya, serta penerapan
pembayaran di muka terhadap pelanggan.

There are five key operations that are used as the basis of reporting
and the standard of measurement for GMFs operational performance.
Those five aspects have also been used by the Ministry of State-owned
Enterprises and approved in the shareholders meeting.

Ada lima KPI operasional utama yang menjadi dasar pelaporan dan
standar pengukuran terhadap kinerja operasional GMF. Lima aspek
tersebut juga menjadi dasar pengukuran yang digunakan oleh
Kementerian Negara BUMN dan telah disetujui dalam RUPS.



Technical Incident Accident (TIA) Rate

This KPI refers to the amount of incidents (near accidents) or
accidents caused by technical reasons, which occur in every 100
commercial flights. This KPI is implemented, particularly in Garuda
Indonesias flights, in which GMF holds the full responsibility in the
aircraft technical aspects of commercial flight.

Technical Incident Accident (TIA) Rate/Tingkat Kecelakaan dan standar

Insiden Teknis :
KPI ini didefinisikan sebagai jumlah insiden (nyaris celaka) atau
accident (kecelakaan) karena alasan teknis yang terjadi dalam setiap
100 kali penerbangan komersial. KPI ini diterapkan terutama terhadap
penerbangan Garuda Indonesia, dimana GMF bertanggung jawab
penuh terhadap aspek teknis pesawat dalam penerbangan komersial.

In 2006, 24 incidents and 0 (zero) accident were recorded out of 90,523

times of Garuda commercial flights. Such an accomplishment is below
the maximum tolerance level but is a better compared to than in 2005.

Pada tahun 2006 terdapat 24 insiden dan 0 kecelakaan karena alasan

teknis dari 90.523 kali penerbangan komersial Garuda. Pencapaian
ini di bawah toleransi maksimum yang ditetapkan dan lebih baik
dibandingkan dengan tahun 2005.

The main driving factors of incidents In 2006 were as follows:

Return To Base (RTB)
There were 15 RTB cases recorded by GMF in 2006. Technically, the
causes were damages in the Anti Skid System, Air Conditioning
System, Landing Gear, Cabin Pressurization System, Flaps System,
Engine, Engine Fire Warning, Inertial Reference System and Constant
Speed Drive System.
GMF recorded 5 diversion cases In 2006, which were caused
by damages in the Windshield, Cabin Pressurization System,
Constant Speed Drive, Auxiliary Power Unit, Generator Bus
Transfer system.

Penyebab utama terjadinya insiden di tahun 2006 adalah :

Return To Base (RTB) / Kembali Mendarat.
Di tahun 2006, GMF mencatat 15 kasus RTB yang disebabkan oleh
kerusakan Anti Skid System, Air Conditioning System, Landing Gear,
Cabin Pressurization System, Flaps System, Engine, Engine Fire
Warning, Inertial Reference System serta Constan Speed Drive System.


Diversion/Pengalihan Pendaratan:
Di tahun 2006, GMF mencatat lima kali kasus pengalihan
pendaratan yang disebabkan oleh kerusakan Windshield, Cabin
Pressurization System, Constant Speed Drive, Auxiliary Power Unit,
Generator Bus Transfer system.

| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Management Discussion And Analysis

Pembahasan dan Analisis Manajemen

GMF also recorded 3 incidents, such as twice emergency landings
caused by the landing gear system and hydraulic system that did
not function properly, and one flat tyre incident.

Rejected Take Off

GMF recorded only one rejected take-off case, which was due to
blocked fuel filter.

The GMF efforts and commitment in fixing the problem has been
communicated to the GMFs Safety Concern division. In the future,
GMF is also planning to design a quick Service Difficulty Report (SDR)
system, as reported to the DSKU when the status is considered as
CLOSE. (please refer to the attached SDR status, as of 9 April 2007)

GMF juga mencatat tiga kasus insiden yang disebabkan oleh
beragam sebab yaitu dua kali pendaratan darurat karena
kerusakan landing gear system dan hydraulic system yang tidak
bekerja, serta satu kali ban kempes setelah mendarat.
Rejected Take Off / Pembatalan Lepas Landas
Hanya ada satu kali kasus pembatalan lepas landas yang
disebabkan oleh fuel filter yang tersumbat

Komitmen GMF dalam memperbaiki hal ini telah disampaikan dalam

bagian Safety Concern of GMF serta menyelesaikan secepatnya Service
Difficulty Report (SDR)-nya seperti yang dilaporkan ke DSKU hingga
statusnya dinyatakan CLOSE. (Terlampir status SDR per tanggal 9
April 2007)

Aircraft Type









Return To Base


Rejected Take Off

In Flight Shut Down










Technical Incident Accident (TIA) Rate 2006























Target (<=0.036)

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 49





Management Discussion And Analysis

Pembahasan dan Analisis Manajemen


Aircraft Availability
The term KPI refers to the percentage of Garuda flight schedule
that is measured fortnightly to control flight cancellations,
flight postponement and changes of aircraft type a day before
scheduled time.


In 2006, GMF accomplished 98.04% of the set target, although the

KPI is lower than 2005 KPI figure.

Tahun 2006, GMF berhasil mencapai 98,04% dari target yang

ditetapkan dan lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan KPI yang sama
di tahun 2005.
Dari rencana penerbangan dua mingguan Garuda Indonesia
selama 2006, perusahaan mencatat 92.698 kali rencana
penerbangan komersial.

Throughout 2006, out of Garudas fortnightly flight schedules, the

company recorded out of 92,698 scheduled commercial flights.

In fact, 1154 change of flight schedules, 153 cancellations plus 509

change of aircraft types were also recorded.

The above facts due to:

Unreliable aircraft condition, that increased the time needed for

maintenance and restoration process. Such conditions are caused
by the following common technical problems as Engine Bleed
Air, Engine high EGT, Engine Indication, Wing Body Overheat, Flap
Asymmetry, and Rudder Pedal for B-737 type. While for A-330
type experience more RAT and Rudder Pedal problems; moreover,
B-747-400 experience many Engine Indication and Engine Starter
Delay in maintenance still occur quite frequently, especially to
Engine CFM56-3 for Engine Maintenance, C Check B 737 for Base
Maintenance also unplanned maintenance for Line Maintenance.
High frequent delays occur to the first morning flight schedules
are estimated 23.63 percent of total delay, and long delay duration
is 3.47 hours. Both affect flight schedule significantly, that those
also affect delay in Garudas next flight schedules.

Aircraft Availability/Tingkat ketersediaan pesawat :

KPI ini didefinisikan sebagai prosentase tingkat pemenuhan
jadwal penerbangan Garuda yang telah diputuskan dalam
perencanaan 2 mingguan. Yang dijadikan ukuran adalah, jumlah
pembatalan penerbangan, perubahan jadwal penerbangan serta
perubahan tipe pesawat sejak sehari sebelum pemberangkatan.

Pada kenyataannya terdapat, 1.154 kali perubahan jadwal, 153

pembatalan penerbangan serta 509 kali penggantian tipe pesawat
yang disebabkan oleh permasalahan teknis sejak sehari sebelum
Turunnya kinerja KPI tingkat ketersediaat pesawat, terutama
disebabkan oleh:
Reliabilitas pesawat yang rendah, sehingga kerusakan selama
proses perawatan membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk
perbaikan. Beberapa permasalahan teknis yang sering dijumpai
adalah masalah Engine Bleed Air, Engine high EGT, Engine Indication,
Wing Body Overheat, Flap Asymmetry, dan Rudder Pedal di type B
737. Untuk tipe A 330 lebih banyak disebabkan oleh permasalahan
RAT dan Rudder Pedal. Sedangkan tipe B 747-400 banyak
mengalami permasalahan Engine Indication dan Engine Starter.
Keterlambatan perawatan yang masih sering terjadi khususnya
untuk perawatan Engine CFM56-3 di Engine Maintenance, C Check
B 737 di Base Maintenance serta unplanned maintenance di Line
Tingginya keterlambatan penerbangan pertama di pagi hari
(rata-rata 23.63% dari total delay) dan lamanya keterlambatan
yang diatas satu jam (rata-rata durasi long delay = 3,47 jam).
Keduanya berpengaruh pada perubahan jadwal penerbangan,
keterlambatan pada penerbangan berikutnya serta pembatalan
penerbangan Garuda.

GMF akan terus berupaya untuk memperbaiki kondisi Aircraft

Availability dengan perbaikan perencanaan maintenance, percepatan
perbaikan pesawat, meningkatkan ketersediaan material dan
peningkatan penanganan Reliability Control Program.

GMF will constantly try to improve the Aircraft Availability condition

through improved maintenance, accelerated aircraft restoration,
increased material availability and improved Reliability Control

Aircraft Availability 2006




























Target (99%)

| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006






Management Discussion And Analysis

Pembahasan dan Analisis Manajemen

3. Dispatch Reliability
It measures the percentage punctuality of Garuda commercial flight
schedules. The formula is total commercial flight schedules minus the
number of flight delays caused by more than 15 minutes plus lag the
number of flight cancellation caused by technical problems.
In 2006, the Performance Dispatch Reliability figure reached 98.94
percent, which is still below the fixed target (99.10 %). However, the
figure was better compared to 2005 figure that was 98.87 percent.
The driving factors are:

The increasing number of delays due to technical reasons to the

fleet type B737-400 and B747-400.
Engineering Aspect or aircraft reliability aspect and the duration
of time needed for tackling the reliability problems. These
have been considered as repetitive causes as detected by
the Reliability Control Program amongst them are cash flow
management problems occurred to fund needed for registration,
the time needed to supply the spare parts, proper scheduling
management and cash flow limitations.
Lack of coordination, material preparation and man power
awareness also affected the Dispatch Reliability process.

GMF will also strive to improve performance dispatch reliability

process through significant restorations, such as improvement of
Business Process in the Line Maintenance level, conduct Reliability
Control Program, Aircraft Condition Monitoring and improvement of
material supply and distributions.

3. Dispatch Reliability :
Merupakan persentase ketepatan waktu penerbangan komersial
Garuda yang diukur dari jumlah penerbangan komersial dikurangi
dengan penerbangan yang terlambat lebih dari 15 menit dan
pembatalan penerbangan karena alasan teknis dibandingkan dengan
jumlah penerbangan komersial Garuda.
Performance Dispatch Reliability pada tahun 2006 mencapai 98,94%,
masih di bawah target yang ditetapkan (99,10 %) namun sudah lebih
baik dibandingka 98,87% di tahun 2005
Hal ini disebabkan oleh :

Meningkatnya jumlah keterlambatan karena alasan teknis pada

fleet B737-400 & B747-400,

Engineering Aspect atau aspek reliabilitas pesawat serta lamanya

waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan
reliabilitas ini. Permasalahan repetitif yang telah dideteksi
dengan Reliability Control Program dibeberapa registrasi pesawat
memerlukan dana, waktu pengadaan parts serta scheduling
pengerjaan yang tepat, masih terganggu dengan terbatasnya
cash flow,

Permasalah Organisasi di GMF seperti Koordinasi, Kesiapan

Material dan Man Power Awareness, juga mempengaruhi
pencapaian Dispatch Reliability.
GMF tetap mengusahakan agar performance dispatch reliability dapat
ditingkatkan dengan melakukan perbaikan-perbaikan yang signifikan
seperti, perbaikan Business Process di jajaran Line Maintenance ,
melaksanakan Reliability Control Program, Aircraft Condition Monitoring
dan meningkatkan ketersediaan dan distribusi material.

Dispatch Reliability 2006











98.87 99.05










Target (99.10%)












GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 51





Management Discussion And Analysis

Pembahasan dan Analisis Manajemen

4. Turn Around Time Ratio

The KPI measurement is performed by calculating average percentage
of standard maintenance time approved by customer compared to the
actual maintenance time. In 2006, the Performance TAT Maintenance
was 93.51 percent, which was better and increasing from 93.24 percent
in 2005, although it was below the set target, that was 98 percent.

4. Turn Around Time Ratio :

Pengukuran KPI ini dilakukan dengan menghitung rata-rata persentase
dari waktu standard perawatan yang disetujui oleh customer dibanding
dengan waktu perawatan aktualnya. Performance TAT Maintenance
untuk tahun 2006 adalah 93,51%, sudah lebih baik dari 93,24% tahun
2005 tapi masih berada di bawah target yang ditetapkan (98%).

The driving factors are as follow:

Cash Flow availability resulted in from huge cash-payable plus

cash advance figures accrued from material purchase, will affect
material supply to the maintenance of Engine CFM56-3 and CCheck type of Garuda aircraft.

The use of Module Project Management that is incomplete at the

Base Maintenance level, so that the executions of C and D controls
are not optimized.

Penyebabnya antara lain:

Ketersediaan Cash Flow karena permasalahan piutang yang besar

serta cash in advance dalam pembelian material karena akan
berdampak pada ketersediaan material terutama di perawatan
Engine CFM56-3 dan C Check pesawat Garuda .

Pemakaian Module Project Management yang belum menyeluruh

di Base Maintenance, sehingga kontrol atas pelaksanaan C dan D
Check belum optimal.

Going forward, GMF is planning to implement Project Management

system, that has been applied by the GMFs information system,
maximization of relationship with suppliers, and to improve financial
performance particularly to the cash flow management practices.

Perbaikan yang akan diterapkan pada waktu yang akan datang adalah
dengan memanfaatkan Project Management yang telah terpasang di
sistem informasi GMF, memanfaatkan kerjasama konsinyasi dengan
beberapa supplier, serta memperbaiki kinerja keuangan khususnya
dalam hal perencanaan arus kas dan persediaannya.


Turn Around Time (TAT) Ratio 2006




























Target (98%)

| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006




Management Discussion And Analysis

Pembahasan dan Analisis Manajemen

5. Man Hour Utilization

In 2006, Performance Man Hour Utilization was 5.37 Man Hour/Day/
Employee, a better figure compared to previous year which was 5.01,
yet it was still below the set target of 5.5 Man Hour/Day/Employee.
The driving factors are:

5. Man Hour Utilization

Performance Man Hour Utilization untuk tahun 2006 adalah 5,37 jam
kerja/hari/pegawai, sudah lebih baik dari tahun 2005 yang mencapai
5,01 jam kerja/hari/pegawai, namun masih di bawah target yang
ditetapkan 5,5 jam kerja/hari/pegawai.
Penyebabnya antara lain:

Waiting time caused by limited material as well as fund availability

in Engine maintenance and Base Maintenance unit.

Lack of workload for Engine Maintenance unit.

Masih adanya waktu tunggu karena ketersedian material dan

ketersediaan dana untuk unit Engine maintenance dan Base
Kurangnya beban pekerjaan untuk unit Engine Maintenance.

GMF senantiasa berupaya untuk memperbaiki kinerja manhour

utilization ini, terlebih lagi jika keseluruhan manhour utilization ini
merupakan manhour yang terjual ke pelanggan.

GMF, thus, will constantly strive to improve the performance of man

hour utilization, especially if the overall manhour utilization is the ones
sold to customers.

Beberapa hal yang sudah dan akan dilakukan guna perbaikan KPI ini
adalah dengan menggiatkan pemasaran yang telah dikontrol melalui
mekanisme Sales Control Center, mengurangi waktu tunggu dengan
kerjasama konsinyasi serta perbaikan service level penyediaan material
dan selalu berupaya memperbaiki Turn Around Time dan kualitas
perawatan di GMF.

Some of the improved and will be improved KPI underway aim at

aggressively increasing marketing activities through controlled
mechanism of the Sales Control Center, at reducing waiting time
through partnership cooperation and to improve service level of
material supply, and to constantly improve the Turn Around Time and
GMFs quality maintenance.

Manhour Utilization 2006





Man Hour/Day


























Target > 5.5

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 53



Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

PT GMF AeroAsia fully understands the importance of Corporate

Governance in a bid to achieve its vision, mission and objectives;
therefore, PT GMF AeroAsia keeps developing and strengthening the
foundation of Corporate Governance, which is an integral part in the
companys effort to achieve its vision, mission and objectives.

PT GMF AeroAsia menyadari pentingnya Corporate Governance demi

terwujudnya pencapaian visi, misi dan objective, oleh karena itu
saat ini PT GMF AeroAsia terus mengembangkan serta memperkuat
landasan Corporate Governance sebagai bagian yang tidak terpisahkan
dari upaya pencapaian visi, misi dan objectif perusahaan tersebut.

PT GMF AeroAsia is commited to continuously enhancing the values

of the company through the implementation of the Good Corporate
Governance principles. The employees internalize and actively
implement the principles, which are Transparancy, Independence and
Integrity, Accountability, Responsibilty, Fairness,

PT GMF AeroAsia memiliki komitmen untuk terus meningkatkan nilainilai perusahaan melalui penerapan prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate
Governance Dalam pelaksanaannya, prinsip-prinsip tersebut dihayati
dan dilaksanakan melalui partisipasi aktif segenap jajaran didalam
perusahaan. Prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance yang dimaksud
adalah Transparansi, Kemandirian dan Integritas, Akuntabilitas,
Pertanggungjawaban, Kewajaran,

PT GMF AeroAsia established its Good Corporate Governance Policy

in June 2006 following its signing by the Supervisory Board and Board
of Directors. The Good Corporate Governance Policy describes further
the values of the Guidelines of the Company Policy (PKP), particularly
the policy related to Good Corporate Governance. Certainly, this
does not mean that since GMFs establishment, the company has not
practiced the principles of Good Corporate Governance. Prior to the
existence of the GCG policy, GMF already implemented it by refering to
several documents, systems and procedures, for instance procurement
document that contained some GCG principles.

PT GMF AeroAsia baru memiliki Kebijakan Good Corporate Governance

pada bulan Juni 2006 yang ditandatangani oleh seluruh Komisaris
dan jajaran Direksi. Kebijakan Good Corporate Governance (Tata Kelola
Perusahaan) merupakan penjabaran lebih lanjut dari nilai-nilai yang
terkandung didalam Pedoman Kebijakan Perusahaan (PKP) khususnya
yang terkait dengan Good Corporate Governance. Hal ini tentunya
bukan berarti sejak berdirinya PT GMF AeroAsia tidak melaksanakan
prinsip-prinsip GCG. Pelaksanaan GCG di PT GMF AeroAsia sebelum
adanya Kebijakan GCG dilakukan aktivitasnya dengan berpedoman
pada beberapa dokumen, sistem, dan prosedur, seperti dokumen
Pedoman pengadaan, dimana didalamnya mengandung prinsipprinsip GCG.

The Good Corporate Governance policy that has been implemented

at GMF includes, among others, the policy pertaining to Shareholders,
Supervisory Board, Board of Directors, Audit System, Corporate
Secretary, and Stakeholders, all of which take into acount the
Openness, Confidentiality, Insider Information, Business Ethics and
Anti Corruption, Donation, Compliance to the Regulation and the
Law; and the policy pertaining to Health Protection, Work Safety and
Environmental Conservation, Equal Work Opportunity, Membership
in the Supervisory Board, the Board of Directors and the Executive

Kebijakan Good Corporate Governance yang diterapkan di GMF, antara

lain berkaitan dengan Pemegang Saham, Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, Sistem
Audit, Sekretaris Perusahaan, Pihak yang Berkepentingan (Stakeholders),
serta memperhatikan Keterbukaan, Kerahasiaan, Informasi Orang Dalam,
Etika Berusaha dan Anti Korupsi, Donasi, Kepatuhan Pada Peraturan
Perundang-undangan, Tentang Proteksi kesehatan, Keselamatan kerja
dan pelestarian lingkungan, Kesempatan kerja yang sama, Keanggotaan
Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan Executive Committee.

The implementation of Good Corporate Governance at PT GMF AeroAsia

is controlled and measured by the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) and
GCG Implementation Index. The KPI and GCG Implementation Index
are evaluated twice a year by conducting self assessment using a check
list issued by the Forum for Corporate Govenance in Indonesia (FCGI).
The result of self assessment on the GCG Implementation Index 2006
improved to 82% compared to 72% in 2005.

Pengontrolan dan pengukuran sudah seberapa baik implementasi

Good Corporate Governance di PT GMF AeroAsia diwujudkan dengan
pembuatan KPI (Key Performance Indicator) GCG Implementation Index.
KPI GCG Implementation Indexs diukur 2 (dua) kali setahun dengan cara
melakukan self assessment menggunakan check list yang dikeluarkan oleh
FCGI (Forum for Corporate Govenance in Indonesia). Hasil self assessment
terhadap GCG Implementation Indexs tahun 2006 menunjukkan
peningkatan, yaitu menjadi 82%, dibandingkan tahun 2005 sebesar 72%.

The improvement was achieved due to GMFs success in meeting the

policy requirements and the companys organs, which include the
approval of GCG policy, the appointment of an independent director
as the Finance Director and the increase in the number of independent
audit committee.

Peningkatan tersebut disebabkan oleh dipenuhinya persyaratan

kelengkapan policy dan organ perusahaan, antara lain disetujuinya
Kebijakan GCG, diangkatnya direksi independent sebagai Direktur
keuangan serta bertambahnya anggota independent komite audit.


| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Supervisory Board Description | Uraian Komisaris

Supervisory Board

Dewan Komisaris

The GMF Supervisory Board consists of 3 (three) key persons who are
chosen and fully responsible to the Shareholders General Meeting,
whose main duties are to be responsible and to have full authorization
in supervising and ensuring that the Directors keep prioritizing the
interests of the shareholders and the needs of the company, as well as
ensuring that the GCG is being implemented in effective and efficient

Saat ini Dewan Komisaris GMF beranggotakan 3 (tiga) orang yang

bertanggung jawab kepada pemegang saham dalam Rapat Umum
Pemegang Saham, dan memiliki otoritas untuk mengawasi serta
memastikan bahwa Direksi terus mengedepankan kepentingan
pemegang saham dan kebutuhan perusahaan, serta untuk
memastikan terlaksananya dengan efektif dan efisien prinsip-prinsip
tata kelola perusahaan yang baik (Good Corporate Governance)

The number of the Supervisory Boards members will possibly increase

along with the development, growth and interests of the company.

Jumlah anggota Dewan Komisaris ini tidak menutup kemungkinan

akan bertambah, seiring dengan perkembangan dan pertumbuhan
serta kepentingan perusahaan.

Composition of the Supervisory Board as of December 31, 2006:

Komposisi Dewan Komisaris sampai dengan tanggal 31 Desember

2006 adalah:

Chief of Supervisory Board: Mr. Emirsyah Satar

Member of Supervisory Board: Mr. Richard Budihadianto
Mr. Sunarko Kuntjoro

Komisaris Utama: Emirsyah Satar

Komisaris: Richard Budihadianto
Sunarko Kuntjoro

Role of the Supervisory Board

Tugas Dewan Komisaris

The Supervisory Board has at least 2 (two) kinds of activities in

performing its roles, namely:

Sebagaimana tertuang dalam Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan tugas dari

Dewan Komisaris adalah :

Internal Supervisory Board Meeting

Meeting between Supervisory Board and Board of Directors.

Rapat Intern Dewan Komisaris.

Rapat Dewan Komisaris dengan Dewan Direksi Perusahaan.

The Supervisory Boards Responsibilities

Kewajiban Dewan Komisaris

To give advice and recommendations at the General Shareholders

Meeting regarding Companys Long Term Goal, Companys
strategic business plan and annual budget including changes and
amendments, and to submit periodical reports as well as other
reports made by the Directors.
To supervise how the business plan and the budget are carried
out and to submit evaluation results together with future
recommendations during the General Shareholders Meeting.
To monitor the Companys progress, in terms of the Companys
depreciation and submit a report to the General Shreholders
Meeting together with future recommendation and necessary
reformation actions to be done.
To give advice and recommendations at the Shareholders
General Meeting regarding other necessary company-related
To conduct other supervisory roles as mandated by the General
Shareholders Meeting.
To report immediately to the General Shareholders Meeting
should the Companys performance is declining.
To research and analyze the yearly report prepared by the
Directors and to sign the report .

Memberikan pendapat dan saran kepada: Rapat Umum

Pemegang Saham mengenai Rencana Jangka Panjang Perseroan
(RJPP), rencana kerja dan anggaran tahunan Perseroan serta
perubahan dan tambahannya, laporan berkala dan laporanlaporan lainnya dari Direksi.
Mengawasi pelaksanaan rencana kerja dan anggaran Perseroan
serta menyampaikan hasil penilaian serta pendapatnya kepada
Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham.
Mengikuti perkembangan kegiatan Perseroan, dalam hal
Perseroan menunjukan gejala kemunduran, segera melaporkan
kepada Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham dengan disertai saran
mengenai langkah perbaikan yang harus ditempuh
Memberikan pendapat dan saran kepada Rapat Umum Pemegang
Pemegang Saham mengenai setiap persoalan lainnya yang
dianggap penting bagi pengurusan Perseroan.
Melakukan tugas-tugas pengawasan lainnya yang ditentukan oleh
Rapat Umum Pemegang saham.
Melaporkan dengan segera kepada Rapat Umum Pemegang
Saham apabila terjadi penurunan kinerja Perseroan.
Meneliti dan menelaah atas laporan tahunan yang disiapkan
Direksi serta menandatangani laporan tersebut.

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 55

Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Supervisory Board Description | Uraian Komisaris



In 2006, the Supervisory Board held 8 meetings consisting of 3 internal

meetings of the Supervisory Board and 5 meetings with the Board of
Directors of GMF.

Selama tahun 2006, terdapat 8 kali rapat dewan komisaris yang

terdiri dari 3 kali rapat Intern dewan komisaris dan 5 kali rapat dewan
komisaris dengan dewan direksi GMF. Tingkat kehadiran dewan
komisaris dalam rapat-rapat tersebut adalah 100%.

2006 also recorded 100% attendance by all members of the

Supervisory Board in all meetings discussing the following topics:

Topik bahasan dalam rapat dewan komisaris diatas antara lain :




February 3, 06

1. Proposal for GMF Finance Director

submitted to shareholders
2. Adding one independent auditor as a
member of the Audit Committee
3. Adding one new member of
Remuneration Commmitee with
Sunarko Kuntjoro as Chairman and
Richard Budihadianto and Prijo
Utomo as members
4. New arrangement for schedule of
Committee meeting, member of
Supervisory Board, and job allocation
for Audit Committee
5. Appointment of non-equity strategic
partner in Engine Maintenance



3 Februari 06



3 March 06

1. The Audit Secretary Committee

receives assignment from the
Secretary of the Supervisory Board
2. The Supervisory Boards approval
letter regarding policies is signed by
Chief of Supervisory Board and one
member of the Supervisory Board

24 April 2006

1. Selection of strategic partner

is done together with the
Supervisory Board, especially when
selecting 3 best candidates without
ranking them
2. In-house Training of GMF is
conducted to support GMF to be
FAA/EASA approved repair station

18 May 06

1. Preparation of Annual Shareholders

Meeting and Approval of 2005
financial report (audited)
2. Proposals to the shareholders
to use GMFs profit as retained


Tanggal Rapat


3 Maret 06


24 April 06



18 Mei 06

| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006



Usulan penambahan Direktur

Keuangan GMF ke pemegang
Penambahan anggota Komite Audit
dengan 1 Auditor Independent
Penambahan Komite Remunerasi
dengan Ketua : Sunarko Kuntjoro
dan anggota Richard Budihadianto
dan Prijo Utomo
Pengaturan jadwal rapat komite,
komisaris serta pembagian tugas
komite audit
Penetapan kandidat strategic
partner non equity di Engine

Penugasan sekretaris Komite Audit

dilakukan oleh Sekretaris Dekom.
Administrasi surat persetujuan
Dekom yang menyangkut
kebijaksanaan ditandatangani
bersama oleh Komisaris Utama dan
salah satu anggota komisaris.

Seleksi strategic partner akan

dilanjutkan bersama dewan
komisaris, untuk mencari 3 kandidat
partner terbaik tanpa perangkingan
Inhouse Training GMF dapat
dilaksanakan untuk mendukung
GMF sebagai FAA/EASA Approved
Repair Station

Persiapan RUPS Laporan Tahunan

& Pengesahan atas perhitungan
tahunan 2005 (audited)
Usulan kepada pemegang saham,
agar laba GMF dipakai untuk
memperkuat permodalan GMF

Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Supervisory Board Description | Uraian Komisaris

25 August 06

1. The plan to further develop GMF

hangar needs business valuation
2. The Directors have been requested
to develop candidate selection
process for strategic partner to the
Supervisory Board, as well as to
provide legal opinion to Garuda
Indonesia and PT Angkasa Pura
regarding hangar development
and strategic partnership.

11 October 06

1. Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting

of PT GMF AeroAsia was approved on
October 17, 2006
2. Approving additional activities with
notes, consulting service, training,
experts service must be coordinated
with Garuda Indonesia Training
Center (GITC)
3. Written approvalon the
Remuneration Committees proposal
about insurance program for retired
officials in line with the existing

13 Nov 06

1. Board of Directors to revise 2007

Budget and Action plan
2. GMFs directors were requested to
consult the Minister of Finance, the
Directorate General of Tax, and the
Minister of State-owned Enterprises
about the VAT on Export-related
Labor Services to be levied on
international customers of GMF

20 Nov 06

1. To prepare annual shareholders

meeting for the revised 2007
Annual Budget and Action Plan
2. To approvethe GMF organization
restructuring. A separate discussion
is needed for Business Portfolio
and Reward Strategy


25 Agustus 06



11 Oktober 07


13 Nov 06

20 Nov 06

Rencana pengembangan hangar

GMF perlu dibuatkan business
Direksi diminta membuat laporan
proses seleksi kandidat strategic
partner secara tertulis ke Dekom,
membuat legal opinionnya serta
memberitahukan Garuda dan PT
Angkasa Pura II tentang rencana
pengembangan hangar dan
strategic partnership

RUPS luar biasa PT GMF AeroAsia

disetujui dilakukan secara sirkuler
pada tanggal 17 oktober 2007
Penambahan kegiatan usaha GMF
disetujui dengan catatan, jasa
konsultan, pelatihan, penyediaan
tenaga ahli perawatan agar
dikoordinasikan dengan Garuda
Indonesia Trainng Center (GITC)
Menyetujui secara tertulis usulan
Komite Remunerasi tentang
program asuransi purna jabatan
sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku.

Revisi RKAP 2007 diminta dilakukan

oleh direksi GMF
Direksi diminta melakukan
konsultasi pajak PPN Jasa Tenaga
Kerja Ekspor untuk customer
internasional GMF ke Menkeu/
Dirjen Pajak dan Meneg BUMN

Menyiapkan RUPS untuk RKAP GMF

2007 yang telah direvisi
Menyetujui penyesuaian organisasi
GMF dengan catatan dilihat
perkembangnya dan perlu
pembahasan terpisah khusus
untuk Business Portfolio dan Reward

Salary of Supervisory Board and Supervisory Board Secretary

Honorarium Komisaris dan Sekretaris Komisaris

Salary and other facilities provided to the Supervisory Board include

pension compensation, which is stated and decided accordingly by
the Annual Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting, that is Rp 645,384,000
per year.

Honorarium dan fasilitas lainnya bagi anggota Komisaris dan Sekretaris

Komisaris, termasuk santunan purna jabatan, adalah sesuai dengan
ketentuan berlaku dan ditetapkan oleh RUPS, yaitu sekitar Rp 645.384.000
untuk 1 (satu) tahun.

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 57

Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Profiles of Supervisory Boards Members | Profil Anggota Dewan Komisaris

Emirsyah Satar
Chief of Supervisory Board | Komisaris Utama
Formerly with Bank Danamon as the deputy CEO, Emirsyah Satar
brings an invaluable experience to Garuda Indonesia as its President
and CEO. Over the years, he had assumed key positions and held
top managerial positions in multinational and local financial
institutions including Citibank N.A., Jan Darmadi Group, Niaga
Factoring Co, and Niaga Finance Hongkong. He earned a graduate
degree from Sorbonne University in France, and has a Bachelors
degree in Accounting from the University of Indonesia. Prior to his
last engagement with Bank Danamon, Mr. Satar served as the EVP
Finance of Garuda Indonesia, and was instrumental in the successful
restructuring of the Companys debt and obligations. Mr. Satar has
been appointed as GMF AeroAsia Chief of Supervisory Board since
October 2005.


Setelah menjabat sebagai wakil direktur utama Bank Danamon,

Emirsyah Satar membawa pengalaman berharga ke Garuda Indonesia
sebagai Presiden dan Direktur Utama. Selama bertahun-tahun, ia
menduduki berbagai posisi utama serta manajerial atas di perusahaanperusahaan multinasional dan lembaga keuangan setempat termasuk
Citibank N.A., Kelompok Jan Darmadi, Niaga Factoring Co, dan Niaga
Finance Hongkong. Ia menamatkan studi S2 di Universitas Sorbonne,
Perancis, dan memiliki gelar sarjana Akuntansi dari Universitas
Indonesia. Sebelum bekerja di Bank Danamon, Emirsyah Satar pernah
menduduki jabatan sebagai Direktur Keuangan Garuda Indonesia, dan
berperan penting dalam mensukseskan program retrukturisasi hutang
dan kewajiban Perusahaan. Emirsyah Satar diangkat sebagai Komisaris
Utama GMF AeroAsia sejak Oktober 2005.

| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Profiles of Supervisory Boards Members | Profil Anggota Dewan Komisaris

Sunarko Kuntjoro
Member of Supervisory Board | Komisaris
Sunarko Kuntjoro joined Garuda Indonesia in 1977 as an engineer and
has over the years proven his capabilities in working for the company.
After assuming the position of Assistant to the Workshops Head, he
has held other key managerial positions in the company. In addition to
his hands-on experience in the aircraft engineering and maintenance
requirements in Garuda Indonesia, he is also highly conversant
with the management information systems required to keep the
international airline aloft. Mr. Kuntjoro holds a Bachelors Degree in
Mechanical Engineering from the Bandung Institute of Technology and
is currently the EVP for Engineering, Maintenance & Information System
of PT Garuda Indonesia and has been a member of GMF AeroAsias
Supervisory Board since October 2005..

Sunarko Kuntjoro mulai bekerja untuk Garuda Indonesia pada

tahun 1977 sebagai engineer dan selama bertahun-tahun ia telah
membuktikan kesanggupan berkarya di perusahaan. Setelah duduk
sebagai Asisten Kepala Perbengkelan, ia telah memegang posisi
manajerial utama lainnya di perusahaan. Di samping pengalaman
lapangan di bidang perawatan pesawat dan bagian Engineering di
Garuda Indonesia, ia juga ahli dalam sistem informasi manajemen
yang dibutuhkan agar perusahaan penerbangan internasional tersebut
tetap berada di atas. Sunarko Kuntjoro memegang gelar Insinyur Teknik
Mesin dari Institut Teknologi Bandung dan kini menjabat sebagai
Direktur Teknik & Sistem Informasi PT Garuda Indonesia dan Komisaris
GMF AeroAsia sejak Oktober 2005.

Mr. Budihadianto joined Garuda Indonesia in1986 as a Technical

Richard Budihadianto
Member of Supervisory Board | Komisaris
Richard Budihadianto joined Garuda Indonesia in1986 as a Technical
Service Engineer. Since that time he has assumed many key positions
in Garuda Indonesias tehnical directorate, including in the units of
materials management, engineering support, aircraft maintenance,
and he also held the position of Executive Vice President Engineering
and Maintenance for the airline beside his prior position as the Chief
of GMF AeroAsias Supervisory Board. Mr. Richard holds a degree in
Mechanical Engineering from the Bandung Institute of Technology
and a Masters Degree in Intrnational Management from the University
of Indonesia. Since October 2005, he has been appointed as GMF
AeroAsias Commisioner.

Richard Budihadianto mulai bekerja di Garuda Indonesia pada tahun

1986 sebagai Technical Service Engineer. Sejak itu ia memegang
berbagai posisi utama di direktorat teknik Garuda Indonesia, termasuk
Materials Management, Engineering Support, Aircraft Maintenance dan
juga menjabat sebagai direktur Engineering and Maintenance Garuda
Indonesia di samping jabatan sebelumnya sebagai Komisaris Utama
GMF AeroAsia. Richard Budihadianto memegang gelar Insinyur Teknik
Mesin dari Institut Teknologi Bandung dan gelar Magister di bidang
Manajemen Internasional dari Universitas Indonesia. Sejak Oktober
2005, ia diangkat sebagai Komisaris GMF AeroAsia.

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 59

Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Director Description | Uraian Direktur

The Board of Directors

Uraian Direksi

The Board of Directors consists of 4 (four) key persons, to the

composition of which is as follows: an acting president director is
assisted by three Directors who led their respective units. The number
of the directors can be increased along with the companys expansion,
growth and interests.

Saat ini Direksi GMF beranggotakan 4 (empat) orang, dengan

komposisi 1 (satu) orang Pejabat Sementara Direktur Utama dibantu 3
(tiga) orang Direktur yang membidangi masing-masing fungsi, namun
hal ini tidak menutup kemungkinan akan bertambah jumlahnya
seiring dengan perkembangan dan pertumbuhan serta kepentingan

In the early months of 2006, GMF was led by the Directors based on
the result of the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting on October 13,
2004. The composition was as follows:

Diawal tahun 2006 GMF dipimpin oleh direksi dengan penetapan

berdasarkan hasil Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) Luar Biasa
pada tanggal 13 Oktober 2004 . Rinciannya adalah sebagai berikut:
Direktur Utama:

CEO: Hadinoto Soedigno

Directors: Prijo Utomo
Bimo Agus Prihatono
Agus Sudaryo

Hadinoto Soedigno
Prijo Utomo
Bimo Agus Prihatono
Agus Sudaryo

Then, the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting on October 17, 2006,

changed the composition of the Board of Directors to:

Kemudian berdasarkan hasil Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS)

Luar Biasa pada tanggal 17 Oktober 2006 dilakukan perubahan
Susunan Direksi Perusahaan, dengan susunan sebagai berikut :

Director of Line Operation &
Garuda Fleet Management:
Director of Base Operation:
Director of Finance:
Director of Strategic Resource:

Direktur Utama:
Direktur Line Operation &
Garuda Fleet Management:
Direktur Base Operation:
Direktur Keuangan:
Direktur Strategic Resources:

Hadinoto Soedigno
Agus Sudaryo
Bimo Agus Prihatono
Hanrozan Haznam
Prijo Utomo

Hadinoto Soedigno
Agus Sudaryo
Bimo Agus Prihatono
Hanrozan Haznam
Prijo utomo

Based on a letter issued by the Supervisory Board, the composition of

the Board of Directors as per January 16, 2007 is as follows:

Berdasarkan surat penunjukkan Dewan Komisaris, maka susunan

Dewan Direksi per 16 Januari 2007 adalah sebagai berikut :

Acting CEO:
Director of Line Operation &
Garuda Fleet Management:
Director of Base Operation:
Director of Finance:
Director of Strategic Resource:

Pjs. Direktur Utama:

Direktur Line Operation &
Garuda Fleet Management:
Direktur Base Operation:
Direktur Keuangan:
Direktur Strategic Resources:

Agus Sudaryo
Agus Sudaryo
Bimo Agus Prihatono
Hanrozan Haznam
Prijo Utomo

Responsibilities and authorities of the Board of Directors:

Tugas dan Wewenang Direksi

To manage the Companys operations so that the needs and goal

of the Company can be achievable, and to act as the chief of the
To maintain and to manage the Companys assets.
The Board of Directors is fully responsible in carrying out their
duties for the best interest of the Company in achieving the
Companys purposes and goals.
Every member of the Board of Directors is obliged in good faith
and full responsibility to carry out their duties for the best interest
of the Company by respecting the existing regulations.
Every member of the Board of Directors is fully and personally
accountable when found guilty or negligent of not acting in the
best interest and the business of the Company
Every member of the Board of Directors has the right to represent


Agus Sudaryo
Agus Sudaryo
Bimo Agus Prihatono
Hanrozan Haznam
Prijo utomo

Melaksanakan pengurusan Perseroan untuk kepentingan dan

tujuan Perseroan dan bertindak selaku pimpinan dalam perseroan
Memelihara dan mengurus kekayaan Perseroan.
Direksi bertanggung jawab penuh dalam melaksanakan tugasnya
untuk kepentingan Perseroan dalam mencapai maksud dan tujuan
Setiap anggota Direksi wajib dengan itikad baik dan penuh
tanggung jawab menjalankan tugas untuk kepentingan dan
usaha Perseroan dengan mengindahkan peraturan perundangundangan yang berlaku.
Setiap anggota Direksi bertanggung jawab penuh secara pribadi
apabila yang bersangkutan bersalah atau lalai menjalankan
tugasnya untuk kepentingan dan usaha Perseroan

| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Director Description | Uraian Direktur

the company in and outside of court trial, and is encouraged to
always perform in good faith when it comes to managing the
Companys businesses including in entering a legally binding
agreement with other parties on behalf of the Company or when
legally binding other parties in any agreement with the Company

Direksi berhak mewakili Perseroan di dalam dan di luar Pengadilan

serta melakukan tindakan dan perbuatan baik mengenai
pengurusan maupun mengenai pemilikan serta mengikat
Perseroan dengan pihak lain atau pihak lain dengan Perseroan,
dengan pembatasan sesuai anggaran dasar.

in line with the Companys article of association.



The Board of Directors holds a meeting whenever deemed necessary

by one or more of the members of the Board of Directors or based on
a written request of at least one of the Supervisory Boards members
or based on a written request by at least one of the shareholders who
collectively represent 10% of the shares with legitimate voting rights
issued by the company. The frequency of such meetings is at least four
times a month, consisting of:

Direksi mengadakan rapat setiap kali apabila dianggap perlu oleh

seorang atau lebih anggota Direksi atau atas permintaan tertulis dari
seorang atau lebih anggota Komisaris atau atas permintaan tertulis 1
(satu) pemegang saham atau lebih yang bersama-sama mewakili 10%
(sepuluh persen) bagian dari jumlah seluruh saham dengan hak suara
yang sah yang telah dikeluarkan perseroan dengan jadwal paling tidak
4 (empat) kali sebulan terdiri dari :

Board of Directors internal meeting

Board of Directors meeting with the Supervisory Board
Monthly Business and Operational Review

The Board of Directors meetings recorded an almost 100% attendance

level in 2006, discussing the following topics:



January 11, 06


15 February 06


2006 Program Kick off, which would

be submitted to the management
and down to manager level,
would be implemented on January
18, 2006
Meeting regarding the Companys
taxonomy in 2006 was approved to
be held
PMA Parts Sminar was decided to
be held together with Vendor and
Aviation Industry in Indonesia in
February 2006 in Bandung and
ASEAN PMA Summit in April 2006
in Bali.

Revising the scope of work for

strategic partnership as a Joint
Operation and Non-equity, and
approval for strategic partner
Internal commitment and
change management initiative
to be parallelly done at engine
maintenance unit

Rapat Intern Dewan Direksi.

Rapat Dewan Direksi dengan Dewan Komisaris Perusahaan.
Business and Operational Review Bulanan.

Tingkat kehadiran direksi dalam rapat-rapat diatas, umumnya

mendekati 100%, sementara beberapa pokok bahasan penting yang
ada dalam rapat-rapat direksi adalah :

Tanggal Rapat



11 Januari 06


15 Februari 06

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 61



Kickoff Program Kerja Tahun 2006

yang akan disampaikan keseluruh
jajaran manajemen sampai
level manajer diputuskan untuk
dilaksanakan tanggal 18 Januari
Meeting Taxonomy Perusahaan
tahun 2006 disetujui untuk
Seminar PMA Parts setuju
dilaksanakan bersama vendor dan
aviation industri di Indonesia pada
bulan February 2006 di Bandung
dan ASEAN PMA Summit pada
bulan April 2006 di Bali.


Perbaikan scope strategic

partnership sebagai Joint Operation
dan Non Equity dan persetujuan
calon-calon strategic partner
Upaya internal commitment dan
change management
dilakukan secara paralel di unit
engine maintenance

Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Director Description | Uraian Direktur


8 Maret 06

The Company conducted annual

Quality system Management
Reveiw (QSMR) for 2006 with three
main issues, namely Cost of poor
quality, product quality and human
issues and development.
The Company decided to form a
dedicated team to handle redilivery
of GA aircraft
Due to customers claims over
the delayed TAT of its aircraft, the
management decided to immmediately
assess the root of the problems and
to immediately address the problems
through improvement programs.


12 April 06



24 May 06


Review of European Regulators

Audit (EASA), whereby there is one
finding about the Maintenance
Record and Data. The company
must immediately prepare a
corrective action and to share the
progress to EASA auditor so that it
could be disclosed in the middle of
May 2006
The sales/revenue analysis in
1st quarter 2006 shows that
the achievement is lower than
the figure in the previous years
budget. Therefore, the company
decided to form a Sales Recovery
team which submits progress
reports every two weeks to the
Board of Directors.
Holding ASEAN PMA Summit
on April 19 20, 2006 as good as
possible and making the event
as a promotional event for the

Accelerating the settlement of old

receivables from the customers, as
for PELITA, the company explored
ways to pursue overall settlement
with GA and Pertamina groups.
Monitoring of the progress of
such receivables settlement were
regularly reported to the Board of
Control of cash flow was regularly
done and reported to the Board of
Directors meeting
The companys collaboration with
KLM is to be further improvedm
the progress of which is closely



08 Maret 06

Dilaksanakan Quality System

Management Review (QSMR) I
tahun 2006 dengan 3 isu utama
yaitu : Cost Of Poor Quality, Product
Quality dan Human issues &
Diputuskan untuk membentuk
dedicated Tim untuk khusus
menangani redelivery pesawat GA.
Dengan adanya klaim dari customer
atas keterlambatan TAT pesawatnya,
maka manajemen memutuskan untuk
segera dikaji akar permasalahannya
dan ditindak lanjuti program-program



12 April 06



24 Mei 06


| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Review hasil Audit Regulator Eropa

(EASA), dimana terdapat 1 temuan
tentang Maintenance Record
and Data. Untuk itu perusahaan
segera menyiapkan Corrective
Action-nya dan menyampaikan
progress-nya ke Auditor EASA
agar bisa segera disclosed pada
pertengahan bulan Mei2006 .
Dari hasil analisa Sales/revenue
Triwulan I terlihat pencapaiannya
lebih rendah dari budget tahun
sebelumnya, untuk itu diputuskan
untuk segera membentuk Sales
Recovery Team dan melaporkan
setiap dua minggu progress-nya ke
Pelaksanaan ASEAN PMA Summit
pada tgl.19-20 April 2006 agar
dilakukan sebaik mungkin dan
sekaligus ajang untuk promosi

Penyelesaian Piutang lama

dari customer dipercepat
penyelesaiannya, untuk PELITA
agar dijajaki juga dengan
penyelesaian menyeluruh dengan
GA Groups dan Pertamina groups.
Monitoring progress penyelesaian
piutang ini akan dilaporkan secara
rutin ke Dekom.
Control kondisi cash-flow
perusahaan dilakukan secara rutin,
dan dilaporkan ke BOD meeting.
Kerjasama perusahaan dengan
KLM agar terus ditingkatkan
itemnya dan dipantau progressnya .

Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Director Description | Uraian Direktur



21 June 06




17 June 06

7 August 06


The Hangar Expansion Plan to

be adjusted with the plan of
the strategic partnership Base
Maintenance and the revised terms
of reference
The decision to conduct a Beauty
Contest for the development of
GMFs promotional materials need
to be followed up with the price
Cash Flow Recovery Program, to
increase the inflow of cash from
customers whose debts are already
matured through offset collateral,
payment reminder, diplomatic
approach, collateral sales and direct
approach to decision makers
Cash Flow Recovery Program,
prioritizing payment to vendors
who support Garuda Peak Season,
other than Employee Salary and


Struktur Organisasi PT GMF



Struktur Organisasi PT GMF


P. Utomo


Balancing penilaian tengah tahun

PMS Vice President (VP)


Pembahasan SDM : People

Development & Rotasi VP


Proyeksi Revenue & keuangan

Agustus Desember 2006
Rotasi VP

21 Juni 06


Strategic and Operational

Review regarding Remuneration
Committees report, preparation
of mid-year communication,
Performance Management System
(PMS) and Recovery Program for
the second half of 2006

17 Juli 06

GMF AeroAsia Organization


7 Agustus 06


P. Utomo

18 Agustus 06

1 Sept 06

1. Balancing mid-year Vice President (VP)

PMS assessment

1 Sept 06

4 Sept 06

1. HR Discussion: People Development

and VP rotation

4 Sept 06

Revenue and financial projection

for August December 2006
VP rotation

8 Sept 06


Strategic & Operational Review

tentang laporan Komite
Remunerasi, persiapan mid -year
communication, Performance
Management System (PMS) dan
Recovery Program semester 2 2006


1. GMF AeroAsia Organization structure



18 August 06

8 Sept 06

Pengembangan hangar
disesuaikan dengan rencana
strategic partnership Base
Maintenance dan revisi Term of
Keputusan Beauty Contest
terhadap promotion item GMF
agar ditindaklanjuti dengan
negosiasi harga
Cash Flow Recovery Program,
meningkatkan cash in dari
customer yang memiliki piutang
jatuh tempo dengan offset
colateral, reminder pembayaran,
pendekatan jalur diplomatik,
penjualan colateral serta
pendekatan ke pengambil
Cash Flow Recovery Program,
Prioritas pembayaran ke vendor
yang mendukung peak season
Garuda, selain Salary & Benefit


13 Sept 06


2007 Planning Cycle

SDM discussion: General Manager
(GM) Deployment

13 Sept 06


Planning Cycle 2007

Pembahasan SDM : Deployment
General Manager (GM)

18 Sept 06


Compliance officer report

HR Discussion: GM Deployment

18 Sept 06


Laporan Compliance Officer

Pembahasan SDM : Deployment
GM (Lanjutan)


HR Discussion: GM Deployment
Discussion on the organizational


5 Oktober 06

Pembahasan SDM : Deployment

GM (Lanjutan)
Pembahasan Transformation

Final GM Deployment
Discussion on the organizational
transformation (continuation)
Internal Billing Transfer

13 October 06

Final Deployment GM
Pembahasan Transformation
Organization (Lanjutan)
Internal Billing Transfer

Cooperation and GMF strategic

partnership plan
People retention program

Rencana kerjasama dan strategic

partnership GMF
People Retention Program

5 October 06

13 October 06



6 Nov 06



6 Nov 06

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 63

Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Director Description | Uraian Direktur

27 Nov 06

Response to GMFs spin off plan

Response to letter sent by GMF
Employee Club (GEC)

27 Nov 06


Financial Statement model for

every business unit
Reward strategy management

30 Nov 06

30 Nov 06
14 Dec 06






Benefit programs: employee

benefits and pensioners
Board of Directors meeting agenda
and other meetings in 2007
(meeting taxonomy)
GMF Balance Score Card 2007
Discussion: 2007 Strategic
Discussion: Progress assessment for
business unit leaders


14 Des 06


Tanggapan atas rencana spin off

Tanggapan atas surat GMF
Employee Club (GEC)

Model financial statement untuk

tiap-tiap business unit
Reward Strategy Management

Program benefit : kesehatan

pegawai dan pensiunan
Agenda rapat Direksi dan rapatrapat lainnya tahun 2007 (Meeting
Balance Score Card GMF tahun
Pembahasan : Strategic Inisiative
Pembahasan : Progress Assesment
untuk leader Business Unit

Salary of Director

Honorarium Direksi

Salary and other facilities provided to the Board of Directors, including

the pension compensation, which is stated and decided accordingly
by the Annual Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting, amounts to Rp
2,928,790,610 per year.

Honorarium dan fasilitas lainnya bagi anggota Direksi, termasuk santunan

purna jabatan, adalah sesuai dengan ketentuan berlaku dan ditetapkan
oleh RUPS, yaitu sekitar Rp 2.928.790.610 untuk 1 (satu) tahun.


| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Profiles of Directors | Profil Direksi

Hadinoto Soedigno
President Director | Direktur Utama
Leading GMR since its establishment as a strategic business unit,
Mr. Soedigno is one of those highly experienced professionals. He
has been working with Garuda Group since 1977, and he was first
assigned as a workshop technical expert. Mr. Soedigno has held
several key positions at GMF, including in the material and purchasing
management, engineering support division, and engineering system
development and workshop. He holds his Mechanical Engineering
Bachelors Degree from Bandung Institute of technology, and he also
received his Masters Degree in International Management from the
University of Indonesia (UI).

Sebagai pemimpin GMF sejak permulaan menjadi Unit Bisnis Strategis.

Hadinoto adalah salah satu diantara beberapa professional yang
sangat berpengalaman. Beliau telah bekerja pada Grup Garuda sejak
tahun 1977, Ketika pertama kali bergabung beliau sebagai Ahli Teknik
Perbengkelan. Hadinoto telah menempati beberapa fungsi kunci di
GMF, termasuk materials and purchasing management, engineering
support, engineering system development dan workshop. Beliau
adalah pemegang gelar insinyur teknik mesin dari Institut Teknologi
Bandung dan bergelar Master dalam Manajemen Internasional dari the
University of Indonesia.

Prijo Utomo
Director of Strategic Resources & VP Corporate Strategi & Development
| Direktur Strategic Resources & VP Corporate Strategi & Development
Being a professional due to his professional trainings and experiences,
Mr. Utomo is now involved in directing the GMF strategic
development and corporate development. He received his Mechanical
Engineering Degree from Institut Teknologi Nasional in 1976. He firsts
joined Garuda in 1976 in the Technical Service division, and after
being assigned to many projects, holding some positions in some
divisions, he was promoted as Vice Presidents in some areas such as
the VP Component Shop at GMF, VP Human Resources Development
at Garuda, and VP Corporate Strategic Development at GMF, before
holding his current position.

Menjadi seorang professional karena pelatihan dan pengalaman,

Prijo Utomo saat ini terlibat dalam penentuan arah strategis dan
pengembangan perusahaan. Beliau adalah pemegang gelar insinyur
teknik mesin dari Institut Teknologi Nasional. Pertama kali bergabung
dengan Garuda tahun 1976 pada bagian Engineering Support dan setelah
melewati berbagai penugasan di banyak proyek, posisi dan divisi, beliau
dipromosikan sebagai VP di beberapa area seperti VP Component Shop
di GMF, VP Human Resources Development di Garuda dan VP Corporate
Strategic Development di GMF, sebelum posisinya saat ini.

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 65

Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Profiles of Directors | Profil Direksi

Bimo Agus Prihatono
Director of Base Operation & VP Business Cooperation & Development
| Direktur Base Operation & VP Business Corporation & Development
Mr. Prihatono has a very tough duty, namely selling GMFs credibility in a
very competitive industry, while performing his main role as the leader
of the production unit Base Maintenance, Component Maintenance
& Engine Maintenance. Since joining Garuda as a staff member in
1986, he has learned a lot in power plant engineering, including in the
aircraft overhaul and repair. He received his Mechanical Engineering
Degree from the Bandung Institute of Technology, and his Masters
degree in the International Management from the University of
Indonesia in Jakarta.
Bimo Agus Prihatono mempunyai tugas yang sangat
berat, yaitu menjual GMF dalam industri yang penuh
persaingan, sementara tugas utama beliau adalah
mempimpin di jalur produksi unit Base Maintenance,
Component Maintenance & Engine Maintenance. Sejak
bergabung dengan Garuda Indonesia sebagai staf pada
tahun 1986, beliau mendapatkan banyak pengalaman di
bidang Engineering powerplant, termasuk overhaul dan
perbaikan pesawat. Beliau memegang gelar Insinyur
Teknik Mesin dari Institut Teknologi Bandung dan gelar
Magister dalam bidang Manajemen Internasional dari
Universitas Indonesia.

Agus Sudaryo
Director Of Line Operation & Garuda Fleet Management | Direktur Line Operation & Garuda Fleet Management
Mr. Agus Sudaryo has more than 30 years of experiences in providing
professional service for Garuda Indonesia. He joined Garuda Indonesia
in 1974 and has had many experiences, particularly in the fields of
technical support, and aircraft maintenance supervision. Aside from
being the GMF Acting President Director, he still holds the position
of the Line Operation Director. Previously, he was the VP Aircraft Line
Maintenance at Garuda Indonesia.


Agus Sudaryo sudah berpengalaman lebih dari 30 tahun dalam

melayani Garuda Indonesia sebagai seorang profesional di bidangnya.
Beliau pertama kali bergabung di Garuda Indonesia pada tahun
1974 dan beliau sudah mempunyai banyak sekali pengalaman,
khususnya di bidang pelayanan teknik dan pelaksanaan pengawasan
perawatan dan pemeliharaan pesawat terbang. Bersamaan dengan
tanggungjawabnya sebagai Pjs. Direktur Utama, beliau masih duduk
sebagai Direktur Line Operation. Sebelumnya ia menduduki jabatan
penting sebagai VP Aircraft
Line Maintenance di Garuda

| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Profiles of Directors | Profil Direksi

Hanrozan Haznam
Director of Finance | Direktur Keuangan
Prior to joining GMF as Finance Director in November 2006, Mr.
Haznam was the Marketing Director of PT Nusantara Parkerizing.
He has had a lot of experiences in the financial field after years of
working as a public accountant and financial consultant, and holding
several key positions at multinational corporations such as PT Gobel
International (Panasonic Group), Chrysler Sole Distributor, Price
Waterhouse and Drs. Hartanto & Co Registered Public Accountant. He
earned his Masters Degree in Accounting from the Shouthern Illinois
University in the USA, and Bachelors degree in Accounting from the
University of Indonesia.

Sebelum bergabung di GMF sebagai Direktur Keuangan di bulan

Nopember 2006, Hanrozan Haznam bekerja sebagai Direktur
Pemasaran di PT Nusantara Parkerizing. Selama beberapa tahun, ia
banyak berkecimpung dibidang keuangan sebagai akuntan publik,
konsultan keuangan, serta menduduki beberapa posisi penting di
perusahaan multinasional seperti PT Gobel Internasional (Panasonic
Group), Agen Distributor Mobil Chrysler, Kantor Akuntan Publik Price
Waterhouse & Drs. Hartanto & Co. Hanrozan Haznam memperoleh
gelar Master Akuntansi dari Shoutern Illinois University di USA, dan
sarjana Akuntansi dari Universitas Indonesia

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 67

Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Audit Committee | Komite Audit

GMF realized that one of the ways to implement Good Corporate

Governance is through the formation and independently functioning
Audit Committee to support the Supervisory Board in its oversight role
on the companys financial report, internal control system, financial
and operational risk management (enterprise risk management), audit
process and compliance to governing rules and regulations stipulated
by the relevant authorities.

GMF menyadari bahwa salah satu wujud implementasi Good

Corporate Governance adalah pembentukan Komite Audit yang
bersifat independen untuk membantu Dewan Komisaris dalam
menelaah secara umum laporan keuangan, sistem pengendalian
intern, penanganan risiko keuangan dan operasi (enterprise risk
management), proses audit dan ketaatan perusahaan terhadap hukum
dan peraturan-peraturan yang mendasari operasional perusahaan.

Therefore, and also in relation to meeting the governing regulation,

which is the Regulation issued by Minister of State- owned Enterprise
No. PER-05/MBU/2006 dated December 20 2006 (which replaces
Kepmen BUMN No. 103/BMU/2002) and Kepmen BUMN no.117/
MBU/2002, the company formed an Audit Committee of PT GMF
AeroAsia, based on Letter No.: DEKOM-GMF/SKEP-5003/05 dated
December 26 2005 decided that the Audit Committee, effective
immediately on December 26, 2006, consists of:

Untuk itu dan juga untuk memenuhi ketentuan yang berlaku, yaitu
Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN No. PER-05/MBU/2006 tanggal 20
Desember 2006 (menggantikan Kepmen BUMN No. 103/MBU/2002)
dan Kepmen BUMN No. 117/MBU/2002, maka telah ditunjuk dan
dibentuk Komite Audit PT GMF AeroAsia, berdasarkan Surat Keputusan
Nomor : DEKOM-GMF/SKEP-5003/05 tanggal 26 Desember 2005, yang
efektif berlaku tanggal 26 Desember 2005 dengan susunan sebagai
berikut :

Chairman of Audit Committee: Richard Budihadianto

Member: Desmon Ismael

Ketua Komite Audit: Richard Budihadianto

Anggota Komite Audit: Desmon Ismael

Based on Letter no. DEKOM/GMF/SKEP/5002/06 dated June 7, 2006,

the Supervisory Board approved additional members to the Audit
Committee, which was effective since June 7, 2006, therefore making
the structure of the Audit Committee as such:

Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan No. DEKOM/GMF/SKEP/5002/06 tanggal

7 Juni 2006, Dewan Komisaris menyetujui penambahan anggota
Komite Audit, yang efektif berlaku tanggal 7 Juni 2006, sehingga
susunan Komite Audit menjadi sebagai berikut :

Chairman of Audit Committee: Richard Budihadianto

Member: Desmon Ismael
Nina Diyanti Anwar

Ketua Komite Audit: Richard Budihadianto

Anggota Komite Audit: Desmon Ismael
Nina Diyanti Anwar

In observing its duty, the Audit Committee is working closely with

the Internal Audit and Control committee of GMF, in order to assure
the availability and readiness of data and information, thus assuring
that the Supervisory Board is well updated on the progress of the
companys operation.

Dalam melaksanakan kegiatannya, Komite Audit bekerja sama dengan

Internal Audit & Control GMF, untuk menjamin kesiapan/ketersediaan
data dan informasi, sehingga kondisi perusahaan dapat diketahui
dengan baik oleh Dewan Komisaris.

The Audit Committees meeting agenda being implemented

throughout 2006 were as follows:
Coordination meeting with the Internal Audit and Control
Internal Meeting of the Audit Committee

Agenda pertemuan/rapat Komite Audit yang telah dilakukan selama

tahun 2006 adalah :
Rapat Koordinasi dengan Internal Audit & Control

In performing its duty, the Audit Committee coordinates closely

with the companys External Auditor (Public Accounting Office)
discussing various agendas including: progress of the companys audit,
operational issues, as well as settlement on reported findings.

Komite Audit didalam tugasnya, juga melakukan koordinasi dengan

Eksternal Auditor (Kantor Akuntan Publik), dimana pembahasannya
antara lain meliputi: progress pelaksanaan Audit atas GMF,pembahasan
masalah-masalah yang ditemukan dilapangan, penyelesaian temuantemuan, dll.

The Audit Committees reports its work in a Quarterly Report that is

submitted to the Supervisory Board consisting of issues and findings
that must be responded by GMFs Board of Directors in coordination
with the Internal Audit and Control

Hasil dari kegiatan Komite Audit adalah Laporan triwulanan yang

dilaporkan ke Komisaris, yaitu berupa hal-hal yang harus ditindaklanjuti oleh Direksi GMF serta unit Internal Audit & Control.

The quarterly reports submitted by the Audit Committee are as follows:

Laporan triwulanan Komite Audit adalah sebagai berikut :

1st Quarter, May 10, 2006:

a. Increase of the companys receivable collectibles considering the
high level of companys receivables due in more than 1 year.
b. Payment of the companys debt due in more than 1 year, in order
to improve the companys credibility

Triwulan I, tanggal 10 Mei 2006 :

a. Peningkatan kolektabilitas piutang perusahaan mengingat tingginya
jumlah piutang usaha yang telah jatuh tempo lebih dari 1 tahun.
b. Pembayaran hutang usaha yang lebih dari 1 tahun, untuk
memperbaiki kredibilitas perusahaan.


Rapat Internal Komite Audit

| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Audit Committee | Komite Audit


Revision on the Companys Policy Guidance in order to keep

it updated and practical, as well as evaluation of the policy
d. Adjustments to the companys KPI in line with request from
Garuda Indonesia as the companys major customer
e. Improvement in Turn Around Time (TAT) on maintenance
especially for aircraft and engine of B737


2nd Quater, August 3, 2006

a. Acceleration of Due receivable payment as well as reporting of
receivable status to be conducted monthly
b. Preventing the increase of receivables by doing better customer
selection and limiting additional works for customers with huge
c. Provision of guarantee which functions as collateral against
receivables, for new customers this will be bank guaranty or down
payment, where as for existing customers this will be further steps
to execute assets sale
d. Adding more auditors for auditing the companys operation in
order to acheive the agreed operational target set by the Internal
Audit as well as in line with the scope of operational audit

Triwulan II, tanggal 3 Agustus 2006 :

a. Penyelesaian piutang yang telah jatuh tempo dipercepat serta
pelaporan status piutang dilakukan secara bulanan.
b. Pencegahan penambahan piutang dengan seleksi customer yang
lebih baik dan pembatasan penambahan pekerjaan terhadap
customer yang memiliki piutang besar.
c. Penerapan jaminan yang menjadi kolateral atas piutang, untuk
customer baru dengan uang muka atau bank garansi, sedangkan
untuk customer lama dengan langkah-langkah lanjutan seperti
eksekusi penjualan asset.
d. Penambahan Auditor dibidang operasional untuk mencapai target
kerja Internal Audit serta luasnya cakupan audit operasional.

3rd Quarter, November 8, 2006:

a. Acceleration of the Operational Audit and submission of its result
to the Auditee and to the Audit Committee
b. Adding more auditors on the companys operational audit to be
implemented immediately
c. Improvement of the audit reporting administration
d. Reporting of the companys monthly receivable settlement is
to be continued and submitted by the Board of Directors to the
Supervisory Board
e. Progress on settlement of the companys due receivables is now
established and mechanism of Customer Remittance Policy has
been in practical since April 2006.

Triwulan III, tanggal 8 November 2006 :

a. Percepatan penyelesaian Audit Operasional dan hasilnya
disampaikan kepada Auditee dan Komite Audit.
b. Penambahan anggota Auditor dibidang Operasional agar segera
c. Perbaikan tata administrasi pelaporan audit.
d. Pelaporan status piutang bulanan oleh Direksi kepada Komisaris
agar tetap dilakukan.

4th Quarter, March 5, 2007

a. Adding the number of auditors in the operational field so as to
realize the audit as the operation audit has been slow and doesnt
meet the schedule.
b. Improvement of auditing schedules committed by the Internal
Audit and Control
c. Improvement on the audit reporting administration
d. Improvement on Capacity Planning, Man Hours utilization and
Information Technology Support in line with the report submitted
by Operational Audit

Triwulan IV, tanggal 5 Maret 2007 :

a. Penambahan anggota Auditor dibidang Operasional agar segera
direalisasikan karena audit operasional progresnya lambat tidak
sesuai dengan jadwal yang telah disepakati.
b. Perbaikan terhadap komitmen pemenuhan jadwal audit yang ada,
dari Internal Audit & Control
c. Perbaikan tata administrasi pelaporan audit.
d. Perbaikan Capacity Planning, Man Hours Utilization serta
Dukungan Teknologi Informasi sesuai dengan Laporan Hasil Audit

Revisi terhadap Pedoman Kebijakan Perusahaan (PKP) agar

tetap ter-update dan praktis serta dilakukan evaluasi atas
d. Penyesuaian Key Performance Indicator (KPI) GMF dengan
keinginan Garuda sebagai pelanggan utama.
e. Peningkatan Turn Around Time (TAT) perawatan khususnya untuk
Pesawat dan Engine B 737.


Kemajuan dalam penyelesaian piutang perusahaan yang jatuh

tempo sekarang sudah tercapai dan mekanisme Kebijakan
Pengiriman Uang Pelanggan sudah dilakukan sejak April 2006

Jakarta, June 4, 2007

Jakarta, 4 Juni 2007

Richard Budihadianto
Chairman | Ketua

Desmon Ismael
Member | Anggota

Nina Diyanti Anwar

Member | Anggota

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 69

Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

The Remuneration Committee | Komite Remunerasi

GMF realizes that one of the ways to implement Good Corporate

Governance is by forming an independent Remuneration Committee to
help the Supervisory Board in formulating a remuneration system and
evaluation mechanism, to provide options, pension, compensation and
other provisions of employee benefits in the event of lay off.

GMF menyadari bahwa salah satu wujud implementasi Good Corporate

Governance adalah pembentukan Komite Remunerasi yang bersifat
independent untuk membantu Dewan Komisaris dalam menyusun
sistem penggajian dan pemberian tunjangan serta memberikan
rekomendasi tentang penilaian terhadap system tersebut; opsi yang
diberikan, antara lain opsi atas saham; sistem pensiun dan sistem
kompensasi serta manfaat lainnya dalam hal pengurangan karyawan.

Selection criteria and nomination procedures for members of the

Supervisory Board and other executives, as well as by formulation an
evaluation mechanism and providing recommendations regarding the
number of the companys Supervisory Board and Directors

Kriteria seleksi dan prosedur nominasi bagi anggota Dewan Komisaris

dan pejabat lainnya, dan merumuskan mekanisme evaluasi dan
memberikan rekomendasi mengenai jumlah anggota Dewan Direksi
dan Direksi.

Therefore, also in line with Minister of State owned Enterprise Law no.
103/MBU/2002 and BUMN No. 117/MBU/2002, the Supervisory Board
has selected and formed a Remuneration Committee.

Untuk itu dan juga untuk memenuhi ketentuan yang berlaku, yaitu
Kepmen BUMN No. 103/MBU/2002 dan Kepmen BUMN No. 117/
MBU/2002, maka Komisaris telah memilih dan menyusun anggota
Komite Remunerasi.

Based on letter no. DEKOM - GMF/SKEP/5001/06, the company has

selected and appointed member of the Remuneration Committee
comprising of:

Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan no. DEKOM - GMF/SKEP/5001/06, telah

ditunjuk dan ditetapkan Komite Remunerasi yang susunannya adalah
sebagai berikut :

Chairman of Remuneration Committee: Sunarko Kuntjoro

Members of Remuneration Committee: Richard Budihadianto
Prijo Utomo

Ketua Komite Remunerasi

: Sunarko Kuntjoro
Anggota Komite Remunerasi : Richard Budihadianto
Prijo Utomo

In 2005, the Remuneration committee had 1 meeting in 21 September

2006 resulting in 100% attendance record. The meetings decided,
among other things proposing for creating of former directors and
former Supervisory Boards members insurance program in line with
the policy that has been taken by the Supervisory Board.

Kegiatan rapat komite Remunerasi selama tahun 2006 ada sebanyak

1 kali, pada tanggal 21 September 2006 dengan tingkat kehadiran
mencapai 100%. Keputusan ataupun usulan yang dihasilkan selama
tahun 2006 adalah usulan penerapan program asuransi purna jabatan
sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku yang telah disahkan oleh Komisaris.

Jakarta, June 4, 2007

Juni 14, 2006

Sunarko Kuntjoro
Chairman | Ketua

Prijo Utomo
Member | Anggota

Richard Budihadianto
Member | Anggota


| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

The Nomination Committee | Komite Nominasi

GMF realizes that one of the ways to implement Good Corporate

Governance is by forming an independent Nomination Committee
to help the Supervisory Board in formulating selection criteria and
nomination procedures for members of the Supervisory Board and
other executives, as well as by formulation an evaluation mechanism
and providing recommendations regarding the number of the
companys Supervisory Board and Directors

GMF menyadari bahwa salah satu wujud implementasi Good

Corporate Governance adalah pembentukan Komite Nominasi yang
bersifat independent untuk membantu Dewan Komisaris dalam
menyusun kriteria seleksi dan prosedur nominasi bagi anggota
Komisaris, Direksi dan para ekesekutif lainnya di perusahaan serta
membuat sistem penilaian dan memberikan rekomendasi tentang
jumlah anggota Komisaris dan Direksi perusahaan.

Therefore, also in line with Minister of State owned Enterprise Law

no. 103/MBU/2002 and BUMN No. 117/MBU/2002, the Supervisory
Board has selected and formed a Nomination Committee. The role
of Nomination Committee is performed by the Supervisory Board,
without forming a separate committee, and its duty always works
closely with the shareholders

Untuk itu dan juga untuk memenuhi ketentuan yang berlaku, yaitu
Kepmen BUMN No. 103/MBU/2002 dan Kepmen BUMN No. 117/
MBU/2002, maka Komisaris sedang memilih dan menyusun anggota
Komite Nominasi. Sementara menunggu pemilihan anggota Komite
Nominasi, maka pelaksanaan Komite Nominasi dilaksanakan dijajaran
Dewan Komisaris, tanpa membentuk komite terpisah, dan dalam
pelaksanaannya selalu berkoordinasi dengan jajaran pemegang saham.

Corporate Internal Auditor | Auditor Internal Perusahaan

GMF Internal Audit & Control administrative is directly responsible to

the Executive Director and corporate with the Audit Committee.

Internal Audit & Control di GMF secara administrative bertanggung

jawab secara langsung kepada Direktur Utama dan secara fungsional
dapat bekerja sama dengan Komite Audit.

The Internal Audit & Control, the motor for executing surveillance and
control in GMF, is an independent and objective party who actively
supports the companys objective achievement by doing evaluation
and giving advises for risk management improvement, internal control
and governance process through a systematic and tested working

Internal Audit & Control GMF yang berperan sebagai motor pelaksanaan
fungsi pengawasan dan pengendalian di GMF, merupakan pihak
yang independen dan obyektif, berperan aktif dalam mendukung
pencapaian tujuan Perusahaan dengan melakukan evaluasi
serta memberikan saran-saran perbaikan atas manajemen risiko,
pengendalian internal dan proses governance melalui suatu
pendekatan kerja yang sistematis dan teruji.

The GMFs Internal Audit & Control responsibilities are :

Kewajiban Internal Audit & Control GMF dalam melaksanakan tugasnya

adalah sebagai berikut :

Menilai kegiatan dan program untuk meyakinkan ketaatan

terhadap kebijakan, prosedur dan peraturan yang berlaku serta
berjalan efektif, efisien dan sesuai dengan tujuan organisasi yang

Membantu semua unit kerja untuk mencapai sasaran Perusahaan

melalui simulasi dan proyeksi serta memberikan rekomendasi
secara berkala.

Menilai kewajaran, dan akurasi data keuangan dengan data

kegiatan operasional yang dipakai dalam identifikasi, perhitungan,
pemisahan dan pelaporan informasi.

Menilai bahwa semua aset dan sumber daya, termasuk dana,

sarana, prasarana dan manusia digunakan sesuai dan dikelola
secara ekonomis, efisien dan efektif.

Meyakinkan bahwa pemantauan system pengendalian internal

dilakukan secara efektif dan konsisten oleh seluruh jajaran

Melakukan kegiatan audit khusus dalam keadaan tertentu.

To assure that all activities and programs are carried out

according to the prevail policy, procedure, and regulation that is
effective and efficient to achieve the companys objective.

To help all working units to reach the companys target

through simulation and projection, and periodically giving
To evaluate the accuracy and appropriateness of financial and
operational data that used in the identification, calculation,
separation, and information commentary.
To evaluate all assets and resources including fund, tools,
infrastructure and mankind are being economically, efficiently and
effectively used and managed.
To assure then internal control systems consistency and
effectiveness that is conducted by all levels of management.

To conduct special audit under certain circumstances.

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 71

Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Corporate External Auditor | Auditor Eksternal Perusahaan

As part of the surveillance and control structure in GMF, and

independent external auditor has an important role in giving opinion
about financial or operational performance reports appropriateness,
obedience and compatibility according to the prevail standard and

Sebagai bagian dari struktur pengawasan dan pengendalian di GMF,

peranan Eksternal Auditor sebagai pihak yang independent memiliki
posisi penting dalam memberikan pendapatan tentang kewajaran,
kepatuhan dan kesesuaian Laporan Keuangan maupun Laporan
Kinerja Operasional dengan standard dan peraturan yang berlaku.

General audit of 2006 year-book which included Financial Audit Report,

Obedience and Operational, and Information Technology was held
by the Public Accountant Office Osman Ramli Satrio & Partners (ORS).
There where no other services given by KAP to the company. The audit
service cost was Rp.330 million (three hundred and thirty million rupiahs)
including 10% PPN, out of pocket, PPh (Income Tax), and other taxe

Pelaksanaan General Audit Tahun Buku 2006, yang meliputi Audit

Laporan Keuangan, Operasional dan Kepatuhan serta Teknologi
Informasi dilaksanakan oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik Osman Ramli Satrio
& Rekan (ORS). Tidak ada jasa lain yang diberikan kepada Perusahaan
oleh KAP tersebut

Corporate Secretary Description | Uraian Sekretaris Perusahaan

GMFs Company Secretary performs multi-tasking duties as one of the

Direktors at the same time dan is responsible to the Board of Director.
With its role as liaison officer, the main responsibility is to act as a
mediator between companys interest with external as well as internal
parties, beside creating an integrated administrative system and
document keeping for the company.

Sekretaris Perusahaan GMF dijabat oleh seseorang yang juga

merangkap sebagai salah satu Direktur dan bertanggungjawab
kepada Dewan Direksi, dengan peran sebagai liaison officer dan
bertugas menjembatani kepentingan perusahaan dengan pihak
eksternal maupun internal perusahaan serta menatausahakan dan
menyimpan dokumen Perusahaan

The Corporate Secretary responsibilities are:

Kewajiban Sekretaris Perusahaan dalam melaksanakan tugasnya antara

lain sebagai berikut:
Memberikan masukan kepada Direksi dalam rangka mematuhi
ketentuan peraturan dan perundang-undangan yang berlaku
serta peraturan pelaksanannya;
Menjadi menghubung antara perusahaan dengan regulator dan
perusahaan dengan masyarakat;
Menyiapkan Daftar Khusus yang berkaitan dengan Direksi,
Komisaris dan keluarganya dalam perusahaan tersebut yang
mencakup kepemilikan saham, hubungan bisnis dan peranan
lainnya yang dapat menimbulkan benturan kepentingan;
Menghadiri rapat Direksi dan membuat Berita Acara Rapat;

To give input to Directors in obeying the prevail regulations and

law and its implementations;

To relate the company with the regulators as well as with the

To prepare a special list containing information related to the
share ownerships, business relationships and other roles of the
Directors, members of the Supervisory Board and their families in
the company that may cause conflict of interest;
To hold Directors Meeting and responsible for taking the
execution report;
Arrange Annual Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting.


Bertanggungjawab dalam penyelenggaraan RUPS Perusahaan.

| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Risk Management | Manajemen Risiko

Risk management in GMF is not only a policy of the company but

rather an integral part of the companys administrative, financial and
operational management process.

Manajemen risiko di GMF bukan sekedar kebijakan melainkan bagian

tak terpisahkan dari sistem menajemen administrasi, keuangan dan
operasional perusahaan.

In order to minimize risk, GMF has adopted Enterprise Risk

Management (ERM) methodology from COSO, which has been applied
as the companys overall management which is based on the Balance
Score Card (BSC) method.

Untuk meminimalisir risiko, GMF menggunakan metodologi ERM atau

Enterprise Risk Management versi COSO, yang diterapkan sebagai
bagian dari sistem manajemen perusahaan secara keseluruhan yang
menggunakan metode Balance Score Card (BSC).

In other words, the formulation and accomplishment of every Key

Performance Indicators (KPI) as the measurement tool used in BCS
method is assumed to entail its own inherited risk, each of which must
be assessed, responded and monitored closely by the company.

Artinya, penetapan dan pencapaian dari seluruh Key Performance

Indicator (KPI) sebagai indicator pengukuran dalam metode BSC
diasumsikan memiliki risiko terkandung (Inherent risk) yang harus terus
dikaji, ditanggulangi dan dimonitor oleh perusahaan.

Under ERM methodology, GMFs risk management process is devided

into eight main stages:

Dalam metodologi ERM, proses pengelolaan risiko GMF dibagi

menjadi delapan tahap yaitu:


Internal Environment
This means that GMF must first assess the companys internal
environment especially in determining the acceptable level of risk.
After this, the company then determines its business objectives to
be achieved in a certain period of time.


Lingkungan Internal
Artinya, GMF harus terlebih dahulu mengkaji lingkungan dan nilainilai internal perusahaan sebelum menentukan tingkat risiko yang
dapat ditorerir. Setelah menentukan tingkat risiko yang dapat
ditolerir, GMF dapat menentukan business objectives atau tujuan
usaha yang ingin dicapai dalam kurun waktu tertentu


Objective Setting
The objectives set out are then broken down and measured into
various corporate KPIs and cascaded to the various division,
business unit or operational function.


Penentuan Tujuan
Setelah itu, GMF menentukan business objective perusahaan
yang dijabarkan dan diukur dalam beragam KPI yang, diturunkan
dari korporasi hingga kesetiap divisi, unit usaha maupun fungsi
operasional tertentu


Event identification
For every KPI that has been set out, GMF will identify the most
likelihood scenario that may inhibit the company in achieving the
KPIs or the objectives.


Identifikasi kejadian
Untuk setiap KPI yang telah ditentukan, GMF kemudian
mengidentifikasi berbagai macam skenario atau kejadian yang
berisiko menghalangi pencapaian dari setiap KPI


Risk Assessment
For every risk scenario, , GMF will assess the level of risk from its
impact and likelihood that each KPI entails


Pengkajian Risiko
Untuk setiap skenario risiko, GMF kemudian mengukur tingkat
risiko dari tingkat frekuensi dan dampaknya yang mungkin
dihadapi untuk mencapai KPI tertentu


Risk Response
Having identified, assessed and measured the likelihood of risks
faced by the company, GMF then formulates and determines the
response that will be implemented to mitigate the risk. There are a
number of possible responses to choose from:


Tanggapan terhadap Risiko

Setelah mengidentifikasi, mengukur dan mengkaji kemungkinan
risiko yang dihadapi, GMF kemudian memformulasikan dan
menentukan upaya yang akan dilakukan untuk menanggulangi
risiko tersebut. Ada beberapa pendekatan yang dapat dipilih
dalam menangani risiko:
- Membagi risiko: dengan membaginya dengan pihak lain;
Misalnya melalui polis asuransi atau melalui kerjasama
konsinyasi dll.
- Mengurangi risiko : dengan usaha sendiri, GMF dapat
melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan yang dapat menekan atau
mengurangi munculnya risiko
- Menghindari risiko: biasanya dilakukan dengan mencegah
timbulnya risiko atau kejadian yang menghambat tercapainya

- Share the risk: usually by sharing the potential risk with a

third party such as insurance company or by entering into a
consignment agreement with suppliers etc.
- Reduce the risk : usually by its own initiative, GMF set initiatives
to reduce risk existence that reduce the KPIs achievement.
- Avoid the risk: usually carried out by GMF, to avoid the risks or
events from existence that dragging the achievement of KPIs.

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 73

Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Risk Management | Manajemen Risiko

- Accepting the risk: usually carried out through a close and tight
monitoring, the risks that can not be reduce, avoid and share,
this type of risk should be accepted as mean of risk mitigation.

- Menerima risiko: dilakukan melalui proses monitoring dan

kontrol yang ketat, risiko-risiko yang sudah tidak dapat dibagi,
dikurangi dan dihindari, menerima risiko ini dapat dikategorikan
sebagai langkah mitigasi.


Control Activities
Following the mitigation policy in risk response, setting detail
activities of the risk response is planned, implemented and
controlled from its achievements should be done in order to
reduce inherent risk until it residual risk is acceptable from
corporate risk appetite stand point. Time, executor, person in
charge, budget and control is monitored and controlled tighly in
this steps.


Aktifitas Kontrol
Setelah menentukan kebijakan mitigasi dalam risk response, detail
aktifitas dari risk response tersebut direncanakan, dilaksanakan
dan dikontrol pencapaiannya sehingga inherent risk berkurang
mencapai residual risk yang masuk dalam risk appetite perusahaan.
Dalam kegiatan ini waktu, pelaksana, penangung jawab, budget
serta pengontrolan dari waktu ke waktu dicatat dan dilakukan
secara ketat.


Information and Communication

In order for the risk management strategy to be effective, the
company must be able to inform and communicate its risk
management strategy to all levels of management and employees
as to allow internalization of the risk management strategy
throughout all of the companys activities


Informasi dan Komunikasi

Selanjutnya perusahaan harus menginformasikan dan
mengkomunikasikan strategi pengelolaan risiko yang diterapkan
sehingga seluruh jajaran manajemen dan karyawan GMF dapat
menginternalisasikan proses pengelolaan risiko dalam setiap
aktivitas yang dilakukan.


If it has become part of the companys management system, every
employee is expected to be able to closely monitor risks and their
minimization strategy in every activity that the undertakes


Sudah menjadi bagian dari sistem manajemen perusahaan, setiap
karyawan diharapkan untuk memonitor dengan ketat upaya
pengelolaan risiko dalam setiap aktivitas yang dilakukan.

Enterprise Risk Management & Balance Score Card

Enterprise Risk Management & Balance Score Card

In line with the development in the global business landscape, GMF

has adopted Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) method, COSO
version, which is integrated into the Balance Score Card (BSC) method
in order to set the companys strategic objectives. Then, a number of
Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are laid out to measure achievement
together with a set of planned activities are developed to assure that the
KPIs are met.

Mengacu pada perkembangan perusahaan dunia, GMF telah

mengadopsi metode Enterprise Risk Management versi COSO, yang
dipadukan dengan metode BSC, dalam menentukan Objectives
Setting perusahaan dengan pengukuran KPI yang ada serta Control
Activity-nya yang merupakan Initiatives GMF.

This mechanism was promoted in 2005 and in 2006 further socialization

and workshops were held to internalize the mechanism deep into
forming the corporate culture of GMF. The application of BSC in GMF,
which began in 2003, has now been a way of life throughout the
company down to the individual level. This proves that not only the
vision and concept are well accepted internally, but further it proves that
the management has been successful in assuring a smooth cascading
of the corporate strategic vision and plan. Every year, the effectiveness
of BSC is tested and improved through a so called Performance
Management System (PMS) mechanism.

Kegiatan ini dipromosikan oleh unit Internal Audit & Control tahun
2005, sedangkan ditahun 2006 telah dilakukan workshop dan
sosialisasi ke jajaran terkait di GMF. Penerapan BSC di GMF telah
dilakukan lebih dulu sejak tahun 2003, dan telah berjalan dengan baik
dari tahun ketahun dan telah di-cascade-kan hingga tingkat individu
dalam bentuk Sistem Manajemen Kinerja.

BSC, therefore, has been implemented almost in its full stages and
framework. The stages of ERM that have been implemented in
GMF include: Internal Environment, Event Identification, Objectives
Setting, Control Activity, Information and Communications, as well as
Monitoring. Whereas the other two stages that have just started to be
implemented are Risk Assessment and Risk Response.

Pelaksanaan BSC sendiri telah memenuhi keseluruhan atau sebagian

dari beberapa tahapan/Component ERM, antara lain: Internal
Environment, Event Identification, Objectives Setting, Control Activity,
Information & Communication serta Monitoring. Sementara tahapan
yang belum adalah Risk Assesment dan Risk Response.

In terms of risk management, 2006 did not meet the targeted

implementation of ERM. However the process proves sustainable with
continuous improvements are made as necessary. This requires full
support from all GMF employees.

Target berjalannya risk management di GMF sebagai proses yang

berkelanjutan masih belum dicapai sesuai harapan ditahun 2006,
mengingat implementasi yang membutuhkan upaya dari keseluruhan
karyawan GMF.

In 2006, GMF was able to identify 95 main risks especially in the areas of
finance, customers, as well as internal process and development. From

Ditahun 2006 dengan 2 workshop yang ada telah berhasil diidentifikasi

sebanyak 95 risiko, dari pencapaian objective di perspektif keuangan,


| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Risk Management | Manajemen Risiko

the identified risks, a number of initiatives have been prepared and
followed up including the implementation of Customer Remittance
Policy, consignment program, increased utilization of Garuda aircraft,
improved Turn Around Time, as well as the declining number of
components under suspended repair.
GMF is fully committed in further improving the achievement to
date. All the processes involved such as planning cycle, action plan
execution, monthly operational review, as well as other risks identified
along the process have continuously been increased and improved
through the so called Plan-Do-Check-Action (PDCA) system.

customer, proses internal dan pembelajaran & pengembangan. Dari

identifikasi risiko itu ada beberapa hal yang telah ditindak lanjuti
seperti pelaksanaan Customer Remittance Policy, program konsinyasi,
peningkatan utilisasi pesawat Garuda, perbaikan Turn Around Time
perawatan serta menurunnya jumlah komponen yang dalam kondisi
suspended repair. Pencapaian yang ada, masih didorong oleh adanya
proses BSC yang baik di GMF, dimana proses planning cycle, eksekusi
action plan, monthly operation review terhadap pencapaian kinerja,
serta risiko-risiko besar yang berhasil diidentifikasi selama review
diperbaiki dengan cara Plan-Do-Check-Action (PDCA) system.

In practice, the PDCA system is led by a PDCA facilitator who partly

function both BSC Officer and Risk Management officer, taking
charge on strategy development, business operation and people
management. This process in carried out and led by department
head and PDCA facilitator throughout all level and divisions of GMF
for the whole ERM Categories, Strategic, Operation, Reporting and

Sistem PDCA yang ada di GMF difasilitasi oleh PDCA fasilitator yang
juga sebagian berfungsi sebagai BSC Officer serta Risk Officer dari sisi
strategis, operasi bisnis dan pengelolaan SDM. Proses berkelanjutan ini
terus ditindaklanjuti oleh unit ataupun pimpinan unit dengan fasilitasi
PDCA fasilitator yang secara bertahap akan menangani enterprise risk
management di GMF pada katagori Strategic, Operation, Reporting serta

The role of the companys management in improving risk

management still needs to be strengthened. Especially in terms of
determining risk appetite, which needs to be translated further into
details in the form of event identification followed by the likelihood
and potential impact of such risks. Following this, the managements
role lies on formulating risk mitigation plan to be carried out at
operational level on the field. In the mean time, the role of Internal
Audit and Control must be expanded not only as promoter and
consultant, but also to assure that all stages and elements of the ERM
have been carried out as planned.

Peran managemen dalam ERM juga masih perlu diperkuat, khususnya

dari sisi penentuan risk appetite (selera risiko), dimana norma jajaran
pimpinan GMF yang telah memilih sebagai Risk Taker masih perlu
diterjemahkan secara detail dalam Event Identification serta Risk
Assesment suatu risiko serta didukung oleh data impact dan likelihoodnya. Hal lain yang masih perlu ditingkatkan dari management adalah
risk mitigation yang dipilih pelaksanaannya dilapangan. Sementara
peran dari unit Internal Audit & Control, juga masih harus diperluas lagi
dalam ERM, tidak hanya sebagai promotor dan konsultan, namun telah
diperluas lagi dengan memberikan jaminan bahwa proses ERM telah
berjalan dengan baik di GMF.

As for operational risk related to airworthiness, the risk management

activities are carried out by a Quality Assurance unit which has been
formed according to the rules and regulations related to airworthiness.
Compliance to aviation safety regulations are carried out by all relevant
divisions, supervised by control inspector on a regular basis together
with a regular compliance audit. The detailed achievement of risk
management related to safety concerns are elaborated below.

Untuk Risiko Operasional yang sifatnya menjaga keselamatan

penerbangan pesawat, kegiatan risk management dilakukan oleh unit
Quality Assurance yang telah terbentuk dengan baik sesuai peraturanperaturan yang ada dalam keselamatan penerbangan. Kepatuhan
kepada aturan-aturan keselamatan penerbangan dilaksanakan oleh
seluruh jajaran terkait, dengan control inspector yang dilakukan
pada hampir setiap tahapan, serta dilakukan regular audit terhadap
kepatuhannya. Detail pencapaian dapat dilihat pada tulisan mengenai
Safety Concern di GMF.

Implementation of Risk Management GMF 2006

Pelaksanaan Risk Management GMF 2006

In 2006, the implementation of risk management in GMF is driven

by internal audit and control unit through a number of activities
including: formation of risk management promoter task force, internal
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) exhibition in GMF, socialization of
ERM to all GMF units, two ERM workshops were conducted to better
understand corporate risks which was attended by division heads from
different divisions of GMF. The company chose the COSO version of

Di tahun 2006, implementasi Risk Management di GMF yang

dipromotori oleh unit internal audit & control telah melaksanakan
kegiatan berupa : Pembentukan gugus tugas risk management,
melakukan pameran Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) di internal GMF,
melakukan sosialisasi ERM ke unit-unit kerja di GMF, melakukan 2 kali
workshop ERM untuk memahami risiko perusahaan yang dihadiri oleh
para pejabat setingkat Kepala Bidang di GMF. Pendekatan yang dipilih
adalah pendekatan ERM versi COSO.

The above activities are crucial to identify the risks inherited in GMFs
operation to be followed up by a settlement priority according to the
stages required within ERM mechanism such as: risk response and
Control Activities. Below are how risks in the company are categorized
and mitigated to form 2006 2007 priorities, both through ERM or
Balance Score Card methods.

Aktifitas tersebut diatas dapat mengidentifikasi beberapa Risiko

yang ada di GMF untuk selanjutnya dilakukan priotas penyelesaian
sesuai dengan langkah-langkah ERM yaitu : Risk Response dan Control
Activities. Berikut adalah pengelompokan risiko perusahaan yang
mitigasinya menjadi prioritas di tahun 2006-2007 baik melalui metode
ERM maupun metode Balance Score Card.

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 75

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Risk Management | Manajemen Risiko

1. Risk from Financial Perspective
The categorization of financial risk as one of the prioritized risks
for immediate mitigation is due to its immediate impact and high
likelihood. These include:

1. Risiko pada Perspective Financial

Pengelompokan risiko financial yang menjadi prioritas untuk dilakukan
mitigasinya, karena memiliki Impact dan Likelihood yang tinggi di GMF
adalah :

Inherent risk assessment



Shortage of working capital

Risk response




Higher % current debt


Product delivery control


Improper cost structure


Weak cash flow management


Various control activities that are carried out by different untis to to

reduce the risk include: implementing Customer Remittance Policy
since April 2006, recruiting credit controller, conducting cash flow
control meeting on a weekly basis during Board of Directors meeting,
accelerating settlement of overdue receivable through aggressive
follow up as well as improving pricing structure for Garuda.

Control Activities yang dilakukan dari berbagai unit yang mengarah

untuk mengurangi risiko ini adalah : menerapkan Customer Remittance
Policy sejak April 2006, merekrut tenaga credit controller, melakukan
cash flow control meeting mingguan di rapat direksi, serta melakukan
penagihan piutang lama dengan cara-cara lanjutan serta memperbaiki
pola pricing terhadap transaksi dengan Garuda.

A number of activities have proven effective in addressing residual risk

such as GMF cash flow, better collection from customers and improved
settlement of receivables of certain customers.

Beberapa kegiatan telah menunjukan perbaikan residual risk

diantaranya adalah peningkatan cash flow GMF, perbaikan penagihan
dari customer dan perbaikan penyelesaian piutang lama untuk
beberapa customer tertentu.

2. Risk from Customer Perspective

The categorization of Customer Perspective as one of the prioritized
risks for immediate mitigation is due to its immediate impact and high
likelihood. These include:

2. Risiko pada Perspective Customer

Pengelompokan risiko di perspective customer yang menjadi prioritas
untuk dilakukan mitigasinya, karena memiliki Impact dan Likelihood
yang tinggi di GMF adalah :

Inherent risk assessment



Risk response



Customer selection


Garuda fleet reduced due to quality issue & lease termination


Inadequate promotion and lack of business intelligent


Various control activities that are carried out by different units to

reduce the risk include: implementing Customer Remittance Policy
since April 2006, improving pricing structure for Garuda, as well as
improving operational performance while raising the quality of GMFs
products and capability in order to adopt customers recommendation
into GMFs capability.

Control Activities yang dilakukan dari berbagai unit yang mengarah

untuk mengurangi risiko pada perspektif ini adalah : Menerapkan
Customer Remittance Policy sejak April 2006, memperbaiki pola
pricing terhadap transaksi dengan Garuda serta memperbaiki
kinerja operasionalnya dan juga memperbaiki kualitas produk GMF
serta kapabilitasnya, sehingga rekomendasi customer dapat ikut
meningkatkan promosi GMF.

With such mitigation, a number of results have been secured such

as more long term contracts, improved operational performance for
Garuda as well as increased capability for GMF.

Dengan mitigasi diatas, beberapa hal yang diperoleh adalah

semakin meningkatnya kontrak kerja jangka panjang yang diperoleh,
perbaikan kinerja operasional Garuda, serta meningkatkan kapabilitas


| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Risk Management | Manajemen Risiko

3. Risk from Internal Process Perspective
The categorization of Internal Process Perspective as one of the
prioritized risks for immediate mitigation is due to its immediate
impact and high likelihood. These include:

3. Risiko pada Perspective Internal Process

Pengelompokan risiko di perspective internal process yang menjadi
prioritas untuk dilakukan mitigasinya, karena memiliki Impact dan
Likelihood yang tinggi di GMF adalah :

Inherent risk assessment




Risk response

Excessive Inventory ( Overstock)


Insufficient spare part & tools


Higher price due to longer payment term


Lack of Consignment


Misplanning Work Scheduling


Lack of Control in Planning & Recording Manhours


Various control activities that are carried out by different units to

reduce the risk include: improved supply chain management through
various consignment agreement, inventory management cooperation,
improved debt payment to vendor, improved prject management
using IT system for long-term maintenance work, improved absence
as well as standardized working and break hours.

Control activities yang dilakukan untuk menekan risiko pada perspektif

Internal Process adalah ; perbaikan dari sisi supply seperti kerjasama
konsinyasi, kerjasama inventory dalam perjanjian pertukaran, perbaikan
pembayaran hutang ke vendor, perbaikan project management
dengan memanfaatkan IT untuk perawatan yang jangka waktunya lama,
perbaikan sistem absensi serta standarisasi waktu kerja dan waktu istirahat.

From such mitigation the results have included more efficient supply
chain through reduced number of workers needed at procurement
unit, improved Turn Around Time Maintenance, improved cash flow, as
well as higher utilization and higher sales of man hours.

Dari mitigasi diatas, diperoleh perbaikan yang dirasakan perbaikannya

dari sisi supply, dengan berkurangnya kebutuhan tenaga kerja diunit
pengadaan, perbaikan Turn Around Time Maintenance, cash flow yang
meningkat, serta tingkat penggunaan dan penjualan man hour yang
semakin membaik.

4. Risk from Learning and Growth Perspective

The categorization of Learning and Growth Perspective as one of
the prioritized risks for immediate mitigation is due to its immediate
impact and high likelihood. These include:

4. Risiko pada Perspective Learning & Growth

Pengelompokan risiko di perspective learning & Growth yang menjadi
prioritas untuk dilakukan mitigasinya, karena memiliki Impact dan
Likelihood yang tinggi di GMF adalah :

Inherent risk assessment



Risk response


Funding for software and infrastructure


Less professional customer support


Range and independence corporate apparatus have not complied with GCG principles


Understanding of PDCA still limited to PDCA facilitator instead of methodology


Poor / lack of communication


Low service level of network, server and applications


Lack of knowledge for IT user and administrator




More focused on buiness and operation process, causing less attention of people process


Weak leadership for target setting, coaching, counseling and mentorship


Various control activities that are carried out by different units

to reduce the risk include: conducting people process PDCA,
conducting weekly meeting on people development, conducting
regular measurable and accelerated personal development. For
Good Corporate Governance the company has improved tools
and structure used by the Board of Directors other than the top
team meeting, improve communication by publishing GMF
news, workshop, religious gatherings and other events. For IT,

Control Activities yang dilakukan untuk menekan risiko pada perspektif

Learning & Growth adalah dengan : melaksanakan people process
PDCA, melaksanakan kegiatan rapat mingguan untuk membahas
masalah people, melaksanakan program personal development yang
regular dan yang dipercepat (khususnya bagi talent people). Untuk
masalah Good Corporate Governance dilakukan dengan melengkapi
perangkat direksi, memperbaiki struktur rapat direksi khusus diluar
rapat top team, memperbaiki komunikasi dengan menerbitkan GMF
news, sarasehan, halal bihalal dan kegiatan lainnya. Untuk masalah IT,

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 77

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Risk Management | Manajemen Risiko

the company has expanded and added SAP module, utilizing
outsourcing to maintain the performance of SAP network and
increasing non SAP application, as well as conducting SAP training
for new user.

telah dilakukan upaya perluasan pemakaian dan penambahan module

SAP, pemanfaatan outsourcing untuk pemeliharaan keandalan jaringan
serta penambahan applikasi non SAP, serta melakukan training
penggunaan SAP bagi user baru.

From the above mentioned mitigation, the residual risk inherited in

the area shows that improvement hasnt been significant. However the
company keeps increasing such mitigating efforts to assure that the
remaining risks are minimised.

Dari pelaksanaan mitigasi diatas, residual risk di area ini masih belum
menunjukan perbaikan yang signifikan, namun kegiatan-kegiatan
diatas terus dilakukan agar risiko yang ada, dapat ditekan.

Follow up of ERM Implementation in GMF

IN the early part of the implementation, ERM has proven beneficial
for GMF. Using COSO approach, further ERM steps will be adopted to
further intensify the components of information and communication
as well as monitoring.

Tindak lanjut Implementasi ERM di GMF.

Pada pelaksanaan awal diatas, ERM telah menunjukkan manfaat
di GMF. Menggunakan pendekatan COSO, maka langkah-langkah
ERM berikutnya yang akan dilakukan adalah lebih mengintensifkan
komponen information & communication serta komponen

Both components together with other ERM components that have

been implemented will be further intensified and integrated to more
units in GMF.

Kedua komponen tersebut bersama komponen-komponen ERM

lain yang telah dilaksanakan, akan lebih diintensifkan lagi dengan
melibatkan lebih banyak unit kerja di GMF.

The formation of Risk Management Committee, a special unit in GMF

responsible for EMR implementation or other special units are needed
to assure a better application of risk management in GMF in the
coming year. Implementation of ERM in GMF has been integrated into
Balance Score Card method which also proves effective in GMF.

Pembentukan komite risiko, unit kerja khusus di GMF yang menangani

ERM ataupun badan-badan khusus yang dibutuhkan agar proses ERM
berjalan lebih baik lagi, akan menjadi perhatian utama dalam aktifitas
Risk Management di GMF pada tahun-tahun yang akan datang..
Implementasi ERM di GMF yang dipadukan dengan penerapan
metode Balance Score Card, akan terus dilanjutkan mengingat hal ini
telah berjalan cukup baik di GMF.

Safety Concern of GMF

Keselamatan Penerbangan di GMF

In line with the companys mission to provide high quality aircraft

maintenance and repair services in promoting higher quality of life
for human beings, GMF always prioritizes safety of flight passengers.
Therefore, the company always strives to improve its delivery both
for aircrafts and their components. This improvement efforts begin
with assuring compliance to safety rules and regulations according
to the standards imposed by the worlds aviation agencies such as
FAA, EASA, and DSKU. The completion of this stage is categorized as
Continuing Airworthiness. The level of compliance is shown by the
certificates awarded by the relevant bodies, which must be maintained
or even increased in terms of its scope and capability from time to
time. (GMFs awards & certifications). Every certificate is provided after
the company successfully passes a strict audit and validation test
when acquiring, extending or increasing its certification. So far, GMF
has successfully responded to audit findings in a timely manner both
through preventive and curative actions in order to extend its existing

Sesuai misi perusahaan sebagai penyedia jasa perawatan pesawat demi

terciptanya peningkatan kualitas hidup manusia serta keselamatan
penerbangan yang lebih baik, GMF dari tahun ketahun selalu berusaha
memperbaiki kinerja keselamatan penerbangan terhadap pesawat
ataupun komponen-nya yang dirawat di GMF. Perbaikan ini, diawali
dengan kepatuhan kepada peraturan keselamatan penerbangan,
dengan mengacu pada peraturan standard terkini dari badan badan
keselamatan penerbangan dunia seperta FAA dan EASA, DSKU, dll yang
termasuk dalam kategori Continuing Airworthiness. Kepatuhan ini dapat
dibuktikan dari adanya sertifikasi yang diberikan oleh badan keselamatan
penerbangan itu, yang dapat dipertahankan bahkan ditingkatkan
kapabilitasnya dari waktu kewaktu. (lihat daftar sertifikasi GMF). Pemberian
sertifikasi dilakukan dengan kegiatan audit terlebih dahulu. Demikian juga
pada saat akan mempertahankan validitas sertifikat yang jatuh tempo
atau pada saat akan menambahkan kapabilitas dari GMF. Penyelesaian
temuan audit yang ada, selalu dilakukan secara baik oleh GMF dari sisi
penyelesaian preventif maupun kuratifnya, sehingga sertifikasi dapat terus

The companys complete range of infrastructure and facilities plays

a crucial role in meeting the standards set by the authorities from air
quality standard, equipment calibration standard, as well as provision
of maintenance manual which functions as the most updated working
reference. While also maintaining the quality of maintenance and
safety concerns in carrying out its works, GMF has been successful in
assuring safety of all the aircrafts that it handles. A strong system and
well organized working procedure have also helped the company in
increasing its quality of service.

Kelengkapan sarana dan prasarana yang dibutuhkan dalam perawatan

juga tetap dijaga agar tetap memenuhi standard peraturan yang ada.
Dimulai dari standard kualitas udara dalam ruangan, kalibrasi peralatan
yang dikontrol validitasnya dari waktu kewaktu, serta penyediaan
manual perawatan sebagai referensi kerja yang paling update. Serta
ditambah dengan sarana IT yang cukup dan sesuai kebutuhan, fasilitas
perawatan GMF dapat selalu mempertahankan kualitas perawatan dan
keselamatan penerbangan pesawat yang dirawatnya. Demikian juga
dengan system dan procedur kerja yang tertata dengan baik sehingga
memberikan keteraturan yang dapat meningkatkan mutu serta
kualitas dari pekerjaan perawatan yang dilakukan.


| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Risk Management | Manajemen Risiko

In terms of human resources, high skills and awareness related to
good Quality & safety concerns are also improved from time to time.
GMF maintains employees awareness and concerns over safety
matters through the creation of GMF Corporate University, which
was accredited by the DSKU, to provide trainings for employees. The
amount of training in 2006 reached 4% out of the total working hours
registered by employees.

Perbaikan dari sisi manusia, baik ketrampilan maupun awareness

terhadap mutu dan safety, terus dibangun dari waktu kewaktu.
Dengan adanya GMF Corporate University yang sudah di-approved
oleh DSKU serta dengan program-program training yang disiapkan
serta dengan pelaksanaan training yang hampir mencapai 4% dari
waktu kerja karyawan pada tahun 2006, ketrampilan karyawan GMF
serta motifasi kerja yang tinggi terhadap mutu dan peningkatan
keselamatan penerbangan dapat tetap dijaga.

The Quality Assurance unit reporting directly to the President Director

helps the company in maintaining its quality of service related to
safety concerns by conducting regular inspections on the most crucial
elements in the companys line of operation such as compliance,
completion, conformity, validity of documents, and validity of licenses
of GMF employees. The unit also functions as an internal auditor that
assures that all aircraft, engines and components that GMF handles
always meet the good quality & safety standard.

Unit Quality Assurance sebagai staf organisasi dibawah direktur utama

yang selalu menjaga kualitas dengan melakukan pekerjaan inspeksi
pada tahapan-tahapan penting dalam proses perawatan, menjaga
system dan prosedur perusahaan dari sisi kepatuhan, kelengkapan,
kesesuaiannya dari waktu kewaktu, serta menjaga validitas dari
dokumen dokumen penting pesawat serta validitas lisensi dari
personel yang bekerja di GMF. Unit ini juga merupakan internal audit
bagi kualitas mutu dan keselamatan di GMF agar semua pesawat,
engine dan komponen yang dirawat di GMF dapat tetap terjaga.

A number of activities that the Quality Assurance Unit performed to

maintain and improve aircrafts quality and safety in 2006 included:

Beberapa hal yang dilakukan oleh unit Quality Assurance selama 2006
yang telah mempertahankan dan memperbaiki tingkat mutu dan
keselamatan penerbangan adalah sebagai berikut :




Performing compliance audit on the companys compliance level

to 93 regulations governing Airworthiness, as well as procedure
audit on 45 different working units, product audit on 25 types of
products and special process audit on 3 units that involve special
process in their operation.
Maintaining certificates on Component with the following details:


Description | Keterangan




Maintaining exiting approval

4,884 components

708 components

43 components

Acquiring new approval

948 components

157 components

1 component

Maintaining special approval

Total Approval





Melakukan kegiatan internal audit terhadap audit compliance

pada 93 peraturan Airworthiness maupun Quality dengan subyek
Procedure Audit pada 45 unit kerja, Product Audit untuk 25 jenis
product dan Special Process Audit pada 3 unit yang memiliki
special process dalam perawatan pesawat.
Mempertahankan sertifikasi terhadap Component dengan rincian
data sbb :

22 components
5,832 components

Conducting inspection, audit and approval to 177 GMFs vendors

as suppliers of spare parts whose quality meets the airworthiness
standard. The same was also applied to 675 suppliers of Garuda
as GMFs biggest customer whose materials management were
outsourced to GMF
Meeting the airworthiness standards stipulated by authorities in nine
countries such as Indonesia, United States, European Union, India,
Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, Papua New Guinea, and Yemen.
Managing 13 different types of procedure manuals that are
required by aviation safety regulations from the policy level down
to working instructions governing advancement, completion, and
compliance of the procedure.
Preparing, evaluating, and maintaining validity of individual
license that authorize around 2,000 employees both permanent
and temporary, in order to meet GMFs needs and standard

887 components





44 components

Melakukan inspeksi, audit dan approval terhadap 177 vendor GMF

agar tetap menjadi supplier spare part pesawat dengan kualitas
yang sesuai dengan airworthiness standard. Demikian juga
terhadap 675 vendor list yang dikeluarkan oleh Garuda sebagai
customer utama GMF, karena pengelolaan materialnya sebagian
diserahkan ke GMF.
Mentaati peraturan peraturan standard kelaikan udara yang
ditetapkan oleh 9 negara yaitu Indonesia, Amerika, Uni Eropa,
India, Malaysia, Singapura, Afrika Selatan, Papua Nugini, Yemen.
Mengelola 13 jenis buku pedoman prosedur yang diharuskan oleh
peraturan keselamatan penerbangan, dari tingkat policy hingga
tingkat Instruksi kerja dari segi kemutahiran, kelengkapannya serta
kepatuhan dari pelaksana prosedur tersebut.
Menyiapkan, mengevaluasi serta menjaga validitas lisensi
individu dari +/- 2000 orang tenaga kerja langsung yang tetap
atau temporer, yang dibutuhkan di GMF sehingga dapat dijamin
kompetensi pegawai yang mengerjakan perawatan telah sesuai
dengan standard.

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 79

Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Supervisory & Control | Pengawasan & Pengendalian

Supervisory and control process throughout GMF is meant to increase

internal control function by every business unit in GMF.
The structure of GMFs supervisory and control function comprises of:
1. Supervisory Board
2. Audit Committee
3. Internal Auditor
4. Head of Business Units and Staffs
5. External Auditor
The Supervisory Board is responsible for the process of coordination
andimplementation of the control and supervisory function at GMF.

Pengendalian dan pengawasan di GMF secara umum dilakukan guna

meningkatkan pengendalian internal (Internal Control) yang baik oleh
seluruh unit kerja di GMF.
Struktur pengendalian dan pengawasan di GMF, meliputi:
1. Dewan komisaris.
2. Komite audit..
3. Auditor Internal.
4. Kepala Unit kerja dan karyawan.
5. Auditor Eksternal.
Sementara itu, Dewan Komisaris bertanggung jawab terhadap
proses koordinasi dan implementasi dari fungsi pengendalian dan
pengawasan di GMF.

Plan Do Check Action (PDCA).

GMFs adoption of PDCA represents the importance of continuous
improvement for the company and is part of the companys framework
and management code of conduct since 2003. PDCA stands for and
consists of Plan, Do, Check and Action which forms a cycle of the
companys organization improvement. In order to create a winning
organization, PDCA must synergize between people cycle and
business cycle.

Plan Do Check Action (PDCA)

Pengertian PDCA yang melambangkan perbaikan yang terus menerus,
dianut GMF sebagai bagian dari kerangka kerja dan standar praktik
manajemen sejak tahun 2003. Siklus PDCA adalah siklus Plan Do
Check Action yang harus berputar terus menerus untuk memperbaiki
organisasi. Untuk menjadi organisasi pemenang, proses PDCA di
business cycle dan people cycle harus berputar selaras.

The Plan stage assures clarity of role, target, action plan, budget
and overall readiness of every working team seen from various
aspects. the following table describes an example of the Plan stage in

Tahap Plan, memastikan kejelasan peran, target, rencana kerja

anggaran biaya serta kesiapan tim dari segala aspek. Contoh tahapan
Plan adalah seperti pada tabel berikut:

Planning Cycle 2006 | Siklus Perencanaan 2006

06 Sep

08-16 Sep

PDCA Coord.

Planning Cycle

26-27 Aug

08-22 Sep


10 Oct

21 Oct



28-29 Sep

24 - 28 Sep

Review I
(Raker I)

Planning I
(Rapim I)

Review II
(Raker II)

Validate Strategic Intent

Basic Assumption
for planning

Review Business Policy

Final agreements
battle field
Review Global Challenge

Synchronize and balance

Key Performance Targets

Resources balancing

Top Team

PDCA Dinas
Resource Person

Top Team
PDCA Dinas
Selected GM

PDCA Dinas
Resource Person

Top Team
PDCA Dinas
Selected Gm

Association Chart
OPEX Budget

Revised 5 years policy

Master Budget (final
President Message

Activity Plan
Budget & Resource Plan

2 Days
(Schedule per Dinas)



20 Sep
SIT & Dinas

24 - 25 Sep
Planning II
(Rapim II)



1 Day

2 Days
(Schedule per Dinas)

2 Days





Cycle Fac.


PDCA Dinas





Tim Planning

Resource Person

Tim Planning

Resource Person

Tim Planning



Association Chart
Budget Form

Activity Plan
Budget Form


| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Kick Off


Up to Managers level

Final Draft: Dinas AP

Proposed Team
Master Budget (Final
President Letter

Planning assumption
KPI Correlation map
Revised SM & KPI


January 12th 2006

2 Days

- Days



Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Supervisory & Control | Pengawasan & Pengendalian

The Do stage means that every resources and time are utilized to
meet the planned target

Tahap Do, mengerjakan rencana kerja secara sungguh-sungguh

dengan sumber daya dan waktu yang tersedia untuk mencapai target
yang direncanakan.

In the Check stage, all working teams are gathered to perform

an overall evaluation of the process by comparing progress with
planned target. When the progress falls short of the target, the team
must immediately seek for remedy and complete the process in line
with the agreed and planned target. The Check stage can be done
on a weekly, monthly and quarterly basis depending on the needs
and demands for participation and contribution expected of every
working team. An example of the evaluation meeting management
and schedule in GMF to meet the Check requirement is described in
GMF taxonomy meeting held in 2006 as shown by the following table.

Tahap Check, seluruh tim berkumpul mengadakan evaluasi

menyeluruh dan membandingkan hasil pencapaian dengan target.
Ketika hasil tidak mencapai target, dicari penyebab penyimpangan
itu sampai tuntas. Proses tahap Check ini dapat dilakukan mingguan,
bulanan atau kuartalan sesuai kebutuhan dan tuntutan peran serta
kontribusi masing-masing tim. Contoh pengelolaan atau jadwal
pertemuan di GMF untuk memenuhi tahapan Check, salah satunya
dapat dilihat pada taxonomy meeting GMF tahun 2006 berikut:

Tabel Taxonomy Meeting

Approved for

Group-wide Meeting Taxonomy 2006

Business Cycle

Name & Agenda Of Meeting

Frequency &

Team Roster

Hadinoto Soedigno,
President Director

Led By


( Exco )

0. BoD Coordination
Review Strategic Matters

0. Wed




( Exco )

A. Top Team Coordination

Operating Matters & Business
Discuss Emergent Strategies & Roundtables

A. Wed




( Exco )

B. Management Review of Operations

Consolidated Operating Results by Unit
Review Impact of Group Actions and Critical BU Action
Management Review of Business Portfolio

B. 10th 18th

selective GMs/
BP Leaders



( Exco )

C. Group Strategy Review

Review of SIT implementations vs Key Milestones
Critical decision making and policy

C. Apr, Jul,
Oct, Jan

selective GMs/
BP Leaders



D. Aug Dec

selective GMs/
BP Leaders



E. Jan



Semi Annual
F. Mar & Sep

selective GMs


VP of

( Exco )

( Exco )


E. Annual Strategy Conference

Kick-off Next-year Business Plans
Issuance of Management Directives for Business Leaders,
Team Owners and Team Leaders
Celebrations of achievements, Award & Recognitions

( Exco )

Group Strategic Planning Cycle 2X (Rapim I & II)

Revisit Five-year Policy and Issue Planning Guidelines
Integration of SBUs Strategy, Activity Plans & Budgets
Resource Allocation Decisions

Quality System Management Review

Review internal and external quality audit report
Discuss customer complaints, supplier performance &
other quality matters
Identify improvement ideas and corrective actions

B. 20th 30h

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 81


Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Supervisory & Control | Pengawasan & Pengendalian

Lanjutan Tabel Taxonomy Meeting


Name & Agenda Of Meeting

Management G. SBU/OPU Management Coordination

Operating Performance Review
( Mancom )
Discuss Emergent Operational Issues

( Mancom )

( Mancom )


H. SBU/OPU Management Review of Operations

SBU Performance Results & Other Operating Matters
Operating Performance Review
Discuss Emergent Strategies



Business Strategy Review 2X (Raker I & II)

Review Business Policy
Next-year Business & Activity Plan
Synchronize and balance Key Performance Targets

SIT Coordination
Review Status of Implementation vs Key Milestones
Problem Identification & Corrective Action


K. Functional Activity Review

Review Achievement of Key Performance Targets
Problem Identification & Corrective Action


L. Operational Coordination and Briefing

Technical-Operation / Customer Complaint / Market
Briefing & Reporting
Hierarchical Information Disseminations & updates

Frequency &

Team Roster

Led By


G. Tue / Thu

key staff
Selective SBUs



H. 2nd 9th

key staff
Selective SBUs



I. Sep Nov

key staff
Selective SBUs



J. W1 & W3

Team Members



Function Team
Function Team



K. Independent

L. Independent

Team Leaders /


The Action stage is meant to agree on and implement the set of

actions to fix and chase up the remaining target to be met.

Tahap Action, menyepakati dan melakukan tindakan perbaikan untuk

mengejar target yang belum tercapai.

Throughout each stage of PDCA, every team or tam member will

receive and respond to feedbacks given by other team or team
member, which are then to be integrated into their respective work
and responsibility.

Pada saat proses PDCA berlangsung, setiap tim/individu menerima

dan mengelola umpan balik dari tim/individu lain untuk diintegrasikan
dalam pekerjaan yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya.

The overall PDCA process is managed by a PDCA facilitator. GMF

appoints PDCA facilitator at every level of the organization up to
Division Head level. These PDCA facilitators will assure that PDCA are
applied to cover both business cycle and people cycle.

Keseluruhan tahapan PDCA, dikelola oleh PDCA fasilitator. GMF

membentuk PDCA fasilitator mulai dari tingkat korporat sampai tingkat
Kepala Bidang. PDCA facilitators kemudian memastikan bahwa proses
PDCA mencakup Business Cycle dan People Cycle.


| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Supervisory & Control | Pengawasan & Pengendalian

Combined with the implementation of Balance Score Card and
Enterprise Risk Management, PDCA activities become a very effective
tool in improving the companys performance on the strategic and
operational level.

Dikombinasikan dengan implementasi Balance Score Card dan

Enterprise Risk Management, maka aktifitas PDCA sangat berperan
dalam meningkatkan kinerja strategis dan operasional.

PDCA Facilitator Role | Peran PDCA Facilitator



Players Play To Win

Good listener
Knows the business
Leadership potential

Players Play

Event Happen

Ensures all team roster play their role

Performs research support
Maintains info resources
Anticipates info needs
Provides IT support

Ensures all team roster give high

Actively participates in team
problem solving
Capable to prepare comparative
Recommends course of action
during team deliberations

Ensures success of all meetings

Manages calendar of events
Follows up on team decisions
Documents team meetings

Chief Celebration Officer

Internal Control on Individual

Based on the corporate strategy and KPI, the company then cascade
and internalize the strategy and KPIs down to Department, Division,
and individual levels. The individual assessment uses the so called
Performance Management System (PMS), which is conducted based
on the respective KPIs of each individual. The individual assessment is
also done by combining additional work of the respective individual.
In order to further motivate individual performance, the assessment
resulted from the PMS will be linked to the corresponding reward or
increase in monthly income of every individual.

Pengendalian Internal untuk Individu.

Berdasarkan strategi dan KPI tingkat Korporat, kemudian dilakukan
penjabaran dan penurunan strategi dan KPI untuk tingkat Dinas,
Bidang dan seterusnya sampai diperoleh KPI pada tingkat individu.
Proses penilaian individu yang menggunakan Sistem Manajemen
kinerja (SMK), dilakukan dengan memperhatikan KPI masingmasing
individu. Penilaian individu, juga dilakukan dengan mengkombinasikan
tugas -tugas tambahan yang dibebankan kepada individu yang
bersangkutan. Untuk lebih mendorong kinerja setiap individu,
maka hasil penilaian seseorang yang menggunakan SMK, kemudian
dikaitkan dengan pemberian Reward ataupun kenaikan pendapatan

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 83

Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Social and Environmental Balances | Keseimbangan Sosial dan Lingkungan

GMF had conducted a few routine and non routine activities in

carrying out its social responsibility in 2006, including:

GMF telah melakukan beberapa kegiatan yang sifatnya rutin maupun

non rutin, dalam mengemban tugas sosial perusahaan ditahun 2006,
seperti beberapa kegiatan berikut:





GMF provides consume r protections that at this time had included the
stage of guarantee provision on its maintenance services, other than
on repair, flight safety and on-time maintenance from time to time.

Perlindungan kepada konsumen yang diberikan oleh GMF sampai saat

ini ada pada tahapan pemberian garansi terhadap produk perawatan
yang diberikan, disamping perbaikan keselamatan penerbangan dan
ketepatan waktu perawatan yang terus dilakukan dari waktu ke waktu.

Adding and maintaining certification awarded to GMF, providing

mandatory training and increasing skills, maintaining employee
license, and most importantly continuously assuring the validity of
calibration equipment, assuring that all facilities are qualified according
to its requirements, as well as assuring that GMF always prioritizes
improvements of procedures, quality, and Reliability Control.

Akibat lainnya adalah menambah dan mempertahankan sertifikasi

yang ada di GMF, memberikan pelatihan yang bersifat mandatory
maupun peningkatan keahlian, mempertahankan lisensi pegawai dan
yang terpenting lagi adalah menjaga validitas kalibrasi peralatan kerja
serta fasilitas yang sesuai dengan persyaratannya, Untuk meningkatkan
mutu, GMF secara terus menerus melakukan kegiatan perbaikan
prosedur serta perbaikan mutu dengan Reliability Control

Program, Control Framework and Six Sigma, assuring that all

working documents are properly referenced, quality control process
sustainable from upstream to down stream, as well as assuring that
all maintenance are recorded according to its requirement. Whereas
to improve on time production, GMF has used project management
application on works involving engine maintenance and base
maintenance, as well as establishing maintenance control center that
controls line maintenance and supports Garudas flight operation.

Aktifitas yang juga dilakukan adalah melaksanakan program

kerja / Gugus Kendali Mutu menjaga proses quality control yang
berkesinambungan dari hulu ke hilir, serta menyimpan dokumendokumen perawatan sesuai dengan persyaratan yang ada. Sedangkan
untuk memperbaiki ketepatan waktu, GMF telah menggunakan
aplikasi Project Management terhadap pengerjaan-pengerjaan di Engine
Maintenance dan Base Maintenance, serta membuat Maintenance
Control Center yang mengontrol perawatan di Line Maintenance dan
membantu operasi penerbangan pesawat Garuda.





GMF continuosly improves employees prosperity since its

establishment on than continuously increases employees skills
through internal training and education.

Perbaikan kesejahteraan karyawan GMF secara terus menerus

dilakukan GMF sejak berdirinya, disamping juga dengan peningkatan
kemampuan karyawannya melalui pendidikan.

The supporting data that can be presented now is the changes in

salary overheads, Revenue per Employee with compensation benefits
and Revenue per employee as shown in the folloing graphics.

Data pendukung yang dapat disampaikan dalam hal ini adalah besarnya
perubahan Biaya pegawai, Revenue per employee compensation benefit
dan Revenue per Employee sesuai grafik berikut.

Revenue & Employee Compensation Benefit







Rev./Enp. C&B

Revenue per Employee

Compensation & Benefit




Trillion IDR



| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Social and Environmental Balances | Keseimbangan Sosial dan Lingkungan

Improvement of employees Compensation and Benefit compared to
employees productivity as shown by the graphic below:

Perbaikan Compensation dan Benefit pegawai jika dibandingkan

dengan peningkatan produktifitas pegawai dapat dilihat pada grafik







Employee education and trainings are provided for free in the country
and abroad, with various types of trainings such as mandatory
trainings, skills training and managerial and sharing sessions that the
company facilitates. 2006 recorded total training hours of 171,264
hours or 3.71% of total working hours.

Pendidikan yang diberikan ke pegawai secara cuma-cuma didalam

maupun diluar negeri, juga diberikan oleh GMF dengan jenis
training yang bervariasi dari training mandatory, training keahlian
training managerial serta berbagai sharing session yang difasilitasi
oleh perusahaan maupun atas inisiatif perorangan pegawai GMF.
Pencapaian training time di tahun 2006 adalah sebesar 171,264 jam
training atau setara 3.71% dari jam kerja yang tersedia.

Improvement of management performance evalution and reward

system as well as improvement of employees development system
have also been carried out with the following steps:
GMF has implemented Performance Management System
Improvement: using a cascading method from Balance Score
Card KPIs and initiatives from the level cooperatives, department,
sections and down to individual, so that every individual has the
responsibility to achieve the KPI, Initiative and company goals that
have been set. On top of that, the existing PMS has also included
additional employees development program, and specific
roles especially designed to provided additional evaluation
so that every employee can achieve their personal objective.
The formulation of PMS was done at the beginning of the year,
whereas coaching and counseling by supervisors are carried out
monthly with evaluation in the middle and end of the year.

Perbaikan penilaian performance management serta perbaikan system

reward juga telah dilakukan di GMF dengan langkah-langkah berikut:

Reward System Improvement: using the existing PMS, every

individual has the incentive that is proportionately formulated
in line with grading and prevailing incentive policy (in 2006
the incentive was 500%). Provision of non financial reward is
also implemented to best performing employees in the form
of certificate down to the department level. At the same time,
negative reward is also given according to GMFs working contract
with employees, which is also measured through its achievements
of KPI Ethic Violation (Heavy: Light: Medium) with weighing of
(0.25%:0.04%:0.02%) out of the number of employees.




The companys corporate social responsibility program in 2006


Sponsorship given to community and social events which cost

the company up to Rp50.5 million such as the Heart Foundation,
Open Junior High School, the INACA and IAMSA.
GMF employees are routinely participating in blood donor
program once every three months collaborating with the

Perbaikan Sistem Manajemen kinerja: Dengan menggunakan

cascading dari Balance Score Card KPI dan Intiatif dari tingkat
Korporasi, Dinas, Bidang, Seksi hingga tingkat individu, telah
dterapkan di GMF, sehingga masing-masing orang punya
tanggung jawab terhadap pencapaian KPI, Inisiatif dan akhirnya
tujuan perusahaan. Disamping itu dalam PMS yang ada juga telah
dimasukkan penambahan kegiatan pengembangan pegawai
serta tugas tugas khusus yang diberikan kepada pegawai yang
merupakan faktor penilaian tambahan, sehingga penilaian
pegawai yang objective dapat dicapai. Proses pembuatan PMS
dilakukan di awal tahun, proses Coaching dan Counseling oleh
atasan dilakukan dengan target tiap bulanan, serta penilaiannya
dilakukan di tengah dan akhir tahun.
Perbaikan Reward System: Dengan hasil penilaian PMS yang ada,
individu memperoleh insentif yang proporsional antara nilai dengan
insentif policy yang diberikan (insentif tahun 2006 adalah 500%).
Pemberian non finansial reward juga dilakukan kepada pegawai
yang berprestasi dalam bentuk sertifikat, sampai dengan tingkat
terbaik di dinas. Sementara untuk negative reward juga dilakukan
sesuai dengan Perjanjian Kerja Sama GMF dengan Pegawai, yang
juga diukur pencapaiannya dengan KPI Ethic Violation (Berat : Ringan
: Sedang) yang pada tahun 2006 pencapaiannya adalah: (0.25% :
0.04% : 0.02%) dari jumlah pegawai.


Pengembangan tanggung jawab social perusahaan terhadap

komunitas ditahun 2006 adalah dengan melakukan program-program
seperti :
Sponsorship terhadap event-event tertentu serta kegiatan sosial yang
menyerap dana sebesar Rp 50,5 juta seperti aktivitas yang dilakukan
bersama Yayasan Jantung Sehat, SLTP Terbuka, INACA dan IAMSA.
Donor Darah yang secara rutin dilakukan oleh GMF setiap 3 bulan
sekali bekerja sama dengan PMI cabang Tangerang serta GMF

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 85

Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Social and Environmental Balances | Keseimbangan Sosial dan Lingkungan

Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), Tangerang Branch, as well as GMF

Employee Club with total participants averaging 350 people. The
program cost the company Rp26.5 million
Donations to orphane kids around the airport
Making GMF as a workshop deestinations for schools and
instituions in the Greater Jakarta area, Yogyakarta, Surabaya,
Bandung, Solo and Pekanbaru. The total number of students that
have visited the company facility are:

Employee Club dengan rata-rata peserta donor sebanyak 350 orang

serta menyerap dana sebesar Rp. 26.5 juta.

- Kindergarten : 77 visits with total number of students reaching

8,950 students
- Elementary School: 15 visits with total number of students
reaching 2,400 students
- Junior High School: 2 visits with total number of students
reaching 280 students
- High School: 3 visits with total number of students reaching
525 students
- University: 12 visits with total number of students reaching 640
- Institutions: 6 visits with 701 people

Pemberian bantuan kepada anak-anak yatim piatu di kawasan

Bandara Soekarno - Hatta.
Menjadikan GMF sebagai sarana Karya Wisata / Studi Wisata bagi
murid sekolah dan instansi yang ada di Jabodetabek, Jogjakarta,
Surabaya, Bandung, Solo, Pekanbaru yang masing-masing
jumlahnya adalah :
- Tingkat TK: 77 kunjungan dengan jumlah 8.950 siswa
- Tingkat SD: 15 kunjungan dengan jumlah 2.400 siswa
- Tingkat SLTP: 2 kunjungan dengan jumlah 280 siswa
- Tingkat SMU: 3 kunjungan dengan jumlah 525 siswa
- Universitas: 12 kunjungan dengan jumlah 640 mahasiswa
- Instansi: 6 kunjungan dengan jumlah 701 orang

Making GMF a main internship destinations for school and

university students:
- Vocational High School: 201 students with 2 month average
- Aviation High School: 102 students with 3-month average
- Graduate: 193 students with 2-month average internship

Making GMF a main field research facility for dissertation

completion with 16 students who spent 1.5 month or research
time on average

Menjadikan GMF sebagai tempat studi dalam penulisan tugas

Akhir Kuliah Sarjana yang mencapai 16 orang dengan rata-rata
waktu studi selama 1.5 bulan.

Focumlation education curriculum for Aviatoin High School which

was accredited by the Ministry of Education as well as the Ministry
of Transportation. The curriculum is not fully implemented in 12
high schools throughout Indonesia

Membuat Kurikulum Pendidikan SMK penerbangan yang telah

diakreditasi oleh Departemen Pendidikan dan kebudayaan serta
Departemen Perhubungan serta telah diterapkan oleh 12 SMK
yang ada di Indonesia.

Providing relief supports to earthquake victims in Yogyakarta in the

form of canned food and cash. The activities were carried out by
GMF Guerilla team

Memberikan bantuan tanggap darurat pada gempa di Jogjakarta,

berupa pakaian, makanan siap saji serta bantuan keuangan, yang
pelaksanaan lapangannya dilakukan oleh tim Gurila GMF

Providing religious supports for employees and families as well

as for the surrounding community through sponsoring religious
gatherings and events such as Halal Bil Halal, Mosque development,
Mass Circumvention, groups breakfasting and Christmas celebraton.

Dukungan pada kehidupan beragama para karyawan dan

keluarganya serta masyarakat sekitar bandara dalam berbagai
kegiatan seperti Halal Bil Halal, Pembangunan Masjid, Khitanan
Masal, Buka Bersama serta perayaan Ibadah Natal.





Menjadikan GMF sebagai tempat Praktek Kerja Lapangan bagi

siswa maupun mahasiswa yang mencapai:
- SMK: 201 orang dengan rata-rata waktunya hampir 2 bulan
- SMK Penerbangan: 192 orang dengan rata-rata waktunya
hampir 3 bulan
- S1: 193 orang dengan rata-rata waktunya hampir 2 bulan

GMFs environment preservatoin program in 2006 included:

Program pelestarian lingkungan yang ada di GMF selama tahun 2006

adalah :

Menjadi Pusat Halon Bank untuk Indonesia, dimana pemakaian

gas halon yang dapat merusak lapisan Ozone dipermukaan bumi,
harus dikontrol dan digunakan secara bertanggung jawab. Tahun
2006, Pertamina telah menyerahkan pengelolaan gas Halon
mereka ke GMF.

Menyediakan Water & Waste Treatment Plant, yang sudah ada sejak
GMF berdiri yang bertujuan untuk menguraikan limbah yang
didapat dari setiap pesawat yang ditangani GMF di Cengkareng.

Establishing a Halon Bank for Indonesia, wherein control of

halon gas which damages the ozone surface is controlled and
responsibly process and used. In 2006, the Pertamina oursourced
its Halon gas processing and management to GMF.


| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Social and Environmental Balances | Keseimbangan Sosial dan Lingkungan

Water and waste treatment plant, which began operation since

the day GMF was established functions to desolve and process
residual waste of every flight that GMF took care in Cengkareng

Keeping incident and accident level to a minimum, especially for

aircraft that GMF handles. The result of this activity can be seen on
achievement of Technical Incident KPI and Accident Rate

Clean river program at the Ciliwung river as well as 5R/5S

programs conducted around GMFs area

Supporting fuel efficiency program for Garuda Indonesia by

providing performance date and flight plan of B 747-400 and
A330, as well as fuel burn performanc improvement based on the
aircrafts system, structure and engine.

Menjaga tingkat Incident dan Accident penerbangan sampai level

minimum terhadap produk perawatan pesawat yang dilakukan
GMF. Hasil dari kegiatan ini dapat dilihat pada KPI Technical Incident
dan Accident Rate.

Melaksanakan program kali bersih di sungai Ciliwung serta

program 5R/5S di area perkantoran di GMF.

Mendukung program fuel efficiency untuk Garuda dengan

menyediakan data performance penerbangan pesawat B 747400 dan A 330, serta perbaikan kinerja fuel burn karena pengaruh
system dan struktur pesawat serta engine.

Information Disclosure | Penyebarluasan Informasi

As part of the disclosure policy, GMF manages to enhance

distribution of material information both internally and externally, by
taking advantage of the existing provided facilities and accessible
communication available for stakeholders through internet media,
intranet and e-mail. All company related information regarding
products and services can be accessed by customers and business
partners through GMFs website: and Besides, other means of information
dissemination carried out by the company are through brochure,
banner and flyer.

Untuk meningkatkan transparansi informasi, baik secara internal

maupun eksternal, PT GMF AeroAsia memberikan fasilitas dan
kemudahan berkomunikasi dengan para stakeholder melalui media
internet, intranet dan e-mail. Segala informasi perusahaan yang
berkaitan dengan produk dan layanan PT GMF AeroAsia dapat diakses
oleh para customer dan partner bisnis di website: dan Selain itu bentuk
penyebaran informasi lainnya yang dimiliki perusahaan adalah brosur,
banner dan fliers.

While in order to enhancing internal information and communication

disclosure, all GMF employees throughout major cities in Indonesia as
well as oversea can utilize intranet facility as one of communication
means also through GMF Today bulletin, which then changed its
name to become GMF News. The use of corporate e-mail facility
which is provided to each GMF staff as a means of information is also
conducted and regulated by the e-mail administrator. Messaging
system has also been applied both through windows and SAP
application system used at GMF.

Sedangkan untuk memperkuat arus informasi dan komunikasi di

internal perusahaan, para karyawan GMF yang tersebar di beberapa
kota besar Indonesia maupun luar negeri dapat memanfaatkan
fasilitas intranet sebagai media komunikasi dan bulletin GMF News.
Pemanfaatan fasilitas e-mail korporat yang diberikan kesetiap individu
pegawai GMF, sebagai sarana informasi juga dilakukan dan diatur oleh
e-mail administrator. Messaging System juga diterapkan baik melalui
sistem operasi windows maupun melalui sistem aplikasi SAP yang
digunakan di GMF.

Meanwhile, for communication with aircraft, in 2006 the

communication system of using web and e-mail was introduced,
enabling data communication with the pilot and the aircrafts internal
system that have been equipped with ACARS to be more real time in
nature, in addition to the existing voice communication.

Sedangkan untuk komunikasi dengan pesawat, pada tahun 2006 telah

diterapkan system komunikasi menggunakan web dan e-mail system,
sehingga komunikasi data dengan pilot dan system di pesawat yang
telah dilengkapi dengan sarana pendukungnya dapat lebih real time.
Fasilitas ini disediakan untuk lebih melengkapi fasilitas komunikasi
suara yang telah ada.

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 87

Good Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Affiliated Transaction | Transaksi Afiliasi

Up to this moment, GMF has never entered into any transaction with any
affiliated company under GMF. However, a policy has been prepared in
order to anticipate the needs for such transaction in the future.

Saat ini belum ada anak perusahaan (afiliasi) di bawah GMF, namun
kebijakan telah dibuat untuk mengantisipasi apabila nanti terdapat
anak perusahaan (afiliasi) di bawah GMF

Transactions Not Yet Approved by Shareholders | Transaksi yang Belum Mendapat Persetujuan RUPS

Throughout 2006, GMF has not record of transaction that has not
acquired the approval of the Shareholders meeting.

Selama tahun 2006, tidak ada transaksi yang belum mendapat

persetujuan dari dewan Komisaris GMF

Credit Rating | Peringkat Kredit

All of the financial needs are obtain from shareholders and credit from


Seluruh kebutuhan pendanaan diperoleh dari pemegang saham serta

kredit dari pemasok.

| GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006

Laporan Keuangan
Financial Statements

GMF Aero Asia | Annual Report 2006 | 89

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